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According to Evans (n.d.), cavitation is a common phenomenon especially in pump when

pressure falls below the vapor pressure of water in the pumps suction where vapor pressure
is the pressure required to keep the water in the liquid state at the given temperature. Our
main objective of this experiment is to utilize the venture meter and investigate the cavitation
occurrence, measure the cavitation pressure as well as coefficient of venture meter by
manipulated the flowrate. This cavitation phenomenon is analogical to the actual cavitation
happens within pipes and pumps during transportation of fluids.
In our experiment, firstly, as water flowrate increase, the pressure inlet, P1 increase drastically
and lead to the rise of temperature water. This is to prove our experiment obey the Bernoulli
equation. Moreover, when water flowrate increase, the noise produced due to explosion of
vapor bubbles from cavitation increase. At the same time, the temperature of water also
experiences a minimal rise in temperature. This all contributes to the energy loss, grouping
into the term: friction loss, F. In addition, more cavitation will form due to high pressure drop
which difference in the pressure between P1 and P2 is high.
Lastly, since cavitation is the happenings of rupture of liquids and effects connected with
motion of cavities (Lauterborn & Ohl, 1996), its a highly prominent phenomenon that
frequently happen in the pumps. So, as chemical engineers, we need to understand the
mechanism and concept and effectively deal this since cavitation can damage the internal
parts of pump as well as decrease the overall performance of the equipment.

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