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Current State of Politics

Polarization of party agendas

1. Civil Rights Movement
o President Kennedys 1963 civil rights speech & assassination

2. President Nixons law and order campaign

o Subversive racism in the south

3. President Reagans harnessing of the religious right

o Abortion stance, tax cuts/stabilized economy for key demographics

4. Newt Gingrichs 1994 Republican campaign

o Cohesion on a national and county level

5. Rise of the binding primary system and gerrymandering

o Movement toward extremes to get party nomination
o Movement toward extremes in safe districts
The impetus for national adoption of the binding primary election was the
chaotic 1968 Democratic National Convention. Vice President Hubert
Humphrey secured the Presidential nomination despite not winning a single
primary under his own name.

Polarization of voters
6. Media and access to more downward communication
o Television, the baby boom rise of pinpoint advertising, the rise of JFK
Originally led to more national cohesion b/c of shared channels
o Rise of cable news for personalized news polarized news intake
o Rise of social media polarized social intake
o Utilization of social media in Obamas campaign

Rise of terrorism and immigration and ascent of Donald Trump

7. 9/11 and subsequent terrorist attacks

8. Decline of factory/manufacturing industry in America and overseas outsourcing

9. Whitelash against President Obama

10. Association of crime with immigrants, as it had been with black Americans

11. Ties of economic populism to white nationalism

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