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Remote Sensing of Environment 168 (2015) 265275

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Active tectonics of western Potwar PlateauSalt Range, northern Pakistan

from InSAR observations and seismic imaging
Ismail Ahmad Abir a,, Shuhab D. Khan a, Abduwasit Ghulam b, Shahina Tariq c, Mohammad Tahir Shah d
Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Houston, TX 77204, USA
Center for Sustainability, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, MO 63108, USA
Department of Meteorology, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan
National Center of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, Peshawar, Pakistan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The foreland fold-and-thrust belt of northern Pakistan is located at the western end of the Himalayan arc, where
Received 18 February 2015 salt tectonics is responsible for structural styles, hydrocarbon source areas and seismicity. Three sub-regions of
Received in revised form 6 July 2015 fold-and-thrust belt are the Potwar PlateauSalt Range, Kohat PlateauSurghar Range and the Bannu Basin
Accepted 15 July 2015
Khisor Range. The difference in deformation intensity between these regions is mainly attributed to the presence,
Available online xxxx
or absence, of an Infra-Cambrian salt layer. This study investigates the active tectonics of the Potwar Plateau and
Salt Range region, emphasizing the role of salt, using the Small Baseline Subset Interferometry (SBAS) technique
InSAR and 2-D seismic interpretations. Ten PALSAR images and four seismic proles from western Potwar PlateauSalt
SBAS Range region were used. SBAS results, derived from PALSAR images spanning from 2007 to 2010, suggest that the
Active tectonic Potwar PlateauSalt Range is active with the western portion of the region experiencing an uplift at an average
Seismic rate of around 10 mm/year. Two uplift anomalies were observed, which were interpreted as zones of
Transpression transpression and salt diapirism. Time-migrated seismic proles show that the salt layer acts as a detachment.
Salt diapirism Our results show that salt has different roles in different regions of the fold-and-thrust belt; in the Potwar Plateau
region the salt layer acts as a detachment, while in Salt Range salt ow-induced structures are prominent. The
integration of SBAS and 2D seismic interpretation reveals that the deformation of western Potwar PlateauSalt
Range is inuenced by two main faults, the dextral Kalabagh fault and the Main Frontal Thrust. Finally, this
work was compared to the Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt in western China due to their structural similarities.
2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and tectonic setting These thrust faults separate the Himalayan orogeny into structurally
and geologically distinct blocks (Hodges, 2000; Molnar, 1984; Moores
The collision of India with Eurasia resulted in crustal deformation & Twiss, 1995; Yin & Harrison, 2000). Located between the Main Bound-
along an arc-shaped convergence zone: the HimalayanTibetan oroge- ary Thrust and the Main Frontal thrust is the foreland fold-and-thrust
ny (Hodges, 2000; Molnar, 1984; Yin & Harrison, 2000). Currently, the belt, which is a common feature of orogenic belts (Fig. 1). Since fold-
Indian plate slides northward into the Eurasian plate at an estimated and-thrust belts are located far from the center of orogenic belts, they
rate of 45 mm/year and this leads to a tectonically active region, tend to experience most of the current deformation (Dahlen & Suppe,
which has suffered several devastating earthquakes (Bilham, 2006) 1988; Dahlen, Suppe, & Davis, 1984; Moores & Twiss, 1995). Focal
(Fig. 1). An earthquake (7.9 magnitude) occurred in the northwestern mechanisms along the Main Frontal Thrust show that active compres-
Himalayas near Muzafarabad, Pakistan on October 8, 2005 claiming sions are occurring along this fault (Fig. 1). Some focal mechanisms
the lives of around 86,000 people (Peiris, Rossetto, Burton, & also show minor oblique slip component.
Mahmood, 2006; USGS) (Fig. 1). Furthermore, this convergence gener- Located at the western edge of the Himalayan arc is the foreland
ated a southward progression of large north-dipping thrusts to accom- fold-and-thrust belt of northern Pakistan (Fig. 1). They have unique
modate crustal thickening/shortening; from north to south, the Main landforms where regions of relatively at topography, referred to basins
Karakorum Thrust (MKT), Main Mantle Thrust (MMT), Main Boundary or plateaus, are followed by relatively elevated regions to the south, re-
Thrust (MBT) and Main Frontal Thrust (MFT) (Banerjee & Brgmann, ferred to as ranges. The basins are lled with Miocene to recent molasse
2002; Butler, Prior, & Knipe, 1989; Sella, Dixon, & Mao, 2002) (Fig. 1). sediments originating from the Himalayan orogeny, while the ranges
expose older sedimentary layers that have been thrusted over younger
Corresponding author at: 312 Science and Research Building, University of Houston,
layers. The fold-and-thrust belt of northern Pakistan consists of three
TX 77004, USA. main regions: the Potwar PlateauSalt Range, Kohat PlateauSurghar
E-mail address: (I. Ahmad Abir). Range and Bannu BasinKhisor Range (Fig. 1). The study area covers
0034-4257/ 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
266 I. Ahmad Abir et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 168 (2015) 265275

Fig. 1. Map of the study area in northern Pakistan. The Chaman Fault marks the western boundary of the Himalayas. KF: Kalabagh Fault, JF: Jhelum Fault, PBF: PezuBhittani Fault, MMT:
Main Mantle Thrust, MKT: Main Karakorum Thrust, MBT: Main Boundary Thrust, MFT: Main Frontal Thrust (Modied from Ali, 2010; Pivnik, 1992; Ul-Hadi, Khan, Owen, & Khan, 2012).
The yellow rectangle is the location of the ALOS PALSAR scenes that were used in InSAR processing. Black and white lines are 2D seismic lines that were interpreted [Lines 14 are shown in
Fig. 4AD]. The map also shows the distribution of earthquakes (red circles) in the study area. Focal mechanisms along the MFT and the Kashmir region show active compressional de-
formation with a slight oblique slip component (Dziewonski, Chou, & Woodhouse, 1981; Ekstrm & Nettles, 1997; Ekstrm, Nettles, & Dziewonski, 2012). Sargodha High is a basement
uplift located to the south of the fold-and-thrust belt. The arrow (inset) shows the current estimated movement of the Indian plate (Bilham, 2006). The location of Fig. 3 is indicated
by the red box. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

western Potwar PlateauSalt Range, which is an area that is experienc- overburden slides effectively along the sole thrust without signicant
ing transpressional deformation due to the relative motion of dextral resistance (Davis & Engelder, 1985). Another important feature of salt
Kalabagh fault and the Main Frontal Thrust. The Kalabagh fault delin- is the presence of salt mines along the southern boundary of the Salt
eates the western limit of the Potwar Plateau and is an important aspect Range, delineated by the Main Frontal Thrust, which may be related to
to active tectonics in this region (Fig. 1). Recent geodetic studies have salt tectonics.
suggested that the Kalabagh fault is still active, with an average slip This observation shows the importance of the salt layer in studying
rate of around 5.3 mm/year (Chen & Khan, 2010; Jouanne et al., 2014). the complex, thin-skinned deformation of this region (Chapple, 1978;
Moreover, a GPS study indicates that the Potwar Plateau is moving Jaume & Lillie, 1988). In order to fully understand how the fold-and-
southward at rate of 5 mm/year (Jouanne et al., 2014). thrust belt of northern Pakistan deforms, the regional faults and the
The fold-and-thrust belt of Potwar PlateauSalt Range is underlain local lithological variability, such as salt and overburden thickness, must
by thick salt and is bounded to the east by the sinistral Jhelum fault be taken into account. Previous models explaining the deformation of
(Butler, Coward, Harwood, & Knipe, 1987; Jaume & Lillie, 1988). The this region have been mainly based on geological eld works, seismic
Kalabagh and Jhelum faults are believed to be related to the fact that proles and well data (Cotton & Koyi, 2000; Jadoon et al., 2014; Jaume
thick salt is present in the Potwar PlateauSalt Range and absent or thin- & Lillie, 1988; Khan et al., 2012; Yeats et al., 1984). A recent approach in
ning to the east of the Jhelum fault and west of the Kalabagh fault (Davis studying the Kohat Plateau by Satyabala, Yang, and Bilham (2012)
& Engelder, 1985; Sarwar & De Jong, 1979; Seeber, Armbruster, & using Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) gives new insight
Quittmeyer, 1981) (Fig. 1). Fig. 1 shows that the Potwar Plateau is trans- into how fold-and-thrust belts currently deform. Similarly, this work uti-
lated more southwardly than the adjacent Kohat Plateau, with the lizes InSAR in order to better understand the current deformation pattern
Kohat Plateau experiencing relatively higher deformation. The differ- of western Potwar PlateauSalt Range and the Kalabagh fault.
ence in structural styles and deformation intensities between them is This work focuses on the active tectonics of western Potwar Plateau
mainly attributed to the nature of their respective detachment layers and Salt Range, with emphasis in the identication of actively
(Cotton & Koyi, 2000; Jaume & Lillie, 1988; Khan, Chen, Ahmad, deforming structures. Two methods were used in this study: SBAS
Ahmad, & Ali, 2012; Yeats, Khan, & Akhtar, 1984). The detachment (Small BAseline Subset), an InSAR processing technique and 2D seismic
layer for the Potwar Plateau is at the level of a weak Infra-Cambrian interpretation. SBAS was used to map the surface deformation of the
salt layer, the Salt Range formation. Due to the weak nature of the southwestern region of the Potwar PlateauSalt Range from 2007 to
detachment's lithology, which resulted in its low shear stress, the 2010. Results show that the Salt Range underwent uplift up to 15
I. Ahmad Abir et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 168 (2015) 265275 267

mm/year. 2D seismic sections and published well data give a clear pic-
ture of the subsurface structures of the Salt Range formation. This
work provides a clear evidence for active transpressional deformation
and salt diapirism at the western Salt Range. Furthermore, the presence
of salt in this region affects the deformation of Potwar Plateau and the
Salt Range differently. In the Potwar Plateau, the salt acts as the detach-
ment layer, while salt diapirism is prominent in the Salt Range.

2. Methodology

2.1. SBAS (Small Baseline Subset) InSAR data processing

InSAR is a powerful tool in detecting crustal deformation and move-

ments of salt structures over a large spatial area with centimeters to mil-
limeters accuracy (Berardino, Fornaro, Lanari, & Sansosti, 2002; Lanari
et al., 2007; Massonnet et al., 1993). In contrast to point-based GPS stud-
ies, InSAR provides spatial and temporal deformation patterns, which
can be used to identify large-scale active features. For example, it has Fig. 2. Normal baselines used for SBAS processing at western Potwar Plateau and Salt
Range. Green diamonds represent valid interferogram pairs, while the yellow diamonds
been used to map and model a salt dome in Iran (Aftabi, Roustaie, refer to the SBAS master image (May 27th, 2008). Final displacement was estimated
Alsop, & Talbot, 2010), and the displacement of the Kalabagh fault be- with respect to the rst acquisition date (January 7th, 2007), to which a null displacement
tween the Potwar PlateauSalt Range and the Kohat PlateauSurghar was assigned. (For interpretation of the references to color in this gure legend, the reader
Range systems (Chen & Khan, 2010). One of the common approaches is referred to the web version of this article.)
in detecting slow deformation is the Small Baseline Subset Interferome-
try (SBAS) (Berardino et al., 2002; Lanari et al., 2007), which derives in- Phase contributions due to the earth's topography from the interfer-
cremental displacements by inversion of temporal phase proles ograms were removed during the attening step using the simulated
effectively reducing atmospheric effects, topographic uncertainties phase corresponding to the reference DEM at the SAR imaging geome-
and/or orbital errors. SBAS technique has been successfully used to try. Residual phase ramps due to imprecise orbit knowledge was esti-
study deformation trends of calderas and major cities, such as Phoenix, mated and removed using a best tting linear phase ramp of reference
USA, Houston, USA and Nanjing, China (Berardino et al., 2002; Casu, points determined along orbital fringes. A combination of minimum
Buckley, Manzo, Pepe, & Lanari, 2005; Huang & He, 2008). Ten ascend- cost ow (MCF) network (Costantini, 1998) and Delauney 3D method
ing SAR images from the Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture (Hooper & Zebker, 2007) was employed for phase unwrapping. The
Radar (PALSAR) sensor onboard the Advanced Land Observing Satellite phase errors, caused by the atmospheric signal, are correlated in space
(ALOS) over a period of 3 years between January 2007 and March 2010, and were removed. Atmospheric phase screening was conducted to es-
were used in this study (Table 1). The SAR images cover western Salt timate and remove atmospheric effects before the nal displacement
Range (Fig. 1). velocities were calculated. The spatial variation of the atmospheric
A total of 32 InSAR pairs were generated using normal baseline phase in the same acquisitions is typically small over spatial scale and
thresholds of 50% of the critical baseline for the spatial baseline and much stronger over time. A low pass spatial lter (at 1.2 km 1.2 km
600 days for the temporal baseline. Fig. 2 shows the time-baseline plot window) on each single acquisition, followed by a high-pass lter on
for the PALSAR images that were used for SBAS processing. The interfer- the time series images, was used to screen the atmospheric phase com-
ograms were processed using the SARscape modules of ENVI software ponent of the signal.
from EXELIS VIS Information Solutions. The processing steps include It is worth noting that the displacement from InSAR is a relative mea-
the co-registration of the image pairs, interferogram generation, sure in the line of sight (LOS) direction. Ground control points with
inteferogram attening using Shuttle Radar Topography Mission assumed zero deformation (motionless) were selected as reference
(SRTM) version 4 ( digital elevation model points for SBAS processing chain. The criteria for identifying such pixels
(DEM), Goldstein ltering (Goldstein & Werner, 1998) and coherence may include a temporal coherence value of 0.75 or greater, unwrapped
generation. A complex multi-look operation taking one look in range phase value close to zero and at areas identied from a topographic
and ve looks in azimuth was performed to produce ground resolution map projected at LOS direction. The mean displacement value calculated
of about 15 m. over the ground control points was subtracted from the displacement
image, as it is supposed to be zero over these motionless points. There-
fore, it is likely that the absolute values of cumulative displacements
Table 1
were affected by the selection of the ground control points.
A list of the PALSAR data used in SBAS approach. The images were collected in Fine Beam
Single mode (FBS) and Dual mode (FBD) with 34.3 off-nadir angle on path/row of 533/
640. The image collected on May 27th, 2008 was used as the master image for all interfer- 2.2. 2D-seismic
ograms. Final displacement was estimated with respect to the rst acquisition date (Janu-
ary 7th, 2007), to which a null displacement was assigned. The seismic data were provided by the Directorate General of Petro-
Paired granule Date Beam Normal/critical baseline Days leum Concessions (DGPC) of Pakistan. The seismic lines were acquired
mode (m) during 1978 to 1981 by the Oil and Gas Development Company Limited
ALPSRP050860640 Jan 07, 2007 FBS 0 0 (Pakistan) using dynamite as source, with the length of the proles
ALPSRP057570640 Feb 22, 2007 FBS 1920/13,080 46 ranges from 25 to 45 km. Four seismic reection proles were
ALPSRP084410640 Aug 25, 2007 FBD 2689/13,080 230 interpreted for structural and stratigraphic information (Fig. 3). The de-
ALPSRP091120640 Oct 10, 2007 FBD 2899/9810 276
tails of the interpreted seismic lines are presented and discussed in
ALPSRP104540640 Jan 10, 2008 FBS 3437/13,080 368
ALPSRP111250640 Feb 25, 2008 FBS 3971/13,080 414 Section 3.2. All of the seismic lines (Lines 14) overlap the PALSAR im-
ALPSRP124670640 May 27, 2008 FBD 4155/9810 506 ages. The overlapping lines were utilized in the interpretations of the
ALPSRP158220640 Jan 12, 2009 FBS 741/13,080 736 InSAR surface displacement result. Line 3 (AA), line 4 (BB) and line
ALPSRP191770640 Aug 30, 2009 FBD 2005/9810 966 2 (CC) are oriented northsouth, while line 1 (DD) is oriented
ALPSRP218610640 Mar 02, 2010 FBS 3091.15/13,080 1150
eastwest (Fig. 3). Information from well Karang-01 (TD: 1091 m)
268 I. Ahmad Abir et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 168 (2015) 265275

Fig. 3. A map showing the locations of interpreted seismic lines and the displacement map. The seismic lines were interpreted with the assistance of the Karang-01 well (Leathers, 1987).
Displacement map obtained by SBAS technique for western Salt RangePotwar Plateau region using L-band PALSAR data for a period of 3 years spanning from Jan 7, 2007 to March 2, 2010.
The averaged displacement rates range from 0 to 15 mm/year, which signify the movement toward the satellite along the LOS (Line of Sight). Two uplift anomalies can be seen denoted by
Zone A, interpreted as a transpression zone and Zone B, interpreted as salt diapirism. Moreover, a dextral strike-slip fault is also interpreted from the map (located at western side of map).

from Leathers (1987) was used to interpret the seismic lines (Fig. 3). and cross-sections of the Salt Range by Gee (1980) and Gee and Gee
The interpretations of the seismic lines reveal the subsurface structures, (1989), we interpreted Zone A (Sakesar) as a transpression zone and
which include strike-slip faults, variable thicknesses of the Salt Range Zone B (Warcha Salt Mine) as a salt tectonic zone. This shows that defor-
Formation, the basement ramping to the south and the southward ta- mation is strongly affected by localized geological events. In the case of
pering of the overburden. Petrel Schlumberger software was used for in- Zone A, the combination of the interpreted strike-slip fault and the Main
terpretation with the assistance of published well data and published Frontal Thrust creates a dextral transpression zone, where signicant
velocity models (Chen, 2009; Pennock, 1988). Seismic attributes, such uplift may occur. The interpreted strike-slip fault is clearly observed as
as instantaneous phase, were used to easily detect horizons and faults. a linear feature on the InSAR displacement map, located to the north-
west of Zone A. This dextral strike-slip fault is believed to be related to
3. Results and analysis the Kalabagh fault. The eastern fault block has a displacement rate in
LOS of approximately 7.5 mm/year and the western fault block has
3.1. SBAS surface displacement map around 02 mm/year displacement rate. Although Zone A coincides
with the region of highest topography in Salt Range, with the Sakesar
Fig. 3 shows the accumulated total displacement in mm along the Mountain peaking at 1522 m, we believe that due to the active Kalabagh
Line of Sight (LOS) averaged for the duration of approximately 3 years fault, it is very probable that uplift did occur. In addition, mapped faults
(January 7th, 2007 to March 2nd, 2010). Overall, the western Potwar coincide very well with the southern limits of uplifted Zone A. This
PlateauSalt Range has moved toward the satellite as indicated by a de- strongly shows that tectonic has a role in the deformation of this region.
crease of the sensor-to-target slant range distance. On ascending path, By contrast, Zone B is surrounded by exposed salt, where an active
the ALOS satellite was moving north with its antenna pointed to the salt mine (Warcha Salt Mine) is located. The Warcha Salt Mine is admin-
right. Therefore, a decrease in the slant-range distance can be regarded istered by the Pakistan Mineral Development Corporation (PMDC),
as a westward shift, uplift or both. We attributed this movement pri- where dome-like salt structures are mined. The anomalous surface de-
marily to an uplift for the following reasons: 1) from the general tecton- formation of Zone B suggests that salt diapirism may be the cause of
ics of the area, we know that the plateau is on the hanging wall side of the uplift, which is controlled by active transpressions and compres-
the Main Frontal Thrust system, where uplift is expected; 2) A GPS ob- sions in this region. This is a further conrmation that internal deforma-
servation deployed in central Potwar plateau, which indicated that tion of Potwar Plateau and Salt Range is not consistent along the strike
there was a south-southeast (SSE) motion of about 3 mm/year rate rel- of the Main Frontal Thrust, which may be attributed to local factors
ative to the Indian plate (Khan et al., 2008) (Fig. 1). The GPS observation such as faulting, salt tectonics, basement geometry, overburden geome-
is consistent with the InSAR displacement map that shows a very low try or all of them combined.
displacement rate at around 4 to 5 mm/year in the same region In addition, the eastern part of the displacement map was not
(Fig. 1). This suggests that the observed deformation is predominantly interpreted due to unwrapping error in InSAR processing. The identi-
caused by surface uplift. However, the rate of uplift is not consistent cation and interpretation of active structures were only performed for
over the whole map, with uplift rates that generally range from 411 the western half of the displacement map. This error could be attributed
mm/year. Moreover, two uplift anomalies are observed (denoted by to the lack of reliable interferograms due to insufcient number of SAR
Zone A and Zone B in Fig. 3). Both zones experienced an uplift rate of images for SBAS processing. Areas of low coherence are shown as re-
around 15 mm/year. With the assistance of detailed geological maps gions of no data, which is mainly due to highly vegetated areas.
I. Ahmad Abir et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 168 (2015) 265275 269

3.2. Structural styles from seismic interpretation are mainly parallel and undisturbed. However, two faults were
interpreted to the east of the line. A thrust fault separates the parallel
Four time-migrated seismic reection proles were interpreted strata to the west from the over-thrusted Salt Range strata. A possible
(Fig. 4AD) along with available well and velocity model information. right-lateral strike-slip fault is also interpreted and this is consistent
Four seismic lines (Lines 14), overlapping InSAR displacement map, with the SBAS displacement map (Fig. 3).
are located in western Potwar PlateauSalt Range (Fig. 3). Four main In general, the seismic interpretation of western Potwar PlateauSalt
stratigraphic layers were distinguished, which are from the top, the mo- Range can be summarized as the following:
lasses section (Siwalik and Rawalpindi from Pleistocene to Miocene),
the carbonate platform (Eocene to Cambrian), the Infra-Cambrian Salt 1. Most of the structural deformation, such as thrust faults and folds are
Range Formation (SRF) and the Pre-Cambrian basement. Fig. 5 shows striking eastwest. This shows that most of the compressional forces
a more detailed stratigraphy of the Potwar PlateauSalt Range region. are oriented northsouth. The general folding that occurs is gentle,
The most distinguishable layer in the seismic proles is the carbonate symmetrical and can be characterized as lowfrequency folds. Most
platform. This layer is characterized by very strong reectors in the seis- of the structures are south-verging.
mic proles. Below the platform, the SRF is characterized by a seismical- 2. The basement normal fault is absent or has relatively small throw.
ly transparent layer. The boundary between the SRF and the basement However, the Pre-Cambrian basement shows an upward exing to-
rock is also a strong reector, which is mainly due to the high acous- ward the south. This may explain the translation of the hanging
tic impedance difference. The Siwalik and Rawalpindi groups are wall without much internal deformation.
identied as moderate parallel reectors. In all of the seismic pro- 3. The Salt Range Formation (SRF) varies in thickness from 900 m to
les, the boundary between the Siwalik and the Rawalpindi is in- 3500 m, which is a direct consequence of the variability in overbur-
ferred. Generally, the carbonate platform thickness is consistent den thickness. Salt tends to escape higher load area (synclines) into
throughout all the proles. The SRF has the most variation in thick- lower load area (anticlines).
ness, which is due to its ductile nature. The descriptions of the 4. Other than some thrust faults cutting across the overburden layers
interpreted seismic lines are as follows. (molasses section and carbonate platform), the suprasalt layers are
relatively undeformed. The carbonate platform, which is the most
3.2.1. Western Potwar PlateauSalt Range (Fig. 4A, B, C and D) distinguishable layer in the seismic section, has a constant thickness
In general, the seismic proles show that the thickness of the Salt of roughly 600 m. The faulted rigid CambrianEocene carbonate plat-
Range Formation is directly related to overburden thickness. Also, it is form can be described as oating on the ductile salt layer.
clear from the seismic interpretation that the detachment layer is locat- 5. A southern portion of the dextral Kalabagh fault was interpreted,
ed in the Salt Range formation. For instance, Line 3 shows an area of salt with the help of SBAS displacement map (Fig. 3).
weld or thinning of salt on the north side of the line (Fig. 4A). Faults
were interpreted above this area, which suggests that the salt evacua- 3.3. Tectonic interpretation
tion, most probably to the south, disturbed the overlying sedimentary
layers (Fig. 4A). This observation also correlates well with the thickness By integrating the InSAR results and seismic interpretation, this
of the overburden, especially the Rawalpindi and Siwalik molasse sec- work focuses on the tectonic and structural framework of western
tion. Due to differential loading, salt escapes from higher load (thick Potwar PlateauSalt Range region. Previous studies have shown that
overburden) to region of lower load to the south. Due to the relatively the Potwar PlateauSalt Range is a thin-skinned foreland fold-and-
rigid nature of the CambrianEocene platform oating above the duc- thrust riding on thick Infra-Cambrian salt (Faisal & Dixon, 2014; Jaume
tile salt layer, it tends to break apart, resulting in faults. Another impor- & Lillie, 1988). Studies have also been done comparing the structural
tant observation is that there is no presence of a basement normal fault, styles of the Potwar Plateau and the adjacent Kohat Plateau. Essentially,
which can be seen in central Potwar Plateau (Faisal & Dixon, 2014; the salt layer in this region affects the advance of both the Potwar Pla-
Jaume & Lillie, 1988). Instead, the Pre-Cambrian basement appears to teau as well as the Kohat Plateau. It is suggested that the Potwar Plateau
ex upwards toward Salt Range. advanced more southward due to the Salt Range formation acting as a
Although to a lesser extent, Line 4 also shows similar structures; a detachment layer (Cotton & Koyi, 2000; Jaume & Lillie, 1988). This is ev-
faulted zone of Cambrian to Eocene platform is interpreted above a thin- ident in the fact that the Kohat Plateau has more internal deformation
ning salt zone (Fig. 4B). In addition, the molasse sections, the Rawalpin- than the Potwar Plateau. The key is the basal shear stress between the
di and Siwalik formations, are relatively undisturbed, except for some overburden and the basement rock. In the Potwar Plateau, the salt
minor faults. Another important observation is the north-dipping nor- layer acts as a lubricant and decreases the shear stress and cohesion sig-
mal fault of the Pre-Cambrian basement rock. However, the throw of nicantly. This is supported by more internal deformation in the Kohat
the normal fault is relatively less than those in central Potwar Plateau Plateau than the Potwar Plateau.
(Faisal & Dixon, 2014; Jaume & Lillie, 1988). This suggests that the base- The deformation mechanics of this region is proposed to be analo-
ment normal fault does not play a major role in the ramping of western gous to a bulldozed wedge of snow (bulldozer model) that is moving
Salt Range. Line 2 shows a basement normal fault with a small throw on a ductile substrate (Cotton & Koyi, 2000; Lillie, Johnson, Yousuf,
(Fig. 4C). This indicates that the basement normal fault is mainly prom- Zamin, & Yeats, 1987). The wedge is essential for the generation of a
inent in central Potwar Plateau. The southern portion of the line shows a thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt, such as the Potwar PlateauSalt
gentle syncline followed by a gentle anticline to the north. Thicker mo- Range (Chapple, 1978; Davis, Suppe, & Dahlen, 1983). The wedge is
lasse was deposited in the syncline, which increases the load and pushes thickest at the back part near the Main Boundary Thrust and thins out
the salt to the north, into the anticline. Moreover, it is clear that the salt in the direction of the Main Frontal Thrust.
detaches the overlying Cambrian to Eocene platform and the Rawalpin-
di/Siwalik layers from the Pre-Cambrian basement. The north-dipping 3.3.1. Role of Salt Range formation (SRF)
detachment surface, which is also the thrust surface, is likely to be in The Salt Range Formation was interpreted as the layer between the
the Salt Range Formation. strong reectors of the carbonate platform and the basement rock. It is
Line 1 runs through the Kalabagh fault (Fig. 4D). Most of the line is evident from the folding of the overburden and the relatively unchanged
located to the west of the Kalabagh fault and has a different stratigraphy basement oor that the detachment is located in the SRF which acts as a
(Fig. 3). The formations that were interpreted are, from the oldest layer, lubricant between them. As a result of only the overburden advancing
the Pre-Cambrian basement, Cambrian strata, Permian strata, Mesozoic southward on the mechanically weak salt layer, this region is catego-
strata, Lower Tertiary strata, Chinji and Nagri formations. These layers rized as a thin-skinned fold-and-thrust system. Furthermore, it is clear
270 I. Ahmad Abir et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 168 (2015) 265275

from geological maps and the seismic data that the salt layer did not the Potwar Plateau. Seismic Line 3 shows the collapse of the faulted
reach the surface in the Potwar Plateau region (Gee, 1980; Gee & Gee, CambrianEocene platform, which may be due to salt evacuation to
1989). This indicates that the SRF is mainly acting as a detachment the south (Fig. 4A).
layer. However, exposed salt and salt mining are prominent in the Salt Our results suggest that the Salt Range formation has two main roles
Range and these salt structures are mainly concentrated near the Main in this fold-and-thrust belt: the salt layer acts as a decollement for the
Frontal Thrust, suggesting that salt ow may play a signicant role to- Potwar Plateau region and salt ow becomes prominent in the Salt
ward the south. Evidence from the InSAR map supports this idea Range. Salt is mechanically weak and is less dense than the surrounding
(Zone B) (Figs. 3 and 6). rocks (Hudec & Jackson, 2007). Therefore, the buoyancy force tend to
The seismic interpretations show that the salt thickness varies from push the salt upwards through the overburden. However, if the over-
900 m to 3500 m. These variations are mostly due to the folding of the burden is too hard or too thick for the buoyancy force to overcome,
overburden. The salt in synform areas will tend to move to antiform the salt will stay in place or move laterally. This is the case for Potwar
structures, creating salt-cored anticlines. However, the scale of overbur- Plateau, where the overburden is around 35 km in thickness, which
den deformation for the Potwar Plateau is very broad and the folding oc- is further strengthen by folding and thrusting due to compressional
curs over long distances (around 510 km). Therefore, looking through forces. Furthermore, as the fold-and-thrust belt is further compressed,
a broader scale, the SRF has a relatively consistent thickness throughout the salt is further pressurized tectonically to move southward toward

Fig. 4. A. Interpreted Line 3. The Karang-01 well intersects this line to the south. The Salt Range Formation acts as a detachment layer. Faulting generally occurs above the Salt Range For-
mation, which may be due to salt ow. Also, strong reectors at the bottom of the Salt Range Formation were interpreted as a layer of anhydrite or gypsum. B. Interpreted Line 4. The
structural style is similar to the previous line. The Salt Range Formation acts as a detachment layer. Faulting generally occurs above the Salt Range Formation, which may be due to salt
ow. Also, strong reectors at the bottom of the Salt Range Formation were interpreted as a layer of anhydrite or gypsum. Another important observation is the presence of a basement
normal fault, with a relatively small throw, located to the north of the line. C. Interpreted Line 2. The Salt Range Formation acts as a detachment layer. A basement normal fault is
interpreted. The thickness of the SRF varies, with thicker salt under anticlinal structures and thinner salt under synclinal structures. Also, strong reectors at the bottom of the Salt
Range Formation were interpreted as a layer of anhydrite or gypsum. D. Interpreted Line 1. Most of the line is located west of the Kalabagh fault and has a different stratigraphy. The layers
are mainly parallel and undisturbed. However, they are truncated by the Main Frontal Thrust. Also, a dextral strike-slip fault was interpreted, which correlates well with the InSAR dis-
placement map.
I. Ahmad Abir et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 168 (2015) 265275 271

Fig. 4 (continued).

Salt Range. This movement is due to differential loading, where salt Holdsworth, & Strachan, 1998). These zones are usually regions of uplift.
ows from higher pressure (back of wedge) to lower pressure (front A similar uplifted structure can be seen to the south of Bannu Basin,
of wedge) region (Hudec & Jackson, 2007). where the dextral PezuBhittani fault intersects the Main Frontal Thrust
Zone B, located near the Warcha Salt Mine, shows a signicant uplift (Fig. 1). Zone A is located at the point where strike-slip deformation
from 2007 to 2010 (Fig. 3). This may be due to salt diapirism. In order for transition into mainly compressional deformation. The uplifted Zone A
salt diapir to move into its overburden, the rocks of the overburden, oc- is directly related to the movement of the Kalabagh fault.
cupying that space, must be removed or displaced (Hudec & Jackson, Using InSAR, the slip rate of the fault was calculated in a study by
2007). This removal of the overburden may be due to uplift and erosion Chen and Khan (2010). According to their study, the internal deforma-
of the hanging wall (overburden), which is widespread along the Main tion of the Potwar Plateau is greater than the deformation at the front
Frontal Thrust. This may explain the prominence of salt mines and salt of the MFT. However, our results suggest that most of the deformation
diapirism along the Main Frontal thrust. Furthermore, since Zone B ex- is concentrated near the MFT. Figs. 3 and 6 show the interpreted dextral
perienced an anomalous uplift, this suggests that it may be a teardrop fault intersecting Zone A. It is likely to be a right-lateral strike-slip fault
diapir. Teardrop diapirs are common in compressional salt basins and due to the different rate of displacement for western (02 mm/year)
are mainly controlled by regional tectonics (Hudec & Jackson, 2007). and eastern (7.5 mm/year) fault blocks. This suggests that the western
As compression continues, teardrop salt diapirs will rise due to tectonic boundary of the Potwar Plateau transitions from a purely right-lateral
pressurization. transform fault (Kalabagh fault) to the north into a transpressional
deformation region near the Main Frontal Thrust. This is consistent
3.3.2. The movement rate of the dextral Kalabagh fault with a study by McDougall and Khan (1990). According to their work,
Zone A is interpreted as an oblique compression zone (Fig. 3). the minimum average displacement rate near the Indus River is around
Transpressional zones are strike-slip structures that are undergoing an 710 mm/year. Additionally, Chen and Khan (2010) calculated an aver-
oblique shortening deformation due to compressional forces (Dewey, age rate of displacement of 56 mm/year for the Kalabagh fault. Their
272 I. Ahmad Abir et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 168 (2015) 265275

Fig. 5. A detailed stratigraphic column of Potwar PlateauSalt Range.

Modied from Faisal & Dixon, 2014; Jadoon et al., 2014

results show that different parts of the Kalabagh fault move at different explain the current deformation of the Kalabagh fault and the western
rates. These movements may be due to the distribution and thickness of Potwar PlateauSalt Range.
salt. Moreover, a recent GPS study (data from 20062012) by Jouanne
The different rates of movement of different regions of the Kalabagh et al. (2014), suggests that the western portion of the Potwar Plateau
fault and the Salt Range seems to support the Caterpillar model by Salt Range is not active, which is contradictory to our ndings. This
Oldham (1921). According to an InSAR study by Satyabala et al. may be explained by the lack of GPS stations in western Salt Range.
(2012), the movement of the Kohat Plateau can be equated to a caterpil- Only one of their GPS station overlaps our InSAR displacement map,
lar. In this model, the plateau moves in blocks of rock, where a block which is located to the east of the InSAR map.
above a weak layer (salt) moves forward and a block that lacks salt is Overall, our InSAR results show that western Potwar PlateauSalt
locked due to friction. The block of rock that is locked could accumulate Range region and the Kalabagh fault may still be tectonically active, es-
energy and be released as a big earthquake, such as the magnitude 6 pecially in the western region of the Salt Range (Figs. 3 and 6). The
earthquake that occurred in 1992 (Satyabala et al., 2012). In order for InSAR displacement map shows that the region is mostly uplifted
that to occur, the salt layer underneath the Kohat Plateau must have from 2007 to 2010 with two main uplift anomalies, which may be due
thickness variations, where some blocks are locked whereas some to zones of transpression and salt diapirism. Fig. 6 shows our interpreta-
move aseismically (Satyabala et al., 2012). This model may better tions based on the InSAR results.
I. Ahmad Abir et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 168 (2015) 265275 273

Fig. 6. A simple drawing of the interpreted structures from the InSAR displacement map. The Potwar PlateauSalt Range can be divided into three distinct regions: from the north, the NPDZ
(Northern Potwar Deformation Zone), the Soan Syncline and the Salt Range. The black dashed lines represent boundaries between these regions. Two cross sections were drawn, shown in
Fig. 7.

3.3.3. Comparison with Kuqa fold-and-thrust belt, China (Across-strike Edge (equivalent to the North Potwar Deformation Zone in Potwar
structural variations) Plateau) (Figs. 6 and 7a). This is followed southward by the Transitional
The Kuqa foreland fold-and-thrust belt is located in Xinjiang Uyghur Belt, where a broad syncline is located (equivalent to the Soan syncline
Autonomous Region, China (Lat: 41 53 20.28 N, Long: 81 50 03.38 of the Potwar Plateau), and nally the Leading Edge (equivalent to the
E), where it is underlain by Palaeogene evaporite layer. Similar to the Salt Range) (Fig. 7a). Modeling studies have successfully emulated
Potwar PlateauSalt Range, the Kuqa belt has three main regions these different regions of the Potwar PlateauSalt Range (Cotton &
(Refer to gs. 2 and 5 from Chen, Tang, Jin, Jia, & Pi, 2004). Northward, Koyi, 2000; Faisal & Dixon, 2014). These distinct features of the foreland
closer to the mountain belt is the highly deformed zone, the Trailing fold-and-thrust belt are mainly inuenced by the presence of a weak

Fig. 7. a. Cross-section of western Potwar PlateauSalt Range (Modied from Jaume & Lillie, 1988). Refer to Fig. 6 for location of proles. The dashed yellow line along the bottom of the Salt
Range Formation signies the interpreted anhydrite/gypsum layer. Additional faults were also added. These faults may be due to the collapse of the CambrianEocene platform due to salt
escaping. NPDZ: Northern Potwar Deformation Zone. b. This prole crosses Zones A and B. The faults were drawn according to the geological maps by Gee (1980). The yellow arrows show
the possible movement of salt from Zone A (transpression zone) to Zone B (salt diapirism). The uplift in Zone A due to thrusting may increase the load on the salt, pushing it southward and
feeding more salt into Zone B, where salt diapirism is active. This in turn creates uplift in Zone B. The respective uplift rates are labeled above the prole (mm/year). (For interpretation of
the references to color in this gure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
274 I. Ahmad Abir et al. / Remote Sensing of Environment 168 (2015) 265275

lithological layer, Salt Range formation in this case, which acts as a de- Seismic interpretation shows that western Potwar Plateau and Salt
tachment for the overriding layers. Range have different structural styles than eastern Potwar Plateau
Another important observation from the Kuqa belt is that exposed Salt Range. This is mainly due to ramping mechanism, where western
salt structures are also seen near the Leading Edge, which may be due and central Salt Range underwent translation while eastern Salt Range
to the thrusting of the salt. This uplifted region is eroded after some underwent telescoping (Qayyum et al., 2014). However, the hanging
time, leading to the exposure of the salt at the surface (Chen et al., wall of western Salt Range has been translated over a exed Pre-
2004). Furthermore, the thickest salt is located under anticlinal struc- Cambrian basement.
ture, where the overburden is thinnest. InSAR and seismic data, two very different datasets, were utilized in
Fig. 7b is a cross-section that goes through both Zone A and Zone B this study. Both data provided different views of this region. While
(Figs. 6 and 7b). The transpression zone is dominated by thrust faults, InSAR showed the vertical movements in the region, the seismic data
which may be the main cause of the anomalous uplift of Zone A. This display how those movements deformed the subsurface. The lack of in-
uplift increases the overburden load in Zone A and in turn pushes the ternal deformation in this region can be related to salt due to its weak
salt to the south toward Zone B, where salt diapirism is believed to be nature. This work supports the idea that the Potwar Plateau may be
active (Fig. 7b). deforming similar to the Caterpillar model by Oldham (1921). This is
mainly due to the varying rates of movement along the Kalabagh fault.
Our study shows that the salt layer acts as a decollement in the Potwar
3.3.4. Comparison with structural style of central and eastern Potwar
Plateau region, while salt ows are prominent in the Salt Range. Finally,
PlateauSalt Range (Along-strike structural variations)
this work shows how powerful InSAR can be in the study of active
The deformation in eastern Salt Range is very different than its west-
ern counterpart, which can be seen in the different structural styles be-
tween them (Refer to Figs. 2, 6, 10 and 12 from Jaume & Lillie, 1988).
Jaume and Lillie (1988) argued that this difference is mainly due to Acknowledgments
the thinning of salt to the east. According to a recent study by
Qayyum, Spratt, Dixon, and Lawrence (2014), this is unlikely as they We are thankful for valuable suggestions and discussions with
pointed out the generally similar stratigraphy along-strike. The Main Dr. Paul Mann, Dr. Kevin Burke and Dr. Jolante Van Wijk. We would
Frontal thrust sheet is internally undeformed in western Salt Range, also like to thank both reviewers for their insightful comments. This
while it is internally folded and faulted in eastern Salt Range (Qayyum work is funded by NSF (1049512) and USAID grants.
et al., 2014). This is clearly shown in Line 3 (Fig. 4A) showing relatively
undeformed thrust sheet for western Salt Range. Furthermore, Qayyum References
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