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Prajit Nair

IAS Rank 87




1. Perspectives in Human Geography Handwritten Notes . Page 2

2. Old Notes from Same topic ( easy to understand ) Page 88
3. Notes on other topic
a) Regional Geo Selected Topic .Page 118
b) Environmental Geo Topics Page 128
11.4 ostoplvebi levaraphus
aractaci -1-ko e f-
-Rut, relic& si*on colabfisikad
1-0 11 74a0-144-LferS
IAISW41.1A Cag V1111 WAD 11:140
nalcAr e 04-
tab) toots Lei.
44 Ulatd 0-11 Wm

clatiortuak vorPatS

- Crrea akca Pin way scholars

ppo crates , Mtt4

e vein i4 CPritlien 0+
IoJit- sIttal -* 11411.17 SOre 40,71 e

krtb 9-teatcylmWS
lbn - V-1,4.10Luin
M-140.5 ,
lIkLUALLA vi cukcl wou
30143 correlate nu) rstousak-

itoreAkat 14 eteA vlA

Cott RI it a\ 'notocitned

cm/read-a) Mi-To-uccleA von numAbolat


cpeito It/14441 111 itc

heckstp., te Of I CUlLAYA 0111 Vt a

near at% was.; VCISM v)i

th coj able.4 tf.:4 VIM 14,13+1A t 0 a al tOflLAVLW4

%Al U.I.1-44 eri tilt* 5

Yi calf 610- Lila,

n ed-u-te Is att.; VC WtC1-14

Ousel Chari cam C1A4 (hew-icon 9 firp 1A.P.XS

Twai neat 1111.41

Pumice to-1.4- of- act eaulmi owl

01 itoI cal

1E9. dtki bui so, stkulith. atteoCAAsvm

talc Carl 18 Iter Fritdrick

tivo:i nit"
parwIn 6414414 14110Y
11*o m'-4 Ilati-kcto
anti of Specieb n21)- ClektiNLY;IS,14i

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


%fable leo &ars

w Ell em CiturtIAI i eAupI e

C 411 0
Anetutatto orf C:retPL, .E4A4Ar"14.MA,-

Q.CUItUS stafet ct
.7 mew Is 4ta rocLuti- t

aystithuisilts ef- pee& WI/ Y1

. WIT',tad") 41S4Kuti Kat
rimecal ttsi

ex oF itAotafo4 il

stunr4t4 n

-rke Tilnclpit6 tA CAWCUA egiff CIA-1

twit; s r-el 14AD-ire twit ov;liyuich

mate caw) ctflo

tAlhum e ao 4wkrAokutozt,ittl 40-o r


n &lable al+ITs

etw1ro magi- to-lcea ;holt- 'isa. warto)vuj less robe;

0. ti- lc Craft 13
tu-44-14044- Luso euv1Tonvaat- ea !Lot tt-

14- sec asoi-e0 ital-wre 46M4

14iiskorne -4 yea ecied rui-a +kat-


takuto4 be_ elated rfr

kraal s
WAaM 40 OS own To2.4-w-e, ttitel-or,
'Irmo Toled

cLMd lulllyti;on


itatrii man PAI led '09% tame atm,

Itheel s InlActbii; 9 ime.3kamth

ve -t-lepatis coAct
4, +
- Surat' Ilit. - waielnedislic

. will( loilsei - nIII: lejvAcj

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


cad's' le_aolua rIS crE To-Lumtv, kadivAltr

13 aka% wais
4r0140tlawk-GuAce_ tlael vOkOPS

witabuntskin voyJui.
4, sitcomtoe

14o w o_vat 0.usafi-tit1 on

lobed- MaLBO

C) ford

Gei deo

0 Tosii

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

reosli o n mud to-twara- 41.&ai 1 It rockam e_ 9 utual130.14' on of- ob...4-ewal tarok-
- du elapQc1 no a.
own OA *AA &CAAve csj ou.1-
I) reoriktedi
ad* lux clam Fetv re
Ica II 1-tekth' leitrattar3
4 vim di uzbiettka
I- revick sckool u) o.a 4o-um:Jed
4er tu 1 poir. bilis-v.4
aim eti ttte
tkatuk Pane
00 I ov,o , -1-tki xxlmcb et of
1.40 cos orb 41ioi- nokuroi auLtilr-ornu.k0- V" cka
mkt) 4-e.c./uA0 tot of ct atikutoil roup
az,. p n co aile_
ty-16 Cl& Inculthea

au thopS -
awl ro r kal- a sake, at posh); I i i; so
croro_plats s WA) in fotitiltai
_ hew clA
achuti way i ri 04 OA
clurclop o.s.u.d- /of 41kal-
4or tutwLiuk nun!
40 taLture
+on "ton were_ r10-1-0-a
oiss tlopmeta

rsa,;i14y ID
pc blil;i1 0 10- attletDpKWAA
Tess:4.'14i 0

goss'il;It 0

ckuc3tAJeimil ton

UV 1
reoau-k Leo
cLe_c1S1 0 r OAA
on .-1444 r uatare v`kai`
po_o ple bac ed

postabil sheo

ULUAADAA tO el 0-1 &ad

oLt; bit 4o explcam fterekc ea
tb-eri eikAron MAM
Or 1/41Yi klaat t
Is hakorii hood

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


Fe.oftce deskureti
but- tuella pocs:IbIlifica "
4-W.re_ are
ul-; iles8 ov) ? ots\bilifea"
is Vat- of
4i-us mud ()nil rif-apla ratlew

uls 1 k .ci s ori 44-e-rck ikokorto

- 4'1 ctal de_ 1.a.b tct the *0-

C solar beet-, har19 , cat)
wafts* , (.141-fo -fries)
calkur e
I euxiktoe chipearthl af4^
_ (Mowed Rexest)-

betontsk ra$ *in sevm or 6,u; lar

expito n tilt-km/so
Kul h trect_Ft
aikm_s calliofdec
sus; con ns e:ttii

nattfent-tso osts;

?mu ett vi C
%stork toos ts&&cepf ccr-
- csa-o-1
tiler-Strati- lertatill offuiron
Ault awe., 'in

reflearlau,o of a 6 tit I i ation

cure. pindu. drs0t&d
Vrtri et! owl to chi
jytitattC1 rettaf of- P&9titOIP
refria etAilW3

S tAtufr VAX P-e

fanrclifki 4o pos$ t4-s , %that 4-Ikr" c""A eLduisor

!n rton fW fed wore bj tut

Of- petsik:i lift%
*Tut nut
it for 0.4.a.f- focukts *ow Itut
c.AcuA ,WIlituj Tal

of um? rob matt-

613901 el)

c-u-of of
u sA camas*, 4fsetra.11 o , 7a)U rcIa.vf
c; ce In
taBsiction of
onto lotooth rice. (1', gar)
tf...14$1 uxtund-

rice , be-' 44Lbu4kst

.40 v n 4 btu/fano

)ut-ak faspwext iokste,s vA tc.ozaaea

Ian p c,attl vat! OS

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline St

01 +IC P-4 Hair
.tkol-able aLL4o-recl acktbS tap e "
4-tk oka.4.4 or
pi+ cal prabWAAA8 are to'Onected

cal caul ro *al.* cute]

am catuar s4-ttcIj of 1-tud
ctOell u.O4
I ot6 I ism

et-Re-tk es` wxim

oftA osAA-kror 0 eeui-ri ciWA

n r ", Luj

itiOf tsj' Ltd

actuttartvitot , VA0-1A teta P-St f

ethilitrbeet , &rainy-1e of Madam tea

otAa -6 talk

e cud atairomitaALE. wm
140-1A tacAlef r ark p10-IA

probkiw, \y, roil rum


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

. sisw, 9
1161 Pctitud.o
- torward trj Auotio.ilcvn voryur Co-if c-I-1-14 latitor

re o-c1-1 or, 4o po&c; bi I i WI

a0141 0111- cus
4tLt atrIcl , pots \ hi I is IAA u-Lorkeo(
n 1. o
*cal vti-oltic_pi
Jure nvako su1 titarttj
.4 4to u rld

vim ri -tan pe_neVe

eta,ed -Ru) r
. cu-suul os415;
prov; go a_bie may !ma-hie
111.0 - susupe tub)
fon wskikt 1/4usk no

4-tywa e4 _tituakeWL oCtufguALe

dilauZly, I vaA
.41A-t 4P_AttA th:tp - cuAd

LaagiAtid "onto it
alPtiyer k,u.ktuk-WeA
eigtie Ili 4-11
-In 004 1eiw,

4-LO r Ado-131mo tutufr,

Ui4 ltu, battle .
wouse_ *al- tad; ronw.val-
ittlAA i nOtkreA ciAA IA.LOLA-k
1,, 101

terreal-ecl rally I Fall aux& usufacl-14

& '1r o-o44-1 tta.4uni tt
Ir kls book-

ro I e Oc & 1-1trt1'c to-troller

eszpict; reel 11,
_ Fullostortuj eota be von
. ti-il
ok tale Li-ki 0.tho
-4AR4c. tov-h-ol in ot
mom 'Is like 4u-t

int* -Rio d) red; too of-- Tr

ober& eita ride

e.t.a eltrafe , ! low or viiop proa-re4s or 0. 1.c.uatril

14cun 'IS able lo

Oaf - -Friouvl eirecklont ce

tuou-td ao-k-
8a1- ;1- kr I 1 tulle, ttl-

10-4u-roJ rualrovvou

oL baLcum e_ suu toiri

- wmcept3 ettivApb
Ouation ol- absae to e c en\ }-9
t al-tor +sure_ I s
alocauke _free 814).144
Ic ePle41t4 ov of-
nor 44.tu-e

- Ceu.4101 idea it It p tornwie

a blutin; 0-
-for eficlk o
ai-are. Imo

?Wet E

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

'derprtE -Ms pro r.utune. .

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIA

Cul+Loa /Social Pithu,s41410rt 11

- oupkaol son kla43/42,JA deAm-eut

- baoe ot PIN rima id ea

mom DC 44A-t TAATIL cal am-ci alit -cetaureo DP- rAl

slin) cpace4o

Xthat.6 on ot ata4-itd.ea /Ai ed; ve8 cuql C-O-A Skill

Kea; 1 a

ot AkaAA

n Intarl cam COLoot

'idea prepoleekh

ri clA oinOuled -Frew poit0- eA \Attu- <e twA4fers -
by la

poor 4o Tr;cm/Jura' tesfle.

9' Pew-

itittAkk_ai -10 pack t ap cau, 0,44

i thAfo rfwA(e oc toed ts up+

-Etioce watt csAA rpt- w_ake act oF 1 .

4eintr 'Pet Ck)11.
Id tAkcic *.0 tiadat4,1

eathind -tercet) )
1) areCa er iiiittri3 oil

'ii) I dem)M Pr; 'veal caua 14 Owl

ao outc; ve -Castor
111) kft-utAaAA ta-iI I

clia)orct Wiw,cuis au-0 f e

s lain/ , 1+s ro-le_ b e-11 clifeAkolgtak sitA


4eciEuko tem , tpe 0j140-re cua &par

Vile of-
a, altiavitii ot ehj
osarackeri %tics

? cuss u-L:0 \ ci:rffer or -Ku) se

aneintekAusi-c44- a misukAad-nei

wico r Kent kprsen , au.hpus4;1 co WI aanplawo

SPI I 44011 tai I I ',tot- bc IchikAatj

sic yrs (AuALE oi-

kr ngeA or oAA -knAfx 30 illo.,A IhcCiaAn

kr a 1 apcuAtoe

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


? rotaum) ukokti-irtatuti pi is,
vol- mable to. +0 a 041 eie
4- I aaolicApt
wad rticti; ous
ezr101:1 en' 4tkai- ?ALI eAki
tow( eatakel cm
Wthl be cewso

onAtenc.sti '10 Awful-et-

btakcitia CM of- a...11 real
bets s 4r Set ad; ck
. conwo-t - Troy; d e

ill r.1. co.o.ce

Oct Cittj r01)MAAA-0-1 attEA 4.184 cum

tia\ ol

tka j
a cielpd ei ad Cal 42,AAAl1 Y0 n SAAVA-Fa-1 fct r3
CIO co

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

Radicalism -* oui ed ao Tar+ 04 Peleu "Le Revo ta;o 13
reacht en 4D R oad po CI vi
ChijeltTed CL3

bwat car Ya.ti to

n to44 auf oto.nj
bevAAoa a-1 RCM-
beliet- of- Mar xj 0.1A anoitsts
afilliaCt 4UL
isil- 1Ikter vattleged

"Alit?* rfangas 04 toxlhall wit ante_ FA s ee Redua , Petr kkropokia n

" 'Tics t) cal ot- "P0talu3lisekc''
uamt_ thaiverilt itorwexl
rpro.k- ped- (A-
Ow- ked 'In 069
10-00 )1:s twkno,1
' j ,ode '
rut,- lon-vaCion
taniA oiWA ot rt1 papers of-
no/GI:J.40 o orl tea-Law -
tokaewp oral wit 4.
it olLat ujitti

- 1; fe 'irtutlos
cis tni(S.cii;on , wig; kti , rairkw.
_ vt Al cow:War-14- et-
nein/ Cu" e Cfrc noel
and ToG 4.1 co)
bop o ced

Soda) CC:Owe

to lake. 1rt6 0 s ;vi us A-

co.A.1/4 be 4-rateol
wto ve_ tuna-
- olio 64
rri 4-1Lai
kni-nk 4-art e
1) gi tth taw War

0 vi I rkith bi re.,3-, a to-3 0 ,c tatam

au-di \ 10240-0111
p rem.6 Ye ?nail
Spit vital rv.i.E1 atean
r s amt1

- s psi; eat
uwiew.po to-ni kttuo

kaadtkt- wcalckuunto

bt'oi eniktral reviptutl o

reak.ove rtilal *It C-4/1021;04

'In *Awn - /Lai retakio..otLip
tele C4- IA114-01-1
p.a) 4eAtalon Ate mkt:Jul ausl
citi oci
-Wleelk itor Iwat-

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

- wathnossea
radical pcututilfm taw) :mit.%
4warQ8ca) ban 04-
rt 0; c5 letd- PDF 'in +tun et
rasa cal Nr, Ett3n74 teplES consi
at- ad/Loje%
sort &eclat's& order
waelj Fo smuce ck
wad flair CIVIAA-y- Ca-Pi+CLIIWC

u-Loctel about- pepulatioi rem:ante,

away() WA app ro prlake
. tould uP1-
reo-uove )td-er - nem) coed
\ biteskej ell nova c
'VI WC/ 'ft

'mit.- reeoml Ivw-v-kalli- oo

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

U.teltare Creoartaftl 15

co rITF-A

akta 0 LICLI
+It LMasiik4ic 6020 lidae ternardk a-W(1 'PriCAA, VAPAHOIA0 ,ne9AA/Ii.411
)Witit e
0 tie/At


oil ca.! T yrol

eci brixackeo
probletm - oneml-

to el ;are roreti


W kO CAAA-Ot Val "t ''

14:thou Lo43/4-ual ro-Pek 9 th

0.73 Creoatraptki c# Co Oct.( tdo

IA Sim:A+11
tau) d

I 4q-1 IBlack. GT heekto "

H-t1 Rose

Baal r _resdure

ole6 co) t.ti c

vouz vwctiroikalAc et" a '1 v.AAAA
atAkta- --> re-feet 4o

rotto ant 1 ciew)

et -i-ue ctrea wni lit relleto-

-to 4tkr T, or Lapi;o bo
uyho .). re i ors

e , rAfitt
.t.tudiar ', Ato Jetts , rmc
WI) Sw; decl
4.4 er atuorte4 1 +0
-fetti- -I-kat- 111;11 kitaketeinta
rei tech -km


tobs &wed di 4-4 eire,,ce cL4', L e

rtote CS U-darell +AA
te4sarS 4o
}4-01X- --

-1i,4-t fate o-
wasieksAwAtt 'I neqy-ol; 41 on
"Tri pa -Vo

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Studen

, A- . M.



11 CEO .1 I LA I

I 1 -1

1 1/0

I I-

Lk, L.;

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

44a Li-Zvi-o hew co wit
GerWrs 4 9-14.0,P-
-H,1/n il4 rri
ifitottom o4 astaii cv1/4 _0( Dikute to
WA-WADI Oal cal

oiti if- din 4 Jelin eagon 4 +iv_ twe tclarefk5 "

-14.1 vutkito cid oztSipl-ea Mr rfikcil

04 fritCOALI CtittcuJA0 04-

itAA Kona tri SA te 4u494-tra
+co cable )I.00 i44 n a t4t-e_auAa.
Ticknotwi etexs 40 brcukcall

cow) uuouh ob-0111 p 9)4 - ve.kraii ast&C 'in taleOpe

Nail scud, iye_cakwe

c\n ct 4tu4k 3vorapiui leaducs 40 have beem Is; b le `114-o cc_ husta.r..69-A

wuattaity ct cbthvt rcurckta

'no vuo i4 proiuCA neat- cAicltololwta

Iterki are

G crap Lc)
Ges"-tal owl) 41400 vs e&oYaI

Weed v c 41ccurar4

01) r\ skor;u:11 yt,tockt-cui-porcui

Iv) 1-orwa1 flr-uAkX orcrA

brcun 0;11 Of- cSU p trne v-tp iercalt bruinclado

Mo reo VEX,
ilt/L.(0*Am , vmeu-olodi , law!. t.A.oe io-prAiorr lecdcfp-rAl 41-c
bu-orptusdx t

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nai

irtw 19
&fund Tnextuo culiuralITufikOrWlaw

- taw, ' amx1stape iuttoctuce ; Jo 4ti.,tuitom crew 0:44-1 0' eta n

4 Tttl oal et Load-scope:

aak ?tilt; OA On fa

_ AAA AT 1A0 cow tpl- IctudIcIt4 Et Fount e eturelof d

AVIWUA leCTOOAATS (04+0 salm-er)

117:44 &Cafe 0,a eu.k alier4.k0.1;ve -lo

'idea tortu cuel 4t4 ttuttcelk o;

etmAremwur-d-cd aktukw Mort3e) , -Ceo-ple

I ciAulsco-ro appreaCk

taadstar2 0=0,3 clrP necl aScun area mat up or a oil tti-41 ci-

D4toc:4 afi on of -r-oru;ko , okts eta) wail tuitu-x-al .

&Kral n *Le lu.1-erreAsta ors bol-weat luumam,

40 Amu; be ouu:I
to;444 van cat auf;-oli VatA 40 luamcw
GAO situ. email VADIMULU.k-

oWAYOJAWLIW,t- aslattWO temtl4C)


-For -Itte tex gawp,

4-41:1S -tot ma ol 4to s

e-u airy ri/4 atIktstra

4Us school beccuk,e rto Luz

loA4tatape mad 4w 1.1-uoli or Hs c4 ectS

4s) spine , cathuoi
- kr-ad')

'iwto I veil el sus; sse d

e,odinfivi ttsfemmuk fltDfL
;) eat") diat0431,1

;1) relic ruxI rorofuj > musparalive wvarptte-tori

%via ce smpua of tuf cute

Catto& i terfl ---> auto:rust

oti riAtt4 t rep row* arum oc nafurai eUtc4S C pe

Arcercul40 Scaux

co vt
F ackors
pet1/46 ;014c tr-- G41.Q3 110 - stg--face ItfOutal
4044,40ectle Of
- soil LcuSe
tintektre 0C
Cf4111014 otratmaid e
n era' rept:tote

cea_ tout
vel tic:11;071o]
Yez eirction
IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

MEDIUM ffi lat(1 REsutI

au...Jura( Cutturo.1 Lli e
ati m
oractlion of
lamd scope Lau* cafe N
tLUtMtL ics'illitaf

+baud IA 4but
vem ALL4ur , 'rts 614- uujn&3
wAtio 4-kt( I frAi Lt Lk (C of&

aW1ffiPMJ yaiij *Kit r1/4.044,0 et." r robalnl

-Itit laattScaf C Geo

-1-tko tupl 04- Its tie 4 diabarttab

reo aCel al; wakik

maiilica 6,0_ 4 LI, u1J1u-4-a.1

Ou_rai craft rvvI d so

-Porte , lActvoier, r,t5 wikurt


4 /Ott at sear-fact IS
btu-HA 14.15 Vaakka& .Porab
.flor -Motto

4/ sits a rlroeAJ- U'/o.
erldion aka kw...4Am

kali+aci o n

Carl 0 . Smut ( PossT t; I tcl-)

Imil+ scare we rpttoloaci
prose:0 4o !keno 041+41-)
klsstorical rorapiaj Coa &
t tiaW
oact.mof awbvnwkS4
Otuutowi- , Moine(
haled a..orolodi

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

Stipa* curette 21

clea actiapPs rparulin's 'sclect 04 ckaaje .44A2-tukdk --t4 3 /4e

tAl qori cal 14-ti_d-1 en erei

'in c9,4- .4t,e htnois 4 Aisoeitokh
kcal bed hi Teuveui-

4,w4ri cam GenamPlAl

OADAAT 44e satteawd- OAA, Weft

_Licim, -tut ?vomited!) ot

ACC0 raj rj Ogattit501

tS B tate 40 ;is tor b-unt
east_itstationo4 ttAkukam

at& / 11 (AAA" r0;41 entrees 1 ve

40 14-1 atif , cuAri eattk. eadOS

S OWJI avAusuks. to(- 14s vakund cun.c1

muko-floue er- its

Si ciuutt-ckii kti cc

von, incliv7ducai
noi-uroi ealittral --* KA1AA-a_14 0
ckorocktki shit s
(AAA-act-ELI vtics

? r m eat- of-cipr) rui

40 rb efirs
psti-caZowb wuticuicv.cs L ow)
kuimetm QMtMLLMt


A-c -10
11_1/41'1vkA LL6-HAcxWA_CO-1 tAIDA-1.0 e
tuaw-aAA tate-v.-AA-0
tvalati on of

awl et- v;11tt3e

kome- st./1- 1 eAkkaik


separake _ _ _

s, Ia\ -tp uwLcpE .4 enalicad tucceefivn

Itae be come() ultii

cat -ttutatua0 e 3- <mad
ttolve tai ta0131; OkAz

, ears
1.c w)k- -tau Gurctiote --->- asp

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

00 beii eV 4.c1 sit mos; ve_ 5 0 ti tki ta keuf e .--ItuAr
- it ;s batted -kko

totti-kil0tAl 40 4W uubtutak e_
', 0,,fri, tkh 0 v. 0- place, edaOA

of vist.tuxtd I 0.4.44 cap e

43 car i ch CaA-Avs' 5 '1 d co.
' cow ep5- is

'or tdo rti Os 0. )pciepemotem. ce
aEii incOaA40
&t3e.. cud n cAtoAesi

nalure_ 0V

tr:i ru3 04 matured diav 10:itlA

rep rea Q./A.8 a

eV 4vAsivronwada..1 Gigs( 1.44 vim

!atti4tasis - et -45ut cosier*

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

SECAILtrRI 2A11,$ 23

re4 ets 4o decline 'in cip vt4mute relidi on 'in -go fl4e o rue ple


I) deuelopond- of rafionalki

sit eate_ eukd 4 er_lkan lom

took ecrAl- divelef bits OA-

1 0 co-thutlf
ke tuthlicwi
se_ 0( 'non o +Lei L4; ( Yeti& ow3

.eorecia-Uli 1rthtat0-u-b

1,1) rithiA cUetice

4-eclA voi neAcito; 1

}INV tee ds u.i.e re


rc tO et TIOSAre
redueivi be/ieC \i

R1 3e vc no-Scw the
e-Qta ap partthth
-talc em r4J *ale- aP Para*Aa fila" C4e

edavatiov% cod tu el fare

V) Spread 4h.mi dU UQQSI-

/ flaw 54Aucii oc ctitscOdo n

-4WAMAQ-0 0-1 se curcutimilon


taktatuoe , rketzwall
u-kbew:i 6o.60
otweicpwaut- netve-f 'tee crr-


leo& oc se cal
'PeuelLT coLai-li; ea --> tA:tt

revels tott_itteAn Etsto pa

Mod elate_
u.s.1)ain eiree0 cetilleZUL8" relAtflOn

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

low 1-1p
- I W0201- Ati q
--4 tit wit MI& on
to Lust-1i CO
nitkaii to tuki-riea



it) tltsJLjtlOfl mat ( or fel:ten wLaAAn of setuku-'13ation

emnturakce.. 4 ir6vWnaJsw, bee' tisieuA

'Form ot- retton Kan uAvi tylone ettale

'Jut-real seaticalictlion
11) CPI obaCreasii

bw. err cao +Ku_

42tc .M, *-4 TV Ve a tuisskottriea


r oatiaholi al at, spread of tell5;on

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

kliOnS 25
uabaral atai tukuAom
- cuituroi reit0ns retell 40 ay. anct. over LWAI OA, rays
rnod be deaf; Pea

VAUal- tauwaA& vox; 44 -Fro-u4 ptate

- Lulbure Nati &Auto) taLPS

011 o n renuia SliagRaa--COMPA121---(dati v cuicti) `in lu 11u nn

pi cut .

otuaparion awl tth or3 cut;saiivn 04- crate

red; tune. etre

1.01Mt ;utporl-au.4- oJ

AMA. ;tS amworplkic atiutto catocybate CM

1.) Poputoil on real o ns - population

%upwind' ale 0- or- 014-and taudo cape

Mit *Delincolion is booed or% cuAd Ley csAup o t; n ,

brti, deo* &Ltd raft gpalthern iferuoi

OtuAtOSOIA0 coAol 'patterue of Wink; on niald ubo

be delioeded

lorr axe& .
10 LaNituale refilon - aiJneo.flon of -Ka boots of 03 Remo-

utAl u-o lewd k-kr-9e_

w ree GAM
itka-CrO tkaao coLAA
toe ad) ootte
cuikWoJ p onoaca'iii e4 01/4 LOW-Ati
.40 exaval n Owsl )0+erpref

nO$ 0 n or arta

R2A.191 auo re6i ow)

.:144 n irotival matured "-ion s

'Po re t mAws4
at nut; o n vette

mud UV F-0-/ eLuptuu LAJuLtof

nC wok gfreanuil, Ataki'D'r
v) 'FLonowi(.
teslooal tuatkod
cocci bray.- Wale
eta-Kew-tic a_tsv;fZe5
rtatu:abi Gad kr
sena Go w3efo-1 to o I for

Testi) I e reeouxtes cuAd e-teusaic ctititrea

Impia taco* 0 n

cria .c-or ref on.

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


vi) 14ctitu al teaotuce_ redorts

vu) an-am el sil

'00 4t...uktuiti tee
,) ,..0.3k,acti
x) ,v./Jr& redon
tot t pttxpose '1 rstu-pasekt
vo-uicti uyAatottl- oho se
Rotft on is a
'gad tuip *on MA_O-41 -VItittre
ltiltatSCUAL4 1
oir 4.0-ta .
errolx 3a.tiots VII aj
l twd, sot; o --e-teuxou_tk
0. lou 1 ,tor rteuma
WACI rat
rti .
4- & tousu_tly tuo
I tatradlOn

el:100-40- leltut43
as ttopesud-- of

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

WefittitgliV5 tenee101131 Glare"

MA) $, ltri4t4
CAA area rjicf or um) cl ota 1 1- liacc1 beat n-Kkt
itrfl Crt


Mo 44AD 4i-akkuu.kork nmpil

- rth ea 4,0- NI-
preoo-tri- -14 me;
ku trItuAtts gJt 3 cJt tulft4 40_ roalarul a
wad \wvoIv&o oU
amol L1110)134 emprko
- eacrotea bErl1c juktuLl

itakkauls II Isi-Ecl

w4M .4-tube accord:al 'to wid vl eusTeAds

tom two 'te1
kiorti cod
r rtt
I vy true ;n
'94errel ov,o14
con Lem eti
cLcur,l 1yr41)ace t4 le_oroz cal Peul-ors In

e hi Ulla Wei
ottautpl#_ tety-w-t- o tor-kr

alACI4 CA-Pe
loud-) cat e
Of path SI
'Orb 40 etOUtifnitt4 Pt)

113 ea
,o-0- cuAti
1 p re.
reloittcamo4 1,21-cu eesA
ic erskLb fiK1A

tah-; on of r 40 A-L0 tavAs

otifiaut-urni axtom .1 raiyhl , CAI
mkuAksa-o-ua t PeE

+A vA e

testi-ors 1)s*IA ruvi ca1

eeraftU cal

-Ft/at e_buti e_ rk tio &re_ 0)4

0,4u1 witur&l

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


tonietuiporoli G, eirtfui
yukulko of spoSIct) &Iffy-re-W-10os a-- pla.01,4,8,,o,
atcd c ao.t, cci GI 9

lertrui oat Da..3sacie. et- firo e

becemAto IA) sit 1-; cat 1 .1

OGG Lai ve eta umai- It

he#1.1 -FIVJ 1 On

?II tan WPPOil ig4t4" .

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

Cofritibunor. 4 WavAWL:it awl Witt

Alex oad eA von 414-tw,botstt-

40re0 vuest e duals

Po44-m- a .wadeAn
iy.oraumtaini work _ pab ligUa el j(tti..4
produced -No

Co vrtri ;mai n -b cieorftuj

n tuuthi Iotau1,
tot.ticaulor 4o minim, brain-Ina P-u-oluledile-

42.010,11 cio.kablocri eco-lom , Sufi ol oft3

WA speerf; c
thaiYaSeul gout tate . lta
461/40001 0.
4 41Aed 40
*lea; ve_ \n couli l'ai

u.tode* ri ao a. ollsd pline_ clinke d . to

-Poltur of rearti

4-tia eos-Wh t41t-4-ose amd at.o.aApcuas'i1

544.14./ 4

noku-re o.o ov4 0ly2 csk-lAi ; Ki-trreitheLl

cutoole mut 0.P

CLIAA tarit-;e61 04441.

Nail of p isi -hoz Qrneari. 0 .02, n 6 plea

fir* 194-attar Iv cAlchlt
o , let eAtte "
& 11W rave-
-WO- wake I err141
4d& il-uAmbo 10- INN)
a t corceni -lo
.0 Prinz; rile of oalizaiktir
spoil cal atral e cl rtatiew-emet
u LoA-upla oi-
-t2, r&i- obsce-wed
au^ pro meted lo ei,epia!m el-tsar
MA efo-.44& vArteice cukol
teoh 0-JACI itafer-caffenolkAA t e .
end0.1 OThea 'mit' oyAre

a enPtui %i to kl LI, kiu..-do 01 ak

?e, n dple
'to woe 4-tu_ oostiion at& or-teAkt 0c_
sour vi tio-
tuscotte to:14-k o,
1:4Amunk.k.w.o, ciy Q0.4444
4 exre4+nal
MAJ. Teat11.44 *of- fiovonal -4tA.Ur
40 Lam nu Oni


40 W otakt_
clad post; ve 1?,a,
Mettiod tom QuxpeCi cal
io einth4olon wA4 Sok.t,t1- tor tAi
ama anal; Inset
c01&to n
.petjuat 4 vret entk; smr,-, cal 1P-08 cif LLI
kt oioo ed ao

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


Cox I RI tier
a;)44 ) \ i ucbolak
. totauxcler 4 t ru-odern 994afk1
vac wxuAwArd work -i-cl bolde ,
Tioxil; shed at

conl-ri 1/44ion lo leortoj

told a fl TM 40.4.vAalati on 4-or
T-rd lcuc.cle la at"
* -Hair
reform.) 9 eclairuAl
o-t-- a war ceriee_
-kke a-tr.-Ill

oic -like arta tiondel thicti

pre/Jou-141 a totivTlek Saute.

cal a.voi able etnfo rwicki; or) GM e_tharl cnrct

'ro corixircklki

4-tsqk a *co rotten 1.4-11 strAutiis

WAD rent
)-11 neer a- rtenai appro ach h
rirf Lu:.
Vid e_ bad' S -tor -truoyk3 3 cLuAeLl
3t. E-Moczcie am'id ned Pr

cuos at ittecal leer ki

eattiiCal 40A ce
ci) nee) ve cl a)) am


%wk. vir.xed a cit....A tclAL., tate, 't cut rei) 0 n co, cud
Ti a
eLual ...wall ;yawed ace serual ec vaLLAA 0.) tO eil
yaril- crook
Acti- start:A-Loki VA to .
az 44.a putiskali will yo n 'whit-

4944 aucplco.613ecl Cal eAAA-pefA cod off to etva

vit. -a- viS leau ai vs ref arm) Oki (Late tuAl

Nluo-kbowk: r cull:1yd dual; tru cutc_cl gam) kiccoi3 sicritomlic lurk/

0.0 a. toicA t.&sSo 64^1 rel Dad rorf

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline St

c4.. di of nconiL
neool 4or Amuk.a. ao a.
vkier Ri-reo sed
wthiseat ?Imo 1
par4s1 0 rd a to toupeinad -1-tm
witole ,

-;ractj-ho,uzi 4A`Lur (Dun, Aviola

boi-tk sub:1g, stud


Paola- kL413 'ONCLIA0V-e_ CLP PrDCLth

won clektdive n cLPPNCLUA '

lk; tr.

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

"Mipplrflr "MIFIMIIMPIPpArd almelr r 1'1' NT



IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

1-11.wkou-i &tic G,tortpt..3 33

auk fo apoul-4 61R cute( po614vist41

- dem tiopea

tuAtaau Gimp' 444.4 r nonwative.-apath0148


tokole pofltti9M i4 aR
- ned er/

CatUAkel 7arucik31vi
lei 40 0

tHCTOR I CAL Df--ve_upPri

uted -lei vv. 11

I FCcuut ?wad eel L-0 r I-
Sktens. on tawAtudi R . litirkskor r e (A%)
1-0-6 ona,6443 y;-h4 --Nam

Idea of 4, prthetkOi tou.oS-1-

to.....imv-a 54k ato4ncukt- -Haw e
r-temak scmor, It
rorew4 Kit* 14 )
'Po vals
1--) `11- acto rokod

C reW-orce a
41 no a reaci;on
TA EA-1'11116i
auaares-e4s a)A-Gt tAL LIA AS VA =Lehi
rolf 40 Iken 1u-twatA
ce/u1reLl cuko1 acEve

14-1WACVA ti eat ; VI I
to wo 9.u.o ntoS cukti

rattciakidtillp ati+tk ta statical cpprcXYdA

excltimezi vutut -raittre
- 'ottiv prat e21 g

- siu_b) e awe of proaciA

or )tete..A preiatrre tuaclef-Orma)1 4- -kit et;-,


@Au\ ton ruutkal -Runt Via F Egital c ea

41toi- wintek be) laQM A.p rove

'is 0SP- totkukti
.114441 ountA a 041tor 4-kama etueo
Vona 11
of- 444iir
C.'n-uxuo1-cuAt co

. 4or reCLOVA
tx ?Act WA1

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

44-0-thi taw^ 'Mel on" k U4'4e4g4coci
A cc 0 rctivi

bctcknumc1 Teeple
sojo wit; 4-coiowo amd utikanki

Cr\< satles4-eakcOUaMU1

lttrik; PC0:10"


in) ObV.AMOSOn

I toe wrtet eAAC e

eoretputical wie)*190o n
ao -rani al i1/49 Fitume_4
Tustm curtired

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


tv3i-tA 130.taAA to-o_Li sim

catAA-par; s; on

05; w.:1 a0
CE,uare oJAA r n armed; ve ro ion fiaAAa
tAwAA,am ai- i+5

widar react;oyi 4a "osi fivisv.t Ad RR

Mex 4- Is

4ar 1.4UAAACLIV1 Geo caul

bakb1/4 axe -wart 4o areal- raraildiAn

eaort e ea OA ol-tar

4/aol t cuAot 4&A 40 eimapire

4-401AA u chuar
. be414 04

e1)1114.t1likA 4leb

WAX' eh 'In beketili Wart& Vtli

s .4o.raudt& backdoor
bekkaw;auskan s m
'AO MA-CikVe. tip:La pm

Is 14)6 Nsw 'imp) red

V*I.tavl auali som LA ok olitma 4-n tau Frtak-

s KovA-04-uo6 c
1142.1muA twat; tsm

azkol kuunriel
Tt`"1 slikeuv) Laiiswi
etud V)e..rk eu ea " 0.1
lAwAkwit c.94 c_

ie_e tarkiccd ,AALA-VO tua


-14.ADAA clifPeracCea
fitore ILL; co:t t; ea

a_ a OA &rum

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

Lay ad)
ncov; &l teric

ono roCavi 40 Beiv:u.s10 tij tai ut-s

ate& t ;GA-LOW-
91lS oPtl -Kan 4o2116:11 'In ra-t ctovi
Ykclimcwe !A4-1-kt ettio{1.4

ahtliAtet4.) ve am_a pro co c.s tkal ctiv tom cJA

roil nes Attu cu-da

Evatuosv e
.94-tu aunt,

Tuts') cal ot Kati ve

4. 4
poi' CI s I cle_aceswi

s. on mut ; dectEltian
tescubi *ea

q10v; QR

Bekaa/1ov tedium
- no lco.wetAA tore& kuwaJA Lope ck

wiwestsalls clAavieaa -e4 klAkinaws

roecko-404t, 410054 x;ble

40 make r tc.Lore cc:4904;c ti aurae!)

- vanclet ate) -tutor; ea

Wivasited 0 si-FiVisiM
att1tA0 40 sake
IA.o.mktuAlMio eta
bo+c, ti;t4; sed rir's
boo s ? wad o -so ei.4.144-4 es
cilecti4k evk

st;1 oxi 4; en
maker .1 &Lodi swt 94-o ip 061;v; s
- tudi ke R \

elto:Ar Notes
vA3 v Os
IAS Rank
- 4-alcv) ',Lao 87 Prajit tANair
DC tOUAAk ctu.d
ALtAk"AaGeography ey.A101; ortS
| Offline Student of Fo
rad ot lee MP
ehauleuxatisrn 38

. come cto o.In3 cite cal -turn .tn tutimzuel evrey

col amcl ae cision - nkal4 cto mita;oil

aufknalyotot e o

ractRonstil p bettueen wv:un 0).441 vuthire


oad j5coRon ropty,orplui vol

I. kw&
Fiieclr;c1) Patzet lo-li no ui olpeA+
1 el 64 par_A
Sappreosi on 4, w.freoauitli two st-
s debatten t Iowan oat- 44awle
EIlste keaus P-enui &kepi t lel rk --littni
lupporten VossiloU is pi, si I col retoluEon
Rev olution .Cor beharil ow-Athol

Ilormairive 1 Mahal
- 0 bled, ve M ap
Rea.); Ss_
.N /

_ chat tour) con t el+ et ' ral4onalili of- newt

vweva Ye" outlet 4-c. si; %mall

coKoi ci ei co

- totkoi ot en-s
afttal t objetfive
1,1ev J-0.1 / semcw; mart/
eaao-ontuu-LE eta ro p Kau}

"*-Arai eYpreIO
mop owe 40 oat-turd ev.vironbitkutt

kaAre ditaU 1-1 ot- thosott-eA

rOmmtuf- 4e
444-uo tansia e.As

0145., rormedive reA spective,

Trociu oc ( vaiuu CrIAAA
tnetactl fro_unewe

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

is Ltictutf)v e

BeArcuri extr S '7v4u-dive

itrALLake; g 16e,trojnour
*a* ow, It actun&tL1
ourArorouthea '1%49 eo
C) -HALL-e_ coei sfs Lieu); Na-Ve

reveal e wail eLLol read
elute_ oxi
sfrarl rela-Ficwei:4 r be-fweem

toorl el be-haul

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of

frosA re notate's-Pm 41

.oventraLl-- 4t&t Seeko 40 InTALIAAAC e ifis, pot; t; cal

- Errol ronmeuhditrys (wool-ea co. &0Mi

o mkt +0 p ro-le mitt& repots-tree.

b, 1 1 o bbjin ad!. viEvA awl ectutalion
? ro ce

/two e unrie.rno .
re-leo 40 poll); cedocprersAion 4 mow - coliiron nAvita_t tU&$oAiu
_ n ego- bad; crami
vAkkon wALuirti oil track; on
relat-to -fo arou3,1 cutrarerverc
trarmarn trreatiMA
090 ov 14g tell& ov-tu'r p
book S'Oeu.4c i)T:nkr rum; s-Le dIfl
latikti b.rkors
)trafl al 1 Lrapi raMo n &raw

TiovE To le
CA ) (940)
P rnui &teem peace
Deaf Spills Early, Dal
4, .\ /
tWore -ab ,
89 inel of cream Mr
tick (leilo)
&min %%cc
Vivo Akol
ordure Igurf le be
chat -to rah's - - rusittrer vlco- rociltor;PIE A U r-f

or 0A-0-41 vuovetwais
seureti ao "mot;O0t'O


- Gawk 'Lb Oa acre

rout et- to-LW-lotto rcrutfil ;row

- -nape xtuvereavst5 eflL4d tor

toc1aitrh;t4 alltaCISAAt h oAAcl

milord ill
1 4cr ccol-alwabie riluvicarama
(fees ,tuLuti afou{K
e VOCC4in;G

44 Glotal kuel

LAIC onferemte.o
410-yeam T-rtkA YIWOAk I CI1-2-
is+ cM Carrectinte o

C t -rEc 197i-

il'CC I gra

00 igen

iltamA501 eauvak; on

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


A+ no-4;o nAl
tun,' dui tki-latiatuAck
cuiplco M o v av.tavk v v AK=1r

Vpilko Mc vtweut
th.cui 4-KclalCUA
ltcu matt
Yailui Movemailc
uiI ale:1m I- Inuii fe sui4,1
OrcuAttkormarclOkaanThv.0 veo.

Ieji &Skye. ecpreZ on

Sr Mkt 14T I)


uoisitA Att EPA PINS

flq14.4) IAT @ s

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


_ recto& ClA4KUA te

- rd kag oF 1044/ CV-4Ln

eau I ro nwau-1- guAlu-14 be prerk &eel T-i-o.u-1 I01vt4 Fu_l csv4ea

rektS 40 0. ton cvn *a+

n& be
re cea.i- tolAt en) -toy &ALA KA/L4.1- Eu4 e
4-rtke.a btcxscthj ao ea be-end

et4-cuLtj Ot MACOAA - voitue relabIo nbl;Ap


Sam zcaute

Mao 'An hatr4,001 Moro an atactrtier

IA) 44o nctio-t- naktre

- ywattseA) ao - uottfratk)
6-10.1-u-re (h:thise -
Lin41s 40 EtoiL/411
Rennaliscunte IR
%i4j tS fll

I 4/
mom 0.0 CleteANimed de.keild.4 ni sw)
nabae &aictrtin Tod tor
(eV. rev olak-ron) (berrayi 4 eau; )

Envi ronmvaro

E co cet.thi G

n3weu1oa Ptc co wed on;st
Co; cuN Ichs

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS



IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

Inclumen on PoiatioH on 'Dis.4r;bufr4on

towau...-4 , po I fluke' kiS+orlitai

variale -ted- InOitcle6 Sod al,

Astchrs cit uaU ot.a pard-S PLP1

-Pa cl-c)ks rake_ ;Y/ c_au-diroai;on

Po Itl-jcal Infti-upAceS
Etzookuk. 14-tanic eo
VittplialI r4ittences
tal .011 pal-We
te oical &zed e of

etenogin._ at.14v:1 ?ord.:04 ml poilci ea
iechroloak4 WAd
exonotha cccanwiale
- so 4.1 inftti-wtt
oc_ cen leAmeut
so; I
;na 401-rla) revaLuS on cone
of ch3aJnon
Yerio-,4 on
-lines of -Wow/orb ale-
uybcto.:41nd - rural
Mi ne.ta.1 AA cawomaiA:IcaEo n cud. porh
ErgAt rec.:Ai-1x et

rop-dati on Ala& 5-641w..1ion

- ail 4-tAvae de e

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Studen

COMP neatS GC" To p tetAti on Acne 46

otracdui moped- of accuto popr oCA1tbt44on pallons

3 cc wc.f roils

11ye r-HAa cs.sucl a ad; nexl yoiwictl; 0Y1

1 t - ocetsr.ex

In 4A-0 SI- parts

> H

ot ei VU:1Y1C1J-1/ 0-1- sp-allttj rato-RA

: 10-4- n


nate i c-1-k reske = 4v4ni cuAkkbak of j 1-{

x woo

44.4c1 -dear 4044 male 4 Toe


f1441-1AA4t e
, cuAti social sm.A31-;veo
. wide- roi e 4 tux red LAI e

Taa-i id 63e I I ati Faki on ---, cri red-19

is si6on s
c con mined uu-i --IA

sod 01 , ne4.23-- aft; 444 e_ 40:1 w ardo

clADJA6w1 54-0-1-etb 4 U.ACWIekk 1111

o-AA-d strusski flout ,

vskan't tie , el/Aire 4 reqotto belie fs
ckil axe., ova_a

tmokeri al ousalo; S D VI --> ) yv:6
rrego-lefrue o.-t

. Hot t-attots.,

0 Al e_ sfrackwe
Aka icy el ar al:Luca-6 on
n) Vaud-ion

in) ?Eiji; 0 n
)v) 4i cal
yrowei4j cLuri aufreoi o
v) Ecnnoviic
"sotto onset- empress; on --* Nt,

rud-u-ai rise

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of F


cum-cril 0, Pned apv-tittion

Tiorfeui+1 occoaka-e

2_ I t.u..r HAP+ mesa-ow-Go

uiA.ot tA 4t&taid e_ tale_

d catty) 4 \ n -Comb
R ."S" ro-

ao rek -H-Louncliktt roe_ r-1-44

deaf-to 100
C1412 -04ad wusu-bn

,A4c1 au- p.m:, yrafe 4

ilaTkli Ty
ei/oLuSon o; csustarl
Officiate urn cluAA-Ttaf

. ca.upea 0r
Enclarcali c
trAcd; tie ca-moeo
nAti-Lbal ioctimices wed
mutt- of ow; roo tzar
1)4)19110J cund
atm* 8110; ve
-0,1 (Aube ; nce &we , rilblADvol 02.11WiLLA n
ciAAS reALL01-1
staz ea
boal-Pt-un cAk,o

inostes,a0i- e, untkauinctieci VACT OR

.rveci Jar soi0r`sj r-exctievte e

' sato en
1i-CeoVe cid.
Ott- Ltom2;i1 4-etd-ors
_ lour- cdfrianto - bloloEf cal I lc-op-8i
arka ludickne

- tauirn la Flo 'I

ccegS. C 5
le c_o.1 care a


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

oc- p op ulatio n inual vi Ili ix clAami p ea maw? auk
uI 1413racO 0n ntove_rneul-
a ka-Inicuiliai di in a Hon
real d <ma

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

Trnmantul Kant 49

kid< I CrW oc hire Rntoon'

was efAsion)-01081* - *led o4 luau I ectle

- ten eC vatowletcy
he said aat- 4take Gie- 2

eufat I `6-04- bawAdeal

443 Vas ewietnal taws
0 Ili co) it-tuaw let -sr 4
Le 4o Yru-dai
ft cal vault wleoude ---> reco.Orea seu-oes or re_sem
1 t ) tpkt

buwetee baaed on reason or lc

'Sot- bes
cu#LA lo cation /space
are bawAtted bt-t 4:11u e_
-PA/ a

01- le tali ors as 1 ezircteimi

41-e -1-exmer) mtkoti

tal aysl bunt- lof cal

te.)-- So rim 3errul ct lueed

rn Onronoloati
-he toid c4ua1 oF

44-615, %WA mew) Y1 etual IOW:au)


itj space ---Or ClAoro


tti.ems et,
ecceeflonall tom ap Walk 4140 't rf-
reako-tect vn am
kea j *Di.F-Feret.d4 n
Ridatat iketrl-slAorne 's
- tf0re of

bo4iA nakaal t1ptaI w-ortol

row-01-eol a4-4-Lati o4

aloo tum,"-cuk oiatect-s ant rum&

Cowie de_ Pia-fon 0.1-1-to (Duo) tiered
Re affirmed 1 ct ma ot._

le Oh es.u)tronnAAat "
atfive_ eaf- of-- tiger,i
`` nAcuA az

n 0-oral nAwortw-1-1- toolil n of be separated

kw,* col

t-tonA ituAJADAA_ of

tow.teaFor oF- Ro ssit1,11isni cot

eck-ed 0m81-out '10-0 nit cal vs kavAatA_

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIA



It I U I

I - L

- ..t


el m sni


U . I

I sr


:1. 1? r

:rlyr 1 K. L. 4.


' I

fr. 1 Ar I


' 1 r

' -f -7

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

Lharieei TIWW1 n cluti Lori+ on Caeorp kkal

It a n alto-tat at

m ocyf sre ()et, lecci

lkQ Voticitue and )iIhtt8on 4 Coma NeilIC41-

',dent. 'In %nu)nitun +Lan c) 0440101i 'mantled


C) tAnkalle -For wend-ewe

(3 You; don ufritc.In s

sum; val -Fut 4: Iteoh

'Molokai solet.go n

;ow, wkal n -Rano 't gibroutn's awl

-vot vrke #
*,) rset_ of- that_

ii) !de oc o ao:43ation

tcteo. of 24li 0-AAt dtorion


a Act-mete-A 'in noiure

'iv) toe 04 amoth wIne ts c0.44 clAsukce vailo-fions

op ail, noryoeui- of &eoatat,k1Lai et ncepiS

ck rpctru;tn

I) I nixter on Gien vu.oriine loot

Mox ?e, cut' ?top d vorpimus viAaci to-tkol morpiNol nt-

IA4 ear$ todeta

off or ^paroicn's work, eel I ahmi eta lodigh tow outroied on

ctaie up+Q.AAAASG app.; ri

of- ler rloa) col

rock -Iv ea aA-cl wales et- kcio s


ove). -Come n
ti Th1.6s oi)plied gooka,o,Acuj tottept of- &ale_
tc; uu.. I o.A:t tetwer-14
comcw-t- of- deorapiric Tele Re tux slaved

Ad wcusson oF I avidforni
onactok rife

7) wind,- on 44a "IAA 619-raell

*Lb oa p I teroui
I d eao eave NAV- di ttc8On

t,coplre_a otALA ro nnAtukasl elentrinsi sim

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


polecat-oftAk. du:Aar rooalktul lead 413 s;t.u.1 I ar uude oc

. ve3,4 04 'Kate, >
Cm 0

tea 4 ceorrklc_auronwk --> " rACIAA

Vita cjAAAA 0A111 cam& --> n -Nutt
ratarko ear-i-tt's st.a face "

nate taatra I s. 41u Tars cuitcl oum atop Illtal"

El Is wor44A 44Son

et_ ALLAAAam clvl I iaak;

I 'nuiaolon
hook) 490 4) ?tate 4 kin "II
(Iv; I i3afion DA&cl taycsatable_
Nig) Cw;Alaiion O,M4 Ghat
CA nude

on 'lei 41cal 010984-04-Al

al I wpm 0-

'Po -11i col Giegrapti 'atm& of- tobekvo ta.u.uAA.


sele cP; on tuck watt le "pried -fo nations

cot', cep+

Co lA,c.k.c,Jet rckicle)

cauunt-I Labelsr app 1-at4 s &of fr

Tv ) tk,tp a

84,u4ei to dep.', ne Froace

t IciA
Ger WZOA Wvaorpkoloalits
19'01 a
lewd skaft lumade
56 vita!

- Ce11101" - "3/4
Carl n
Morptto ori at lantliustpe
main -Itctt woo t4-t&dj G1
pro cogs eo icaciii lamoocaft

4tu, reocAtt
ciA-sle up 40 :

)1 al- kfaie

act upatt

concept at ckeukle -hot oue 4ho e

tr4ttl9 a 1:040 LCLI

" len doll 0,001 -rOCJAa OP 111 .L2014

ev o Cut; on of tettievAsula dim& ca,a s to

&Do a ceukroi 4u.stme usuittiea va reottrotil

setuttd- ocutpaktte

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of F

auctagielave Remota/ion 0.1ftcua c KaAAA <Act ep anal ism 53
oppIkMon 0-F steel:1%1kcd a-Ltd viA01ttakkat4cs( fecksiapua, 4twarewo CWLD1 P rak; )/1

tr-VACI is "01111% ao vA ctv.$4-04 v rentsulion ;In
WACWiltittUAX11 1,414,14 er-Pul

14444 +lads korne -Sc11cufe4 ctibake NS3

%op red by 7 Ds' sw, s sA-cir
- "C+3 'it, lakti-P4A) aSt4A

-FiLivar doocti-c Lotto retaled 40 score awl ptuitocts

- Involved

bwAttecto -tor eAukafi aiAGI tatil tudfalaimis

0 ute ot otolvtecti

ll wif e))
ti cal Wei-

-Per JnIann
CA-0 e of- 1aaaw-(0-+; cal aim) atorevm
cocti-ra ct_ ozitactei;
4-revk of 0. 4aJ
w.o d tit

urP--01 n ICI co s
vF7 wLtockts umle_

W-U1 rot act a reilatal ?

'wt/Owed a A141 n -}kg _t_ cup nrap eti Lai qi-u4i; to

1%03 14-

JurIA-i Lito r
0-JA4 n oiare_ 04.

cepCO-ICJ athithelS Ot
S 6 Ate 4
'nap- cowept- wantPti
c pat; (xi tektite_ ( k Cc/444er)
t0-1A-0 MCJIA-0- 'idea ef Torii ao

tO4A-4-ati bIAJIAAAL 4C)

vu.012-0 ci-o m en ;

cri OR wore_
- Mak
eti.bie a- cud busuce_ ;-1-
0:1 r ve 0AD-tucker

7u; I ow-OA-1LO advx1 -Haoyej4cpJ bcoc

a sisaval
totrar 1.4 cal TAA.tu-kaLmcma
0,4 '0,4 oprei- s ?aka) 7 ampaiko of

a red-is-al , obies.14 v e alai tir

two( law s 40r

Aroate des , 4-korieo
jv) -4-eal- hdpatin ii& c ud _

strtlwai;ow) coAti y red; c,h'QW)

NI) 'S IMSEHAntkatCd I autact

gattum-ts aba I oath; suAal o toter

vi) make pred te

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of For

act -kw) rioa 4-tui mo-sinntet
- In -tons. Iettion 4 %modes
usuo aiwcuts 4rleo to slAl"3t
9 Main *i s tailimed Cetou-ou-Li 0 renew

OsCI 1-5
44 spa-ce
'Mom ism 'in chCrie IelAnk

0.0 Isefroptc so:4m'

Mestiunf ot trite
vtartAtzEive Creth10.40
'Iv) "rtare_ th voa, rime Por


tst - qco - ( 1W- ototizoth

rot, .
otweAor loatecto
dwelt) erl
cettito) -ietkcieksei go eusci ou.) oLtiovs
auks , ie clmAlcrts


C stilaCslowak o
2-"4 j4 -6
avai voutfi vosIat e etAnaltp)s tA.ukturf
wtretal4 o n , rton
esaptutel s on

isfrvas 0 13

4k.039 Clapp"eitE)
067 --11
-s (P4A VLIW .01-

0.AAatilh) ( 941 eAA1 r etcl-4-d)

L4-1-4A ig - ( IAL-ore
rease_ etttia KI-Dre

beioed 9A4 NA94-tauna6 cal

on s cual cS

cad coal-id-es 1dtJ
of yoimale sea.; nj
Trebetth tot

cortorf Ll

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

4114Pack- -Ku sabieck- oOR'

0, re4-404- oF need 4o lake raraplud tuore

&R cLuje1oppe,1 GA

am), .-ttAtom4ical olieukati on ,

erdir2; sea ea c

& VAltretatbk OP 0- wao


beccucu sod tai Q.A.Ace 4-hat r ecol ni 3 to IrCUACLOANt

bel.tajt &OA at- -tut val crow Twic_ Wel Aid laTiat molt tkett, It

orelek macr000tuul c_ level

-trawk dAan p kvt cOorao..4.1c) -to am

led 40 a SikgE leorfki
ear; cal taw- - wait; ti Ci.oLuo-l-v4k ) 10791. 1 1,1

iaj &ctI keel 0. tkakuje, 3 err

vpatiol sci ce --)

4-ktorsi tonic( be
/AR oFf'etett ck-utictPm 40 trrful ugur 1

atunorv-el i wit roved eattivaa

C wihkedD -Wok AeA.UCA 00 a ti.; de -Po r

led 4o diAliatrAVA-F

-I-at WAY- rror$4; atm

-leo 1 .rtor
served 0.8 a potakt-

oT oJA Ian-ernoinre c.cuoo j

led ri se
14' lit
'Radical VIVAMOLAA:i C W. 1:14- 169414" PDC' 1-;
o_pproacin C te.tkap; a
aktd cuttacputukts n
Id -to creallm

staled- .
t Jo Ft. -ads of- pit cal
at cepFed
akoc1-01041 to-00 re-a4a3

tit.u3 0.; eo viorpluDicti , dttAkatol oktd

clact &tea.* 0- tpte_cl 40

tu-Lpoci vtibri slA awaittftt, 4694m butl-at Litt\ rt
%up I Kwo Nrud- ,
L01+,1 0, tostkd ttti clap Went sti eutiFt`c_ mad
cu4 iroyi ded

umatiodeloa; cal .

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

s4-uctoi of di ntakk e aa ck ckvhcnl -ro dim? n
r't .ixtertat- 'in
YE Iecl 40



i ed -to au)tiop tni,tontn 'In

o4 toutputer
.* 8i eatex um raineui

Gil S GA
&IICK ma e&$ on IDE 044 0{0 uall on ot

t &all

win a ch a in 44,1ci .). - SE___
Edo e-totto
" c-- cutkol


Con-W% b awn 40 Ger

44u6 1=1 en 14e . I o cational kitty roj
. del/twos& ofetsuow.k.

teuztro..1 Plait 4-Eutnj

40 tcpte., A unlai tor cl-s

SoCt s loLuS Outs1

ni tan ow ants )
cati-OAAA Of pro aok I
Atrial-40 (-011CepE >

water [title , ro2E4e dole

4o 1o oral ancy'S
contr.' Inlei on

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes |

Merits ot RR
eucperi cat dthsewo.); o Ka -}kof are react; Ird v er; Ilab, le
.based fl ntOij on
tw-a-kide 14- obteuvagrows , otod-a_ awl kth to a
kips \ n reoLut; 9

, 4 -rftctors (wil414u.elle -- mouAcurAb I e)

ii In S on ot ciata -WO- i s
Lip In to mat; on , ) Kt erpota-li on , cl vu i
au eipoto.F1 on Ai u..ukka.lito n ---, 15 reat4on., corenzagi
to re_cosAri eso-; tw x 1 i o n , '
Mctral 01 -For
tht-140k .-u_enct; cal tataawate
ray i ote 01 -PrcuAteu_totic u.s1 ha n
4, 4eausktisia

k_ Pormaill rebtiAkired -

- lenc i
protAJ t 6

wskow-e-smus.4- 4- clattc.
tl,thsw cc) eVieckive

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

.4. ne_

I 1' '


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geogra
Attack stop or 59
1utue_ vatledole -teal-ores
fr i
dttieJeo conteuk Hour refeemo
resj DiSex ttao:$ on)
'-_t. ottades tnektAcci peccrle4Ive

0c ibiticcti ouj twuktuA Oat-Lcmen 4u) 4423 relale

* 'Woe d oz Otket a variation

, C Hou4skorne , OW
proxl weak 04 COM' altj liviked 1 tkemo memo
40 ertiLa sroSt QM

akure_ 0;
Ititkord 4los4s kerne 'wt 145 Lam k ' :RE_ 14
3 ea-, (Joined outi uoed 63
si 6 tortrimi 40 eltherlbe oiAri 1 aterp rtt toi; alp le
?AI; stu2d ;n 14 39 .4 64 %AVM 4- modA
Georpti cue4 e_air+kji sot face
/2 eak1-414 garct t c is talted dAarol oats.
It Auk/ 64 areal c64-re-reali 0-14 on or 414

tie rif tined tu14t44 4u4 Luai R./At thotracter

ggoretui on 4tA.1 s der; nil:
lon '-i s cowl

Dana oc rkAt e_ou-+12, sta-fate .

or dig ereal-

pi red b4J Yeuresiluhi S?ecral

* cf. rti

-0!& 4-tio,d,;+; r 04- eatesn week'. ad inces4 yea rat4 JAL"

4.tuatari. ex sep}ionckfectwl
va ae-'s
of 'HI I et-go in to,01
- ist ttecokstaa

tod:',148,4 was, 'in 150163 of


IA as &vapor& auk 4:
coot& oaf- err -totokion
-ItAziOrd attancriative- itutatth;on
&at it
fo 64; v;S
J um,popuittcril
outtaxtealon space 3 eostaki
0 of- 3-12

deka -to last gait dairy kers etmet01)12,1 n3

relived 'in yega s ikilittly

spate , ri:tepi; ?tate

butt 44&t;tonetto4:441
tenkotneztion of ot
Se ek. ed

eti e
4 OAA-Citen-pe 'in

-Huth rel; eikki

IttipeA ; n retoskstokeVan CA "Jena/ aertpli It ail nap siaa ,3

. tiaresIA-a rne:4 centred a a; im ineut

be, led tertutte- ekt6A;

tuet4 "iistetiejv e or seta& yukri

Ana enr-pti

1t&OpIrC4hOfl -Red- cam t ;row

1440s cuota clue_ 4o rrt erkaal
ReUnrd in

-14kte e leaked fie r eck; ow)

40 co veli cka itkAAMOA-CI Mit

to- re-leered
I sire_okkiA
IAS RankA 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumI
LiAA. hoe cumi iadscwe
mt. priQ - niape r cs P, 50
tku bko 0.10aren 9.6S amel
ave cacti-al av4 a 04 ve_ rule -40

Lualam cooncionanoss atafisirla

v r
P WOie

corocnae*5 J spaceft, 4tu, taitept; o n Of

U1i 12.144011.2.013 0:1 St dtki C00.341-u-r- 40 Y1

'Icon o8tapit lewd sto_pe_ lecarap Iticni dh&ptine

Rate ovaol -Ka
cuAzI +to A m seivez
intuit/auk Icucsl-s ea_pea an shaped II

soda) ofrko calkumi r-o tessea


l until s LLMtUI4& cliv dor witA41- cucl
Ictbow . u-it oral cliSpo-r r 60
cui vls; n
cfrtmsue sec4;aj
be aubs e 441 s mod kave voYab le
evapkaal s wan

*1 Y1 oki-ffe_temi-
nRutikce en -ttu tont& et vat; ty
o bo of -144 su-or I ci

CfplePic c" Si MAI AATA4

cW e4iriJ 4143111 reAt

c*Q-uIPs 40 catate 3a914-PH
ffirck- o4 tocatti
44_1( en 'aklo citt-tutkli- "HAI
u)u-t av-kcia.1 9 eadt af 11 le,7"YLti

a tpiAirdk Traduceo
't 0-analon ce ceu-DI

-fe_octlareo et-
twaux bi GuAll crisp-DI rry tid Lai


role of so cloloai n kuvo,ou- Te-ormj

co.wke -ProANA 'In (AP-Dill

CI Aced ex,*; cainVi

re64 on s v\etuecl 4 be

s o?Al c4rt Sure. Ream:no ,nts 4D ktomit wapcimis-

Qm1 re ato_puj be_ CDAAnd WAFIV C-

yyke ataktito lbmtedmioriaoloy, of

Sews of beet& nesg
o, place a&kel
iconoompttj of &vicar wartAaked kuAs
led 40 a
arcuil ;Ktereat, ;n via+ thpAck cateuFion ?cad io
reltdiongkie batmen
to4abtiskAi onj clanoal reictI;enov:Ip s
parsekkAD sedIrs 'in par fl tutor cud
50,10i 14e of -R,0 cupric: -Kat- hAkettedecii1vtne

,h))444 um 4 uvji cup, ess

IA ace toraritj lutut War LAX

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIA
kAd ei eak+4, tswfroK1P un

* AnaJAJ
Ir *Mat I nj
_ cure on Se ea ao rtheosofil ,11:41-0-.1111

e4- a T tace
- ici alApitetai3e4 Kasai:a& objetfare

--ituao 4 obiecrive
g 3 rd view- alvlslon *axe

So clasped; 4,1 ro tette-5

eiet.4 ran tsta-l-e a teudial

anal atiPereA,S &So n
n VAAAAAaAA latartioll
ep ors FP cfi ve

axtd titbit ou-ants

cwt..;(gad 04' heAt bwccthJj
ckaaticad 0111 euvana.
rte.!) reevta
Mil IAA/fad-Ion bed-weem

b1 Y\ 'ntAp&b 4Le-volIA
c)(114 yizi etbr

Wed-we_ v_pLuoli

ecti cate,re,idi n Mai feet

p Ks-Fa , ocp
di-LI_ 40 I.
etw s-19;irti coLL0,1-45

t p ded cktthxpwt&L&kal pro remea

vaL* reEf, o f-
ere; xf-vAt e o t coA.ApuLcz
oAtut.0-- eco-mcfruki eo, 1)6 vui

-1-140 oaLLudri

-feu-- ce re_ areaz

i) tax); sec/ n a

of- ore) oti exorkki alrl n,

rota lemito
For Gage-obl w4&t

-11 okot T O-cal-kti 00<alea

A-twre_ stiso-te 1k Oro/ viiv4

bci-we_ea nil OW)

lox-FWD' o rn ens- tird< en) CAA&

n Lef IP CA-COAeled

tomo eau e ponce." h of-

641 Scha.ef-e-r- -litroui Lek kik S
chostemit u) Oa
w49- SI 9 r-14-4 auxt-
7ut4oisk1el n 11r3.
IAS aftA
Rank 87 Prajit
Exceap ono-CiNair
syn 'In Geography
Ge1caf1443 Notes | Offline Student of Fo
GT eorptoifl Htunam G
eel raflui
1st s+orlosi Greeko

ntre 14 rued mil .


Woke cu9,tka3ea tAsu4&cw1/4. 01/44-re ck

ikero &Huta am.ot

- asmoutal S -for clickoiv nt

othAkokolori waitto , ludsisolcti
cukstai ratconesson clutil
'tio vo.k,ceno 04
ast-4444:cia noktsral tausus cv
pat,s; it vise

a.oiste o4 scituti trecl6on.

co; 4-ts a tale
0=0- u9vkais4i on s

lead 4tusAA4e2veis ,,, id)

isiene J ytotl-
..tikocia 4 nrsi-tkrt4

wool owoi esaks-rd yistAms imiuteak


1; w,)i-e.D1 in 44 me
csbssui- Lusbukow, aftwei nakoi'r
rail z0.8
tkusat reAnke +o tiv..fes4aida1 o robaist rattar
sad ware aska
IA/4i Goal Voirts
-1-kam ceads1
rn 0440 cultic& al Malbi
rosikalll oak-teal- knoviesiso rico eat
vote," Cflostoko) "01 raven
bes o.Y:A
egy1analert] stosl
*set-LIAO alit-41mm
yot 071- oAatewas

A 16w .

P Lit; cal adrapki

I wouxusal vu-
i; 0Abo dk
Masts4 deA von
'Datum' - I cid eactosol s
posi- Its-0 tstaoe ist
eustkaal on rOW rampul
Timsns , lewd( , Jck-F.Fertor, ,

blotobk n04-euAcep
rocluth c4 e ar+tes tar fa_ce
04 segest "n -441
cs; %Attie aux/ skosr t0v1/40-1 14 com
esskp luso\ 3111 ink of
44tifal n
ccw.pe_ betAhs1 imaroln et a v; rilativo s

tims tn. tool euguirotsvtoustai

taw o I coat) Fr; wan lj
111 Q QS mum

aor ci- cukci euTtki6101 lyt1sko-1

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


om b oo -42.1144Asats
T- e plated eAkpStadgiC IAAAMACLIA
Lux.; n

akt ' I amd&atpe


token' 04- tuum.aion

v7 Kai de Laid mkt -bunt e_cl 99tcoui
(auk; iski; on
etaAip OAAJ30-044-1-4AMAt
ko ; rte
tuthurciA tua.014(cap e
LI jakka nouts o4
ao tueakmasea of
koLri clutt rtueltal rrarwi
oast -1-10 ctel-eAvulli)Sik curkun1-

Fattouters of- kumitatvx 32yr-rig-I toa/3 4o

'Raz; c 114losopti 4

yva.kacti natal; atistA;if) uLtt'A ct,k eacl^ 0 -+Lt

et/fa/all 81/4 a MOM - ta-re

rttfeinclo itr ark -Rut aktc

4.40 iS

In en aractuj tilcta Cbtifj

r eo es:ad\
2aol c (;84A

04- acd-o-re--

QUADRA/ Is ark 44 cal cuut 0 Ital

ICA sto6 cal ttuktLaP "'" t 4Lir

cuto.ii sua 1s ittt refroWL o-r

disc; plinc

Tkij 4-W-0 are 4Wapciretmttl 4)4- LIJAAVI

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS



444 codury )
Hentetta T. kola vrctoi Rlekolel
ISIttei Wart,
of HileHaue exteptonolism HoxfsLowne
, ND
Strobo Speck/4r ,; ;D) oitriori
ta- booke IbrevisiS loucIston-
F4ifio4vdi kwelele
Carl laile^
cr,eaw:cili sato

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

erl; visrn
Co m -IS
b1 'Are
rom asAtki
-tattoo-4 a e tot; rhs4
awls_ - lard eLA U31043 t
rded:"" o-cLd
rejection of cal
i Ve
recalij totkicsk
to 0 leCill
411 eb

klukuscolb GreL MOM Salop I
W-na aunt) bc1

eless th-.4) wax' -

Auluisie co mit /I ento. art! e

Nif ::F ca.J__343,0,4-1 ve

lost To/Ism
FrA14 vi sr., ii4; vim.) iteuotostion
von ii-tuALI:oldt- -Fred
uriskon,e sone tier

etweLaped ac eaTeAked pas; CI vIsm Virct
ob sewat4 on
ob' ethsnu1j

ctu,ct reti-Pc_ctiIon

'veulo 1OffL&Igr CAN/Wm

0f1 To 44 LA %vo dev ekoped
(41-mr tit,
44,t bete; I ot I' eat) wneol.
coAketuoi on
e ne teat ari ver4 ea
LAIC, al or

o bse-orcLeo n
owfo.ft cal

y;enna eJ rat utua

6-1-1 snA Lacto etweiteed 111

I eA \n-ftwaikt eel

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Stude

Fred Kurt so,oefer

ExcepFronalism 1,1 ineoraptuj

Mrs park
uusb ei or - emllusai ascii c
4r 9J Herev hioion
Io tiaua-c'
no oppli talon a- w2 ret, so leortiAl

he ccL4cI 44^-0-1"
me thew, cal tv.oeukvil sailor
reclaiuni lett a .p
et eatiirtiv e

oAct fcLus
xi eat; uoe o4 3wrp19
scheteCar -Po cuoed
"spaii cd samet 4or 3 eorelA/1
I) e woe d 4t...1 -4)0%1

, lot , sr:low, lost - "0211

t .7 cord

coot-nil tic n
eAufltaked macith ow)
vuocittyl tcitikt-4-1c
role wttd.:4
Oeud exi

4; s Apimie

0:JO 4oLuncta4Zon of 6,R

excepkOfl&ft tom
cte-el ILDLLt0-A

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

Cocational 4-0154 veo lay Peloi 9,081 67

o-t eoaroptAj4dck totube/3 ou 410 s pa-Ral antuAlebutui-

- AA epproaan

Its tut-414001T iS spa-Rai atAtce.

t, . uoaaJ

4 locajoetal OMdJSi3 Loaf)

tnitn ablecnve

Ad 44u-0rim v.A114. pro cluck; ve

cuiate ()nu DJ (301 , %Amadei t.

ems) WD kit 4.14.m..-cun
0.A.V meal iacvS , 4tAtor; eo
be,),stilt 00A awl hour p eciol e at; I

twilAl OA un dew') Ike +to appro atta

okilo sop et- Tow, viiim
baoed oik +tut_
attaur-tuts ounol
.rdectliT-Icittloe ok -Rum to oF
Conceuktateo om
-We GO s pli vie)) etudatebil Ye re.valuti on .
I \ uicet1 40
so s 0-nst

predo tuts th-(91cpoe et3 sr94/u-Qtrti

,20.4)ex.16 sw, ) 14-
Wed o4n

tun -For t+ctas -Ka2 cd -tonu


at vs CiCbit9 cal- ed 4LtA eauee ot I oax.Pt oncd
; -Auk IRS-Os

s 4tuuctu &tort) kl
.91 s book- La to_t; a-I

leornefric 4-mai-ft o 0)9)10110

wio &ea&
01 &pp est) e

kAAAAnam eoaraf
ordeA DA ? aid seAuo 1 vt
Ha , load+ on

tuck a -Co cue needed :

appro at* 'au-it-Lk coincemircd-ezi em
'0 -to Mop E a. e/rtemA
a 0401 e cuss ei-41-t4 le
icoAervuo cmkel floe t, to caim.A;b1

rAom cund auaii racka.a.a.1-

. eutptel wnatts aa 4.0 wAdaukkuA

ret.a.ti atActCkp

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


make ?re se- Oat eakesas (r.A.Likcallaliav)

;ma_ cumuilitafive
ICO -k
I etc:L.4101W order.

I66 .ale a s or) "Tkto regca/ cmarap

0 al liaA tale.
s -Pat scoAn c e e.c 0 eca;
skkled -s1/4al- 39 rtipsui
ts, 4u1s Ike
ad DM4 waktuakak; ta.1
taoCI tfs 'A Vi-etk;
at Ai btkO
'0 also

0.L1A.;th spo-ficd eliku-so-t-

of eummovalt s
'm14x Lvite -Crow 41eid
b4A-W ea 3ettrptAArS
40 c.kne 'iMerretai4ovitaAp
Wao 1 vitcluced Led
Eta to autiest3 4.3
',n 196os cw..a tagqo s
reeewd st'A eut;
Kw fl edo of %Folio) attoAkart-
WIId emu-ow-it

0.1-Lar tkolars
tilo rr; 1, Cox , Co, Warvesi , OA.orlei

'0,At-taolAted ileum:5k; c -lrckdi i; oop of cuAA

c0 040 tartcolti

book , tAx, SpakicA4 lau:A VOl On at o USA] ht Card

iv, hls
41 34
vvoi6 skfs 5e sr al; cti ;alerack; 0 vs @ RA; vilA.k.w.kkn co*
ftopi e ge etc It

h r i vti I-e1a-I-4 at); v:1-3 1%40 p re) lel 4 41 -- - +IAA_ WM-W-

cool so

A auk- sot.'A dij 11 siTI ii 1 ti all Ice 4toAm plcue fo place

patvero o Ioc_a istwa cuAcA

bt cata o preoLiciaiole , orie4


'yr et %to rowed; ve Eugal; sun

bet's ef -WAY
bctoed trOA YkAl *LI( VA
nor Kkallve. skol tkt "
irktovj woo id lead
yot14; ve

Ot ekes:tom imal(11 ro cum

reflect- -akk l
re edil

19c real vuorld

concealed uso.i.fil wet F; ga
+km \ O UCLA 0 rde),
itict-F let auwAr9-ea
ew +AP 8-rowAril
tki -WU Sod

aF cap! taticim

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

D Vet proc1tzthon cuAIA -Kt t-WA-A-041.1
ant 40 to caCtokkal cwaJtls 14uxe 13

0/4-ers -eAck 4- vac:WM-A afiy$044

ireat- people co clots on map , sel-0-4-wites C t9-VL or

V.LUAthe.11 '0% CM tivkai4 cm

I wrd- -FresAA m,1 --t ct6es

twAmam rpm)
srubv1-amitoltij ckaAl ea nakutt

Luba (Dula be uaeot

pro tecturea
ow tipped twat; 0-3 ona

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


IAS Rank 87
0%04 I &tit VS gO
inet t Uttar, 71
cli daafon Luca ral s eol bi Benikora vareialoa t ;r1 VOIA teattal

OCI GIVla atka ClithrtuSette-A. .

vat e.44 go NA.03 YZ130:1 4W--0 %Won

anal GI to 3 rag Lui

ii4aloactl 6toraply

344.01fit I o seeko 4v 641 4030u-a n dii

un-mun ed 4ornao A t;On
vat; Duo nasalen cl1/4
concepts nteal t al; oi
twu nci1eO cwd
are_ *mini sepcuateld **yr, oauxal varkati

u.ft wen -Pc si -Haat; on 'In 01/4

a tear floras 0:- d eats
. dealt to-004% on e o r

OWil 41.A-Ar pcu--44 altar I o cetl i 4-3". Facts on oG norm-hi ,

atilt rorMAIAAk *Lull .
-fate old .
wr am; ciaaan ess
'fall Ter-krnaaw-ce. ti n

'is reid cuole_cl aa easrof imi

l or ref,Duo .
ulna I e tun rl cl an
a oath wit-K4 -tto _
' Deals tt:1+1-1 tAlZiCiMIL 0-tial0 IA 5 g riall0-h-;'ge4

ct w:u t
40 csirnt 'In twat raraplati
)vi)Vai . ca444 mil-
u,dtJAj rtaivAd-ad 2....CL
-r0nnntbon 4 Ivo +tato; 5
latlps in
tuftlemsfood -liLrsi1/4
v.jk& Wad
te-rtaclaared d ea -
n &ins taw& .

waves; *al- 4 .14,a, cwil'i I-

taditekkati kao mal
on -t-rooa on;vrti
rxrcuos ' w)o-03-1
a yorcr color tei-tuti to
tatt searcla -for at
tc:k oaacea D,

oiasl sional c Eton offs alb a; Olive

Lap/ ors al inrc .1,., ofpnoad a
ki ams)

,,,,,St "In ap proach 1 lolned 1 atelfiv knito

von 4-1-tuabo kik . A-cc/it-4i 4 14-mm41201M;
)4j -frketamclok
3i clu24010j Taper Welted Sat-
ptamaonaelact --Has& eAel%4 +D3 04A-04
\ nterrelcd;on sia; p oc
&Alt threll 4-ut

In cun ona.
need r CA.03
!4e cusekta rd

1 "pal ghaod
Atooal.A on ?will art
(Pad:Kolar) C Cueattal)

cuthrt,641 0C (344,14,0 veciaaaH c teort

e ham/eel 'on

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

seireks et! 1-tte ot) at fowl Go
- Carl qi kVer
nalurei raw Ka& '&t a La-kale , 0.11'in
need -kr a si-Liztl at- tads.

-lufz. "1 du-ketd- Ttu44 '

orchA it) ware-W-4

cosh-01i %1 fer rti oral &pp roa Oa-

be4vt eel \n

mai; t rep reoeukt-E1 on


Otanimovi l dad Sekittl

t: .4%
- CoeVia)aikns me) WI Cioni ev of- r ;onertsel
wam4 esldAwI
thet . 3(03.
a,milord oweSi (rot) altinca
- etfil/
41.6,4 lit* eA video de thbleone fiarThikorn e
atiy-r o C iew) is
.ij 4,
it 1 I
raised - ib-
0004001 t t t t
4hAwbobil- Schaefer
talaclAncni a trdroctikred cydekvath't o &vital locadional Dewent u_fini len
atja?!S ;A:col

creettel chub/ 40 t4p144.04

ciweloyeAnd- tnefreoiact; c
turT li

titwer kprroacho 40 Kkee44e_ 6+4

0 'keno, krittisdl

- Loh; 41109
g) P1/41

bspd- 0_ ruts_
entld DLLOCA; 01
berd alba; eon cud -bye' tr
caufixd reialor-s1A1 ps bettetoAA 4

11 W-J14^-i 4
-It amok.e.hschowkot +Low-

of Cat! 0 catuA
a) Iamd scat,e
g caul)),
IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS
Con elution

mad,* di w1 /4-emo anal Kof gtaj runt,bc.t ot- 40p) s

ratafk l oct-
caw approarkdo
cvAct reelowl

a 'In
jM 4 us,USI NO 0 /1 a- nai-V-r-CI-4 scleace4 , so a al SU ein ten

cun_S nut-4-ktm..0.1;t s

CE4.U-411; \
'in wleicJA MAj

o 'Peuue,u1-

1,11:1).4.04 cyc lepr-oui


cum ,c11 rerri


o4 %osi L' %en]

'td a ot traSI Kuzum

col 6 s
bekt., dab p GT+ easik eh's+

S fejAcul &tore./
k-j tatitelorreur ttekeAync,,A
ifinl r* yaed
ci-ppro ci& oc efrnet
cosi id) oaraptAlc

ko-v1 /41- 424)tt ^-

cri tave
bac;IC) kt ca'A wri
ouspicukavcF loalcsa )cu-o-toerie

Ana) (40-talict-Ek on
cior wre_ 01- tleal-Skorneli

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Note

f*pitaJ IllneorObi VS 14tAmsav Cflorptui
Vara. t1/2 had role in si-otit iiAts
- ist 0.0.461 b9 Gireelco clifiAt*OlAt
Fieratecto re avore twat/ 40 rtutsi cal troaraplai

4 era do-Itto cud Swako aoplkaol3ecl tuvatak

- cu.kda,a4adal kM'S -tot althalo NJ 1

incltaceial et4 Imovitori nai-eto kid stroloal

1n co at Inc:Jura, patuomokkon

tu.bRiacto at n akar& acieAt ces aka 10

et. 14- po#5115Ve to woe -Wu.

wataetue. sciattlR "vac) c-1.1 on .

elAnto- aoactual s L.414t.. a tante. 4tu.4m.otismo vat' 1.041/

. %AA-Lodz nctkrAnd st.;Akte

so el al av.4 ackkasaA /Amt. tack


tu,mcnk an" KiisoF be. aj4-e.01 in -1214se

9 ewacal on abau.1-

amst whkai relate 40 tilatex.kaat or pr abialai; IJ I-attar

aucl tface
ract; tally ai Rereak 'for
co-LW:31 . o nAkWocto I oal cal
er,coo.nal KlA "en 9e8-114741
04- 444 i OAO etd lvcar*
belnhara vatr...4A CNO-rey4t,J)) vieta

n tAls 6 0t- &wLAaih sysibki &wad

r; blkstkv.

16c0 .

terpti saw) easpliatMed ofi'm hk-oult rerf

? tudii cal aidu:sio vaj WADI
o car reosiai ttjs ecl
hunto.KLIA You)- Crijaked oaf kola; 3ecl T.tkd eo
kiestm oltk von Vrssaa)o 1at
etuommal S on ca-A coped- \
)arsain - taid
I grip otaioe
lt&tvaspitaol on "taca 9erkl
Jakrenon, 1'41 l I Vt.
1<oeppe)A , ni) avS, iv"(

14o4oble natant co
s 41-tc Trootac1- oc earites sac hire
* Sew.ple seaed
tAl maLte 0../Ad wawa.- to.Athi fi ova
ekup ru3 roI e
9f 4.0.01:10 n

eawe beemd mord \ 04 cJv'%oJoc


W0.0 iyik WUXI; 11 tom a-100d tal IAA cuAA tom stkustoi
'The Geneow tthoo

ape ct- wad ec.1 ptuel cal L9torpui.

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

, - 76

Gth0 t..514,tt d ved incl-ro.p(Al CLO Ck h raiA OA oc

Tta Covel 4- i etaptims

vAitici cuaa& u.1141.4 devifiorpkOktil , pall-0191, ktri10191 pad 14,14Cbt .

scime. k

woo b ocattoe '1 n 'im:4-R ai st-ar e-1-- ctuhttop ituwA- , rritui

ioctior (Limp kozis

+euA 1-eetckars
e tuito kad ataloati krittrowAsi

latko U.Ded CO1Ae de BuRonit 'Jen

1110.11r-C1 1.1.1)4t% le.fW 1-
cm 1.1a/MIAAA riri.p1A1
0.4 CW C1-11QAAA- UAL br.1
R; a wimp 0 uruS oterei
ern -ttAk tcw,as Lap e

ac -.0-1-MADALFS
?fated evApItati) CM
. ukci n 'Feb vre

14_ 4kt ' I cuuds.tepe

vl clial 4f_ leblatata tuktaled taux9i 4 tun lotto-Pul

cowl; bid; cm
etums..43 04_ ?kr;tat) PAAAMCW in "At
,, ;,,ufortaaase
r e-
uaL4lat0.1 cuAchtetpe
OA ottiatta now-ts
LIG tuo.o_kneasei or Vitt; ciai ej
koxl cluar

aAkci deka tylvt'A curvAut

4ottowell olowmaim rortplA-ii wa-0 4o

Utak WI et

r.etti; ; v tuba e_ctelk oF4u,e

mom - notkotre wakttati

4wo iS eufeindetAl- on 4tut

tal ettarnui waa clatiFij

la4 r eizu-th 'in
ga& c

ai n awn On
arli Fla) out lo cal
otklAolo to/IS

0.r non tad tbintiop 4to

data um ;s 4taa

p tin e

Ti0 +two are -i-Lo earthato e+ toott=in Wait

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


As er ckarcl H-or}lko rne ,

thv\t 3-eorfAui Mc) Turi cal cad Intum,a44 WUt KALI* e


4Le %Tot of 444 LJLOTk ;1 I Dal cai

Ttui-e4ore , 4-tti 61 vi Sion wit /4.Lecai yuwAaAA 'Ts +etc Lastoe oc


(norm) fri-ucui

ifiuncuA etaranaj

FRP MAO " car

1NTE GIRO E Al'?. wleA Rickard 12 1 mei

Pitetakvel4 hub of
(Rn E c Nero) NMI
atuabdel- Ctrel laualt)

auyikt1 enr
EmPrtirsi wet) BUT Pocsibi Yi AO At lablackt
:Rase! (setugut
MEivif-D - BIL Pto

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

I ME .1P_ '-ml - U _ 11 -FP _-= II I I



f- 4


t' 11113 1

ill 4

I 1, ,

- I 11

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

boweem P-mAch .04 Conral tv(11 9,71

ncepi- a 'pace veal Inxporl auk

eta wilt+ io talons, siito

ci totttrOvetS,9 o4 044ar ati LAO deo

F CT mitt

(ea t -041 lo Wed

b el-to eon4U ,
u.d-HA waoriT4 Coaa6-1 re-Siot4d4p
LAP.; form reti e /Quit

0_44 TuatTocr402-1-0 Stu.A.cntan a_l- sstv,

al "-kale aA4d Luki-Corm I to.% MAW WO
oathaa..1 D944 n e n eu.u.z4,
eakol u.Locie "FA-am AAA
:klentt !awl 'Aze some/
efaamowun at 064 tre_ut ?lac ea

co.f.;n; +Ion
- .t-ton.$ anal / nodal neon 1 s AR-Inez' on
- ko morhouo areaz or kakZtais Inhabi teal
04- wrcuu144 c e axecuAci
4 Wolk ac lb are a
cru-pS OT ft al OTTO axe 44
b-ed sod ea es , so tioJ
toit t 0 t modal ceu-tr ea
- nodal
laitown az -ro Twit; refftowi . Itted awe
-36.1.0 r
4o eado 04404- . kat orfa
of a itqle related,
44,e ,0_,;is
&Xinett on
ii ,,,A2 4; hi 'is wcaloi Wetoill on 04-
ad s 0 ticaiio n a -tor ai
or " Wet- dertnerl
; is Iii Ott taimi
a. us& 1,W-ha
sepia-di e ed lawn;

watt on ecuil.A.
- real
leowkei-nc watt en vo-PeA

- new con c..ep

old cm00- : ealAcacji
di vtou.A.ce co...a tpace
- olsoltde
era rttcuA.ce cad Tate
- toll&
etre_ 04 1 Ili c rdextath ce
cut reiaroJAY
- cob Left ; ()Diaz 4-a.u.ili
lez i ell nam,:ic , %kat teteak
avirmii ni

@lasts 'in - Waal vk-u-t-l-o-re au4 4-Liatti

tauci mon cuLti OA
_ 1A-ult j_n
cat.tA.Am wA:1-11 tu.itk'n, a
redOn or T.46 re csuol 41A-1:if of a.

'04.1-excup favivAte oY) tan& 6444-0-k Tirte

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline S


For ma) "ion

_ au easibi I i-ii cog) 'ihol aii quo ease nitaAtati-real

in a spetial tual , ueuttal 'M -lenuo tsF

al yktuct , me, kale

tOSi- -Cacti-CUACe i 4innt -

.-Haoat a 4-i:way orl- tvAtuerk. eh.

444 4wals+am.t.ea are ,,,,e_ateureel eh* sm

special node or o-xeo

F ov,e1-Til
tohafeci 'In reheu.1- toudi tw-I cuts) etuato+ kap iivut otA
_ tor twx.Ljoue af r at

1*.kuef_44 tumuli cexcel elm; taws* .

444 ampler re,taktuo Op
'DI eitteon't 1

atri tAW-PUte4 4ed,UA.Attiri ,

tats-tA 0,00 on c,F cipault+dive 4tclAulqp-al

Si-ttej at AlnAkci) 4o -tux t$ (soli re(f NM -

u..106 ettaw
cleorikfil are

40 14-0,09 a SWAGS CLIA0-1

Meer 6te is auxioltweAktorl to
vkatueve). , Any-al

ww.tuct).x.t. 1detatecteal-
) OW; OW) 7u.Le are

Mt I tterti
is A taatketild t
P. E lcuAkeo 4 ittv1/4aLait 411,-P VOLDJINA4

4c nua k.9) cube mei mac pert 0/-

, :.!? t 771 Calel ell clar 0 Ote

.4to s-l-tur .

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


Vonc or 151- mitemAik,

Ceett0 40 toAcieAckrukd )

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS




IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Of


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Off


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

I t4 144.114A14 6-rE eGrI2 ArPHY
moda ewuj ea., ion reidah'olnstA'w
deals tA.),FIA
uoarelled by Pin:mm*14n of ssuJd sked or1d u.);boie uattis.k.
nakture tot tiAcma thviLs
Env., ton VKI.A.A.M.IiSTO ;4- IS SO.
ton c et w;Lt... a VAA or r:aw
14e0 - 90-es yr rive) 1-1w. trv run 4A4A,s4e1Msm
Peter reCiv,iSYn l'ocs:16\ 1;sto

OS-erre) S
civsk 0_042)MA '40 CLOWIbe 0)00
by (re etca, RID '11V1-4A.C1
- R holetha MI comskLES in pao 4-
A- L> btinersd-eo
4eammres eed ohanaker +reale
LS A-1- 1.1.ri heti wed I n 0.1 ek er 'inn ism
reatod tend" vs+61- 1 e
i444 retereute 4o nkkomt e }
L> s-mabo


- sof eir; 1 o43A4. P.:AAA v-0 won ad-

- rroitte is os.)1ve, rn OAA S pnt ve oAAAA yornAsuk.

?"M Ca) -tatkOts
e cby le eoyerne d
_ 0,0004e, at dclon- waki vta pro C tot ,
401Vi oc -kg 2.e
Po ear eLo.t 4&U% It fk flA04, n8 hos tri cam oati Glennau terciraptev5 cs-i *AR 4
beina backward Sue -It %Cusk tam'', on eat*
cre eaed a Cone bean.) pyn male *Ake W.:tutu:is

Claret; CO le0er:04c determ) von

se5S1e,Ake&C SAI-tiettj 04 1444-Amw" 'rine

- -towAcker e4 ty.0..A.a,n lacy-n.1:4,9 are
r;th r n.04 c
eke-terrn)n; crn S eel al Paraini S.M 5oplewkeuketi -40 ateues)coi
-toy/Aster o4 se; emiri
deA even, sen

btd akar I eo tco..t.u)n

- concept borrower! -e-rci4A4 " Ot;Sm ot seed
_ uetet dectusilue_ approcteu.
'In 184 1
books 4vuld,r0 e03-eocareS4
_ pcde., ske a 4tts
II or 110 rkci t4-esie
' 1;01,n spoxe
rbu It14 tell^ ee4 0 4- ci doekkoro..0.0A I
In '90%iticnJ Ceeo9VOJP4411
tekAMeCUred 1,40-t e 4-0
po-d r_00- 0 t- lower
corva o f- etVi Ii30li0bn IAAALO
114 (60.-11 '& 12160-11 k9h.
COL) DC a-1-e d
ern/CUA Ma-aka kik 4:0 World wart)
111"ALW ed %va.Ae.,AA
6.0;1) 2,0.t; own 04' Paw,- 4u.kow3 tA ubvy.B9112 , be come m ccbtote
;a - oil
roaketai 40.4e / ad er; 0 ake 0,4in ese le 0_04.13

SKr '1'; or aAnOt pow Or f-ai tau-414 so 1,9

luf'4Aed cetp-kwtS c4 j
) o\d easy,c,tyd 0,04 I ani o rd et.
cu-euin9 aest u$11

WOAkIS. --144 eine - fly-cluck of 81.JOWYton , est 01 ukiOn ex) theac bA

_ _ ao
a v.). Oh tow/ince:I
- H
, ron 7AcuA
otai uth c,ots;
twv; ran

im.ock 04
tom:wired -Wok co Las e cob kiIithorip
_o_kot et. tune kOtation rvaa r e ewphaols on If/Cation
by ?lois) cal

o cloned
lead Jro 0.4,1 lcur ;A-Lode of ;
S.n.04 I cur I ea& or,
or. $1.0.ish Is1eS wAct ImecoA czympared
- scLear omen be cao.ot
c; u./.; Icuri-Cte0
eutper ate 1ccation )1
Iowa IWO MKT) ,adin, con ear. boo',
twatmAlairvoue couei ea (WV;
bo-btA kad 40 look ovi-watelz -40 cA-0-t pop tackio bei -0.CIDrIeVAILA
IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes
swrr 0
| Offline
b4 oi-ex
i nSular IV CaN vad-4v +Ww" won \ "PeCS b le (3."-I
Cwal kcal Strerwl navy )
- loremwsk Loomed% rim rapker, Miner; coAA 86
A to-pros-its 04 cle/arrA 1 ms m
- etre& elSocelsel-cw-t 0:- Rohe) , o-0--'4'0
at Crieoevo.pWc E-troilfonvwwf I n lei1 1 .
prockwed -1-ka 600 k ' tv,..ituikkces
r od-U& 04 tar-Hs; stoviat e
- opeo:4 o9 I; ,e in ?rate ' mow. Is 44ke
(4.4opoetoptud (MLOU.6.4ko4'iel, plokeoA40, 9 Vilvto)
wed o4 1;4e Catikum, snicSit;cm

_ believed .lopoirop4 4o Se_ rno:in deer oeavt

cal se.Wirke , Aerra:an,
cO4TtAL&ta 14;44Adinal rinanac Far; sk4 cs ck.k pcsiote

kJ 4oHoak-0-04-9 'W {VA 1)00 k

?woe ot tuaw-i-thneel-ke Nien

, sexhme Cub oA,de cecinas
eirVaci v e - krOcki 4;Oral w cud
01-44-1/4DCLON cuith taw) 0-Ccepieci
clAratee %AM Pao;

Ce14 -re1104-0- cad Lawtol es

II-snots:4k ,
&ixwel.2 custd kenta1-

04 .-kk.Le pl oi buz
- eisamsje Cukepted

44 ,44 6 ciAA6 tow ourcik

4o(-like co.kArilI

4-La- 04- /Awl e a-tooins'.Mte b1

believed -Ikkab pUjcc
CAke oleo
b ronyvoi-d-
aisC/inciall tied calf. assot 44-.210-0
thili ivv,a)a,..40:,,,.6 tamer cdtuo+ 4.3e ovAek skipvo
es people Or oar
..00.04S are weal< g' 410-10 bj , skrovv3 <Wirt 8 arm io paddle
ttopl e R.10, s
1/4,5 4t4e 56W&S lAti- tAzt 1111s,
S4-attied sc:lealrikicaisij
lesserte-a aol YINOJA. COAA
se Go 0 %toe tia4ai tu2 4-rcid 4-0
4 Cuk. kQ4ro.sQiS
cone o ver es.s.34: or

E. to Or4t4.tifA.}k
tyro& two , pufi ok 'Pau S
-HAI P'" er ev:Ana.t14- isS
0.I mole 0./
owtk.-0-01 Seck on at/ make Wipe/4 ti 3 eiSon

vithory ...33 w cid of \14e- 42)( - ot. tki t"c1119 i Wier

OA CC( rnedre, ;lid pa .
- oi4. sk 19 raked
prosper , b al i k
I}tufrtam. C7011-aptcti' 'Tr i ckLic
book ' tyTheAvloo erl -
y 011.1 ck e a 4t-Le. A9 1.0 ea/Aker .
dm eLop ovJd 'in ro,5 \ oso ot- S4404-LW&
ao ses Ieck enA I \ 3aliow. my.aok
Csta-rea 1151 C laxk, (.1 3 bek) tomb
kmpoittatil seek afiLt- 4t&Q cas.02 C- c-0,14.0-ex oc-
do of ccd , water,
0A-014 covkd" tIowcado \ wt.-Jacket) le seattk
toriii4A3 cl-u-e 40 4a4 usLe
t, tvoi.Aa AAA mt.-mg
403010,-- tt.t40I tonevao+ M --
AtuatopeAAgmt0t -IguAgyko-be c4d Owe keel n 4eCMVtOoiCAJ
He- &cue t ertheriv0 -tor
go.-51 evkS- klu.) Ekaepe reDoor - ' deo) kor Tnesd-o_11 wolf
Omer - Tom/ -lot
HE tmmAvion ec-fie-Zeni ki3k
-944- so-Gct
--overcook- Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student o
- WWI ob1e w\ncl
AlSo CredcktO apkol 1ajtor -Dapkviised on role of soil - road cir's no-leo g clops t4o1420 87

m or DETERbil MISM
b 4cated euxicAr\ ccati
0 440:tiikeols eamnth

ynew, 40 nauy4t e *tun taiture k,4cr,9 out4

2) larorei role Oar/

Ralwal bctro4l.ki6 S n orne CAA QA

deAtiakionwad Lowt+rcarl- 40..4 n ratilowo

ev kanit And t1tpoliS n9 ,n mtettad A.

4)peck err Oli Si; C.

Mole-Mali SM.C-
love- tau
bait ttd 11.c
r bei,A3 over lemoAV,Sctt;on
Li) _%.v-Ap I 4u-to v-1 tow tri+U.1sed
rotAiinct, fitu et*"Asa
c) ikumbirkepem's Attio'rj chiMused On -Luc
El;"en o_fic uatkeJLi on ,
Ark rrenpecjive
peoVei; r zoo I ye- +o

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

OSS1 Si LI SM 88
cta recta-10'n 4o atekevne qt4.4.tha13sari or) o4- rrik el, erre, ; tasrri
',OA I e CI bj tir tka,0-04 4octim6ee.1 bj ti?etal 4t tat/lack/
ozcoOictieri PrtIALl'A riCKIMPINVva
a GP% Ve 40 Survive , 114AProve OA:mm.4 c soUa.I (Man
- 4ak mew ao am

putts i co-f v.w ron vuact , %tuna ber 04 0 (APIA Ca 0i3
00ned Attcd-
ct ciatind 84-0441 cb-utt-ops
01041J e9144 71e0MAS. ."21iio4
(LOS er4 ea -44Acur- nrre Kauer- twore 4com- exa ,

F cloy re d edcured -14,ere to..0 net eosi ea but euem tsai-the po6 I; +i ea".
"4na c..,c1 0vtL44 c3eo9to.pk4co./ pro bleu* ktkoi- 04- La:1; 2,0310n oP Fo

pludS1 COI 0.4.u'Ir0n buF cutufaLt 41A93- 'A*

sow writ)) 04
41:90k plate, web ot people_ wocern eti
t.pW c4A CLJALI WeW wholiA40:04.0-
reeoKo o4 cv-ii-eim ea 14,e

SISIMESIon 1:0-4 \ ne tezounec).

?"161=412 Vilargiginglare
ay p CU 'n i41crt&rQa I v \ 142.u.mCuA cod e..41 wet i*s 44.4;yrorl boor, a
_ oss We 40
ptiti ttairont44144-
'1'n4tagat e
bak cdoo ofiraiss.;tit 04- 4-bair ta44.012.
e4 ore Kok- jut)} ?t--' c4 toil, tor)vaar
-Deo Pt

qi dai oe_ LaOadi./

a tctv 4i to rn mu- )11 t4:44 4-1J4340 .
o444.4.44m ed o.4 emAkr tow"Ak or
v; ( 4; 4e4eyl ea) -4140 &we)* 'in el 44 com244-1-
wot ic Ulac "'Aorta at
C tab al 4
0.A.L111 tonHMV-At
looe rap Weed 04 0 dui i aca-10.0
Gina toReeki o IAD
t> OVA tv,,reA OW VI e ore roc:0,4,4-th
Am:GiroPi cal MALI LO ctl n4LtuAte4 .
va9rca-0a recoil Op Lu-a ti cal i

or tiu_ti kis 0_$AP TO OVVJJ-41-

40 onto) rl 4144,24,9-w bektoeoy, in co44A-0
ht 44,-;e6. possA.Aieh .
ei ri veva o-4-4oin n 004 444.ciso awl letalo

0,06.14, :43.4 citume

t,CA4 PhD A1/4.00.1 s on Sular beat, bar lay
gusts., ed irtea-1- cukstmoe cup c________ =ow fl)

otov1/4- ton-ukt2

141uttiamouii okotAle21 oto pp > unwat,04.,

Mturakka.. Tka"-labi S
cum- -40 &train
sr taint)
ko4rtra srefon lz evolution

Anarlac,k0.1. met 42.51A


-Frite tjAn er 0-kki fi cal W
421- W& 04-
?:,artom rubber

DOW 4-wromors LoAa .4 0-r-k4 C4CCI) C-6n'GeAteiV

\IA tareeNIA.S0000-

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of For

CRil IC istiC OP co Csi S1-1 89
mcia ccuAnoir ri d 04 c at
i Nopi4e 4et-Wm:A(41S aolucakremfukk ,
epudrObnW4OJ (ettiq39 oks-kaked , reboto,ces drained )

poss'ibl 1%-14 ,25 kivA:i 4rPd reii OM

2. eR0a-fde 0;

IVAN; ran vAnai- , tectA

% 4a& comn0 ID ma& ik44- plum 04- noirtoW ,

pro bketkuo VA ate tol .

Pox:jab , HoxtrAms. aitooirl vow; von nAvAlsk proble.iao
ec r; ce cm_04 vokion 'ort
14 Prowie# 42,3 over - omitmovo t sign
C. Doet) %ADA cacsA-1-4- ctse thutta a4

Victed cO, la_ Wactm. (rr rrarki

jt4t1 ro-oi; ra-u-AftAA ow_cl a:14.,AAAA-tii ea
C ,tincliott beksitai3
etA-Lci wan-w) tstAi
6 ekottAA- 14AS tsww-aud4-i
- aturttllo

4AA44-1- '4 wAreauf-t-f &we (.1-

a.Sitaitor --lust+ p roc:theta
racul'om ; s akt
--- -ttd & LA.A..wt-ual
r,ccusimsret, ota v;t,
a_ Cia-aoust u_oo-ki cil
II, pa_th z....-to-t latetwa
p a).44. ibilak V CC&

relers At
1:4 ekr, t ,
hate e 10 4;144- 1poll 5. t. Stidut.A2A CUULan)
- c c -k, , trir4044--c

--1-0 e_o_

isfh* rt, 1) ekwee4/

GuAt ntakate_ i waddle tie+ ?visible 40
_ a w co Li,v, bikam,

*Raw cc 4_ &At OM da-4-04tar

aArti r 2,4t

w-thAte axa4 441f0h4 atkd 444thai

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

14e0 -Verermi ni 90
- A-1A0 kratioin WaraSer In cl zo
- citAk -to noose by
tamAtCA o- re.a_cfor, #o OND at evAperale_ .- on yujud-
Li> &refund 4k0l- po;sibi \ism cum eiergot \n cum ron nkuas are Moto,
otOretfical S (A OA
rACLAAI 001 I t
110-0 OA proiA ews.
deierrn't AI site: -go cikou-I be. bla
- au term Siop- amd -
blpit prluir prow-aim tykk ,
C arca (lea- n cause -Coy eacJA re6i0h kw) ifiv
ettistui- peeple 40 11 eui I.E
\n e paki be QAA
-tor a. cam-d-rj 1-o -Follow Iwo
kezat etervpia.,,c p nctircuamke
44UA proaramAry,e.
raftuv; dtkatd. s to '1 4erprek-
6e) erwunad bv al-Lute-

n ce),,auxil" ht c.orretakeot rear -M-0A X tili-wsks^

-w,o book W T-0.4)101

cOnCrarktuall cateuxrEs a. balaAAt e
ao cloasulZtsm '
tont er 04: Mstp

C el ryi'm )
sAle t5V1M c44 tc4ovS 0C Jose\ e *net cos'
reiwer 4.0111 0-
%tor 444 ore_ ts kAdofl efe- culoioultAke .treedstu

tAQ otpkea
cuAk couLcu.0A tAuM 1exbeStrl t E.
lkiLLA4kei.4,0 ei 't

40_rept sg,a NO? 1 \feu by in 0,-1-um

4o respesta
p.o_Am.d4-1 1,4.kodi-fitsttiovva .
etspbta.4.4 tosum attAxa
caxt, ?Amu_

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

tOrtr IT,ATV/ E I? EvOsut (OH 91
405%11AS/1 - 0100 calted 411F,S)Ci t fin
h; 0SopkiCal app-oath c/Aakaa eri eat *by oiariro s PPAre ousi.ct , pr o a et&

ao -IAA& oALLI g AAA te et' laAaw I e et3e.

harp etio nti4an boweein realm 47;#::iedakt) ewe! trairliyalsAt 4
nstto.pluttslo t
1Aci 4rciJI 44 OnciJ pV44:0)(41 end/
- strotl tc.41$ AA4i eicsasOzde !itA001, 0-

oeuesopoci a 44 et .410 Freintk Ritual u.14 Oft

- er,4-eLhUsked by itura+e corn -A e ot v; enno. drcle
cted-a_ s wo+ %cute w lele
a +Vat ow no+ be lel,W er te
euApteux4i sea *Woe') WoCtsfifttliae.
s bro.Ack 64-
aCcicored Trui-apt,u4 si cc at a co

p4f&1S 4011 oun el sweat; tal c pat\ emced ) Qpprocsttk place 01- cies:W.0A Ve 0.17PTOO 0A.

I no, 4.4 rst , Atum 442 shed , applied

Sea ex..14
a_ala $4 ,i+ 444044. -tonmAlaie 1CtS0 kkA,XJ -{t CO-4A

tAceiri object-he wow 4.014....m.tate f-i t I aws, aboti+ Si in*.4 belsowlosu

Inspired etkinmirtakive tool vii=ion cd- 44 Avte- nAlow rorron4; c: SPA OiCtO n v e

& tuba 4.04 Ye ReuotuForl

- roots \ n iltiO:ke"1
ththl Skical awrArnadtsfiW.a..i4c9.1 4 e chn'i cuLLAA , 4,,,Arem44 01'4 *3044 4act3
i n
001 1 ca.4-10 n 04 reuo 0;on 'in
141 0 V1 Oil CW-CLiSk; 'FS; Ve
des&e.w4-119 g tog ro.431.4 cal Wel Q-Ama IC lc ,
_ .
4044 vl LIC oitulbl 1
&at; sir; ca3 In Otto& -1, 1 taxtraS rI9 WASA i ret4Auu s i
oil he Om-palcat dxs4a.

i al Gips** a a0su4A4p4; o %Az .

rnaktfre-Av.alt tat +trimipso ng *1-044 h....1i-
amd. 44.A.A.orekAo


reki 4004-inst LIAO 01-

kviri Aatt; ca-'
put s Waled- sowA-cl
$td-Uccti>10EttA ObjeCkWe cva sciv4-4tt
oLIAA ivictke

As SALO:: ed- a make i4 a Fc awitnine

_ chwie cpoairrk e th0flk&Qr eF 14
t.af4riozt 4ecb.&dnji2,6 AAA 421A-motaols on t-i eid-w DO( -Pa r inn k.CFlOn
appi tall on O

of data .

3/4 m; se tkin p rofilS

roki nail .pob 0 n kr ng 40 Qp
Mai^ \s a-
\kin W a. te
TAcon kaa ', nif.;n1 ie AsAsow I olig e 04

o_AA i sotropic 9-5-14ett?

- cks.scpAke 6 spa ce an e4 is.d2
bs i4 OW) , C-kki-43
o b \ec+ive ;fliorPre-ket.'
eata..te -for nor tireiiVe qA.A

geoirapki reaSii4A .

80J-A ea oAA i dk all &Rd 4:k.1-u-0-1A0

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

?hoots ert Revolufion 92

CItllco- IMO
*for riAno-14 o+ &aka ,
- thatrofreri Lea
cowl) Vi aceetAnicv-ums etakaro-1 -lend-end to awl deviation vw-44-tocl

(Intsg- 106g) joie cwattlidt
cui,c) %(ave
_ erstuteison terreLo40V, tQ9tQAtiOY

- tkar40S on isto.00-y wool OS

atol ci oGg-
,20,0teals toe 04 n earea v1/41.1844b0401 antabei
011 tts
&ski al o tion4 bati or) tint te3J+emankis
teeinnictpit 10-446

let4 C CI I etti2)
am.c1 Cn% bane el om
plAI toi Wormed; o SAd-tnivn (G11
- eta/Om:4.01s on oleperci
ynakinovnoi-lcal 0,4Ael t4eikts-14 co.) onwnatts&

tetkini (Iwo OJACI tow-puler -aided coa*0810ftm3.

?floe..-14Y uoe 04 rew.then_

on QspvtccU obse.wo_44 own OAAct 0-Al2 t-eas vehi Joie


re_cistell a- oaf) -cads o- rno-AAatie_oJole na".^4-bef, 04-

edbung 0)446 tuLtP

&t&W1Ak1Ofl clo..40. P_C ea& cOt 4or
.044 matIon intex4olat4on cokol

-rem-etas:4s re
watii t ti eteetowit
rot. 4 04 oo

se -tor wt....tutted are free af ao to

cal , seteatiRt ce.4,4 watt** oto10,51 oaJ bao e.
ticen4 kRi Eleo8ta4tu1 a. t. o

sooinck red-uted -40 spate Te.otn eh-9

wiekty %of Cu.& acceOsio le 0.Aal vole_ 4-o curploin mom - etuAr wisuk. eetam,g,A6t4 p

eowexi cal a- e,,coLustto wo moilve aoiOWQ

topyieuxic atfrIvikij aetitiOn- nicsicln3 *roan&
haat bear4A3 on pal
etc .
nen:Ana u,k4 i 3olio n *4- nzootaceo
100.6 cm) Meentutak) g 1V5I1CIAS ( ttlj so )
et- slain 4-0FrenIvle L404- atuastiwci

hate oseer5
la We ol-is as.awakion 04 +axle") ,
0n moil on611 vets , \# pro 40-I1 SW)
7 alio) col eo 4o cAso so
e:49 mom. eta t ctsayo_t rejzon.
AA WC, r LaAmil
sa &AS k too, camnol- 62 -to rwalctk;0( e n fictitOUL crf
?tot. ns 1-tn Stamm)
- dame- 04- CVOS-

komi I deo. a int:Wen:An 1.-tointun octb-keo eo 4or torociAj - enAAron "twat- ref-
IAS Rank
Ilkespite oa owdsdon 87 PrajitoNair
g tormnissi Geography
, .KA1.13 Notes | Offline
wad ti Aswanaked Student
Itseeraf of ForumIAS
t..;u0 itAsot -for 0. Job,

4.4 me 6w,ct IS kw9t144 tee pouzi ble 40 r at vet ettl- 044.0e of 044644 of 09 ra-914-11
VA t-1 TOM V E Af'PR0At.4 / F+4moactittodelo4i
ct. roodion to ws,,,A; 4-calve_ -(2A/01W-ion
ciAmie n
4-e thritiI cip-to o-re 4.04- t.ap 0 rkuo-1-
_ acv ot.otea data, Tsk-akib-1;ts cl rnaline IlecS1

13eketin owl ti.rn Patti cLli rn 1-kkA

' Welk:we Approack

419-4A" pcAw\Oj n 1t1 6030 vios .
- conc rpl- VA79MPH a.t. pas',
wi444 Kuottel cum* 4O-oor; ea
0 reAuit ckfi4intithS4eit liOrl 4,
- we-Upped ado
s ccieA.A.1;44c o oral yr au, .

Bozic 212- Yr WA alikkays models

9O. fl sok korkion
e" Joao daily work 40
t-400061 Joe voi deo- &m Crow)
- Fari
co IAA will
Vai-oo cispe,Ark 0n L44,5 -4-i el ri
Sot; a)
.10-031 C.0 CS
i vi LtAiwoldn lealraptvd
- contep4 aa pg,sc,U..etOli cal
vas, cu rk3 reiagonolAp
&ion - mak v cot% came l ,-,
rose 1 Ve
fq4: takel ote
'al belAau i ow&
emifir OnyiAnikt
Viol per4 'en to 6 ti n
dAausuceed by
kj 04 moo.
center- 04. rocr-i on

%AA") ?Ltd I&LoS in a lees.

4-> Ine &A-LA-died swectisIA- -Casm ars wpm. abit:ined one citsp

One. Cx-Of 'in I- ears.

ornet-I m0
beucuil owl
E.4o..44 skical vtLodi ets Lan eel 4* ey*lal n

aikiironvutui Lista an er,; yap dal c.ion- yr% 03;1 A.3

de4in e ct,91-41ve_
I ctk eat teruc_44.vu2 In ail 6 si o rocki .
ce ctco&tkakkorio 44-03" Uk\WVX
TAA4.AP Aa^oun cl-taaj
?Tote ssuoi ex planaki or o 4- kA.A.481/4aAA a vi
A04-0-mth n

13ehau; u-hotki ,s-t sei

oth o Li 4-44 0+ ditch&

E-%MJ rovmAa& Ittata

ron buys} RIMOU-Ace

tor 4=1 ve Env') r owimw-t-

s, Co.! E. Imp ro
sujojeccive ektuts; r WILAt
prti-o-cti etwito v-vomukt-

9 etc6ed ern @Ala eAmu to'n Winft

etataa;r40 ?cl. en te o4 beincuil mu, el approack -

1/4*.cCi nil o F-
4Le w ad people behswe i S Ill S.( afea by ',IA...Ay untexo4-a

ei-wIroyirtiswi- i vi *4-1-4 rik 444.01 l i ve

env; ro nntakat coy nition a.A.,x) be hail au), on )1,kinna3 ail reta4 ed

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

RSski-La 94
0 MAW cm i ..1- s 'Icienti 4-'1 al e , ron vuuti-ea
e}-i-1/41 ; macjea 4-ta4r cam be a_ c 0 nsif t- 42 t3

l'Ael:LOUNS '

exis+ ore-ii tetra? on st,24 I) 13 ekto e eiA re-veoLled 'i male. &AAA_ reji
2.) Them
world betkow;ste,

tosn;4-1ve v_ vvoi romcuukt-

ronw C YU-Wit hl
paceived vou2A/A-al

ai44ek0AAA ad-ors perceive cti eAsAA-t mote VA

NA9 eo bao@ci Tom eull-Loa ti.J4I-0 -1-ra_oli en1


e sear& -Co tat) ed on inefra \ clAtaJo 41AQUA hAL ronIAAAAAk

trnil ron mud I matie 13e_lnoaii ow)

c Gm/ euSoinal t4ocJeJ et- 14M- Evv; To nwaut ROO; mkt' p

S4eoud ot tow-AAA AA ;14-1 or soo ek-9 , batty otaeinsA-- 1111111111FictivW Ito I
Ckyte NADOn co.AAryak be VAC ci 4o 4ort...w.101-e lcu4 S

con( etr1- ocwvaz 41-60.m. Oki Lk I peg -i r SA- clioiNe eippipnctio,

*search on 'nasty; duals vne fauotanit 1 0.1401- eaopemeive

- cri - cise d o 0.01 VI 0115 o4- motatnoU -1W-101.9 40 t Lt ed-dad u.atuour dliro r-1-; on .

e- 8a15 b &we em 4040eii awol prac-14


,,14.c34010, beiguA owl aI leOcero_pki-i iS

ie towlketuuks ant bia.tu-o clA)lalto
psi lAv si- or; ev-baHowa
vuo to tun accepied

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

R 41)1( A 1.451-1 95
eatkivel F0 j44-oi-ve reueluFlon wd pos'i vsre; utor;a1 view
d evetsped 'in lei los o. C.
cor lat; sod e..+9 11;41 Weir
bey; ao a chi AA rip L.L6 WA:t n coniewforeol
.in pow( o4
, 4:try:Ica') 0.A.A.o.mds'ic
coalerste d aro tuicl a belie

9&M04 etat-a
..; vto r vuo cie ao ei-c
111111a 41-okei -ctoris aithuo-ic r#A,

si 0; acal issuto Lao-14 val-eci. tact' (W10-

cs sou:at/5
els? %a
uxur fakl fir el wa:
ttWV,04 CCUA biotite ) arc tai
...FOR*2 4Z1 c-c;
rICSIOy) av,04-
aeci SoeLcsA sc.( ewe
c14,0_ 40 VAna meakapj ekt...utui- a a.
?tette 1r:ti t \viwtoimii ,
eicyov.4t) amd e,, 0,01 1V& uoe 0croocx4kcee %-acti cat se smkelaws
1 ,u4or 4ttem.a1 G 4LO Onallalea
0k Net , at Ow& um:4ve).01.11 -trac114iora.1 lesa taf 41
AssocA 0-+Ion at Roam& t.41

pra-ipode one ; Oar 'red rnieuerrai- Met

Roxilca) iotoma. at novae/
1-7 cAorted 44A, 4wa cA:k rei 04 ,,,a016ka y19 pacers cc
1 sJou&er

reuoluYlonary le0-44:41,

tom4eutpotem ;SC sat; CL -Alke CattaiOS

l> popen hocci 40 aca dire eted
41S0r1l4A:MOAIOVI tag) +

- rillSt110-Valde VWLiAk clottctli


tone 4or vaimbertviof' = 'Es %dears

Loa ca releuo4Ace of -HAD oiled pk ne

brie; , tact), tollym woo a eimte4 4er

objecinvo tap% ka-ti tamar \

_ye mopeds
vsaacaive r ol u.Mon 0444 poc.1-crilrn.
v6Vi8vt4- tveakwnset.
re).) (Pal o Muni cinaul ea wed, Sa Lai' ova 40
- e reccnbe le so tiel-13
on -4re e , peace4tA4 aMct M.3OdOle
_ d_untor uth ecuuti , 00.0(I
, calor& cMcj.aAricfl1
wzialnkoi perci-UCrer roc; sr() , ',weer; olic

telionall en esp.& .
rei,cuo via
*Nip r 144co.1 floe or
ItedelbAteerA soktir;OW5 VleAlkel
costae -}akeAA t44, 4 larked -We

solve or 0.cirtreSS 41/412 t0-11-046

gad-kali& ukA eLLO appeared n qq 2_ 444 er Pro*- Peel- etossea 3s

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geogr

earls pro parer...A- were ?Orr r opo 1- kin coma E ;see Re elm

0,c1.,u car eo rermanal 01- Oate 00,4 ns repla.cenauw-l- V Pt U.A.40.X5 01-

irdlv <Late CO-IA SAO kW') SO CA Ca 0 -J e,- co; 4-twuk e,c4en,aj pr;vate prait or Linke.

a la:in04- be btArea.u.craui - conanch'is+ believed -I-kat 44-.24j stifled uotki suAo

s+tibtkl-i on ar- reaotacea

arid beieued 'Intelraked (*.bowl raster Scam. 6.1 v; sty) n o4 oiociAA

Peter ICropo4-k; n

acLvQC okct celkernati ye cow;4-al is

- believed -kAak Ludise14-is 01-1..0 0 gar 40 4-1-0 wel4axe a4 o-kiners -l4Ae

o wiA3 I0&441 b eta at) at- so c.i a.1 I .

- 11.aleul nf-l.u.einced

swi -for 4-0 &Veil rl severe usrvacti-;-Cioari 1e 40

4-i sed cap;
etenty.ic cliopax24:t -n-tot are_afe-wo saw vai 04 tza&n so .

on, freely or dec)si ciao would be di-0 exaud ead-uj

in 4tuiir
4)4 e etc o
mode ciraasrot level 4:41c:193 '110-1-o ansi./..ix+

4-tAt pvis-pe

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

impERIM.-191 m417 GIEONCIAPHY 97
bkoe o 'do tullioric awe( &kb rtti n 0140 n
/ettp10.1 4QX 4-00 oi tU&I1UP u-ou'atuj bc-44-w-eA4

taccu-in &ovo-peki kJ um
Per etki-rucki evonoviud to.k. ?ave.; 41
- wen ceiw3 detect 0-4 10-44219 reopeauzi bie

ik &WI bald
kr% s Yr, , n Ludt c# - cLW4W
0s 44cAcopakA i slAocl orAncrl-
- Sty; eo c:14
peNA retakkLuottlp
4(,t.t 3"4 wor , reae -

70/MPS 'Bias& C 4 go)

Ltetherfl ELIcAnce c eisat9 id-emupew.
at9t/Qd -Nat- cetAAPQtAilOVIOLI

I VV4)1.71 Car Yr
IS GuAdexptnned bj weal ern e_...4nocci ewe
ta. a0Setled Lkteni rn
twod el 0c- E_,,ousAre ctA4 QL/3-11-3-114
4wtA-J-1: QQA/J-ri
He Set/QUA/4 Oti4A
-'""n-0 Ceki-X-r;C t/A-Ockai
11111k5e4-41T iL - e
no-1, on o-t r F.. wr
(..b arc) aeal 1.444- -44..t


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

14 UMW SM 98
atuaspect cult 40 sup thieGet,w,h0.10y)
' oit vim d ett cpaHoi ccievve dui doped

dwa44a cuka,vb40-4; ve n?if ol ui-to .

4 c- otiterrn'ini sm
h umfa, -1-s Necked leo rvieb reduce& pen le +0
Tin Ctitalcvlaki CS
opposod %nod Os (*warped b
IA cl-c
utahm-bar, dens cia.1-o, n evkalion , mop& , rap

14-wincai.&44 app ro GUM wag crc#acto 0 Calea

term lkirdencuA.ISiric o3tD.plkAj ' rsi- toed bl tutioA in IA G.

-RA-t peeple g Cot -Ha pea& 1.

This alley-Wed 40 etwetop 300yrapLuy 'a tli& r.e b

numewlsin t con v *ion +al- men wAti tarOTTIOA- cam beck &prov 44.4 c4reumnS4ctuctt

Cl- -Hasa- Uve kJ -14.4nkiin9 and n ably *or -RwAxsebJeo , by exercissmy 44Wr Cited iij tor


- 4-r e caed Irciptui at ex soda) scl tin te

cvAct a tkive role 40 CL1A- InAventun
- ve ciaand el kumAcw1 0.0_0Jr; v;43
InAfinntun -feeto n3 s 0.0 ;We 40al arck) ;ce. , buumAtun Cu-uturen.0 c., elm

o d& cunt! ous v ct,b-uo

be wAcletc,lood ki9 ecaa4in vl -Rut

40 4tudix4 , kUNIACkAn wt.rtd CDAA
VcCI n3
to-VrtAhal bacic9ros.saCA 4-u4 p etsple
sot) al (I) Ski -ROA o a.AACI
ea ouAcon cw,o( t4A:o
U3to Ntal.10 ethri 0- wvAALLAA WA I; (01-1cal

\ %Ameba\ vekvzol

124 War,CIA
ziecci captners 1:PDO LI)
M 1134 1j3 k 3
10;w reba vas ,
- 4 t11 vi \theta cki

01,44- pal Os tijo cunion o veuy g cloub}t or kehav;I:a0

trik44,40con - elf CUtA n

Aida. 4-tank pee rno-s frl +0 conceal ex income

s deitiamicakm
Lit& 1114 trewit dzi - 4 tretm 41rOon above 3 sk en.

laramke 2i ectap ki cal InvecciZ 6054 o n ICtikTCP
+0 cr-oirra-phers
tiEn1554, Tway ewpiore ci ve 4-1AtimAeo oev4kal yaemlai-

stv0n3 rt>91; stmoe.

Cn tolrap }Amp. I toile - peopl e. emu^ evi:Ort01.5%**$) A re
of 1 cleat beta- .34.-ei r spoce.
7eeel ino-ut& 00ed raPit

2 , -Tern Rini 0 0( PIa te Clop pki lick) /

3. CxeoJ3fl3 cwuci Vr\v ac

. v \ cuiLd 1,Gonovvi:i

cloduLeuatAtt, reveal
tical activi H tO 04.4
ouvansx Tarn 4v4 to lo wvallekcitvAti tau easrptA

ltufrv0A0L cv,u-ate imps .

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of Forum

owsl a....v.maYtcal
`ILS Li-o - precise
0 10vArolc ol v Eel
Okomce at ai-LAJoie.ti; amd reoectrcheAs Pe eGise s

2,) amiS 6aped on VIIJA14..4; reosardet cow, roue* be 0_,Zvtkocut

OveAeimiikadk s o-t rola ef crAa-tafi.1 volikta aa.4
VAereto re OA 44-I calil40 mac exial n real;
LA) meksvocto I 4 calui obsuost ,

Is 9 ft.410 Pt I

91+143:)T9 C4

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

to ELFA-R E aFo6dzAP4V
- app roa OA 41, tkAAMAWA gen grape-9 *id ciattelses %use; on et_

O-ke 'Is kJ-v:31.4n ao w elfeure le-ere4

si,,uxyk i-; +0_,Ave revol Lai ow) tALAA'i cm
from" 4w ,- - , r,-n-ct; on +0
7 e-wAnd ! scuso
-, r, surt.i.; a eukui es-wet-ma oo ;AAA sou: al
/\ *sae-Ira be
ttudd IM .
Laimun ectp,' *171-4.4 , pitAkAistv , d ti.le boo k
- neuetopea in
Sod al Weil-be:0i In yi.A u.
10_44#44_I- i

- kr-c0rd:01 -I-0 Crr;r1-ii ,

topic 40
figtfiti tut 'in
a w et Po-re so e:t ely ic one 11 h to-14 On OW pesple

mut 4ta-ti r I) col c ne ecto

u-s-kaA0 4te0-40 k e_gukai

u-14.41 cr41J, t9p po r-FskAA:di /
0, coo, ell 0-0 &he
ail e2 1)S-1 eve cl
v etm9 le a-,
am_ct tonse sp11./24 on et
kew kaa
ecliAJal tIl

aeLst retire cited

d9ed 0-0 Qt SYn 441) an 4-t4z bail) s o4

to &Aar e vrate be-

pt,S tome

aoleotai-e_d 14:t r/04 JAtt-ctcj, tvitsii-tA evAti ty2A -UN); het 1n WWI Q. en

w.f.-re 0.89) ts-Ci

rykaeso askAkarcri-te xnc

s+,zej-e d 4o vocoutte
Sccuncternav) Ca1/40.-+A eo 418 nooki o n 0f um] Tare r9lOfl

mo-cs CJAd rozearcin porn

bti nit A-Lto aivLa COAhOLOLO,

Su_bseekp.a/Atly adissfeci
n eveiej3 coAct aLueler a
p reosE , roacln s poyu-to_N

Crik4 c-icrns ct cti f421 Lull- 4-ao k

910 WI ny at Lod Raze r-elion s is
- at/more-anon 0n-01 I n Lorne
1,,,Lise Do e , 4 d-Lico-t4 On el.AACJ Ns C-0-Patt
n4co;h4-e. r4 I i Ake otaka on Inooli-44
.1 C 1.u'\ oval tab! e
place. 1-o place,
people 40 pectle )
- ot010; AA on at welt-az 4- vaM eo
CL44 t-OsA0-1-z3 4-0 tgankri
reef,o n -i-o r423(10n
s40.1i S Jr; coilj .
ue aisproctetin ;n u.0.4 OA t0 tea ult- API be_ -I- coi-ect
cici4teth klfri

wet-Fare avp t patina sc 60i orders Is d_141-; wiz

ctureitAsc't 3

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

l- 0 CietiOtAAL Art/AV/Si s AA (AS' baoe el
an 1, c) 3,41v;ser se> Oaf esti
et& t e
- cowne 'An leo 9 racti In fa TO -6 0 , preoeuke di rel.
skin. .144af iv e reu ok ail on .
tiru-rte tatAAA e Wad
- baoed on 04 'cicxePu'l 04. 1,004Visr) ot
" " So sat bsast.s\ eta of
il2c-Clv e - seertwu_late
a u,,,:A vebal to_Lp s ) v swam" 1 et:way---j
44.4.01-1 ea eu l rte. prottuanit pcuar)
mom, C atcwrai-e r.a.ielli so-flan , %Loads is
la) ourramee www..1 ot plAiti,u, wsti-i-on .
-... 10tW3 e on &yeti-
NPOUCLE 4t) eui-peAlc ai 0 eves 4.4.4.tore14cal si-a..hernaufs.
- accord

lo.Akittkasje toy s4-ac/-1 at spoil 0-1

Sko n81 1 actit mated 4-or u..0C of m
form -> i40.33ea tAA4 book ' Loci:AA-lanai Artraids; s n Cr/cola:40miis /- 6c)
horynai-ive epoi-tono e 4tuA sod ell
-d.OQo we% Jake_ o.-1-0 tem., deka: on *e

Laws iror vw-dct# ett w;.444 of- 1 ocakiorkoi cw-0-3-11 V.& sided AL; 11 Al becalm e

pf 0 4-:1-0-k) le 1,1,0J4 ho-I be so ei a.4 accep Solt

u.atair tte YkC) %MA. CAL1-44

exQ 4thnie oF fedi v e recoi akion

Mw c,i44 cjsvn 0E- local; o not). evw:alits

1-1thr. ct4d&rn c.
belay; ewi in iWie Loci
act/ e kainekaAn
it in 0 reb Ano r !no; ve qp.tthi ova 44&M ell
4-ta real world.
ad els eaueloped totkreat towcie,e;-14 GO
pi Anil tat ao
()rays of capi sal bl scow, a emaarace 40
encotOtair4&ASod al
004 ru.1 se praWs.

eau Elora ve o. 'intotAApiew pi aunt

4, Hod es co
rtetal lex el -a, 34,0_44 cd dekejs) 0A:twee
(A 1.4.4-0
ThWA r es tiedaok
I 0 cofli etpat; awed (tau) cl-tp emcbm ito

FOUAO iitecfr cl

I) +o &Lee- a. eyeterltaa approa cia

con texttrali Ai 04^ pati eao soul li 'Akar

1;) ewp&1KA.ocLaS +3 rukalise

ieda..4.1An .
114.0-1ve 4-eckuiqpia tsurtartl In I otalion 0n-'j'5

61R e L14; vle reci

- Po Puth-
of- gocial &AA e.AeAmo {-0/04 ea Ol rote ot
- too lents% c414 -Lt -H-rn 0/A -1-k0J-
_Lod . wax; dolt InftL1L14,CAA1 CH& Ccou 013 "tri aPeka-C"/A
924X ea.a 4

) clot\tfr ba


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

10N (ieft; oval ro op.)
pistiSkai pb04-40 viteArta. a,0 4tn j rank e
- 04 areal vo-00-44 0 n e4 14.4-amota ebytot

4o o4r C.: Thaig OJA

'as ptiu,uothamot_ 14 k.sown ctO

cur& am extufrIca; on
r tkaacic work "411?-406x.t 04.
ne d mut Wed 11 IkaAdstA.ortte
Fuslol ; slAeck Icaci

gcur-Ftvo cha-rd
raffor ad ettoc,44-; on i et prek04 on of
- main 4mo- woso
-1 en_riti stuJ-eLt e

c4tG&1 tAJb)0rtV et boa; 0 nal q ecli PH

a344-extuAk crts,vv, rso.18 Wooux:i re) QV
Yi ti:A0 4114 Or) to-OA realon Is
dmei ubjcv.t 4e:duxes o4 41xe relion
40Z k of- ato rap IAA to.V94.eiht.

- emuf kArl se Ct icaus., 'ib" ttn rata-04-9

4' ve or sterrkafc- pw.pose
ceone atou3- ieiv9ro.PAt4 I t i4t 'Irr1fiera.4

F4tOk WM 0 n eboiAtins pre." p ettives

1 ifIVAY
sustri Tocirap coa
-c& Apr44/I bl
was) d etre d
*Corm of elApt0,10e,
- &icied .
44c pat 04- 4-tct
u-Lk 0.34-einpIS 40 clA00j
Ivo sepero_pkth s -ltse OA or
Elf...Ny.0,1+104i Oh cA.AA-ro-I in tor
re:), wokt.4 e curecd
twAvcvn eaeo ra.pul

emaxoi j3rfcH OVfl

IWO-led-UAL WO 'trovri
co I c geog req,4
.1-1A411,16 IA+ t erre Ck
Slcrearn t 0 wuJi LukukotA, 9 vAcid
cast AntreVazS
eUirrai p al V e_ role- 4.13 111-
10,44-1"cor , ondOrprekirl 44-1-tir se400
ce 003 4-o plc re efew-rtosi +Ion o4-
-WSW ouci tukot ta04-Orftai
orAci scape Su-sped by
reivAck,6 wi tam& cope ea, loo
094.dink- wad. to 40 tee
by; efuj ,Ireerprebagoe 44ta.1- todku-kol protector)-
-.46 Solo Sel)o.p1/2 KI bro AEA soda)
ceAd12")ck- cuAci abOLory vett momf
6 diaAllitki Sped-kd c4k:1011 o
1-) Ain aly s;s 04
-, 40
fl.Sot 9)(1 IP+ tai ..tdAd(C.AA. WI PA
40 cfla_oire ecv,frex4a.LaA ac,t;jil
5) MICW-VB n -We rutiod; My f- no_4-ta,
r tbnce o+ --creAC' , plate , Spat f2
'42thabl SO\

odby \ w*9tct*Q 4t 044w 4-u,0

rd r14-tvil'Are po
3 4,u2 ohs cower-
ci;up erp ewe pe oid-
vatietkL 0-a-pkaoi cea
00.40,too-i Sto
3,a AtuaktiVit
be.; nr- Latt.ZOL4.
,rdtA act; OM o4 pJ.C cwJ l.twnk
--->4.0,Aker-loal coraft 61<cto 'Into a_cto

4ectiareo a-
trodacto knve3 QtMd1ctAkel oti pun
IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student
m in extrl atb9 1 vsktol tA1111/4 klUIAOAA /el
Yot.kid shru ForumI
- Tole_ 04 watt tAllici4A
6,444 sm 103
t_00 (port el tErt
I poCSible duo +.3
- 0...vwxrca.i; or+ o-f- realo n
rrecittc}410 le 40 a CI cut.o) -I oaf0 ria.043 41xeci
c e,,e

t5 4owcurd-0 e44e0- 0.1; ail .

capabI tetUJ&3

LA* " 6_1p eAk cyn .

- Rsei o vut. ou- btert citperl.A.AolAvi- , +Lit cota

eitiAka-A cat) On ot r0_111 ovtx. piteska! *Ake, catirtioad pw.4OvUOAW fl ar42 Rupels- u.spoiod .

04 tar4ourapl.^-1C 0611 s
eYe.AC.4 se cle-wkeunc.1.0 a to4

s. e:49 tetuAdi d ouzcl -44i0

DoopRe cal ot:44asims, are a) oLi 4-Iasi-I-JACO' On
4UD 0.2.0 prin e lee3rap Lud sci evi=1 c d-t44#i'on o
ro-g vied

are at 4jffeasiiniwn 4tAt eor-I-ta's su..7tf-a_Ce

cu.oro I Dal _ 14.4.ket1 et dad

.34.2 ;" reemal r i
.41,of -fa:A.-ion in ter6os, SUL AO r..0I ?Grub-1/411j Gt
7 1
twavo-rdo -AP ewrilsed

*R. ? M;041k4lt

911CUlbal frP ayiert T Rk Caw. wi1-6; ( s ie14; wit

toratzl SweLopsam.1 proce ss
u.4t4e mask& -onetkieci ecau-.04;eo an
ni-liol-e4Ace oIL e_ CIPAAniuid et, in vO.Er 0-re.aa

ro-chsed a. -Few-- ox- Rao

C TO iv:Se I Qua& Trobttwo at- 44) .4kb-re setAVA-Le be skrol ex;

1;*.kora betwee4A StuA rer

0 LWA.400-7 k- dasraptAr ketarn o.c
latatafe h
a terfkical

thatvetk clutttorAAAAAd- pert ef +Iota 4 &ice

levisirtariovt 4- Ceate

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of F

9 0+0014A-1- sYt4144Ps1 S (tssaftesc Lusty le netaats up of' a parfa tfie_g)
altweafoxl ritiapAuj maiki- be fruit_(I-e tatA4.6 ki serrate. ab4.4...auks 4orpn
-atoll& *AY
a. ustaires4 oetiale )

)00 va.4 ono clads 63 %qt..; 0444 ellakokow;eo

- *Er (nreet-Gel saj e 4 RI atp
valuable cUvi +lop
+ Loa wore
44 ell- felt-

14- aikaired 4-Ltr

oR MO Do x I Siten_R AT SD
Plavoptui mkt r

Spali al
Initsi cal\
kt.taitt.; S.\ ri ied Ciao OR Ai' try Owlaju

crAkedi'c-- t lloauau.
-rkto r.


\ iata of 5,9v.aparah`vel

to.anttl to Olt to-Z eS ea 'In hallow am.ol 4444460..tion

) wet; al ilakairis
It 0. e,oaf o4plausuvievut
a t3al.14 icauth 44.4;ta

tA 4W s*ctyc Latakitua iotlasata

koverko 4.4.441?) s com-c tow 'keg ,i4&
eukel einlinummakani vox; ab10-4
@Mat Of- tralk ai J4nht&hOfl
an.A - red-i0Kag

_ a spatial asAcl tatlediCai o ltc

us.abism-to 4reatais
4-164.0L0.1 1
11;) (flier
are ') &tali cled by areal eb-r4eAs.mtla 0n.
App ropy\ ate reeral

tklat IQeM able 40 vikake Waktk aol noskee

Com-14 &IC
dud's uiati tri ka t4AWA-CLIA tart/
tentaw$3 - ri.aLt
*At.; Otkat
ak.; era dors tk are reuu361

total aulo .

cskattaiwis coma. '01 -Km um/ o4 *Aida/


%cartel e4 C.44$ 4 .
;14_44.40 loetwee, **ay tat dome rartottive
_ fers.41 4
of_ rertetAkti cuArt s
ataitauks 40 yaw- eAntlo
twai4 coosukce oc

eti-Rexakstio-fio(k. 4446" cio ' tAkulAi-Scalai vtahall_ of- rtt.0

o ems
IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair r
Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumI
Irtaukre of- +esti
aieff-IC A pre Usk_ cliaAarealaik r9uQ +a ctrakuie
4 a Co iumAt- 105
13eder wdatA-hrfood
4 - 4-tficti 6ed sci ;AITA oneclecl se_6e, a co ncep+4 &AAA co.Acerkaa,1 scktuAmo 44.31-

kave el-welite4 0.0 cc retru.U- of ocivin1 /464)40104,1 014 ..19Seuuti4 sylA cud are_

umitudil 4taftt- tfJt4iflAL1AAUM Ct aad obsewaME,,, 04 -Hitt cLA.0 vase LIS

&leery ken at like- am-44 0444, se) ; Le-u-F4 eci vab Ikaccin. tzn1 irtkatoct,a4.-4,_

-1-11 s.; udi ao I bike-r0-1-; Pi cow eras ?race cis eo 4141 -el-rees

61Aorpt4 cal TO V sr-A al

pd- Arca; covicepts Dad r roc e get, --> rel

etke -It %Tali& ar ratieteu-vais o,,k4 Athri-ranskiews

40 tali al )vti-efraficein

5,21,4 Pa 14' to coJ4oi 'ad-et a_cAout Al-ttA4 safri o4k

41 Jo stail al rroce-srseo
ets4-1 ite war 4- v'itulisi A 4.44- rfital- Luta clA a uitwet

Redioval t.raai s woo expto:. red bi I Viii:1 a gal 'In IAA AM at --/444 Associakhw, 4

4-404A-1 ca..iA Crtegropkiws , VA / .5_14 0 q c 01

,,,,,c,}r;s -40 etptal n (*glum: la; 40 matr; A 'ir cucttoto)

- kind leitart ,:ical
&am_ P41 et; are moo:liable to -Kai- ao-fo- cs-.A. be
- ont-LAti-TH4 - waapl eke ' krortm-)Vi (Ai
arral ed 'in a. re cfaistui-ci-t- arral air- ruksh-; x
u4etri-va '0) tot.' ciN -Stud W avatelm+: fa axe- 'in eituttel " r elerrtAAC .1a)

I A ler FS 414-4 utia n

dAni-octtnitdic ?lace
Tor; cal cnrod-nlific

place wAttiA Airy


Approackoo .4o 1 0 KeJ evaar

. p. arrakurune of ceAla to-Muin a_ row ROA OF

0 cog MA-1 R
uo -Fo CA-uclj .;;aL pS cuAcl
` ., / (-0 of je 0
twretri,j, ,tesihwes s-Pitc-th
oUt- kw:ded
(' ttod. Tatlarwci
tr,ic fu,L ;,,keA-re.larecA vamoble
dtpir: "UM
'O. currakurstm} otll-tt6 a Catumn kat( LAO `voet .r er

aucti localised varl abl e (Wit eicd404Acs (Luc,

ocaiikue.04014to cLAJ kow- 4641 Ctier4 er 1 11 *ate (tealt owni ra"FH)
'3 0,covitcur; cat", 4 +cum rauto ea dal -ror cektkettO W* 0J to - vAki 0)4 ovk or eictPlat awk:40.1;a4-7
Leikkui.0 teca rafe_xuAlr;Airom n as InnA.454-ic
IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS
anry kat oritiaa Rs ii-kt,
si 1/4 kap a maw'e _ . ;,_ener,DeiAte_d
la; to 4 rre,:, c KAtkr I
1 Pk -1-tulr iftkartlitiOtt teavAmAct

v;), kips 4.4tAiat_ etas,' v.A r

QmojvtIb+6.1o4- steii axia$o.i

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

'NILO 11:1.km6
tarn olicks-tcw-j borrowed -Craw. 1244 , rota/Ado bra/40.41 of- el-tst tubje cb .

ii\n okofl ot 44AD sponti 04

Iwo W J.& wit 44.A.43 d.o (Deiced f reblekv. retaf

eon watt. datisti t-or 11-t 5.4-uktUi

renal ssatvit e p42.A4od C...u.ttope

14-flo 'because_ 9,Licte- t.4)4froirii um,LAO di-usl 1 post -

uso -Joni; ea

k' Cflontsal vs ft oi oral

2. Pk/ sital vs litusaLk

2, tH S-kork cal in. Lonsk eagoorookij

of t-t.m.Actl o no.I Impelthris
L. Sfi.tols or formal silt v s

C)UOAY +tal StAtol \ KtO

en eore ke.X.0 1-1 td 41-0444 aA& tj@jJ 41 nye.* kayo

tut Aso
tio.koc.2.1-sAo WO-O
tasks; le
ev Wecoleo-kko Lauda n -taimstm 0 4- um:4 fo-APal re''? "td

CL itst 170 ried o4 ro.14 42-08 ta-01 '

.1 cliocropkdc
Cnivio.hal VS ion& no enoVnefic vs

q &Aso le-wasil or LwavessoLl c otarl special or rest,firnico,

by Bernhard vo-kem , odoo n do vcoenitis

ISM 411-4 talced

o cui copecks of at Lisia

wi +Lk
ie:4)4) de_als
cie,Anal (deo:l
VOM11,va frtoiar .4-4-4
tept.Ltak; Qflofekd stual
sod% to *WULF or 4141 tA4,-;AA-OLAA-

too r Id
-Itae 4crr vo-3-11Oki oy-, op
ks \Atwell b v yeas: %Al , rtutest ratopcipsui 'is co n ceh r,ed -Ws

lesknotl twos , taw-Intl pr\ nek plto AAA rusk co ncepl-s lb it QSseuk011Ai AA ale cat

CA10,6 a al CLU l'hke - tO 0 4" rem eA no-twu, actitst d &4cii-uko of sok ovvs o.k1' c

1E raw uF o n gin-0; on +rosin tx7 tf; n3 CIO titike44 C sit eine co w 4-tA sees- cM

4or u.s4vetool onl etwsi c concept,

k1i Ltii HMI& taw se tics 4-o bri e toad-won in 0-reed

risiLL'S paws-0 .1.f) 4-11-
Setli vat-\ aso rnattcr 04 4y cat ed cepakoitti n +0 plc 0_1 rigit-Napkai

Lk- is 4-Us 1,3-u-dy o eionai Tapir a4:114-1

tb 'is II 61.44; n30:4 slAcci b i 4-4 nit\ eois wau44c 54-unki on
past; 0-11 in I atrial-9 blet tsso-N.H kirrtkeflc

I is o.-c-retA Kt1d 1..-.181454 4orrA

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography o4
e eCi|r
CTIC9 Student of ForumIAS
CI tl 108
440 Li-LI-kelt world ado
In brie, crauskal rstua4710/ do_ots
rnoCuctkj r0114 ct-ect 4.0 ltimAkam.. ci

, man' I y yTkMc ito ci e.3 03 ptior eft ncla

Special or r anal warp4 W64 pi:
01444 wit .vo etebni o 1; Lon i amn ro_6, 0 rt0,1
t/Avukt cvwd %nor tel rcei on s
cle oe
d in -for ww-10-1 a 4- heir o-I-Lkedis ata situ/kw:11
k L.

A-14ex varcrity

arodActo, von 13/4-4-4A boldir

cjj vi ded ewer, ofikkij tacu-k VA-0Am aktot 3 er

imspor4owcc of- QJAA-f CUL4or

- 1,eli cued In ),tukcjA v fa 0-04-44c1 ousket go-Lplobo; sett

deuHtSc wa_ttted r ooeo-xeJA

co nc elan t-ov- imi-irerksalty o_pp); catIcAe I aws

r LA.) as0 41V031.4e6 by ovvaiicti rva ter

csiL fertt'er letioa;

d 'i or ak st; Om( e

- ton tinted leviscpwd sado re

ClaCkAt-YaLAAF of-
444-r4zi-v-1 alL pl&LIA.0 trivia&
_ 0,mdol seA temiumteS (atAOJ

- s44-4:4 eel or e 04. Sdr -Ft418 c &RAJ

2- 3 6
cpc.nenal r4l4 so Lain
umrusee mrkes Asks ku.a4ralA A-rvi-oidica.
nye, Arwthita MINA CO_


set Is


tam tftaic
Sod al

Or lir boa
B CeAkv.a.(4)-

C l'apukatkm

Ti tm-

p 14.e/m bra/Acme

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

coati(' 109
_ l og;cal al 44-to+o suAl
ati44 annul aphers
de red cli44 exasd-14i b y
lee8 ra-P
nto_rretakce1 p wino 04:24Act o 4k. era_s,i-tt e GO-ace.
male over a voiueli o;

egerapu-Ij 'is. stko-1-42i cei rnehvati pros) ca miA-4)-kbes 4o pi cs stkAote reatto

- evid

cp_ictoci \c" oru biAf ale() approack SA-tatid

vo.A.:, cam

,i-&2 c#4 2_,A t # sod co

4' 0 414 *in I4-3 tiuktbi nal-i on ot
'Iii tumid alai exp,,3 leer ap keu, "
sO etv eaj rect4-tuumo-l-ics. but etho

cowl, ; e *Aloe elaak-a5 '

In words err Bern-31

esa% A- op proo_o-on , la ut cote
' a am _id,
"rezionl 1 tketai 142111"-PkAd ans ukok. et; 44

.1-Aa 4-w-0 extrew exi o; a. ce 41 ft uu-rn "

k cie pl cot) afiA4 reei on eli

- 9 QAT, arAcco sk-usii eo ate bu4 -fecIA i utta ste-leAmo.1-
rel-tp 5 but coka dish; b ul-e4 ot-ovuj a. retaal conti rutauusn *raw 400 ca1

or Q afie.c1 la t clitoral b4-1-14Cieo

S;--t-1 6-I 40 DI vt4-42st elistmtuto-xy ', tag.% ati on o-i-

l-42A444)1,24-e '044 etto-E, o n at4 +up o-l-la.

ic ex vu-(04

co,.._cl- kame
411 malea e cia-d puti-.-0 vtALIAA. uutIOA ex hi- in real world

be 42AA 0-lo S vase a 1.0442 4-0-0-0 e...Sl 4-I'Q-0 - \Inc:1_1v\ dial or p oXV:i takCiA siAtit r---1 Or

-rvaiy hada pets:Gee% pcurlicLua-% dAnotiesi 01 cs te.J.L, 6-1 axo re can GA 4-e 1-1..G.AAA ye I

WIVE. SWAM Ballital 4 lap-it-tall-0 tem yno it\ +0 0 4-tatti &Vie els
*Lai 0.,a. q,ue , Saii Glo 0
44.4v \ r, SIvri &tau' .4 41.4suee 44V* ern0-k to +LIMA
04- 4-ta spasms -Itipe . I t is
cit....taw-Ai- 4e33-4-u--022. 11 Vic- ^FlAliAAA 4o
eti 'Hawk fre>4.u& day, ca-Vje cts GOA. I e t.gritGr

a tpoupo4 efie

lkat rg 8 Q.,w)Lcd tt 42..6s4 .r euml oAs .232AA hos rculk , BA4
paNA rolrtt ounct 444t dAvdALC21 tincetet UmilstiC-S geA tArib-po-A4ol o

IwuNI 4 ke Oki tauthAGALIAJ skeiremorafive

-1-Ikext ;ore -cetJAS , cto cle r-Of

CIA-040Guj o; Styclesevicti4c- cua rQ*onal

01) re ce c..%-tppot-4 email 0414elf 440 glt% nai euArti4j s is %

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

La) tuna HAAAwaio Qt) Eri a+ bud 110

frt.+ clone by Otretks

Her ai-e_uio pkr;tai Besiricaplui

Rekodo 4420 ambl. CI-rat:10 4 kui.mastA 9 to ako-Ptud

ea iatewal 4kts rds 4io.k 4- cope c_ri ye_ vixtkutdolelieb
tow 4,2xeet 40 be- co.& ea seAtirali
or_ p Liptc,,,1 (vita ILL tsar.. cae_cakapl9 Kat be di Upton+.

bliceftkad o tteo-taietl test C-iuti:PS Ott) KO 4 WA aiLLAA0 OA/4a rad uieJA 3o +la

plk-o4cl44.-144-ct &in ce 3 0...witaSSo-ti On 04- NA-I-km-WA rugs

" S Cc-Icti C IAA 6 c1/4-"'ttd
ru..W-feciTh cpct e twol 4Avne r. AA d relate 4-0 s+-a-lesktukb of- p nabob\ 1 i 4.3 t-cult eA *am
t eo-eCi n4.j

ao -tut r s-b 4o re ivd- 01-4-1 e EA StA14 Od ct 44tJ.4tC o 'Jr

eotarellela en ea\ cal s , lGco

(MAMA() 4-0.M.S1 Y.13of 4lat c oxl-44

annod a CPU/0-0919 OM
44 I eloraptAk c c,4440-1
aAnct ccccd pinsuoiwuka bott (Al) W etlid "Atini3
sax4etee Sc1 +s poi
amA coat r 4tdr wfl way to aJ1 a tr.ewLpowats in a
elAk \ fl)

're-ltertketA9 Cet OAM.

+1-P-LO 4-fr-istAm 4e1d

144440CW t 0 gi oxiSpi-e3 4-0
prenAAti-e sitak ccu. bun& QAA4tAkell tel

.f- del MA el it. setthi ai.Ly btu tined 4e eui 44.4 teittp.trodytuks 0# 444e_ uo.441,e, t

40 be s44Actied cuari 4tAi {,44.etel1it obiecYt vac. ywolvecl +titan, n ,

s cubs\ o ,dJt4tUj caumsla oak; Veal mutt i 1 91 c ai
. 44-otkit thew
+ -;u wieurkaul +4.4 cUsdptinr.
Ttiut cute:0_14m ;t. at rotukir o

eii#4 are elefrem-An 0+ ek e.04,-1-1 bet etas-44i.

0c6.4#0- ..4-KAS cctoe ,
3 Qeir cm,tx,d recuitc n
V;visi on o+ eo vaip kid \4-c pkjsitoJevAel titu-vnekAA

1,461 014.4
4 bp OA* ./("ctrAti
440 Silidd

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

t 0444 et Fur.) di nal ter gods Roglon fund 010-08av 1-4104 Ter mai Cor WA kwm ocf
04 94,0ir opluj v,1-0 chtsti 40 Or eeccr ctp4 04 real plo tea or,
1.4,2two rjA vision

tace em.el -tLe ace pn etrIc. ape e on papeA


ass e ot uomh-ovasj et reb;onal CAkd tittsleknkokit P40-j s co-1

do() tuktiod +0

amok kwAta.u. evirapluj

fuackl on lo tag n o r 41-um.0-; onoi teller

cl maxi-to; (cubit)
et relief, col , la4nol uoe, cluo+v, , +ram pa

uki; 'Fed b3 finLc.12,0y; vt piaci u_kett,',,,9 400 e_.+Lver pakt

*tee_ paltWIbutika_ rea

et &AA ecovuDY-4:1C aicd Sod, Di tug-tom

4-100- 0.1.4.o %Lax& -tiseut etj- 44,113- v wad ?taco

4ktA_C_I-10110-11 tOCaj-j on& wo LAI

&la o xi" bta_ua ot plate OW 0-A4 -t-rowl '


A-CW-6210e 40 4014-0u)vrt et- tsL4-'ti4oroi
tiltAnD YuLte"
coPzes.1 rtioi-ovtsikips f2.1- be.4-weem co-41)10_4e awl kit ott.010,4muetua

con Tie etioLs anAOIk &SAAMIVWA&& cii- di 44 excl.&

at- GAM VITA( e taAti CO-AA13

p tat 422C

wi-odeS aXiLowo or Kaki 40tS wined +o_ct bd OC1eI4CO , So 0-1 ataLp.S. or

11080w& tut km-own ao -formal r iovAS

. 4-3
tet.k.www-a 1p1ck
or tkApro 614.4(AAA- too eft cab cowl& vik to -tom ' a

4uinc12"3" aft cusocs ettfinicion , alimses+ LA.)04 40 40 rmed re4ons-

pukp s e e4 -cm 01-ional oc&4Or is ise E.

4.4,osi3 &truck-0,
st 0 AA ce 43-v.Ak Des of a

tenni 44j u_s;JAA:1 n& tp ce

co noun s c/o s4-4.401-1 o4 p koLmayLikvo csIL cs+ in a toillon et- pig ce

CU.A.4 4-1.41:kr Kies, cl.speLcbzwe o 0-0A 0-1-tke4-,

4orw,, thrick ate
.16 -1Lat va),:vtor pi yeti t+ csuu-bs on, w; +A
Ba-Oic plAA I o so pu-43

smAjt-t-ar W lnAACt uoe , s 041 cysts. 1st-

et-ma 10-4"-; 4-or VIA 1.0i 1 rea thsts

yuLoot e cc-jf cer

0, we ck 0.1 wcLJ , -sturias f-

Act tosi\t:110-m cued, ;so! s MPaOLAJCI n

.k les/ e 4{.routjt. & 44--cuLoper1 rvil-work.

id-elate or t,k4.
unk- eta gitsmc e r 4-; vLo
0r In S4-4keii o f-
Y1/4A nn t-t-Ov..4 ere es cs,1 watt t
auskel -14A-40 e S wictme co cod

4,thin di ncti r9`son

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

es"paii.jak 4tonso tor., ,
uM-In Hen of ct/ to .4; i-a.4;ve. 4e dm/6 e
sAA.touj oF 4-o wecti 1-413. 4-vat of
'tor+ken B-V- Ime vs' r1/41
aipato tfrA
4-ust1-1 on a) to co.1;0 tko //apt -I-Lott-ore -kw 4usio an w '14a0.1.44i Litck

i 4kAz ott thi1em./.3 aka torale..4 ill 8-1 calt

0.A.MOUA-1-4 C
p0 P t now-en OfcQpl-&at@ et /x.0d c42t as 164.u-i PA t& Q.


Ixdokxili axt tto4 wu./A-tteditj tokAintta ti-ori

o %le 't 4-k0 011 tij d

vv>100-CI 3v; K, ces.t./2, ea -to e.t/I si- aun
r abluAst s et ex`pesv e Fris-tAk 4-u-D
-t-o rod.% s sLboroanci&e cal- of 4440 64-tter

-tor 044/3 /44 , mid Ptak ter ektveArS b Cane&

betial C_ Lai +USfrttik e 4- 4-IA4 sul4co-it1


k&uQ cou..ute et v, cisuut&ci e 40 se/o r of kali CALI 4-4.:1

4c-kk eiieta:I-IOU-Li 4.4

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

44 um A44 DE vE LoPm ENT ISM
WAN& is 441.0no a "to elorasat-
o 0y a, , ,,, 4.; 00 , ktaincevals
- ?races et toinkt!fini pe.op14:o claoitea , ),7uktsuchni AtAlir oppor4i.-al4 c 4
unc. ia aus,;cee ..frowt. 0-
Tht.o4 4.,..aptakfaukw4-- coati coveki ni 4to fau mar or ki
ta..) free_d_suit .
sowael ?curl cal tan; rouatatar 40 eta-usu.:4c , cod al cua.01 pot;44
.4.4.642k &dila-IC:Pah 0.ofett- ot- twaAam
intAsoc; 1 --itu2 milt t0 FtsizAelo eiso:icte ic 44t.

SO_O-Out, illumask "Peueicewoul-

11.0)4J ammo 4 ktcati, ,
- T Ili! MI ram.Sub tekakAl; to baae-ci ou auve ram'ce 'in 4t

tau-tation oske at c es -fo re0aukteo

1k0}- 0- tecuuthni earno 4roak 1 Is
&Lore beta,' o 40 I 4
iteada Is are baotot ea 0,
14e swettenatui-.
oirecto a ltwAAAAA
r&cord ln -44.0
expecituAti 0J- lb; r44.
_ i S4 teams 40 &nth-% lktetk:14 'Is
ents 415 lettaialale.
Acta 1;4nail rate cLuel -kw arcs& eAkingamso- rui4 0 ref reatAAJ- acc

4o reescknee, 1 s. bukt asial el \P 4exha4 ot- rack/Ike: vi power 0 b. US eickta_so)


DI tmOneiskaa ot_tiOA nmaiths. 't tw-aktuk c6211-9*-4-bsh

vex a vicleasje eyf 1/3. 44-1AAAAAAA &to elaiwandui- ant tS
Ea clA etineuxua'ion 'rt
wait 4E4 0_1 of 44,4 tmars guitA 8 pvid 40 cat thu.oe tiins "InkoW).

ItSk 4-40 kolke44 tett able- miza4-11 112 Be tattoo 't4 eszo viol- cal au-krill a-baut

Ineldre 4 Nbil ktc

Failataxi eanstanAkI- tlakb tat, - u.t- tlaAv attaiea WD 'n 1140 OW),unf_O

*DR cuithwatj nnte Ictcto

HUMAN Kinn ltioEx

&Merl 4o 4491
Vuam.o.1.4- eitutl.cp"Anth-
;ado( nteamshgto -4-tto zettorttali

- nom- ncetkut- mectaiat

m-e_aataia are- 4-0 LLCM inio a trot till

tuxtui 4i1 ait, up
Pro4a.16 oT

Iiiesaaj rttle
imp ot peofie 014.4, c1-0 Kt& have arcens
40 chain wale'
tiAACIAA totirk-
- 14.0 or wwal cualtem aa-to are

- vuot rojectia / +Lk/2w_ HD 1

at& o-ttakOte pi awe o
cu- ea4HI) 1 a rt, I 8:vieo

kr-lane/SoIA 0.1 Cap-Cu 00-0

ciae, cxx_0( Toik e_o_p; .tsA.t ot-t Kok etireclUi vetatexl
44 ousa
- SAwagui- tstuAxtri so have tia,u2 baler 4440
-I-nsun 1.4 Au
teledi vehj roarer ea.00-ri truaktel

rots n-fri eo eau, Inc can\ C-; eel otko

0% q c+
e < o ,eg


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

1401.444 DtvEtoPNEN4 IN it/DIA
vetba of 0 c cc+ buil a 14 nclo ko-rw4 ert oared ustuAkr, utcou-si
- uli4AA a couApsWie
rnecitia tuicana dap 'fierm-OASE
1-4,000/0j4oriS inaLlt be-124A 0crowd about -Ka el-pproaca 04 twit mo 'indica-fors
-lo cal-wiz:Ore liAttlic
Lack 04, sed4;41 v4ii .to 140.01-103-1 -Pcsoars, Ike ttLcuicbaJ4on, inufeCiali tam &J Kw :1 iaJ-I a.
la_ck-orsIce IALumaut. qui-a vIv tall on Sc
0 _wawa,

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IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


NA 044a 4cfr.,Ls

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

Ca" "Pt of Pedorl

- c4f14cWi 47D def-i re l'atarui

-1-kat OmmAl ea *In e_ etAmi4xace

ricualc tefl-

PevelorisAY LoncepE

Ho tclAluber
temharcl VareAA isleyavicks }ha/Abaci-E.
Carl a Soutar
I romorieu..1 10-14 Can Rift eir
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Focouo on hoard')
refined center E
at peon
mist roce etti
okkreosert oAAd eohakiliti4ed

cAuctii reLlion 04
veil ton

Veu-evt; uo 4orvv.cLthj , but fie co_Feto avote

Idea ol rti n sto-rtS

wii14 cocJA.o on Teti; on

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&e pk j wait)
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' rt ofl cpwl si a kw I del; n

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e si tie -rotcseci en vuothod

mai;0 tAo

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40 be m-tteclea

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

- 440.0.40161- , miler
cal skclaj
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sty\ e.440.1-4_ oua_0( retmai

owowi ,0U0-@09 34-

sfuoli oS
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i ri 4-0 na.4-ukoi laaoleco-pe

add eel Ltwottopt /c.A.LItiA
IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS
Tl %Jon 119

0 &attic Reiton VS aic Redo()

at tfi vest 1-1 0, be) n

Iwo rots


_ 1E Is tedion wirtitauk kfirl;fe

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&Ad de rneuks

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i 1-- tuco

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cuAd -1-1a 4-roct4;orto-A fo cal bo-LuADtcsai bat) eal r& on

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

in Saclo4te44 WY) Ce.p)- of- La,d3C1iF

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44A, of redo w) .
b&u.t.kao-ri eo , e Lowskui

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. Eveai-vxdbi benuNke

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Lab.u.k. 3 errui

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- nteAncd -for moirli
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tA) c(AJAC110Y1 CO DY


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4 4Ltt 4-encujoki s.
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' tm_poced owccl

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IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Stu

redAon , t&4SASakflrS roll, on Wane

torcito /1'1 culturat rer , rai n

rot- naktrarrl redion

-Run cove

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A roi-u-val

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1^-; 5 nts ' ltke victkuaI

AO ri to brk&a.v% Marl
ye lota 4-tko.9-

I curd-scope .
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Suck r el; oma are cukairro 4o

ti-I-1-; toads cowl-, ati e

-Ito concap of-
curokape TtAs 0.5 ako

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IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of





IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

froa 4-eirs amcl Bo yaci as; es 123

FQoTfliER 8 0 upi otrRN

a iire rcbical4,11 tAAi DC

at- cuter o f- 43/4A: -IE- 'Is
- m eaum area It)-1 ni

1 cal LuAll-
TOO-kat iku; - FL is a

Di ff crevice 81 vein bl kri

t-u*t roea-tarj sod 0 -annoy,: - pati41csd uwAAAA 41i

ckarorker; th`c Of-
has reactke 0, reia-1-4v e dere e 01
tett; o n Thar kerl cal) Sence_ of I aw
awl Is wourked hj rreAfkkc e


- inner 01-ie.t.a-ea an yr, , n are cre ai-ed

- 0-ta-e4 Q eakl-e J3 I ves )vd-treof 04

SMd rualokrialed crtiale

rau-121 Er rsnaki, on Tier oak 44,-a,v.

o core areg.

rc preoemt CrT-
pre seAkce_ of Leedes4-1ewhAtktj6J

Is a e.parai;fc&rjor be_caute
Or break/4e
- s OM iutel-tattl
cif reark
neer; cks -Pi- et wto ve:imuk1
s Iktble 4-0 be vi-errote

rocto a cA Oki 414-WA OAA-Ck FV -QU euLt-

4-kr titike
VLF 0-ra kr

Ore %oral rCdruir

-ItUAi Off_ WA Cab It_ 044.011 /4 Ore_

tomAX Yak le 0.MA Cgt
- 4-tuAd ate
ueu 40-va_po rani
T etvw_cuneul- 4 fain-I-ea

-}rual cue co-4446 al

a rGO-coral

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

of 1 ti feAn Dna/ Boazia.r1 nt'i to
aos14-7 caSon

ors s ?Fie km oil



!44-i f-ki

1E3 PWCEtiT Cla)FltrION

a) 14 rp ttol D91CO

'Pow 'itei

c - nu:irked same_ ,rQAA.:Abi tut- TAAtitic_al ea-kbre

pcit 1; e for, I ake_ a

Ma uf4la-10

mcanto > OAAA lholl

Anoka --b. mile awl ibma exkFina

VIP-Are/ Frawt ama cpcin

1;i Lu.a4- tree ie_ natkocl

Vaal' tali On 14611

d1444uu..1- 4o olobtattae
PRD Bi-EmS; Mouvotair eteot *i% rail on

cam obi &raft- cocio - etc

.-bi-euxo vent va cu.ka 'adult; baah

become_ Trrsua


Rio GroAxcle_ -), Mexico aa US)

orinoco veme3axi_a_ mai col tuba

MeAconi --> tacit cuAl Thaallcumt

Pt-Marta-6 o wo-11-,eol s tkalto rnn clple

Lake tea S 4-ainte Gievmsaxitu&tt W it3QdDAAJ

Lake_ Victor; a --Ns Tag1/4 3a31'i , \.eeittia iLdam-ack

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


n) Gunnel/4 c - booed wpo

Sat; 4-tude o lake-tale

0 nn ea of
44kCLE 1S talon rwt
0 Mkt tu&ttra31 tki- line

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Ettift-- coAti sarisuA


taturra Oaf./ erui c)

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frl uuk-u-ral I tveult cape

sul c94k4.u- ex4erick
- - Wu) -I I
be-Am/dim; eio 4Euro-ream covatri et) lost

beats of I e

- oti-F&Lab do lawn-its& tow le_aei, fo -Ported

tAAA Pli,r1 rti0

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ex uS cowada bOWAtt-aili

b) ekt_d4c cL&oM41ta4on
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- bac)e on

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Vow fro
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Poke c tub-
of. mu area

tY) a,/. d ifltnAta

Mar IiPc1
be cafrize oat ta1Psettp.u4
-two e. aft t111-1-U1

eai imbed ,bo bovmekuri


beg/ad os9 bortueun

\ i* tin COM P0.1 Notes | Offline Student of Fo
IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair-EX Geography
enact& gukcl Peak .

dem_arcal ad =Ad ola; LA-4-i fed offer s elt144..aud-

gulsea -


Eeka.blitsim-d- uaiisraLuj ckuttopeet it on

srufb todo u*-44 04 3/44 lion

halo - Taki 0044

RuoN; - U-14-ral ne

&lamed-eel taiVukaiii oluidopod radion S

110 Sapdiakt osed

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4aUsay- east/0-4;A ttrakiwe ell v ;Ion

do rtoF

al) te-aaefire, -huce_ lin es

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10 elynoecipp-At

a}jcewa of or prev2AALe

pit ckli barri et

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04- Truiel_al Irsiet t

aw yrotiated VI ADgltAkka-0-9

fvoiation of Bownd oil ea

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ccuafri eOwolvecl
-no boum_clatieo

- area_ n Fl

ex Mr slum awl Bib hid Ct

rnowalet:/naan felon

In isq3 turaazi Line_

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIA


Problems of Deforestation and Conservation Measures ctg"

Deforestation, clearance or clearing is the removal of a forest or stand of trees clearewe
where the land is thereafter converted to a non-forest use.
Examples of deforestation include conversion of forestland to farms, ranches, or _non -caveat- usoe.

urban use.
3o -.)-forsols

6.7 /l-pre/4.04k About 30% of Earth's land surface is covered by forests.

Tropical rainforests is where the most concentrated deforestation occurs.
2-3 knt beiweemBetween 2000 and 2012, 2.3 million square kilometres (890,000 square miles) of
nno -12 forests around the earth were cut down. As a result of deforestation, only 6.2 million
square kilometres (2.4 million square miles) remain of the original 16 million square
kilometres (6 million square miles) of forest that formerly covered the earth.

Deforestation causes extinction, changes to climatic conditions, desertification, and

displacement of populations as observed by current conditions and in the past
*Biosplute. through the fossil record. More than half of all plant and land animal species in the
world live in tropical forests.
Deforested regions typically incur significant adverse soil erosion and frequently
Edelfttic degrade into wasteland
m-vacsirlAin The removal of trees without sufficient reforestation has resulted in damage to
habitat, biodiversity loss and aridity.

In temperate mesic climates, natural regeneration of forest stands often will not
occur in the absence of disturbance, whether natural or anthropogenic. Furthermore,
biodiversity after regeneration harvest often mimics that found after natural
disturbance, including biodiversity loss after naturally occurring rainforest
More than half of all plant and land animal species in the world live in tropical

CAUSES: 4-vt4Fcet
9.11DsZstence According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
-few rnInj secretariat, the overwhelming direct cause of deforestation is agriculture.
Subsistence farming is responsible for 48% of deforestation; commercial agriculture
cornmeAdal is responsible for 32% of deforestation; logging is responsible for 14% of
deforestation and fuel wood removals make up 5% of deforestation.
Other causes of contemporary deforestation may include corruption of government
11 -
41 institutions, the inequitable distribution of wealth and power, population growth
.14,4,1 ulood - and overpopulation, and urbanization. Globalization is often viewed as another root
cause of deforestation, though there are cases in which the impacts of globalization
(new flows of labor, capital, commodities, and ideas) have promoted localized forest
Some commentators have noted a shift in the drivers of deforestation over the past
30 years. Whereas deforestation was primarily driven by subsistence activities and
government-sponsored development projects like transmigration in countries like
Indonesia and colonization in Latin America, India, Java, and so on, during late 19th
century and the earlier half of the 20th century. By the 1990s the majority of

". -intuotiml ken

WAY; slew e h _ orin
uilve inautitieo
ad; uWee. cafrk ramcki
oVE - SrmSOred . ern-
IAS w;i3
Rank obi 87 Prajit
- el( kuh
Nair Geography Notes | O
tot On; /c..tiOn

deforestation was caused by industrial factors, including extractive industries,

large-scale cattle ranching, and extensive agriculture.
The degradation of forest ecosystems has also been traced to economic incentives
that make forest conversion appear more profitable than forest conservation.
-* Brazil - cattle sector, soy, palm oil; Deforestation of the Amazon rainforest can be
attributed to many different factors at local, national, and international levels. The
rainforest is seen as a resource for cattle pasture, valuable hardwoods, housing
space, farming space (especially for soybeans), road works (such as highways and
smaller roads) and medicines.
South-East Asia - palm oil cultivation
* India - colonization
Mexico - avocado cultivation
Overall, a mix of local, national and global causes

Deforestation is ongoing and is shaping climate and geography.
-61H Cns Deforestation is a contributor to global warming, and is often cited as one of the
almost is% NA major causes of the enhanced greenhouse effect. Tropical deforestation is
IPCc responsible for approximately 15% of world greenhouse gas emissions. According to
Aropical arena the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change deforestation, mainly irapical
areas, could account for up to one-third of total anthropogenic carbon dioxide
y 113 rd (02.
Carbon sink& Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) in developing
countries has emerged as a new potential to complement ongoing climate policies.
- ion:kyr) 01 The idea consists in providing financial compensations for the reduction of
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from deforestation and forest degradation.
at F-.0-141"

The water cycle is also affected by deforestation. Trees extract groundwater through
_ rastP.
l" their roots and release it into the atmosphere. When part of a forest is removed, the
trees no longer transpire this water, resulting in a much drier climate. Deforestation
air molSture reduces the content of water in the soil and groundwater as well as atmospheric
&I mois+uxe moisture. The dry soil leads to lower water intake for the trees to extract.
Deforestation reduces soil cohesion, so that erosion, flooding and landslides ensue.
_ rujAchuatei
Shrinking forest cover lessens the landscape's capacity to intercept, retain and
transpire precipitation. Instead of trapping precipitation, which then percolates to
- ruin Pic
groundwater systems, deforested areas become sources of surface water runoff,
which moves much faster than subsurface flows. Forests return most of the water
4400CLO that falls as precipitation to the atmosphere by transpiration. In contrast, when an
area is deforested, almost all precipitation is lost as run-off. That quicker transport of
surface water can translate into flash flooding and more localized floods than would
occur with the forest cover. Deforestation also contributes to decreased
evapotranspiration, which lessens atmospheric moisture which in some cases affects
precipitation levels downwind from the deforested area, as water is not recycled to
downwind forests, but is lost in runoff and returns directly to the oceans.

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes


As a result, the presence or absence of trees can change the quantity of water on the
surface, in the soil or groundwater, or in the atmosphere. This in turn changes
erosion rates and the availability of water for either ecosystem functions or human
The forest may have little impact on flooding in the case of large rainfall events,
TRF '30". Treat, which overwhelm the storage capacity of forest soil if the soils are at or close to
GoofeA saturation.
Tropical rainforests produce about 30% of our planet's fresh water.

Undisturbed forests have a very low rate of soil loss (erosion), approximately 2
metric tons per square kilometer (6 short tons per square mile). Deforestation
.eAOCI on
generally increases rates of soil loss, by increasing the amount of runoff and reducing
the protettion of the soil from tree litter.
China's Loess Plateau was cleared of forest millennia ago. Since then it has been
Loess Pkdeau eroding, creating dramatic incised valleys, and providing the sediment that gives the
Yellow River its yellow color and that causes the flooding of the river in the lower
RiveA reaches (hence the river's nickname 'China's sorrow').
Tree roots bind soil together, and if the soil is sufficiently shallow they act to keep
Chcuattal mil nth the soil in place by also binding with underlying bedrock. Tree removal on steep
slopes with shallow soil thus increases the risk of landslides, which can threaten
people living nearby.

lnierril t r&makt4)
Deforestation on a human scale results in decline in biodiversity, and on a natural
44,:toceneps;1 global scale is known to cause the extinction of many species. The removal or
destruction of areas of forest cover has resulted in a degraded environment with
reduced biodiversity. Forests support biodiversity, providing habitat for wildlife;
moreover, forests foster medicinal conservation. With forest biotopes being
lit I cone irreplaceable source of new drugs (such as taxol), deforestation can destroy genetic
variations (such as crop resistance) irretrievably.
Removal or destruction of significant areas of forest cover has resulted in a degraded
GefixeSt. loss environment with reduced biodiversity.
Tropical rainforest deforestation is contributing to the ongoing Holocene mass

5)Economic Impact .6 cl3D reporkr

S.Itlb Damage to forests and other aspects of nature could halve living standards for the
world's poor and reduce global GDP by about 7% by 2050, a report concluded at the
Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) meeting in Bonn.
Historically, utilization of forest products, including timber and fuel wood, has played
1!_t_21 1.1 a key role in human societies, comparable to the roles of water and cultivable land.
7oso Today, developed countries continue to utilize timber for building houses, and wood
pulp for paper. In developing countries almost three billion people rely on wood for
heating and cooking.

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


REDD tu-ret3 "9

0-1ccce CdP -13
1)Reducing Deforestation
Main international organizations including the United Nations and the World Bank,
have begun to develop programs aimed at curbing deforestation.Deforestation
accounts for emissions equivalent to the transport sector. Deforestation and forest
14-29% degradation account for 17-29% of global greenhouse gas emissions, the reduction
of which is estimated to be one of the most cost-efficient climate change mitigation
strategies. Regeneration of forest on degraded or deforested lands can remove CO2
0.4.41,6slovt from the atmosphere through the build-up of biomass, making forest lands a sink of
greenhouse gases. The REDD+ mechanism addresses both issues of emission
reduction and enhanced removal of greenhouse gases. The blanket term Reducing
Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDO) describes the sorts of
programs, which use direct monetary or other incentives to encourage developing
countries to limit and/or roll back deforestation. Funding has been an issue, but at
the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the
Parties-1S (COP-1S) in Copenhagen in December 2009, an accord was reached with a
collective commitment by developed countries for new and additional resources,
including forestry and investments through international institutions, that will
approach USD 30 billion for the period 2010-2012.
United Nations Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest
Degradation (or UN-REDD Programme) is a collaborative programme of the Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations
Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP), created in 2008 in response to the UN:C DC
EC sions on the
Ddeci__w Bo
izsaD Action Plan
li t
and REDO at COP-13.
w.qc;w9 de4-oculatior,
clelorekal Qb &thawed raw-oval 4
refers to "reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in
developing countries, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of
- part 04 '42
forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries"
Essentially involves creating value for forests and incentivizing developing countries
to maintain their forests.
Main elements of REDD+:
(a) Reducing emissions from deforestation;
Itectatel inv
(b) Reducing emissions from forest degradation;l m"9" b4"b to Qatplutle
cumetacrini twaii-/roll back
(c) Conservation of forest carbon stocks;
(d) Sustainable management of forests; e eta reoittli on
(e) Enhancement of forest carbon stocks.

Within its remit, REDD+ has the potential to simultaneously contribute to climate
chami_s niti ation and poyertv alleviation, whilst also conserving biodiversity and
sustaining vital ecosystem services. It is a framework through which developing
countries are rewarded financially for any emissions reductions achieved associated
with a decrease in the conversion of forests to alternate land uses.
REDO provides a unique opportunity to achieve large-scale emissions reductions at
comparatively low abatement costs. By economically valuing the role forest 4or &vet*/

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography

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ecosystems play in carbon capture and storage, it allows intact forests to compete
with historically more lucrative, alternate land uses resulting in their destruction

New methods are being developed to farm more intensively, such as high-yield
Move -ion ankh hybrid crops, greenhouse, autonomous building gardens, and hydroponics. These
ickave.. 40.th4x1 methods are often dependent on chemical inputs to maintain necessary yields. In
cyclic agriculture, cattle are grazed on farm land that is resting and rejuvenating.
Cyclic agriculture actually increases the fertility of the soil. Intensive farming can also
Ferroacuthire decrease soil nutrients by consuming at an accelerated rate the trace minerals
tudeuoyanics needed for crop growth.[citation needed]The most promising approach, however, is
the concept of food forests in permaculture, which consists of agroforestal systems
carefully designed to mimic natural forests, with an emphasis on plant and animal
species of interest for food, timber and other uses. These systems have low
dependence on fossil fuels and agro-chemicals, are highly self-maintaining, highly
productive, and with strong positive impact on soil and water quality, and

3)Forest Management
In 16th-century Germany, landowners also developed silviculture to deal with the
problem of deforestation. However, these policies tend to be limited to
_ s;lv; culture
environments with good rainfall, no dry season and very young soils (through
volcanism or glaciation). This is because on older and less fertile soils trees grow too
slowly for silviculture to be economic, whilst in areas with a strong dry season there
biot.1413.r 40 is always a risk of forest fires destroying a tree crop before it matures. In the areas
trectie terra where "slash-and-burn" is practiced, switching to "slash-and-char" would prevent
the rapid deforestation and subsequent degradation of soils. The biochar thus
created, given back to the soil, is not only a durable carbon sequestration method,
but it also is an extremely beneficial amendment to the soil. Mixed with biomass it
brings the creation of terra preta one of the richest soils on the planet and the only
one known to regenerate itself.

4)Sustainable Practices
Using fuel from bamboo rather than wood results in cleaner burning, and since
(.4.axj bausboo
bamboo matures much faster than wood, deforestation is reduced as supply can be
replenished faster.
l'aPeA Certification, as provided by global certification systems such as Programme for the
_ calikalier Endorsement of Forest Certification and Forest Stewardship Council, contributes to
tackling deforestation by creating market demand for timber from sustainably
managed forests.
Example in India - Bamboo Wooden Laminates, Eco-mark scheme

In many parts of the world, especially in East Asian countries, reforestation and
afforestation are increasing the area of forested lands. The amount of woodland has
increased in 22 of the world's 50 most forested nations. Asia as a whole gained 1
million hectares of forest between 2000 and 2005. Tropical forest in El Salvador

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


expanded more than 20% between 1992 and 2001. Based on these trends, one study
projects that global forest will increase by 10%an area the size of Indiaby 2050.
Example in India - Eco-Development Forces

6)Forest Plantations
To meet the world's demand for wood, it has been suggested by forestry writers
Botkins and Sedjo that high-yielding forest plantations are suitable. It has been
40 vAPPLAt tuDoci
calculated that plantations yielding 10 cubic meters per hectare annually could
supply all the timber required for international trade on 5% of the world's existing
ttegte rthetrion
forestland. By contrast, natural forests produce about 1-2 cubic meters per hectare;
therefore, 5-10 times more forestland would be required to meet demand. Forester
Chad Oliver has suggested a forest mosaic with high-yield forest lands interspersed
with conservation land.
In the country of Senegal, on the western coast of Africa, a movement headed by
youths has helped to plant over 6 million mangrove trees. The trees will protect local
villages from storm damages and will provide a habitat for local wildlife. The project
started in 2008, and already the Senegalese government has been asked to establish
rules and regulations that would protect the new mangrove forests.

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS

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Environmental Degradation, Managem e ent andConservati:
"urta" ua 117
Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through
depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and
the extinction of wildlife.
It is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be
deleterious or undesirable.

As indicated by thell=PAT equationl

environmental impact (I) or degradation is caused by the combination of
an already very large and increasing human population(P),
continually increasing economic growth or per capita affluence(A), and
the application of resource depleting and polluting technology (T).

The United Nation's International Strategy for Disaster Reduction defines

environmental degradation as:
ms- "The reduction of the capacity of the environment to meet social and ecological
J 4 objectives, and needs"
sojo- tap]
needs Causes of Environmental Degradation
1. Land Disturbance: 00 eslinckinn
Invasive species
Urbanization, growth of sprawl

2. Pagion: akohtution

3. Over o ulation: 0U1V00 clAplefion

More strain on resources
More demand for food, clothing and shelter
More space required for growing

4. Land n;Oted
Scarification the land
Pollution of air and groundwater

5. Deforestation: .0 rAxed b max *,nkpack

Deforestation is the cutting down of trees to make way for more homes and
industries. Rapid growth in population and urban sprawl are two of the major causes
of deforestation. Apart from that, use of forest land for agriculture, animal grazing,
harvest for fuel wood and logging are some of the other causes of deforestation.
Deforestation contributes to global warming as decreased forest size puts carbon
back into the environment.

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6: Natual_Causes:
Things like avalanches, quakes, tidal waves, storms, and wildfires can totally crush
nearby animal and plant groups to the point where they can no longer survive in
those areas. This can either come to fruition through physical demolition as the
result of a specific disaster, or by the long term degradation of assets by the
presentation of an obtrusive foreign species to the environment. The latter
frequently happens after tidal waves, when reptiles and bugs are washed ashore.

Environmental changes are based onimanv factorslincluding:

-Urbanization - increased impact on all resources(land, water, air)
Population growth - increased demand on sustainability
-Economic growth - increased demand on resources, breaching of ecological carrying
capacity, violation of environmental equilibrium
-Intensification of agriculture - agricultural runoff, soil salinity, invasive species,
reduction in biodiversity
Increase in energy use - mining, acid rains
Increase in transportation - GHG emission, fragmentation of habitats

The degradation impacts our wildlife, plants, animals and micro-organisms.

The various ways in which it affects these organisms are:
Impht./ 1310SMERE
Habitat Fragmentation - Habitat fragmentation carries long term environmental
impacts, some of which can destroy entire ecosystems. Examples include roads
which may cut through forests or even trails which wind through prairies. The
largest of these consequences are initially felt by specific plant and animal
communities, most of which are specialized for their bio-region or require large
areas of land to retain a healthy genetic heritage.

Aggressive Plant Life - A more critical result of habitat fragmentation is land

disturbance. Many weedy plant species, such as garlic mustard and purple
loosestrife, are both opportunistic and invasive. A breach in the habitat gives 0. coda Ludariniti
them an opportunity to take hold. These aggressive plants can take over an euckoo
environment displacing the native flora. The result is habitat with a single
wart-lake coral
dominant plant which doesn't provide adequate food resources for all the

Redured Biodiversity - due to mono-culture, invasive species; also disturbed

food chain

Altered environment - due to pollutants, increased temperatures(Climate


Impacts of Environmental Degradation:

Some residing in third-world countries are highly effected by the degradation.
These effects are:
Death in children

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Death in adults
Poverty - In many countries in Africa, crop harvests are falling as
consumption increases. People are finding less nutritious food to eat. One
argument held is that while fields in wealthier nations are used to grow
crops for biofuel, poorer countries, especially those around the Equator, are
vulnerable to weather changes, water shortages, and urbanization. All of
these factors are increasing the health and lives of thousands. Some
scientists and environmentalists are asking that non-food items and
agriculture waste be used as alternative fuel for vehicles instead.

Effects of Environmental Degradationfon all countries)

Impact on Human Health: Human health might be at the receiving end as a result
of the environmental degradation. Areas exposed to toxic air pollutants can cause
respiratory problems like pneumonia and asthma. Millions of people are known to
have died of due to indirect effects of air pollution. When factories produce harmful
chemicals and toxic waste into bodies of water, humans suffer. Pesticides and
fertilizers can also get into a region's water system and pollute it. Drinking water is

Loss of Biodiversity: Biodiversity is important for maintaining balance of the

ecosystem in the form of combating pollution, restoring nutrients, protecting water
sources and stabilizing climate. Deforestation, global warming, overpopulation and
pollution are few of the major causes for loss of biodiversity.

Ozone Layer Depletion: Ozone layer is responsible for protecting earth from
harmful ultraviolet rays. The presence of chlorofluorocarbons, hydro
chlorofluorocarbons in the atmosphere is causing the ozone layer to deplete. As it
will deplete, it will emit harmful radiations back to the earth.

Economic Impact: The huge cost that a country may have to borne due to
environmental degradation can have big economic impact in terms of restoration of
green cover, Cleaning up of landfills and protection of endangered species. The
economic impact can also be in terms of loss of tourism industry.

Efforts to counteract this problem include environmental protection and

environmental resources management.

How to Stop Degradation:

There are ways which you can help to decrease degradation in our environment.
Answering within the framework of I-PAT equation.
For reducing population impact
Redt ire pnverty
Control population_growth in developing countries by educating masses
Educating public regarding environmentally safe practices

For reducing level of consumption (FOCUS ON CONSERVATION) rectum Rwace

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle of resources 31ts

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography

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Conserving water through rainwater harvesting, water-use efficiency, water

budget, pricing water use
Mitigation of air pollution and climate change
Shifting to environmentally safer alternatives(non-conventional energy,
marine agriculture, marine fishery)

For reducing impact on environment (FOCUS ON MANAGEMENT) rveuite. poItutIon

Reduce pollution and set stringent norms for pollution via effective
Scientific disposal of waste with focus on recycling and reducing
Legislation that emphasizes extended producer responsibility
Shifting to organic farming practices, permaculture, sustainable practices
Reducing migration and growth of urban sprawl
Effective initiatives to plan urbanization sustainably
Emphasis on EIA in all human activities

Success of efforts in reducing environment impact = (conservation efforts) x

(management efforts)

Measuring environmental degradation

to measure environmental degradation on the basis of some selected indicators by
the application of a simple multivariate technique known as
Principal Component Analysis. For this purpose the study considered six variables,
%tele) tommfongui-
-"t DP per capita
Attars --fuel consumption
--total fertility rate
--water supply
----sanitation, and

However, because of unavailability of data, the variables such as technology relating

to environment, waste disposal, air pollution, women/gender issues relating to
environment, corruption, democracy etc. could not be considered.
The results show that principal components explain aboui of the variations in
the level of environmental degradation.

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


rtrrPR -PlIc4PLItOrRy

abOttl- otwi romra

tvir more about- otwels? "kat- , ItaS
Environmental Management --> tuidtesses Ms4-etie cn -t oliteulthion --) dtpletion cs-m "Slat' al-t
It is a process/method of planning and decision-making to achieve sustainable 2.rla S4-ay.
development. dsolnelion re.2.044xe. It is a process of allocating resources for optimal use so as to meet the
uotexifitals compulsions of human need on sustainable basis.
It is a process that is undertaken as an inter-disriplinary exercise with
involvement of professionals from social sciences, natural sciences, law ,design
along with developing and working institutions that implement, monitor and
audit the development programmes and policy

Less about environment and more about development that is inclusive of

environment concern because environment is deciding and determining factor in

Foals of Environmental Management

? wad Preventing environmental problems and resolving them
Establishing limits
Identifying threats and opportunities
Improving quality of life
;wino. , Incorporating environmentally sound technologies and development planning
-tech +iptam-mol and execution
Establishing and nurturing institutions that support environmental research,
monitoring and management

Principles guiding environmental management'

Precautionary Principle - In order to protect the environment, a concept which
includes peoples' ways of life and the integrity of their communities, the
precautionary approach shall be applied. Where there are threats or potential
threats of serious social impact, lack of full certainty about those threats should
not be used as a reason for approving the planned intervention or not requiring
the implementation of mitigation measures and stringent monitoring
Principle of Uncertainty - It must be recognized that our knowledge of the social
world and of social processes is incomplete and that social knowledge can never
be fully complete because the social environment and the processes affecting it
are changing constantly, and vary from place to place and over time
Principle of Intra-Generational Equity - The benefits from the range of planned
interventions should address the needs of all, and the social impacts should not
fall disproportionately on certain groups of the population, in particular children
and women, the disabled and the socially excluded, certain generations or
certain regions
Principle of Inter-Generational Equity - Development activities or planned
interventions should be managed so that the needs of the present generation
are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs.
Recognition and preservation of diversity - Communities and societies are not
homogeneous. They are demographically structured (age and gender), and they

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comprise different groups with various value systems and different skills. Special
attention is needed to appreciate the existence of the social diversity that exists
within communities and to understand what the unique requirements of special
groups may be. Care must be taken to ensure that planned interventions do not
lead to a loss of social diversity in a community or a diminishing of social
Internalization of costs - The full social and ecological costs of a planned
intervention should be internalized through the use of economic and other
instruments, that is, these costs should be considered as part of the costs of the
intervention, and no intervention should be approved or regarded as
cost-effective if it achieves this by the creation of hidden costs to current or
future generations or the environment.
Polluter-pays principle - The full cost of avoiding or compensating for social
impacts should be borne by the proponent of the planned intervention.
Principle of prevention - It is generally preferable and cheaper in the long run to
prevent negative social impacts and ecological damage from happening than
having to restore or rectify damage after the event.
Principle of common but differentiated responsibilities
Principle of non-discrimination
Principle of subsidiarity - Decision making power should be decentralized, with
accountable decisions being made as close to an individual citizen as possible. In
the context of SIA, this means decisions about the approval of planned
interventions, or conditions under which they might operate, should be taken as
close to the affected people as possible, with local people having an input into
the approval and management processes

Scales and levels of operation

Identifying resources
Suggesting usage
Evaluating technologies
Actual implementation and monitoring of plant policy
Post-project evaluation

Tools of environmental management

Environmental Management System - enables a firm/company to manage its
environmental affairs in a planned and systematic way and thus identifying ways
of improving its environmental performance that most benefit its business
c co NOV performance. This section focuses on the requirements of two EMS schemes:
PAS ISO 14001, the international environmental management system standard
FMA-S and
EMAS, the European Community's Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
Environmental Audit - is a tool for checking whether a firm or an organization is
doing what it should be doing. For instance a legislative compliance audit checks
that those activities of the firm covered by environmental legislation (i.e. what it
is doing) actually comply with that legislation (i.e. what it should be doing). An
environmental audit will tell a firm or an organization whether its waste

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


management practices conform with the industry sector best practice guidelines
it has committed itself to following (i.e. what it should be doing).
Environmental Indicators - Environmental indicators allow a firm to measure
both its environmental performance and its efforts to improve its performance.
Indicators can be used within an environmental management system to check
that a firm has met the targets it is required to set for itself, but can equally well
be used in firms that have not developed an EMS.
Eco-balance - A company eco-balance records the various raw materials, energy,
resources, products and wastes entering, held within and leaving a company
over a specified period of time. In other words, it provides a record of a
company's physical inputs, stock and outputs. Once a company knows exactly
what is coming in and going out, it can begin to assess the particular
environmental impacts of those inputs and outputs. An eco-balance therefore
enables a firm to undertake the comprehensive environmental review of its
activities required by ISO 14001 and EMAS and to go on and set targets for
improving its environmental performance.
,Life-cycle Assessment - is a tool for identifying and assessing the various
environmental impacts associated with a particular product. LCA takes a "cradle
to grave" approach looking at the impacts of the product throughout its life
cycle i.e. from the raw materials acquisition (the "cradle") through its production
and use to its final disposal (the "grave"). LCA allows manufacturers to find ways
of cost-effectively reducing the environmental impact of a product over its
life-cycle and to support their claims about the environmental impact of their
Environmental LabellingY- Environmental labeling schemes award an
environmental label to those products that are judged to be less harmful to the
environment than others within the same product group.
Environmental Reporting - Having undertaken various environmental
management initiatives to improve its environmental performance, a company
or an organization may wish to communicate the results of these initiatives to
the outside world. One way of doing this is by publishing an environmental
report. Issuing an environmental report can improve a firm's public image and
lead to improved relationships with stakeholders. To date, it is mainly large
companies that have issued such reports but small and medium scale companies
may also find environmental reporting a useful tool
Environmental ChartersThere are a number of environmental charters and
guidelines to which a firm/company or an organization can subscribe in order to
demonstrate its commitment to responsible environmental management.

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IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography
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Framework for conservation

IPAT Equation

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Environmental Conservation
What is the definition of environmental conservation?
The protection, preservation, management, or restoration of natural environments
and the ecological communities that inhabit them. Conservation is generally held to
include the management of human use of natural resources for current public
benefit and sustainable social and economic utilization

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IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


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Environmental Hazards and Remedial Measures

An environmental hazard is a substance, state or event which has the potential to

threaten the surrounding natural environment and / or adversely affect people's
health. This term incorporates topics like pollution and natural disasters such as
storms and earthquakes.

Hazards can be categorized in three types:


Chemical hazards pos;&-ie.kce x Itnnu

They are defined in the Globally Harmonized System and in the European Union
chemical regulations. They are caused by chemical substances causing significant
damage to the environment. The label is particularly applicable towards substances
with aquatic toxicity. An example is zinc oxide, a common paint pigment, which is
extremely toxic to aquatic life.

Toxicity or other hazards do not imply an environmental hazard, because elimination

by sunlight (photolysis), water (hydrolysis) or organisms (biological elimination)
neutralizes many reactive or poisonous substances. Persistence towards these
elimination mechanisms combined with toxicity gives the substance the ability to do
damage in the long term. Also, the lack of immediate human toxicity does not mean
the substance is environmentally nonhazardous. For example, tanker truck-sized
spills of substances such as milk can cause a lot of damage in the local aquatic
ecosystems: the added biological oxygen demand causes rapid eutrophication,
leading to anoxic conditions in the water body.

Level of Hazard = (Persistence in environment) x (toxicity)

All hazards in this category are mainly anthropogenic although there exist a number
of natural carcinogens and chemical elements like radon and lead may turn up in
health-critical concentrations in the natural environment:

C. Anthrax
.> Antibiotic agents in animals destined for human consumption
C. Arsenic - a contaminant of fresh water sources (water wells)
C. Asbestos - carcinogenic
C. Dioxins
C. Endocrine disruptors
Explosive material
+ Furans

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography

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g.' Heavy metals
C Herbicides
: Hormones in animals destined for human consumption
Lead in paint
4. Marine debris
C.. Polychlorinated biphenyls
C Radon and other natural sources of radioactivity
:. Soil pollution
Tobacco smoking
Toxic waste

Physical Hazards

Can be due to both anthropogenic as well as natural causes. The level of hazard
varies depending upon the following formulation

Level of Hazard = (difficulty in reducing/mitigating effects) x (size of area affected)

Cosmic rays
Electromagnetic fields
Light pollution
Noise pollution
Ultraviolet light

Biological Hazards

Can be due to both anthropogenic as well as natural causes. The causes can
aggravate the natural causes. The level of hazard varies depending upon the
following formulation

Level of Hazard = (difficulty in controlling spread) x (mortality rate)

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Avian influenza
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE)
Food poisoning
Onchocerciasis (River blindness)
Pollen for allergic people
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
Sick building syndrome

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Remedial Measures

For Chemical hazards

NA-Talk LoLkl-
For Physical hazards
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)4) Curo-fIve- -4.- impound Se

For Biological hazards

Quick response
Dedicated strategies for all three levels(global, national, state, local)

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Environmental Education
Four components:

Environment es - concerned with environment and society --> )0"0"kal e Vtui

Environmental scie ce - concerned with scientific study of environment * totaporemr 4'11
Environmental en eering - technical study to utilise science+studies to get > appkol myect
desirable results
4. Sustainability science - is the study of sustainable development and 14/ills& "Te
environmental science

Environmental education focuses on:

Engaging with citizens of all demographics too;

Thititically, ethically, and creatively when evaluating environmental
Make educated iudements about those environmental issues;
Developijcffls anc ceot to act independently and collectively to
sustain and enhance the environment; and,
To enhance their annreriation of the environment; resulting in positive
environmental behavioural change

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IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geog


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Environmental Policy &OS eta oveta-U
An environmental policy is a document prepared by a company or an organization
which clearly sets out its overall aims and intentions with respect to the environment.
An environmental policy provides a sense of direction for a company and shows that
it is committed to managing its environmental affairs in a responsible way. The
policy should be endorsed by the company's senior management and should be
publicly available. It should be an integral part of the business strategy and be
compatible with company's other policies (e.g. on quality and on health and safety).


There are a number of reasons for producing and formulating an environmental
Producing a policy is an important first step towards achieving effective
environmental management.
Setting out your aims and intentions with respect to the environment is an
important first step towards achieving effective environmental management.
Having done this, a company can then take the measures necessary to achieve
them. By taking appropriate measures i.e. by carrying out effective
environmental management, a company can gain the benefits that such
management brings.

An environmental policy provides important information to external

stakeholders on company's aims and intentions with respect to the environment.
Having an environmental policy can enhance company's reputation with
external stakeholders such as customers and the local community. It shows that
an organization have made a start on dealing with environmental performance.
However, to make sure a company's reputation isn't tarnished in any way, it is
important that all stakeholders see evidence that a company is taking action to
realize the aims and intentions set out in environmental policy

IAS Rank 87 Prajit Nair Geography Notes | Offline Student of ForumIAS


le + Cou-rse

Environmental Policy and Legislation

Environment refers to the physical ecosystems, but can also take into consideration
the social dimension (quality of life, health) and an economic dimension (resource
management, biodiversity)
Policy can be defined as a "course of action or principle adopted or proposed by a
government, party, business or individual".
Thus, environmental policy focuses on problems arising from human impact on the
environment, which retro-acts onto human society by having a (negative) impact on
human values such as good health or the 'clean and green' environment.

Environmental policy refers to the commitmgnt of an organization to the laws,

regulations, and other policy mechanisms concerning environmental issues.

These issues generally include:

air and water pollution
solid waste management
ecosystem management
maintenance of biodiversity
the protection of natural resources, wildlife and endangered species
preservation of these natural resources for future generations
policies concerning energy
regulation of toxic substances including pesticides and many types of industrial
Relatively recently also attended to the communication of environmental issues
All are part of the topic of environmental policy. This policy can be deliberately taken
to direct and oversee human activities and thereby prevent harmful effects on the
biophysical environment and natural resources, as well as to make sure that changes
in the environment do not have harmful effects on humans.

The 1960s marked the beginning of modern environmental policy making. Although
mainstream America remained oblivious to environmental concerns, the stage had
been set for change by the publication of Rachel Carson's New York Times bestseller
Silent Spring in 1962. Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from
Wisconsin, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara,
California. Administrator Ruckelshaus was confirmed by the Senate on December 2,
1970, which is the traditional date used as the birth of the agency. Five months
earlier, in July 1970, President Nixon had signed Reorganization Plan No. 3 calling for
the establishment of EPA in July 1970. At the time, Environmental Policy was a
bipartisan issue and the efforts of the United States of America helped spark
countries around the world to create environmental policies. During this period,
legislation was passed to regulate pollutants that go into the air, water tables, and
solid waste disposal. President Nixon signed the Clean Air Act in 1970 which set the
USA as one of the world leaders in environmental conservation.
In the European Union, the very first Environmental Action Programmed was
adopted by national government representatives in July 1973 during the first
meeting of the Council of Environmental Ministers.1151 Since then an increasingly

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dense network of legislation has developed, which now extends to all areas of
environmental protection including air pollution control, water protection and waste
policy but also nature conservation and the control of chemicals, biotechnology and
other industrial risks. EU environmental policy has thus become a core area of
European politics.
Overall organizations are becoming more aware of their environmental risks and
performance requirements. In line with the ISO 14001 standard they are developing
environmental policies suitable for their organization.

Environmental Policy Instruments

Environmental policy instruments are tools used by governments to implement their
environmental policies. Governments may use a number of different types of
instruments. For example, economic incentives and market-based instruments such
as taxes and tax exemptions, tradable perenits, and fees can be very effective to
encourage compliance with environmental policy. Bilateral agreements between the
carbon ere OS
government and private firms and commitments made by firms independent of
carbon 4" government requirement are examples of voluntary environmental measures.
kro Another instrument is the implementation of greener public purchasing programs.
nen yow-ronufSeveral instruments are sometimes combined in a policy mix to address a certain
environmental problem. Since environmental issues have many aspects, several
policy instruments may be needed to adequately address each one. Furthermore, a
combination of different policies may give firms greater flexibility in policy
compliance and reduce uncertainty as to the cost of such compliance.

Environmental Policy Integration

The concept of environmental policy integration (EPI) refers to the process of
integrating environmental objectives into non-environmental policy areas, such as
energy, agriculture and transport, rather than leaving them to be pursued solely
through purely environmental policy practices. This is oftentimes particularly
challenging because of the need to reconcile global objectives and international rules
with domestic needs and laws. EPI is widely recognized as one of the key elements of
sustainable development. More recently, the notion of 'climate policy integration',
also denoted as 'mainstreaming', has been applied to indicate the integration of
climate considerations (both mitigation and adaptation) into the normal (often
economically focused) activity of government.

India is one of the parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) treaty.
Prior to the CBD, India had different laws to govern the environment. The Indian
Wildlife Protection Act 1972 protected the biodiversity. It was amended later
multiple times. The 1988 National Forest Policy had conservation as its fundamental
principle. In addition to these acts, the government passed the Environment
(Protection) Act 1986 and Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act 1992 for
control of biodiversity.

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National Environment Policy 2006
National Environment Policy 2006 is a response to India's national commitment to a
clean environment, mandated in the Constitution in Articles 48A and 51 A (g), (DPSP)
strengthened by judicial interpretation of Article 21.
It is recognized that the maintenance of the Healthy environment is not the
responsibility of the state alone. It is the responsibility of every Citizen and thus a
spirit of partnership is to be realized through the environment Management of the

Key Environment Challenges:

The key environmental challenges that India faces are related to the nexus of
environmental degradation with poverty in its many dimensions, and economic
Challenges are intrinsically connected with the state of environmental resources,
such as land, water, air, and their flora and fauna.

Drivers of Degradation:
Proximate drivers of environmental degradation are population growth,
inappropriate technology and consumption choices, and poverty, leading to changes
in relations between people and ecosystems, and development activities such as
intensive agriculture, polluting industry, and unplanned urbanization.
Other drivers of degradation are the lack of clarity or enforcement of rights of access
and use of environmental resources, policies which provide disincentives for
environmental conservation (and which may have origins in the fiscal regime),
market failures (which may be linked to shortcomings in the regulatory regimes), and
governance constraints.

Impact on Health
Poor environmental quality has adversely affected human health.
Environmental factors are estimated as being responsible in some cases for nearly 20
percent of the burden of disease in India, and a number of environment-health
factors are closely linked with dimensions of poverty (e.g. malnutrition, lack of
access to clean energy and water).
Interventions such as reducing indoor air pollution, protecting sources of safe
drinking water, protecting soil from contamination, improved sanitation measures,
and better public health governance, offer tremendous opportunities in reducing the
incidence of a number of critical health problems.

Objectives of the Policy

Conservation of Critical Environmental Resources
Intra-generational Equity: Livelihood Security for the Poor
Inter-generational Equity
Integration of Environmental Concerns in Economic and Social Development:
Efficiency in Environmental Resource Use
Environmental Governance
Enhancement of Resources for Environmental Conservation

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Principles of National Environment Policy 2006

The Policy evolved from the recognition that only such development is sustainable,
which respects ecological constraints, and the imperatives of justice. The Objectives
stated above are to be realized through various strategic interventions by different
public authorities at Central, State, and Local Government levels. They would also be
the basis of diverse partnerships. The principles followed in the policy are:
Human Beings are at the Centre of Sustainable Development Concerns:
Right to development must be fulfilled so as to equitably meet developmental
and environmental needs of present and future generations.
In order to achieve sustainable development, environmental protection shall
constitute an integral part of the development process and cannot be
considered in isolation from it.
Where there are credible threats of serious or irreversible damage to key
environmental resources, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a
reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental
In various public actions for environmental conservation, economic efficiency
would be sought to be realized
"Polluter Pays" principle:
Impacts of acts of production and consumption of one party may be visited on
third parties who do not have a direct economic nexus with the original act.
Such impacts are termed "externalities". The National Environment Policy
promotes the internalization of environmental costs, including through the use
of incentives based policy instruments, taking into account the approach that
the polluter should, in principle, bear the cost of pollution, with due regard to
the public interest, and without distorting international trade and investment.
The Doctrine of Public Trust
As per this doctrine, the State is not an absolute owner, but a trustee of all
natural resources, which are by nature meant for public use and enjoyment,
subject to reasonable conditions, necessary to protect the legitimate interest of
a large number of people, or for matters of strategic national interest.

Legislative Reforms
A judicious mix of civil and criminal processes and sanctions will be employed in the
legal regime for enforcement, through a review of the existing legislation. The policy
calls for identification of the emerging areas for new legislation, due to better
scientific understanding, economic and social development, and development of
multilateral environmental regimes, in line with the National Environment Policy. It
also calls for review the body of existing legislation in order to develop synergies
among relevant statutes and regulations.

Environment Impact Assessment

The policy focuses on encouraging the regulatory authorities, Central and State, to
institutionalize regional and cumulative environmental impact assessments (R/CEIAs)
to ensure that environmental concerns are identified and addressed at the planning
stage itself.

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The policy aims to revisit the Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ) notifications to make the
approach to coastal environmental regulation more holistic, and thereby ensure
protection to coastal ecological systems, coastal waters, and the vulnerability of
some coastal areas to extreme natural events and potential sea level rise. In
pursuance with the Policy CRZ Notification 2011 was released recently.

The Problem of LMOs

LMO refers to the Living Modified Organisms. Living modified organisms (known as
LM05) result from modern biotechnology is broadly equivalent to genetically
modified organisms. The difference between an LMO and a GMO is that a Living
Modified Organism is capable of growing, and typically refers to agricultural crops.
Genetically Modified Organisms include both LMOs and organisms which are not
capable of growing, i.e. are dead. The National Environment Policy says that
Genetically Modified Organisms require evaluation of their potential benefits and
risks as part of relevant regulatory processes. The subset of LMOs, may, however,
owing to their potential for replication, involve environmental concerns in addition.
LMOs may pose significant risks to ecological resources, and perhaps, human and
animal health. In order to ensure that development of biotechnology does not lead
to unforeseen adverse impacts, the policy aims to review the regulatory processes
for LMOs so that all relevant scientific knowledge is taken into account, and
ecological, health, and economic concerns are adequately addressed.

The Environmentally Sensitive Zones are the areas with identified environmental
resources having "Incomparable Values" which require special attention for their
conservation. In order to conserve and enhance these resources, without impeding
legitimate socio-economic development of these areas, the National Environment
policy aims to identify and give legal status to Environmentally Sensitive Zones in the
country having environmental entities with "Incomparable values" requiring special
conservation efforts. The policy also envisages formulating area development plans
for these zones on a scientific basis, with adequate participation by the local

Desert Habitats
The arid and semi-arid region of India covers 127.3 mha (38.8%) of India's
geographical area and spreads over 10 states. The Indian desert fauna is extremely
rich in species diversity of mammals and winter migratory birds. However the
pressures of a rapidly increasing population on the natural resource base necessitate
adoption of innovative and integrated measures for conservation of desert
ecosystems. The policy aims at measures such as Intensive water and moisture
conservation through practices based on traditional and science based knowledge,
and relying on traditional infrastructure.

Panchayats & Women Participation

The policy aims at working towards giving the legal recognition of the traditional
entitlements of forest dependent communities taking into consideration the

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provisions of the (PESA). This would remedy a serious historical injustice, secure their
livelihoods, reduce possibilities of conflict with the Forest Departments, and provide
long-term incentives to these communities to conserve the forests.

Wild life
The policy aims to expand the Protected Area (PA) network of the country, including
Conservation and Community Reserves, to give fair representation to all
bio-geographic zones of the country. In doing so, develop norms for delineation of
PAs in terms of the Objectives and Principles of the National Environment Policy, in
particular, participation of local communities, concerned public agencies, and other
stakeholders, who have a direct and tangible stake in protection and conservation of
wildlife, to harmonize ecological and physical features with needs of socio-economic

The Ramsar Convention defines wetlands as, 'areas of marsh, fen, peat land or water,
whether natural or artificial, permanent or temporary, with water that is static or
flowing, fresh, brackish or salt, including areas of marine water the depth of which at
low tide does not exceed six meters', thereby giving a wide scope to the term.
Wetlands are under threat from drainage and conversion for agriculture and human
settlements, besides pollution. The policy aims at setting up a legally enforceable
regulatory mechanism for identified valuable wetlands, to prevent their degradation
and enhance their conservation. Develop a national inventory of such wetlands.

National Forest Policy of India 1988

The main plank of the revised forest policy of 1988 is protection, conservation and
development of forests.

Its aims are:

Maintenance of environmental stability" through preservation and restoration of
ecological balance;
Conservation of natural heritage;
Checking soil erosion and denudation in catchment areas of rivers, lakes and
Checking extension of sand dunes in desert areas of Rajasthan and along coastal
Substantially increasing forest/tree cover through massive afforestation and social
forestry programmes;
Taking steps to meet requirements of fuel, wood, fodder, minor forest produce,
soil and timber of rural and tribal populations;
Increasing productivity of forests to meet the national needs;
Encouraging efficient utilization of forest produce and optimum substitution of
wood; and
Taking steps to create massive people's movement with involvement of women to
achieve the objectives and minimize pressure on existing forests.

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Draft National Forest Policy

Notable Points:
The draft National Forest Policy (NFP) proposes the levy of a green tax for
facilitating ecologically responsible behaviour and supplementing financial
resources essential to address forestry woes. "The budget of the forestry sector
should be appropriately enhanced so that the objectives enshrined in this policy
can be achieved. Environmental cess, green tax, carbon tax may be levied on
certain products and services for facilitating ecologically responsible behaviour,
garnering citizen's contribution and supplementing financial resources," the
draft policy says.
The policy proposes to launch a new Community Forest Management Mission,
bringing government, community and private land under the new proposed
management system. It aims to bring one-third of the government-owned
forests under the Community Forest Management regime by the end of the next
decade. The policy recommends contracts between forest-dependent industries
and farmers to fix price and quantity to ensure supply for the wood industry.
The policy says, "Large-scale expansion of agro-forestry and farm forestry should
be encouraged through commensurate incentives and operational support
systems such as lowering the input costs and enabling access to reasonably
priced quality planting material."
The policy states that forest land diversion projects related to mining, quarrying,
construction of dams, roads and other linear infrastructure need to adopt
special caution. Use of state-of-the-art technology which causes minimum
pollution and damage should be promoted.
The policy states that a National Board of Forestry and State Boards of Forestry
are to be established to ensure monitoring of the spread of the forest areas and
management of forest cover.
It calls for developing "sound ecotourism models" with the focus on
conservation while supplementing the livelihood needs of local communities.
"Ensure that tourism is responsible, does not negatively impact wildlife and its
habitat and maximises the income of the local community," the policy says.
Climate change concerns should be effectively factored into all the forest and
wildlife areas management plans and community ecosystem management plans,
the policy states.
The draft policy indicates that CAMPA funds from diversion of forest land by
industry are to be used for purchasing wildlife corridors from people.
The policy also asks for management plans for city forests, parks, garden and
woodlands to nurture and sustain urban health, clean air and related benefits.

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Policies to protect environment in India

*Environment Protection Act, 1986
*National Conservation Strategy and Policy Statement on Environment and
Development, 1992
*Policy Statement for the Abatement of Pollution, 1992
*National Environment Policy, 2006
*Vision Statement on Environment and Health

Legislations and Rules for the protection of environment in India

*Water pollution
*Air Pollution
*Land Degradation
*Environment Protection
*Forest Conservation
*National Green Tribunal
*Animal Welfare

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"Ecosystem", means a dynamic complex of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their
non-living environment interacting as a functional unit".

The ecosystem aporoach is a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living
resources that promotes conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. Application of the
ecosystem approach will help to reach a balance of the three objectives of the Convention. It is based
on the application of appropriate scientific methodologies focused on levels of biological organization
which encompass the essential processes, functions and interactions among organisms and their
environment. It recognizes that humans, with their cultural diversity, are an integral component of

Ecosystem Management

Ecosystem management is a process that aims to conserve major ecological services and restore
natural resources while meeting the socioeconomic, political and cultural and needs of current and
future generations. The principal objective of ecosystem management is the efficient maintenance
and ethical use of natural resources. It is a multifaceted and holistic approach which requires a
significant change in how the natural and human environments are identified.

The definitions of ecosystem management are typically vague. Several core principles define and
bound the concept and provide operational meaning:

ecosystem management reflects a stage in the continuing evolution of social values and
priorities; it is neither a beginning nor an end;

ecosystem management is place-based and the boundaries of the place must be clearly and
formally defined;

ecosystem management should maintain ecosystems in the appropriate condition to achieve

desired social benefits;

ecosystem management should take advantage of the ability of ecosystems to respond to a

variety of stress, natural and man-made, but all ecosystems have limited ability to accommodate
stress and maintain a desired state;

ecosystem management may or may not result in emphasis on biological diversity;

the term sustainability, if used at all in ecosystem management, should be clearly

definedspecifically, the time frame of concern, the benefits and costs of concern, and the
relative priority of the benefits and costs; and

scientific information is important for effective ecosystem management, but is only one element
in a decision-making process that is fundamentally one of public

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Stakeholders are individuals or groups of people who are affected by environmental decisions and
actions, but they also may have power to influence theoutcomes.of environmental decisions relating
to ecosystem management. The complex nature of decisions made in ecosystem management, from
local to international scales, requires stakeholder participation from a diversity of knowledge,
perceptions and values of nature.Stakeholders will often have different interests in ecosystem
services. This means effective management of ecosystems requires a negotiation process that
develops mutual trust in issues of common interest with the objective of creating mutually beneficial

Several approaches to effective ecosystem management engage conservation efforts at both a local
or landscape level and involves:

adaptive management,

natural resource management,

strategic management, and

command and control management.

Adaptive management is based on the concept that predicting future influences/disturbance to an

ecosystem is limited and unclear. Therefore, the goal of adaptive management is to manage the
ecosystem so it maintains the greatest amount of ecological integrity, but also to utilize management
practices.that have the ability to change based on new experience and insights.

The term natural resource management is frequently used when dealing with a particular resource
for human use rather than managing the whole ecosystem. A main objective of natural resources
management is the sustainability for future generations, which appoints ecosystem managers to
balance natural resources exploitation and conservation over long-term timeframe. The balanced
relationship of each resource in an ecosystem is subject to change at different spatial and temporal
scales. Dimensions such as, watersheds, soils, flora and fauna, need to be considered individually and
on a landscape level. A variety of natural resources are utilized for food, medicine, energy and shelter.

The ecosystem management concept is based on the relationship between sustainable resource
maintenance and human demand for use of natural resources. Therefore, socio-economic factors
significantly affect natural resource management. The goal of a natural resource manager is to fulfill
the demand for a given resource without causing harm to the ecosystem, or jeopardizing the future of
the resource. Partnerships between ecosystem managers, natural resource managers and
stakeholders should be encouraged in order to promote a more sustainable use of limited natural

Human populations have been increasing rapidly, introducing new stress to ecosystems, such as
climate change and influxes of invasive species. As a result, the demand for natural resources is
unpredictable. Although ecosystem changes may occur gradually, the cumulative changes can have
negative effects for humans and wildlife. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing
Applications can be used to monitor and evaluate natural resources by mapping them in local and
global scales. These tools will continue to be highly beneficial in natural resources management.

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Strategic management encourages the establishment of goals that will benefit the ecosystem while
keeping socioeconomic and politically relevant issues in mind. Strategic management differs from
other types of ecosystem management because it keeps stakeholders involved and relies on their
input to develop the best management strategy for an ecosystem. Similarly to other modes of
ecosystem management, this method places a high level of importance on evaluating and reviewing
any changes, progress or negative impacts and prioritizes flexibility in adapting management
protocols as a result of new information.

Landscape level conservation is a method that considers wildlife needs at a broader landscape level
scale when implementing conservation initiatives. This approach to ecosystem management involves
the consideration of broad scale interconnected ecological systems that acknowledges the whole
scope of an environmental problem. In a humandominated world, weighing the landscape
requirements of wildlife versus the needs of humans is a complicated matter.

Landscape level conservation is carried out in a number of ways. A wildlife corridor, for example, is a
connection between otherwise isolated habitat patches that are proposed as a solution to habitat
fragmentation. In some landscape level conservation approaches, a key species vulnerable to
landscape alteration is identified and its habitat requirements are assessed in order to identify the
best option for protecting their ecosystem. However, lining up the habitat requirements of numerous
species in an ecosystem can be difficult, which is why more comprehensive approaches to further
understand these variations have been considered in landscape level conservation.

Human-induced environmental degradation is an increasing problem globally, which is why landscape

level ecology plays an important role in ecosystem management. Traditional conservation methods
targeted at individual species need to be modified to include the maintenance of wildlife habitats
through consideration of both human-induced and natural environmental factors.

Command and control management utilizes a linear problem solving approach where a perceived
problem is solved through controlling devices such as laws, threats, contracts and/or agreements.
This top-down approach is used across many disciplines and works best with problems that are
relatively simple, well-defined and work in terms of cause and effect.The application of command and
control management has often attempted to control nature in order to improve product extractions,
establish predictability and reduce threats. Some obvious examples of command and control
management actions include: the use of herbicides and pesticides to safeguard crops in order to
harvest more product; the culling of predators in order to obtain larger, more reliable game species;
and the safeguarding of timber supply, by suppressing forest fires.

-Ecosystems Management and aspects of human life

Human health

Food security


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What is conservation of the ecosystem?

Conservation is the scientific study of the nature and of Earth's biodiversity with the aim of protecting
species, their habitats, and ecosystems from excessive rates of extinction and the erosion of biotic

The main function of ecosystem conservation is protecting or restoring the structure, function and
species compilation within the system.

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