Writing Prompt 10 - Uwrt 1103

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Chloe McGlown

Professor Raymond

UWRT 1103

2 August 2017

Writing Prompt #10

At the start of UWRT 1103 when the semester long project was initially brought to us

and we made our groups, Shania, Alex, and I immediately knew the direction we wanted to go in

regarding dreaming. As time progressed and we researched further into our topic we did not

necessarily switch directions, but decided to add more to our project. Instead of just talking about

the different types of dreams, we decided to add what dreaming means in different cultures, how

often we dream, and if dreams occur every single night.

Once I began my part of researching, the one thing that I was not surprised by, but found

interesting was the many different perspectives on the meaning of dreaming and why we dream.

For example, one group might believe that we dream because that is when we live out our

subconscious desires and others believe we dream just to process the events of that day. They

believe that processing these events through our dreams is what causes things to go into our

long-term memory.

Of the five Student Learning Outcomes, the one that has been improved the most would

be my ability to read critically. Before this class I had already began to learn how to read

critically while taking AP Language. However, doing the projects and readings for this class has

furthered my knowledge in critical reading. For example, the genealogy project required me to

critically read the information I was given in order to make a connection to my family history. I
had to be able to evaluate and interpret the texts and images in order to get anywhere with that


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