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Union vs. Nestle GR No.

158930-31 March 3, 2008 In the case at bar, Nestle never refused to bargain
collectively with UFE-DFA-KMU. The corporation
Facts: simply wanted to exclude the Retirement Plan from the
issues to be taken up during CBA negotiations, on the
According to Nestl, "unilateral grants, one-time postulation that such was in the nature of a unilaterally
company grants, company-initiated policies and granted benefit. An employers steadfast insistence to
programs, which include, but are not limited to the exclude a particular substantive provision is no different
Retirement Plan, Incidental Straight Duty Pay and from a bargaining representatives perseverance to
Calling Pay Premium, are by their very nature not include one that they deem of absolute necessity.
proper subjects of CBA negotiations and therefore shall Indeed, an adamant insistence on a bargaining position
be excluded therefrom." to the point where the negotiations reach an impasse
does not establish bad faith. It is but natural that at
UFE-DFA-KMU argues therein that Nestls "refusal to negotiations, management and labor adopt positions or
bargain on a very important CBA economic provision make demands and offer proposals and counter-
constitutes unfair labor practice." It explains that Nestl proposals. On account of the importance of the
set as a precondition for the holding of collective economic issue proposed by UFE-DFA-KMU, Nestle
bargaining negotiations the non-inclusion of the issue could have refused to bargain with the former but it
of Retirement Plan. In its words, "respondent Nestl did not. And the managements firm stand against the
Phils., Inc. insisted that the Union should first agree issue of the Retirement Plan did not mean that it was
that the retirement plan is not a bargaining issue before bargaining in bad faith. It had a right to insist on its
respondent Nestl would agree to discuss other issues position to the point of stalemate.
in the CBA."

WON Nestl is guilty of ULP for not including its vs.
unilateral grants in the negotiation of the CBA FEDERATION OF FREE WORKERS, PHILIPPINE
COMMISSION, respondents.
No. The duty to bargain collectively is mandated by
Articles 252 and 253 of the Labor Code, as amended,
which state Facts:

ART. 252. Meaning of duty to bargain Petitioner allegedly to prevent losses due to major
collectively. The duty to bargain collectively economic problems caused the retrenchment and
means the performance of a mutual obligation retirement of a number of its employees.
to meet and convene promptly and
expeditiously in good faith for the purpose of It filed with the then Ministry of Labor and Employment
negotiating an agreement with respect to ("MOLE") a combined report on retirement and
wages, hours, of work and all other terms and application for clearance to retrench affecting eighty six
conditions of employment including proposals (86) of its employees. Of these eighty-six (86)
for adjusting any grievances or questions employees, fifty-nine (59) were retired effective 1
arising under such agreement and executing a January 1980 and twenty-eight (27) were to be
contract incorporating such agreements if retrenched "in order to prevent losses."
requested by either party but such duty does
not compel any party to agree to a proposal or Private respondent FFW, as the certified bargaining
to make any concession. agent of the rank-and-file employees of petitioner, filed
with the MOLE a complaint for unfair labor practices
ART. 253. Duty to bargain collectively when and recovery of union dues. FFW claimed that the
there exists a collective bargaining agreement. terminations undertaken by petitioner were violative of
When there is a collective bargaining the security of tenure of its members and were
agreement, the duty to bargain collectively intended to "bust" the union and hence constituted an
shall also mean that neither party shall unfair labor practice. FFW claimed that after the
terminate nor modify such agreement during its termination of the services of its members, petitioner
lifetime. However, either party can serve a advised 110 casuals to report to its personnel office. It
written notice to terminate or modify the argued that to justify retrenchment, serious business
agreement at least sixty (60) days prior to its reverses must be "actual, real and amply supported by
expiration date. It shall be the duty of both sufficient and convincing evidence." FFW prayed for
parties to keep the status quo and to continue reinstatement of its members who had been retired or
in full force and effect the terms of conditions of retrenched.
the existing agreement during the 60-day
period and/or until a new agreement is reached
Petitioner contended that the announcement calling for
by the parties.
110 workers to report to its personnel office was only
for the purpose of organizing a pool of extra workers
Obviously, the purpose of collective bargaining is the
which could be tapped whenever there were temporary
reaching of an agreement resulting in a contract
vacancies by reason of leaves of absence of regular
binding on the parties; but the failure to reach an
workers and that the rising cost of production and the
agreement after negotiations have continued for a
stoppage of its railway facilities, pose a very serious
reasonable period does not establish a lack of good
threat against the economic survival of petitioner.
faith. The statutes invite and contemplate a collective
bargaining contract, but they do not compel one. The
duty to bargain does not include the obligation to reach Labor Arbiter denied petitioner's application for
an agreement. clearance to retrench its employees on the ground that
for retrenchment to be valid, the employer's losses
must be serious, actual and real and must be amply MOISES M. ALBARAN, MARGARITO G. ALICANTE,
supported by sufficient and convincing evidence. The JERRY ROMEO T. AVILA, LORENZO D. CANON,
application to retire was also denied on the ground that RAUL P. DUERO, DANILO Y. ILAN, MANUEL M.
petitioner's prerogative to so retire its employees was MATURAN, JR., LUISITO R. POPERA,
granted by the 1975-77 collective bargaining CLEMENTINO C. QUIMAN, ROBERTO Q. SILOT,
agreement which agreement had long ago expired. CHARLITO D. SINDAY, REMBERT B. SUZON
NLRC affirmed Labor Arbiters decision. SPFL, Respondents.

Issues: Facts:

1. Whether or not there is a valid retrenchment. Respondents were regular rank-and-file employees of
2. Whether or not the retirement granted under PRI and bona fide members of Nagkahiusang
the CBA is valid. Mamumuo sa PRI Southern Philippines Federation of
Labor (NAMAPRI-SPFL), which is the collective
Ruling: bargaining agent for the rank-and-file employees of
petitioner PRI. PRI has a CBA with NAMAPRI-SPFL.
1. No. There is no valid retrenchment. The losses The CBA contained the following union security
must be serious, actual and real. We have provisions:
scanned the records but failed to find evidence
submitted to show that applicant company Article II- Union Security and Check-Off
would suffer serious business losses or
reverses as a consequence of the alleged Section 6. Maintenance of membership.
major economic problems. In fact, applicant
company asseverated that these problems 6.1 All employees within the appropriate bargaining unit
only threatens its survival, hence, it had to who are members of the UNION at the time of the
reduce its work force. Another thing, while
applicant company was retrenching its regular signing of this AGREEMENT shall, as a condition of
employees, it also hired the services of continued employment by the COMPANY, maintain
casuals. This militated its claim to reduce its their membership in the UNION in good standing
work force to set up cost reduction. It must be during the effectivity of this AGREEMENT.
stated that settled is the rule that serious
business losses or reverses must be actual, 6.2 Any employee who may hereinafter be employed to
real and amply supported by sufficient and occupy a position covered by the bargaining unit shall
convincing evidence. be advised by the COMPANY that they are required to
2. Yes. Although the CBA had expired, it file an application for membership with the UNION
continued to have legal effects as between the within thirty (30) days from the date his appointment
parties until a new CBA had been negotiated shall have been made regular.
and entered into.
6.3 The COMPANY, upon the written request of the
Article 253 Duty to bargain
UNION and after compliance with the requirements of
collectively when there exists a
collective bargaining agreement. the New Labor Code, shall give notice of termination of
When there is a collective bargaining services of any employee who shall fail to fulfill the
agreement, the duty to bargain condition provided in Section 6.1 and 6.2 of this Article
collectively shall also mean that neither
party shall terminate nor modify such Atty. Fuentes sent a letter to the management of PRI
agreement during its lifetime. However, demanding the termination of employees who allegedly
either party can serve a written notice campaigned for, supported and signed the Petition for
to terminate or modify the agreement
Certification Election of the Federation of Free Workers
at least sixty (60) days prior to its
expiration date. It shall be the duty of Union (FFW) during the effectivity of the CBA.
both parties to keep the status quo and NAMAPRI-SPFL considered said act of campaigning
to continue in full force and effect the for and signing the petition for certification election of
terms and conditions of the existing FFW as an act of disloyalty and a valid basis for
agreement during the 60-day period termination for a cause in accordance with its
and/or until a new agreement is Constitution and By-Laws, and the terms and
reached by the parties.
conditions of the CBA, specifically Article II, Sections
6.1 and 6.2 on Union Security Clause.
Despite the lapse of the formal effectivity of the
CBA by virtue of its own provisions, the law
PRI served notices of termination for causes to
considered the same as continuing in force and
effect until a new CBA shall have been validly employees whom NAMAPRIL-SPFL sought to be
executed. Hence, petitioner acted within legal terminated on the ground of acts of disloyalty
bounds when it decided to retire several committed against it when respondents allegedly
employees in accordance with the CBA. supported and signed the Petition for Certification
Election of FFW before the freedom period during the
PICOP RESOURCES, INCORPORATED effectivity of the CBA. A Notice was also served on the
(PRI), Petitioner, DOLE, Caraga Region.
ANACLETO L. TAECA, GEREMIAS S. TATO, Respondents then accused PRI of ULP.
Whether or not respondents were validly terminated.



Union security is a generic term, which is applied to

and comprehends closed shop, union shop,
maintenance of membership, or any other form of
agreement which imposes upon employees the
obligation to acquire or retain union membership as a
condition affecting employment. There is union shop
when all new regular employees are required to join the
union within a certain period as a condition for their
continued employment. There is maintenance of
membership shop when employees, who are union
members as of the effective date of the agreement, or
who thereafter become members, must maintain union
membership as a condition for continued employment
until they are promoted or transferred out of the
bargaining unit, or the agreement is terminated. A
closed shop may be defined as an enterprise in which,
by agreement between the employer and his
employees or their representatives, no person may be
employed in any or certain agreed departments of the
enterprise unless he or she is, becomes, and, for the
duration of the agreement, remains a member in good
standing of a union entirely comprised of or of which
the employees in interest are a part.

However, in terminating the employment of an

employee by enforcing the union security clause, the
employer needs to determine and prove that: (1) the
union security clause is applicable; (2) the union is
requesting for the enforcement of the union security
provision in the CBA; and (3) there is sufficient
evidence to support the decision of the union to expel
the employee from the union. These requisites
constitute just cause for terminating an employee
based on the union security provision of the CBA.

As to the first requisite, there is no question that the

CBA between PRI and respondents included a union
security clause. Secondly, it is likewise undisputed that
NAMAPRI-SPFL, in two (2) occasions demanded from
PRI to terminate the employment of respondents due to
their acts of disloyalty to the Union. However, as to the
third requisite, we find that there is no sufficient
evidence to support the decision of PRI to terminate
the employment of the respondents.

The mere signing of the authorization in support of the

Petition for Certification Election of FFW on March 19,
20 and 21, or before the freedom period, is not
sufficient ground to terminate the employment of
respondents inasmuch as the petition itself was
actually filed during the freedom period. Nothing in the
records would show that respondents failed to maintain
their membership in good standing in the Union.
Respondents did not resign or withdraw their
membership from the Union to which they belong.
Respondents continued to pay their union dues and
never joined the FFW.

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