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To investigate the relationship between packaging FUNCTION OF ELEMENTS As shown by the data, the coconut fibre was used as cushion wrapper in this project because it
material sand the condition of fragile product after
is odourless, easy to obtain, reusable and eco-friendly. This is the best packaging material
being dropped. Straws are designed as an impact absorber because it has a high cushioning level. In big scale packages
surrounding the cushion Lander to avoid
internal damage to the fragile products.
The potential energy was directly related to the damage to the egg. When the mass or height
HYPHOTHESIS Plastic mounting board is made into a box to
of an object increases, the impact will increase. It is correlated with the damage formed on the
place the fragile product. It is very flexible. It
object. The damage minimized with the help of impact absorber which absorbs the force of the
can float on water.
object dropped. The egg is protected with minor damage., an object with minimum movement
Impact of the Cushion Lander will be more when Coconut fibres are placed inside the box as
will incur less damage. So, cushioning is very important
a cushioning effect compared to other
the potential energy increases.
packaging materials.
Impact absorber will protect the material by Coconut fibres are eco-friendly. They do not There are several possible errors with the experiment. The damage varied depending on the
minimizing the effect. harm the environment. It is also amount of each packing material we used. Since we used sparing amounts of coconut fibre, this
biodegradable. It is a natural raw material. would have affected the amount of damage to the egg. The angle at which the weighing object
Cushion Lander which contains an impact
hit the material may have varied from trial and this would have affected the damage to the egg
absorber and coconut fibre as cushioning wrap too.
effectively and cheaply package fragile object
The Cushion Lander can float on water since the material used is light. It is also water resistant
so it protects the object from being damage by water.
Light weight packaging materials.
Avoid the fragile products from being
INTRODUCTION destroyed upon impact.
Presents a better cushioning wrap. CONCLUSION
Cost saving equipment.
This project is studying the effectiveness of Cushion Can float on water
Lander, a packaging material developed to protect fragile Can be used during disaster like flood, war
When the potential energy increases, the damage of an object will increase.
and time of trouble.
objects. During the recent flood in Malaysia, rescuers faced The impact absorber will minimize the damage of an object.
Can deliver essentials supplies such as water,
huge difficulties to deliver essential supplies to victims. food and medicine. Cushion Lander is the best packaging materials which comes together with coconut
Therefore, Cushion Lander is invented to help deliver fibre cushioning wrap.
supplies more effectively. Companies can use this
information when shipping fragile objects, to select
packaging materials, and to engineer new ones. RESULT

Elastic versus plastic behavior. (2008-2011). Retrieved July 15, 2015, from
Fackler, A. (2011, September 16). Gadget guardians: Inside the secret science of packing
material. Retrieved from
What is potential energy. (n.d.). Retrieved from Thomas Jefferson High School website:

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