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Chloe McGlown

Professor Raymond

UWRT 1103

19 July 2017

Writing Prompt #7

Rhetorical knowledge is the ability to analyze and act on understandings of audiences,

purposes, and contexts in creating and comprehending texts. Therefore, I believe that I have used

rhetorical knowledge in my semester long project by acting and analyzing on the understandings

of audiences and through my research in the different types of dreams. I have to know the

audience that I am trying to intrigue by this research being conducted and explain an event that

happens to almost everyone when they fall asleep. I also have to be able to dissect texts and

resources to ensure that I am getting the most beneficial information from that source.

Of all the writing prompts, writing warm ups, and projects, the one that pushed me to

want to explore more information about dreaming would be doing the pitch and being able to get

feedback from my classmates. Being able to present our ideas and get additional suggestions

allowed me to look at this project from multiple perspectives which enabled me to broaden my

horizon when dealing with researching information about dreaming.

The sources for this project so far that has challenged my critical thinking skills the most

would be the sources that I obtained from the internet. The reason being is that anybody can put

information out on the internet. However, this does not always mean that it is a reliable source

which is why I have to dissect and compare the information that has come from the internet. In

addition, I believe information from magazines might have to be double checked as well due to

the fact that the media likes to display information in a certain light. Doing this means that it
could only be partially true and that further research may be needed to get the full story the way

things actually occurred.

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