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This research report will make us understand the issues of avoiding animal testing.
And this report will introduce some alternative methods of medical research which
lead to avoid animal testing. It also focuses on cost benefit analysis of animal
testing and alternative method of medical research. Moreover this research will
concentrate on some ethical and environmental factors for which we should avoid
the use of animal in as experiment in research. A survey and personal interview
were conduct in this research paper. This survey will let us know the people
cognizant, awareness and thinking about the horrible animal testing. Through the
survey, we will know the thinking of medical and non-medical background people
about animal testing in research. Moreover, we will know some organizations who
are working greatly to create awareness among people towards animal testing. In
this paper we will find some suggestion regarding this issues which will help us to
discourage animal testing. After reading this research, some true fact will come
front to us like all the animal testing experiments which is successfully done on
animal, after applying on animal same testing will applied on human. And if
human testing gone successful then the specific drug or item goes in market for
common people.



Thousands of animals every year are euthanized due to animal testing. Because of
this horrendous care that animals are enduring, people debate whether animal
testing should be carried out at all. Some people though believe that animal testing
is beneficial in various ways. Those people that see animal testing as beneficial
think that without animals, medical developments and the military would not be
where they are today. However, both sides of the animal testing argument, in favor
of animal testing and against animal testing, prove points that people should see.
Nevertheless, despite the belief that animal testing is beneficial, testing animals is
actually morally wrong and should not be carried out.


The objective of this research is to awaking those people who used to believe that
medical experiment is not possible without using animal.


An interview was conducted with four medical research assistant who are working
state supported research institute and hospital in Bangladesh. And these are
National Institute of Neuroscience, Dhaka and National Institute of Diseases of the
Chest and Hospital (NIDCH). They discussed about the animal use as experiment
in medical research and its cost and benefit ratio.

Research Methodology

Primary data:

For primary data I designed a questionnaire with an ideal set of multiple choice
questions. I tried to reach both medical & non-medical background people. My
principal goal was to gather thoughts of different people from different


Secondary Data:

I used some paper based sources to collect my secondary data. For example, books,
journals, research reports, periodicals and newspapers. And I also got data from
electronic sources. For example, Internet, videos, online database.


Data Analysis

Question: 01

In my first question, I wanted to know peoples opinion regarding animal use in

research as experiment. And the pie chart shows that more than 55 % people think
it can be used as they do not know about the alternative method instead of using
animal and almost 41% people claim it as unethical. And rest of the people are not
sure what they should comment.

Question: 02

In this question, people were asked about ethical point of view of using animal in
research as experiment and 63% people consider it as unethical. Approximately
32% people think it is ethical and 5% do not wanted to form any opinion.


Question: 03

People were asked about any circumstances when they can consider animal testing
in research and replied were diversified in different sections. 50% people think it is
okay in educational purpose and closed to 41% consider it as normal in the case of
drug testing, 4.55% goes to favor of cosmetic testing and 18.18% do not wanted to
tolerate it in any case.


Question: 04

When I wanted to know about cognizant of the products name that people are
using and these products were made up by animal testing in their (product brand)
research. Their response was almost similar in yes and no and it 45.45% and
40.91% respectively. 13.64% were unsure about it.


Question: 05

In this question, we can see that 41.667% people are by using animal tested
product as it is safe they think. And 37.50% people think animal testing is
unethical. 20.83% people think they (researchers) can use alternative technology.


Question: 06

In the case of genetically modified animal 45.45% people think it can be a possible
solution. But 36.366% denied this idea as it is unethical. And 18.18% are not sure
about that.


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Question: 07

In these question, I wanted to know people opinion on animal testing for human
better life and 45.45% did agree with the concurred of 13.64% strongly agreeable
people. On the other hand, 36.36% denied these quote followed by 4.55% strongly
disagreeable people.


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Question: 08

When people were asked about animal moral right, 45.45% denied that and
44.55% also strongly denied that. 40.91% people think animal have moral right
with the support of 9.09% strongly agreeable people.


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Question: 09

In this question I asked them about cost benefit perspective of animal testing in
research. And 54.55% believe that it wasted money whether 27.27% people think it
shouldnt be a problem as it is not their money. 18.18% people think this cost
ensure their safety.


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Question: 10

In the case of abolishing animal testing in research 54.55% think it will be stopped
but 45.45% people always find a reason for it.


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01. In first question 54% people think animal can be used in research as there is
no option but there are options. People may not concerned about those
options. Researchers can use In Vitro Testing, it refers to the method of
performing a given manner in a regulated environment outside of living
organisms. A lot of experiments were piloted outside of organism or cell.
Organs-on-chips, it is multi-channel 3D microfluidic cell culture chip that
stimulate the activities, mechanics and physiological response of entire
organs and organ system, a type of artificial organ.
EpiDerm tissue model, a 3D dimensional human chain- derived skin model
that replicates key traits of normal human skin. It replaces the use of Guinea
pigs or mice who would have been injected to determine allergic response.
Researchers also developed a wide range of sophisticated computer model
that stimulate human biology and the progression of developing disease. In
silico, QSARS are some examples of these models.

02. 63.64% people think use of animal in research as experiment is absolutely

unethical. Yes, of course, it is unethical. Millions of mice, rabbits, primates,
cats, dogs and other animal are locked inside cages. They languish in pain,

suffer from extreme frustration, ache and loneliness and long run to be free.

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And also the do sit and wait in fear of the next terrifying and painful
procedure that will be perform on them. The complete lack of environmental
enrichment and the stress of their living situation cause some animals to
develop neurotic types of behavior such as incessantly spinning in circles,
rocking back and forth, pulling out their own fur, and even biting
themselves. After enduring a life of pain, loneliness and terror, almost all of
them will be killed. More than 100 million animal suffer and die in the US
every year in cruel chemical, drug, food and cosmetic test.

03. 50% people think animal can be used for testing only in laboratory for
educational purposes and 40% accept it for only medical purposes. Only
18% people think it is never okay to test on animal in any kind of test and it
should be. For education and medical purpose researchers can use it with
limit. But alternative methods should be practice on regular basis. Use of
animal in for testing will be always unethical whether it is for education or
medical purpose. It always gives them fear and pain.

04. 45% people know and use those products which are made upon by animal
testing and 40% do not know. The reason behind this scenario is people do
not know about the alternative methods. They think there is no option to
avoid it but reality is different. So the people who are cognizant about

alternative methods should let other people know and aware about the

alternatives and cruelty of research. People also do not know about the
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failure percentage of animal testing. And they also do not know that all the
successful animal testing will again verified by practicing on human body.

05. In these question 41% people think animal testing in research is acceptable
as it ensure their safety. But they do not know the fact that not only animal
testing ensure their safety but also it would applied on human without
human consent. Because animal has many similarities with human in terms
of cell structures as both are the living things. But one thing we should
remember that animal are not human so many dissimilarities also exist. So
experiment could done by alternative methods.

06. Some people think genetically modified animal can be used as experiment
but it shouldnt. Because clone or modified animal also a living thing. They
have feelings, fear, and pain. They have right to live without fear and pain.

07. 45% people were agreed with above statement. But it shouldnt be, People
agreed because they are not cognizant about alternative methods. They think
only human benefit without considering animal right and morality. They

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also were not aware about animal testing failure and testing cost. They also
are not concerned about the fact of verifying testing over human being.

08. More than 45% people were disagree with above statement and they were
right. Its true that animal are not lead life like human, they are not
comparable to human but it doesnt mean they should use for human
betterment with horrible cruelty. They already do better for human. Animals
play an important role for our environment, food cycle and so on.

09. In terms of cost benefit analysis 54.55% people think that it wasting money.
And it is a true fact, More than 95% animal testing experiment were failed in
human body which were successfully experimented on animal, Means whole
experiment cost was wasted. Moreover, the research conducting cost of
alternative technology/methods are less than animal testing.


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10. 54.55% people think that animal testing will be stopped in future. It will be
stopped because people are getting more awareness about bad and unethical
side of animal testing. Some organizations like People for Ethical Treatment
of Animal (PETA) are working to raise awareness among people. People
can pretend this animal testing by avoiding those products which were made
upon by animal testing.


The US National Academy of Sciences released a report envisioning a future in

which animals would largely disappear from toxicity testing programs. The report,
drafted by a panel of experts, proposed that toxicity induced by drugs, food
additives, pesticides, and other chemicals be assessed not by observing overt
clinical signs in animals but by monitoring agitations to biological pathways in
cultured human cells. Sophisticated bio-informatics technologies could then
provide risk predictions that overcome the limitations of animal-based methods.

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