51 - Interface With Staad Pro - Doc

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Staad Pro

Interface with Staad. Pro

There are two methods to import STAAD file to AFES program.

1. Using STAAD.Pro Analysis data file

2. Using OpenSTAAD function.

From these two methods, we recommend importing using through OpenSTAAD function.

STAAD.Pro Using Analysis Data

AFES can import Geometry, Load Case, and Load Combination Data by using STAAD.Pro Analysis Data.

The process of STAAD.Pro structure analysis is as below.

Click Analysis/Run Analysis in the Top Menu.

Staad Pro

Select Analysis Engine Dialog Window as below is shown. Click Run Analysis to run structure analysis.

Note : LOAD LIST above the PRINT SUPPORT REACTION menu , which is one of the input files in
STAAD.Pro, should have both LOAD CASE and LOAD COMBINATION, since the calculation of LOAD


Staad Pro

Example) LOAD LIST 1 TO 6 : LOAD CASE INDXE Number



 Choose Create New Structure button. Add : New Structure Name dialog window will appear.

 Input structure name, and then click on the New button.

Staad Pro

 Click on the Geometry Data button.

 Select Staad (Ana file) from the drop-down list box and then click the Import button. Input
structure data of STAAD dialog window will appear. You can import a STAAD.PRO model that
has been successfully analyzed. To import a STAAD.Pro file, navigate to the directory in which
the file is located, and then select the file and click on the Open button.

 Import from Structural Analysis Program dialog box will appear. Select the Load
cases/Combination import from STAAD.PRO by toggling on the corresponding check box. Select
Isolated from the Apply Foundation Type drop-down list box, and then click on the OK button.

In case same load case occurs from AFES and the Staad, the file can not be imported. A warning
message shall appear instead as Current structure found to have same load case as listed below to
Staad file. Replace and try again.

Staad Pro

The figure below shows Staad model with the same load case names. Those load cases should be
renamed so that the program will not be confused in reading it which may result for errors.

 The support coordinates; load cases and load combinations from STAAD.PRO analysis will be
imported in the AFES program. As shown below, geometry data is automatically imported from
the superstructure analysis output.

Staad Pro

The support coordinates; load cases and load combinations from STAAD.PRO analysis will be
imported in the AFES program.

 Click Save then Close buttons. The raft/mat foundation shall appear as shown below.

The load case window shows the load case name and values on the supports.

The imported load case and values can be verified by clicking on the Load Case button.

The import wizard will automatically converts the values into the coordinates system used by the AFES
program in order to complete the foundation design.
The coordinate system of AFES is as follows:

Note: All loads at the top of pier are assumed to act at the center of the pier.

Staad Pro

Various imported Load Case values can be checked on the Load Case button and select the load case
description on the Show State of load case function then you can verify from the table.
 Imported load combination and load factor values can be verified by clicking on the Load
Combination command button.

Note: For the imported load combinations, half is for stability check and the other half is for
reinforcement and shear check.

Load combination can be changed by choosing Elastic Strength or Ultimate Strength on the toggle

Staad Pro

 Join them as isolated foundation using the Assign Foundation Grouping command button.

Staad Pro

 Select footing to combine as a group through the screen by dragging your mouse or by choosing
from the Assigned node list table. Click arrow pointing to the left to un-assign them from the
default group then click Save button.

Create new group for the Mat.

 Click New button.
 Type Group name in the box provided.
 Select the footing to be joined as a group from the screen or from the Using node list table.
 Click arrow pointing to the right.
 Click Save button. The selected footing shall be combined as mat foundation as shown below.

Staad Pro

Staad Pro Using OpenStaad Function

In case of using OpenSTAAD function (When Staad.Pro is not installed in computer.)

There are two ways to install OpenSTAAD program as below.

Method 1:
Go to website below, and install the OpenSTAAD program.

 Run the program by clicking OpenSTAAD.exe file, then the OpenSTAAD is started to install.
Follow the steps in windows. Click Next to go to next step, and click Back to go backward.

 Choose a folder that you want to install the OpenSTAAD. Click Next to install the program in
specified location, otherwise click Browse.

Staad Pro

If the copy of file is finished, window indicating the end of installing is shown, then click Finish to finish

When Geometry, Load Case, and Load Combination Data are not imported from AFES even after installing
OpenSTAAD, follow the steps below.
C:\Program Files\GS_AFES\Help\ Troubleshooting of OpenStaad Program.pdf

Staad Pro

(When AFES is installed in the directory above.)

Refer to Troubleshooting of OpenStaad Program.pdf file.

Method 2:
Put CD in CD-ROM drive.
Appoint the CD-ROM drive of AFES by running the OpenStaad Setting, then input the registered path and

D:\Driver\ OpenStaad_Patch \ OpenSTaadSet.exe

(When CD-ROM drive is appointed as a D:)

When the program runs, input the Directory to install OpenSTAAD in Registered path. Click
command button, then OpenSTAAD is started to install.

This function is only available in STAAD.Pro 2003 and higher versions. Superstructure should be analyzed first
before choosing .std(Input File) file of Staad.Pro. If data file(*.std) can not be imported because of version of
Staad.Pro, you can use the attached file and document. Please find attached the Troubleshooting of OpenStaad
Program.pdf for your easy understanding.

Staad Pro

For further guidance, figures and explanations are shown below.

 To import the Geometry, load case, and load combination data from other related software, the
superstructure should be modeled and analyzed first.

Staad Pro

 Select any existing project in the Project Dialog Window. Below is example. Select ACI_MKS project,
and then click on the OK button.

Staad Pro

 Choose Create New Structure button. Add : New Structure Name dialog window will appear. Input
structure name, and then click on the New button.

Staad Pro

 Click on the Geometry Data button.

 Select Staad from the drop-down list box and then click the Import button. Input structure data of Staad
dialog window will appear.

You can import a STAAD.PRO model that has been successfully analyzed. To import a STAAD.Pro file,
navigate to the directory in which the file is located, and then select the file and click on the Open button.

Staad Pro

 Import from Structural Analysis Program dialog box will appear. Select the Load cases/Combination
import from STAAD.PRO by toggling on the corresponding check box. Select the foundation type that
will be placed on the footing or mat to be analyzed and/or designed from Apply Foundation Type drop-
down list box, and then click on the OK button.

 The support coordinates, load cases and load combinations from STAAD.PRO analysis will be imported
in the AFES program. As shown below, geometry data is automatically imported from the superstructure
analysis output.

Staad Pro

 The load case window shows the load case name and values on the supports. The imported load case and
values can be verified by clicking on the Load Case button.

The import wizard will automatically converts the values into the coordinates system used by the AFES
program in order to complete the foundation design.
The coordinate system of AFES is as follows:

Note: All loads at the top of pier are assumed to act at the center of the pier.

Various imported Load Case values can be checked on the Load Case button and select the load case description
on the Show State of load case function then you can verify from the table.

Staad Pro

 Imported load combination and load factor values can be verified by clicking on the Load Combination
command button.

Note: For the imported load combinations, half is for stability check and the other half is for reinforcement
and shear check.

Load combination can be changed by choosing Elastic Strength or Ultimate Strength on the toggle button.

Staad Pro

 Join them as isolated foundation using the Assign Foundation Grouping command button.

 Select footing to combine as a group through the screen by dragging your mouse or by choosing from the
Assigned node list table. Click arrow pointing to the left to un-assign them from the default group then
click Save button.

Staad Pro

 Create new group for the Mat.

 Click New button.
 Type Group name in the box provided.
 Select the footing to be joined as a group from the screen or from the Using node list table.
 Click arrow pointing to the right.
 Click Save button. The selected footing shall be combined as mat foundation as shown below.


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