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8/6/2017 Complete Pulse Diagnosis Method As per Ayurveda Textbook

Health And Lifestyle Blog By Dr JV Hebbar B.A.M.S., M.D (Ayu),


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ulse Diagnosis Method As per Ayurveda

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as very limited but important role in Ayurvedic diagnosis
se reading technique was non existent in ancient periods of Select Language

and Vagbhata. They have not mentioned about this

n the seventeenth century, Yoga Ratnakara book mentions
tion technique in detail. Let us explore.
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clear understanding of limitations of pulse diagnosis Written by Dr Hebbar
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8/6/2017 Complete Pulse Diagnosis Method As per Ayurveda Textbook

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places should be examined. Be the first of your friends to

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arious body sounds (such as crackling in case of arthritis),

mination by touch. to know body temperature, local raise of

swelling etc.
appearance of the person, examination by eyes.
and built of the person.

amine the pulse in the initial consultation to know about the

mbalance. After the treatment, at the end of disease also,
pulse examination to know the difference.
f Veena generates all Ragas, similarly the pulse of the hand
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8/6/2017 Complete Pulse Diagnosis Method As per Ayurveda Textbook

r all diseases is imbalance of Tridosha (Vata, Pitta and

for Tridosha imbalance is improper food and activities. As
one disease itself may become the cause for another

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Pulse Diagnosis:
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f knowing the disease, the doctor with his right hand should
e of the right hand of the patient at the root of the Text Books
le and calm and concentrated mind, the doctor should feel
ger tips.

mine pulse:
ly the left hand gives accurate pulse reading and in men, the
e, pulse of left hand should be examined for women and right

g pulse reading:
tient should be extended, hand of the patient should be
e elbow joint, the ngers should remain straight. The
t feel any pain or discomfort. The pulse examination should
ot of the ngers, in the wrist part, in the rst three hours
morning. (3-4)

be examined three times, by feeling the pulse and giving gap

due intelligent analysis, the disease should be diagnosed.
d use his three ngers to know about the status of Vata, 4/13
8/6/2017 Complete Pulse Diagnosis Method As per Ayurveda Textbook

espectively. The doctor should observe the

d movement of pulse
derate movement of pulse and
harp, swift movement of pulse. (6)
osis, the doctor can know about imbalanceof individual
tta Kapha, imbalanceof two of these Doshas together or
he three Doshas together.

Snayu, Nadi, Hamsi, Dhamani, Dharani, Dhara, Tantuki,

for pulse reading:

ust taken bath, who have just taken food, those who have
nehana (oil massage or fat intake), who are having thirst and
are asleep in these, the pulse cannot be well appreciated.
n be felt at the root of the thumb indicates about disease 5/13
8/6/2017 Complete Pulse Diagnosis Method As per Ayurveda Textbook

nd or left leg should be examined for pulse.

adi should be done as thoroughly as examination of gems.

ha pulse
in Vata Nadi
s inPitta Nadi
n Kapha Nadi.
ows the Vata Nadi, in the middle, ows Pitta nadi and in
ows the Kapha nadi.

s if movement of snake and leach.

s if movement of Kaka (crow), Lavaka (common quail) and

as Rajahamsa (swan), Paravata (pigeon), Kapota (dove), 6/13
8/6/2017 Complete Pulse Diagnosis Method As per Ayurveda Textbook

alance, snake kind of pulse and frog kind mixed.

balance, snake and swan kind of pulse.
mbalance, Hari (monkey) and Hamsa (swan) kind of

ata imbalance of all the Doshas together, then like

htakutta), the pulse will felt swiftlysometimes with frequent

icating incurable disease Asadhya Nadi

beats for 30 times speedily and ten subsides abruptly, and
runs with lot of interruption.
s weak, mild, feeble, stops in between, very minute, which is
ebly in shoulder and sometimes at wrist, such a Nadi
rable disease.
like Damaru (musical instrument of Lord Shiva), sometimes
times not, it indicates incurable disease.
s too high, too frequent and fast, suggests death in future.
s stable but suddenly sparks up like a lightening, suggests

ld Nadi suggests death is certainwithin a day or two.

he Nadi changes from Vata to Pitta and to Kapha, which

ng in this manner, which suddenly rises and falls on its own,
ng indicatesincurable disease.
s swift, felt only near to the distal one third of wrist, often
ted with sweating, suggests death within a week.
body, who suffers from dyspnoea, breathes forcefully with
Nadi dies within 15 days.
, if the distal part does not read any pulse, middle part is
l part is feeble, the person dies within 3 days.
a few more Nadi symptoms suggesting death are mentioned

es steep (Gambheera), then it indicatesthat it runs in

uscle tissue) Mamsavahini.
ng feels hot, it implies fever.

ual desire) and anger, the pulse rate increases. Due to

low digestion strength and depleted body tissues (Ksheena 7/13
8/6/2017 Complete Pulse Diagnosis Method As per Ayurveda Textbook

ta Dhatu) is dominant and when Ama is there (altered

tabolism), then it will be bulky, heavy and hot. When the
h is more, Nadi will be light, and fast.

iated person (who has taken food), the pulse will be stable.
t felt in hand, it should be examined in leg.
wara (fever of Vata origin), Vakra Nadi will be zig zag, swift,

ara (fever due to allergy), Nadi is fast, and thin.

apha, the Nadi is mild, stable, cold and sticky. Similarly, Nadi
with duel Doshas are mentioned.

examination is explained with the intention of

Doshas involved in the disease
of Dosha involvement
curability of the disease.

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Brihat Trayi: The 3 Roga, Rogi Pareeksha:

ention Treatises That Form The Examination Of Disease
Foundation of Ayurveda And Patient
September 12, 2016 May 5, 2017
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are af liate. Do not follow given advice, without consulting



point and informative

annamalai says:

hy medicine,for example rythm (irregularly regular,

laratrial brilation.,)tachycardia,arrythmia.good information.tq 9/13
8/6/2017 Complete Pulse Diagnosis Method As per Ayurveda Textbook

uch sir.
criptive manner to understand nadi in a better way through our

y referal books if any I want to know much more

r MD(Ayu) says:
5:43 pm

pulse By Vasant Lad Available here (aff)



ch sir..Please suggest any referal books if any I want to

r MD(Ayu) says:
t 10:33 pm

Pulse: The Ancient Art of Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis by

s very highly popular. Available in amazon website here (af liate)

ur website information is truly very helpful and you are

These days, it is very dif cult to nd good nadi vaids. Can you
good nadi vaids in india with contact information. Thanks in 10/13
8/6/2017 Complete Pulse Diagnosis Method As per Ayurveda Textbook

r MD(Ayu) says:

personally, anyone. Any good Ayurveda doctor with good

good t for consultation.

at 11:47 am

Nadi is also mentioned out of three Nadis. Aadhya

adhya means PITTA & Antya means KAPHA. Is this true? If it is,
constitution / Prakriti of the person?

gd nadi specialist I kharghar..Navi Mumbai

uch sir, its easily understan n informative

nt here...

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