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Your Pets Health and

By Gordon Porter
The Agenda
A. First, Ill explain what the problem is, Foxtails, vaccinations, transmission
of diseases most dangerous to dogs in Utah.
B. Second, Ill define the terminology
C. Third, Describing symptoms of an embedded foxtail, and/or infection.
Transition: After the preview, lets begin with foxtails.
Specific Goal: The audience will learn about clearing debris in paws as well as
preventative measures to prevent their pet from getting common disease.
Application: Those in attendance will be able to recognize an issue and do
something about it. The audience may also decide to vaccinate their pets.
Foxtail Image
1 Foxtails are an invasive type of weed all over the world,
particularly in rural areas. They are in every unkempt
They have a unique design with a few species in the
western united states.
3 Any weed could possibly be a danger to your pet, due to
the design of many types of Diaspores.
4 Diaspore is a plant dispersal unit consisting of a seed
or spore plus any additional tissues that assist dispersal.
(Gibson, 2009)
Scanning electron micrograph Source: Curtis Clark
Anchored Structure adheres to surfaces with
I. Hook: Dangerous conditions for your pet.

A. In our case, a dog was chewing its paw. We noticed and became
B. Because of unique medical knowledge we could notice the signs and treat
her. There was no time to waste.
II. Thesis: Knowing about these subjects in veterinary medicine, it will help
you better take care of your pets. Possibly avoiding great harm and expensive
hospital stays for your pet.
This is the Foxtail removal surgery, It is
quite graphic. Viewer discretion is
advised. This video was made after all
were removed. 6 (a lot) of foxtails were
sub-dermal, 10+ embedded on the
paws. No anesthesia could be used, due
to the concerns of total renal failure.
See the video
As shown in the video, a foxtail was embedded so far under the
skin it was at the base of the proximal-middle bone inside of the
paw. Had this dog continued to groom itself, it would have ended
up without a leg, possibly losing even more. It is also important to
note that when sedating an animal which is so old, it becomes risky
to use anesthesia. It could possibly kill them, or bring them into
total renal failure.
Carin Terrier/Schnauzer mix was chewing its paw, so excessively
that after a few hours, could have chewed its entire paw off.
A. An embedded object foreign to the body will fester and itch.
The dog will either scratch, bite, or ignore it.
B. They may not do this immediately, in fact it could take a week
or two to be noticed.
A sign of embedded foxtail could be excessive scratching, biting
at paws and general discomfort.
II. Embedded foxtails become an issue because of owners not
grooming their dogs. It does not mean they are bad, they could be
unable to physically or lack the capacity due to age. Which is why
it is important that people recognize that the elderly may not be
able to take care of their pets. Try to help out.
B. Behaviorally this is a great sign of the foxtails being embedded
in dermal layers of skin in dogs. Another big sign is pieces stuck
in their hair.
Re Epithelialization Therapy
A large word referring to the method which revitalizes the dermal
layers to heal in apposition with a skin graft. Which is how bad foxtail
can get, sometimes worse. It can lead to a graft or amputation of a
limb, there are limits to wound therapies in canines.
Important Note:
Foxtails similarly can end up in the eyes, ears, or other appendages. Causing
great harm. Which is why it is so important to take care of your pets
The dog shown was able to recover after time with an e collar, at great risk to
their well being.
If you can recognize the signs of embedded objects you can save your pets
life. Know when to vaccinate your pet, possibly saving their lives.
Now that we have covered foxtails,
what are some other dangerous things
for pets, which we can prevented?
CPV-2 Canine Parvovirus

Works Cited, From:AS Rose and

PW Hildebrand. NGL Viewer: a
web application for molecular
visualization. Nucl Acids Res (1
July 2015) 43 (W1): W576-W579
first published online April 29,
2015. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv402
Feline Parvovirus or
Parvo Distemper: Structure
Structure of transferrin Highly Virulent
receptor, feline and human to Nearly 100% mortality rate if not treated.
CPV-2 According to Clinical Veterinary Pathology, (Smith,
Jones & Hunt)

Works Cited:
AS Rose and PW Hildebrand. NGL Viewer: a web application for molecular visualization. Nucl Acids Res (1 July 2015) 43 (W1): W576-W579 first published online April 29,
2015. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv402; and AS Rose, AR Bradley, Y Valasatava, JM Duarte, A Prli and PW Rose. Web-based molecular graphics for large complexes. ACM Proceedings
of the 21st International Conference on Web3D Technology (Web3D '16): 185-186, 2016. doi:10.1145/2945292.2945324
Feline Panleukopenia Virus
Infectious Enteritis, Parvoviral
Enteritis, Distemper, Feline Ataxia,
Or Cat Plague. It is deadly, this is a
picture of brain matter of the
infected (left) and a normal kitten
The effects are clear.
What is it?
There are many versions of the family of Parvovirus genus, a spectrum of
viruses which are highly infectious. FPV and CPV are what we are talking
about, being Feline Parvovirus, and Canine Parvovirus. CPV came into
existence from a unique mutation of the Feline version. Now both Dogs and
cats are effected by the disease since the late sixties, but became more
infectious and lethal with CPV -2 which was discovered in 1978. Left
untreated it has over 90% mortality rate, per Ettinger and Feldman. (Ettinger
& Feldman, 1995
Easily prevented by a vaccine, yet Parvo
remains one of the most dangerous
pathogens for pets.
Both CPV and FPV are semi zoonotic,
they can infect a variety of animals.
Humans cannot contract this variation of Parvovirus, but they can be a
carrier for a degree of time. Felines can also contract and carry the virus, as
well as dogs. According to Drs Murphy, Parker, Wang, Parrish, per their
article (Murphy,
Transition: Rabies is yet another virus which is fully preventable yet could kill
your pet. It is also unlawful to fail to vaccinate against rabies in most
A: The Rabies Virus though not as common as the past, can be
present in a variety of mammalian vertebrates which includes Dogs,
Cats, Rodents, Bats and more. It can infect a variety of hosts, including
humans. It causes neurological damage to the host and mortality in
100% of cases untreated. (Centers For Disease Control, 2011)
Rabies is yet another virus which is fully preventable yet could kill your
pet. It is also unlawful to fail to vaccinate against rabies in most
In nearly all cases once neurological symptoms develop there is no
chance of survival 100% mortality in humans and other mammals. If
untreated by the vaccine or highly volatile Milwaukee protocol.

Rabies is simple, but simple

things are often more dangerous.

AS Rose, AR Bradley, Y Valasatava, JM Duarte, A Prli

and PW Rose. Web-based molecular graphics for large
complexes. ACM Proceedings of the 21st International
Conference on Web3D Technology (Web3D '16): 185-186,
2016. doi:10.1145/2945292.2945324
AS Rose and PW Hildebrand. NGL Viewer: a web
application for molecular visualization. Nucl Acids Res (1
July 2015) 43 (W1): W576-W579 first published online April
29, 2015. doi:10.1093/nar/gkv402
According to the GBD 2015
Mortality and Causes of Death
Rabies has 17,400 deaths worldwide in 2015 With over
40% being children. All for a problem which can be avoided
with communication of the infection, followed by the standard
vaccine protocol.
But why is it dangerous now?
According to
20 confirmed cases in 2016 from cats, dogs, bats, raccoons. Which in the past
is usually not present in domestic breeds, only in wild animals. There were
more cases in 2016 of domestic animal contraction than in the last few
decades. (Some were an animal interacting with a bat with rabies) (2016
Rabies Data, 2016)
A bat need only be attacked by your dog, it should be noted that bats are a
protected species, despite their danger, killing one is a federal offence.
The Milwaukee Protocol
To date until the Milwaukee protocol, no human had ever survived an
infection of rabies without genetic immunity. Aggressive neuro rabies
infection has only successfully treated a total of 6 people with progressive
neurological damage, out of 36. Which is only marginally better than 100%
fatality rates.
Patients have only one choice after the damage is done, undergo a medical
coma facilitated by ketamine, Midazolam and antiviral Ribavirin Amantadine.
(Dr. Willoughby via
2016 Rabies Data (2016). Retrieved July 2017, from

Centers For Disease Control. (2011, April). The Path of the Virus. Retrieved July 2017, from

Ettinger, S. J., & Feldman. (1995). Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine (4th ed ed.). W.B. Saunders Company. Retrieved 2017

Gibson, D. J. (2009). Grasses and Grassland Ecology. Oxforn Press.

Murphy, P. W. (2001). Canine and Feline Parvoviruses Can Use Human or Feline Transferrin Receptors To Bind, Enter, and Infect Cells. Retrieved July 2017, from Surgery video (Murphy, 2001) Drs(). Wang, Parker, Murphy Feline Panleukopenia picture

We have learned a lot about common issues among pet owners and their
potential risk to the animal and the owner.
I hope this has been an informative event and I thank you all for your
valuable time. Thank you

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