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The Dangerousness of Persons

with Delusional Jealousy

J. Arturo Silva, MD, Michelle M. Ferrari, MD, reg or^ 9. Leong, MD, and
Gary Penny, MD
Delusional jealousy is an important subject for forensic psychiatry because of its
well-known association with violence, especially as directed toward spouses. In
this article, we report a study of 20 individuals who suffered from delusional
jealousy. Important biopsychosocial parameters, the relation between jealousy
and aggression, and directions for future study are explored.

Delusional jealousy has received increasing it from the perspective of a forensic psy-
recent attention from the psychiatric com- ~ h i a t r i s t . ~Even
. less work has been done
munityIp4 and the public.5 This renewed to develop a comprehensive biopsychoso-
interest is related to a greater appreciation cia1 perspective of delusional jealousy by
of the linkage between delusional jealousy integrating neurobiological, psychologi-
and subsequent aggression, especially ag- cal, ecological. and cultural parameters.
gression associated with domestic vio- The objectives of this article are as fol-
l e n ~ e63. ~Delusional jealousy may thus be lows: (1) to report important psychiatric
one of the important variables to be studied and psychosocial characteristics in a sam-
when addressing violence prevention or set- ple of 20 cases of delusional jealousy; (2)
ting social policy in domestic or similar to explore the degree of dangerousness
dyads. posed by these subjects; and (3) to initiate
Despite renewed interest in the study of the development of a biopsychosocial
delusional jealousy, relatively little sys- framework for understanding dangerous
tematic work has been done to investigate delusional jealousy.8 Two cases of delu-
sional jealousy are presented to highlight
Dr. Silva is staff psychiatrist, National Center for Post-
traumatic Stress Disorder, Clinical/Education Division, important characteristics of this poten-
Palo Alto Veterans Health Care System, Menlo Park tially violent psychotic condition.
Division, Palo Alto, CA. Dr. Ferrari is staff psychiatrist,
Kaiser-Permanente Medical Group, Santa Clara, CA.
Dr. Leong is Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Ohio
State University College of Medicine, and Chief of
Mental Health and Behavioral Science Service, Veterans Case 1
Affairs Outpatient Clinic, Columbus, OH. Dr. Penny is Mr. A is a 39-year-old Latino male
Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of
Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Address who was admitted to a psychiatric hospi-
correspondence to: J. Arturo Silva, MD, Psychiatry Ser- tal secondary to experiencing feelings of
vices (I70SJC). Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic, 80
Great Oaks Blvd., San Jose, CA 95 1 19. hostility toward his wife of 14 years be-

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998 607

Silva, Ferrari, Leong, etal.

cause he believed that she had engaged in stinence from alcohol resolved both his
over 50 sexual relationships with other delusional jealousy and his hostility.
men during their marriage. He accused
his wife of having sexual intercourse with Case 2
a number of his family members, cowork- Mr. B is a 58-year-old white male who
ers of his and Mrs. A, as well as with was admitted to a psychiatric inpatient
many strangers. She denied these allega- unit because of increasing paranoid delu-
tions, and no objective evidence could be sions, hostility toward his wife of 26
found to support Mr. A's accusations of years, and marked insomnia. He believed
her infidelity. For the four years before that his wife had been sexually involved
the index hospitalization, Mr. A had hit with several men that he had never met.
his wife with his hands on a regular basis He also believed that his older daughter's
hoping to extract a confession from her. husband had had sexual relations with
On one occasion he had been jailed after Mrs. B. His wife corroborated that he had
causing her a skull injury along with sig- exhibited ideas of jealousy commencing
nificant facial bleeding. shortly after their marriage. During the
four years before this admission, Mr. B
Mr. A drank alcohol heavily and regu-
frequently washed the bathroom, espe-
larly. While intoxicated, his hostility,
cially the toilet, to prevent being infected
paranoia, and jealousy increased substan-
with any sexually transmitted disease
tially. He had no known history of vio-
caused by Mrs. B's alleged sexual liai-
lence independent of that associated with
sons. Mr. B's history of physical aggres-
jealousy. Mr. A also complained of in-
sion directed at his wife, secondary to his
somnia and ideas of reference. He had no anger toward her for alleged infidelity,
nonpsychiatric medical disorders other consisted of pushing her twice. Recently,
than non-insulin-dependent diabetes. however, he had begun threatening to cut
which was controlled by diet. There was her with a knife or to kill her in her sleep.
no positive family psychiatric history. Mr. B's escalating threats of violence fi-
Mr. A's physical examination, includ- nally led to the index hospitalization.
ing his neurological examination, was Mr. B had a history of continuous al-
within normal limits. His serum chemis- cohol abuse starting in adolescence. Mrs.
tries were within normal limits except for B complained that he invariably became
an admitting serum glucose level of 176 more hostile and jealous when intoxi-
mg%. His complete blood count, urinal- cated. While intoxicated he responded to
ysis, and electroencephalograph (EEG) visually hallucinated companions. He de-
were normal. The computed tomographic nied any history of experiencing alcohol
(CT) scan of his brain revealed diffuse withdrawal symptoms, and no withdrawal
atrophy. Mr. A met DSM-IV criteria for symptoms or signs were observed during
paranoid schizophrenia and alcohol de- the index hospitalization. Mr. B displayed
p e n d e n ~ e One
. ~ month of treatment with mood lability. Independently of paranoia
4 mg of risperidone daily along with ab- related to his delusional jealousy, he also

608 J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998

Dangerousness of Persons with Delusional Jealousy

believed that he was continually moni- and EEG results. Table 3 presents infor-
tored by others who wanted to harm him, mation pertaining to the object of the
particularly passers-by in front of his delusional jealousy and on aggression as-
house. Mr. B had no previous history of sociated with delusional jealousy. Table 4
psychiatric hospitalization and had never describes psychotic symptoms that co-
been in prison. occurred with delusional jealousy in our
Mr. B's physical and neurological ex- sample.
aminations were within normal limits. Concerning the identity of the putative
His complete blood count, serum chem- paramour of the spouse, 12 individuals
istries, urinalysis, urine drug screen, and stated that at least some of these par-
EEG were unremarkable. A brain CT amours were known. Three were relatives
scan showed diffuse cerebral atrophy. of the jealous individual, including two
Mr. B met DSM-IV criteria for para- sons-in-law and one brother-in-law. Four
noid schizophrenia." Treatment with 6 were acquaintances of the jealous person,
mg of risperidone daily in combination and five were acquaintances of the alleg-
with abstinence from alcohol signifi- edly unfaithful spouse. None of the puta-
cantly decreased but did not completely tive paramours that were identified were
resolve his delusional jealousy. However, attacked, and no serious threats of harm
his hostility toward his wife essentially to them by the jealous person were re-
disappeared. corded.
Treatment outcome was globally re-
Methods and Results corded from the medical charts according
Delusional jealousy has been defined to whether delusional jealousy and other
as the belief in the infidelity of one's accompanying psychotic symptoms ei-
spouse or lover that reaches delusional ther resolved, improved, or no change
intensity." " Our clinical sample con- was noted. All 12 subjects with schizo-
sists of 20 subjects who suffered from phrenia were treated with neuroleptic
delusional jealousy and who were evalu- medication. Two of these experienced
ated by the authors between 1990 and complete resolution of their delusional
1995. The sample was derived from var- jealousy: and six experienced some iin-
ious hospitals and locked forensic psychi- provement. Four of the 12 were treated
atric facilities. Relevant clinical and fo- with atypical neuroleptics. two with clo-
rensic data were gathered retrospectively zapineI2 and two with risperidone.'"
by record review. Diagnoses were made Those treated with clozapine experienced
to conform to DSM-IV criteria." some improvement. Of the two treated
Table 1 details demographic informa- with risperidone. one experienced total
tion of our sample and information re- resolution of delusional jealousy. while
garding the onset of psychosis and delu- the other experienced some improvement.
sional jealousy. Table 2 provides 111 addition to neuroleptics, treatment for
information regarding diagnosis, sub- three of those with schizophrenia, cases
stance use, and available neuroimaging 13, 14, and 19. also included valproic

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998

Silva, Ferrari, Leong, et al.

Table 1
Demographics and Temporal Course of Delusional Jealousva

Case Marital Age of Onset

No. Status Ethnicity Psychosis Delusional Jealousy
"M = male; F = female. m
Hispanic; 3 = other white.
= married; s = single; d - divorced; sp = separated. 1 = black; 2 = white

acid, phenytoin, and carbamazepine, re- to risperidone. Two of the three subjects
spectively. All three experienced some (cases 6 and 15) with direct brain pathol-
reduction of delusional jealousy. ogy improved with the use of neuroleptic
Case 4, who suffered from a psychotic medication; however, one of these two
disorder not otherwise specified and was also received carbamazepine and a tricy-
treated with neuroleptic medication, ex- clic antidepressant. The third individual
perienced no improvement in his delu- with brain pathology (case 12) had no
sional jealousy. Case 20, diagnosed at response to treatment with neuroleptic
different times as suffering from either a medication.
psychotic disorder not otherwise speci-
fied or a depressive disorder not other- Discussion
wise specified, improved with use of a Demographic and Diagnostic Issues
tricyclic antidepressant. Case 18, who Although we use the term delusional jeal-
suffered from a major depressive episode, ousy to refer to a psychotic process en-
experienced complete resolution of his compassing a delusion of jealousy, the
delusional jealousy with the use of bupro- same phenomenon has often been given
pion. Case 17, who carried a diagnosis of different labels in the psychiatric litera-
schizoaffective disorder, did not respond ture. Essentially equivalent terms for de-

610 J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998

Dangerousness of Persons with Delusional Jealousy

Table 2
Diagnostic and Biological Profilea

Case Alcohol Use Other Drug Use

No. Dx (CurrentlPast) (Curredpast) Neuroimaging EEG
1 1 +I+ -1- Diffuse atrophy N
2 1 +/+ -1- Diffuse atrophy N
3 1 -I+ -1- Diffuse atrophy; N
4 3 -1- -1- Frontal atrophy N
5 1 -1- -1- NR NR
6 2 -I+ / a Right brain stem N
7 4 -1- -1- NR NR
8 1 -I+ / a N NR
9 1 -1- -1- N NR
10 1 -I+ -1- N N
11 1 -1- -1- N N
12 2 I + -1- NR NR
13 1 -1- -1- NR NR
14 1 -1- -1- NR NR
15 2 -I+ -1- Diffuse atrophy NR
16 1 +I- -1- NR NR
17 4 -1- -1- N N
18 5 +I+ -1- N NR
19 1 -1- -/a N NR
20 3, 6 +I+ a, bla, b N N
aDx = diagnosis (1 = paranoid schizophrenia; 2 = psychotic disorder secondary to general medical condition;
3 = psychotic disorder not otherwise specified; 4 = schizoaffective disorder; 5 = major depressive disorder
with psychotic features; 6 = depressive disorder not otherwise specified). + = present;
- = absent; a =
cannabis; b = amphetamine abuse; N = normal; NR = no results (either not done or not available).

lusional jealousy include Othello syn- disorder, jealous type.9 In delusional dis-
drome, psychotic jealousy, erotic jealousy order, jealous type, a delusion of jealousy
syndrome. delusion of infidelity, and con- is the principal and prominent psycho-
jugal paranoia. In addition, the terms sex- pathologic component defining the diag-
ual jealousy. pathologic jealousy, and nosis.% 1 5 , 16 Delusional disorder, how-
morbid jealousy have also been used to ever, occurs infrequently."n the present
encompass delusional jealousy.7. l 4 In sample, none of the subjects qualified for
this article we have adopted the term de- a diagnosis of delusional disorder, jealous
lusional jealousy (or delusion of jealousy) tY Pe.
because it arguably represents the clearest In contradistinction to delusional disor-
descriptive term that refers to this psy- der, jealous type, we may encounter sev-
chotic phenomenon. According to DSM- eral psychotic disorders in which the de-
IV, some cases involving delusional jeal- lusion of jealousy is but one of several
ousy might qualify for delusional components intrinsic to that disorder. De-

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998 61 1

Silva, Ferrari, Leong, etal.

Table 3
Nature of Threats and Violence

Case Age of Homicidal Spouse Unrelated to
No. Spouse Threats Attacked Method of Attack Jealousy
Hands -

Hands -

None -

Hand +
None -

Hands +
None -

Hands +
None -
Cane, hands -

None -

Handgun +
Knife -

Hands +
+ = present; - = absent.

lusional jealousy is more commonly which a delusion of jealousy can be con-

found among this group of psychotic dis- sidered a significant component of a con-
orders. Schizophrenia, psychotic disorder stellation of symptoms that are important
due to general medical condition, and in defining the mental d i s ~ r d e r .l ~o ?
psychotic disorder not otherwise speci- Schizophrenia, psychotic disorders due to
fied are three major mental disorders in a general medical condition, schizoaffec-

Table 4
Relevant Co-occurring Psychotic Symptoms in Delusional Jealousy Sample
Homicidal Toward
Psychotic Symptom N (%) Ideation Spouse
Paranoid delusions 19 (95) 12 12
Grandiose delusions 5 (25) 2 2
Religious delusions 4 (20) 2 2
Misidentification delusions 3 (15) 2 2
Auditory hallucinations 10 (50) 6 6
Visual hallucinations 2 (10) 2 1

612 J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998

Dangerousness of Persons with Delusional Jealousy

tive disorder. psychotic disorder not oth- habitating. This indicates that the strength
erwise specified. and depressive disorder of the emotional bond between estranged
with psychotic features accounted for 60. spouses coupled with the basic nature of
15, 10, 10, and 5 percent of our sample, the psychosis may be sufficient to nurture
respectively (see Table 2). In agreement delusional jealousy long after the object
with most previous studies in which all of the delusional jealousy is no longer
psychiatric diagnoses have been consid- physically proximate and immediately ac-
ered, the functional psychoses. especially cessible.
schizophrenia, have accounted for a pre- In the present study, non-Hispanic
ponderance of the cases of delusional whites, white Hispanics, and blacks ac-
jealousy." lo. l 7 counted for 35, 40, and 25 percent, re-
The average age of our sample is 48 spectively, of the sample. This ethnic1
years. The average age of onset of the racial distribution is similar to that of the
subjects' psychosis was 28 years. In our institutions from which our sample was
sample it took an average of 10 years derived. Therefore our data cannot sup-
after the onset of the psychosis before port a correlation between ethnicity. race.
delusional jealousy was first experienced. or possibly culture and delusional jeal-
Therefore, increased age in the context of ousy, as has been previously s u g g e ~ t e d . ~
psychosis appears to predispose the de- Organismic Biological Contributors
velopment of delusional jealousy. Mus- In the recent psychiatric literature, there
alek and c o l l e a g ~ e s 'also
~ find that the is an increasing focus on identifying bio-
average age of onset of delusional jeal- logical factors in the genesis of delusional
ousy may be closer to later adulthood. j e a l ~ u s y . ~ This trend may be ex-
This effect is more likely to be operative plained by the greater availability of
among males in their sample. Given that probes necessary to identify neurobiolog-
our sample was 95 percent male, such an ical causation of mental disorders in gen-
effect may be operating in our sample as eral. The most extensive information in
well. Moreover, in the study of Musalek this area suggests that psychoses due to
and colleagues. males were more likely either general medical conditions or asso-
than females to develop delusional jeal- ciated with alcohol may constitute a
ousy." We will return to this finding later greater risk in the development of delu-
in our discussion. sional jealousy compared with functional
In our sample, 80 percent of the sub- psychoses such as schizophrenia or delu-
jects were married and lived with their sional disorders. '
spouses, suggesting that close geograph- Delusional jealousy may be associated
ical and emotional proximity to the po- with a wide array of biological factors.
tential victim is necessary for the devel- Some cases of delusional jealousy can be
opment and consolidation of delusional associated with diffuse brain pathology.
jealousy. The rest of the sample were For example, Ravindran and colleagues24
estranged from their spouses by separa- reported the case of a 45-year-old woman
tion or divorce and no were longer co- who experienced delusional jealousy in

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998 613

Silva, Ferrari, Leong, et a/.

the setting of active systemic lupus ery- the only lateralized central nervous sys-
thematosus. The delusional jealousy re- tem abnormality noted was located in the
sponded well to a combination of chlor- right brain stem area (case 6). It has been
promazine and p r e d n i ~ o l o n e .Hodgson
~~ suggested by Malloy and ~ i c h a r d s o n ~ '
and coworkers reported the case of a 46- that the right hemisphere plays an impor-
year-old man who developed delusional tant role in the development of content-
jealousy in association with hyperthyroid- specific delusions such as delusions of
ism. Treatment with carbimazole re- jealousy. We caution. however, that any
solved their patient's delusion^.'^ Other reasonably firm hypothesis regarding de-
medical conditions leading to delusional lusional jealousy and brain localization
jealousy associated with relatively diffuse must await more extensive studies.
and bilateral effects on the brain are the Substance abuse may also be impli-
d e m e n t i a ~ .2"~ ~Interestingly,
. the litera- cated as a biological contributor to mor-
ture has heretofore included only a few bid jealousy. Morbid jealousy defined as
cases of localized lesions as likely causes jealousy of a pathologic nature, whether
of delusional jealousy. Left brain lesions or not it reaches delusional intensity, has
such as infarcts have been associated with a complex and unclear association with
delusional jealousy,20 as have right brain alcoholism. Michael and colleagues2'
lesions.', 22326 Cerebellar pathology may studied 7 1 morbidly jealous individuals
also be associated with psychotic disor- and found that alcohol brought about jeal-
ders involving delusional jealousy.3 ousy in 28 percent of the cases, while the
In the current sample, 13 of the sub- rest were jealous even when sober. How-
jects had been evaluated with brain CT ever, many of these subjects did not ap-
scan neuroimaging. Cases 2, 3, 9, and 15 pear to suffer from jealousy of the delu-
showed diffuse cerebral atrophy. Case 3 sional type. ~ o o n efound
~ ' ~that chronic
also showed many bilateral calcifications. alcoholism and precipitation of jealousy
In case 4. bilateral cerebral atrophy was occurred in 22.5 percent and 15.9 percent
confined to the frontal lobes. In case 6, a of his combined sample of delusional and
right brain stem infarct was noted. In nondelusional jealousy subjects, respec-
cases 3.4, and 15, severe short- and long- tively. soyka4 studied two large groups
term memory deficits were noted. Case diagnosed with schizophrenia and identi-
15 was also associated with severe apha- fied nine subjects with delusional jeal-
sia and apraxia. Our results indicate that ousy, of which six also suffered from
46 percent of the subjects in our sample alcohol abuse or dependence. In our sam-
of 13 who were evaluated with brain neu- ple, 1 1 subjects reported a past history of
roi~naginghad evidence of cerebral ab- alcoholis~n(see Table 2). Six of these
normalities. The results also suggest that subjects were drinking alcohol regularly
delusional jealousy may be significantly at the time of the index assessment. These
associated with bilateral cerebral abnor- findings are consistent with those of other
malities, which may be detectable with researchers indicating that alcoholism and
neuroimaging techniques. In our sample, delusional jealousy often co-occur. Non-

614 J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998

Dangerousness of Persons with Delusional Jealousy

alcohol substance abuse may also be im- case 12, the subject's wife suffered minor
plicated in delusional jealousy.28 In our injuries after being hit with a cane. In
sample, one case was associated with am- case 16, the subject's wife suffered from
phetamine abuse (case 20), and three multiple stab wounds and required hospi-
cases were associated with cannabis talization. Case 14 accounted for the only
abuse (see Table 2). female subject with delusional jealousy in
Aggression and Delusional Jealousy our sample. She shot her new husband in
Individuals who suffer from delusional the head because she believed he had
jealousy frequently harbor varying forms been unfaithful to her and in the process
of hostility, especially toward the alleg- had infected her with the AIDS virus. Her
edly unfaithful spouse." 66' In delusional husband had sustained a skull fracture
jealousy, aggression may be minimal, as and loss of hearing. She was charged with
exemplified by mild hostile ideation that attempted murder.
is never verbalized and therefore may go All five individuals in our sample who
unrecognized, or it may be associated had a history of violence unrelated to
with extreme physical violence such as their jealousy subsequently committed vi-
homicide of the spouse or less frequently olence on their spouses while experienc-
the homicide of the alleged p a r a m o ~ r .29
~. ing a state of delusional jealousy. This
In the present study, 65 percent of the finding suggests that a general tendency
subjects had threatened to kill their toward violence is also likely to generate
spouses because of alleged infidelity. violent behaviors in the setting of delu-
Sixty percent of the sample had actually sional jealousy. It is also consistent with
physically harmed their spouses. Of those the well-known observation that the best
who had threatened to kill their spouses, predictor of future violence is a history of
66 percent subsequently perpetrated vio- past violence.") In the present sample. 28
lence on the spouses, indicating that ho- alleged sources of paramours were men-
micidal threats toward the spouse consti- tioned, and of these, 46 percent were un-
tute a significant risk for incurring violent known to the subject. However, in the
attacks. Equally important is the fact that remaining 54 percent no incidents of vi-
four of those who engaged in violence olence or serious threats of harm were
toward their spouses had not previously made toward the alleged paramours. all of
threatened to kill them, revealing the po- whom were specifically identified. These
tential that delusionally jealous individu- findings are consistent with previous
als may harbor violent feelings toward studies in which the paramour is not as
their spouses and may act without verbal likely as the spouse to become the object
warning. of violence at the hands of the individual
Table 3 lists the method of violence with delusional jealousy.'~ l o
used by the delusionally jealous individ- Hallucinations may also be associated
uals in our sample. The weapon used by with a significant risk of dangerousness.''
those engaging in violence toward their In our sample. 50 percent of individuals
spouse was usually their hands (83%). In experienced auditory hallucinations (see

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998 615

Silva, Ferrari, Leong, et a/.

Table 4). Of this group, 60 percent expe- psychotic symptom^.^, 6, l o Thus, delu-
rienced homicidal ideation toward their sional jealousy may be but one compo-
spouses. In addition, 50 percent of those nent of a more complex delusional sys-
who experienced auditory hallucinations tem. This is supported in our sample by
physically attacked their spouses. Of the finding that all but one subject expe-
those two who exhibited visual hallucina- rienced more than one type of delusion.
tions, both experienced homicidal ide- In 95 percent of the subjects, a paranoid
ation toward the spouse, but only one component was found closely associated
attacked his wife. In cases 16, 17. and 19, with delusional jealousy, which is not
there was evidence that the subjects' au- surprising because delusional jealousy,
ditory hallucinations directly increased along with its associated symptoms, is
their paranoia and hostility toward their classically considered a type of para-
spouses. All three of these subjects went noia." This pattern is exemplified by the
on to attack their wives. Cases 16 and 19 cases of Mr. A and Mr. B, who both
also experienced command auditory hal- suffered from prominent paranoid delu-
lucinations reportedly ordering the af- sions. In addition to paranoia, in 35 per-
fected individual to attack their wives. cent of the sample other delusions were
Both attacked their wives while they were present including grandiose, religious,
experiencing hallucinatory commands and misidentification delusions (see Ta-
and believed their wives unfaithful. These ble 4). Delusional jealousy, with its prom-
results suggest that experiencing com- inent paranoid delusional component,
mand auditory hallucinations to physi- may be very important in the genesis of
cally injure a spouse in the context of aggression, and therefore it should be em-
delusional jealousy heightens the likeli- phasized that other associated delusions
hood of following the command. These may also be important factors that may
results are also in agreement with prior act synergistically with delusional jeal-
studies indicating that command auditory ousy to bring about aggression. For ex-
hallucinations may cause persons to at- ample, cases 17 and 19 displayed grandi-
tack others.", " However. it should also ose delusions. In both cases the subject's
be emphasized that the mere presence of grandiose delusion involved claims of in-
command hallucinations may not increase vulnerability and the belief that others,
dangerousness and that perhaps most including their wives. were disrespectful
cases of command hallucinations do not of their putative lofty status. The subjects,
necessarily carry an increased risk of in turn, became increasingly hostile and
physical aggres~ion.'~ decided to physically attack their wives.
In the assessment of individuals with Persons who suffer from psychotic disor-
delusional jealousy, it is important to ders who are also at risk of developing
stress that delusional jealousy rarely ex- grandiosity secondary to mania may be
ists as the only prominent symptom but is dangerous to others and are known to
found usually in conjunction with other comprise a substantial portion of the pop-
symptoms, including other delusions and ulation at forensic psychiatric f a c i l i t i e ~ . ~ ~

616 J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998

Dangerousness of Persons with Delusional Jealousy

Religious delusions are also known to neuroleptic medication, with delusional

cause dangerous behaviors." In our sam- jealousy and violent proclivity toward
ple, four individuals suffered from reli- their spouses increasing significantly
gious delusions, but only case 16 exhib- while intoxicated. In our sample, cases 6
ited evidence that his religious delusions and 8. who had a history of cannabis
were associated with delusional jealousy abuse, also had a history of assaulting
and dangerousness. That individual be- their spouses. It is likely that case 6 ex-
lieved his wife was possessed by demons perienced increased hostility and delu-
who. in effect, had caused her to be un- sional jealousy that was causally related
faithful. As a result of this belief, he had to cannabis abuse.
proceeded to stab her. Case 16 also dis- Treatment of Delusional Jealousy
played a misidentification delusion, be- The primary treatment of delusional jeal-
lieving that demons not only possessed ousy is psychopharmacologic and pro-
her mind but had substituted another ceeds according to the underlying mental
mind for her own. 38 Delusional misiden- d i ~ o r d e r . ' In
~ ,our
~ ~ series, we found that
tification can be a cause of the violence 66 percent of the individuals who suf-
often directed at the delusionally misiden- fered from paranoid schizophrenia expe-
tified figures.'9p43 However, it should rienced partial or complete resolution of
also be emphasized that as with all types their delusional jealousy upon treatment
of delusions, cases of delusional misiden- with various neuroleptic medications.
tification do not automatically result in Moreover, three of the four who were
physical violence. In the other two sub- treated with atypical neuroleptics experi-
jects with misidentification delusions, enced a partial or full resolution. These
cases 10 and 13, no verbal or physical finding suggests that atypical neuroleptics
aggression was noted during the observa- may have an advantage over conventional
tional time period. neuroleptics in the management of delu-
Substance abuse is a well-known caus- sional jealousy. Both r i ~ ~ e r i d o n47e ~and
ative agent of a g g r e ~ s i o n .Substance
~~ c l o ~ a p i n ehave' ~ ~ been
~ ~ found to be ef-
abuse may also be implicated in the gen- fective in the control of psychotic disor-
esis of aggression in the context of delu- ders as well as aggression. Although
sional jealousy. In the present sample of pimozide was not administered to patients
those with a current diagnosis of alcohol in the index sample, this medication has
abuse or dependence, three had assaulted generated anecdotal reports of effective-
their spouses while intoxicated with alco- ness in the treatment of delusional jeal-
hol. Six of the 11 individuals with a his- o u s .49ps3
~ Nonetheless, pimozide has
tory of alcohol abuse or dependence. two also been found to be ineffective as a
of which were still using alcohol on a treatment for delusional jealousy.s2
regular basis, had assaulted their spouses. Anticonvulsant medication was also
The cases of Mr. A and Mr. B exemplify prescribed in four cases in our series,
people who exhibited delusional jealousy three cases of schizophrenia, and one case
while sober and without the benefit of involving evidence of gross neuropathol-

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998

Silva, Ferrari, Leong, etal.

ogy. All four experienced some reduction empathic interpretation, as well as the
in their delusional jealousy, particularly successful development of a therapeutic
the propensity for aggressive behaviors. alliance, factors that are of course also
This suggests that anticonvulsants may important in the therapy of nonpsychotic
have a therapeutic role in reducing impul- patients. However, factors such as the use
sivity associated with delusional jealousy. of certain defense mechanisms and the
Finally. the two cases with primary de- "working through" process may present
pressive symptomatology responded fa- particular challenges in the therapy of
vorably to treatment with antidepressants. individuals with delusional jealousy.60 In
This suggests the importance of treating our sample, the few individuals who re-
depression associated with delusional ceived individual or couples counseling
jealousy. It should be noted, however, showed some reduction in their jealousy
that recent anecdotal reports have de- symptom. Nonetheless, most of our sub-
scribed the effectiveness of fluoxetine in jects were unwilling to accept psycholog-
the treatment of pathological jealou- ical treatment or were deemed unable to
sy.s4ps7 These findings suggest the exis- benefit from this approach. This finding
tence of possible jealous conditions that underscores the widely held clinical ob-
may be mediated by serotonergic sys- servation that treatment of delusions via
tems, especially when there is a substan- psychotherapeutic approaches is not par-
tial obsessive component to the jealou- ticularly effective.
sy.", s' Some patients, as exetnplified by In many patients, it may become nec-
cases 1 and 2, will benefit substantially essary to institute a "geographic" treat-
by concurrent psychopharmacologic ment (i.e., physical separation of the de-
treatment while abstaining from alcohol. lusional individual from the target of the
Abstinence from other types of substance delusion, generally the spouse). Opera-
abuse may also help increase the efficacy tionalization of geographic treatment re-
of psychopharmacologic interventions for mains problematic because of situational
the treatment of delusional jealousy. or legal factors. For example. the wife
Although insight-oriented psychothera- who depends financially andlor emotion-
pies are not likely to be effective in the ally on the delusionally jealous husband
treatment of delusional j e a l ~ u s y , 'certain
~ may not be able to mobilize herself to
psychologically based therapies such as seek the safety of a battered wives shelter.
cognitive therapys9 and couples therapy A second example would be the general
combined with psychopharmacologic lack of functional utility of a restraining
treatment have some efficacy, provided order in the prevention of the delusionally
the patient regains sufficient insight into jealous person from physical and/or psy-
his or her disorder to engage in the psy- chological assaults toward the target,
chotherapeutic process. Psychotherapeu- even with the availability of a highly
tic efficacy for patients with delusional staffed local police force.
jealousy depends on careful consideration Evolutionary Perspectives In recent
of transference, countertransference, and years, an important development has

618 J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998

Dangerousness of Persons with Delusional Jealousy

taken place in our understanding of hu- of genetic makeup by the relevant mates.
man nature that has, in turn, contributed Therefore, a sufficient degree of reality-
to a more comprehensive approach to the testing ability must be assumed for sexual
analysis of psychiatric disorders. This de- jealousy to function adaptively.
velopment has been made possible by the Although the point at which jealousy
introduction of evolutionary biology into becomes maladaptive remains a source of
the realm of psychiatry, a branch now controversy, delusional jealousy clearly
known as evolutionary psychiatry.h"h2 occupies the psychobiological maladap-
Recently, male jealousy has also been tive end of the jealousy spectrum. There
analyzed from an evolutionary perspec- are several reasons supporting this asser-
tive. From this vantage point, the human tion. First, the degree of jealous concern
species has evolved psychological mech- in the framework of delusional jealousy is
anisms to defend confidence of paternity, characterized by a consistent and perva-
leading some investigators to postulate sive misreading of social cues of the
that the consistent and pervasive trend of spouse, a situation that insures that the
world cultures for male control of the delusional individual spends excessive
sexual activity of females implies an es- amounts of time monitoring the activities
sentially universal and therefore possibly of the spouse at the cost of ignoring other
a biological process designed to preserve important family survival activities such
sexual exclusivity.63. 64 From this per- as procuring nourishment and shelter.
spective, male sexual jealousy is concep- Second. delusional jealousy may occur
tualized as having evolved as a biological across a wide age range. including the
mechanism to insure that the guarding of geriatric age for both male delusional in-
a female by her mate throughout her fer- dividuals and their spouses, essentially
tile reproductive period would result in ages at which the female spouse is no
the perpetuation of the genetic makeup of longer f e ~ t i l e . This
' ~ situation is well il-
the protective male via his own progeny. lustrated by case 15 in which a 77 year-
Evolutionary considerations emphasize old man believed that his 61 year-old wife
that males, in contradistinction to fe- was involved with unknown young men.
males, are at higher risk of misidentifying He manifested no awareness that younger
their young, resulting in caring for non- males might be less likely to seek out his
genetically related offspring. Evolution- older wife as a partner and that such
ary psychologists have termed this cogni- males would probably be more likely to
tive-behavioral trend a "behavioral/ search for younger women. The man in
motivational complex as male sexual case 15 displayed delusional thinking that
jeal~usy."~'It is important to emphasize represents a maladaptive process from an
that the tendency for jealousy, whether evolutionary biology standpoint. since
exhibited by males or females. to serve "guarding" a sexual partnership with a
biological adaptive responses for the or- postmenopausal female from potential
ganism rests on its ability to stabilize male competition would not represent an
mate pairing and insure the transmission advantageous reproductive strategy.

J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998 619

Silva, Ferrari, Leong, et a/.

Third, we note that most of our subjects (or significant other). Therefore, in the
suffer from mental disorders that are ei- geriatric groups, a previously physically
ther accompanied by gross cerebral healthy married individual may develop
abnormalities identified by standard neu- delusional jealousy subsequent to the on-
robiological probes such as brain neuro- set of a medical condition that is consid-
imaging or that occur in psychiatric dis- ered an etiologic or at least a contributing
orders such as schizophrenia, in which factor. In this group with an older age of
biological factors are also implicat- onset, relatively readily identifiable bio-
ed."5966We can therefore infer that the logical etiologies such as cardiovascular
significant biological abnormalities found accidents or dementia may be operating.
in major mental disorders are likely to Therefore, in this group biological, devel-
result in maladaptive survival strategies opmental, and psychosocial factors play
for the affected individuals of which de- important roles in the development and
lusional jealousy constitutes a major ex- consolidation of delusional jealousy.
ample. There appears to be a larger group,
Delusional Jealozcsy as a Biopsycho- younger in age, in which marriage occurs
social Process Delusional jealousy ap- after the onset of psychosis, despite this
pears to occur in several diagnostic, age, psychopathology. We postulate that some
and psychosocial clusters. For example, of these younger psychotic individuals
the group of 12 individuals who suffered who marry andlor remain married are
from schizophrenia in our sample had an able to attract a spouse for economic,
average age of onset of delusional jeal- cultural, or other social reasons. For ex-
ousy of 33 years. The three subjects with ample, in case 8, the subject was able to
an average age of onset of delusional marry because he apparently attracted a
jealousy after age 60 (mean age, 70 years) woman who was secure in the fact that
presented with either a mental disorder the subject received compensation for a
secondary to a general medical condition permanent psychiatric disability that
or a poorly characterized psychosis, sug- guaranteed her lifelong financial stability.
gesting that delusional jealousy in geriat- In case 1, the delusional jealousy and its
ric populations, in comparison with associated violence placed a strain on the
younger groups, is more likely to be as- relationship, but the subject's wife was a
sociated with gross cerebral deficits, a woman with a very traditional Catholic.
finding that is consistent with other recent Hispanic, rural upbringing who strongly
s t ~ d i e s . The
~ ~ .remaining
~~ six subjects believed in preserving marriage and who
were a diagnostically heterogenous group also felt a moral obligation to remain with
with an average age of onset of delusional her husband because he was both physi-
jealousy of 34 years. cally and mentally ill.
It is also important to emphasize that The present study is limited by its ret-
delusional jealousy is usually initiated rospective review methodology, the re-
and perpetuated in a psychosocial setting sultant incomplete data in various areas,
in which a psychotic person has a spouse and nonrandom sampling. Therefore, fur-

620 J Am Acad Psychiatry Law, Vol. 26, No. 4, 1998

Dangerousness of Persons with Delusional Jealousy

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