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[spoiler][b]Mission name:[/b] Catch the Animal

[b]Mission rank:[/b] C
[b]Objective:[/b] Catch the pet deer
[b]Location:[/b] Konoha
[b]Reward:[/b] 140
[b]Mission description:[/b] A local animal has gone missing, and owner is too short
handed to hunt it down. Find it.
[b]Mission details:[/b] The animal in question is a family pet, and therefore
totally tame, meaning it cannot survive in the wild. Capture it before nightfall.
If it's not found by then, it will be eaten by wild dogs or some other horrible
fate. You get to decide what animal you are catching.[/spoiler]

[color=#ff3399]"Not this again."[/color] The time was early morning. Dewdrops still
clung to the grass and a thin haze of fog lie low against the forest floor.
[color=#ff3399]"No, this time it's different,"[/color] Kaiji repeated, traversing
the overgrown terrain. He was trying his damnedest to not trip over an errant vine
or stone, but the going was tough and Kaiji knew that if he stopped now, he'd lose
his way and more importantly, lose sight of his quarry. [color=#ff3399]"A pet
deer?"[/color] he huffed, [color=#ff3399]"Why, I ask? Just... why?"[/color] Talking
while sprinting was a mistake, one that Kaiji Kyudoka was learning the hard way in
doing just that. The small ungulate was on the move, and it was having a much
easier time than Kaiji making its way through the wilderness. [color=#ff3399]
[i]Ahhh! What am I going to do!?[/i][/color] he thought, keeping the speaking to a
minimum in order to reserve the last remnants of breath he had remaining.
[color=#ff3399][i]Gotta think, but I also have to run, oh man![/i][/color] The
thought crossed his mind that maybe, just maybe, this mission would not be as
successful as the last two. His pace was slowing, partly from running out of
stamina, but mostly due to the fact that self-doubt had taken hold in his mind, its
impugnable tentacles coiling this way and that through the cracks and crevices of
his brain. Kaiji paused, resolve run dry. He bent over, close to retching from the
strain of running for so long. His breaths were shallow and quick. An arid tongue
escaped the confines of his oral cavity and drew itself across cracked, desiccated
lips. [color=#ff3399]"I... no... no, it can't.. it can't be... not like
this."[/color] The young Kyudoka, with his golden eyes, dark pink hair, and useless
glasses, felt horrible, and most likely looked it too at the current moment. It
seemed an eternity before he stood at his full height of 175 centimeters again,
breaths coming more slowly and less frantically, sweat evaporating on his pale
flesh, though his clothes were irrevocably soaked through. Fanning his hand in
front of his face to generate some semblance of cool air, Kaiji figured that it was
possible not all was lost, not yet. [color=#ff3399]"New game plan,"[/color] he said
thoughtfully, second wind gained. [color=#ff3399]"H'okay,"[/color] Kaiji Kyudoka
sighed, [color=#ff3399]"So the pet deer got away, that's bad. Also worth noting,
I'm sort of lost out here. That's two bad things. Huh, where was I going with this
again?"[/color] He considered his options for a second. [color=#ff3399]"Oh yeah,
weighing the bad and the good, duh. Well,"[/color] he formed a mock set of scales
with his hands, the left side, designated 'bad', higher than the right side,
designated 'good'. [color=#ff3399]"On the other hand,"[/color] he punned without
noticing or showing indication of humorous intent, [color=#ff3399]"It is safe to
assume that the deer left tracks as it escaped my clutches, so following those
shouldn't be too much trouble, hopefully."[/color] He raised his right hand
slightly. [color=#ff3399]"Then there's my eyes. I could always try the trick I used
to find that lost family, climbing the highest tree I can find and straight up
scope it out."[/color] Kaiji's hand were at an equal level now.
[color=#ff3399]"Those odds are good enough for me,"[/color] he shrugged, readying
himself for the journey ahead. [color=#ff3399]"Pet deer, prepare to be mine, well,
not mine as in ownership, mine like, oh whatever."[/color]

Kaiji's suspicions were proven correct; the deer had in fact left fairly clear
tracks, among other signs of the path it had taken in fleeing. Along with cloven
imprints in the mud and soil, broken twigs, half-eaten leaves, and various other
signs of recent trampling. [color=#ff3399]"Perfect,"[/color] the teen archer said,
following the markers while jogging, the way through the underbrush getting easier
as Kaiji became more and more familiar with the locale, having had experiences with
it more frequently as of late. The trees began to part and soon, a rocky stream
with a deep spring swam into view. Kaiji Kyudoka approached with caution, for at
the water's edge, the deer stood stationary, lapping at the cool reservoir with
fervor. The animal must have been worn out from its rebellious run, as it's
delicate legs quivered as it struggled to stand and hydrate itself.

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