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sate Ban of India| ening Form pccou" aredta wz ata State Bank of India Form of ecto tbe ie bye parson who does net have other a Permanent Account Numba or Genera InebxRepsvaton Number and who MEkas payment cash in repecfransactonspecodin classe (a) ofrule 1148. Fullname and adores of declarant Paes of rasaction-Opsing of scouts eu ot aneton aroyoussressdtoin? [ves [Jno tyes, 1) Deas WardCicleRange where ast ein fea was fled 1) Reston fro having Peano Acclnt NunboGoneral dex Rogar Naber etal of doce ong proce supa of ressin ok). Vestestion eo herby deat wal tated above eo he est ny krolege a ae Verto ty, 0 ayot Fa Poe: ‘Signature ofthe Gectrant Naminton nese 528 cl Sing Rear At 04a le) the Bakr Crpanes (Nowa) al, 865 repel faker emia we. ornate the otoxing person o whom “ inthe vont of mylowininars deat the aout he deposi, parle where ae given Below may berets by State Bank fn, Details of Deposits: oestipo tes: EEE ‘onal et any Dela ofthe Nominee bit of omnes: Relatonship wah tb Soper. hoe seaess: [TTT TTI TOT TTT TT COLETTI TTT TT TTT TT rrr rrr ew (TTTTTTTTTTTTT) Ps sm: [TTT TTT TTT TTT CIF No, fNominae tobe sy t.oPC) [| | |] 111111 {As he nominees a mina on thi at, He appont Shunt ‘age._ yous. news: | oats TT UT rth amount of te depos on Beha of te nominee inthe event of my/our mins death cing he miraty of te noses. one ws fe | race ah tt “ oe Name: “Who deposits made ine rame ofa minor, the ramnaton shud be sgned bya person lawful ented io act on baba of he ino. ‘Thur impresson(s) shal be atested by tao persons. arefia ae ta State Bank of (Foretosuse only) CIF bate: — Acca Na 1 4. Pease it up BLOCK ltrs a and se back nk rise Pleaseleave ene bask even wo wats Tk) Ie apron bes, 2. Fells makes ast) re oot many 3 Phase ica pssper Sam para te bax povided. ARO else ante sarap raf In ta passbook 4 Forepaing account of irars, where pot trys sal arta, these wlbe pode by FaerMshr ae Natural Gan. 5 incatact ao cstrrs, Lat Thumb gression) tb6 afc a ef. Custer Type: [Pate [Sut Senor ian: [ee Minor: [Ives Name: (ve Cite, Elves, otter Name ofFaher Husband Guardian: [JM _|_)Ms. [_]Mew. | ]Obwr Landman ow state! Topo, Moser ; eesti coo ios) Sunes Compote asses] o Landa iy: state: Tepe. Fave. tal Ads: = ae Wweome: [metty [_Jerruslly Assets (approximate value): Rs. oe ‘potion: [Hindu = ]usim = ]chistan [] san Ol oters seagoy: Jeane Ejone = Ese Elst seston cutcaton: nance Jendate Pon atate ones ‘occupation Type:[JSabried []Satorsloyed [—]Butness [~] Reed i sede CJoters Orguniars Nae “Deinsoucteson passport vo. [TTT TT TT TTT TL) cotter. ir.Pa cnremomt ] == 5 Vee: Clee (El twewet Eonar eral] LUtotnurance Value: JUpio2iate —E]Upios tks] Above State foment Utchswmee: lsu Clone cee sxaingienme: — Jewun EE] Jpvewaiian [Jeet an Josten owe [lawetrd ower JRons emtne Muon rint: Ese jon [EN metre raat cars [ssrcas ones aredta we at State Bank of India Identiation stall Passport ALONE whare the adress on he passpod is the same a he Correspondence Adress mentoned onthe est page of hs form vsswes at [TTT TTT TT TTTT ETE TET TT TT) setae Any ane document tom sch of tb undarotad no clumns fora phsto-aety and prot fees (Pease tk tho appropri box and pe dtl below root of deny Proof of edare 1B) Vote 10 ea ©) PAN ca {of Corespondence Adaress) 8} Salary stp (thao) () income taxiWeats ax assesan D) ovine cat ) feerey ! oy ewes 9) becouse ‘| {G) Phote-D card issued by Post Office G) Letter from a reputed employer | cer orarat (ten eppoved by UGC) ATE 1) Raton oa (eae | » tater ters earns ate ons Raptr anv Lions Ago peso pgwenanf | | Sve, the Kenty and vesiience of [| uscratcre; wher ne stunt resicest Ly For students resiing with eaves, aderss proof of lates along wih hot [] identy root Iaaved at: lasve date ese date "Refer fo the Savings Bank oe CEPT LLL Jet 9at sonata Ee lam an hoe of account numb sears and personaly |, ‘monthlyare ane cof hherneitenty and asec a sated above, snow the appt) for more than song xe | Date: — SoSH OH SSS FST Ti ia ant trea arate ope ny Sa Capon nsf unde, arated KC roma peo by na tm re ‘eared Ve documents rnd er laren al eal anes csc rane he pute ive Weep eet {Tin anode uu o fa oy pweie esate eben Pe wares ‘pane dean Piso deaf or er arnt roe Bark ‘arc aa Tank [aero TS CEE EeECCEEEEECeeee EeECCEEEEECeeee CCEEEEEEECELEe) \ Seam Date lex ink | Place: el Det oe ro Krieon mas any. eh al ora (ant este pica) Tang rope a name cone punetes oor oosonston oe at ssi HE Opening Form: Part ° saris 2 aa State Bank of India ate (Foroce we onb)rccout oT TTT TILT L LI) Shears Tea Bo Ao hr Touring Doan ose Sevgs sot Acorn ot Tomonee (ones Nostills Account Special Term Deposit ine, | ‘Savings Plus Account ‘Multi Option Deposit Scheme linked with ‘nous ache | Promlum Savings Account ‘Savings Sank [-] Current Account [7] Secrest | comrnce cman jenna a Sra ha Crm tovemesnnyememcre LE LLLLELET] ‘Second Holder Name: GIF no. (10 be filed in by brancrwucPcy:[ | | | | TT [ T ] 1) ae ‘IF a: 8 ed ny branevL GPO}: 1 NNLCOMDEBT CARD Verlander pipet te = cae aS RESTS ist] | [ ]Oomeste [ ]Gaid wrorstionst | ] [Jose Joa oro!) FCEEEeCeeCeee eee) (Cloenesis Joo enson! ©} | PEPER Fas to ay ao So ad [ ] CEeRETTTTTII CLCLOSOT TTT) [ ] OCAeRETTTITTT) OCCCSToO TTT TTT) 2. INTERNET BANKING: Viewing rights: [ ]1st[|2nd | ] 2 apteant Transaction ght: [|1et[]2nd [| 3x apoeant(plase tek) 3. MOBILE BANKING: Mobile Banking Service tobe enabled on this no, |€ SMS ALERTS: SMS Alerts on mobile number as mentioned in Part! [| Reaured | |Netrequrea 5 CHEQUEBOOK: —Typeof Cheque Book: [_|Ordnay [_]Muttsy [_]Both “enue sorleto ratte creas 6 STATEMENT FREQUENCY: [_]Monhiy [_Javatery [_]Hal'yeary (frcorer secu ‘SintmentiobesenttowmalidasmentonedinParst: [] Roques []Notroqures Mode of Operation Clsetony [letmeror seer [romerersuewor [Janyeneorsunier [Jvonty Jone sea psp pases Pats pars oe me im ao 2a Apion stdin Fel ec eae aredta ee ate State Bank of India 4 TERM DEPOSIT [7 /SPECIAL TERM DEPOSIT [] Amount: Rs Ain words) Period yowie)_ mon) ays, Incaso of Term Deposit, riorest payaso: [Money [_]Querory Maturiy matron Payment struction Waury PoceoaenmaT naa] [__ Ata ranen" pnp yao mw wr ponwe Tl 8y rei omy bark aecourt no. ‘Aue renew pips aes H yore never eer | CTT TTTTTTTITTT TI at ren — [JPay pnt inorest | —]Pay pea [ley Barkers Gregus /Darand rah 2, MULTLOPTION DEPOSIT SCHEME Ws naraby ave corse: for debit my! our arcount for racvering sre charges a romallyaplab to Savings Bark and Gut Account. esswensewcmeeacennns LL LLL LLL LLL STD Monty statment Ra,______ []sandnginatucton tan) oastaccontee, CT 111 LLITT 114 monte) [Jonmatiiy, cust pacetetoarcomsne. [| T TTT 1TII11 4 SAVINGS PLUS] /PRENIUM SAVINGS ACCOUNT] Avto-swoop fatty Inks Svng!Curent Accourt wer Tem Ospest Accent. You Savings PusPromtm Sawngs Account balance eboe 2 {resttevabo or 2 minmum aunt of Rs10.000 ard m mee of R"000 m ry on Mstnca s vnstares to @ Mu-Opton Oepest {400} an eee mses oppleebeta he HOD Tweshotd amounts [[ [| [PP 111d Neiman een sweep tine ay (example Monday, Tad) of evaywaok ofr Savings Pa Account) | SSE errs RE (OR (erate St 2n) of very month Basing on Underverse sweep fay forbroaking he MOD, the MOD obs broken by. []Lastingat ot] Frat n et out ‘5 NO-FRILLS ACCOUNT | decar at my present oss many incom snot more tan RS. 5.00. | shal fom you whenever exceeds R000 | understand thet the value of my buses connacton nang other tty produce ie Recuring Depost oe Tam Dapost, exceed R000, tvs account wi ‘eate to bs Novi’ eocount” The sceoun wi than be Weed an normal Savings Bank account, gvernad by the tema and condions spalcable to Such accounts. shal aie by the Koaw Your Custamer noms os sipule or ta a Uns. 6. FOR JOINT ACCOUNTS WITH ‘EITHER OR SURVIVOR’ OR ANYONE OR SURVIVOR’ MODE OF OPERATION We have t ais that State Bank of Inia may pay to ayono of us. ry day sir before oF on due eat, anor a ue date an where no ue {ato 5 foe, 0 domara, the rina along nisrost. Payment fo anf one of us fs aseharge fhe Bank For all of us, wil you rece a noo eriary fit fom baal of us. n ease of Seat f anyone, amour te pa othe Sure) 1 Wie have read and understood te bs an eguans of produ) senvc() sla Tor sh age aside by els nd eaaitongrelg ae anu! hare als ay charges rough seat Bett Hor in aie. A copy 3 te Seige Bank lsd tegultora hat boon rade svrble lo ‘ey fe me ofa ero. Fura le undersand a Uwe have te option t operate ths acounltvugh ny mete bande! using MPIN apr Terms 4nd Condtans played on Bars webste war.s.coin. Furs. we have read and understood te provons coraied inthe “Ter of Serve Gocumant of “OninaS8I” othe Barks wabslo wwe.sbco.n and acapt hem. Uwe are tal fe Yancacton executes ovo “OnneSBM” unser my \Usemame and Password wil be bing. The Bar nilos io amend a "Trms of Sore document of ‘OntneSBP Fomine fb, erie yor ioe | saa | on s so a Nomination Nomination, traquire Al Form DA on pag no. 2 ohare sgn below Um isd a ano nonvate ay pan naa

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