Statement of The Problem

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Statement of the problem

The study aims to compare the computer based- examination and the

paper and pencil test in the Nursing Informatics class of BSN Batch 2014


Specifically it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the performances of the control group in the paper and

pencil test during the pre and post intervention phase?

2. What are the performances of the experimental group in the

computer based examination (CBE) during the pre and post

intervention phase?
3. How do the performances of the control group differ with the

performances of the experimental group?

4. How do the computer- based exam compared with the paper and

pencil test?


There is no significant difference in the performances of the control

group and the experimental group.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study may provide great significance to the following:

Respondents. This study could aid in the improvement of examination by

evaluating the response of the students on computer based exam and paper

and pencil examination their preferences, advantages and disadvantages.

Professor and University. This study will help the College and the Professors to

evaluate the effectiveness of the computer based exam (CBE) This study would

evaluate the performance of students in CBE.

Researchers. The researchers would become aware of the effectiveness of the

Computer Based Examinations used in nursing informatics class.

Future Researchers. The study will provide future researchers data on the

effectiveness of computer based examination.

Scope and Limitation

The researcher will compare CBE and paper pencil test in Nursign

Informatics class of BSN Batch 2014. The research will be conducted on Centro

Escolar University, College of nursing Manila. The research will be limited to

Batch 2014 Students of the College of Nursing enrolled in Nursing Informatics

class in summer 2012.

Definition of Terms

The terms included in the research paper are have been defined to

facilitate easy understanding of the study.

Academic. This describes to college, academy, school other educational

institution especially one for higher education,

areas of study that are not primarily vocational or applied. It describes in the

study the new curriculum implemented on BSN students Batch 2014.

BSN Students. This refers to the BSN batch 2014 the respondents of the

study being evaluated on their performances in the CBE and paper and pencil


Comparison. This refers to the comparison between the result of Paper

pencil test vs. CBE who will be perform by the assign sample group in the


Computer. This refers to device or machine for making calculations or

controlling operations that is expressible in numerical or logical terms. It is the

device use in computer based examination and it is the most essential

contributing factor in the study of evaluating CBT performance in Nursing

Informatics class.

Computer based examination. This refers to a computer examination

that will be perform by the experimental group through the use of computer


Computer literacy. This refers to the understanding computers and

related systems. It includes a working vocabulary of computer and information

system components, the fundamental principles of computer processing and a

perspective for how non-technical people interact with technical people, it

describes the ability of the student as a factor in dealing with computer in

computer base examination in Nursing Informatics class.

Control group. This refers the sample group who will perform the exam

through paper and pencil exam and will be compare the result to Experimental


Curriculum. This refers to the totality of learning experiences provided to

students so that they can attain general skills and knowledge at a variety of

learning sites, planned learnings for which the school is responsible. It refers

to the new curriculum implemented in BSN Student Batch 2014 including the

subject Nursing Informatics and being evaluated in the study based on CBT

versus written examination performance.

Experimental group. This refers the sample group who will perform the

CBE and the result will compare to the control group.

Nursing Informatics. This describes to the integration of nursing, its

information, and information management with information processing and

communication technology, to support the health of people worldwide specialty

of Medical Informatics and deals with the support of nursing by information

systems in delivery, documentation, administration and evaluation of patient

care and prevention of diseases. It refers to the study as the subject being

evaluated through CBT versus written exam in Nursing Informatics class

performance of the BSN Batch 2014.

Paper and pencil test. This refers to the used of written exam that will

be used by the control group in the study.

Performance. This refers to the execution or accomplishment of works,

act, feats etc. This refers to the study as the performances of BSN student

batch 2014 of Nursing Informatics summer class in the CBE and paper and

pencil test.

Technology. This refers to the sum of the ways in which social groups

provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization. In the study it

is the used of new devices specifically computer in dealing with CBE in Nursing

Informatics class.

Jean L. Mckenchie Websters New Twentieth Century Dictionary of the

English Language, Prentice Hall Press New York, NY 10023,1983

Locsin, R. C. 2005. Technological competency as caring in nursing: A

model for practice. Indianapolis: Sigma Theta Tau International.

Locsin, R. C. 2006. Technological competency as caring and the practice

of knowing persons as whole. In M. E. Parker (Ed.), Nursing theories and

nursing practice. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. (2nd ed.,pp. 380-388)

Locsin, R. C. 2006. Technological competency as caring and the practice

of knowing persons as whole. In M. E. Parker (Ed.), Nursing theories and

nursing practice Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. (2nd ed.,pp. 380-388).

Johanna T. Guenther Mapping the literature of nursing informatics,

Medical Library Association Copyright 2006

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