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Hello students and families!

My name is Mrs. Niecea Freeman. I am

student from the University of Nevada, Reno

graduating this fall with a B.S. in Integrated

Elementary Education with an emphasis on

English Language Learning. I will be working

with Mr. Terry Tunnell in the Middle School Social Sciences Department as a

Student Teacher for the semester in Global Issues 6th and 7th and World History 8th.

My teaching philosophy is based on students abilities to learn through

constructive experiences and exploration. The primary goal of my internship to

apply the ABCs (Activity Before Content) to every lesson that I teach, in order to

maximize student participation and provide all levels of learners with a concrete

experience to build knowledge from.

I look forward to working with you all, teaching and learning from Mr.

Terry and all of the students and staff here at NIS. If you have any questions or

concerns throughout my time here, feel free to contact me with the information

provided below!

Mrs. Niecea Freeman

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