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All Things Cold

How to obtain contacts, set up emails and phone

calls, and secure an internship

Carl Schlotman CIV Media Group, LLC


Introduction 3
How do I even get started?
I have my list, now what?

Cold Calling 7
Hall of Fame Profile: Shad Khan 8
Common Blocks and Responses that Work 9
About the Author
Parting Words

2 Title of the book


Reaching out Cold. From Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street to
telemarketers calling your home, everyone has a dierent view on the
concept of reaching out to complete strangers. Regardless of what your
view, everyone gets a bit nervous about picking up the phone and calling
someone that they dont know. The problem is that feeling might cause you
to miss out on the single most powerful tool to unlocking your number one
internship choice or landing the job you want aCer graduaDon. My goal with
this E-Book is to help alleviate your anxiety by providing ways to obtain
contact informaDon, a highly eecDve cold emailing template, a powerful
cold calling script, and common objecDons and responses to those
As a college student, I didnt start
out by knowing a lot of people.
The ability to reach out cold
enabled me to meet amazing
people that have become
mentors, advocates, and
recommendaDons for me.
Mastering the ability to reach out cold will allow you to have conversaDons
with people that you otherwise wouldnt have had access to before. That is
what this All Things Cold is about.

All Things Cold 3

How do I even get started?
First things first, your ability to cold email and cold call is
pointless if you dont know with whom you are looking to connect.
These conversations will
The best method to narrowing down the endless list of options is to
allow you to reach gems in
set up 5 conversations with people in your immediate network. Hold
your network that you didnt
the but I am a college student, and dont know anyone for just one
know existed. People that are
second. The people I am referring to fall into the following categories:
just two connections away
professors, mentors, friends, family, friends parents, and existing
could end up being the
contacts. If you cant find 5 people starting with that list please email
powerful resource you need to
me. I would love to hear your story because you are certainly an
anomaly. Here is an email that you can send to these people: learn more about your field of

Dear ________ , interest and get the

opportunity to intern in the
I am in my (freshman year) at ________ University, majoring in field of your choice.
________ . I am very interested in ___________, and I am trying to
find an internship in _________ to help further my development. I
know you are very well regarded in your respected communities, and
I was wondering if you know anyone that would be a good resource
for me to talk with given my interest. Thank you in advance.

All Things Cold 4

Use these conversations as a way to learn more about potential career options in your field of interest.
Employees are looking for smart people passionate about their organizations mission. Most of them could care less
whether you majored in Business or English.
Take the time to learn about the people with whom you schedule calls. Ask them about how they got started in the
industry and the organization they are with now. Ask them if they have any advice for you. These conversations will give
you a wealth of knowledge about what you will need to do and common tracks to becoming successful in your given
field. You might even learn that they have an internship program and that they would be willing to recommend you. Or
even better, they dont have an internship program, but they are willing to create a role for you in the organization. Just
because an organization doesnt have a formal internship program doesnt mean that there isnt an opportunity to intern.
Some of the best internships that I had in college and some of the most interesting internships I have heard about from
Cash in Your Diploma readers are the internships in where there were no formal programs. They give you the ability to
come up with your own job description and the flexibility to add value where you see fit.
Depending on how the conversation goes, you may even want to ask them if they can introduce you to anyone
that might be able to help as well.
The key is to try to dig out the top organizations in the field that interests you and that would provide the best
internship experience to you. Below are some other ways to populate a list of these organizations.

Career Services Office Set up a time to talk with your career service professionals. They will be able to point
you in the direction of organizations that your school has previously placed interns. They might also be able to introduce
you to alumni or older students with similar interests. Career Services office has a hand in many different areas on
campus and thus can be a very valuable resource when considering options.

Inc. 5,000 List This is a great list that Inc. Magazine complies of the fastest growing companies. These are
companies that are disrupting their field. I highly recommend these as targets in your internship search for several
reasons. Many of these companies are very bootstrapped and are always interested in bringing on young talent
interested in their organizations. They also are relatively lean from an employee perspective, which equates to more
responsibility and an overall better learning experience. Use company websites, LinkedIn, and simple Google searches
to find email addresses.

Media Follow and read all the media in your field of interest. Not only will this help you sound intelligent when
you set up conversations but it will also allow you to identify the thought leaders and potential organizations that could
be great internship experiences. Follow these organizations on LinkedIn and Twitter. Also follow the thought leaders and
journalists that publish the most interesting content in the your area of interest.

All Things Cold 5

I have my list, now what?
COLD Email Template
Once you identify the organizations that you
want to work/intern for, now its time to execute your Amy,
plan of attack. Below are some places to locate email
addresses: I am a current (Junior) at ________ University,
1. Company Website and I am trying to obtain an internship in
2. Alumni Database _______. I have done (insert experience,
3. LinkedIn relevant classwork, or interest in the subject-
4. Google Search
establish credibility) I was wondering if you
5. Name and Template Guess
might have a few minutes this week to do a
quick phone call. I have attached my resume
Now it is time to craft cold emails to send to the
for your viewing and look forward to hearing
contact lists that you have built. The key to cold
from you.
emailing is to be data driven and willing to test and
iterate. Play with the days of the week that you send
the emails. Test which times of the day you send the
emails. Keep track of which days and times have the
best results. Then make sure you are sending your
emails on these days and times. It is different for
every industry. For example, investment banking was
Tuesday to Thursday from 2:00pm to 4:00pm. Find
what works best for your search.

All Things Cold 6

Cold Calling
The first step to being effective in cold calling is to eliminate

The best part

the fear. The idea of picking up a phone and reaching out to a
complete stranger can be scary. We worry about appearing
inadequate. There is a lot of uncertainty around how the call will
go or how they will react to our message. Simply put, cold calling
is out of most peoples comfort zones.
about cold
I certainly experience a lot of these same emotions when I calling for
started cold calling to get the internships that I wanted. I didnt
have family connections in finance, nor did I go to a target school.
I had to find another way in. That way in was the power of a cold
internships is
call. It allowed me to connect with amazing people who wanted to
help me. If it wasnt for me cold calling, I wouldnt have otherwise
had the opportunity to talk with them. So dont let your false sense
that the upside
of fear prevent you from achieving what you want. The worst
outcome that can come out of a cold call is the other person potential is
saying Sorry, I cant help you. The best part is that there is
absolutely no harm in that. You didnt have a relationship with
them to begin with. limitless, and the
downside risk is

All Things Cold 7

Hall of Fame Profile: Shad Khan

Shad Khan Serial Entrepreneur, Owner of the

Jacksonville Jaguars, and #360 on Forbes List of
Billionaires. Born in Pakistan, and came to America with
nothing. What does he attribute his success to? To a large
extent, his ability to cold call and his insistence on not taking
no for an answer. He was sixteen years old when he arrived
in Champaign, Illinois. He stayed in the YMCA for $2 a night.
He got a job at as a dish washer at a diner. When he
graduated from college in 1970, the US was in recession. It
was especially hard for foreign students without a green
card. So how on earth did he get to where he is now?

Forced to go door to door, Shad learned what he calls One of the great American virtues: cold
calling. He cold called an ice cream shop that offered him a job as a manager. He also got a job at a
blacksmith shop in Urbana that offered him 2/3 the pay of the ice cream parlor. The work was very
difficult, hot, and required long hours. He chose to take the harder road by accepting the blacksmith job.
Most of his job as a blacksmith was welding several parts together to make pickup truck bumpers.
So he thought, Why not make them in one piece? He spent several late nights in the University of Illinois
library and eventually found a way to make bumpers in one piece. As a result, bumpers became less
expensive, lighter, and more fuel efficient.
He started his own company making bumpers out of a garage. Yet again he went back to cold
calling to build his business. He figured that it was the strategy that landed him the only full time job he
had ever had in life. Cold calling worked again. He became one of the largest suppliers of bumpers to the
Japanese auto manufacturers. His company now employs several thousand workers.
His advice: I simply want you to take a chance and respect the power and effectiveness of cold
calling. Technology is almost eroding our social skills. I became an NFL owner through cold calling. You
wont find an NFL team for sale on social media or Craig List. So the American dream is on you to make it

All Things Cold 8

Common Objections and Responses that Work
You should expect to encounter some road blocks when calling on people. They will likely come up with a quick
response to get you off the phone because they arent used to students calling them. These responses dont
always mean that they dont want to help. It is your job to find out if they can help.

Sorry, we just cant help you. We just dont recruit from your school.
There are two reasons that someone will give I completely understand, and that is actually
you this answer. They either have never one of the main reasons that I am reaching
brought on an intern and dont intend on ever out directly to you. If I can prove to be a
hiring one or you dont have their attention better candidate then the some of the
yet. While the first response is a shame on students that go to the schools that your
their part, it is a completely fair one and recruit from, would you give me an
should motivate you to spend your time on opportunity then?
another organization that is more open to
bringing on interns. The second response is This usually receives an answer somewhere
your responsibility to solve. along the lines of sure.

Here is my recommended way to go about Close the conversation with, Great, can I
digging deeper into why they cannot help come by the office this week? (use this is the
you: I am sorry to hear that, can I just ask organization is local) or What time works for
you one quick question? Have you or your you tomorrow to set up a phone
team ever brought on an intern or would you interview? (Use if long distance)
be open to doing so? If the answer is no,
then you know to cut your losses. If the But you are only a freshmen or
answer is yes then you have successfully sophomore.
maneuvered around the objection. Respond I know I am on the younger side but
with, Then I obviously dont have your hypothetically if a sophomore could add more
attention, and I apologize for that. What can I value to you than juniors you have been
do to convince you that I can add value to hiring, would you hire that underclassman?
your organization? If there is an extended
pause, propose some ideas: go through an Over 90% of the time they will respond with,
interview right now (finance), sign up or refer Yes, of course. We are trying to recruit the
new customers (sales), send you a writing best talent.
sample (journalism), or work for free for a few
weeks. (Everyone appreciates free work. Use Respond with, Great, when could I get 10
it as a tryout.) minutes of your time to discus the opportunity

None of these scripts are bullet proof strategies to getting an internship, but that isnt the goal of a cold call /
email. The goal of a cold call / email is to level the playing field and give you the opportunity to interview. These
wont help you if you haven't done your homework or built a skill set that will stand out among your peers. There
is no substitute for hard work.
However, if you have done your homework and built a skill set that can add value, you can have the opportunity
to work with the best players in your given industry. Opportunity is everything.

All Things Cold 9

About the Author

Carl Schlotman IV was born and

raised in Cincinnati, Ohio. Carl
has done 6 internships in his
collegiate career with world-class
financial institutions such as: Bank
of America Merrill Lynch and
Goldman Sachs. After gaining
experience with his internships
and accepting a full time offer with
Wells Fargo upon graduation, he
is looking to give back to younger
students. Carl has written the
internship best selling book:
C a s h i n Yo u r D i p l o m a .

Carl has spoken at several

universities around the country to
share his strategies and tactics for
getting the job you want, in the
field of your choice, making the
salary that you desire. The
concepts laid out in Cash in Your
Diploma have helped students
attain positions with: Northwestern
Mutual, Wells Fargo, Microsoft,
The United States Government,
Morgan Stanley, entrepreneurial
startups, and many others. This
book will guide you in getting the
internship or job that you want.

All Things Cold 10

92% of transactions occur over the phone Salesforce

Always leave a message

Stand out from the crowd by trying strategies that you

peers wont

80% of success occurs after the 5th call

Dont be discouraged by your first few attempts, you will

get better

Getting the right internship can change your life

All Things Cold 11

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