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August 2010

Volume 5 #8
Wading River Baptist Church
P.O. Box 438, 1635 Wading River-Manorville Road, Wading River, NY 11792
(631) 929-3512; 929-6022

Antichrist and His Kingdom

Part 2: The Rise of His Kingdom: Babylon the Great
In the first article in this series, we ex- believers who make up the church. Once wondered greatly. And the angel said to
plored what the Bible says about Anti- the church is caught up to be with the Lord me, ‘Why do you wonder? I will tell you
christ’s identity. This world dictator, who (1 Thess 4:13-18; 1 Cor 15:51-52), Anti- the mystery of the woman and of the beast
will dominate the cataclysmic time of christ’s identity is revealed, he consolidates that carries her, which has the seven heads
judgment Scripture refers to as the “Tribu- his power through his use of deception and and the ten horns. The beast that you saw
lation,” will possess unprecedented power false miracles, and begins his reign of ter- was, and is not, and is about to come up
given to him directly by Satan himself. ror—a reign which will be brought to an out of the abyss and go to destruction.
With this power, he will subjugate all other end when the Lord Jesus himself destroys And those who dwell on the earth, whose
world leaders, and will oppose Israel, the him at His return to inaugurate His Messi- name has not been written in the book of
Jewish people, and above all, the Lord Je- anic kingdom. life from the foundation of the world, will
sus Christ, earth’s coming King of kings From where does Antichrist come? To wonder when they see the beast, that he
and Lord of lords. answer this, we must return to Revelation was and is not and will come’” (Rev 17:1-
As Christians, we need to be clear that 12:3 and 13:1. When he emerges out of the 8).
his identity will not be known until the sea, the beast (Antichrist) is portrayed as Throughout the centuries, there has
church is removed from the earth in what having seven heads and ten horns, just as been a great deal of confused thinking
we refer to as the Rapture. What the Apos- the dragon had. On each of the horns there about this passage, confusion that results
tle Paul calls “the mystery of lawlessness” is is a royal crown and on each of the heads from an allegorical interpretation. Preci-
already at work, and has been throughout there are slanderous names. In order to sion and accuracy, however, demand a
this age of God’s grace, or church age (2 probe this imagery more fully, we must literal-historical-grammatical approach to
Thess 2:7). However, the “man of lawless- also refer to Revelation 17, and the infa- the text. Thus, it is critical to note that this
ness”—Antichrist himself—will not be re- mous vision of Babylon, the Great Harlot. revelation concerns Babylon. There is no
vealed until after the church is removed. “Then one of the seven angels who reason to interpret this name as being any-
Here is the way the Apostle puts it: “. . . had the seven bowls came and spoke with thing other than literal Babylon, rebuilt on
only he who now restrains will do so until me, saying, ‘Come here, I will show you the plains of Shinar in modern-day Iraq,
he is taken out of the way. Then that law- the judgment of the great harlot who sits and which Scripture indicates will be the
less one will be revealed whom the Lord on many waters, with whom the kings of capital city of Antichrist’s kingdom (Jer 50-
will slay with the breath of His mouth and the earth committed acts of immorality, 51; Zech 5:5-11; Rev 18). This harlot is sit-
bring to an end by the appearance of His and those who dwell on the earth were ting on “many waters,” which the angel
coming; that is, the one whose coming is in made drunk with the wine of her immoral- informs John symbolize “peoples and mul-
accord with the activity of Satan, with all ity.’ And he carried me away in the Spirit titudes and nations and tongues” (v. 15).
power and signs and false wonders, and into a wilderness; and I saw a woman Babylon is represented as a great harlot
with all the deception of wickedness for sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphe- continued on page 2
those who perish, because they did not mous names, having seven heads and ten
receive the love of the truth so as to be horns. The woman was clothed in purple
saved” (vv. 7b-10). and scarlet, and adorned with gold and
This passage gives us a very brief precious stones and pearls, having in her
chronology of the Tribulation. It tells us hand a gold cup full of abominations and
that the power which is restraining the full of the unclean things of her immorality,
manifestation of evil in the world must be and upon her forehead a name was writ-
removed before Antichrist is revealed. ten, a mystery, ‘BABYLON THE GREAT,
That power can be none other than the THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF
Holy Spirit, and He cannot be removed THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.’
from the earth without the removal of U. S. helicopters fly over the walls of
“And I saw the woman drunk with the
those whom He indwells, namely the modern Babylon, built by
blood of the saints, and with the blood of Saddam Hussein.
members of the body of Christ, all of those the witnesses of Jesus. When I saw her, I
continued from page 1
with whom the kings of the earth commit and reflecting the majesty of Nebuchad- Finally, Antichrist is described as “the
prostitution (see 18:3, 9), again a figurative nezzar at the pinnacle of his power in the beast that you saw [and] was, and is not,
way of indicating that there will be political ancient Babylonian Empire. and is about to come up out of the abyss
and economic collusion between the na- Thus, it is incorrect to view this and go to destruction. . . . [H]e was and is
tions comprising the new world order of “mother of harlots” as the Roman Catholic not and will come” (v. 8). To understand
Antichrist’s kingdom. Church or the papacy, as many Protestants this, we must return to chapter 13, where
have done since the time of the Reforma- we learn that Antichrist will suffer a fatal
tion. Furthermore, it is also inaccurate to wound at some point toward the middle of
understand Babylon the Great as “Anti- the Tribulation period (13:3, 12). Although
christ’s religious system” as many evan- he is killed, through the power of Satan and
gelicals, and even many dispensationalists, the instrumentality of the miracle-working
have interpreted it. Babylon is Antichrist’s False Witness (Antichrist’s religious ad-
jewel and the base of his worldwide he- viser), he experiences a resurrection which
gemony, a city enriched through shrewd impresses the entire world (v. 8). Thus, he
political, military, and economic manipula- was (he lived and ruled), he is not (he is
tion. In this sense, the nations of the world killed), and will come (will be resurrected).
Modern Babylon, with Saddam Hussein’s are drunk with the wine of her harlotry. However, when he is resurrected, he
palace prominently visible. comes out of the abyss. The abyss in the
There is, of course, a thoroughly ugly
side of Antichrist’s kingdom, for in John’s New Testament is the place of eternal tor-
That economic collusion is described ment, and a place where the most wicked
vision of the Great Harlot, she is seated on
in greater detail in chapter 18. Once Baby- of angels, those who sinned at the time of
a scarlet beast (representing Antichrist
lon is destroyed, “the merchants of the Noah (Gen 6), have been reserved for judg-
himself) “full of blasphemous names” (v.
earth weep and mourn over her, because ment (2 Pet 2:4; Jd 6; Rev 9:1-11; cf. Lk
3). Thus, Antichrist’s kingdom will be dis-
no one buys their cargoes any more— 8:31). This detail indicates, therefore, that
tinguished by utter impiety, the most se-
cargoes of gold and silver and precious when Antichrist is resurrected, he will be
vere hatred and defiance of God and His
stones and pearls and fine linen and purple indwelt with one or more of the vilest de-
people. There will be no tolerance of the
and silk and scarlet, and every kind of cit- mons ever to oppose God, who will
God of the Bible, of the Lord Jesus Christ,
ron wood and every article of ivory and engineer his unparalleled reign of terror
or of those who love and worship Him.
every article made from very costly wood throughout the Great Tribulation, the final
That is why the harlot is drunk with the
and bronze and iron and marble, and cin- three and one-half years of judgment.
blood of the saints and witnesses of Jesus.
namon and spice and incense and perfume
Clearly, Antichrist, from his capital in Iraq, But we still haven’t answered one criti-
and frankincense and wine and olive oil
directs a worldwide persecution involving cal question: from where does Antichrist
and fine flour and wheat and cattle and
the martyrdom of those saints who publicly actually come? And what about those mys-
sheep, and cargoes of horses and chariots
declare their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ terious seven heads and ten horns (13:1
and slaves and human lives” (Rev 18:11-
(v. 6; 13:7). As the angel informed Daniel, and 17:3)? We will answer this question in
13). It is clear, therefore, that Antichrist
“he will speak out against the Most High the next article in this series.
surrounds himself with the world’s wealth
and wear down the saints of the Highest ⎯ Pastor Ron Glass
in a city of sumptuous splendor drawn
One” (Dan 7:25).
from the wealth of the nations of the world,

Missionaries of the Month – Peter and Bette Verkaik

The Fulani people of West Africa are one of the overflow). in the last few weeks, we need to keep them
the largest nomadic groups in the world. They had an in prayer.
The Fulani are predominantly Muslim and open house af- Malaria is also another concern for
suffer persecution when they come to terwards with prayer. It is a praise that Bette has been
Christ. For Peter and Bette Verkaik, these 60-70 people malaria-free for over 8 months; however,
are the people that they mission to and trickling in all Peter has suffered with it twice over that
with great success. They have two Disciple- day as they time. Pray for good health for both.
ship Training Centers and a Word of Life served them It is important, too, that we keep their
Bible Club ministry with 50 churches run- cake and a staff and workers in prayer as well as those
ning the Bible Club program. Praise God! drink. Praise God! that have come to know the Lord through
On May 23, Earlier in June, the Drama team, their efforts to share the gospel. Keep
2010, Peter Verkaik, headed up by Bob DeVoe, had a great tour praying for them as they print out the New
Bob DeVoe, and near Abuja. It included 12 performances Bible Club materials and the Quiet Time
three Nigerian pas- with over 5,000 total in attendance; 852 Diaries and as they “Nigerianize” them to
tors were ordained salvation decisions and 825 re-dedication make it easier for the Club leaders this fall.
by the Evangelical decisions. Praise God! Please continue to pray that all their
Churches of West We need to keep the Verkaiks in financial needs will be met, especially for
Africa (ECWA) as prayer for there is always a threat of vio- the finances to purchase the truck for
ministers. The ser- lence as there was in Jos last month when a “Born Again to a Living Hope.”
vice was a really big few people were killed in a village outside ⎯ Joan Tyska
celebration and the of Jos. Although it has been peaceful there
church was packed (with tents outside for

Getting Acquainted with Sylvena Ingoglia
In 1927, Calvin Sunday best as they entered in to the God blessed them with three children:
Coolidge was Brigandi’s home that had been trans- Mark Douglas, Cynthia Ann, and Debra
president and formed into a house of worship. They even Marie.
a loaf of bread had a coffee hour after the service supplied In 1954, Sylvena’s father and mother
could be by Sylvena’s mother. To this day, Sylvena made the rounds one Monday morning
bought for continues in the tradition of putting on visiting all the families from the church.
nine cents. your Sunday best as she puts on her Sun- That evening after the prayer meeting at
Charles Lind- day best each Lord’s Day to attend the the church, her father closed the prayer
bergh flew the WRBC⎯always in her best, always looking meeting with prayer and told everyone that
first nonstop like the classy lady that she is. Jesus was coming. It was that night at the
flight from NY young age of 60 that her father went home
By 1946, Sylvena’s father and mother
to Paris in that donated two acres of land as they began to be with the Lord.
year and NBC
planning to build a church. Donations Because of
went on the air as the first ever radio net- came in from eight of the farming families
work. Most interestingly, the first conven- Sylvena’s sewing
attending the services in the Brigandi’s skills, she was able
tion of the Italian Pentecostal Movement home. By 1947, the church was completed
was called in 1927 where the group adopted to work as a seam-
and it was dedicated in February 1947. The stress for 36 years.
articles of faith, which helped unify the dedication ceremony was well attended
movement into a cohesive whole. Eventu- Her first job was in
with visitors from NY, DC, MD, OH and Plainview sewing
ally the name changed and became the PA.
Christian Church of North America. beachwear where she worked for 10 years.
Back then, most of the ser- She then worked at E.LS Mfg in Bayshore
Also in 1927, a layman from the Chris- vice was held in Italian. A for 20 years. Her last employment doing
tian Church of North America came to the alterations at Dance Trends lasted 6 years.
youth group was formed and
home of Frank and Maria Brigandi, farm- met on Friday evenings with a With so much experience, she worked into
ers living in Mullica Hill, NJ. He witnessed a supervisory position.
young man from Camden, NJ
to them and gave them a Bible that brought volunteering to help with the youth. A spe-
them to the Lord. Not only was this a spe- Vince and Sylvena moved to Calverton
cial memory of Sylvena’s is going Christ- 18 years ago and found the WRBC one
cial year for the family in obtaining their mas caroling (by car) on Christmas Eve in
salvation and a new direction in life, it was Easter Sunday and started attending 16
3-4 feet of snow. Sometimes it was 4 or 5 years ago. Now Sylvena, a widow, is faith-
the year a daughter was born to them
miles between farm houses but was so ful to church and likes fellowshipping with
named Sylvena, born on November 23.
worth it when they gathered afterwards in the seniors at the Senior Saints’ luncheons.
Bible studies began once a week in the a home for “goodies” made by the ladies of She has even volunteered one of her special
Brigandi’s home. As Sylvena grew so did the church⎯a very special “Currier & Ives” homemade soups for the luncheon. Years
the Bible studies, increasing to five fami- moment. back she served in the nursery for a couple
lies. By 1933, the group had grown large of years.
It is clear that Sylvena and her siblings
enough to have church services on Satur-
(Carmen, Conjetta, Rose, and Jennie) were She still loves to sew and is quite good
day nights. By the time there were 45
very close to the Lord throughout their at alterations. She also loves getting out-
members, Sylvena’s father became a minis-
childhood. Even though Sylvena only side in her garden; both her beautiful
ter and they continued to meet in their
completed 10th grade, the education she flower garden and her vegetable garden.
home over a period of 19 years. He led the
received at home was priceless and far su- She is a collector of dolls and has her home
Bible study during the week and the Mon-
perior to any she could have received oth- decorated with them. Being a farm girl at
day night prayer meet-
erwise. She not only was nurtured spiritu- heart, she took to collecting pig ornaments
ing for about six years
ally but was taught a skill that allowed her and mementoes.
while Rev. Frank For-
to be employed professionally as a seam-
tonato preached on Without hesitation, Sylvena could be
Saturday night. described as a fine lady, very eloquent, a
In 1946, while Sylvena and her father little bit reserved. As the daughter of a
Services were held on Saturday night
were visiting in Brooklyn, NY at a pastor’s pastor, marrying a nephew of a pastor who
for two reasons. First, Rev. Frank Forto-
home and his church, Sylvena met a young became a pastor himself, she has been
nato preached on Sunday at his church.
man, the pastor’s nephew, Vince Ingoglia. nourished by the Word in all facets of her
Second, because the congregation was
For the next two years, Vince came by train life. She knows and loves the Lord as her
mostly farmers, the farmers’ Saturday
and bus to NJ to see Sylvena almost every favorite Bible verse reflects: for the wages
agenda was less busy due to the market
two weeks. By October of 1947, they were of sin is death, but the free gift of God is
being closed on Sundays.
engaged and by April 24, 1948, Vince and eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Rom
Even though church services were held Sylvena were the first ones to be married in 6:23).
in the home for these 19 years, this col- the new church.
lected community of farmers put on their ⎯ Joan Tyska

News for the Discerning Believer
“Teach me good discernment and knowledge, for I believe in Your commandments” (Psalm 119:66)

Society der to: homosexuals or Muslims. An counter can be seen on YouTube. Despite
editorial in The Washington Times quotes their arrests, the missionaries returned two
“Moral earthquakes, like earth-
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton saying days later, again with video cameras, and
quakes of the geophysical variety,
“Human rights are gay rights, and gay were told they could not hand out their
most often occur suddenly and with-
rights are human rights once and for all.” literature within five blocks of the festival.
out warning” says Dr. Albert Mohler in a
Clinton has pushed the homosexual agenda This video is also posted on YouTube.
recent blog post entitled When Feminism
in the State Department, resulting in the Brayton reports that the missionaries
Kills – Abortion As ‘The Lesser Evil’. “At
Department’s push for foreign govern- are being represented by the Thomas More
one moment, the moral argument is
ments to recognize homosexual unions Law Center, but even the ACLU has
framed in conventional and familiar ways.
abroad. But as the article points out, “the jumped on board saying that “based solely
Just an instant later, all is changed.”
main pushback is coming from the Muslim on the videotape, it appears that the man
Mohler leads us through an article ap- world, where ‘alternative lifestyle’ is just encouraging others to convert to Christian-
pearing in the 7/30/10 edition of The another way of saying blasphemy.” Muslim ity was engaged in speech protected by the
Times (out of London) in which “writer countries following Sharia law often punish First Amendment. The videotape suggests
Antonia Senior acknowledges that an un- homosexual and effeminate activity with that the man who was arrested was not
born child at any stage is a human life. But flogging or death. harassing the people with whom he was
she then proceeds to assert that feminism
“Given the Obama administration's speaking, nor was he inciting a riot; rather,
is more important than life, and that, when
fawning outreach to Muslim majority he was engaged in the type of free exchange
necessary, women must be willing to kill
states, this drive for homosexual equality of ideas about religion that is valued in a
for the feminist cause even as they are will-
seems something of a disconnect. The De- free society. The man’s message may not
ing to die for it.”
mocratic conundrum illustrates an aspect have been popular at this particular festi-
Senior claims that after having experi- of the clash of civilizations Mr. Obama is val, but the Constitution protects unpopu-
enced her pregnancy with her daughter, willfully ignoring. Appeals to liberal West- lar speech as well as popular speech.” (The
she now fully believes that life begins at ern notions of human rights fall on deaf Michigan Messenger 7/22/10)
conception. But she also believes, as Moh- ears with Muslims” reads the editorial. It
ler summarizes, that “when it comes down closes with the obvious: “In the Muslim
to the right of the fetus to live versus the Religion
view, the only legitimate rights are those
right of the mother to abort, the abortion bestowed by Allah, and Mohammed was A fragment of a tablet from a royal
right wins.” He adds, “That statement, pub- not known for his ‘gay-friendly’ attitude. archives dating from the 14th century
lished for all the world to see, perfectly This is one fight in which the State De- B.C. has been uncovered outside of Jeru-
distills the inescapable logic of the abortion partment eventually will make a very dip- salem’s Old City walls. It was found be-
rights argument. It is based on a willing- lomatic retreat.” (The Washington Times neath a 10th century B.C. tower built during
ness to kill — and on the horrifying audac- 7/15/10) the reign of King Solomon. The language
ity to call this killing ‘the lesser evil.’” on the tablet appears to be ancient Ak-
( 7/1/10) “For the second year in a row civil kadian and was likely written by a scribe
libertarians have accused the Dear- who prepared tablets for the royal house-
Augusta State University has ordered born Police Department of violating hold. The fragment stands as proof that
a counseling student to undergo re- the First Amendment by arresting Jerusalem was a major center during that
education to alter her biblically Christian missionaries talking and time period. (ScienceDaily 7/12/10)
based beliefs on homosexuality. A handing out literature to predominately
lawsuit has been filed against the univer- Muslim attendees of the Dearborn Interna- Shamed pastor and former NAE
sity by Alliance Defense Fund on behalf of tional Arab Festival” reports Ed Brayton of president Ted Haggard is back in the
Jennifer Keeton, 24. Keeton, who is in the The Michigan Messenger. “Prior to the pulpit. Haggard was forced to resign as
midst of earning her graduate degree, says event, one Christian ministry filed a federal president of the National Association of
she has “never denigrated anyone in com- lawsuit challenging rules that forbid the Evangelicals (NAE) four years ago amidst a
municating her beliefs but merely stated handing out of literature outside of a des- scandal involving an adulterous homosex-
factually what they were in appropriate ignated area near the entrance of the festi- ual liaison and illegal drug use. In a con-
contexts.” When her professors learned of val after they had encountered problems fessional letter to fellow pastors he referred
her views, they mandated that she “attend with the police in 2009. The district court to his desires as “repulsive and dark” and
‘diversity sensitivity training,’ complete rejected a request for a preliminary injunc- called himself “a deceiver and a liar.” He
additional remedial reading, and write pa- tion against those rules, but the 6th Circuit also signed a contract promising to leave
pers to describe their impact on her beliefs. Court of Appeals reversed and granted a the ministry.
If she does not change her beliefs or agree Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) These days, Haggard claims he “over-
to the plan, the university says it will expel against the enforcement of those rules.” repented.”
her from the Counselor Education Pro-
Acts 17 Apologetics, another ministry, Stephanie Simon of The Wall Street
gram.” ( 7/22/10)
stood outside of the Michigan festival Journal reports that Haggard has been
peacefully witnessing to people. All four holding worship services in his backyard
Government members were arrested; two were handing barn. "‘Tiger Woods needs to golf. Michael
The Obama Administration will soon out literature and speaking with people and Vick needs to be playing football,’ Mr.
need to decide which group to pan- two were videotaping. Videos of the en- Haggard said as his new congregation
continued on page 5
continued from page 4
joined him and Gayle in their backyard for his sorrow and shame, he accepted too Haggard claims he started his new church
a post-worship picnic. Little kids, shriek- much guilt after the scandal broke.” as an act of “humble repentance” because it
ing with joy, splashed in the pool. Men “He portrays his encounter with the “forces him continually to confront his sin”
grilled burgers. Women set out chicken prostitute as a massage that went awry and whereas he feels moving to another state
salad.” said he doesn't have same-sex attractions. and taking a secular job would have been
"‘Ted Haggard,’ Mr. Haggard said, He dismisses as a ‘witch hunt’ the findings easier. Haggard goes on in the article to
‘needs to be leading a church.’" of his former church that he engaged in a brag that he “cusses” now and that people
pattern of misconduct, including sordid feel more comfortable around him these
According to Simon, Haggard main- days now that he is no longer “respectable.”
tains that while he acknowledges “grave talk and inappropriate relationships. (He
said his only fault was cracking a few crude (The Wall Street Journal 7/24/10)
lapses of judgment” in the episode he re-
fers to as "my crisis" he also claims “that in jokes.)” ⎯ Laura Kelleher

Roads to Hell Come Out of Big Government

Virtue can be judged by how people treat throughout most of their history. If they ernment as the be all and end all; an entity
words. People of honor hold fast to mean- had been seeking the truth, they would unto itself. They can't have a majority of
ings of words even when they miscalculate have had to suppress their false notions people believe that their fluid view of our
what is required under them or when it that their Messiah was to deliver them law has in effect nullified it out of exis-
harms their cause. Dishonorable people from the Romans. Instead of being care- tence. According to them, we the people
tend to hold rigid or fluid meanings to suit takers of God's law and handing over the are not supposed to discriminate or think
their interests. In other words, when an- reigns to their promised King, the Jewish for ourselves by recognizing what is truly
other person does not hold up their end of leaders arrogantly sought to suppress Him around us. We ought to first filter every-
a bargain with him, he will adamantly de- by putting Him on trial lawlessly so they thing through the propaganda that they
mand justice with a strict construction of could maintain their power. In their law- dish out. They want to do all of our think-
the agreement. However, when he is defi- lessness, Christ had to subject Himself to ing for us. We are not supposed to bring to
cient in his end of a bargain or wants some- their false ideas rather than fulfill the law if light the abuses brought on by our gov-
thing that goes against an agreement, he He wanted to be deemed their Messiah! ernment. People who do the best job at
will try to change the meanings of the The early American distrust of gov- this against corrupt governments have
words. Those who successfully “revise” ernment officials should be evident to all been labeled enemies of the state and have
things in this manner prove themselves to who study United States history and its been murdered throughout history.
be thieves because this cheats people out of Constitution. It was commonly understood Early Americans understood property
what was theirs. I will expand this fact in that Federal government officials were to and personal responsibility because they
order to show that arrogant centralized be stewards of our Constitution and not to did not have “safety nets” like we do today.
authority serves as a confusion mechanism have authority in and of themselves. The They themselves mostly bore the burden of
which leads people away from God. main reason we were given three branches their vices and reaped the reward for their
The nation of Israel was established as of government is so a branch could be sup- industriousness and frugality. A lot of
a theocracy when one man, Abraham, be- pressed if they violated the constitution. them understood that the only way their
lieved God, and the theocracy (rule by God) State governments were represented in the government could receive more power is
was passed on to his descendants through Senate and there was a doctrine called for it to be taken away from them.
inheritance. This seems more legitimate nullification if that all wasn't enough. This Many people currently do not under-
than God assembling people and having was supposed to protect people from gov- stand property and responsibility. Today,
them vote 53 to 47 percent to have Him ernment abuses. In short, the government our politicians try to deny the laws of scar-
rule over them. Many Old Testament laws was to protect its citizens from invasion city and to obtain increased power through
concerned individuals and private property and to be a referee between parties under ruses. Our Federal Government gives fiat
rights. Could one of the reasons God insti- its jurisdiction. That changed quickly money, social security, insurances, bail-
tuted Jubilee (Leviticus 25)⎯where prop- when the Supreme Court declared that it outs, welfare, unemployment, and other
erty reverted back to the family that origi- had the final authority on interpreting unconstitutional “benefits” which shield
nally owned it⎯be that He wanted the what was constitutional and was not seri- people from reality and transfer wealth
power that came with owning property ously challenged. Today, although we are unjustly. Even if we consider social secu-
vested in the many rather than the few? supposedly still under the constitution rity as something that is paid into, we have
Did God oppose Israel having a king like which limits federal power, it is the federal to realize that the money has already been
the pagan nations had (1st Samuel 8) be- government officials who get to decide spent (stolen) and the program simply
cause He thought centralized power vested when those powers have been violated. It takes money from working people and
in fallen men to be an evil? seems that our government does every- gives it to the retired. These things enable
thing except what was delegated to it in the people to transfer their shortcomings to the
In the 119th Psalm, David equates
constitution. “system” and delay thinking about the con-
God's law as His Word and as truth. We
know that Israel generally hated and re- Our current government evangelists sequences until the whole thing falls apart.
belled against the law throughout its his- preach that our constitution must be a “liv- If sin is debt owed to God for damag-
tory. When God's begotten Word became ing, breathing document” to allow more ing what is His, discussing the need for
flesh (John 1:14), nothing changed. The “good” to take place on behalf of the peo- salvation in private property and personal
Israelites, led by the elite of their day, con- ple. The amendment process is too taxing responsibility terms would seem to be ap-
tinued to hate God's Son just like they had for them. Generally, they conceive of gov- propriate. These concepts are getting more
continued on page 6
continued from page 5
difficult to grasp for some because they amples of law being turned on its head in “Do not be deceived, God is not
believe governments when they declare arrogance. I believe that many people need mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he
there is no such thing as personal respon- to be brought out of the deceptions and will also reap” (Gal 6:7).
sibility (except maybe for our duties to cocoons of the government road in order ⎯ Carl Chapman
government) and seek to change the mean- for them to understand their need for sal-
ing of words to suit their purposes. Both vation.
Israel and our country should serve as ex-

July in Review
There were lots of BBQ’s, family reunions, gift certificate to use for their new baby boy
and fireworks, but for the WRBC it was a due August 28th. Future big brother, Luke
time to stop and remember the Fourth of (in picture), is quite excited about the arri-
July with a passion of understanding in val of the new baby and will be attending a
how blessed the WRBC is in the freedom to class at the hospital in how to hold an in-
fill the calendar with so many events. fant. Awesome!
First on the July calendar was A
Summer Hymn Sing in place of the normal
Lord’s Day service on July 11, 2010. It was
a celebration of evangelicalism’s great mu-
sical heritage. Marie Caputo and Sarah God through the VBS program High Seas
Piraino were at the piano, George Ehmann Expedition. Sarah Piraino along with a
at the organ, Carl Chapman on trumpet, crew of young women from the church ex-
and Shannon and Linea Piraino on the pedited this program, overlapping into the
violins. Over two dozen hymns were sung soccer program a wee bit for the wee ones.
by the congregation and the choral ensem- Water/snack breaks were provided by
ble featuring musical solos by Kevin volunteers (in picture below) who kept the
In anticipation of the baptismal ser-
Kenter, Nora Faustinorio, and Stephen young campers energized and hydrated.
vice held on August 1st, Deborah Bristoll;
Heuzey. The ministry in music featured The attempt to provide a totally healthy
Stephen Heuzey; Sarah, Linea, and John
great hymns of faith, worship, praise and menu was overridden by the popularity of
Moses Piraino; and Dennis Tyska met with
devotion. the all-American cookie – the Oreo! (Many
Pastor Glass on July 25th to prepare for
July 12-16 was the High Power VBS thanks for the overwhelming support and
believer’s baptism. Testimonies were
Soccer Camp with 67 youngsters attending donations of the Oreo!)
shared in how they each came to know the
from ages 3 to 12. Maureen Glass, together Sadly, the soccer camp came to an end Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior
with Vic (in picture) and Cathy Perez but not until parents and campers came as Pastor Glass explained the biblical
planned and ran a 5-day program that together for an ice cream social. Scripture meaning of and reasons for baptism.
brought together memory awards were given out, Peter
During the service on August 1st, the
God’s Word on Albrecht delivered a spiritual message, and
ordinance of baptism allowed Deborah,
the playing field mementoes and a picture magnet of their
Stephen, Sarah, Linea, John Moses, and
and in the class- group were given to each camper.
Dennis to offer their testimonies as an
room. Vic and
outward symbol of an inward grace. By
Cathy run a
this public expression, it symbolized their
*Christian soccer
union with the Lord Jesus and their be-
league and thus
longing to the body of Christ, the church.
they were natu-
At the conclusion of the service, they were
rals in their lead-
all given the hand of fellowship and were
ership on the
greeted individually at the coffee hour in
soccer field.
the Fellowship Hall. It was a time of good
Maureen Glass led a Bible study each fellowship and joyous praise.
day using not only her knowledge but her
*The Christian soccer league referred to in
wonderful skill in acting to impress on the On July 18th, following the morning’s
this article is the Christian Youth Soccer
children each of the lessons. As each Bible service, everyone was
League (CYSL) serving the Christian com-
student entered her decorated classroom it invited downstairs to
munity, conducting sessions during the fall
was like stepping back in time 4000 years the Fellowship Hall for
and spring. They practice on Thursdays
with the décor of that period; Maureen’s coffee hour and for a
and play the games on Saturdays at the
attire straight out of Biblical description, time of fellowshipping.
Calvary Baptist Church, 324 Jayne Blvd.,
and her spoken word scripted from the Special guests of
Port Jefferson Station. Tel: (631) 849-4613;
Bible story being studied. honor were Tom and or
Not following the soccer theme, the 3- Laura Kelleher as they
contact via e-mail
and 4-year-olds explored the mighty love of were presented with a
⎯ Joan Tyska

August Bible Quiz Questions July Bible Quiz Answers
1) Hananiah was cast into the lion’s den. True or false? 1) The angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26-33).
2) The given names of Daniel’s three friends were changed to 2) Isaiah (Isaiah 6:8).
Shadrach, Mishael, and Abednego. True or false?
3) Nathanael (John 21:2).
3) What did the children of Israel give Joshua the son of Nun
4) At a wedding in Cana of Galilee (John 2:3-10).
as an inheritance?
5) At Cana of Galilee (John 4:46-54).
4) Which apostle exhorts his readers to be doers of the word
and not hearers only? Bonus: Soteriology.

5) What did Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, change

Mattaniah’s name to? The Birthday Corner
August 6th – Ray Fitzgerald
Bonus: Are the words of Jesus, “It is more blessed to give August 6th – Doris Healy
than to receive,” recorded in the Gospels? If not, where? August 13th – Marlene Drummond
August 18th – Felix Acerra
August 18th – Marcelle Ritzmann
Submit the answers and Bible reference to: August 19th – Steve Valentine
The answers for this month’s quiz will be announced in August 20th – Dino Volano
the next newsletter! August 21st – Florence Acerra
August 24th – Chris Glass
August 26th – Sarah Chapman
The Anniversary Corner
August 6th – Steve & Vicki Valentine
August 15th – Bob & Sue Hart
August 19th – Wally & Lisa Coleman
August 2010 August 24th – Kevin & Aneta Kenter

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 9:45 AM Sunday 2 3 4 8:00 AM Ladies Prayer 5 6 7
School–“God’s Universe” – Joan Tyska (727-5998)
(Dr. Vic Bellard) 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
11:00 AM Morning and Exposition of Psalms
Worship⎯Baptismal and
Communion Service

8 9:45 AM 9 10 7:00 PM 11 8:00 AM 12 13 14

Sunday School Board of Ladies Prayer
11:00 AM Morning Deacons 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Worship Service Meeting and Exposition of Psalms

15 9:45 AM 16 17 18 8:00 AM 19 20 21
Sunday School Ladies Prayer
11:00 AM Morning 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Worship Service

22 9:45 AM 23 24 25 8:00 AM 26 27 28
Sunday School Ladies Prayer
11:00 AM Morning 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting
Worship Service
Annual WRBC Picnic

29 9:45 AM 30 31
Sunday School
11:00 AM Morning
Worship Service

PO Box 438
Wading River, NY 11792

Wading River Baptist Church Our Purpose

1. To glorify God through sharing
the good news of salvation by God’s
sovereign grace through faith in His
Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. To nurture believers through a

strong program of Christian educa-
tion, youth ministries, and expository
Biblical preaching.

3. To provide an opportunity for

Biblical worship, service, and fellow-

4. To extend our ministry through-

out America and around the world
• For the Exaltation of God in All Things through participation in home and
• For the Proclamation of Faith in Christ foreign missions.
• For the Transformation of God’s People WRBC is affiliated with the Conserva-
tive Baptist Association of America
and the Conservative Baptist Mission
to the Northeast.

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