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Daily Writing 15 7/31/2017

For my genealogy project, I never had time to pursue my great-great uncles, Ernest and Robert
Sanders. I feel like I only got an overview of their story, so I would definitely research them at
another point. I know that they were in Harlem during the 70s and 80s, but I do not know much
more about them. I am unsure if they were born in South Carolina or if they were from New
York, or how they even got to New York. All I know is that they were gangsters and they
controlled Harlem. I obviously never knew them and my great-grandmother never talked about
them, so until I did this project, I was unaware that they even existed. Lastly, I also never had the
chance to find any of the white members of my family. According to my mother, they live
somewhere within North or South Carolina, and I never got any leads, except for some people
that were listed as living in Emma and John Sanders house, but no one in my family had ever
heard of them before. Maybe on another day I will look into those people.

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