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Chloe McGlown

Professor Raymond

UWRT 1103

24 July 2017

Writing Prompt #8

Figure 1.
Interest in Lucid Dreaming.
Retrieved from GitHubGist.
Copyright 2017 by GitHub Inc.

By observing the interest of lucid dreaming in this chart you can see the things that are most
intriguing to people in reference to lucid dreaming. The top three votes about why people
become interested in lucid dreaming is that they want to experience things that they cant in
their everyday life, they are curious about their consciousness, or they simply find the topic
Figure 2.
Retrieved from JaylanNHunter3306
Copyright by Emaze.

In this Pie Chart, it shows the percentage of people who are affected by nightmares regarding
to age. It states that the majority of nightmares occurs in the ages of three to five years old and
adults. Young adults are the crowd least affected by nightmares when they sleep. The after
effect of having these nightmares is awakening very alert.
Figure 3.
Dream Comic
Retrieved from Cartoon Stock.
Copyright 2017 by CartoonStock Ltd.

This comic strip regarding dreams brings a comic relief to the presentation. It references
dreams in a humorous way which can make our presentation more relatable to all ages viewing.

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