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Cases may arise where you simply dont have ample time to do any of the preceding rituals or
techniques. These situations are rare, but they are not unknown. If you are feeling under sudden
and unexplained attack, you dont have the luxury of looking for notes or going into extended
ritual mode. Even if you did, the attack would be unbalancing to your psyche and you might fi nd
it hard to concentrate. Sometimes the attack is personal, such as walking down the street and
encountering someone hostile, who may resort to magical or psychic hostilities right there on the

There are also cases where you may find yourself at the receiving end of concentrated magical
attacks by an individual or a group. We have personally known of magical skirmishes that have
occurred among occultists we have met or come in contact with. This is an unfortunate situation
but, just like the Internet, when people are awarded a feeling of anonymity, they feel more
comfortable resorting to acting out their hostility. For this reason, we will provide a few ways of
going into active defense mode. If one or more of the methods look pretty simple, it is due to the
need for immediacy and simplicity.
Lets begin with a spell that was handed down by ancient magicians for countering an
approaching threat. When you see something hostile coming at you or when faced with a direct
threat, stare it in the face and point with your hand directly at it. Say once or more times:
Warkeekum Bakom Kakom Bakom Rass.

Warkeekum Bakom Kakom Bakom Rass.

If the threat is from an uninvited evil jinni, then you need to kick it out immediately. Kicking it out
is not an easy task, considering their own advanced magical ability. There is a basic method that
has been found successful and has been used by many ancient masters, including Al-Boni. On
clean pieces of paper write the following words: Haleesha Maleesha Malahah.
Hang the papers on the four walls of the room, while saying the words written on them aloud.
Then say a few times, in an authoritative voice: Yastates Mates Alehates Yastates Mates Sahates
Yates Satates Yemates Maaates Seltates Semates Maates; get out, o uninvited jinn, from this
place Warkeekum Bakom Kakom Bakom Rass.
Point at the jinn as you say the last set of words and it will be unable to harm you. Continue to
repeat the chant and command forcing it to flee.

Al-Boni Haleesha Maleesha Malahah
Yastates Mates Alehates Yastates Mates Sahates
Yates Satates Yemates Maaates Seltates Semates Maates
Warkeekum Bakom Kakom Bakom Rass.

That procedure works when the target is in your immediate surroundings. Countering a constant
barrage of attacks from another magician or an unknown adversary requires a different measure.
Magical attack between magicians is a contentious issue, with some advocating that the best way
to deal with it is to ignore it. The see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil approach to defense
is not very effective. Even if you see no dramatic impact at once, sufficient force directed at you
over an extended period of time will have an erosive effect. Magical attacks from other magicians
happen, because not everyone in this field pursues the highest ideals. Recently, there was a
public exposure of nefarious activities stemming from a well-established and popular online
Golden Dawn-type group that underwent many name changes.

It became evident from internal email correspondences leaked to the public that the group
leader was directing his followers to magically target a little league team that he was coaching, to
influence the decisions of the children and their parents to his benefit. Since not everyone in the
art has pure intentions, it is important to have the skill to deal with possible manipulations and
occult hostility. Dont let an attack go undefended under any circumstances. There is no nobility
in passivity and becoming a target for occult bullies, as it encourages them.

Having said this, beware of two things in the process. The first is to pursue revenge or similar
tactics. You can fend off an attack without resorting to occult bullies own methods and means.
You dont have to attack them back. We dont say this out of mere pacifism, but because to
magically attack back will expose you to negative forces. You will have to channel the destructive
energy and any residue will only make a bad situation worse. It will also erode your own internal

Commented [a1]:
If you attack back with destructive energy, you will find yourself falling back on this more and
more. We have encountered a classic case of this ourselves. This sad individual was being
harassed at work due to his ethnic background. He resorted to magical counter-attack using the
force of Mars. Initially, the intent was to protect himself from aggression. However, he began to
take it one step further. He would now use it to punish his enemies who had hurt him. He used a
jar covered with Mars symbols and other correspondences. He eventually added the names of
the demons of Mars to his war-water jar. His obsession taking hold of him, he took it beyond the
pale. He began to use it to punish those who had hurt him when he was a child, including his
elementary school teachers from boarding school, when he had to stay there during holidays.
Pointing out to him that, considering his own age, most likely these people were dead by now,
made no impact on him. It is easy to fall victim to the forces and lose your grip. Therefore, no
matter how much you feel justified, dont resort to revenge or similar attack tactics. Defend,
deflect and transform the force coming at you and go no further.

The second important point is to avoid targeting specific individuals or assume certain individuals
are responsible. Even when you know for a fact that someone is targeting you, do the return
without focusing on anyone. The reason for this is to avoid giving someone more power than
they deserve. Otherwise, you could find yourself blaming someone for misfortune in your life or
negativity around you when they are not really responsible. Fear takes over any rational
assessment and opens you to your personal inner demons. Such fear is dangerous and focusing
on one person or another as your adversary is unbalancing and can lead to paranoia and
resentment. Your enemies dont have to hurt you; if they can throw you off balance or make you
live your life in fear, and then they have won a great victory. Dont get sucked into the maelstrom.
Detach yourself from the situation, and simply do what you need to do to protect yourself and
learn to love your enemies, even as you dislike their action. This is important for your own
psychological and mental well-being. You need to keep yourself centered on love and peace and
not let external negative forces drag you down.

Before you learn how to defuse such counter-magic attacks, it is important to get an idea of how
such attacks are conducted. Magical attacks occur using one or more of the following four
planetary energies and four elemental qualities. Understanding how they happen will aid you in
countering them.

Mars: This planet is invoked to create strife, anger, division, break-up and injury. This is the most
common planet used in magical attacks, as it is the simplest to invoke.
Saturn: This planet is invoked to restrict, limit, hinder, decay or silence ones enemies. This is the
second most common planet used in magical attacks.
Mercury: This planet is used to create confusion, miscommunication or influence the
decision-making process of the victim. This is used many times in conjunction with the other
planets, to make it harder for the victim to respond effectively to the attack or to add more
volatility to the situation.
Venus: This planet is not used as often, but can be called upon to create a sense of affection or
attachment to the attacker. As an example, Mars could be invoked to create strife between two
lovers, with Venus used to make one of them fall in love with the attacker.
Fire: This Element can be used in similar way to Mars or in conjunction with it.
Air: This Element can be used in similar way to Mercury or in conjunction with another planet.
Water: This Element is used to cool down or dampen ones enemys will. It can also be used to
affect their feelings or emotions toward a specific issue.
Earth: This Element is used to take out the energy of the victim and to make them feel tired, lazy,
passive and responsive to the attackers intentions.

A successful counterattack does three things. The first is to break the influence of the attack that
is upon you. The second is to return the attack back to the attacker, even when unknown, no
more and no less than what has been sent your way. The third is to return you to a state of
balance and centeredness. Once you are in a state of balance, you can resort to the shield of the
magic and the antihex ritual for regular protection and stability. These ritual counterattacks are
known as send backs. Some send back rituals that we have seen use a malefic, such as Mars.
Using Mars as a send back force is like using a sword as body armour. It is less of a send back and
more of a fight back. A more appropriate reflective planet is the Moon, for it reflects the energies
back like a mirror.

1) Four white candles each inscribed with the following symbols:
2) One yellow candle, one blue, one green, each one inscribed with the following symbols
starting from the far right:
3) Three candles, two black and one white, each inscribed with the following, from right to left:
These candles can be made and kept aside for when you need them. They dont need to be made
on the same day that they are being used.

Place the first four candles in the four directions of your working area or temple. Then, in the
center of the room or on the central altar, place the three candles with the Hebrew names. The
three candles should be placed in a single row with the white one in the middle. Nearer to you,
place the yellow candle. Light some incense if you have any.

STEP ONE: Perform the prayer of the Queen of Heaven.

STEP TWO: Go to the eastern white candle, light it and say: Aham, light the way and let it flee,
this trouble come to me. Reflect it back, just as strong, and leave me safe and free. [X27]
STEP THREE: Draw a pentagram beginning at the top point (1) and moving clockwise from (2)
through (5) and back to the top point (1).
Draw the second symbol that is on the candle (three lines with a wavy line above it) inside the
center of the pentagram in pure scintillating blue and white.
Say: In the name of the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the mighty and sacred name of Fire,
Aham, O king of the spirits of Fire, Bakara, strengthen my will and counter any attempts to
dampen it or influence my emotions using the Element of Water. May I be protected through the
power of Fire from any harmful or negative Water magical currents sent my way by any human or
jinn sorcerer?
125 1


STEP FOUR: Go to the southern white candle, light it and say: Saqak, Light the way and let it flee,
this trouble come to me. Reflect it back, just as strong and leave me safe and free. [X27]
STEP FIVE: Draw a second pentagram beginning at the top point and moving clockwise. Draw the
second symbol that is on the candle (three lines with a wavy line above it) inside the center of the
pentagram in pure scintillating blue and white.

Say: In the name of the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the mighty and sacred name of Air,
Saqak, O King of the spirits of Air, Woosoochoo, fill me with clear and harmonious thoughts and
counter any attempts at making me passive, lazy or lacking of initiative or any other negative
influences on my mind and drive using the Element of Earth. Let me be protected through the
power of Air from any harmful or injurious Earth currents sent my way by any human or jinn

STEP SIX: Go to the western white candle, light it and say: Hhala a, Light the way and let it fl ee,
this trouble come to me. Reflect it back, just as strong and leave me safe and free. [X27]
STEP SEVEN: Draw a third clockwise pentagram and inside it, draw the second symbol on the
candle (three lines with a line above it) in pure scintillating blue and white.
Hhala a

Say: In the name of the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the mighty and sacred name of Water,
Hhala a, O Queen of the spirits of Water, Heefeedhee, fill me with peace and harmony and
counter any attempts to fill me with rage, wrath, anger, discord and destructive impulses or any
other negative influences using the Element of Fire. May I be protected through the power of
Water from any harmful or injurious Fire currents sent my way by any human or jinn sorcerer.

STEP EIGHT: Go to the northern white candle, light it and say: Yass, Light the way and let it flee,
this trouble come to me. Reflect it back, just as strong and leave me safe and free. [X27]
STEP NINE: Draw a fourth clockwise pentagram and inside it, draw the second symbol on the
candle (three lines with a wavy line above it) in pure scintillating blue and white.

Say: In the name of the Queen of Heaven and Earth and the mighty and sacred name of Earth,
Yass, O Queen of the spirits of Earth, Demet, fill me with stability, grounding and security and
counter any attempts to confuse my mind, decision making, thoughts and communication or any
other negative influences using the Element of Air. May I be protected through the power of
Earth from any harmful or injurious Air currents sent my way by any human or jinn sorcerer.

STEP TEN: Light the right black candle with the Hebrew writing and say: Sarbanda Nintu Sentu,
light the way and let it flee, this trouble come to me. Reflect it back just as strong and leave me
safe and free.[X27] Repeat this process with the other black candle.
Sarbanda Nintu Sentu

STEP ELEVEN: Light the white candle in the center. Say: O ye celestial chariot of Sin called Suen,
Sin, Yareach, Qamar, Mah, Selene, Moon and by many other names, I call upon your rays and
spirit to descend upon me. Envelop me with a cloak of your light in the names of Lach-ha-tot-eel
[x3], Tee-lal-cha-hot [x3], Chah-tot-ee-lal [x3], Ya-la-lach-ha-tot [x3], Ha-tot-ee-la-lach [x3],
Lal-chah-tot-ee [x3], Totee-la-la-chh [x3].
O Yareach, O Moon, fill me with the power of your sphere and aid me with the spirits of your
orbit, by the mighty and sacred names Lee-tot-ha-chal [x3], Tah-cha-la-leet [x3],
La-leetothach[x3], Tot-hach-la-lee [x3], Chal-lee-ta-tah [x3], Ya-tot-hachlal [x3], Hach-la-lee-tot
O great reflective mirror of the heavens, I call upon you to reflect any magical forces directed at
me by my enemies back to them just as strong. Let none of their rays reach me and let these fall
back upon them immediately, swiftly and in fullness of their intent.
Sin Suen,Sin,
Yareach, Qamar, Mah, Selene, Moon
Lach-ha-tot-eel [x3], Tee-lal-cha-hot [x3], Chah-tot-ee-lal [x3], Ya-la-lach-ha-tot [x3],
Ha-tot-ee-la-lach [x3], Lal-chah-tot-ee [x3], Totee-la-la-chh [x3].

Lee-tot-ha-chal [x3], Tah-cha-la-leet [x3], La-leetothach[x3], Tot-hach-la-lee [x3],
Chal-lee-ta-tah [x3], Ya-tot-hachlal [x3], Hach-la-lee-tot [x3].

By the great names of the Moon, Lachim, Lalegu, Lafor, Laroth, Larogh, Laresh, Lashlash, O spirits
of the Moon, form a powerful mirror of reflection around me. Let it reflect any and all planetary
rays sent my way from my adversaries to cause in my life or my family s or friends lives, strife,
anger, division, break-up, injury, restriction, limits, hindrances, decay, confusion,
miscommunication or to stifle, to gag or to influence my or their decision-making process,
emotions, drive or energy in any way.
Reflect these poisonous arrows back at them just as strong. Whether be it a product of a human
or jinn sorcerer, knots, chants, fetishes, amulets, rites or any other magical method or source
reflect it back immediately and without delay. Be a cosmic mirror and shield around me and leave
me safe and free.
Lachim, Lalegu, Lafor, Laroth, Larogh, Laresh, Lashlash

STEP TWELVE: Light the yellow candle and say: O ye celestial chariot of Shamash called Utu, Commented [a2]:
Samas, Shemesh, Shams, Khorshid, Helios, Sun and by many other names, I call upon your rays
and spirit to descend upon me. Envelop me with a cloak of your light in the blessed names of
Fah-tob-teel [x3], Teel-fah-tab [x3], Hat-ba-tee-luf [x3], Yal-fah-ta-but [x3], Tab-teel-fah [x3],
Lef-hat-bot-ee [x3], Bah-teelfahat [x3].
Shamash Utu, Samas,
Shemesh, Shams, Khorshid, Helios, Sun
Fah-tob-teel [x3], Teel-fah-tab [x3], Hat-ba-tee-luf [x3], Yal-fah-ta-but [x3], Tab-teel-fah [x3],
Lef-hat-bot-ee [x3], Bah-teelfahat [x3]

O Shemesh, O Sun, fill me with the power of your sphere and aid me with the spirits of your
orbit, by the mighty and sacred names Lee-ta-bot-haf [x3], Bat-haf-leet [x3], Fa-lee-tub-tah [x3],
Ta but-huf-lee [x3], Haf-lee-ta-bat [x3], Yat-bot-ha-fal [x3], Tah-fa-leetub [x3].

O glowing bright orb, transmitter of life, health and growth, I call upon you by the Queen of the
Heavens to surround me with a brilliant golden sphere of protection. Let my inner and outer
radiance be a shield of solar flame that burns away any forces directed at me by any adversary,
human or jinn. Let the light shine around and through me to illuminate me and fill me with
vitality, energy, health, joy, happiness and awareness. Let me be a vessel for the noblest
expression of your spirit and power, O Shemesh.

Lee-ta-bot-haf [x3], Bat-haf-leet [x3], Fa-lee-tub-tah [x3], Ta but-huf-lee [x3], Haf-lee-ta-bat
[x3], Yat-bot-ha-fal [x3], Tah-fa-leetub [x3].


STEP THIRTEEN: Light the green candle and say: O ye celestial chariot
of Ishtar called Nin-si-an-na, Delebat, Nogah, Zuhra, Zohreh, Aphrodite, Venus and by many other Commented [a3]:
names, I call upon your rays and spirit to descend upon me. Envelop me with a cloak of your light
in the blessed names of Na-hah-ta-teel [x3], Teel-na-ha-hot [x3], Hahatah-tee-lan [x3],
Ya-lan-ha-ha-ta-tot [x3], Hot-teel-nah [x3], Lenhahtah- tee [x3], Ta-teel-na-hah [x3].

O Nogah, O Venus, fill me with the power of your sphere and aid me with the spirits of your orbit,
by the mighty and sacred names Leet-tot-ha-han [x3], Ta-ha-na-leet [x3], Nah-lee-tot-hah[x3],
Tot-ha-ha-na-lee[x3], Han-lee-tot-ah [x3], Yatotah-ha-nal [x3], Hah-na-lee-tot [x3].

O radiant star, transmitter of peace, happiness, love, harmony and all that is pleasant in life, I
call upon you by the Queen of the Heavens to surround me with a brilliant green sphere of
protection. Let my inner and outer radiance be a shield of Venusian fires that burns away any
forces directed at me by any adversary, human or jinn. Let the light shine around and through me
to illuminate me and fill me and my surroundings with love, harmony, joy, happiness and peace.
Let me be a vessel for the noblest expression of your spirit and power, O Nogah.

Ishtar Nin-si-an-naDelebat,
Nogah, Zuhra, Zohreh, Aphrodite, Venus
Na-hah-ta-teel [x3], Teel-na-ha-hot [x3], Hahatah-tee-lan [x3], Ya-lan-ha-ha-ta-tot [x3],
Hot-teel-nah [x3], Lenhahtah- tee [x3], Ta-teel-na-hah [x3].

Leet-tot-ha-han [x3], Ta-ha-na-leet [x3], Nah-lee-tot-hah[x3], Tot-ha-ha-na-lee[x3],
Han-lee-tot-ah [x3], Yatotah-ha-nal [x3], Hah-na-lee-tot [x3].


STEP FOURTEEN: Light the blue candle and say: O ye celestial chariot of Bel Marduk called Commented [a4]: Signifies "lord" or "master", is a title
Mul-sag-me-gar, Neberu, Tzedek, Moshtari, Zeus, Jupiter and by many other names, I call upon rather than a genuine name, applied to various gods in the
your rays and spirit to descend upon me. Envelop me with a cloak of your light in the blessed Mesopotamian religion of Akkad, Assyria and Babylonia.
names of Mah-tah-teel [x3], Teel-mah-tah [x3], Hat-hateelem [x3], Ya-lem-hot-hot [x3],
Commented [a5]:
Tah-teel-mah [x3], La-mah-tahtee [x3], Hah-teel-mah-hot [x3].

O Tzedek, O Jupiter, fill me with the power of your sphere and aid me with the spirits of your
orbit, by the mighty and sacred names Lee-tah-ta-hum [x3], Hat-hum-leet [x3], Ma-lee-tah-ta-ha
[x3], Tah-tah-mah-lee [x3], Ha-ma-lee-ta-hut[x3], Yah-tah-tah-mal [x3], Tah-ma-lee-tah [x3].

O magnificent orb, transmitter of expansiveness, growth, order, generosity and all that is just in
life, I call upon you by the Queen of the Heavens to surround me with a brilliant blue sphere of
protection. Let my inner and outer radiance be a shield of Jupiterian fires that burns away any
forces directed at me by any adversary, human or jinn.
Let the light shine around and through me to illuminate me and fill me and my surroundings
with growth, prosperity, peace, order, balance and compassionate peace. Let me be a vessel for
the noblest expression of your spirit and power, O Tzedek.

Table of Elemental Kings

Marduk Mul-sag-me-gar
Neberu, Tzedek, Moshtari, Zeus, Jupiter
Mah-tah-teel [x3], Teel-mah-tah [x3], Hat-hateelem [x3], Ya-lem-hot-hot [x3], Tah-teel-mah
[x3], La-mah-tahtee [x3], Hah-teel-mah-hot [x3]

Lee-tah-ta-hum [x3], Hat-hum-leet [x3], Ma-lee-tah-ta-ha [x3], Tah-tah-mah-lee [x3],
Ha-ma-lee-ta-hut[x3], Yah-tah-tah-mal [x3], Tah-ma-lee-tah [x3].


Finally, after a send back rite or any defensive work, it is important that you relax and detach
yourself from the situation. The key is to deal with it and then sever all links and move on. This
can be difficult if the attack is followed by a sense of apprehension, paranoia or panic attack. Fear
is the greatest enemy of magic and magicians. Security comes, not from vanquishing all perceived
foes or by being in a constant struggle with them, but from putting yourself in a state of peace,
confident of your safety.

This chapter has given you effective tools to protect yourself from different threats, but it can t
give you internal peace and security. One way of cultivating this is to meditate on appropriate
Divine attributes.

You may also do magical chanting and meditation with names and words of serenity such as
Anoki Shalom (I am peace). Whenever you feel that knee-jerk fear, focus on the Light of the
Divine; focus on a state of peace profound. There will always be those who abuse the knowledge
and gifts of magic, but ultimately magic is the path of love and kindness. Keep your light strong
and the darkness will vanish.
Anoki Shalom

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