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SPED 875
Formal Teaching Video


The Formal Video Lesson Assignment of SPED 875 was an assignment that required me

to plan, record a formal video of me teaching lesson, and reflect on the lesson for the Assessing

for Student Learning Assignment. For this assignment, the video was required to be between 30

and 40 minutes. The video was required to be uploaded to Edthena where the instructor

provided feedback.

The purpose of this assignment is for the university supervisor to see our teaching in

action and provide feedback on all aspects of teaching involved in teaching a lesson. This

assignment is integral to the practicum course and provides direct advice to educators on how to

improve lesson planning, feedback during lessons, and overall delivery of material.


This assignment was submitted as a video and is unable to be edited or revised.

Professional Development

As a resource teacher, a large part of my job is creating lessons that directly focus on

students IEP goals. It can be nerve-wracking to be observed by anyone, even when observed

by videotaping. However, the feedback is necessary to becoming a better teacher. I appreciated

the detailed feedback provided during this lesson. I do feel that feedback is a strength of mine

and it was nice to have that reiterated in my feedback. As I plan and teach each lesson in my

classroom I remember the feedback and act as though each lesson is being filmed for review.

This makes me a better educator. I taught a lesson from the Barton Reading and Spelling
Julia Kaufman
SPED 875
Formal Teaching Video
System, a program that I use in my class often. By watching myself teach and reviewing the

video I become a better instructor in the system. The opportunity to reflect on this lesson, and

every lesson, also makes me a better educator. It is essential that, whether in our first, fifth, or

tenth year teaching it essential to reflect on every lesson to help make every subsequent lesson

better. This assignment, and class as a whole, helped me to be confident in my teaching, but also

more realistic regarding my strengths and weaknesses.

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