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InPOP Communications Timeline 2015


Timeline Activity Status Priority Level

Framework Documents
Communications Plan Completed, Live document High
Stakeholder analysis In progress Medium
Website Design/ architecture completed High
Need feedback on content
Social Media - Medium
Blog - Low
Conferences Need to make list of strategic Low
International & local media Need to make list of contacts Low
Distribution mail-list and database Completed (mailchimp), updating Medium
Output ( Tools )
Brand Identity
Logo and color scheme Completed High
Business card, email signature Design Completed High
Slide deck (standardized In progress High
presentation format)
InPOP Fact sheet Design completed, High
Need feedback on content
Press releases On going Medium
Arranged interviews / Articles On going Medium
Media Preparation Training - Low
Arranged media interviews (articles) On going Medium
Opinion Editorial - Medium
Platform Newsletter
PDF (Downloadable) Completed 1st ed. High
Digital template (mailchimp) Completed High
Public Outreach
Infographics In progress Medium
Short Video - Medium
Photovoices Project - Medium
Riau Mission Outputs
Blog Post - High
Presentation - High
Internal Memo - High
ISPO Communications
Logo Design - Medium
ISPO Factsheet Design Completed Medium
Need feedback on content
Communications Plan - Low
Summary Edit and Distribute -
UNDP version -
Study launch (OpEd with Ibu Ros) -
SPOI UNDP Results page -
IPOP - InPOP communications
Procurement and HR Issues
Animator for Milan Expo (backdated) Rp. 26,000,000,- High
Design Agency (backdated) (InPOP Rp 56,000,000 - High
fact sheet, InPOP booklet, InPOP
brochure, ISPO brochure, ISPO
preliminary design and comms plan,
ISPO-RSPO study.
WWF Riau Ecotour (backdated) Rp. 3,030,000,- High
Photographer/ videographer Riau Rp. 30,400,000,- High
Rebecca reimbursements Rp. 5,000,000 High
Note taker and translator for July WG Rp. 5,000,000 High
Hiring communications consultants Needed to ensure effective High
(design, printing, film, editor, implementation of comms. plan
translator, web developer,
photography etc.)

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