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(Rev.18.26 September 2016)
No Public Training Days Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(Million IDR)
1 Understanding & Implementing 2 3,499 25 - 26 21 - 22 18 19 1-2 7-8
ISO 9001:2015 27 28

2 Internal Quality Audit ISO 9001:2015 2 3,499 15 - 16 29 - 30 3- 4 22 - 23


3 Understanding and Implementing 2 3,499 18 - 19 27 - 28 1-2 29 - 30

ISO 14001:2015 12

4 Environmental Audit based on 2 3,499 23 -24 5-6 29 - 30 29 30

ISO 14001:2015

5 Integrated Management System QMS ISO 3 4,999 7-9 26 - 28 22 24 14 - 16

9001, EMS ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001

6 SOP Writing & Improvement 2 3,499 1-2 26 - 27 1-2

7 ISO 50001 Implementation Course 2 3,999 15 - 16 12 - 13 8-9

1 Effective Project Management 3 5,999 7-9 26 - 28 16 18 7-9

2 Efective Warehouse & 2 3,999 7-8 20 - 21 8-9

Inventory Management

3 Managing Quality Assurance 2 3,999 25 - 26 15 - 16 22 - 23

for Business Excellence

4 5S Implementation 2 3,999 15 - 16 9 - 10 28 - 29

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No Public Training Days Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(Million IDR)
5 Designing Key Performance 2 3,999 30 - 31 11 - 12 1-2
Indicators (KPI)
with balanced scorecard
6 Leading and Managing Cost 2 3,999 15 - 16 26 - 27 22 - 23 20 - 21
Reduction Strategy

7 Effective Maintenance Management 2 3,999 18 - 19 13 - 14 15 - 16

8 Autonomous Maintenance 2 3,999 21 - 22 24 - 25

9 Best Practices Sparepart management 2 3,999 23 - 24 25 - 26 15 - 16

10 Zero Breakdown Through Total 2 3,999 28 - 29 17 - 18

Productive Maintenance (TPM)


KEMNAKER Certifications
1 Ahli K3 Umum 12 8,999 1 - 13 19 - 1 Okt 17 - 29 14 - 26 5 - 19
29 - 10 Sep 3 - 15 7 - 19 5 - 19
22 - 3 Sep
2 Auditor SMK3 4 5,999 23 - 26 20 - 23 1-4 6-9

3 Petugas P3K (First Aid) 3 4,999 6-8 1-3 20 - 22

Oil and Gas Certification, certified by LSP Migas Cepu

4 Training K3 Migas Tingkat Petugas & 6 9,000 & 6 - 11 Aug 11 - 16 8 - 13 5 - 10 3-8
Koordinator 9,300 27 - 1 Sep 24 - 29 22 - 27 19 - 24
5 NEBOSH International General 11 US$ 3090 22 - 3 Sep 21 - 3 Dec
Certificate in Occupational Safety and
6 NEBOSH International Technical 6 US$ 2169 5 - 10 5 - 10
Certificate in Oil and Gas Operational
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No Public Training Days Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(Million IDR)
7 NEBOSH Certificate in Environmental 6 US$ 2359 29 - 3 Sep 14 - 19

BNSP Certification
8 Ahli K3 Utama bersertifikasi BNSP 6 7,750 8 - 13 5 - 10 10 - 15 7 - 12 5 - 10
22 - 27 24 - 29 21 - 26 19 - 24

9 Ahli K3 Madya bersertifikasi BNSP 5 6,750 8 - 12 5-9 10 - 14 7 - 11 5-9

22 - 26 24 - 28 21 - 25 19 - 23

10 Ahli K3 Muda bersertifikasi BNSP 4 5,750 8 - 11 5-8 10 - 13 7 - 10 5-8

22 - 25 24 - 27 21 - 24 19 - 22

11 Accident Investigation 3 5,749 23 - 25 20 - 22 18 - 20 15 - 17 13 - 15

bersertifikasi BNSP

12 Contractor's Safety Management 4 5,999 9 - 12 6-9 11 - 14 8 - 11 6-9

System (CSMS) bersertifikat BNSP

13 HAZOPS bersertifikasi BNSP 3 7,499 6-8 18 - 20 13 - 15

14 Petugas P3K bersertifikasi BNSP 3 5,749 2-4 4-6 22 - 24 27 29

15 Auditor SMK3 bersertifikasi BNSP 3 5,749 23 - 25 4-6 1-3 13 15

17 Training K3 Migas Tingkat Operator 3 6,499 8 - 11 19 - 22 17 - 20 21 - 24 19 - 22

18 Pengawas K3 Migas 4 7,499 8 - 12 19 - 23 17 - 21 21 - 25 19 - 23

19 Pengawas K3 Utama Migas 4 8,999 8 - 12 19 - 23 17 - 21 21 - 25 19 - 23

20 Basic of Health and Safety 3 4,749 29 - 31 14 - 16 25 27 15 - 17 14 - 16

Bersertifikat BNSP

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No Public Training Days Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(Million IDR)
Occupational Health and Safety Management
21 Sistem Manajemen Kesehatan & 2 3,999 15 - 16 22 - 23 26 - 27 8-9
Keselamatan Kerja (SMK3) berdasarkan
OHSAS 18001 & PP No.50/2012
22 Health and Safety Auditing based on 2 3,999 29 - 30 10 - 11 15 16
OHSAS 18001:2007

23 Contractor's Safety Management 3 5,499 6-8 6-8

System (CSMS)

24 Basic of Health and Safety 2 3,499 14 - 15 14 - 15

25 Professional Accident Investigation 2 3,999 20 - 21 15 -16

26 HAZOPS 3 6,999 6-8 18 - 20 13 - 15

27 Emergency Response Plan (ERP) 3 6,999 24 - 26 28 - 30 9 - 11 79

28 Behavior Based Safety 2 4,499 8-9 27 - 28 8-9

29 Process Safety Management 3 6,999 10 - 12 5-7 23 - 25

30 HSE Risk Assessment 2 3,999 8-9 3-4 8-9

31 Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja 2 3,999 18 - 19 20 - 21 1-2

di Rumah Sakit

32 Chemical Hazardous Handling 2 3,999 3-4 22 - 23 17 - 18 22 23

Panitia Pembinaan Keselamatan dan

33 2 3,999 8-9 3-4 8-9
Kesehatan Kerja ( P2K3 )

1 Understanding & Implementing 2 3,999 15 - 16 29 - 30 20 21 9 - 10 22 - 23
ISO/IEC 17025:2005
(SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008)
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No Public Training Days Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(Million IDR)
2 Internal Audit ISO/IEC 17025:2005 2 3,999 21 - 22 3-4 7-8
(SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008)

3 Laboratory Preparation for 4 7,499 6-9 8 - 11 13 - 16

ISO/IEC 17025:2005
(SNI ISO/IEC 17025:2008)
4 Principles of Good Laboratory 2 3,499 30 - 31 5-6 20 - 21

5 Improving Laboratory Performance 2 3,499 18 - 19 12 - 13 23 - 24

through Method Validation &
Method Verification
6 K3 Laboratorium ( Health and Safety in the 4 5,749 27 - 30 14 19 - 22
Laboratory ) Bersertifikasi BNSP

Notes :
1) Early Birds Discount :SaveIDR 500.000,- by registering and make a full payment at least one weeks in advance
2) Facilities : Training Kit, Lunch, Refreshment, Certificate, and Phitagoras Membership card
3) Schedule may change without prior notice
4) Course will delivered in "Bahasa Indonesia" by PT. Phitagoras Global Duta qualified & experienced instructor, except NEBOSH
and other International Course
5) The public training can be conducted as in house training as per customer requirement
6) We also provide consultation services for implementation of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO/IEC 17025 & OHSAS 18001

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