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Youre a Corporate Maintenance Manager just back from a two-week vacation. How do you get the
quickest, most comprehensive information on your electrical assets from the multiple facilities that you are
responsible for across the country? With the click of a button MCEGold Site Condition allows managers
to get an instant update on which assets have or havent been tested and the condition assessment of each.
Additionally, the data for each site can be saved in a single database, managed by only one IT department,
under one license, offering each site their own site security and administrative capabilities.
Its Friday. Youre a Maintenance Planner and you want to make sure the right electrical assets are tested
next week while you are in Clearwater Beach at a technical conference. How can you ensure that the right
assets will be tested by the right person? MCEGold WatchList technology allows rapid organization of
assets in a modifiable route list that can be shared and assigned to a technician or marked as private for
protected viewing. Monday morning the technician simply opens the program, identifies the WatchList
assigned to him, and downloads the WatchList to his tester. Visiting the WatchList throughout the week
provides rapid access to monitor how the testing is progressing without tracking the technician down to ask.
Finally, youre an Analyst monitoring the progression of problematic indications on critical assets and you
want a quick update. The MCEGold Message Center offers a convenient location to quickly review
diagnostic notes for all or a single asset in the plant. Just like checking your email in the morning, you can
visit the Message Center to see notes and comments entered in a time/date order for all the assets tested.
You can even open up pictures, documents, etc., attached by the technician when entering the diagnostic
note in the Message Center.
This document introduces MCEGold, the latest and most innovative motor/asset testing and management
software from PdMA Corporation. MCEGold enables users to manage and monitor assets using PdMA
specialized electrical motor/asset testing technology and motor/asset management capability. The
comprehensive MCEGold is used by technicians for testing and diagnostics and by management for
financial reports, inventory control, scheduling, and cost containment.

Development Overview
PdMA Corporation presently uses the WinVis software to operate the MCEMAX technology. WinVis was
designed in C++ and Visual Basic and the data recorded was stored in Microsoft Access. MCEGold was
developed in response to the ever-changing software development techniques, the need for rapid
deployment of new innovative technology in the motor/asset testing industry, the increasing database size
of our existing user facilities, and the increasing demand for data access around the world. With the release
of the MCEGold software, we have applied new technologies to overcome the hurdles and restrictions of
our legacy software product, delivered much needed technology to meet the market demands, and
accomplished our developmental objectives.

Software Development Tools

The MCEGold software is designed using C++.NET and VB.NET. .NET is the Microsoft application
platform to connect information, people, systems, and devices through software. Integrated across the

Microsoft platform, .NET technology provides the ability to quickly build, deploy, manage, and use
connected, security-enhanced solutions. .NET-connected solutions enable businesses to integrate their
systems more rapidly and in a more agile manner and help them realize the promise of information
anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Database Management
A critical component of performing predictive maintenance on our electric motors/assets and generators is
acquiring trend data for analysis and troubleshooting. The more data acquired the better the trend and the
more effective our technicians and analysts are at predicting a failure. Over the years collecting this data
can result in a large database, which can start to burden the facility computing resources. Specifically, the
increasing size of the WinVis database can start to approach performance limitations of our present
Microsoft Access structure.
MCEGold is designed using Microsoft SQL Server as its database platform. This takes into account the size
related issues of collecting large amounts of data such as six channels of simultaneously acquired voltage
and current measurements at a fairly high sampling rate.
What is SQL Server?
SQL Server is a comprehensive database platform providing enterprise-class data management with
integrated business intelligence (BI) tools. The SQL Server database engine provides more secure, reliable
storage for both relational and structured data, enabling you to build and manage highly available,
performance data applications that you and your people can use to take your business to the next level.
In today's connected world, data and the systems that manage data must always be available to your
customers. With SQL Server, users and IT professionals across your organization will benefit from reduced
application downtime, increased scalability and performance, and tight security controls. SQL Server also
includes many new and improved capabilities to help make your organization and IT staff more productive.
Building on the flexible approach delivered with SQL Server, SQL Server supports implementations
ranging from multi-terabyte data warehouses to mobile devices running Microsoft SQL Server Windows
CE Edition (SQL Server CE).
SQL Server includes significant enhancements to enterprise data management in the following areas:
Availability. Investments in high-availability technologies, additional backup and restore capabilities,
and replication enhancements enable enterprises to build and deploy highly reliable applications.
Innovative high availability features such as database mirroring, failover clustering, and enhanced
online operations minimize downtime and help to ensure that critical enterprise systems remain
Scalability. Scalability advancements such as table partitioning, snapshot isolation, and 64-bit support
enable us to build and deploy the most demanding applications using SQL Server. The partitioning of
large tables and indexes significantly enhances query performance of very large databases.
Security. Enhancements such as "secure by default" settings, database encryption, and an enhanced
security model help provide a high level of security for your enterprise data.
Interoperability. Technology advancements delivered with SQL Server enable you to maximize your
investment in new and existing systems by integrating and connecting disparate applications and
databases within your extended enterprise. Through deep support for industry standards, Web services,
and the Microsoft .NET Framework, SQL Server support interoperability with multiple platforms,
applications, and devices.

IT Concerns
IT personnel will be concerned with synchronization of the database, Web services (Web report and Web
access), data transfer, and integration with other programs.
Data synchronization is accomplished through a database batch process.

No Web server-based component is required for Web services.
The MCEGold application can communicate and provide multiple database support with MSDE and
SQL Server. For upload/download, only the new information is sent to the server and/or tester.
The component architecture reduces the burden of on-going integration efforts, allows more freedom
to exchange information from different equipment and forms the information backbone of Enterprise
Asset Management. MCEGold users will be able to customize their motor/asset testing solutions by
choosing MCEGold components. As business requirements change, users can easily upgrade existing
components or purchase additional components to expand the MCEGold capability.
MCEGold is user friendly, and requires minimal support. It is flexible and supports typical network
configurations today and those expected in the near future. It is easy to add additional users or expand the
network. It works with many configurations depending on where the input/output, processing, and storage
occur. The reliability of the data integrity is ensured. There is upload/download flexibility and reduced
upload/download time.

Enhanced Functionality
The MCEGold reports module offers multi-page, multi-asset detailed report capability with template design
and storage. Graphs, history charts, photos, and trend plots can all be easily populated from a drop-down
selection window or by dragging and dropping the pre-selected item into a location of choice on the report
developer. Additionally, all the MCEGold reports can be saved in either a PDF or HTML format for easy
sharing through the network or email system.

Message Center
The MCEGold Message Center offers a centralized location for information transfer. Just like your email
system, all messages or notes attached to any asset organized by date/time stamp can be seen upon entering
the message center. Additionally the message center acts as a control panel offering full tool bar
functionality for data analysis, testing, etc. Any type of file including photos, repair reports, failure analysis
reports, instructional documents and more can be attached to an asset through the message center for future
review. If youre wondering what the history of an asset is, just visit the message center for a walk back in
time. Changing the center focus to a single asset vs. all assets allows you to focus on the notes an
attachments for just the asset of interest, identifying repair history, dates of failures, failure modes, repair
location documents, and more.

The MCEGold WatchList capability offers a drastically different approach to scheduling, monitoring, and
communicating the condition, test performance, and work related tracking. The WatchList offers appealing
features to the technician, analyst, and management.
For the technician, the WatchList delivers the ability to organize a route type of list, making it easier to
apply the test equipment on a day-to-day level. The technician can re-sort and re-organize the WatchList at
his discretion and assets can be duplicated on different watchlists without an impact on the database. For
the technician just getting started and taking data only, the MCEGold WatchList may be the only screen
viewed because the WatchList offers control panel functionality including full tool bar use for testing,
analysis, etc.
For the analyst, an advanced search identifying all motors/assets tested during a specific time period can
deliver multiple motors/assets to be developed into his own WatchList for easy, organized access for
analysis and reporting. A WatchList can be used and deleted with no effect on the database structure or
asset history.
For someone in management, access to a quick list of motors/assets that are considered critical and
production limiting would be ideal. The MCEGold WatchList delivers such access. Using advanced search

to identify all motors/assets of a given criticality (nameplate entry) in the database, a manager could save
the motors/assets all at once to his own private or shared WatchList for regular review. Information on last
test dates and condition code changes are immediately available upon opening the WatchList.

Global Alarm Templates

Different motors/assets, made by different manufacturers may need a different set of alarms. In the past,
changes or modifications to the alarm levels had to be performed on a motor/asset-by-motor/asset basis.
MCEGold allows analysts to develop their own alarm templates to be added to the database, which can be
saved and managed for application to present and future assets. Using the advanced search module, the
analyst could search for all motors/assets fitting a selected criteria such as manufacturer, voltage, HP, model
number, frame number, etc., and assign all of the motors/assets at once to a pre-developed alarm template.

Caution and Alarm

The caution and alarm levels and action statements have been revised to include more applicable alarm set
points and more complete alarm statements. These statements can now be revised to include in-plant
references in the Global Alarm Template module.

XML Interfacing
Whether you are using Indus, Maximo, SAP, or another centralized maintenance manager software
the ability to interface with technology information for test dates, condition codes, or even test data is
critical. Using the latest in communication protocols, MCEGold software delivers an XML interface file for
easy importing of data available from our Fault Zone Analysis report.

Online Dynamic DC Motors/asset Analysis

With the MCEGold EMAX DC Module you can now test DC motors/assets while they are running.
Optimized to acquire dedicated armature and field data, the EMAX DC test module delivers data for
evaluating the insulation-to-ground integrity as well.

Auto Testing
MCEGold appeals to all types of maintenance personnel from engineering to technician. The auto test
feature of the MCEGold software provides a single push button test ending with a comprehensive analysis
of the asset condition seen on a Fault Zone Analysis report. The PI test is now incorporated directly into the
Standard test, preventing the need to discharge the circuit between tests.

MCEGold software supports multiple database designs ranging from a single user, an independent business
unit, or a worldwide company with many units communicating on the same network.
All MCEGold components will work collectively in the MCEGold architecture as building blocks for
building electrical motor/asset testing and management solutions to meet a companys unique business
requirements. The architecture is highly flexible and upgradeable at any time. It provides a full range of
scalability from laptops, to small business networks, to enterprise data centers. Regardless of database
options, MSDE or SQL Server, MCEGold is compatible with all the database options and does not require
complicated configuration.
MCEGold offers flexibility with its online (EMAX) and offline (MCE) testing ability. By testing offline in
the motor shop and then online when the reconditioned motor/asset is returned to service, quality assurance
is ensured.
MCEGold is available as a desktop, field tester, wireless tester, and network tester.
Regular or wireless communication applications are available. The wireless LAN uses a wireless adaptor
PCMIA card instead of a standard network card. The advantage of wireless is that it is not necessary to
perform upload/download. All of the motor/asset data is up-to-date (current) at all times, in real time. For

example, when a test is performed, the data is instantly available to anyone on the network for analysis and

No matter what your company or database size, there is a MCEGold version for you. It is available in three
versions: Stand Alone, Small Business (single site/1-5 users), and Enterprise Edition (multi-site/multi-seat).
It offers database solutions from one to an unlimited number of motors/assets.
MCEGold Stand Alone a single unit, which is portable and is a non-network version.
MCEGold Small Business Utilizes MSDE (Microsoft SQL Service Desktop Engine), which is a
basic SQL. The limitation is the size of database (~2 G) and access to a maximum of five accounts;
otherwise it has the same features as SQL Server. Advantages of MSDE are improved network
performance and reliability, advanced database security and backup features, and it uses the same
architecture as MS SQL server. MSDE is 100% SQL server data compatible. It has the full strength of
an enterprise class database management system without the complexity of hard-core database
management. It runs well on computers with less hardware resources and is the solution to the
applications that require a higher level of performance and fault tolerance.
MCEGold Enterprise Edition SQL Server allows for multiple database configuration, LAN and
WAN. It can handle everything from small business servers to terabyte enterprise data centers.
Advanced database backup and recovery features are available for database administrators to
implement their data recovery strategies. SQL supports multiple databases, multiple site
configurations, and has improved user access control. It provides for better performance over the
network and supports centralized database storage and advanced data synchronization
(upload/download) features.

Competitive Advantage
PdMA Corporation, the leader in motor/asset management solutions, constantly strives to improve
motor/asset management and has invested much time and effort in developing and testing MCEGold.
MCEGold provides solutions to operate a plant at maximum efficiency and lowest cost. MCEGold offers
integrated solutions for technicians and managers alike. The technician can test and collect motor/asset
information, and perform diagnostics. Quality control is ensured when obtaining a new motor/asset or a
reconditioned motor/asset from the repair shop. Additionally, it enables management to create reports to
control asset movement, control inventory, control costs, and make informed financial decisions.
MCEGold is a component-based application, which simplifies software upgrade processes and integration
with third party applications. It provides improved database performance and reliability, enterprise data
support, seamless integration with other applications, user-friendly application interface, and improved data
analysis capabilities.
Integrating diverse plant maintenance information into corporate systems is an important step to improving
workflow of equipment management and plant efficiency. MCEGold is an application suite for asset
management and testing. The asset life cycle can be tracked from purchase, installation, operation, repairs,
down time, repair costs, post repair condition and location.
Finally, MCEGold continues to be the only software operating and integrating static and dynamic electric
motor/asset test equipment, database storage, and multi technology analysis. Yes, the future is now!

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