Of He Tho! of Of: V.Ji4i"

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b.i&b Tbt principle appIi~ htre is Lbe principle of dEtc-
li.-mca. The principle ollqi.ill>XJ is limited by u.. principk of

t) V.Ji4i" a4I 't~

This limi~tion onnh tlw 1q>P~1 nnpba""'" conneaioD. (10
importatJ. lor a theory of pclIIi,i'-e .....) 1>0:....""" <he nlidi'7 aDd
tho! dQ:lin:nna 0( law. Tho: concct cktermi"",ioa of this rda
tiombip is one of 11K mOlt important and.u the ... me ,i_ mOlt
dilliclill problClDI of a pclIIitiviltic IqaI theo<y. I. is only prcial
cax of the rd:ujombip belwtfll,hc "ough." of the J~l nonn and
the "i," of ' .. nl ..,.Ii,y. !leg,1lSt; thc act by which. pOIlitivc legal
norm i, cr ted. too, is an "il-fac," (German: SeillllQIUch) just
II ,hffcelh'en .... of ,he lerl nOrm, A po<i.ivi"k leg.1 ,11=, i.
beN by the ta&k 1<> find .he OOrrecl middle ,<wi bo:lw~n 'wo u
I~mto which both are IInt.noble. The one <:Xlreme is the th.. is
.ha. thtte is no colllleaion be,,,,een validily u """.thilll that
oughllO be and ell""",iv"'lN'" tomething that il; lha. 1M ... Iidi.y
of .he law i. en,'",l, independent of its dca;"....,.. Tbe 0tM
ntTft!>e is the thtsil that validi.,. aDd dfcctiftDal an: idC'D'ical.
An id<:aJ.isUc lheory oIb...mdo to l.hc fin. "",DUon of this pn:>t>.
Ie..... a rulistic th...., to l.hc: ICCO<Id. The 6nl is ..-rong lor i. is
undmi.b/.t !.hal a lq;al onkr in ill a ....in:ty. aDd an indi<ridual
kpl norm _ -U. _ thdr nljd.i.,. -.rbnl. m..., ca>l' to boo dlOC-
Ii.,,; and tlw a rdalion aha brcwua the ....Atof tbc kpl non:n
and the uof pllyUa1 ruli'J alJo inoofar aslhe pooiti", I f p l _
to boo valid, muse booemuftl b1 an an which csiw in.boo nalilJof
boo;.... &be """"'" oolu,ioo u _ g booa...., it is "juallJ un-
dfniable that thott all' manJ 0 _ as has been Ibown 1>cftIIl' .._
in wh;m l<pl norms all' ,tg:trdrd as '';IUd although m..., all' not,
or not yet. declive. The oolution propo>rd by tbe PUTe Tt>cory of
Law i. thi" ]uot .. the nOrm (according to which lQrne,hing
ouhl '0 be) .. ,h, meaning of an act i, not identical with the ac,
(which actually uj, in the Ame way i, 'he validity of a 1'8"1 nOrm
not identical with ill efftcdv.ncu; the .ffec,i,,,,n... of a le8"1 order
al a whole and ,he .Il'tc';ven.... of a lingle legal nOrm all'_jun as
t'" l\OIl'Il<tudng act-th. condition lor the validi'y; cllcctivell<'ll
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T"E "v""M,e ;.s"<.<;T O~ LAW u,
exceptionally no' elfe<.Tive in 'ingle case,. As meruiono:d in an
oth.. <:onn,ion, the possibility of an .ntagoni,m be'ween 'hat
which i' pro:s<ribed by a norm'" something that ought to be and
W., which aClually happens must exist; a nOTm, pteIC,ibing that
iOmething ouglll to n." which, .. one ~now, n.,loreh.nd mW' hap-
J"'tl anpvay according '0 law of nature, i' me.ningl ...........uch
norm wonld not be reg.rded as valid. On the othee I...nd, norm
i' not regattled '" valid which i' never obeyed oe applied. In fact, a
legal norm may I".., it< validily by nev.. being .pplied or obeyed-
by ",""alled deJUellllk. Desuetudo may be described a. negative
C,,>lom, and i" ....mial function i' to abolish the validily of an
exi,'ing norm. 1 Cu'tom is a I'''''-creating I.ct at all, then e"en lhe
validity of ,,.tutory law can be aboli,hed 1>y customary law. If
elfe<liveneq in lhe developed ..n.. is We <:ondition fur We valid
ity no. only of .he legal order a. a whole bUI also of a single legal
norm, then the I.w-creatlng function of Cu>lom c.nnot be ex-
cluded hy ".,u'ory law, at Ie." not '" fae .. the negative function
of desueludo is conmed.
The <leICribed rel.,ion belween val idity and efftiv""..' refers
to general leg.l norm'. Bu. also individual legal norm' (judicial
<Ii.ion" .dminiltrative dreaj tha' proscribe an individual
coercive .ct lose their validity if the)' are permanently unexeculo:d
and therefo.e ineffeai"e, ,.. h.. n.,en .hown in dte discu"ion 01 a
wnllict n.,twun two legal deci'iom."
Effecti'.ne" i. a condi.ion for the validity-hut it i. not ,..lid
ity. Thi. mUst be Slreued beeau.., time and again 'he ellott h'"
been made to identify "alidity with effeeti,en...; and .uch identi
ficuion is tempting bee.u,", it Ittltli to simplify lhe .heoretical
.itu'lion. Still, the efforl i' doomed .0 failure, not only n.,cause
even a pardy inellecti"e legal otd.... or legal norm may n., ...gattled
a. v.lid.nd an absolulely effective norm which cannot be vi".
Ia'ed '" invalid hecau,", not being regarded a, a nOTm 01 all: but
pa ..iculatly lor thi. rea."n' ][ 'he v,1idi,y, ,h.. I,. the 'pecifie
exi.lence of lhe law, i' collS,de,ed to be part of natural ....Iity. one
i. una hie to gr.up the 'pecific me.ning in which the law add......
i""lf to reality and ,he..hy juxu!","", itself to reality. which can
be in confOTmity or in conflict with the law only if re,lity i.
no. identical Wilh ,he validity of the law. Ju" a' il i. impos.ible in
-Cl. p. 001-


d.",rmininll validity to ;gn",.., i" ula.;"n to rnJity, iO it U lik...

wise impossible '" Kkntily ',didity and "3Iily. If we ""pla the
e<>n<cpt of realily (a. efloc.;vrnc.. of the legal ordet) by the .on
cept of power, ,hen tile problem of the relation between validity
and dftt,ivellc" of the legal order coin.id.. with the more
familiar prol>Jem of the rolatio",hip bet"'tnl law and power or
right and might. And th,,", the ""Iulion atumplcd be.. is merely
the .demi6cally exact formulation of the old truism th., righ'
cannot exist without might and yot is not idtn'ical ",'ith might.
Right (lhe Law), aewrding > Ihe theory he,.., developed, i. a n,..
tain order (or organization) 01 might.

h) The n..,;. Norm of Inle"'''lional lAw

We shall now abo t""'ider lhe imemaliorulilegal onle. in ",I.tion
10 na'ional ltgal ord.,,; and we ,hall ...um............ it i' Ir~u.mly
...umed_,h<l, inu:roadoml law i. valid fnr a .\ate only if iu
go,ernmont on tho b..i. of an eff<cd'e constitution hOI '<cog'
niztd intemationallaw; thon our awwer gi,en 10 fa. to 'ho quO$-
don OJ '0 why law i' valid, i. still the Jarue, <.be .. 3.IOtt for <.be
validity of law i' a p.oouppooed balk norm referring to an eff<ctive
constitution. Fo' in thiJ=, intemat;onallaw i' only a part of the
nati""al legal order, ..gard.d a.llOvaoign-and tho ..a",n for ,h.
"alidityof the national l<gal ord<r i. the ba,;c norm ",forting to
the <!fecti"o m"itution. Tho ba'ic norm. as <.bo rea",,, for the
validity of <.b. constitution, is at ,h...m. time the reason for the
validity of intrrnationallaw, rowgnizod on tho basts of tho consti
Tho ,ituati"" i. ditforcnt. however. if intomational law is not
regarded "" p"rt of tho n.,ional legal ord.., but as a .(w<r.ign
l<gal o.der, supcrordinatod '0 all national l<gal orders. limiting
thorn in <.boir .ph..... of validity; if, in o<.ba word., ono docs not
assumo tho primacy of tho national l<gal orders, but 'ho primacy
of tho intomationallegal order." The latter docs. in fac,. contain
a norm ,h.t rcp""""'u the 'e>Jon for <.bo validity of the indi'idoal
nationallcgaJ orders. Therefore the rca"", for the validity of tho
individual national legal order an 1>0 found in positive intan.
'ionallaw. In that case, a positive notm is the rca""" for the valid
~Cl.l',.s...._ .p~",><!, of ,I>< "'..""',....., q.J onIc<,"

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