Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover

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Palmamento, Allan B.

BSCpE-CPE31FA1 Assignment

1. Differentiate 4R's

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Recover

Reduce is to limit the amount of waste you create in the first place. This includes buying products with
less packaging.
REUSE means to use something again that you would normally throw away (eg. Glass jar for
food or plastic bags for bin liners.)
RECYCLE means the product goes through a mechanical process to change its form. This is
only recommended when reducing and reusing are not possible.
RECOVER is to convert waste into resources (such as electricity, heat, compost and fuel)
through thermal and biological means. Resource Recovery occurs after reduce, reuse and
recycle have been attempted.
2. Do you agree if the proper disposal done in our country? Justify
Yes, because in our country there is a lot of garbage so we need to segregate it properly not just only
for cleanliness of our society but also it can help our nature as well
3. Differentiate leachate to sludge?
A leachate is any liquid that, in the course of passing through matter, extracts soluble or suspended
solids, or any other component of the material through which it has passed while Sludge is a semi-solid
slurry and can be produced as sewage sludge from wastewater treatment processes or as a settled
suspension obtained from conventional drinking water treatment and numerous other industrial
processes. The term is also sometimes used as a generic term for solids separated from suspension in a
liquid; this 'soupy' material usually contains significant quantities of 'interstitial' water (between the
solid particles).

4. Why is incineration banned in the Philippines?

The ban on incineration was premised on the need to reduce the release of greenhouse gases like
carbon dioxide (CO2), methane, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrous oxide (NO2) which bring about
global warming and induce climate change. It was also meant to reduce the release of carcinogenic
organic air pollutants, principally the highly toxic dioxins and furans. And also banning of incineration
in the Philippines is supports the Clean Air Act of 1999 that outlines the government's measures to
reduce air pollution and incorporate environmental protection into its development plans.

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