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Your name: Kristina Tio

Your classroom (Provide a brief description of your classroom/grade/subject/specialization, etc):

Since I am focusing on Early Childhood Education, I am going to set my classroom with 2 years old who
come from diverse family background, which would mean home languages may vary for some children.
Subjects would vary from Mathematics to Arts.

Based on the chart on p. 52 of this weeks article, complete the chart below to provide
specific examples of how you would encourage CT and problem solving in your
classroom. For those of you teaching secondary, you may pick one subject in particular.
For those of you teaching elementary, your examples can range from general practices
in your class to specific assignments or activities.

CT Principle How you would define it How would it manifest in your

(in your own words) class (give an example)

Data Collection Identify and record important In a cognitive activity, a child

variables in a pool of would be able to write the
information. number of each colors of the
pom-poms in a bowl.

Data Analysis Analyze the recorded variables Leading from the previous play,
and draw out some objective the child can compare the
description from it. amount of pom-poms based on
its color.

Data Representation Use visuals or graphic From the pom-poms activity,

organizers to represent the children can make a bar graph
recorded variables. in showing how many pom-poms
there are based on its color.
Problem Decomposition Label or group the variables with In a Science subject, student
theories and concepts. can classify the animal toys
based on its animal diet
(carnivores, herbivores and

Abstraction Apply theories and concepts for In a Science subject, children

problem-solving. can infer what would happen if a
plant doesnt get enough

Algorithms and Procedures Deduce a task into a step-by- In the block area, children are
step method to show how to do given a picture of a structure
it from the beginning until the and they need to think on how to
end. construct the structure by just
looking at it.

Automation Able to use a technological After building the structure,

device. children are given the
opportunity to take a picture with
the Teachers iPad.

Parallelization Perform a task that requires In a cognitive activity, children

some repetition that may involve can play a coding story. It is an
different parameters. activity where there would be a
9x9 block and the children would
need to move an object from
one side of the block into the
other side without hitting an
obstacle. Children would be able
to move the spider by putting a
directional arrow to command
the object on where to go. After
the children succeed, the
teacher can modify the blocks by
moving the obstacles and the
children would repeat and solve
the task with a different situation.

Simulation Display a theory or a concept Children would pretend-play an

with a visual representation that occupational situation such as
involves different variables or firefighters and police-officers.

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