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RF MEMS and NEMS Technology, Devices,

and Applications
Peter Gammel, Georg Fischer, and Jrmie Bouchaud

Will RF MEMS deliver on its promise to be one of the major MEMS businesses
in the future? RF MEMS has now entered its second generation; high-volume
production of both contacting and non-contacting switches and lters
(based on bulk acoustic waves) was ramped up worldwide starting in 2003.
In rst-generation RF MEMS, discrete components were developed to
demonstrate RF performance and reliability, and low-cost, high-volume chip-
and wafer-scale packaging eliminated the nal barriers to high-volume
production of discrete replacement components with MEMS. In this
paper, we review the RF MEMS industry and the commercialization status
of RF MEMS components. We also provide a detailed case study of
mobile telephone basestations, demonstrating how RF MEMS can impact
telecommunications. Finally, we look at research into third-generation RF
MEMS and NEMS, in which integration, active devices, and new functionality
will create opportunities for disruptive changes in RF subsystems, enabling
such things as software-dened radio. 2005 Lucent Technologies Inc.

Radio frequency (RF) components have been paved the way for RF MEMS-based modules and in-
viewed as an ideal opportunity for microelectro- tegration. The introduction of bulk acoustic wave
mechanical systems (MEMS). One reason for this is (BAW) RF MEMS lters by Agilent and Skyworks is
that high frequency and especially high power RF the rst step along this path. RF MEMS are actively
products are still based on discrete components and being evaluated for switch functions in mobile tele-
selected based on performance and MEMS have al- phones. As foundry and electronic design and au-
ready demonstrated superior performance in a num- tomation (EDA) services for MEMS become available,
ber of critical device metrics. Moreover, these products RF MEMS integration in radio frequency integrated
often use hermetic or quasi-hermetic packaging and circuits (RFICs) will become commonplace.
chip and wire assembly, as do MEMS components. As
reliability and manufacturing yield for MEMS become The RF MEMS Industry
more stable, it is expected that MEMS will play an Despite the fact that the rst RF MEMS paper was
important role in these products. published back in 1979 [6], the RF MEMS industry is
Another reason is that the need to reduce cost still very young. The interest of the Defense Advanced
and footprint for high-volume, lower-frequency RF Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in military radar in
products (e.g., those used in mobile phones) has the mid-1990s spurred the rst signicant RF MEMS

Bell Labs Technical Journal 10(3), 2959 (2005) 2005 Lucent Technologies Inc. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/bltj.20103
Panel 1. Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Terms
3GThird generation MEMSMicroelectromechanical systems
4GFourth generation MP3Moving Picture Experts Group layer 3
BAWBulk acoustic wave MVNOMultiple virtual network operator
BMBFGerman Federal Ministry of Research and NEMSNanoelectromechanical systems
Education NFCNear-Field Communication
CDMACode division multiple access OMTOperations and maintenance terminal
DARPADefense Advanced Research Projects PAPower amplier
Agency PANPrivate area network
DCDirect current PCBPrinted circuit board
DMBDigital Multipoint Bridge PCSPersonal Communications Service
DoDDepartment of Defense PINPhoto intrinsic diode
DVBDigital Video Broadcasting Group R&DResearch and development
EDAElectronic design and automation RFRadio frequency
FBARFilm bulk acoustic resonator RFBRadio function block
FETField-effect transistor RFICRF integrated circuit
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service RMSRecongurable Mobile Systems
GSM*Global System for Mobile RTLRegister transfer language
Communications* SAWSurface acoustic wave
HDDHard disk drive SDARSSatellite Digital Audio Radio Services
ICIntegrated circuit SMRSolidly mounted resonator
LANLocal area network SP4TSingle-pole four-throw switch
LCInductor-capacitor lter SP7TSingle-pole seven-throw switch
LEDLight-emitting diode SPSTSingle-pole single-throw switch
LIGALithography, electroforming, and molding T/RTransmit/receive
LNALow noise amplier USBUniversal Serial Bus
LOLocal oscillator W-CDMAWideband CDMA
LTCCLow temperature co-red ceramic WiFiWireless Fidelity

research and development (R&D) effort, and it was Figure 1 shows the various RF MEMS components
2001 before the rst high-volume RF MEMS compo- and their respective operative frequency ranges.
nent, a lter based on bulk acoustic wave technology, In addition to their potential for integration and
was commercialized by Agilent. A signicant number miniaturization, RF MEMS offer lower power con-
of components and circuits have since been demon- sumption, lower losses, higher linearity, and higher
strated and now, in 2005, around 60 companies are Q factors than conventional communications compo-
developing RF MEMS components, a dozen of which nents. RF MEMS also enable new architectures for
have now entered the commercialization phase. future generations of telecommunication systems,
Examples of RF MEMS devices are microswitches, which will be easily and rapidly recongurable and
tunable capacitors, micromachined inductors, micro- will operate over a wide frequency range.
machined antennas, microtransmission lines, and res- Worldwide, more than 120 industrial and re-
onators, including micromechanical resonators, BAW search organizations are currently working on RF
resonators, and cavity resonators. RF MEMS are man- MEMS. Figure 2 shows the structure of the RF
ufactured using conventional 3D structuring tech- MEMS industry and lists some of the participants in it.
nologies, such as bulk micromachining, surface We have included MEMS start-ups, integrated circuit
micromachining, fusion bonding, and lithography, (IC) manufacturers, manufacturers of passive RF de-
electroforming, and molding (LIGA). The materials vices, and integrators that develop RF MEMS for their
used include Si, GaAs, SiC, and SOI substrates. own specic needs.

30 Bell Labs Technical Journal

Frequency in GHz

0 1 2 5 10 20 40 60 80 100








Optimum operative frequency range Efforts to increase frequency range

BAWBulk acoustic wave

MEMSMicroelectromechanical systems

Figure 1.
RF MEMS components and their operative frequency range.

RF MEMS start-up companies play a major role in fast. On the one hand, automotive electronics com-
the commercialization of RF MEMS, because they are, panies (e.g., Robert Bosch and TRW) and U.S. defense
in most cases, the rst companies to put products on system companies (e.g., Raytheon) are either invest-
the market. The start-ups Magfusion, Teravicta, and ing less in or stopping the development of their own
Radant have been shipping commercial RF MEMS RF MEMS technologies, preferring to wait for com-
switches; Sophia Wireless will start shipping cavity mercial products to become available. On the other
resonators this year. One reason for the success of hand, European defense system companies (e.g.,
these companies is that they now receive more fund- Thales and BAE) have limited or no access to RF
ing from the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) than MEMS technologies developed by American start-ups
the traditional large pioneers, such as Rockwell and funded by DARPA. As a result, they must continue
Raytheon. their own development efforts. EADS even started its
Although RF MEMS is a young industry, the RF own RF MEMS switch program in 2003.
MEMS supply chain is already undergoing restruc- As Figure 3 shows, developments in RF MEMS
turing. Start-ups involved in RF MEMS development have not been equally funded. North America in par-
(such as PHS MEMS) have gone bankrupt. The group ticular is choosing to nance RF MEMS developments
of companies that can be characterized as integrators for military use. The DoD has devoted a lot of atten-
with their own RF MEMS development is evolving tion and funding to the development of RF MEMS

Bell Labs Technical Journal 31

National and International Bodies
DARPA (USA), 5th and 6th European FP, ESA, National Asian programs in J, ROK, Sing.

RF MEMS manufacturers
Academic R&D
RF-MEMS Start-ups Integrators with own
Radant (USA) Large IC and MEMS MEMS development Integrators
Xcom (USA) Manufacturers & users
Michigan Uni (USA) Defense & aerospace
Magfusion (USA) Agilent (USA)
Purdue (USA) Intel (USA) Raytheon, Rockwell,
Teravicta (USA) Northrop Grum. (USA)
GiorgiaTec (USA) IBM (USA)
Discera (USA) Thales (F), BAE (UK), Wireless telecom
VTT (FIN) Motorola Labs (USA)
Wispry (USA) Raphael (Il), EADS (D) terminals and
IMEC (B) FreeScale (USA)
Siverta (USA) Infrastructure
CEA LETI (F) Infineon (D) Automotive
SiTime (USA)
LAAS (F) STMicroelectronics (F) Bosch (D) Automotive
SiliconClocks (USA)
Tokyo Uni. (J) Philips (NL)
KAIST (ROK) Samsung (ROK) Space & Defence
MEMS Start-ups
GPSC (Sgp.) NEC (J) RF devices manuf.
MEMX (USA) LG (ROK) Fujitsu (J), Matsuchita (J)
Protron (D) Epcos (D), Murata (J)
MEMS Solution (ROK)



RF + semicon.
Coventor (USA) Tronics (F) MEMS Packaging APLAC (FIN)
SoftMEMS (F) DALSA (CND) Shellcase (IL) Modelithicss (USA)
Jazz (USA)
IntelliSenseSoft (USA) IMT (USA) Hymite (DK) Sonnet (USA)
Peregrine (USA)
APM (Tw) Agilent (USA) ...

Figure 2.
Structure of the RF MEMS industry.

components since the mid-1990s. Up until the begin-

ning of 2000, the focus both within the DoD and in
Space the industry was on the development of components
40 Military like switches and tunable capacitors for tunable l-
Commercial ters and phase shifters. Now the focus has shifted to
US$ million

30 improving the reliability of and packaging techniques

for RF MEMS as part of the RF MEMS improvement
program (on which $25 million has been spent be-
10 tween 2003 and 2005) and the Harsh Environment
Robust Micromechanical Technology (HERMIT) pro-
0 gram (on which $21 million has been spent over the
same period).
Figure 3. The level of funding is lower in Europe and Asia.
Estimated public funding for RF MEMS in 2004. In Europe, public funding only began in 1999 and

32 Bell Labs Technical Journal

commercial applications still dominate funding there. generous, ve-year programs targeting cell phone ap-
This is due to the strong position of European cell plications. The rapid and spectacular developments at
phone companies (e.g., Nokia, Siemens, and Sony- LG Electronics and Samsung in the last three years
Ericsson) and also to the major role played by the are related to this national investment.
European Commission (which focuses on commer- The status of the commercialization of RF MEMS
cial applications) in MEMS funding. Space applica- depends largely on reliability and packaging [1]. BAW
tions in Europe also benet from funding from the devices, including film bulk acoustic resonators
European Space Agency, which is currently nanc- (FBARs) and solidly mounted resonators (SMRs), are
ing eight RF MEMS-related projects, and from the na- the most mature components. Agilent started com-
tional space agencies (e.g., CNES in France and ASI in mercialization of its duplexer component in 2001,
Italy). Inneon brought its SMR lters to market the next
Similarly, funding in Asian markets goes mainly year, and two new players (i.e., Fujitsu and Asian
to commercial applications. However, it is difcult to Pacific Manufacturing [APM]) have just launched
estimate the amount of funding dedicated to RF new products as of the end of 2004 (Figure 4).
MEMS development, because, in Asia, RF MEMS pro- Despite the considerable academic and industrial
grams are also part of both electronics and nanotech- research efforts over the last decade (Figure 5), only
nology initiatives. It is interesting to note the high three companies have started to commercialize RF
level of public funding in Korea, which has set up MEMS switches for high-value applications (Figure 6);

Agilent (US)
BAW resonators Infineon (D)
(FBAR & SMR) Fujitsu (J)
APM (Tw)

Samsung (ROK) (estimated)
MEMS Solution (ROK)

Switches Panasonic (J)

Fujitsu (J)
Intel? Wispry (US)

Siverta (US)

Philips (NL)
Tunable Fujitsu (J)
MEMX (US) (estimated)

-mechanical Discera (US)

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Demonstrator Sampling Pre-serie Serial prod.

BAWBulk acoustic wave

FBARFilm bulk acoustic resonator
SMRSolidly mounted resonator

Figure 4.
Commercialization plans of RF MEMS manufacturers for volume applications.

Bell Labs Technical Journal 33

Industrial Academic







Switch Tunable Cavity mechanical BAW Inductor Tunable Antenna Transmission
capacitor resonator res. inductor lines

Figure 5.
RF MEMS program by device type.

Magfusion (USA)
High end
commercial Teravicta (USA)
(DC-9 GHz) Matsushita EW (J) (estimated)

Radant (USA)

Military & MEMTronics (USA) (estimated)
+ high end
commercial COM DEV (CND)
DC-86 GHz
TeraOp (IL)

BAE System (UK)


Tunable XCOM (USA)


Cavity Sophia Wireless (USA)


2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

Demonstrator Sampling Pre-serie Serial prod.

Figure 6.
Commercialization plan of RF MEMS manufacturers for high-value applications.

34 Bell Labs Technical Journal

these companies are Magfusion, Teravicta, and Radant. BAW lters,
Reliability and packaging remain critical issues; the rst RF MEMS switches,
commercial devices for volume applications such as Tunable capacitors and inductors,
mobile telephone band and antenna switches are Micromechanical resonators, and
expected around 2006 or 2007. Tunable antenna modules.
Reliability issues are less acute for tunable capac- BAW devices have already established themselves
itors, because they do not suffer contact and friction in cell phones. The FBAR duplexer from Agilent can
problems in the same way as switches. However, they be found in nearly 60 mobile-phone platforms and, by
do not benet from the same level of R&D effort as January 2005, it had already captured more than 70%
switches and, with the exception of X-COM wireless of the CDMA phone market.
for phase shifters applications, few companies seem The major potential application for BAW devices
close to commercialization. in mobile phones is the use of BAW resonators as a
Great progress has been made on micromechan- replacement for the traditional duplexer in order to
ical resonators, especially at Discera. Sample products reduce the size of the handset. (Duplexers are a part
were made available this year and serial production of of CDMA standards today and they should also used
reference oscillators or timing devices in the KHz and in the forthcoming 3G handsets.) BAW resonators
MHz frequency ranges should begin next year. could also be used for building bandpass lters, thus
Commercial devices that resonate in the GHz range replacing the three SAW filters that are currently
and are designed to replace surface acoustic wave incorporated in mobile phones. BAW resonators per-
(SAW) lters are not expected before 2008. form better than SAW filters at frequencies higher
New third-generation (3G) and fourth-generation than 1.5 GHz and are suitable for replacing SAW lters
(4G) multimode and multiband cell phones will ex- in 3G mobile phones. BAW resonators also perform
perience the convergence of various RF communica- better in terms of insertion loss and power handling
tion protocols [2]: than SAW lters, particularly above 1.5 GHz, an ad-
Cellular standards, such as Global System for vantage that is very important for duplexer functions.
Mobile Communications (GSM), General Packet The main advantage of BAW resonators for mo-
Radio Service (GPRS), and Wideband Code bile phones is their small size; a BAW component is
Division Multiple Access (W-CDMA); 80% to 90% smaller than currently available ceramic
Local area network (LAN) and private area net- duplexers. However, BAW technology is less advan-
work (PAN) standards, such as Bluetooth, WiFi, tageous for the 900 MHz band, because significant
Universal Serial Bus (USB), ZigBee, and Near- size reductions cannot be achieved at that frequency.
Field Communication (NFC); and A potential disruptive advantage of BAW res-
Broadcast standards, such as radio standards (e.g., onators is that they can be easily integrated, because
Satellite Digital Audio Radio Services [SDARS]) the material used in BAW resonators is compatible
and TV standards (e.g., Digital Video Broadcasting with silicon process technology. Agilent took advantage
Group [DVB]-H and Digital Multipoint Bridge of this to design a full-band lter. Traditionally, two
[DMB]-X), when the handset is only used for SAW lters are needed to cover the 18501880 MHz
receiving information. and 18801910 MHz portions of the Personal
RF MEMS is a promising technology for cell phones Communications Service (PCS) transmit frequency
that will demand recongurability and tunability as range. Agilents FBAR module eliminates the second
part of multiband and multistandard operation; it is lter as well as a radio-frequency switch and associated
competitive in power consumption, size, and price. passive components. This space-saving reduces the
The following RF MEMS components are being printed circuit board area required for the transmit
developed to meet future handset requirements lter by up to 90%, while lowering manufacturing
for low power consumption, reconfiguration, and costs and eliminating the need for interface design and
integration: programming.

Bell Labs Technical Journal 35

Band, antenna, and lter switching in cell phones However, the power-handling characteristics of
will probably be the rst applications for RF MEMS MEMS devices are still limited.
switches, because future wireless receivers will have MEMS switches have also been given a lot of con-
to operate at several bands covering a wide range of sideration as potential components for building
frequencies encompassing 900 MHz to 5 GHz. The impedance-matching networks. At the output of the
main motivation for employing RF MEMS switches low-noise amplier (LNA), these components can en-
is the low insertion loss exhibited by MEMS devices able considerable power savings. At the system level,
compared to semiconductor switches; losses as small they also obviate the need for a DC/DC regulator,
as 0.1 dB are signicant in switches. which is normally required to optimize the output of
The key drivers for the use of RF MEMS switches the PA. A matching network that incorporates MEMS
in cell phones are [3]: devices could be implemented after 2007.
Good isolation (i.e., 30 dB at 2 GHz), Antenna switching is a natural target application
Low insertion loss (i.e., 0.3 dB at 2 GHz), and for a replacement for RF semiconductor switches. In
The ability to isolate the switch control signal particular, an RF MEMS switch can eliminate many of
from the RF signal. the drawbacks associated with semiconductor
Possible applications for RF MEMS switches in switches [7]. To date, only a few phones feature sev-
mobile telephony include the following: eral antennas, but as multiband wireless equipment
Antenna switching, capable of handling multiple wavebands and wireless
Transmit/receive (T/R) switching, protocols becomes more common, demand for an-
Band switching, tenna switching will soar [6].
Filter switching, RF MEMS switches can also be considered as
Power amplier switching, and replacements for eld-effect transistor (FET) T/R
Matching impedance networks. switches. MEMS switches greatly reduce power
For band switching, current MEMS switches pro- wastage in the transmit mode; for example, a MEMS
vide both the speed and the number of switching switch operating at a desired output power of 500 mW
cycles required. The cost advantage of RF MEMS could cut wasted power by as much as 280 mW [4].
switches becomes greater as the number of bands in- However, the use of RF MEMS switches in this appli-
creases, and it is expected that single-pole four-throw cation is still very challenging because of the switching
(SP4T) to single-pole seven-throw (SP7T) MEMS time (typically 1 to 5 ms) and the number of switching
switches for band-switching applications in cell cycles (typically 10 to 100 billion) required.
phones will appear in the market by 2006. Other RF MEMS devices that are under investi-
RF MEMS switches are also currently being de- gation for use in cell phones are:
veloped for agile lter banks that will handle the in- Micromechanical resonators, and
creasing interference of a multiband receiver. With Tunable capacitors and inductors.
conventional RF filter technologies, the receiver Micromechanical resonators are attracting con-
would be bulky, exhibit high power consumption, and siderable interest as replacements for crystal oscillators
be very expensive. In comparison, a lter bank com- that are used as frequency-reference or time-source
bining BAW-lter and MEMS-switching technology devices in the KHz and MHz ranges. Compared to the
would be small and agile, exhibit a high dynamic crystals currently in use, such resonators offer ad-
range, and meet price-point targets. Such modules vantages in terms of price, size reduction, and better
are expected on the market in 2007. integration with silicon. They also make possible
MEMS switches are also under development for miniaturization, e.g., RF-system-in-package (RF-SiP)
integration into power amplier (PA) modules. The and, ultimately, single-chip radios.
main motivation for this development is the desire to Microresonators should start to replace crystal os-
increase the linearity and efficiency of the PA. cillators in cell phones in 2006. In the long term, their

36 Bell Labs Technical Journal

operative frequency could be increased to include the communication functions. However, the applications
GHz range, which would allow them to ll the tech- of MEMS are wider, and can be categorized into four
nology space currently occupied by SAW filters. main areas [3]:
Higher-frequency operation would also make possible Enhanced, miniaturized RF implementations (i.e.,
new ltering and mixing functions and completely RF MEMS),
new architectures. Nguyen et. al. have envisaged their Power/energy generation and management,
use in dynamic channel-select radios [5]. Novel mass memory, and
Tunable capacitors could find application in Sensors and actuators for adding new functional-
impedance-matching networks, replacing switched ity (e.g., microphones, microphone arrays, and
capacitors [2], or they could enable tunable voltage- optical MEMS).
controlled oscillators. The advantage of MEMS de- MEMS are already in production for mobile
vices in this capacity is a high linearity and zero phones for use as accelerometers in two applications.
quiescent power consumption compared to hyper- The rst is for hard disk drive (HDD) protection in
abrupt junction varactors. However, because a large mobile phones that integrate an HDD for enhanced
area is currently required for RF MEMS varactors, the storage of pictures, video, and MP3 files. Figure 7
industry (with the exception of Philips and MEMX) is shows the attach rate of HDDs in mobile phones.
considerably less interested in developing MEMS var- Compared to accelerometers for HDDs in laptops,
actors than it is in developing MEMS switches. accelerometers for mobile devices will need a much
Consequently, the authors do not expect MEMS tun- larger range (up to 1000 Gs on shock), while retaining
able capacitors to be found in cell phones before 2009. a 1 to 2 ms response time. Some existing and targeted
When considering uses for MEMS in cellular specications for HDD accelerometers in small form fac-
handsets, one initially thinks of RF MEMS for the RF tor disk drives for mobile devices are shown in Table I.

Worldwide HDD-enabled mobile phone forecast

15 Converged mobile devices Other mobile phones

Shipments (M)

2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

HDDHard disk drive

Figure 7.
Hard disk drive shipments into mobile devices.

Bell Labs Technical Journal 37

Table I. Specications for small-form-factor hard disk drives.

Bell Labs Technical Journal

Comparison of existing and targeted specications
Toshiba Toshiba
Hitachi 1.8 in. Hitachi 0.85 in.
Hitachi 1.8 in. Toshiba (Perp. Hitachi 1.0 in. Toshiba (Perp.
Metric 1.8 in. Slim 1.8 in. record.) 1.0 in. Mikey 0.85 in. record.)
Size 30 3040 30 40 4 810 4 8
Heads 2 Pico 2 Femto 2 Femto 2 Femto 2 Femto 2 Femto 2 Femto 2 Femto
Footprint 54  71  7 54  71  5 54  78.5  5 54  78.5  5 42.8  36.4  5 30  40  5 24  32  3.3 NA
Weight 47 NA 50 NA 16 14 10 NA
Power 0.08W (10%20%) 0.005W/GB NA NA (40%) NA NA
(standby) (PWM) (efciency) (PWM)
Shock 500 G, 2 ms (10%20%) 500 G, 2 ms NA 200 G, 2 ms (100%) 1,000 G, NA
(op) 2 ms
Shock 1200 G, NA 1500 G NA 2000 G, 1 ms NA NA NA
(non-op) 1 ms 1 ms

GMRGiant magneto resistance Femto head, but Toshiba refers to it as a modied GMR
PWMPulse-width modulation head for perpendicular recording
Source: IDC, 2005
NA  Not available or not announced
The second application for MEMS accelerometers power coils and transformers, microrelays, micro-
is biometrics, such as gaming, menu control and mechanical resonators with high Q-value, and
security. Menu control has been demonstrated by active cooling elements.
Samsung Electronics, which recently announced the Power generation, including microturbines, micro-
worlds first 3D movement recognition mobile generators, microengines, hydrogen- or methanol-
phone, the SCH-S310. Samsungs accelerometer is based micro fuel cells, and polymer batteries. (NTT
built into the phone to calculate movement in three- Docomo has announced that a prototype of a 3G
dimensional space. Using its three-dimensional spacial cell phone powered by a micro fuel cell will be
recognition system, the SCH-S310 allows users to available by the end of 2005.)
write or draw symbols in the air to issue commands. Nonvolatile embedded memory technologies, in-
For example, swiping the phone to the right while an cluding micromachined read/write of atomic reso-
MP3 is playing can cause it to skip to the next track, lution memories. (The recent joint announcement
while swiping it to the left will cause it to go back a by LSI Logic and Nantero of the use of actuated
track. Drawing a number in the air dials that number carbon nanotubes for high-density nonvolatile
and shaking the phone ends a call. It is also expected memory is a step in this direction.)
that MEMS devices for image stabilization will be Micromechanical sensors and actuators for user
critical for cell phone video cameras. interfaces, including accelerometers, tilt sensors,
Nokia has identied the following key technolo- gyroscopes, pressure sensors, and magnetome-
gies that can create added value in mobile telephones: ters. Figure 8 illustrates the MEMS sensors cur-
Components and microsystems for adaptive rently implemented in commercial cell phones
power management, including integrated 3D and those that are expected to be implemented

Power & energy Micro fuel cell, NTT DoCoMo

management demo end 2005 in 3G cell phone

MOEMS, micro projection

system (FhG IPMS)

Gas sensors, (Siemens)

ozone, pollen, weather
Gyroscope, intuitive menu scrolling, GPS
Sensors &
actuators Pressure sensor 09/04, Siemens, express emotions

Microphone (Knowles), End 2003 Neonode

Accelerometer (ADI),
09/03 NTT DoCoMo: podometer, 06/04 Mitsubishi: auto picture
rotation, 09/04 Siemens: EMOTI, end 04: Nokia, Gaming

RF MEMS switch (PA, band, filter)

Micro-resonator (time source, filtering)
Enhanced and
miniaturized RF
FBAR duplexer (Agilent)
2001 Samsung Phone

2002 2004 2006 2008 2010

RFRadio frequency

Figure 8.
MEMS in mobile terminals.

Bell Labs Technical Journal 39

in them in the next few years. To date, ac- the receiver and transmitter and deals only with low-
celerometers are the most widely implemented power RF signals, the RF power amplier, the duplex
MEMS sensors. lter, and the antenna. A exibility that allows oper-
Cameras and displays, including micromirrors, ation in different frequency bands is called frequency
microlenses, scanners, and projection displays. agility; the RF system as a whole may be called a
(Fraunhofer IPMS and Fraunhofer ISIT are work- frequency agile RF system if all the RF units are
ing on micromirror-based miniature projection frequency agile.
displays that could be integrated in cell phones If all RF units are frequency agile by recongura-
by 2009.) tion through a control interface, then it is possible to
Components for speech and voice, including mi- alter the frequency band of operation remotely. In
cromechanical silicon microphones, microphone principle, such alteration can be achieved using an
arrays, microspeakers, and vibration suppression operations and maintenance terminal (OMT). Such a
systems. (MEMS microphones for cell phones are capability would obviate the need to have a technician
already in mass production at Knowles Acoustics. visit a basestation site to make manual changes to the
The Emkay Sisonic MEMS microphone was re- basestation conguration. Practically speaking, fre-
cently selected by Neotode for a multifunction quency agility may mean either that an alteration
portable device incorporating a cellular telephone, (e.g., switching or reconfiguring an oscillator fre-
MP3 music player, digital camera, organizer, and quency or bandpass lter) of certain RF properties of
portable game console.) the RF unit like is possible or that the RF unit is
RF MEMS devices have made possible signicant inherently broadband.
progress in enhancing the performance and func- The terms broadband and multiband differ in
tionality of the wireless infrastructure. Table II shows meaning. Broadband means that at any moment sev-
typical combinations of standards and frequency eral frequency bands can be supported in parallel,
bands in use today. It can be seen that there are more while multiband means that at any moment only a
variants of the frequency band of operation than there single band can be supported and that recongura-
are of the standard (i.e., the air interface protocol). tion mechanisms are required to change to another
band. From this perspective, frequency agility implies
A Case Study of Mobile Telephone Basestations that an RF unit can operate in different frequency
There is a strong desire to have a unied base- bands, but not necessarily that it can do so in parallel
station platform that can be recongured to address all at the same time.
the combinations indicated in Table II as well as any Several levels of reconfiguration may be envi-
that may arise in the future. Within such a unied sioned; from least to most agile, they are one-time
platform, the different frequency bands would make reconguration, reconguration by reboot, and re-
it necessary to recongure the RF units of the bases- conguration on a per-call basis. One-time recong-
tation. In order to alter the standard (i.e., the air in- uration may be realized by soldering components of
terface protocol), a change of the baseband algorithms different behavior on a unied printed circuit board.
would be necessary. In other words, multiband capa- Of course, such a procedure does not allow for a later
bility requires recongurable RF units, while multi- remote reconguration of the frequency band; such
standard capability requires a recongurable baseband reconfiguration would require desoldering compo-
unit. In the following discussion, the combination of nents and replacing them by components with
a band and a standard is called a mode; therefore, a different characteristics.
basestation that supports multiple bands but only one Reconguration by reboot means that the basesta-
standard may be called multimode. tion has to be rebooted to come up as a basestation sup-
The RF system of a basestation (Figure 9) typi- porting another frequency band. The reboot implies
cally consists of the radio subsystem, which comprises an interruption of service, but, for most scenarios, that

40 Bell Labs Technical Journal

Table II. Typical combinations of standards and frequency bands used in mobile communication.

Band Standard Width

3GPP2, IS95,
IS136 GSM/ CDMA2000, 3GPP Sub Chip 3GPP WLAN
MHz Note NMT (analog) (digital) EDGE CDMA-PAMR FDD UMTS TDD WiMAX
1.25 or 1.25
10 or 30 kHz 30 kHz 30 kHz 200 kHz 1.25 MHz 5 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 20 MHz MHz
300 Military
410 PMR/PAMR x x future ? 10
420 PMR/PAMR x future ? 10
450 (Former C-Net) x x x future ? 7.2
480 PMR/PAMR x x x future ? 7.2
700 Former TV x x 5
700 x x 10
750 New US 15
850 Cellular x x x x x future ? 25
870 PMR/PAMR 6
900 GSM x x x future ? 35
915 PMR/PAMR x 6
1700 Korea - PCS x
1800 DCS x future ? future ? 75
1900 PCS x x x x future ? 60
2100 IMT-2000 FDD x (UWC- x x future ? 60
2100 IMT-2000 TDD future ? x ? 20
2300 US WCS 15

Bell Labs Technical Journal

(continued )

Table II. Typical combinations of standards and frequency bands used in mobile communication (continued ).

Band Standard Width

3GPP2, IS95,
IS136 GSM/ CDMA2000, 3GPP Sub Chip 3GPP WLAN

Bell Labs Technical Journal

MHz Note NMT (analog) (digital) EDGE CDMA-PAMR FDD UMTS TDD WiMAX
1.25 or 1.25
10 or 30 kHz 30 kHz 30 kHz 200 kHz 1.25 MHz 5 MHz 2.5 MHz 5 MHz 20 MHz MHz
2400 ISM 11b/g X 80
2500 MMDS X 90
2600 New IMT2000? x x 10 MHz X 180
3300 FWA X 100
3500 FWA X 200
5100- UNII band X 200
5400 WRC new X 255
5700 UNII band X 125

3G1XEVThird generation CDMA2000 evolution PAMRPublic Access Mobile Radio

3GPP3rd Generation Partnership Project PCSPersonal communications service
3GPP2 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 PMRPrivate Mobile Radio
AMPSAdvanced mobile phone service TDDTime division duplex
CDMACode division multiple access TDMATime division multiple access
CDMA2000A third-generation code division multiple access technology UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System
DCSDigital crossconnect system UNIIUnlicensed National Information Infrastructure
EDGEEnhanced data for GSM evolution WCSWireless communications service
FDDFrequency division duplex WiFiWireless delity
FWAFixed wireless access WiMAXWireless Interoperability for Microwave Access, Inc.
GPRSGeneral Packet Radio Service WLANWireless local area network
GSMGlobal System for Mobile Communication* WRCWorld Radio Conference
MMDSMicrowave multipoint distribution system
CDMA2000 is a registered trademark of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA).
NMTNordic Mobile Telephone
GSM and Global System for Mobile Communication are registered trademarks of GSM Association.
OFDMOrthogonal frequency division multiplexing
Frequency agile Standards agile
RF system baseband
(350...3500 MHz) (CDMA, UMTS, WIMAX)

Frequency agile
antenna Frequency agile
power amplifier

Frequency agile
duplex filter

Frequency agile
CDMACode division multiple access UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System
RFRadio frequency WIMAXWorldwide interoperability for microwave access

Figure 9.
Multiband/multistandard basestation.

is acceptable. Such a reboot would typically be used to between different standard generations as well as net-
change baseband processing algorithms. work optimization. Recongurable basestations are
Reconguration on a per-call basis means that a valuable for real network operators that serve virtual
basestation can support any mode, i.e., an arbitrary ones called mobile virtual network operators
combination of band and standard for each new call (MVNOs). MVNOs may have different standard-band
that is established. This is the highest level of recon- strategies and may have granted different licenses. If
guration. It is obvious that reconguration on a per- real operators have the exibility to adjust for arbi-
call basis implies tremendous complexity in a trary standard-band combinations, they can serve a
basestation, because several calls of different mode great variety of MVNOs.
might have to be supported in parallel. Such a level of The factors that make reconguration attractive
reconguration is only sensible for terminals, which for basestations result in very infrequent alterations of
are typically required to handle only one call or RF the RF settings. Such changes may occur as infre-
channel at a time. For a commercial basestation, this quently as two times a year; so they are not highly dy-
complete agility is still considered to be unnecessarily namic. Consequently, they result in a very low
complex. However, in extraordinary defense and number of switching cycles over the lifetime of the
emergency response circumstances, there is still a components. This is advantageous in the context of
need to have command center basestations with total RF MEMS devices, because their reliability in terms of
agility. It has been estimated that, in a natural disas- switching cycles is typically limited. Moreover, be-
ter, an emergency response command center might cause the basestation must be rebooted in order to
have to coordinate as many as 700 different radios. change band, switching time is not critical.
Reconguration by reboot is very attractive for The benets of frequency and standard agility are
basestations; it allows them to support the operator not limited to the network operator. They also offer
spectrum migration strategies required by operator substantial benets to the infrastructure equipment
consolidations, license exchanges, and transitions vendor. These benets are present even if a basestation

Bell Labs Technical Journal 43

is never recongured during its lifetime. If a unied 15%. In other words, recongurability pays off, pro-
basestation can be commissioned for a specic cus- ducing a cost savings of 5% to 10% for the equip-
tomer simply by using software commands, then there ment vendor. (It is important to stress that the cost
are logistical savings. A detailed study based solely on saving is always present, even if a basestation is never
the radio has been performed by the Lucent reconfigured during its lifetime.) This perspective
Technologies Supply Chain organization. The follow- sheds new light on the argument for implementing
ing savings were identied during that study: recongurable radio by suggesting that the dominant
Development-related savings: reason for doing so is the benet it provides the equip-
Simplied specication effort, ment manufacturer, not the network operator. This
Reduced design and development effort, differs from the traditional argument for implement-
One common radio board across all fre- ing software radio, which uses the gain in exibility to
quency bands, justify the additional complexity and costs.
Greater economies of scale for components Justifying recongurable radios from the users
and printed circuit boards (PCBs), perspective, which in the context of a basestation
No development effort for variants, means justifying them from the perspective of the
Quicker reaction to newly opened frequency network operator, is also difcult, because an infra-
bands within a deregulated spectrum regu- structure vendor cannot guarantee that a radio or RF
latory framework, system sold today will be compatible with any future
Shorter time to market, and standard-band combinations that the network opera-
Cost reduction initiatives that addressed tor may have to support. An operator may want to
a greater range of products, thus having a reuse a recongurable radio or a complete recong-
greater effect. urable RF system in combination with a new base-
Production- and supply-chain related savings: band unit for a new air interface, but the vendor
Fewer production setups, cannot guarantee compliance to the new standards
Less excess material, in advance. This means that it is risky to justify im-
Common handling procedures, plementing recongurable RF systems in order to pre-
Smaller component database, and pare for the future, because future standards are not
Greater production exibility, regardless of yet dened; therefore an infrastructure vendor cannot
the order. give a contractual guarantee that an RF system sold
Certication- and testing-related savings: today will prepare the operator for the future. This
Faster certification for a new basestation means that the vendor cannot advertise preparation
generation, for the future as a feature of its product. In other
Common test platform, and words, the vendor cannot sell recongurability as a
Reduced test and certication effort. feature that will produce revenue for the network op-
Documentation-related savings: erator. Recongurability only produces revenue for
Simplied documentation, and the vendor by means of logistical savings.
Faster creation of documentation. The case of reconfigurable RF systems is quite
Servicing-related savings: similar to that of recongurable baseband solutions.
Common handling procedures for repair, Typically, Moores Law as applied to digital signal pro-
Unied eld-support and maintenance, and cessing does not make it attractive to oversize base-
Service personnel trained on fewer products. band processing power in order to be prepared for the
The study determined that the cost increase due future. It is often more sensible to exchange a base-
to the added complexity of recongurable radios was band unit when an enhanced air interface protocol is
on the order of 5%. On the other hand, the logistical introduced. Once again, this case is clearly distinct
savings listed above can be on the order of 10% to from that for software radios, in which preparation

44 Bell Labs Technical Journal

Multiband PA with reconfigurable matching Broadband Transmit
subharmonic Dual
SiC-MESFET/GaN- DAC filter
IQ mixer


Multiband RFB
or broadband RFB :n
Reconfigurable Reconfig prescaler 2/4/8
antenna Reconfig-
transmit filter
or tunable Wide tuning
postselector synthesizer UMTS:
4 Samples
Subharmonic direct mixing per chip
15.3 MSa/s Base
Wide tuning
Tunable Channel
metamaterial Dual selection
RF-MEMS subharmonic
duplexer Gain AD filter
IQ mixer

Reconfigurable :n
Reconfig prescaler 2/4/8
receive filter
or tunable Wide tuning
preselector synthesizer

PAPower amplifier RFBRadio function block

RF-MEMSRadio frequency microelectromechanical systems UMTSUniversal Mobile Telecommunications System

Figure 10.
Architectural concept of a multiband/multistandard basestation.

for the future is considered a valuable feature because system that spans such a wide range may be called a
software radio is viewed as a platform for loading new multioctave radio or multioctave RF system.
air interface protocols. Any recongurable RF system must include only
One motivation for using radio recongurability frequency agile RF units (e.g., the radio, the PA, the
mentioned above was that it provides fast reaction to antenna, and the lters). Figure 10 shows the archi-
changed regulatory conditions. Over time, more and tecture of a frequency agile RF system and some tech-
more new frequency bands are opened up for mobile nologies that have been proposed to facilitate
communication. Moreover, security and safety net- frequency agility.
works are set up in very specific frequency alloca- RF MEMS play a key role in a frequency agile ar-
tions, making the allocations of frequency bands even chitecture, because they enable exible lters, recon-
more diverse. It is therefore desirable not only to figurable matching networks, and widely tunable
switch among the predened settings of a nite num- synthesizers. At some points in the architecture the
ber of xed bands, but also to be able to continuously use of RF MEMS would be desirable but is not yet
tune the RF system solution. As Table II indicates, the possible; for example, the reconfigurable output
frequency range in which macrocellular networks can matching network of the PA and the duplex lter both
be found reaches from 300 MHz to 3500 MHz, which demand high RF power handling. Up to 40 W average
covers multiple octaves. A recongurable radio or RF and 200 W peak RF power are present at these nodes.

Bell Labs Technical Journal 45

Such high powers imply very high RF currents, which
is a problem for the RF MEMS components available
today; however, some research work on RF MEMS
for high power applications can be found in literature.
The RF system concept is to create a software
radio in the analog domain. Characteristics of an ana-
log signal function block are set through a digital in-
terface and can thus be controlled by software. A
digital control bus for the analog radio functions is
one way to facilitate easy handling of parameter
changes. This may require a reconguration bus that
carries information on the desired frequency band
and modulation or the required carrier frequency
Figure 12.
across various radio function blocks (RFBs). (See
RF-MEMS switch designed by Coventor.
Figure 11.) RF MEMS perfectly match the approach
of RFBs, because RF MEMS devices offer separation
between their control path and their RF signal path.
The only link between the RF signal domain and the
control domain is a mechanical cantilever. The me-
chanical structures, which do not respond to the RF
frequencies, provide both ltering and isolation.
The separation between the RF signal and control
ports also reduces the risk of crosstalk from digital sig-
nal sources to analog signals, so there is no risk of RF
signal quality degradation. There is also a higher prob-
ability of a rst time right design of a radio, reducing
the number of design iterations. Figures 12 and 13
show an RF MEMS switch that was designed by

Figure 13.
Analog/RF path RF-MEMS switch (zoom) designed by Coventor.

Analog/RF Analog/RF Coventor. An electrostatic force is used to actuate the

in RFB out
switch, in which, as is typical, the plate for actuation is
Signal processing stage
much larger than the plate for the RF contact.
This RF MEMS switch offered performance supe-
rior to that of a photo intrinsic diode (PIN) switch.
Digital path Insertion loss was 0.1 dB up to 2.1 GHz and isolation
was better than 40 dB. In order to reduce the actua-
tion voltage, which in the initial design was up to
RFRadio frequency 30 V, a redesign was performed with enlarged actua-
RFBRadio function block
tion plates. Several switches were also arranged in an
Figure 11. SP4T configuration to serve as a switch matrix, as
Radio function block. shown in Figure 14.

46 Bell Labs Technical Journal

Figure 14.
RF-MEMS switch matrix SP4T designed by Wispry.

For the SP4T conguration, the four toggle the 450, 900, 1800, and 2100 MHz bands. This test
switches were realized by using two single-pole single- board is shown in Figure 16.
throw (SPST) switches, so eight individual switches Figure 17 shows a wide-tuning range varactor
were required for the full conguration. The 5 mm  with capacitance variation larger than factor 5. The
5 mm packaged switch matrix is shown in Figure 15. tuning range of the synthesizer in the proposed ar-
A test board for a recongurable lter was built in chitecture does not have to span multiple octaves,
which the RF MEMS switch matrix was used to thanks to the use of recongurable prescalers in the
switch between four different SAW lters, covering direct mixing architecture described above. A sub-
harmonic mixing approach was chosen, so that the
divider ratio of the prescalers is varied among 2, 4,
and 8. This approach results in synthesizers having
a tuning range of from 3 GHz to 4.4 GHz and a rela-
tive tuning range of 37%, which cannot be realized by
using a varicap diode. Either an RF MEMS varactor
can be used or the oscillator can be switched in two
ranges using RF MEMS switches.
RF MEMS varactors may be also used to realize
tunable bandpass lters in which the center frequency
can be tuned over a wide range. The RF MEMS var-
Figure 15. actor shown in Figure 17 offers a capacitance varia-
Housing of RF-MEMS switch matrix. tion larger than factor 5, which results in a variation

Bell Labs Technical Journal 47

Figure 16.
Test board of RF-MEMS switch matrix.

capacitance but also the inductance must be tunable.

This capability requires RF MEMS variometers. While
there have been research demonstrations of contin-
uously tunable inductors and RF MEMS switched in-
ductor banks, the development of RF MEMS-based
tunable inductors clearly lags that of varactors.
Nevertheless, tunable inductors are unique to RF
MEMS; they are not available in semiconductor
If such a exible lter were used as a preselector
or postselector in a frequency agile RF system archi-
tecture such as that shown in Figure 10, Q factors
greater than 200 would be needed to meet blocking
and spurious emission requirements. Typically, RF
MEMS devices offer Q values in the range of 60 to
Figure 17.
Wide tuning varactor by Wispry. 150, so techniques for enhancing Q would be needed.
One way to do this might be to apply moderate active
feedback in a way similar to that of the Audion prin-
of the resonance frequency of at least factor 2 in a ciple, as shown in Figure 18. In this approach, part of
simple inductor-capacitor lter (LC) network. the output signal is fed back into the resonant circuit
However, in a multiband/multistandard RF through a programmable gain amplier. By program-
system, it is desirable to tune not only the center ming the gain of the feedback amplier, the amount
frequency but also the bandwidth. In a passive LC of feedback, and thus the amount of Q-factor en-
resonance circuit, this means that not only the hancement, can be set.

48 Bell Labs Technical Journal

gain amp.
isolation Output
amp. isolation amp.

Optional Figure 19.

detector Synthesizer radio function block.

Logic and driver

die level, but it is easily degraded if careful attention
is not paid to the package environment. The LTCC ap-
Calibration table
FLASH RAM proach ensures that the superior RF performance of
MEMS is translated to the system level.
The integration of both passive and active com-
RAMRandom access memory ponents into a module is an ideal basis for making
full use of the exibility and superior performance of-
Figure 18. fered by RF MEMS. Moreover, the inherent separa-
Tunable lter radio function block based on Audion tion of the signal and control paths in an RF MEMS
device perfectly supports the objective behind RFBs,
which is to recongure the characteristics of an ana-
Active feedback always magnies the risk of un- log signal path through a digital interface.
wanted oscillation, so circuit elements stabilizing the The RFB in Figure 19 also contains a calibration
amount of feedback must be included in the circuit table that may be written during RFB production. The
topology. First, isolation ampliers may be placed at calibration table contains entries that are necessary
the input and output of the radio function block to for translating frequency, bandwidth, and gain com-
prevent variations of the source and load impedances mands at the digital interface into tuning voltages and
from detuning the resonant structure and the varying programming words for the various components in-
the amount of feedback. Second, the resonant struc- side the RFB. As the concept of encapsulation through
ture may be electromagnetically shielded. This can be isolation ampliers and buried resonators is applied, it
done by burying it in one of the inner layers of a is expected that the entries in the calibration table
multilayer low-temperature co-red ceramic (LTCC) will be independent of the circuitry around the RFB.
circuit similar to the resonator of the synthesizer radio The use of RFBs has signicant advantages during
function block shown in Figure 19. RF system design. Normally, design centering is per-
The synthesizer RFIC with the LTCC module in formed by means of design iteration with altered com-
Figure 19 is not packaged, as only a simple environ- ponent values, but, in an RF system based on RFBs,
mental seal is placed above the RFIC. With wafer- changes can be made to the RF chain by reprogram-
scale or chip-scale packaging for RF MEMS, a similar ming the RFBs. From this perspective, RFBs can be
seal is all that would be required for module assembly seen as key elements of analog software radios.
when mounting RF MEMS components. The me- With frequency agile power ampliers, it is nec-
chanical aspects of RF MEMS require chip- or wafer- essary to readjust matching structures when changing
scale packaging, which is now common in RF SAWs. frequency bands, because the impedance of amplify-
In general, RF MEMS performance is superior at the ing transistors is highly frequency dependent. Various

Bell Labs Technical Journal 49

50 line 50 line
180 transformer


50 line 50 line

Control Gate Source

Figure 20. Control
Recongurable amplier based on RF-MEMS switches.

Figure 22.
Tunable frequency selective amplier.

50 line 50 line
a peak in the gain can be obtained and attenuation at
Amplifier unwanted frequency ranges will be present. This tech-
nique offers a signicant advantage over the use of
broadband power ampliers. With broadband ampli-
Control ers, wideband noise in the transmit chain around re-
ceive frequencies would be amplied and would lead
Figure 21. to high rejection requirements in the duplexer lter. In
Recongurable amplier based on RF-MEMS varactors. frequency-division duplex systems, in which receiv-
ing and transmitting is performed simultaneously,
degradation of the receiver by wideband transmit noise
topologies of recongurable matching structures can must be avoided.
be envisioned. Either matching stubs switched by RF The selection provided by the amplier can con-
MEMS switches or a pi-topology incorporating RF tribute to the overall ltering effort in the transmit
MEMS varactors could be used. Only some dam seal- chain. It contributes to a so-called distributed lter
ing must be placed above the RFIC in order to prevent approach, in which each signal processing stage,
package parasitics from degrading performance. whether digital or analog, contributes to the overall
For an alteration between two bands, a switching filtering effort. In the architecture depicted in
approach such as that shown in Figure 20 is suf- Figure 10, the selectivity provided by the postselector
cient. However, when the number of different fre- (i.e., the interstage lter), in conjunction with the se-
quency bands is large, an approach based on RF lectivity provided by the power ampliers, leads to a
MEMS varactors (see Figure 21) is more exible. A reduction of the requirements for the duplexer, which
challenge in such a context is the current-handling today is a costly device of large form factor and high
capability of RF MEMS devices. On the input side, RF weight. It also simplies the effort required to recon-
power levels are quite moderate, but, on the output figure the duplexer. Instead of frequency-selective
side, they can be quite high, resulting in large reactive gate drain capacitance neutralization, narrowband
currents owing through the RF MEMS devices. matching topologies may be used with a classical am-
An alternate approach may be the use of wide plier, after which, of course, it is advisable to use RF
band gap power transistors, which can have imped- MEMS varactors for precise frequency setting of the
ance levels close to 50 Ohm. (See Figure 22.) A tech- gain peak.
nique for the frequency-selective cancellation of the In the Recongurable Mobile Systems (RMS) re-
gate drain capacitance may be implemented. By chang- search project funded by the German Federal Ministry
ing the properties of the passive feedback network, of Research and Education (BMBF), which lasted from

50 Bell Labs Technical Journal

TXPA Addr. B0 TXBP Addr. A0 TXMX Addr. 90 TXDA Addr. 70

50 50 50 50

Verantw.: BFR/WEC Verantw.: RST Verantw.: FKL Verantw.: PBA/FKL

Analog lines
TXFP Addr. C0 Rekonfig bus FBAD Addr. xx
Digital data lines 50
0/90 A/D DDC


Verantw.: RST/WEC Verantw.: JHE

DISPLAY Addr. E0 RXLO Addr. 50 TXLO Addr. 60 RefClock Addr. D0

Ref Ref
VCO Clock

loop filter loop filter

Verantw.: TIL Verantw.: GKA Verantw.: GKA Verantw.: RBR

RXBP Addr. 10 RXMX Addr. 20 RXAD Addr. 30

50 50 50

Verantw.: JHE/GKA Verantw.: GKA/FKL Verantw.: JHE


Figure 23.
Architecture of RMS demonstrator.

July 2001 to December 2004, a demonstrator was Figure 26 is a picture of a recongurable receive
built as a practical demonstration of the recongura- bandpass module incorporating an RF MEMS switch
tion of a common RF signal path in order to address matrix. It is interesting to compare this module with
multiple mobile communication bands. Figure 23 the transmit bandpass module shown in Figure 27,
shows the RF architecture of the RMS demonstrator, which uses a GaAs FET switch matrix. The drawback
and Figure 24 shows the mechanical construction of of this approach is immediately visible. The recong-
the RMS demonstrator frame. Each RF function has its urable bandpass based on RF MEMS requires only a
own module housing. This allows changing modules single matrix at the output, thanks to the high isola-
between different realizations of an RF function. For tion provided by RF MEMS. On the other hand, the
example, a exible lter based on SAW lters being reconfigurable filter based on GaAs switch matrix
switched by an RF MEMS matrix can be exchanged technology requires two matrices, one at the input
with a lter based on GaAs-FET switches. Moreover, and one at the output. Moreover, biasing techniques
a tunable lter based on variable RF MEMS varactors must be implemented with GaAs switches. Another
can be supported by this approach. reason two matrices are needed with GaAs-FETs is
The module carrier frame shown in Figure 25 that the GaAs FET-based switch matrices have very
serves as a platform for hosting all the modules shown high parasitics capacitance for unselected signal
in the mechanical construction of Figure 24. paths.

Bell Labs Technical Journal 51

Figure 24.
Mechanical construction of RMS demonstrator.

Figure 25.
RMS demonstrator module carrier frame.

52 Bell Labs Technical Journal

Figure 26.
Recongurable receive bandpass using an RF-MEMS switch matrix to switch between four xed SAW lters.

Figure 27.
Recongurable transmit bandpass using GaAs FET switches to switch between four xed SAW lters.

Using two matrices means that the RF loss of the especially for low noise designs. For the RF MEMS
switch matrix is doubled when compared to that of a switch matrix, the out-of band rejection was further
single switch matrix. In this case, RF MEMS technol- enhanced by shorting the unused lters to ground,
ogy offers significant benefits at the system level, as shown in Figure 28.

Bell Labs Technical Journal 53

Figure 31 and 32 show receive and transmit syn-
thesizer modules that use RF MEMS to switch the fre-
quency ranges. The light-emitting diodes (LEDs) in
each module indicate the actual setting of the fre-
quency band and the standard. Figure 33 shows the
baseband digital interface board hosting the convert-
ers and interface drivers.
The demonstrator will be presented to the public
at the status seminar of the BMBF that takes place in
June 2005 at the University of Ulm; it is an excellent
example of the system-level benets of RF MEMS and
Bandpass SP4T of the maturity of the RF MEMS industry.
filters RF-MEMS
witch matrix The Future of RF MEMS
RF-MEMSRadio frequency The RF MEMS devices discussed above have
microelectromechanical systems
SP4TSingle-pole four-throw switch focused on drop-in replacements for discrete, passive
solid-state devices. In many cases, RF MEMS can offer
Figure 28. advantages in terms of size, cost, or performance for
Recongurable lter topology with enhanced such devices.
stopband attenuation.
Work on active devices is less advanced, although
there have been demonstrations of vacuum microelec-
Figures 29 and 30 show the transmit mixer mod- tronics, such as the planar triode shown in Figure 34.
ule, in which multiband capability is achieved by The high impedance and high operating voltage of a
using RF MEMS to switch the matching structures at planar triode makes it an ideal device in high-frequency,
the local oscillator (LO) and RF ports. high-bandwidth applications such as wireless power

Figure 29.
Multiband transmit mixer module using RF-MEMS to switch matching structures (top view).

54 Bell Labs Technical Journal

Figure 30.
Multiband transmit mixer module using RF-MEMS to switch matching structures (bottom view).

Figure 31.
Wide tuning receive synthesizer feeding a recongurable prescaler and using an RF-MEMS switch for alteration of
frequency range.

Bell Labs Technical Journal 55

Figure 32.
Wide tuning transmit synthesizer feeding a recongurable prescaler and using RF-MEMS for frequency range

Figure 33.
Multiband transmit mixer module using RF-MEMS to switch matching structures (bottom view).

56 Bell Labs Technical Journal

Figure 34.
RF-MEMS based planar triode.

ampliers. It is possible to take advantage of the design The key to the evolution of RF MEMS will be
exibility of MEMS to add more functionality to active their monolithic integration into RFICs. Not only will
device structures. For example, a micropentode can be this integration allow circuit designers to take full
fabricated without requiring any additional processing advantage of the performance of discrete RF MEMS
steps. The design and fabrication of inductive-output- devices, it will also enable new system architectures to
type vacuum tube devices such as klystrodes, klystrons, optimize performance. An example of this would be
and traveling wave tubes using such solid-state-based the use channel-select lter banks in the mobile in-
MEMS technologies are also clearly within reach. Such frastructure. In order for this evolution to take hold,
devices have the potential to have an enormous impact the industry-standard foundry fabrication process and
on the wireless infrastructure. Power ampliers based the EDA infrastructure must mature. An example
on traveling wave tubes have been shown to offer sub- design ow from Coventor is shown in Figure 35.
stantial benets in terms of the efciency of wireless In the late 1970s a quiet revolution took place in
basestations, but they cannot currently be justied be- the semiconductor industry, as EDA and process tech-
cause of their cost and size. nology progressed to the point at which register
Unique to the work described above was the in- transfer language (RTL) and physical-layer design
corporation of nanoscale structures based on carbon became effectively independent. This launched the
nanotubes to enhance device functionality and per- foundry business model and supported the rise of
formance. The powerful combination of nanomateri- fabled semiconductor companies. RF MEMS now sit
als and MEMS technology will likely stimulate the on this same cusp; their use should explode over the
creation of new and unique devices useful for a next decade as design and foundry manufacturing
variety of other applications. mature.

Bell Labs Technical Journal 57

Develop Build Simulate Create Layout Perform
Concept Design Performance & 3D Model Detailed Analysis Fabricate

for Simulation

Figure 35.
RF-MEMS design ow.

Acknowledgments [4] W. T. Hsu, RF MEMS Experience Growing

Georg Fischer would like to thank the German Popularity, Wireless Syst. Designs (354),
Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) Mar. 2003, <
for funding this work under grant 01BU173 RMS
[5] C. T.-C. Nguyen, L. P. B. Katehi, and
and 01BU387 ErGaN (reconfigurable GaN-based G. M. Rebeiz, Micromachined Devices for
amplifiers). He also wants to thank the European Wireless Communications, Proc. of the IEEE,
Commission for financial support in the area of 86:8 (1998), 17561768.
MEMS-based recongurable matching structures with [6] K. E. Peterson, Micromechanical Membrane
frequency agile ampliers within the European IST Switches on Silicon, IBM J. R&D., 23:4 (1979),
program FP6 Network of Excellence Top Amplifier
[7] P. Rjsel, What Can RF MEMS Do for Mobile
Research Group in a European Team (TARGET). Telephones?, MEMSWAVE Workshop (Uppsala,
*Trademarks Fin., 2004).
CDMA2000 is a registered trademark of the
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA-USA). Additional Reading
G. Fischer, Requirements for the Radio
Global System for Mobile Communications and GSM are
registered trademarks of GSM Association. Architecture of 4G/3G+ Basestations,
MIOP2001, (Stuttgart, Ger., 2001), Microwave
References and Optronics Proceedings.
[1] J. Bouchaud and H. Wicht, RF MEMS: Status G. Fischer, RF MEMS as a Key Enabling
of the Industry and Roadmaps, <http://www. Technology for Multiband/Multistandard Radios, Nexus, User Supplier Club on
rfmems.htm>. Telecommunications, IMEC, (Leuven, Belg.,
[2] H. J. De Los Santos, G. Fischer, H.A.C. Tilmans, 2002), <>.
and J.T.M. van Beek, RF MEMS for Ubiquitous G. Fischer, RF MEMS for Base Stations,
Wireless Connectivity, IEEE Microwave Mag., IEEE/VE Internat. Workshop on W-CDMA RF
5:4 (2004), 5065. Issues and Future Trends, an Ultrasonics
[3] V. Ermolov, H. Nieminen, K. Nybergh, Symposium Post Conference Workshop,
T. Ryhanen, and S. Silanto, MEMS for Mobile (Salzburg, Austria, 2002).
Communications, Circuit Assembly (2002), G. Fischer, RF Architecture of Frequency Agile
4244. Base Stations, IEEE/VE Internat. Workshop on

58 Bell Labs Technical Journal

W-CDMA RF Issues and Future Trends, an include All in the Wrist by Joseph Verrengia, which
Ultrasonics Symposium Post Conference discusses components for single-chip cell phones; this
Workshop, (Salzburg, Austria, 2002). article has already appeared in 23 publications and
G. Fischer, W. Eckl, and G. Kaminski, RF MEMS information sources, including CNN online.
and SiC/GaN as Enabling Technologies for a
Recongurable Multiband/Multistandard Radio,
GEORG FISCHER is a CMTS in the Basestation Forward-
Bell Labs Tech. J., 7:3 (2002), 169189.
Looking Department at Lucent
G. Fischer, Using RF MEMS for a Recongurable
Technologies in Nurnberg, Germany. He has
Frequency Agile Frontend Within a Software
an M.S. degree in electrical engineering
Radio Architecture, Workshop on Recongurable
from the University of Aachen in Germany
MEMS for Low-Frequency/High-Volume
and a Ph.D. degree (also in electrical
Applications, IEEE IMS04, (Fort Worth, TX,
engineering) from the University of Paderborn in
Germany. Dr. Fischer acted as a chairman in ETSI during
F. Pivit, G. Fischer, C. Waldschmidt, and W.
the physical layer standardization of the GSM-EDGE
Wiesbeck, Multi-Band Base Station Antenna for
system. He lectures at the University of Erlangen on
Diversity and MIMO Applications, EUMW,
basestation RF technology, with a specic focus on
(Amsterdam, Neth., 2004).
receiver and transmitter architectures. He holds various
F. Pivit, G. Fischer, and W. Wiesbeck, Concept
patents in the area of RF technology, specically for
for Dual Polarized Multiband Aperture Antenna
work on RF-MEMS, power ampliers, and transceiver
Element for Recongurable Base Stations, JINA,
architectures, and has published various papers on RF
(Nice, Fr., 2004).
technologies for recongurable, frequency agile RF
H. J. De Los Santos, G. Fischer, H.A.C. Tilmans,
and J.T.M. van Beek, RF MEMS for Ubiquitous
Wireless Connectivity. Part I. Fabrication, IEEE
Microwave Mag., 5:4 (2004), 3649. JRMIE BOUCHAUD is director of market research
H. J. De Los Santos, G. Fischer, H.A.C. Tilmans, for microsystem products at WTC-Wicht
and J.T.M. van Beek, RF MEMS for Ubiquitous Technologie Consulting. He graduated from
Wireless Connectivity. Part II. Application, IEEE the Munich University of Applied Sciences
Microwave Mag., 5:4 (2004), 5065. and the Ecole Suprieure de Commerce of
G. Fischer, Frequency Agile Basestation Grenoble in France. He has gained an
Systems, Gerotron RadioTecc Workshop und international reputation as a market expert for RF
Entwicklerforum, (Berlin, Ger., 2004). MEMS. His thorough analysis of the RF MEMS market
has been published in the report The Market for
RF MEMS 20022007. He is also a member of the
(Manuscript approved June 2005) International Advisory Board of the European Network
of Excellence on RF MEMS. He was in charge of
PETER GAMMEL is Senior Vice President, electronics, at technology transfer at the German ofce of CEA-LETI
Advance Nanotech in New York, New York. between 1998 and 2000 before joining WTC as a co-
He earned a B.S. in mathematics and physics founder. He is also member of the Industrial Advisory
(Phi Beta Kappa) from the Massachusetts Board of AMICOM, the European Network of
Institute of Technology in Cambridge and a Excellence on RF Microsystems.
Ph.D. in physics (A. D. White Fellowship)
from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. He is a
fellow of the American Physical Society and the
recipient of the 1988 W. McMillan award for
outstanding young researchers. He formerly served on
the Industrial Advisory Board of MITs Microelectronics
Technology Laboratory, Princetons Center for
Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials (POEM), and
the Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC) Board
of Directors. Dr. Gammel has published over 200 papers
and led over 50 patents. Articles describing his work

Bell Labs Technical Journal 59

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