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Quality Assurance | Auto Fail Guide

The following behaviors are unacceptable and will result in loss of all points:

Auto Fail Reasons Description

Outbound Disclosure It is a requirement that all parties consent before recording the
telephone conversation. Failing to state the disclosure will result in
an auto fail. You must provide disclosure to all parties on the call.
(Refer to outbound disclosure policy)

Customer Abuse Example of customer abuse but NOT limited to:

Rudeness - a display of disrespectfulness and impoliteness.
Using profane language which often takes the form of
cursing, swearing, bad words, strong and disgusting
choice of words.

Call Avoidance Not answering the inbound call when the customer can
clearly be heard on the other line.
Failing to disconnect a call once the call has clearly ended
with closing remarks.
Use of Excessive hold without notification to the
customer. Over 2 minutes.

The CCP/IBO disconnects the call intentionally

while customer still needs the service/assistance.
***If call is disconnected by accident, CCP/IBO is required to contact their TL/
Mgr. and report the situation***

Manipulating the Cancellation Procedure

Not canceling the account when requested by the
Deferring the account to avoid cancellation and advising the
customer to call by certain date if s/he wants the order shipped

GHW QA/ Validation Team [Confidential & Proprietary Information] [Rev 1.2 [12.12.2016
Misleading It is imperative that customers are provided adequate
the customer information about their future order, billing, and shipments.
CCPs and IBOs are required to address the
following information during the call:

1. Customers agreement on an auto-refill program

2. The amount being billed on the first initial order
3. Price per bottle for future/subsequent orders
4. Number of bottles for future/subsequent orders
5. Guarantee Results (medical misleads)
Under no circumstances may we state or imply that it can be used
to treat, cure, prevent, or mitigate disease.
Recom mending or suggesting that a customer stop taking his or her
m edication
Im plying that by taking Om egaXL a customer will be able to reduce or
stop taking their medication
Paint any Healthcare professional in a negative light or disagree with
a Healthcare Provider.
State or Im ply taking Om egaXL will help to become pain free.

6. All Other Active Products

Failing to address any of the above information will result in an

auto fail evaluation.
Any call resulting in an auto-fail due to misleading, the
account will not be assigned or tagged to the original data
entry CCP or IBO. These accounts will be un-tagged.

With the exception of the following:

Account will remain tagged to CCP or IBO who is currently
on-job-training (OJT) during their 1st (2 weeks).

Please Note: All auto fails scenarios are not limited to the above mentioned

GHW QA/ Validation Team [Confidential & Proprietary Information] [Rev 1.2 [12.12.2016

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