Order Your Tablet "Reciprocal Circles" To Geepi

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Order your "reciprocal Circles" tablet Geepi

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Thursday, March 23, 2017 | By Bragi bellovaci | Category: GEEPI Association , Search

Number of views: 14920

08: Les cercles rciproques

Click this link to download the manual for the tablet "Reciprocal Circles"

The "reciprocal Circles" tablet is a provider of emissions from forms developed in the 1960-1970 years, by Jean de La Foye, an
agricultural engineer and amateur French dowser. The device is described in his book "Waves of life, death wave" as a:

- Radionics tool (sending distances emissions)

- Room Rebalancer (Geobiology)
- but especially a great tool for experimentation "emissions from forms."

This device works on the principle of energy emissions shapes, strange issues that are found on the megaliths, Egyptian
pyramids and other Moai ...

The "mutual circle" board must be oriented not due north

(360 ), but at 355 .

Rquilibrateur geobiological

Oriented north-south magnetic axis (setting mandatory compass), the device sounds, on the southern circle, rquilibrateur field
of atmosphere 24 000 uB for an energy density between 50 and 60% (according to my staff calibration).

Connected in series via the turns brass, tablets have the ability to combine their fields for more efficiency (at the exit of southern
circle of the latest tablet mounting). The board is therefore an excellent rquilibrateur under geobiological .

series of shelves Installation

Note that the center circle, can accommodate a mass such as a bowling ball, to amplify the energy density and the operating
range of the field.

Radionics tool

The tablet is also a good tool of radionics : the North circle being used to place a cure-control on its central, southern circle
emitting the same remedy to the perpendicular. It is then possible to put a photograph of a target to treat.

We can add that two boards can communicate remotely (as indicated in the book of Mr. De La Foye) through the use of identical
symbols on drawings, the transmitter and receiver.

"Reciprocal circles" tablets are therefore a good way to test the reality of ' emissions from forms "by yourself !!!
We suggest you make for a fee of 60 (excluding postage). The tablet will be made by us on a plank of oak with a thickness of
2 cm, according to the proportions shown in the book "Waves of lives, died waves" of Jean De La Foye. On the northern circle,
we will add a dial in the center of which is placed a copper needle "L" to generate colors manifest, electric and magnetic south
on the circle. The needle, positioned on the 320 , has the ability to balance the load of an object .

Note the creation of a new "reciprocal Circles" tablet POM (polyoxymethylene).

3.3 cm thickness
30cmx18,6cm, so close to the number of gold (30 + 18,56 / 30, I have 1.62)

While oak board is measured 24 000 Bovis and 55% vibratory density, these outer boards are of ub 24 000 and 75% of vibratory
density. Therefore a capacity gain of emission of 20%, leading to an amplification of the intensity of the load and the radius of
Thanks to its structure and high crystallinity, POM has excellent physical characteristics:

high tensile strength and impact;

excellent resistance to fatigue;
very good resistance to chemical agents;
excellent dimensional stability;
good electrical insulation characteristics;
good creep resistance;
low coefficient of friction and good abrasion resistance;
wide range of temperature.

Ideal for a geobiological work outdoors.

Manufacturing cost of the board POM, define based on number of items ordered.

To order the tablet, please contact us on contact@geepi.fr

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Tags: buy , buy mutual circles , Andr De Belizal , Bovis , bovis 2016 , bovis 2017 , bovis 2018 , Bovis dial , reciprocal
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16 comments to "Order your" reciprocal Circles "tablet Geepi"

1. The grimoire dowsing or vibrational language of matter - www.geepi.fr said:
June 2, 2016 at 14 h 45 min

[...] Order your "reciprocal Circles" to Geepi [...]

2. The Bovis scale or calibration of the subconscious - www.geepi.fr said:
June 2, 2016 at 14 h 46 min

[...] Order your "reciprocal Circles" to Geepi [...]

3. Discovery of "Servranx Publishing & Laboratories" - www.geepi.fr said:
June 12, 2016 to 15 hours 16 min

[...] Order your "reciprocal Circles" [...]

4. Dials Bovis printing - www.geepi.fr said:
June 20, 2016 at 9 am 54 min

[...] Order your "reciprocal Circles" [...]

5. Emissions 'negative' forms: how to unload a harmful object or place in a simple way? - www.geepi.fr said:
20 June 2016 to 13 h 32 min

[...] Order your "reciprocal Circles" [...]


Henri Cazeault dit :

6. 27 August 2016 to 19 h 53 min

The photo of the Bovis scale on FB IS PRETTY WELL DONE BUT TOO SMALL ... I wish to continue my research by
printing an A4 picture or less if not possuble so with good resolution.

Monday I leave my children in Quebec, but if you would send me an email with a good resolution jog I would try to make
printed in Quebec or on my return in Creuse

Thanks in advance


Jean-Christophe says:
7 September 2016 to 21 h 31 min

Can you contact me on contact@geepi.fr and tell me the image you want? Best regards. Jean-Christophe, for


Guy dit:
7. November 19, 2016 to 15 hours 37 min

Ordering a reciprocal circles tablet:

The tablet is quite thick, thick brush, and well done, with small grooves to avoid energy overload. I put it up on a table
and oriented. For now, my current experience is with this tablet, to re-experience the physicist Laurent SOURIAU has
done with an equatorial disk, which is to magnetize a piece of aluminum subjected to this transmitter set to the vibration
"Green magnetic positive. " To increase the range of my camera, I asked, in the center of South Circle, a bowling ball. I'll
wait 3 days to verify the result.
Thank you to GEEPI, and Bragi, for giving me built this tablet that I intend to use especially for remote care.


Jean-Christophe says:
November 25, 2016 to 12 pm 55 min

Thank you to Guy, for your trust !!!

8. Focus on a transmitter / receiver Radionics disregarded: Table of Asklepios - www.geepi.fr said
March 8, 2017 at 11 am 30 min

[...] Order your "reciprocal Circles" [...]


Yann dit:
9. April 11, 2017 to 16 hours 47 min

Have you made "reciprocal Circles" tests by replacing wood with cement and sand, it has the weight and silicon?


Bragi Bellovaque dit:

April 13, 2017 to 16 h 16 min

Hello Yann,

I replaced the wood with a resin "POM" for working outdoors. Furthermore this material has a higher oak mass
and thus improves the emission intensity. It is also conceivable to add to your mixture of fluid condenser ... it's

Yann dit:
April 15, 2017 0h 46 min

Good evening Bragi as fluidic capacitor I use lead that gives me satisfaction to capture harmful energies
on oneself (I purify by drawing waveform). It is to study indeed.
I currently have an anointing oil that has proven miracles level, I positioned the original bottle Circle North
and South circle a supermarket olive oil. My UB sizes and colors indicate that the copy of the information
worked. It remains to test the copy ... I wish I also copy an ethereal programming of an object that I
bought, have you done this kind of testing?

Thank you for your answers.



Bragi Bellovaque dit:

April 15, 2017 to 20: 40 min

Hello Yann, yes, I tested the ability of the board to copy and paste the energy characteristics of a
witness A on the north circle to a receiver on South Circle. Often I get through a bottle of olive oil! I
confirm your experience.


Yann dit:
10. April 15, 2017 57 min 0h

re-good evening,
A.De Belizal specifies that the Egyptian pendulum lying north-south in the Red and Purple reversed, so it is in Shin
reversed what makes her a bewitchment tool (see Jean De La Foye). Besides the Egyptian pendulum is a Wadj an
amulet for the dead and was never designated otherwise by the Book of the Dead chapter 159 and 160. What is your
Thank you


Bragi Bellovaque dit:

April 15, 2017 to 20: 55 min


I use the Egyptian pendulum and actually, it is not just a weight at the end of a wire, it is by its issuer specific form
of emissions from forms. But I will go further. My experiences have convinced me that the pendulum saves and
restores my "forms thoughts" on the subject that I care. My experience of creating a "haunting" is one of the
proofs: http://www.geepi.fr/atelier-de-tci-avec-lifres-leau-est-elle-un-medium/

After, he must get out of the terms of Mr. De La Foye, very influenced by the vision of M. Bardet, conservative
Catholic, very much against the occult. It is the eternal debate of the mystical vision of seeking the divine from the
inside to the outside while the occultist seeks the divine outside inward.

Clearly, the mystic feels the deity as directly emanating from it (with the risk of confusing thoughts with any divine
message) while the occultist seeks God in its external environment and seeks to find the student in the
microcosm and the macrocosm it is rather the way I choose.

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