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How to do the “Imagine you Were” Assignment (Due Friday Sept 3)

Length: 1000 words minimum 2000 words maximum.

Task: Examine an episode or parable in the Gospels (select from the list below). You
must retell the story but from the perspective of a character other than Jesus. Do not
simply re-hash the biblical text – instead, try to add an understanding of the culture,
traditions, customs, law codes, relationships, history, geography, clothing, etc, that are
relevant to a proper understanding of the story. Consult at least eight 4 books or other
sources of research. This essay tests both research ability and imagination in putting
it together.

Mark 5:1-20 (tell it from the perspective of the demon-possessed man)

Mark 5:21-34 (tell it from the perspective of the sick woman)

Luke 7:36-50 (tell it from the perspective of the sinful woman)

Luke 17:11-19 (tell it from the perspective of the Samaritan leper)

Luke 19:1-10 (tell it from the perspective of Zacchaeus)

John 4:1-42 (tell it from the perspective of the Samaritan woman)

Start: Read the passage for yourself a number of times, and make a preliminary
attempt to telling the story without looking at any other resources.

 It is likely you will be wrong on some things, but on other things your
imagination will serve you well. This way of doing things allows you to think
original thoughts first.

Then: Research your passage using background resources:

Craig Keener, Bible Backgrounds Commentary (find the passage) – this book is in
Closed Reserve, under 225.7 KEE. Additional copies in Reference section under
225.7 KEE

Clinton Arnold (ed.), Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backcegrounds Commentary (find

the passage) – in Reference section under 225.7 ARN

Everett Ferguson, Backgrounds of Early Christianity (use index to find topics like
women, demon-possessed, Samaritans, etc) – in Closed Reserve under 270.1 FER.
For commentaries on Matthew, Mark, Luke or John, see the section 226 in the library.

Good commentary series – Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

Bible Speaks Today commentaries IVP New Testament Commentaries

Other Good Books

J.J. Pilch, Biblical Social Values and the Meaning (use the index/contents to find
topics relevant to your passage) in Closed Reserve 225.9503 PIL

Kenneth Bailey, Jesus through Middle Eastern Eyes (use the index to find topics) in
Closed Reserve under 232.9 BAI

J. Green and S McKnight, Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels (use the index to find
topics) in Reference 226.03 GRE.

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