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Learning Objectives - To learn the past tense and understand how it works

Lesson Review

We will now begin our study of the (Fil)! Before doing so however, we need to review our
pronouns from Unit 1.7.1. Refer to the pronoun chart at the end of this lesson.

Recall that a is something that is stuck in the past, present, or future tense. We will now
focus on the past tense .
s which are stuck in the past tense are called

s have a default form that always ends with a

o Examples: , ,
o The ending in s tell us that they all have the (he) inside doer
o Thus, means He helped and means He wrote. Notice that we never
actually said : the word includes the meaning of he. The is actually
already captured within the .
When a
ends with a such as in , it means there is a (she) inside doer.

Thus, means She helped.
o Just as the at the end tells us there is a he inside doer, the at the end tells
us there is a she insider doer. Notice that
means She helped even
though we never actually said . The is already captured in the ending

of the with a .
When a , it means there is a (both of them,
ends with an such as in
masculine) inside doer. Thus, means Both of them (men) helped.
has a longer ending sound than
o Notice that !
o By this point, you may begin to see a pattern here. When there is a at the end,

that means there is inside doer. When there is a at the end, that means
there is a inside doer. Now, when there is an at the end, that means there is


a inside doer. Depending on the ending of the , the inside doer

When a
ends with a such as in , it means there is a (both of them,
feminine) inside doer. Thus, means Both of them (women) helped.
When a , it means there is a (all of them,
ends with an such as in
masculine) inside doer. Thus, means They all (men) helped.
When a
ends with a such as in , it means there is a (all of them,
feminine) inside doer. Thus, means They all (women) helped.
o This should be easy to remember because , like , ends in !

Take some time to memorize the 6 different s we just covered. Refer to the chart
below. Note that it is not necessary to write the pronoun before each of these
because the s themselves include the meaning of their respective pronouns:

Plural Dual Singular

They all (m) helped. Both of them (m) helped. He helped.

They all (f) helped. Both of them (f) helped. She helped.

Here are some more
s for you to practice with:
1. : He opened
: He wrote
3. : He taught
4. : He read
5. : He created
6. : He listened
7. : He struggled
8. : He repented
9. : He went
10. : He broke


Make sure to review this chart!

Rafa They (m) Rafa Both of them (m) Rafa He

3rd Person Pronouns

Nasb/Jarr (attached) Nasb/Jarr (attached) Nasb/Jarr (attached)
or or or
Rafa They (f) Rafa Both of them (f) Rafa She

Nasb/Jarr (attached) Nasb/Jarr (attached) Nasb/Jarr (attached)
or or
Rafa You (m, pl) Rafa Both of you (m) Rafa You (m, s)

2nd Person Pronouns

Nasb/Jarr (attached) Nasb/Jarr (attached) Nasb/Jarr (attached)

Rafa You (f, pl) Rafa Both of you (f) Rafa You (f, s)

Nasb/Jarr (attached) Nasb/Jarr (attached) Nasb/Jarr (attached)


Rafa We Rafa I

1st Person

Nasb/Jarr (attached) nasb/ jarr
(both are attached)


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