CA Schedule 2017

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meetings will be held at 8:00 pm in Hugh Mackenzie Lecture Theatre 104 (Kelburne Parade), on Tuesday nights, unless
noted otherwise.

23 March Diana Burton (Victoria), A cartwheel for Apollo: personal votives in

Greek sanctuaries

25 April Prof. Matthew Trundle (University of Auckland), Greek rituals and

Warfare: Sacrifices and Trophies

15 May (Monday) Andrew Wallace-Hadrill (Cambridge), Herculaneum: new discoveries

from old excavations

6 June James McNamara (Cambridge), In ipso terrarum ac naturae fine: The

ends of the earth in Tacitus Agricola

28 June (Wednesday) The Classical Association Postgraduate Symposium

11 July Peter Gainsford (Victoria), Songs, stones, and soothsayers: early

Greek hexameter poetry

8 August 6:30, The Classics Pub Quiz, Hunter Lounge. MC: Dr. Simon Perris
Please note change of date

15 August Bridget Buxton (University of Rhode Island), How to find ancient

shipwrecks (and what happens next)

29 August Anastasia Bakogianni (Massey University), Masked Celluloid

Classics: Ancient Echoes in Theo Angelopoulos Last Trilogia

19 September Judy Deuling (Victoria), A Nite in the VUW Classics Museum

17 October Simon Perris (Victoria), Classical Scholarship and Mori Oral

Tradition: The Curious Case of Agathe Thornton

14 November Hans Mueller (Union College in Schenectady New York), Denizens

of the Night in Ancient Rome
other events include the School Quiz Nite, the Touchstone Competition, and the VATS production of Euripides Alcestis

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