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Invalid hostname.

A valid hostname consists of alphanumeric characters [a-zA-Z0-9]

and dash [-].
Please enter the new hostname []: nnfas3040b
Do you want to enable IPv6? [n]:
Do you want to configure interface groups? [n]:
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0a []:
Please enter the netmask for Network Interface e0a []:
Should interface e0a take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]:
Please answer "y" or "n".
Should interface e0a take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]: y
The clustered failover software is not yet licensed. To enable
network failover, you should run the 'license' command for
clustered failover.
Please enter the IPv4 address or interface name to be taken over by e0a []:
Please enter media type for e0a {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)}
Please enter flow control for e0a {none, receive, send, full} [full]:
Do you want e0a to support jumbo frames? [n]:
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0b []:
Should interface e0b take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]:
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0c []:
Should interface e0c take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]:
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0d []:
Should interface e0d take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]:
Please enter the name or IP address of the IPv4 default gateway:
The administration host is given root access to the filer's
/etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root access
to all NFS clients enter RETURN below.
Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host:
Please enter timezone [GMT]:
Where is the filer located? []:
Enter the root directory for HTTP files [/home/http]:
Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]:
Do you want to run NIS client? [n]:
May 08 08:16:58 [localhost:asup.general.optout:debug]: This system will send event
messages and weekly reports to NetApp Technical Support. To disable this feature,
enter "options off" within 24 hours. Enabling
AutoSupport can significantly speed problem determination and resolution.
This system will send event messages and weekly reports to NetApp Technical
Support. To disable this feature, enter "options off"
within 24 hours. Enabling AutoSupport can significantly speed problem determination
and resolution should a problem occur on your system. For further information on
AutoSupport, please see:
Press the return key to continue.

The Remote LAN Module (RLM) provides remote management capabilities

including console redirection, logging and power control.
It also extends autosupport by sending
additional system event alerts. Your autosupport settings are used
for sending these alerts via email over the RLM LAN interface.
Would you like to configure the RLM LAN interface [y]: n
The Shelf Alternate Control Path Management process provides the ability
to recover from certain SAS shelf module failures and provides a level of
availability that is higher than systems not using the Alternate Control
Path Management process.
Do you want to configure the Shelf Alternate Control Path Management interface for
SAS shelves [n]:
The initial aggregate currently contains 3 disks; you may add more
disks to it later using the "aggr add" command.
Setting the administrative (root) password for nnfas3040b ...
New password:
Retype new password:
May 08 08:17:15 [nnfas3040b:passwd.changed:info]: passwd for user 'root' changed.
May 08 08:17:15 [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.notFound:notice]: Stored checksum file does
not exist, extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz.
May 08 08:17:15 [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.mismatch:notice]: Stored checksum 0 does not
match calculated checksum 1809165170, extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz.
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:tar.extract.success:info]: Completed extracting
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.notFound:notice]: Stored checksum file does
not exist, extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz.
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.mismatch:notice]: Stored checksum 0 does not
match calculated checksum 287914885, extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz.
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:tar.extract.success:info]: Completed extracting
Fri May 8 08:17May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:kern.syslog.msg:info]: Registry is
being upgraded to improve storing of local changes.
:17 GMT [nnfas3040b: rc:info]: Registry is being upgraded to improve storing of
local changes.
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:kern.syslog.msg:info]: Registry upgrade successful.
Fri May 8 08:17:17 GMT [nnfas3040b: rc:info]: Registry upgrade successful.
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:fcmon.status:info]: FCMON is running
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The role 'compliance'
has been added.
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The role 'backup' has
been modified.
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The group 'Backup
Operators' has been modified.
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on
all disk drives
May 08 08:17:17 [nnfas3040b:perf.archive.start:info]: Performance archiver started.
Sampling 29 objects and 421 counters.
add net default: gateway
May 08 08:17:18 [nnfas3040b:coredump.findcore.nocore:debug]: No unsaved cores could
be found
There are 3 spare disks; you may want to use the vol or aggr command
to create new volumes or aggregates or add disks to the existing aggregate.
SSH Server is not configured. Please use the command
'secureadmin setup ssh' to configure the server.
May 08 08:17:18 [nnfas3040b:mgr.opsmgr.autoreg.norec:warning]: Data ONTAP could not
perform automatic registration for OnCommand Unified Manager because Data ONTAP
could not find SRV records for the server or because the server is not located on
this subnet.
May 08 08:17:18 [nnfas3040b:mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release 8.1.4P1 7-Mode
boot complete. Last disk update written at Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 GMT 1970

May 08 08:17:18 []: Warning: cf is not

licensed yet the node once had a controller failover partner
May 08 08:17:19 [nnfas3040b:mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted after
May 08 08:17:19 [nnfas3040b:callhome.reboot.poweron:info]: Call home for REBOOT
(poSystemwer on)
Can'it set Mnay 08 0i8:17:19t
[nnfasi3040b:hattpd.colnfig.miizme.missaing:wartning]: i/etc/htotpd.mimnetypes.
sample hfile isa missinsg.
Ma cy 08 08o:17:19 m[nnfas3p040b:htltpd.conefig.mimte.missieng:warnding]: /
etc/httsupd.mimectypes fcile is emissings.
ng]: /e 08:f17:19 [unnfas30l40b:httlpd.confyig.mime..missin
tc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
cifs branchcache server secret.
Ipspace "acp-ipspace" crMay 08 08:17:19 []:
Although vFiler units are licensed, the routing daemon runs in the default IP space
May 08 08:17:19 [nnfas3040b:lmgr.dup.reclaim.locks:debug]: Aborting lock reclaims
on volume: 'aggr0' initiated by: 'boot_grace_start' because of pending reclaims.
May 08 08:17:19 [nnfas3040b:secureadmin.ssh.setup.passed:info]: SSH setup is done
and ssh2 is enabled. Host keys are stored in /etc/sshd/ssh_host_key,
/etc/sshd/ssh_host_rsa_key, and /etc/sshd/ssh_host_dsa_key.

Fri May 8 08:17:22 GMT 2015

Password: Fri May 8 08:17:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.notFound:notice]: Stored

checksum file does not exist, extracting /mroot_late.tgz.
Fri May 8 08:17:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.mismatch:notice]: Stored checksum 0
does not match calculated checksum 0, extracting /mroot_late.tgz.
Fri May 8 08:17:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:tar.extract.success:info]: Completed extracting
Fri May 8 08:17:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.notFound:notice]: Stored checksum file
does not exist, extracting /platform/pmroot_late.tgz.
Fri May 8 08:17:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.mismatch:notice]: Stored checksum 0
does not match calculated checksum 3413375557, extracting
Fri May 8 08:17:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:kern.time.conv.complete:notice]: Timekeeping
configuration has been propagated.
Fri May 8 08:17:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 08:17:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 08:17:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0a.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 08:17:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 08:17:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 08:17:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.

Login incorrect

Password: Fri May 8 08:17:43 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.rg.spares.low:warning]:

Fri May 8 08:17:43 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.spares.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 08:17:43 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 08:17:43 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 08:17:43 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.encl.access:error]: Call home for

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 08:17:49 GMT [nnfas3040b: console_login_mgr:info]: root

logged in from console
Fri May 8 08:17:49 GMT [nnfas3040b:rlm.driver.timeout:warning]: The software
driver for the Remote LAN Module (RLM) detected a problem: waiting for SP response
in loopd.

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 08:17:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:tar.extract.success:info]:
Completed extracting /platform/pmroot_late.tgz.

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 08:17:55 GMT [nnfas3040b:rlm.notConfigured:warning]: The
system's Remote LAN Module (RLM) is not configured. Use the 'rlm setup' command to
configure it.
Fri May 8 08:17:55 GMT []: Remote LAN
Module (RLM) network port link down due to cable or network errors.
s not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040b> systemFri May 8 08:18:02 GMT
[nnfas3040b:monitor.globalStatus.critical:CRITICAL]: There are not enough spare
disks. Disk shelf configuration error.

command usage :: system health

nnfas3040b> help
? fpolicy nis sis
acpadmin fsecurity options smtape
aggr ftp orouted snap
arp halt partner snaplock
autosupport help passwd snapmirror
backup hostname ping snapvault
bmc httpstat ping6 snmp
cdpd ic pktt software
cf ifconfig portset source
charmap ifgrp priority sp
cifs ifstat priv stats
clone igroup qtree storage
config ipsec quota sysconfig
coredump ipspace radius sysstat
date iscsi rdate system
dcb key_manager rdfile timezone
df keymgr reallocate traceroute
disk license reboot traceroute6
disk_fw_update lock restore ups
dns logger restore_backup uptime
download logout revert_to useradmin
du lun rlm version
dump man route vfiler
echo maxfiles routed vlan
ems mt rshstat vmservices
environment nbtstat sasadmin vol
exportfs ndmpcopy sasstat vscan
fcadmin ndmpd savecore wcc
fcnic ndp sectrace wrfile
fcp netdiag secureadmin ypcat
fcstat netstat setup ypgroup
file nfs sftp ypmatch
flexcache nfsstat shelfchk ypwhich
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 08:18:19 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.performance.snap:info]:

nnfas3040b> sysconfig -d
Device HA SHELF BAY CHAN Disk Vital Product Information
---------- --------------- ----- ------------------------------
0a.16 0a ? ? FC:A 3KR3VPKG00009738BBCA
0a.18 0a ? ? FC:A 3KR3X00W00009739DUCE
0a.19 0a ? ? FC:A 3KR3X0B700009738R3FW
0a.32 0a 2 0 FC:A 3LM1P6990000980654FY
0a.33 0a 2 1 FC:A 3LM1Q8ZD0000980692FW
0a.34 0a 2 2 FC:A 3LM1Q925000098065630
0c.16 0c ? ? FC:B 3KR3VYFW00009738C5EK
0c.18 0c ? ? FC:B 3KR3WQYE00009738CQJV
0c.19 0c ? ? FC:B 3KR3WMQX00009738AYEP
0c.32 0c 2 0 FC:B 3LM1NPRE0000980656W6
0c.33 0c 2 1 FC:B 3LM1NPRZ0000980656KQ
0c.34 0c 2 2 FC:B 3LM1MB2M00009805U76R
nnfas3040b> help
? fpolicy nis sis
acpadmin fsecurity options smtape
aggr ftp orouted snap
arp halt partner snaplock
autosupport help passwd snapmirror
backup hostname ping snapvault
bmc httpstat ping6 snmp
cdpd ic pktt software
cf ifconfig portset source
charmap ifgrp priority sp
cifs ifstat priv stats
clone igroup qtree storage
config ipsec quota sysconfig
coredump ipspace radius sysstat
date iscsi rdate system
dcb key_manager rdfile timezone
df keymgr reallocate traceroute
disk license reboot traceroute6
disk_fw_update lock restore ups
dns logger restore_backup uptime
download logout revert_to useradmin
du lun rlm version
dump man route vfiler
echo maxfiles routed vlan
ems mt rshstat vmservices
environment nbtstat sasadmin vol
exportfs ndmpcopy sasstat vscan
fcadmin ndmpd savecore wcc
fcnic ndp sectrace wrfile
fcp netdiag secureadmin ypcat
fcstat netstat setup ypgroup
file nfs sftp ypmatch
flexcache nfsstat shelfchk ypwhich
nnfas3040b> license
cf not licensed
cf_remote not licensed
cifs not licensed
compression ENABLED
disk_sanitization ENABLED
fcp not licensed
flash_cache ENABLED
flex_clone not licensed
flex_scale ENABLED
flexcache_nfs ENABLED
insight_balance not licensed
multistore not licensed
nearstore_option ENABLED
nfs not licensed
operations_manager not licensed
persistent_archive ENABLED
protection_manager not licensed
provisioning_manager not licensed
smdomino not licensed
smsql not licensed
snapdrive_windows not licensed
snaplock not licensed
snaplock_enterprise not licensed
snapmanager_hyperv not licensed
snapmanager_oracle not licensed
snapmanager_sap not licensed
snapmanager_sharepoint not licensed
snapmanager_vi not licensed
snapmanagerexchange not licensed
snapmirror not licensed
snapmirror_sync not licensed
snapmover ENABLED
snaprestore not licensed
snapvalidator not licensed
storage_services ENABLED
sv_application_pri not licensed
sv_linux_pri not licensed
sv_ontap_pri not licensed
sv_ontap_sec not licensed
sv_unix_pri not licensed
sv_vi_pri not licensed
sv_windows_ofm_pri not licensed
sv_windows_pri not licensed
syncmirror_local not licensed
v-series not licensed
nnfas3040b> help license
license - license appliance services
nnfas3040b> license SXIADLK
license: syntax error.
license usage:
license add <code> ...
license delete <service> ...
license help
nnfas3040b> license add SXIADLK
A cf license has been installed.
Controller Failover will be enabled upon reboot.
Make sure that each individual service is licensed
on both nodes or on neither node. Remember to configure
the network interfaces for the other node.
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 08:22:13 GMT [nnfas3040b: rc:notice]: cf licensed
license add EYPPNOJ
A cifs license has been installed.
Run cifs setup to enable cifs.
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 08:22:26 GMT [nnfas3040b: rc:notice]: cifs licensed

nnfas3040b> license add SJXKPWA
A fcp license has been installed.
Run 'fcp start' to start the FCP service.
Also run 'lun setup' if necessary to configure LUNs.
FCP enabled.
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 08:22:36 GMT [nnfas3040b: rc:notice]: fcp licensed

nnfas3040b> license add YCVTIVH

A nfs license has been installed.
nfs enabled.
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 08:22:52 GMT [nnfas3040b: rc:notice]: nfs licensed

nnfas3040b> license add KXELSHL

A snaprestore license has been installed.
snaprestore enabled.
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 08:23:06 GMT [nnfas3040b: rc:notice]: snaprestore licensed

nnfas3040b> license help
license usage:
license add <code> ...
license delete <service> ...
license help
nnfas3040b> http help
http not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040b> http ?
http not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040b> ?
? fpolicy nis sis
acpadmin fsecurity options smtape
aggr ftp orouted snap
arp halt partner snaplock
autosupport help passwd snapmirror
backup hostname ping snapvault
bmc httpstat ping6 snmp
cdpd ic pktt software
cf ifconfig portset source
charmap ifgrp priority sp
cifs ifstat priv stats
clone igroup qtree storage
config ipsec quota sysconfig
coredump ipspace radius sysstat
date iscsi rdate system
dcb key_manager rdfile timezone
df keymgr reallocate traceroute
disk license reboot traceroute6
disk_fw_update lock restore ups
dns logger restore_backup uptime
download logout revert_to useradmin
du lun rlm version
dump man route vfiler
echo maxfiles routed vlan
ems mt rshstat vmservices
environment nbtstat sasadmin vol
exportfs ndmpcopy sasstat vscan
fcadmin ndmpd savecore wcc
fcnic ndp sectrace wrfile
fcp netdiag secureadmin ypcat
fcstat netstat setup ypgroup
file nfs sftp ypmatch
flexcache nfsstat shelfchk ypwhich
nnfas3040b> license
cf_remote not licensed
compression ENABLED
disk_sanitization ENABLED
flash_cache ENABLED
flex_clone not licensed
flex_scale ENABLED
flexcache_nfs ENABLED
insight_balance not licensed
multistore not licensed
nearstore_option ENABLED
operations_manager not licensed
persistent_archive ENABLED
protection_manager not licensed
provisioning_manager not licensed
smdomino not licensed
smsql not licensed
snapdrive_windows not licensed
snaplock not licensed
snaplock_enterprise not licensed
snapmanager_hyperv not licensed
snapmanager_oracle not licensed
snapmanager_sap not licensed
snapmanager_sharepoint not licensed
snapmanager_vi not licensed
snapmanagerexchange not licensed
snapmirror not licensed
snapmirror_sync not licensed
snapmover ENABLED
snaprestore KXELSHL
snapvalidator not licensed
storage_services ENABLED
sv_application_pri not licensed
sv_linux_pri not licensed
sv_ontap_pri not licensed
sv_ontap_sec not licensed
sv_unix_pri not licensed
sv_vi_pri not licensed
sv_windows_ofm_pri not licensed
sv_windows_pri not licensed
syncmirror_local not licensed
v-series not licensed
nnfas3040b> ptions http.enable on
ptions not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040b> options http.enable on
Setting invalid option http.enable failed.
No such option http.enable
nnfas3040b> options http.enable onoptions http
Setting invalid option http.enable failed.
No such option http.enable
nnfas3040b> options http
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable off
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on on
httpd.autoindex.enable off
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable off
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300
httpd.timewait.enable off
nnfas3040b> httpd.admin.enable on
httpd.admin.enable not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040b> options httpd.enable on
nnfas3040b> options http
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable off
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on on
httpd.autoindex.enable off
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable on
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300
httpd.timewait.enable off
nnfas3040b> options httpd.enable on
nnfas3040b> options httpd.admin.enable on
nnfas3040b> options http
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable on
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on on
httpd.autoindex.enable off
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable on
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300
httpd.timewait.enable off
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 08:33:16 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool01:warning]: HTTP XML
Authentication failed from
Fri May 8 08:33:22 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool02:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from

Phoenix TrustedCore(tm) Server

Copyright 1985-2004 Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
All Rights Reserved
BIOS version: 2.5.0
Portions Copyright (c) 2006-2009 NetApp All Rights Reserved
CPU= AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 250 X 2
Testing RAM
512MB RAM tested
4096MB RAM installed
Fixed Disk 0: NACF1GBJU-B11

Boot Loader version 1.8

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
Portions Copyright (C) 2002-2009 NetApp

CPU Type: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 250

Starting AUTOBOOT press Ctrl-C to abort...
Loading x86_64/freebsd/image2/kernel:.....0x100000/8455008 0x910360/1278312 Entry
at 0x80158990
Loading x86_64/freebsd/image2/platform.ko:.0xa49000/655152 0xb97c40/694752
0xae8f40/39656 0xc41620/43152 0xaf2a28/86316 0xb07b54/63858 0xb174e0/140640
0xc4beb0/159120 0xb39a40/2024 0xc72c40/6072 0xb3a228/304 0xc743f8/912 0xb3a358/1680
0xc74788/5040 0xb3a9e8/960 0xc75b38/2880 0xb3ada8/184 0xc76678/552 0xb3ae60/448
0xb6f000/12918 0xb97b53/237 0xb72278/84120 0xb86b10/69699
Starting program at 0x80158990
NetApp Data ONTAP 8.1.4P1 7-Mode
Copyright (C) 1992-2014 NetApp.
All rights reserved.
md1.uzip: 25536 x 16384 blocks
md2.uzip: 5760 x 16384 blocks
* *
* Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu. *
* *
^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^C^CBoot Menu will be available.

WARNING: The battery is unfit to retain data during a power

outage. This is likely because the battery is
discharged but could be due to other temporary
When the battery is ready, the boot process will
complete and services will be engaged.
To override this delay, press 'c' followed by 'Enter'

WARNING: The battery is unfit to retain data during a power

outage. This is likely because the battery is
discharged but could be due to other temporary
When the battery is ready, the boot process will
complete and services will be engaged.
To override this delay, press 'c' followed by 'Enter'

CAUTION: Using this appliance without NVRAM

battery backup coupled with a power
failure condition CAN CAUSE DATA LOSS.
Are you sure you want to continue (y or n)? y
Delay for charging canceled by user. Charger is ON

Please choose one of the following:

(1) Normal Boot.

(2) Boot without /etc/rc.
(3) Change password.
(4) Clean configuration and initialize all disks.
(5) Maintenance mode boot.
(6) Update flash from backup config.
(7) Install new software first.
(8) Reboot node.
Selection (1-8)? 4a
May 08 08:42:49 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0d
link online.
May 08 08:42:49 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0a
link online.
May 08 08:42:51 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0c
link online.
May 08 08:42:52 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0b
link online.
May 08 08:42:55 [localhost:fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed
on Fibre Channel adapter 2a.
May 08 08:42:55 [localhost:fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed
on Fibre Channel adapter 2b.
May 08 08:42:59 [localhost:diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has been
enabled for this system
May 08 08:42:59 [localhost:dcs.framework.enabled:info]: The DCS framework is
enabled on this node.
add host gateway
WAFL CPLEDGER is enabled. Checklist = 0x7ff841ff
May 08 08:43:00 [localhost:wafl.memory.status:info]: 1942MB of memory is currently
available for the WAFL file system.
May 08 08:43:00 [localhost:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up.

May 08 08:43:01 []: No sparecore disk was

found for host 0.
......May 08 08:43:02 [localhost:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0d: Link down,
check cable.
May 08 08:43:02 [localhost:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check
May 08 08:43:02 .[localhost:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down, check

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for thi.s platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

.** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

May 08 08:43:03 [localhost:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services (SES)

device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [19.18]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
May 08 08:43:03 []: Unsupported disk
shelf found on channel 0c.
May 08 08:43:03 [localhost:shelf.config.mpha:info]: .All attached storage on the
system is multi-pathed HA.

The following SES device May 08 08:44:11 [localhost:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]:

SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (p.roduct revision level
[1918]) (enclosure vendor ID [XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ])
is not supported on this platform.
May 0.8 08:44:11 [localhost:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported disk
shelf found on channel 0c.
has not been qualified by NetApp for. this platform.
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in. an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

.....................May 08 09:18:21 []:
Fibre Channel adapter 0a link online.
........................................May 08 09:18:28
[]: Fibre Channel adapter 0b link online.
.................May 08 09:18:31 []: Fibre
Channe.l adapter 0b link online.
.....May 08 09:18:32 [].: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
..............................................May 08 09:18:40
[].: Fibre Channel adapter 0b link online.
...........May 08 09:18:42 []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
..................May 08 09:18:45 []: Fibre
Channel adapter 0b link online.
.............................................May 08 09:19:35
[]: Fibre Channel adapter 0a link onl.ine.
.............................May 08 09:19:40
[]: Fibre Channel adapter 0b link online.
May 08 09:19:40 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0a
link onl.ine.
.......................May 08 09:19:44 []:
Fibre Channel adapter 0b link online.
.......................................................................May 08
09:19:56 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0a link
...........May 08 09:19:5.8 []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
.....May 08 09:19:59 []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
......................................................................May 08
09:20:11 []: Fibre Channe.l adapter 0a link
.........................................May 08 09:20:18
[]: Fibre Channel adapter 0a link online.
...........May 08 09:20:3.4 []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
..........................................May 08 09:20:41
[]: Fibre Channel adapter 0d link online.

The fMay 08 09:28:44 [localhost:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure

Services (SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure
vendor ID [XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product I.D [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported
on this platform.
May 08 09:28:44 [localhost:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported disk
shelf found on channel 0c.
ollowing SES d.evice has not been qualified by NetApp for this platform.
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c..16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

......................................................May 08 09:35:02
[]: Disk 0b.34 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP
X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N [3LM1MB2M000098.05U76R] : disk zeroing complete
...............................................May 08 09:35:28
[]: Disk 0b.33 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP
X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N [3LM1NPRZ0000980656KQ] : disk zeroing complete
........................................................................May 08
09:36:14 []: Disk 0b.32 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP
X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N [3LM1NPRE0000980656W6] : disk zeroing complete
....................May 08 10:05:14 []: Disk
0c.16 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N [3KR3VPKG00009738BBCA] :
disk zeroing complete
May 08 10:05:19 []: Disk 0b.18 Shelf ? Bay ?
[NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N [3KR3WQYE00009738CQJV] : disk zeroing complete

May 08 10:06:17 []: Disk 0b.19 Shelf ? Bay ?

[NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N [3KR3WMQX00009738AYEP] : disk zeroing complete

May 08 10:06:18 [localhost:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk

/aggr0/plex0/rg0/0a.34 Shelf 2 Bay 2 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1MB2M00009805U76R] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
May 08 10:06:18 [localhost:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk
/aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.33 Shelf 2 Bay 1 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1NPRZ0000980656KQ] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
May 08 10:06:18 [localhost:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk
/aggr0/plex0/rg0/0a.32 Shelf 2 Bay 0 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1NPRE0000980656W6] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
May 08 10:06:18 []: Buftreeid database for
aggregate 'aggr0' UUID 'dec21fb7-f569-11e4-99f2-123478563412' was built in 0 msec,
after scanning 0 inodes and restarting -1 times with a final result of starting.
May 08 10:06:18 []: Buftreeid database for
aggregate 'aggr0' UUID 'dec21fb7-f569-11e4-99f2-123478563412' was built in 0 msec,
after scanning 0 inodes and restarting 0 times with a final result of success.
May 08 10:06:18 [localhost:wafl.vol.add:notice]: Aggregate aggr0 has been added to
the system.
May 08 10:06:19 [localhost:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: no mailbox instance on local
May 08 10:06:20 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.32 is a local HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:06:20 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0b.33 is a local HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:06:20 [localhost:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on
local side.
May 08 10:06:20 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0d.32 is a partner HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:06:20 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0d.33 is a partner HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:06:20 [localhost:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on
partner side.
May 08 10:06:20 []: Failover monitor: partner
exportfs [Line 1]: NFS not licensed; local volume /vol/vol0 not exported
ifconfig e0a mediatype auto
May 08 10:06:21 [localhost:dhcp.contacting.Server:info]: Contacting DHCP server.
Configuring onboard ethernet e0a.
Contacting DHCP server.
Ctrl-C to skip DHCP search ...
May 08 10:08:29 [localhost:dhcp.Config.unSuccessful:info]: DHCP configuration
Configuring e0a using DHCP failed.
May 08 10:08:29 [localhost:secureadmin.ssl.setup.success:info]: Restarting SSL with
new certificate.
NetApp Release 8.1.4P1 7-Mode: Tue Feb 11 23:23:31 PST 2014
System ID: 0118074059 (); partner ID: 0118048886 (nnfas3040b)
System Serial Number: 2076843 ()
System Rev: A3
System Storage Configuration: Multi-Path HA
System ACP Connectivity: NA
slot 0: System Board
Processors: 2
Processor type: Opteron
Memory Size: 4096 MB
Memory Attributes: Node Interleaving
Bank Interleaving
Chipkill ECC
slot 0: BGE 10/100/1000 Ethernet Controller
e0a MAC Address: 00:a0:98:08:2b:13 (auto-1000t-fd-up)
e0b MAC Address: 00:a0:98:08:2b:12 (auto-unknown-down)
e0c MAC Address: 00:a0:98:08:2b:11 (auto-unknown-down)
e0d MAC Address: 00:a0:98:08:2b:10 (auto-unknown-down)
slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0a
6 Disks: 1632.0GB
1 shelf with ESH4
slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0b
6 Disks: 1632.0GB
1 shelf with ESH4
slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0c
6 Disks: 1632.0GB
slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0d
6 Disks: 1632.0GB
slot 1: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 1a
slot 1: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 1b
slot 2: FC Host Adapter 2a
slot 2: FC Host Adapter 2b
slot 3: NVRAM
Memory Size: 512 MB
DIMM Size: 512 MB
Running Firmware: 11 (4.8.940)
Cluster Interconnect Port 1: 4x copper
Cluster Interconnect Port 2: 4x copper
slot 4: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 4a
slot 4: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 4b
Please enter the new hostname []: nnfas3040a
Do you want to enable IPv6? [n]:
Do you want to configure interface groups? [n]:
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0a []:
Please enter the netmask for Network Interface e0a []:
Should interface e0a take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]: y
The clustered failover software is not yet licensed. To enable
network failover, you should run the 'license' command for
clustered failover.
Please enter the IPv4 address or interface name to be taken over by e0a []:
WARNING: Attempting to set partner IP address that matches the local IP
address for this interface. This is an illegal configuration!
Try again? [y]:
Please enter the IPv4 address or interface name to be taken over by e0a []:
Please enter media type for e0a {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)}
Please enter flow control for e0a {none, receive, send, full} [full]:
Do you want e0a to support jumbo frames? [n]:
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0b []:
Should interface e0b take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]:
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0c []:
Should interface e0c take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]:
Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0d []:
Should interface e0d take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]:
Please enter the name or IP address of the IPv4 default gateway:
The administration host is given root access to the filer's
/etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root access
to all NFS clients enter RETURN below.
Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host:
Please enter timezone [GMT]:
Where is the filer located? []:
Enter the root directory for HTTP files [/home/http]:
Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]:
Do you want to run NIS client? [n]:
May 08 10:09:59 [localhost:asup.general.optout:debug]: This system will send event
messages and weekly reports to NetApp Technical Support. To disable this feature,
enter "options off" within 24 hours. Enabling
AutoSupport can significantly speed problem determination and resolution.
This system will send event messages and weekly reports to NetApp Technical
Support. To disable this feature, enter "options off"
within 24 hours. Enabling AutoSupport can significantly speed problem determination
and resolution should a problem occur on your system. For further information on
AutoSupport, please see:
Press the return key to continue.

The Remote LAN Module (RLM) provides remote management capabilities

including console redirection, logging and power control.
It also extends autosupport by sending
additional system event alerts. Your autosupport settings are used
for sending these alerts via email over the RLM LAN interface.
Would you like to configure the RLM LAN interface [y]: n
The Shelf Alternate Control Path Management process provides the ability
to recover from certain SAS shelf module failures and provides a level of
availability that is higher than systems not using the Alternate Control
Path Management process.
Do you want to configure the Shelf Alternate Control Path Management interface for
SAS shelves [n]:
The initial aggregate currently contains 3 disks; you may add more
disks to it later using the "aggr add" command.
Setting the administrative (root) password for nnfas3040a ...
New password:
Retype new password:
May 08 10:10:15 [nnfas3040a:passwd.changed:info]: passwd for user 'root' changed.
May 08 10:10:15 [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.notFound:notice]: Stored checksum file does
not exist, extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz.
May 08 10:10:15 [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.mismatch:notice]: Stored checksum 0 does not
match calculated checksum 1809165170, extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz.
May 08 10:10:17 [nnfas3040a:tar.extract.success:info]: Completed extracting
May 08 10:10:17 [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.notFound:notice]: Stored checksum file does
not exist, extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz.
May 08 10:10:17 [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.mismatch:notice]: Stored checksum 0 does not
match calculated checksum 287914885, extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz.
May 08 10:10:17 [nnfas3040a:tar.extract.success:info]: Completed extracting
Fri May 8 10:10:May 08 10:10:17 [nnfas3040a:kern.syslog.msg:info]: Registry is
being upgraded to improve storing of local changes.
17 GMT [nnfas3040a: rc:info]: Registry is being upgraded to improve storing of
local changes.
May 08 10:10:17 [nnfas3040a:kern.syslog.msg:info]: Registry upgrade successful.
Fri May 8 10:10:17 GMT [nnfas3040a: rc:info]: Registry upgrade successful.
May 08 10:10:17 [nnfas3040a:fcmon.status:info]: FCMON is running
May 08 10:10:17 [nnfas3040a:useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The role 'compliance'
has been added.
May 08 10:10:17 [nnfas3040a:useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The role 'backup' has
been modified.
May 08 10:10:17 [nnfas3040a:useradmin.added.deleted:info]: The group 'Backup
Operators' has been modified.
May 08 10:10:18 [nnfas3040a:dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on
all disk drives
May 08 10:10:18 [nnfas3040a:perf.archive.start:info]: Performance archiver started.
Sampling 29 objects and 421 counters.
add net default: gateway
May 08 10:10:18 [nnfas3040a:coredump.findcore.nocore:debug]: No unsaved cores could
be found
There are 3 spare disks; you may want to use the vol or aggr command
to create new volumes or aggregates or add disks to the existing aggregate.
SSH Server is not configured. Please use the command
'secureadmin setup ssh' to configure the server.
May 08 10:10:19 [nnfas3040a:mgr.opsmgr.autoreg.norec:warning]: Data ONTAP could not
perform automatic registration for OnCommand Unified Manager because Data ONTAP
could not find SRV records for the server or because the server is not located on
this subnet.
May 08 10:10:19 [nnfas3040a:mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release 8.1.4P1 7-Mode
boot complete. Last disk update written at Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 GMT 1970
May 08 10:10:19 [nnfas3040a:cf.Syfm.unexstpectedPemartner: iwarningni]: Warntiing:
cfal is notiz licensated yet iothe nodn e once hahad a cs ontrollcoer failmpover
System 10:10:su19 [nnfccas3040aes:mgr.bosfot.reasulon_ok:nlyotice]:.
rebooted after power-on.

May 08 10:10:19 [nnfas3040a:callhome.reboot.poweron:info]: Call home for REBOOT

(power on)
Can't set cMay 08 10:10:19 [nnfas3040a:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
May 08 10:10:19 [nnfas3040a:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes file is missing.
ifs branchcache server secret.
May 08 10:10:19 [nnfas3040a:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
May 08 10:10:19 [nnfas3040a:lmgr.dup.reclaim.locks:debug]: Aborting lock reclaims
on volume: 'aggr0' initiated by: 'boot_grace_start' because of pending reclaims.
May 08 10:10:19 [nnfas3040a:secureadmin.ssh.setup.passed:info]: SSH setup is done
and ssh2 is enabled. Host keys are stored in /etc/sshd/ssh_host_key,
/etc/sshd/ssh_host_rsa_key, and /etc/sshd/ssh_host_dsa_key.
Ipspace "acp-ipspace" created
May 08 10:10:20 []: Although vFiler units are
licensed, the routing daemon runs in the default IP space only.

Fri May 8 10:10:22 GMT 2015

Password: Fri May 8 10:10:25 GMT [nnfas3040a:rlm.notConfigured:warning]: The

system's Remote LAN Module (RLM) is not configured. Use the 'rlm setup' command to
configure it.
Fri May 8 10:10:25 GMT []: Remote LAN
Module (RLM) network port link down due to cable or network errors.
Fri May 8 10:10:26 GMT [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.notFound:notice]: Stored checksum file
does not exist, extracting /mroot_late.tgz.
Fri May 8 10:10:26 GMT [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.mismatch:notice]: Stored checksum 0
does not match calculated checksum 0, extracting /mroot_late.tgz.
Fri May 8 10:10:26 GMT [nnfas3040a:tar.extract.success:info]: Completed extracting
Fri May 8 10:10:26 GMT [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.notFound:notice]: Stored checksum file
does not exist, extracting /platform/pmroot_late.tgz.
Fri May 8 10:10:26 GMT [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.mismatch:notice]: Stored checksum 0
does not match calculated checksum 3413375557, extracting

nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:10:27 GMT [nnfas3040a: console_login_mgr:info]: root

logged in from console


The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.
*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 10:10:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 10:10:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported

disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:10:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 10:10:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:10:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:10:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:10:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0d.32 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 10:10:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0c.18 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 10:10:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0b.16 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 10:10:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0a.34 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.

Fri May 8 10:10:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:kern.time.conv.complete:notice]: Timekeeping

configuration has been propagated.

Fri May 8 10:10:44 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPower.degraded:notice]: Chassis

power is degraded: sensor NVRAM6-battery-3
Fri May 8 10:10:44 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:10:44 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.nvramLowBattery:CRITICAL]: NVRAM
battery is dangerously low.
Fri May 8 10:10:44 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.nvramLowBattery.notice:notice]: If the
NVRAM battery is dangerously low, the system shuts down automatically every 24
hours to encourage you to replace it. If you reboot the system it will run for
another 24 hours before shutting down.
Fri May 8 10:10:44 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:10:53 GMT [nnfas3040a:tar.extract.success:info]: Completed extracting
options http
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable off
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on on
httpd.autoindex.enable off
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable off
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300
httpd.timewait.enable off
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:10:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The
NVRAM battery in the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery detected.*
Fri May 8 10:10:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:11:00 GMT [nnfas3040a:raid.rg.spares.low:warning]: /aggr0/plex0/rg0
Fri May 8 10:11:00 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.spares.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:11:07 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.globalStatus.critical:CRITICAL]: There
are not enough spare disks. sensor NVRAM6-battery-3 Disk shelf configuration
options httpd.admin.enable on
nnfas3040a> options http
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable on
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on on
httpd.autoindex.enable off
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable off
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300
httpd.timewait.enable off
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:11:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The
NVRAM battery in the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery detected.*
Fri May 8 10:11:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:11:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.shelf.configError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves or shelf configuration 0c.
Fri May 8 10:11:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.shelf.configError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves or shelf configuration 0a.
Fri May 8 10:11:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.config:warning]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:11:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:11:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:11:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.encl.access:error]: Call home for
options httpd.enable on
nnfas3040a> options http
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable on
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on on
httpd.autoindex.enable off
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable on
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300
httpd.timewait.enable off
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:11:49 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.performance.snap:info]:
Fri May 8 10:12:14 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPowerSupplies.ok:info]: Chassis
power supplies OK
Fri May 8 10:12:28 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The NVRAM battery in
the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery detected.*
Fri May 8 10:12:28 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:12:28 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPower.degraded:notice]: Chassis
power is degraded: sensor NVRAM6-battery-3
Fri May 8 10:12:28 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for

nnfas3040a> license add MEREYRI
A cf license has been installed.
Controller Failover will be enabled upon reboot.
Make sure that each individual service is licensed
on both nodes or on neither node. Remember to configure
the network interfaces for the other node.
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:13:12 GMT [nnfas3040a: rc:notice]: cf licensed
Fri May 8 10:13:17 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPowerSupplies.ok:info]: Chassis
power supplies OK
license add AGFLPWA
A cifs license has been installed.
Run cifs setup to enable cifs.
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:13:22 GMT [nnfas3040a: rc:notice]: cifs licensed
license add IWJCZIEFri May 8 10:13:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]:
The NVRAM battery in the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery
Fri May 8 10:13:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:13:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPower.degraded:notice]: Chassis
power is degraded: sensor NVRAM6-battery-3

A fcp license has been installed.

Run 'fcp start' to start the FCP service.
Also run 'lun setup' if necessary to configure LUNs.
FCP enabled.
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:13:31 GMT [nnfas3040a: rc:notice]: fcp licensed
Fri May 8 10:13:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for

nnfas3040a> license add OPLCZIE

A nfs license has been installed.
nfs enabled.
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:13:46 GMT [nnfas3040a: rc:notice]: nfs licensed
license add CVHNOFF
A snaprestore license has been installed.
snaprestore enabled.
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:14:01 GMT [nnfas3040a: rc:notice]: snaprestore licensed

nnfas3040a> options http
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable on
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on on
httpd.autoindex.enable off
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable on
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300
httpd.timewait.enable off
nnfas3040a> license
cf_remote not licensed
compression ENABLED
disk_sanitization ENABLED
flash_cache ENABLED
flex_clone not licensed
flex_scale ENABLED
flexcache_nfs ENABLED
insight_balance not licensed
multistore not licensed
nearstore_option ENABLED
operations_manager not licensed
persistent_archive ENABLED
protection_manager not licensed
provisioning_manager not licensed
smdomino not licensed
smsql not licensed
snapdrive_windows not licensed
snaplock not licensed
snaplock_enterprise not licensed
snapmanager_hyperv not licensed
snapmanager_oracle not licensed
snapmanager_sap not licensed
snapmanager_sharepoint not licensed
snapmanager_vi not licensed
snapmanagerexchange not licensed
snapmirror not licensed
snapmirror_sync not licensed
snapmover ENABLED
snaprestore CVHNOFF
snapvalidator not licensed
storage_services ENABLED
sv_application_pri not licensed
sv_linux_pri not licensed
sv_ontap_pri not licensed
sv_ontap_sec not licensed
sv_unix_pri not licensed
sv_vi_pri not licensed
sv_windows_ofm_pri not licensed
sv_windows_pri not licensed
syncmirror_local not licensed
v-series not licensed
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:14:32 GMT [nnfas3040a: HTTPPool02:warning]: HTTP XML
Authentication failed from
Fri May 8 10:14:33 GMT [nnfas3040a: HTTPPool03:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 10:14:55 GMT [nnfas3040a: HTTPPool00:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 10:15:50 GMT [nnfas3040a: HTTPPool02:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from

nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:16:38 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The
NVRAM battery in the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery detected.*
Fri May 8 10:16:38 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:16:40 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPowerSupplies.ok:info]: Chassis
power supplies OK
Fri May 8 10:16:54 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The NVRAM battery in
the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery detected.*
Fri May 8 10:16:54 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:16:54 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPower.degraded:notice]: Chassis
power is degraded: sensor NVRAM6-battery-3
Fri May 8 10:16:54 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for

nnfas3040a> ha-config show
ha-config not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:17:43 GMT
[nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPowerSupplies.ok:info]: Chassis power supplies OK

nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:17:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The
NVRAM battery in the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery detected.*
Fri May 8 10:17:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:17:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPower.degraded:notice]: Chassis
power is degraded: sensor NVRAM6-battery-3
Fri May 8 10:17:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for

nnfas3040a> ha-config modify controller ha
ha-config not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:18:46 GMT
[nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPowerSupplies.ok:info]: Chassis power supplies OK
Fri May 8 10:19:00 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The NVRAM battery in
the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery detected.*
Fri May 8 10:19:00 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:19:00 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPower.degraded:notice]: Chassis
power is degraded: sensor NVRAM6-battery-3
Fri May 8 10:19:00 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for

nnfas3040a> options cf.mode ha
Setting invalid option cf.mode failed.
No such option cf.mode
nnfas3040a> options http
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable on
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on on
httpd.autoindex.enable off
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable on
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300
httpd.timewait.enable off
nnfas3040a> options cf on on 5 600 off off
cf.giveback.check.partner on
cf.takeover.change_fsid on
cf.takeover.detection.seconds 15
cf.takeover.on_disk_shelf_miscompare off
cf.takeover.on_failure on
cf.takeover.on_network_interface_failure off
cf.takeover.on_network_interface_failure.policy all_nics
cf.takeover.on_panic off
cf.takeover.on_reboot off
cf.takeover.on_short_uptime off
cf.takeover.use_mcrc_file off
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:19:47 GMT
[nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPowerSupplies.ok:info]: Chassis power supplies OK
acp.domain 0
acp.enabled off
acp.netmask 0
auditlog.enable on
auditlog.max_file_size 10000000
auditlog.readonly_api.enable off
autologout.console.enable on
autologout.console.timeout 60
autologout.telnet.enable on
autologout.telnet.timeout 60
autosupport.cifs.verbose off
autosupport.content complete
autosupport.doit CHASSIS POWER DEGRADED: sensor NVRAM6-battery-3
autosupport.enable on
autosupport.from postmaster
autosupport.local_collection on
autosupport.mailhost mailhost
autosupport.max_http_size 10485760
autosupport.max_smtp_size 5242880 systemid
autosupport.nht_data.enable on
autosupport.payload_format 7z
autosupport.performance_data.doit DONT
autosupport.performance_data.enable on
autosupport.periodic.tx_window 1h
autosupport.retry.count 15
autosupport.retry.interval 4m on https
autosupport.throttle on,
autosupport.validate_digital_certificate on
backup.log.enable on
cdpd.enable off
cdpd.holdtime 180
cdpd.interval 60 on on 5 600 off off
cf.giveback.check.partner on
cf.takeover.change_fsid on
cf.takeover.detection.seconds 15
cf.takeover.on_disk_shelf_miscompare off
cf.takeover.on_failure on
cf.takeover.on_network_interface_failure off
cf.takeover.on_network_interface_failure.policy all_nics
cf.takeover.on_panic off
cf.takeover.on_reboot off
cf.takeover.on_short_uptime off
cf.takeover.use_mcrc_file off
cifs.AD.retry_delay 0
cifs.LMCompatibilityLevel 1
cifs.W2K_password_change off
cifs.W2K_password_change_interval 4w
cifs.W2K_password_change_within 3600h
cifs.audit.account_mgmt_events.enable off
cifs.audit.autosave.file.limit 0
cifs.audit.autosave.onsize.enable off
cifs.audit.autosave.onsize.threshold 75%
cifs.audit.autosave.ontime.enable off
cifs.audit.autosave.ontime.interval 1d
cifs.audit.enable off
cifs.audit.file_access_events.enable on
cifs.audit.liveview.enable off
cifs.audit.logon_events.enable on
cifs.audit.logsize 1048576
cifs.audit.nfs.enable off
cifs.audit.saveas /etc/log/adtlog.evt
cifs.bypass_traverse_checking on
cifs.client.dup-detection ip-address
cifs.enable_share_browsing on
cifs.gpo.enable off
cifs.gpo.trace.enable off
cifs.grant_implicit_exe_perms off
cifs.home_dirs_public_for_admin on
cifs.idle_timeout 900
cifs.ipv6.enable off
cifs.max_mpx 253
cifs.ms_snapshot_mode xp
cifs.netbios_over_tcp.enable on
cifs.nfs_root_ignore_acl off
cifs.oplocks.enable on
cifs.oplocks.opendelta 0
cifs.per_client_stats.enable off
cifs.perm_check_ro_del_ok off
cifs.perm_check_use_gid on
cifs.preserve_unix_security off
cifs.restrict_anonymous 0
cifs.restrict_anonymous.enable off
cifs.save_case on
cifs.show_dotfiles on
cifs.show_snapshot off
cifs.shutdown_msg_level 2
cifs.sidcache.enable on
cifs.sidcache.lifetime 1440
cifs.signing.enable off
cifs.smb2.enable on
cifs.smb2.signing.required off
cifs.smb2_1.branch_cache.enable off
cifs.smb2_1.branch_cache.hash_time_out 3600
cifs.snapshot_file_folding.enable off
cifs.symlinks.cycleguard on
cifs.symlinks.enable on
cifs.trace_dc_connection off
cifs.trace_login off
cifs.universal_nested_groups.enable on
cifs.widelink.ttl 10m
cksum_offload.gbeII off
console.encoding nfs
coredump.dump.attempts 2
disk.asup_on_mp_loss on
disk.auto_assign on
disk.latency_check.enable on
disk.maint_center.allowed_entries 1
disk.maint_center.enable on
disk.maint_center.max_disks 84
disk.maint_center.rec_allowed_entries 5
disk.maint_center.spares_check on
disk.powercycle.enable on
disk.recovery_needed.count 5
dns.cache.enable on
dns.enable off
dns.update.enable off
dns.update.ttl 24h
ems.autosuppress.enable on
fcp.enable off
flexcache.access none
flexcache.deleg.high_water 90
flexcache.deleg.low_water 50
flexcache.enable off
flexcache.per_client_stats on
flexscale.enable off
flexscale.lopri_blocks off
flexscale.normal_data_blocks on
flexscale.pcs_high_res off
flexscale.pcs_size 256GB
flexscale.rewarm off
fpolicy.enable off
fpolicy.i2p_ems_interval 0
fpolicy.multiple_pipes on
ftpd.3way.enable off
ftpd.anonymous.enable off
ftpd.anonymous.home_dir anonymous
ftpd.auth_style mixed
ftpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
ftpd.dir.restriction off
ftpd.enable off
ftpd.explicit.allow_secure_data_conn on
ftpd.explicit.enable off
ftpd.idle_timeout 900s
ftpd.implicit.enable off
ftpd.ipv6.enable off
ftpd.locking none
ftpd.log.enable on
ftpd.log.filesize 512k
ftpd.log.nfiles 6
ftpd.max_connections 500
ftpd.max_connections_threshold 0%
ftpd.tcp_window_size 28960
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable on
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on on
httpd.autoindex.enable off
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable on
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300
httpd.timewait.enable off
ic.carnegie.enable on
ifgrp.failover.link_degraded off
interface.blocked.mgmt_data_traffic off
ip.fastpath.enable on
ip.icmp_ignore_redirect.enable off
ip.ipsec.enable off
ip.match_any_ifaddr on
ip.path_mtu_discovery.enable on
ip.ping_throttle.alarm_interval 0
ip.ping_throttle.drop_level 150 on 2
ip.tcp.batching.enable on
ip.tcp.newreno.enable on
ip.tcp.rfc3390.enable on
ip.tcp.sack.enable on
ip.v6.enable off
ip.v6.ra_enable on
iscsi.auth.radius.enable off
iscsi.enable off
iscsi.isns.rev 22
iscsi.max_connections_per_session use_system_default
iscsi.max_error_recovery_level use_system_default
kerberos.file_keytab.enable off
kerberos.replay_cache.enable off
ldap.enable off
ldap.fast_timeout.enable off
ldap.minimum_bind_level anonymous
ldap.nssmap.attribute.gecos gecos
ldap.nssmap.attribute.gidNumber gidNumber
ldap.nssmap.attribute.groupname cn
ldap.nssmap.attribute.homeDirectory homeDirectory
ldap.nssmap.attribute.loginShell loginShell
ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberNisNetgroup memberNisNetgroup
ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberUid memberUid
ldap.nssmap.attribute.netgroupname cn
ldap.nssmap.attribute.nisNetgroupTriple nisNetgroupTriple
ldap.nssmap.attribute.uid uid
ldap.nssmap.attribute.uidNumber uidNumber
ldap.nssmap.attribute.userPassword userPassword
ldap.nssmap.objectClass.nisNetgroup nisNetgroup
ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixAccount posixAccount
ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixGroup posixGroup
ldap.passwd ******
ldap.port 389
ldap.retry_delay 0
ldap.ssl.enable off
ldap.timeout 20
ldap.usermap.attribute.unixaccount unixaccount
ldap.usermap.attribute.windowsaccount windowsaccount
ldap.usermap.enable off
licensed_feature.disk_sanitization.enable off
licensed_feature.fcp.enable off
licensed_feature.flexcache_nfs.enable off
licensed_feature.iscsi.enable off
licensed_feature.multistore.enable off
licensed_feature.nearstore_option.enable off
licensed_feature.vld.enable off
locking.grace_lease_seconds 45
lun.clone_restore on
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.asc 0x4
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.ascq 0x1
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.behavior error
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.hold_time 5
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.scsi_status 0x2
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.skey 0x2
lun.partner_unreachable.vmware.behavior error
lun.partner_unreachable.vmware.hold_time 1
lun.partner_unreachable.vmware.scsi_status 0x8
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.asc 0x4
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.ascq 0x1
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.behavior error
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.hold_time 5
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.scsi_status 0x2
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.skey 0x2 on
ndmpd.access all
ndmpd.authtype challenge
ndmpd.connectlog.enabled off
ndmpd.data_port_range all
ndmpd.enable off
ndmpd.ignore_ctime.enabled off
ndmpd.maxversion 4
ndmpd.offset_map.enable on
ndmpd.password_length 16
ndmpd.preferred_interface disable
ndmpd.tcpnodelay.enable off
ndmpd.tcpwinsize 32768
nfs.acache.persistence.enabled on
nfs.always.deny.truncate on
nfs.assist.queue.limit 40
nfs.export.allow_provisional_access on on
nfs.export.exportfs_comment_on_delete on
nfs.export.harvest.timeout 1800
nfs.export.neg.timeout 3600
nfs.export.pos.timeout 36000
nfs.export.resolve.timeout 6
nfs.hide_snapshot off
nfs.ifc.rcv.high 66340
nfs.ifc.rcv.low 33170
nfs.ifc.xmt.high 16
nfs.ifc.xmt.low 8
nfs.ipv6.enable off
nfs.kerberos.enable off
nfs.locking.check_domain on
nfs.max_num_aux_groups 32
nfs.mount_rootonly on
nfs.mountd.trace off
nfs.netgroup.strict off
nfs.nfs_rootonly off
nfs.notify.carryover on
nfs.ntacl_display_permissive_perms off
nfs.per_client_stats.enable off
nfs.require_valid_mapped_uid off
nfs.response.trace off
nfs.response.trigger 60
nfs.rpcsec.ctx.high 0
nfs.rpcsec.ctx.idle 360
nfs.rpcsec.trace off
nfs.tcp.enable on
nfs.thin_prov.ejuke off
nfs.udp.enable on
nfs.udp.xfersize 32768
nfs.v2.df_2gb_lim off
nfs.v2.enable on
nfs.v3.enable on
nfs.v4.acl.enable off
nfs.v4.enable off off
nfs.v4.read_delegation off
nfs.v4.write_delegation off
nfs.vstorage.enable off
nfs.webnfs.enable off
nfs.webnfs.rootdir XXX
nfs.webnfs.rootdir.set off
nis.enable off
nis.group_update.enable off
nis.group_update_schedule 24
nis.netgroup.domain_search.enable on
nis.netgroup.legacy_nisdomain_search.enable on
nis.servers *
nis.slave.enable off
nlm.cleanup.timeout 100
nlm.trace off
pcnfsd.enable off
pcnfsd.umask 22
qos.classify.count_all_matches off
ra.path_switch.threshold 100
raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable on
raid.disk.background_fw_update.raid4.enable on on
raid.disktype.enable off
raid.media_scrub.enable on
raid.media_scrub.rate 600
raid.media_scrub.spares.enable on
raid.min_spare_count 1
raid.mirror_read_plex_pref local
raid.reconstruct.perf_impact medium
raid.reconstruct.wafliron.enable on
raid.resync.perf_impact medium
raid.rpm.ata.enable off
raid.rpm.fcal.enable on
raid.scrub.duration 360
raid.scrub.enable on
raid.scrub.perf_impact low
raid.timeout 24
raid.verify.perf_impact low
replication.logical.reserved_transfers 0
replication.throttle.enable off
replication.throttle.incoming.max_kbs unlimited
replication.throttle.outgoing.max_kbs unlimited
replication.volume.reserved_transfers 0
replication.volume.use_auto_resync off
rlm.autologout.enable on
rlm.autologout.timeout 60
rlm.setup off
rlm.ssh.access *
rpc.mountd.tcp.port 4046
rpc.mountd.udp.port 4046
rpc.nlm.tcp.port 4045
rpc.nlm.udp.port 4045
rpc.nsm.tcp.port 4047
rpc.nsm.udp.port 4047
rpc.pcnfsd.tcp.port 4048
rpc.pcnfsd.udp.port 4048
rpc.rquotad.udp.port 4049
rquotad.enable on
rsh.access legacy
rsh.enable off
security.admin.authentication internal
security.passwd.firstlogin.enable off
security.passwd.lockout.numtries 4294967295
security.passwd.rootaccess.enable on
security.passwd.rules.enable on
security.passwd.rules.everyone on
security.passwd.rules.history 6
security.passwd.rules.maximum 256
security.passwd.rules.minimum 8
security.passwd.rules.minimum.alphabetic 2
security.passwd.rules.minimum.digit 1
security.passwd.rules.minimum.lowercase 0
security.passwd.rules.minimum.symbol 0
security.passwd.rules.minimum.uppercase 0
sftp.auth_style mixed
sftp.bypass_traverse_checking off
sftp.dir_restriction off
sftp.enable off
sftp.idle_timeout 900s
sftp.locking none
sftp.log_enable on
sftp.log_filesize 512k
sftp.log_nfiles 6
sftp.max_connections 15
sftp.max_connections_threshold 75%
sftp.override_client_permissions off auto auto
shelf.fw.ndu.enable on
sis.max_vfiler_active_ops 8
snaplock.autocommit_period none
snaplock.compliance.write_verify off
snaplock.log.default_retention 6m
snaplock.log.maximum_size 10m
snapmirror.access legacy
snapmirror.checkip.enable off
snapmirror.delayed_acks.enable on
snapmirror.enable off
snapmirror.log.enable on
snapmirror.vbn_log_enable off
snapmirror.volume.local_nwk_bypass.enable on
snapmirror.vsm.volread.smtape_enable on
snapvalidator.version 9
snapvault.access none
snapvault.enable off
snapvault.nbu.archival_snap_default on
snapvault.ossv.compression off
snapvault.preservesnap off
snapvault.snapshot_for_dr_backup vsm_base_only
snmp.access legacy
snmp.enable on
ssh.access *
ssh.enable on
ssh.idle.timeout 0
ssh.passwd_auth.enable on
ssh.port 22
ssh.pubkey_auth.enable on
ssh1.enable off
ssh2.enable on
ssl.enable on
ssl.v2.enable on
ssl.v3.enable on
tape.reservations off
telnet.access legacy
telnet.distinct.enable on
telnet.enable off
tftpd.enable off
tftpd.logging off
tftpd.max_connections 8
tftpd.rootdir /etc/tftpboot
timed.enable on
timed.log off
timed.max_skew 30m
timed.min_skew 0
timed.proto ntp
timed.sched hourly
timed.window 0s
tls.enable off
trusted.hosts *
vfiler.vol_clone_zapi_allow off
vol.copy.throttle 10
vol.move.cutover.cpu.busy.limit 100
vol.move.cutover.disk.busy.limit 100
vol.snaprestore.nondisruptive on off
wafl.default_qtree_mode 0777
wafl.default_security_style unix
wafl.default_unix_user pcuser
wafl.group_cp off
wafl.inconsistent.asup_frequency.blks 10
wafl.inconsistent.asup_frequency.time 24h
wafl.inconsistent.ems_suppress off
wafl.maxdirsize 41861
wafl.nt_admin_priv_map_to_root on
wafl.root_only_chown on
wafl.wcc_minutes_valid 20
webdav.enable on
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:20:01 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The
NVRAM battery in the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery detected.*
Fri May 8 10:20:01 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:20:01 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPower.degraded:notice]: Chassis
power is degraded: sensor NVRAM6-battery-3
Fri May 8 10:20:01 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for

nnfas3040a> cf status
Controller failover must be licensed and the system rebooted before using this
nnfas3040a> cf enabFri May 8 10:20:50 GMT
[nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPowerSupplies.ok:info]: Chassis power supplies OK
Controller failover must be licensed and the system rebooted before using this
nnfas3040a> cf enable
Controller failover must be licensed and the system rebooted before using this
nnfas3040a> reboot
Fri May 8 10:21:04 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The NVRAM battery in
the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery detected.*
Fri May 8 10:21:04 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:21:04 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPower.degraded:notice]: Chassis
power is degraded: sensor NVRAM6-battery-3
Fri May 8 10:21:04 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for

Login incorrect

Login incorrect

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 10:21:37 GMT [nnfas3040b: console_login_mgr:info]: root
logged in from console

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 10:21:39 GMT []:

Fibre Channel adapter 0d link online.

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 10:21:39 GMT []: Fibre

Channel adapter 0d is now online.
Fri May 8 10:21:39 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 10:21:39 GMT []:

Fibre Channel adapter 0c link online.

nnfas3040b> reFri May 8 10:21:41 GMT []: Link break
detected on Fibre Channel adapter 0d.

re not found. Type '?' for a list of commands

nnfas3040b> reboot
Uptime: 17d20h16m43s
Top Shutdown Times (ms): {if_reset=1489, shutdown_wafl=111(multivol=0, sfsr=0,
abort_scan=0, snapshot=0, start=67, sync1=8, sync2=1, mark_fs=35), wafl_sync=34,
shutdown_raid=34, nfs_off_all_vfilers=14, shutdown_fm=10}
Shutdown duration (ms): {CIFS=2705, NFS=2690, ISCSI=2690, FCP=2690}
System rebooting...

Phoenix TrustedCore(tm) Server

Copyright 1985-2004 Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
All Rights Reserved
BIOS version: 2.5.0
Portions Copyright (c) 2006-2009 NetApp All Rights Reserved
CPU= AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 250 X 2
Testing RAM
512MB RAM tested
4096MB RAM installed
Fixed Disk 0: NACF1GBJU-B11

Boot Loader version 1.8

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
Portions Copyright (C) 2002-2009 NetApp

CPU Type: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 250

Starting AUTOBOOT press Ctrl-C to abort...

Loading x86_64/freebsd/image2/kernel:.....0x100000/8455008 0x910360/1278312 Entry
at 0x80158990
Loading x86_64/freebsd/image2/platform.ko:.0xa49000/655152 0xb97c40/694752
0xae8f40/39656 0xc41620/43152 0xaf2a28/86316 0xb07b54/63858 0xb174e0/140640
0xc4beb0/159120 0xb39a40/2024 0xc72c40/6072 0xb3a228/304 0xc743f8/912 0xb3a358/1680
0xc74788/5040 0xb3a9e8/960 0xc75b38/2880 0xb3ada8/184 0xc76678/552 0xb3ae60/448
0xb6f000/12918 0xb97b53/237 0xb72278/84120 0xb86b10/69699
Starting program at 0x80158990
NetApp Data ONTAP 8.1.4P1 7-Mode
Copyright (C) 1992-2014 NetApp.
All rights reserved.
md1.uzip: 25536 x 16384 blocks
md2.uzip: 5760 x 16384 blocks
* *
* Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu. *
* *
May 08 10:24:15 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0c
link online.
May 08 10:24:17 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0a
link online.
May 08 10:24:22 [localhost:fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed
on Fibre Channel adapter 0d.
May 08 10:24:22 [localhost:fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed
on Fibre Channel adapter 4b.
May 08 10:24:22 [localhost:fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed
on Fibre Channel adapter 4a.
May 08 10:24:22 [localhost:fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed
on Fibre Channel adapter 0b.
May 08 10:24:25 [localhost:diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has been
enabled for this system
May 08 10:24:25 [localhost:dcs.framework.enabled:info]: The DCS framework is
enabled on this node.
add host gateway
WAFL CPLEDGER is enabled. Checklist = 0x7ff841ff
May 08 10:24:26 [localhost:wafl.memory.status:info]: 1938MB of memory is currently
available for the WAFL file system.
May 08 10:24:26 [localhost:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up.
May 08 10:24:27 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.32 is a local HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:24:27 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.33 is a local HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:24:27 [localhost:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on
local side.
May 08 10:24:27 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0c.32 is a partner HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:24:27 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0c.33 is a partner HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:24:27 [localhost:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on
partner side.
May 08 10:24:27 []: Failover monitor: partner
May 08 10:24:27 []: raid: mirror info
May 08 10:24:28 [localhost:raid.cksum.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 checksum
May 08 10:24:28 [localhost:raid.stripe.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 stripes.
May 08 10:24:28 []: Buftreeid database for
aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '9056b1cd-e771-11e4-9f3d-123478563412' was built in 0 msec,
after scanning 0 inodes and restarting -1 times with a final result of starting.
May 08 10:24:28 []: Buftreeid database for
aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '9056b1cd-e771-11e4-9f3d-123478563412' was built in 35 msec,
after scanning 13 inodes and restarting 17 times with a final result of success.
May 08 10:24:28 []: Launching failover monitor
May 08 10:24:28 []: Failover monitor: partner
May 08 10:24:28 []: Failover monitor:
takeover disabled (restart)
May 08 10:24:29 [localhost:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover
monitor: takeover of nnfas3040a disabled (Controller Failover takeover disabled).

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0a.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.May 08
10:24:29 [localhost:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) device
accessed by 0a.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID [XYRATEX ])
(enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this platform.
May 08 10:24:29 [localhost:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported disk
shelf found on channel 0a.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

May 08 10:24:29 [localhost:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services (SES)

device accessed by
Fri May 8 10:24:29 UTC 2015
add net gateway
0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID [XYRATEX ]) (enclosure
product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this platform.
May 08 10:24:29 [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported disk
shelf found on channel 0c.
May 08 10:24:29 [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure Services
unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
May 08 10:24:29 [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure Services
unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
May 08 10:24:29 [nnfas3040b:shelf.config.spha:info]: System is using single path HA
attached storage only.
May 08 10:24:29 [nnfas3040b:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0d: Link down, check
May 08 10:24:29 [nnfas3040b:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check
May 08 10:24:29 [nnfas3040b:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down, check
May 08 10:24:29 [nnfas3040b:vol.language.unspecified:info]: Language not set on
volume vol0. Using ladd net default: gateway
option sis.max_compress_bg_workers: Value must be between 1 and 16.
sysconfig: Unless directed by NetApp Global Services volume vol0 should have the
volume option create_ucode set to On.
Can't set cifs branchcache server secret.
anguage config "C". Use vol lang to set language.
May 08 10:24:29 [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not
extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz.
May 08 10:24:29 [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not
extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz.
May 08 10:24:30 [nnfas3040b:fcmon.status:info]: FCMON is running
May 08 10:24:30 [nnfas3040b:dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on
all disk drives
May 08 10:24:30 [nnfas3040b:perf.archive.start:info]: Performance archiver started.
Sampling 29 objects and 421 counters.
May 08 10:24:30 [nnfas3040b:coredump.findcore.nocore:debug]: No unsaved cores could
be found
May 08 10:24:31 [nnfas3040b:mgr.opsmgr.autoreg.norec:warning]: Data ONTAP could not
perform automatic registration for OnCommand Unified Manager because Data ONTAP
could not find SRV records for the server or because the server is not located on
this subnet.
May 08 10:24:31 [nnfas3040b:cmds.sysconf.logErr:error]: sysconfig: Unless directed
by NetApp Global Services volume vol0 should have the volume option create_ucode
set to On.
May 08 10:24:31 [nnfas3040b:callhome.sys.config:error]: Call home for SYSTEM
May 08 10:24:31 [nnfas3040b:mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release 8.1.4P1 7-Mode
boot complete. Last disk update written at Fri May 8 10:22:29 GMT 2015

May 08 10:24:31 [nnfas3040b:mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted after a

reboot command.
May 08 10:24:31 [nnfas3040b:callhome.reboot.reboot:info]: Call home for REBOOT
(reboot command)
May 08 10:24:31 [nnfas3040b:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
May 08 10:24:31 [nnfas3040b:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes file is missing.
May 08 10:24:31 [nnfas3040b:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
May 08 10:24:32 []: Although vFiler units are
licensed, the routing daemon runs in the default IP space only.

Password: Fri May 8 10:22:11 GMT []: Could not

recover link on Fibre Channel adapter 0d after 30 seconds. Offlining the adapter.
Fri May 8 10:22:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:kern.shutdown:notice]: System shut down because
: "reboot".
Fri May 8 10:22:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:perf.archive.stop:info]: Performance archiver
stopped. (11109)
Fri May 8 10:24:15 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 10:24:17 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 10:24:22 GMT [nnfas3040b:fci.initialization.failed:error]:
Initialization failed on Fibre Channel adapter 0d.
Fri May 8 10:24:22 GMT [nnfas3040b:fci.initialization.failed:error]:
Initialization failed on Fibre Channel adapter 4b.
Fri May 8 10:24:22 GMT [nnfas3040b:fci.initialization.failed:error]:
Initialization failed on Fibre Channel adapter 4a.
Fri May 8 10:24:22 GMT [nnfas3040b:fci.initialization.failed:error]:
Initialization failed on Fibre Channel adapter 0b.
Fri May 8 10:24:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has
been enabled for this system
Fri May 8 10:24:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:dcs.framework.enabled:info]: The DCS framework
is enabled on this node.
Fri May 8 10:24:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.memory.status:info]: 1938MB of memory is
currently available for the WAFL file system.
Fri May 8 10:24:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up.
Fri May 8 10:24:27 GMT [nnfas3040b:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.32 is a
local HA mailbox disk.
Fri May 8 10:24:27 GMT [nnfas3040b:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.33 is a
local HA mailbox disk.
Fri May 8 10:24:27 GMT [nnfas3040b:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox
instance on local side.
Fri May 8 10:24:27 GMT [nnfas3040b:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0c.32 is a
partner HA mailbox disk.
Fri May 8 10:24:27 GMT [nnfas3040b:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0c.33 is a
partner HA mailbox disk.
Fri May 8 10:24:27 GMT [nnfas3040b:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox
instance on partner side.
Fri May 8 10:24:27 GMT []: Failover monitor: partner
Fri May 8 10:24:28 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.cksum.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0
checksum blocks.
Fri May 8 10:24:28 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.stripe.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0
Fri May 8 10:24:28 GMT []: Buftreeid
database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '9056b1cd-e771-11e4-9f3d-123478563412' was
built in 0 msec, after scanning 0 inodes and restarting -1 times with a final
result of starting.
Fri May 8 10:24:28 GMT []: Buftreeid
database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID '9056b1cd-e771-11e4-9f3d-123478563412' was
built in 35 msec, after scanning 13 inodes and restarting 17 times with a final
result of success.
Fri May 8 10:24:28 GMT []: Launching failover monitor

Fri May 8 10:24:28 GMT []: Failover monitor: partner

Fri May 8 10:24:28 GMT []: Failover
monitor: takeover disabled (restart)
Fri May 8 10:24:29 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040a disabled (Controller Failover takeover
Fri May 8 10:24:29 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERTE]: SCSIC EnclosCure Ser
vices (eSES) dervice acrcessed oby 0a.1r6 (prod uct revaision ltevel [1 918])
(DinclosuIre vendMor ID [MXYRATEX ]) (en1closure. produc t ID [RES-1401-rFCF2N
r ]) is onot suprported (on thiss) platfo rm.
Fri nMay 8 10:24:2b9 GMT [innfas30t40b:sess.shelf. unsuppo51rtAllow-Err:ALE4RT]:
Un8support ed disk= shelf found o0n channxel 0a. 8
F. ri May C 8 10:2o4:29 GMrT [nnfars3040b:eses.sheclf.mmErtr:ALERTa]: SCSIb
Enclosleure Ser vices (MSES) deavice acccessed hby 0c.1i6 (prodnuct reveision l
evel [.Ch820]) (eenclosucre vendkor ID [ XYRATEXE ]) (enrclosurer producot ID [RrS-
1401- aFCF2N t ]) is not supCported Pon thisU platfo0rm.
Fri May 8 N10:24:2B 9 GMT [Ennfas30r40b:sesr.shelf.ounsupporrtAllow:Err:ALE RT]:
UnSsupportTed diskA shelf Tfound oUn channSel 0c. (
FVri May a 8 10:2l4:29 GM,T
[nnfaEs3040b:nses.accaess.sesbUnavaillable:CRe,ITICAL]A: Enclodsure Sedrvices
runavailVable fo,r one oSr more yshelvesn on chad(nnel 0x0.
Fri Ma1y 8 108:24:29 )GMT
[nn,fas3040Cb:ses.aEccess.sCesUnavaC,ilable:LCRITICAiL]: Encnlosure kService(0s
unava)ilable ,for oneC or morKSe shelvyes on cnhannel (0a.
Fri 0May 8 x10:24:2d9 GMT [cnnfas30)40b:she,lf.confEig.sphax:info]:t SystemE is
usirng singrle path( HA att0ached sxtorage 8only. )
Tr,i May E8 10:24r:29 GMTr [nnfasC3040b:noetif.lidnkDown:einfo]: (EtherneRt e0d:
eLink doswn, che,ck cablNe.
Fri MOay 8 1,0:24:29R GMT [nenfas304a0b:netidf.linkD,own:infMo]: Etheernet em0c:
Lin,k down,G check ecable. n
6)ri May ) 8 10:2,4:29 GM T [nnfaAs3040b:Dnetif.lDinkDownR:info]:( Ethern0et e0b:x
Link d2own, ch6eck cabale.
ge.unspy 8 410:24:209 GMT [)nnfas30.40b:vol .langua
ecified:info]: Language not set on volume vol0. Using language config "C".
Use vol lang to set language.
Fri May 8 10:24:29 GMT [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches,
not extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz.
Fri May 8 10:24:29 GMT [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches,
not extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz.
Fri May 8 10:24:30 GMT [nnfas3040b:fcmon.status:info]: FCMON is running
Fri May 8 10:24:30 GMT [nnfas3040b:dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-
date on all disk drives
Fri May 8 10:24:30 GMT [nnfas3040b:perf.archive.start:info]: Performance archiver
started. Sampling 29 objects and 421 counters.
Fri May 8 10:24:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:mgr.opsmgr.autoreg.norec:warning]: Data ONTAP
could not perform automatic registration for OnCommand Unified Manager because Data
ONTAP could not find SRV records for the server or because the server is not
located on this subnet.
Fri May 8 10:24:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:cmds.sysconf.logErr:error]: sysconfig: Unless
directed by NetApp Global Services volume vol0 should have the volume option
create_ucode set to On. .
Fri May 8 10:24:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.sys.config:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:24:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release
8.1.4P1 7-Mode boot complete. Last disk update written at Fri May 8 10:22:29 GMT
Fri May 8 10:24:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted
after a reboot command.
Fri May 8 10:24:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.reboot.reboot:info]: Call home for
REBOOT (reboot command)
Fri May 8 10:24:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
Fri May 8 10:24:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes file is missing.
Fri May 8 10:24:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
Fri May 8 10:24:32 GMT []: Although vFiler units
are licensed, the routing daemon runs in the default IP space only.
Fri May 8 10:24:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.partnerNotResponding:notice]: Failover
monitor: partner not responding
Fri May 8 10:24:37 GMT [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches,
not extracting /mroot_late.tgz.
Fri May 8 10:24:37 GMT [nnfas3040b:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches,
not extracting /platform/pmroot_late.tgz.
Fri May 8 10:24:37 GMT [nnfas3040b:rlm.notConfigured:warning]: The system's Remote
LAN Module (RLM) is not configured. Use the 'rlm setup' command to configure it.
Fri May 8 10:24:37 GMT []: Remote LAN
Module (RLM) network port link down due to cable or network errors.
Fri May 8 10:24:37 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrPort:notice]: The
system has chose the default hardware-assist partner port number 4444. If you want
to use a different port number, change it using the command 'options
Fri May 8 10:24:37 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.hwassist.DefaultEnabled:info]: Hardware-
assisted takeover feature is enabled on this system. The partner can take over this
node faster during certain failures.
Fri May 8 10:24:38 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.hwassist.Default.NodemgmtAddr:notice]: The
system automatically chose as the local hardware-assist IP address.
Fri May 8 10:24:38 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.hwassist.Default.NodemgmtAddr:notice]: The
system automatically chose as the local hardware-assist IP address.
Fri May 8 10:24:47 GMT [nnfas3040b:cecc_log.entry:warning]: 1: ECC error at DIMM
1. Error(s) in bits 51-48 = 0x8. Correctable Machine Check Error at CPU0. NB Error:

Fri May 8 10:24:47 GMT [nnfas3040b:cecc_log.summary:warning]: Total of 1 new

correctable ECC errors just reported. You might want to check system memory. 1
correctable ECC errors reported since booting.
ECC error at DIMM 1. Error(s) in bits 51-48 = 0x8. Correctable Machine Check Error
at CPU0. NB Error:
ode(Res,NTO,Read,Mem,Gen)), ADDR(0x26a6d40).
Fri May 8 10:24:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.configError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves or shelf configuration 0c.
Fri May 8 10:24:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.configError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves or shelf configuration 0a.
Fri May 8 10:24:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.config:warning]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:24:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:24:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:24:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.encl.access:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:24:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 10:24:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:24:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0a.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 10:24:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:24:54 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:24:54 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
rpc failed: RPC: Timed out
Fri May 8 10:24:57 GMT [nnfas3040b:cecc_log.entry:warning]: 2: ECC error at DIMM
1. Error(s) in bits 51-48 = 0x8. Correctable Machine Check Error at CPU0. NB Error:

Fri May 8 10:24:57 GMT [nnfas3040b:cecc_log.summary:warning]: Total of 1 new

correctable ECC errors just reported. You might want to check system memory. 2
correctable ECC errors reported since booting.
Fri May 8 10:25:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.globalStatus.critical:CRITICAL]:
Controller failover of nnfas3040a is not possible: Controller Failover takeover
disabled. Disk shelf configuration error.
ECC error at DIMM 1. Error(s) in bits 51-48 = 0x8. Correctable Machine Check Error
at CPU0. NB Error:
ode(Res,NTO,Read,Mem,Gen)), ADDR(0x26a6d40).
Fri May 8 10:25:07 GMT [nnfas3040b:cecc_log.entry:warning]: 3: ECC error at DIMM
1. Error(s) in bits 51-48 = 0x8. Correctable Machine Check Error at CPU0. NB Error:

Fri May 8 10:25:07 GMT [nnfas3040b:cecc_log.summary:warning]: Total of 1 new

correctable ECC errors just reported. You might want to check system memory. 3
correctable ECC errors reported since booting.
Fri May 8 10:25:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0a.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 10:25:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:25:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 10:25:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:25:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:25:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
ECC error at DIMM 1. Error(s) in bits 51-48 = 0x8. Correctable Machine Check Error
at CPU0. NB Error:
s,NTO,Read,Mem,Gen)), ADDR(0x26a6d40).
Fri May 8 10:25:27 GMT [nnfas3040b:cecc_log.entry:warning]: 4: ECC error at DIMM
1. Error(s) in bits 51-48 = 0x8. Correctable Machine Check Error at CPU0. NB Error:

Fri May 8 10:25:27 GMT [nnfas3040b:cecc_log.summary:warning]: Total of 1 new

correctable ECC errors just reported. You might want to check system memory. 4
correctable ECC errors reported since booting.
Fri May 8 10:25:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.performance.snap:info]: Call home for
ECC error at DIMM 1. Error(s) in bits 51-48 = 0x8. Correctable Machine Check Error
at CPU0. NB Error:
ode(Res,NTO,Read,Mem,Gen)), ADDR(0x26a6d40).
Fri May 8 10:25:37 GMT [nnfas3040b:cecc_log.entry:warning]: 5: ECC error at DIMM
1. Error(s) in bits 51-48 = 0x8. Correctable Machine Check Error at CPU0. NB Error:

Fri May 8 10:25:37 GMT [nnfas3040b:cecc_log.summary:warning]: Total of 1 new

correctable ECC errors just reported. You might want to check system memory. 5
correctable ECC errors reported since booting.
Fri May 8 10:30:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.rg.spares.low:warning]: /aggr0/plex0/rg0
Fri May 8 10:30:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.spares.low:error]: Call home for

Login incorrect


WARNING: The battery is unfit to retain data during a power

outage. This is likely because the battery is
discharged but could be due to other temporary
When the battery is ready, the boot process will
complete and services will be engaged.
To override this delay, press 'c' followed by 'Enter'

WARNING: The battery is unfit to retain data during a power

outage. This is likely because the battery is
discharged but could be due to other temporary
When the battery is ready, the boot process will
complete and services will be engaged.
To override this delay, press 'c' followed by 'Enter'
WARNING: The battery is unfit to retain data during a power
outage. This is likely because the battery is
discharged but could be due to other temporary
When the battery is ready, the boot process will
complete and services will be engaged.
To override this delay, press 'c' followed by 'Enter'

CAUTION: Using this appliance without NVRAM

battery backup coupled with a power
failure condition CAN CAUSE DATA LOSS.
Are you sure you want to continue (y or n)? y
Delay for charging canceled by user. Charger is ON
May 08 10:32:13 [localhost:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up on
NIC 0.
May 08 10:32:13 [localhost:rv.connection.established:info]: cfo_rv is connected on
May 08 10:32:15 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0d
link online.
May 08 10:32:15 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0a
link online.
May 08 10:32:17 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0c
link online.
May 08 10:32:17 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0c
link online.
May 08 10:32:18 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0b
link online.
May 08 10:32:22 [localhost:fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed
on Fibre Channel adapter 2a.
May 08 10:32:22 [localhost:fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed
on Fibre Channel adapter 2b.
May 08 10:32:26 [localhost:diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has been
enabled for this system
May 08 10:32:26 [localhost:dcs.framework.enabled:info]: The DCS framework is
enabled on this node.
add host gateway
WAFL CPLEDGER is enabled. Checklist = 0x7ff841ff
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:wafl.memory.status:info]: 1938MB of memory is currently
available for the WAFL file system.
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up.
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:cf.nm.nicReset:warning]: Initiating soft reset on
Cluster Interconnect card 0 due to rendezvous reset
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:rv.connection.torndown:info]: cfo_rv is torn down on NIC
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:cf.rv.notConnected:error]: Connection for 'cfo_rv'
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:cf.nm.nicTransitionDown:warning]: HA interconnect: Link
down on NIC 0.
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:cf.rv.notConnected:error]: Connection for 'cfo_rv'
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0b.32 is a local HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0b.33 is a local HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on
local side.
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0d.32 is a partner HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0d.33 is a partner HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 10:32:27 [localhost:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on
partner side.
May 08 10:32:27 []: Failover monitor: partner
May 08 10:32:28 []: raid: mirror info
May 08 10:32:29 [localhost:raid.cksum.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 checksum
May 08 10:32:29 [localhost:raid.stripe.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0 stripes.
May 08 10:32:29 []: Buftreeid database for
aggregate 'aggr0' UUID 'dec21fb7-f569-11e4-99f2-123478563412' was built in 0 msec,
after scanning 0 inodes and restarting -1 times with a final result of starting.
May 08 10:32:29 []: Buftreeid database for
aggregate 'aggr0' UUID 'dec21fb7-f569-11e4-99f2-123478563412' was built in 37 msec,
after scanning 13 inodes and restarting 18 times with a final result of success.
May 08 10:32:29 [localhost:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up on
NIC 0.
May 08 10:32:29 [localhost:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0d: Link down, check
May 08 10:32:29 [localhost:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check
May 08 10:32:29 [localhost:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down, check
May 08 10:32:29 []: Launching failover monitor
May 08 10:32:29 [localhost:rv.connection.established:info]: cfo_rv is connected on
May 08 10:32:30 []: Failover monitor: partner
May 08 10:32:30 []: Failover monitor:
takeover disabled (restart)

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

May 08 10:32:30 [localhost:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services (SES)

device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
May 08 10:32:30 [localhost:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported disk
shelf found on channel 0c.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
Fri May 8 10:32:30 UTC 2015

May 08 10:32:30 [localhost:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services (SES)

device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
May 08 10:32:30 [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported disk
shelf found on channel 0a.
May 08 10:32:30 [nnfas3040a:rv.connection.torndown:info]: cfo_rv is torn down on
May 08 10:32:30 [nnfas3040a:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure Services
unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
May 08 10:32:30 [nnfas3040a:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure Services
unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
May 08 10:32:30 [nnfas3040a:shelf.config.mpha:info]: All attached storage on the
system is multi-pathed HA.
May 08 10:32:30 [nnfas3040a:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up
on NIC 0.
May 08 10:32:30 [nnfas3040a:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]: Failover
monitor: takeover of nnfas3040b disabled (Controller Failover takeover disabled).
May 08 10:32:30 [nnfas3040a:vol.language.unspecified:info]: Language not set on
volume vol0. Using language config "C". Use vol lang to set language.
May 08 10:32:30 [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not
extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz.
May 08 10:32:30 [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches, not
extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz.
May 08 10:32:31 [nnfas3040a:fcmon.status:info]: FCMON is running
May 08 10:32:31 [nnfas3040a:scsitarget.vtic.down:notice]: The VTIC is down.
May 08 10:32:31 [nnfas3040a:dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-date on
all disk drives
May 08 10:32:31 [nnfas3040a:perf.archive.start:info]: Performance archiver started.
Sampling 29 objects and 421 counters.
May 08 10:32:32 [nnfas3040a:coredump.findcore.nocore:debug]: No unsaved cores could
be found
May 08 10:32:32 [nnfas3040a:mgr.opsmgr.autoreg.norec:warning]: Data ONTAP could not
perform automatic registration for OnCommand Unified Manager because Data ONTAP
could not find SRV records for the server or because the server is not located on
this subnet.
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

add net gateway

May 08 10:32:32 [nnfas3040a:cmds.sysconf.logErr:error]: sysconfig: Unless directed
by NetApp Global Services volume vol0 should have the volume option create_ucode
set to On.
May 08 10:32:32 [nnfas3040a:callhome.sys.config:error]: Call home for SYSTEM
May 08 10:32:32 [nnfas3040a:mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release 8.1.4P1 7-Mode
boot complete. Last disk update written at Fri May 8 10:21:35 GMT 2015

May 08 10:32:32 [nnfas3040a:cf.hwassist.notifyEnableOn:info]: HA hw_assist:

hw_assist functionality on the partner node has been enabled by the user.
May 08 10:32:32 [nnfas3040a:mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted after a
reboot command.
add net default: gateway
option sis.max_compress_bg_workers: Value must be between 1 and 16.
sysconfig: Unless directed by NetApp Global Services volume vol0 should have the
volume option create_ucode set to On.
Can't set cifs branchcache server secret.
Ipspace "acp-ipspace" created
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.reboot.reboot:info]: Call home for
REBOOT (reboot command)
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes file is missing.
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
Fri May 8 10:32:33 GMT [nnfas3040a:rv.connection.established:info]: cfo_rv is
connected on NIC 0
Fri May 8 10:32:33 GMT [nnfas3040a:scsitarget.vtic.up:notice]: The VTIC is up.
Fri May 8 10:32:33 GMT []: Although vFiler units
are licensed, the routing daemon runs in the default IP space only.
Fri May 8 10:21:04 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:21:33 GMT [nnfas3040a:kern.shutdown:notice]: System shut down because
: "reboot".
Fri May 8 10:21:33 GMT [nnfas3040a:perf.archive.stop:info]: Performance archiver
stopped. (11109)
Fri May 8 10:32:13 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect:
Link up on NIC 0.
Fri May 8 10:32:13 GMT [nnfas3040a:rv.connection.established:info]: cfo_rv is
connected on NIC 0
Fri May 8 10:32:15 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 10:32:15 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 10:32:17 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 10:32:18 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 10:32:22 GMT [nnfas3040a:fci.initialization.failed:error]:
Initialization failed on Fibre Channel adapter 2a.
Fri May 8 10:32:22 GMT [nnfas3040a:fci.initialization.failed:error]:
Initialization failed on Fibre Channel adapter 2b.
Fri May 8 10:32:26 GMT [nnfas3040a:diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has
been enabled for this system
Fri May 8 10:32:26 GMT [nnfas3040a:dcs.framework.enabled:info]: The DCS framework
is enabled on this node.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:wafl.memory.status:info]: 1938MB of memory is
currently available for the WAFL file system.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.nm.nicReset:warning]: Initiating soft reset
on Cluster Interconnect card 0 due to rendezvous reset
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:rv.connection.torndown:info]: cfo_rv is torn
down on NIC 0
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.rv.notConnected:error]: Connection for
'cfo_rv' failed.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.nm.nicTransitionDown:warning]: HA
interconnect: Link down on NIC 0.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.rv.notConnected:error]: Connection for
'cfo_rv' failed.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0b.32 is a
local HA mailbox disk.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0b.33 is a
local HA mailbox disk.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox
instance on local side.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0d.32 is a
partner HA mailbox disk.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0d.33 is a
partner HA mailbox disk.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT [nnfas3040a:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox
instance on partner side.
Fri May 8 10:32:27 GMT []: Failover monitor: partner
Fri May 8 10:32:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:raid.cksum.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0
checksum blocks.
Fri May 8 10:32:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:raid.stripe.replay.summary:info]: Replayed 0
Fri May 8 10:32:29 GMT []: Buftreeid
database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID 'dec21fb7-f569-11e4-99f2-123478563412' was
built in 0 msec, after scanning 0 inodes and restarting -1 times with a final
result of starting.
Fri May 8 10:32:29 GMT []: Buftreeid
database for aggregate 'aggr0' UUID 'dec21fb7-f569-11e4-99f2-123478563412' was
built in 37 msec, after scanning 13 inodes and restarting 18 times with a final
result of success.
Fri May 8 10:32:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect:
Link up on NIC 0.
Fri May 8 10:32:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0d: Link down,
check cable.
Fri May 8 10:32:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down,
check cable.
Fri May 8 10:32:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down,
check cable.
Fri May 8 10:32:29 GMT []: Launching failover monitor

Fri May 8 10:32:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:rv.connection.established:info]: cfo_rv is

connected on NIC 0
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT []: Failover monitor: partner
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT []: Failover
monitor: takeover disabled (restart)
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:rv.connection.torndown:info]: cfo_rv is torn
down on NIC 0
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:shelf.config.mpha:info]: All attached storage
on the system is multi-pathed HA.
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect:
Link up on NIC 0.
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040b disabled (Controller Failover takeover
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:vol.language.unspecified:info]: Language not
set on volume vol0. Using language config "C". Use vol lang to set language.
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches,
not extracting local://tmp/prestage/mroot.tgz.
Fri May 8 10:32:30 GMT [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches,
not extracting local://tmp/prestage/pmroot.tgz.
Fri May 8 10:32:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:fcmon.status:info]: FCMON is running
Fri May 8 10:32:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:scsitarget.vtic.down:notice]: The VTIC is down.

Fri May 8 10:32:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:dfu.firmwareUpToDate:info]: Firmware is up-to-

date on all disk drives
Fri May 8 10:32:31 GMT [nnfas3040a:perf.archive.start:info]: Performance archiver
started. Sampling 29 objects and 421 counters.
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:mgr.opsmgr.autoreg.norec:warning]: Data ONTAP
could not perform automatic registration for OnCommand Unified Manager because Data
ONTAP could not find SRV records for the server or because the server is not
located on this subnet.
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:cmds.sysconf.logErr:error]: sysconfig: Unless
directed by NetApp Global Services volume vol0 should have the volume option
create_ucode set to On. .
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.sys.config:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:mgr.boot.disk_done:info]: NetApp Release
8.1.4P1 7-Mode boot complete. Last disk update written at Fri May 8 10:21:35 GMT
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.hwassist.notifyEnableOn:info]: HA hw_assist:
hw_assist functionality on the partner node has been enabled by the user.
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:mgr.boot.reason_ok:notice]: System rebooted
after a reboot command.
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.reboot.reboot:info]: Call home for
REBOOT (reboot command)
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes file is missing.
Fri May 8 10:32:32 GMT [nnfas3040a:httpd.config.mime.missing:warning]:
/etc/httpd.mimetypes.sample file is missing.
Fri May 8 10:32:33 GMT [nnfas3040a:rv.connection.established:info]: cfo_rv is
connected on NIC 0
Fri May 8 10:32:33 GMT [nnfas3040a:scsitarget.vtic.up:notice]: The VTIC is up.
Fri May 8 10:32:33 GMT []: Although vFiler units
are licensed, the routing daemon runs in the default IP space only.
Fri May 8 10:32:39 GMT [nnfas3040a:rlm.notConfigured:warning]: The system's Remote
LAN Module (RLM) is not configured. Use the 'rlm setup' command to configure it.
Fri May 8 10:32:39 GMT []: Remote LAN
Module (RLM) network port link down due to cable or network errors.
Fri May 8 10:32:39 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrPort:notice]: The
system has chose the default hardware-assist partner port number 4444. If you want
to use a different port number, change it using the command 'options
Fri May 8 10:32:39 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.hwassist.DefaultEnabled:info]: Hardware-
assisted takeover feature is enabled on this system. The partner can take over this
node faster during certain failures.
Fri May 8 10:32:39 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.hwassist.Default.NodemgmtAddr:notice]: The
system automatically chose as the local hardware-assist IP address.
Fri May 8 10:32:39 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.hwassist.hwasstActive:info]: hw_assist:
hw_assist functionality is active on IP address: port: 4444
Fri May 8 10:32:39 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrAddr:notice]: The
system automatically chose as the hardware-assist partner address. If
you want to use a different IP address, change it using the command 'options
Fri May 8 10:32:39 GMT [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches,
not extracting /mroot_late.tgz.
Fri May 8 10:32:40 GMT [nnfas3040a:tar.csum.match:info]: Stored checksum matches,
not extracting /platform/pmroot_late.tgz.

Password: Fri May 8 10:32:56 GMT

[nnfas3040a:monitor.chassisPower.degraded:notice]: Chassis power is degraded:
sensor NVRAM6-battery-3
Fri May 8 10:32:56 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.chassis.power:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:32:56 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.nvramLowBattery:CRITICAL]: NVRAM
battery is dangerously low.
Fri May 8 10:32:56 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.nvramLowBattery.notice:notice]: If the
NVRAM battery is dangerously low, the system shuts down automatically every 24
hours to encourage you to replace it. If you reboot the system it will run for
another 24 hours before shutting down.
Fri May 8 10:32:56 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:32:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 10:32:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Urpnsupporc
ted disfak shelfil found edon chan: nel 0a.RP
elf.mmEay T 8 10:im32:57 GedMT [nnf
rr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product
revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID [XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-
1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this platform.
Fri May 8 10:32:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:32:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:32:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:32:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0c.34 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 10:32:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0d.19 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 10:32:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0b.16 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 10:32:57 GMT [nnfas3040a:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0a.32 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 10:33:04 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.globalStatus.critical:CRITICAL]:
Controller failover of nnfas3040b is not possible: Controller Failover takeover
disabled. Disk shelf configuration error.
Fri May 8 10:33:14 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 10:33:14 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:33:14 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 10:33:14 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:33:14 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:33:14 GMT [nnfas3040a:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:33:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:nvram.bat.error:CRITICAL]: The NVRAM battery in
the chassis is *WARNING low voltage for NVRAM battery detected.*
Fri May 8 10:33:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.battery.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:33:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.shelf.configError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves or shelf configuration 0c.
Fri May 8 10:33:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.shelf.configError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves or shelf configuration 0a.
Fri May 8 10:33:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.config:warning]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:33:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 10:33:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 10:33:29 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.encl.access:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:33:40 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.performance.snap:info]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:38:00 GMT [nnfas3040a:raid.rg.spares.low:warning]: /aggr0/plex0/rg0
Fri May 8 10:38:00 GMT [nnfas3040a:callhome.spares.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 10:38:40 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.hwassist.missedKeepAlive:warning]:
hw_assist: missed keep alive alert from partner(nnfas3040b).

Login incorrect

nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:52:34 GMT [nnfas3040a: console_login_mgr:info]: root
logged in from console

nnfas3040a> sysconfig -d
Device HA SHELF BAY CHAN Disk Vital Product Information
---------- --------------- ----- ------------------------------
0b.16 0b ? ? FC:B 3KR3VYFW00009738C5EK
0a.18 0a ? ? FC:A 3KR3WQYE00009738CQJV
0b.19 0b ? ? FC:B 3KR3WMQX00009738AYEP
0a.32 0a 2 0 FC:A 3LM1NPRE0000980656W6
0b.33 0b 2 1 FC:B 3LM1NPRZ0000980656KQ
0a.34 0a 2 2 FC:A 3LM1MB2M00009805U76R
0c.16 0c ? ? FC:B 3KR3VPKG00009738BBCA
0c.18 0c ? ? FC:B 3KR3X00W00009739DUCE
0d.19 0d ? ? FC:A 3KR3X0B700009738R3FW
0d.32 0d 2 0 FC:A 3LM1P6990000980654FY
0d.33 0d 2 1 FC:A 3LM1Q8ZD0000980692FW
0c.34 0c 2 2 FC:B 3LM1Q925000098065630
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:53:19 GMT [nnfas3040a: HTTPPool04:warning]: HTTP XML
Authentication failed from
nnfas3040a> cf enable
nnfas3040a> Fri May 8 10:53:47 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.misc.operatorEnable:notice]:
Failover monitor: operator initiated enabling of failover.
Fri May 8 10:53:47 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040b disabled (takeover disabled by partner).
Fri May 8 10:53:47 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerEnabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040a by nnfas3040b enabled
Fri May 8 10:53:48 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerEnabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040b enabled

nnfas3040a> cf status
Controller Failover enabled, nnfas3040b is up.
Login incorrect

Password: too man

Login incorrect
y login attempts..... sleeping for a bit!
Fri May

Login incorrect

Password: 8 10:55:03 GMT [nnfas3040b: console_login_mgr:warning]: too many bad

logins on console

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 10:55:06 GMT [nnfas3040b: console_login_mgr:info]: root

logged in from console

nnfas3040b> cf status
Controller Failover enabled, nnfas3040a is up.
nnfas3040b> cf enable
cf: clustering already enabled
nnfas3040b> hp-conf
hp-conf not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040b> ha-configure
ha-configure not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040b> options
acp.domain 0
acp.enabled off
acp.netmask 0
auditlog.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
auditlog.max_file_size 10000000 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
auditlog.readonly_api.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autologout.console.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autologout.console.timeout 60 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autologout.telnet.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autologout.telnet.timeout 60 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.cifs.verbose off
autosupport.content complete (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.doit SPARES_LOW
autosupport.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.from postmaster (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.local_collection on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.mailhost mailhost (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.max_http_size 10485760 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.max_smtp_size 5242880 (value might be overwritten in takeover) systemid (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.nht_data.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.noteto (value might be overwritten in takeover) (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.payload_format 7z (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.performance_data.doit DONT
autosupport.performance_data.enable on (value might be overwritten in
autosupport.periodic.tx_window 1h (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.retry.count 15 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.retry.interval 4m (value might be overwritten in takeover) on (value might be overwritten in takeover) (value might be overwritten in takeover) (value might be
overwritten in takeover) (value might be overwritten in
takeover) https (value might be overwritten in takeover) (value
might be overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.throttle on (value might be overwritten in takeover), (value might be
overwritten in takeover)
autosupport.validate_digital_certificate on (value might be overwritten in
backup.log.enable on
cdpd.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
cdpd.holdtime 180 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
cdpd.interval 60 (value might be overwritten in takeover) on on 5 600 off off
cf.giveback.check.partner on
cf.hw_assist.enable on
cf.hw_assist.partner.port 4444
cf.takeover.change_fsid on
cf.takeover.detection.seconds 15
cf.takeover.on_disk_shelf_miscompare off
cf.takeover.on_failure on
cf.takeover.on_network_interface_failure off
cf.takeover.on_network_interface_failure.policy all_nics (same value in
local+partner recommended)
cf.takeover.on_panic on
cf.takeover.on_reboot on
cf.takeover.on_short_uptime on
cf.takeover.use_mcrc_file off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
cifs.AD.retry_delay 0
cifs.LMCompatibilityLevel 1
cifs.W2K_password_change off
cifs.W2K_password_change_interval 4w
cifs.W2K_password_change_within 3600h
cifs.audit.account_mgmt_events.enable off
cifs.audit.autosave.file.limit 0
cifs.audit.autosave.onsize.enable off
cifs.audit.autosave.onsize.threshold 75%
cifs.audit.autosave.ontime.enable off
cifs.audit.autosave.ontime.interval 1d
cifs.audit.enable off
cifs.audit.file_access_events.enable on
cifs.audit.liveview.enable off
cifs.audit.logon_events.enable on
cifs.audit.logsize 1048576
cifs.audit.nfs.enable off
cifs.audit.saveas /etc/log/adtlog.evt
cifs.bypass_traverse_checking on
cifs.client.dup-detection ip-address
cifs.enable_share_browsing on
cifs.gpo.enable off
cifs.gpo.trace.enable off
cifs.grant_implicit_exe_perms off
cifs.home_dirs_public_for_admin on
cifs.idle_timeout 900
cifs.ipv6.enable off
cifs.max_mpx 253
cifs.ms_snapshot_mode xp
cifs.netbios_over_tcp.enable on
cifs.nfs_root_ignore_acl off
cifs.oplocks.enable on
cifs.oplocks.opendelta 0
cifs.per_client_stats.enable off
cifs.perm_check_ro_del_ok off
cifs.perm_check_use_gid on
cifs.preserve_unix_security off
cifs.restrict_anonymous 0
cifs.restrict_anonymous.enable off
cifs.save_case on
cifs.show_dotfiles on
cifs.show_snapshot off
cifs.shutdown_msg_level 2
cifs.sidcache.enable on
cifs.sidcache.lifetime 1440
cifs.signing.enable off
cifs.smb2.enable on
cifs.smb2.signing.required off
cifs.smb2_1.branch_cache.enable off
cifs.smb2_1.branch_cache.hash_time_out 3600 (value might be overwritten in
cifs.snapshot_file_folding.enable off
cifs.symlinks.cycleguard on
cifs.symlinks.enable on
cifs.trace_dc_connection off
cifs.trace_login off
cifs.universal_nested_groups.enable on
cifs.widelink.ttl 10m
cksum_offload.gbeII off
console.encoding nfs
coredump.dump.attempts 2 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
disk.asup_on_mp_loss on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
disk.auto_assign on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
disk.latency_check.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
disk.maint_center.allowed_entries 1 (value might be overwritten in
disk.maint_center.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
disk.maint_center.max_disks 84 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
disk.maint_center.rec_allowed_entries 5 (value might be overwritten in
disk.maint_center.spares_check on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
disk.powercycle.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
disk.recovery_needed.count 5 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
dns.cache.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
dns.domainname (value might be overwritten in takeover)
dns.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
dns.update.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
dns.update.ttl 24h (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ems.autosuppress.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
fcp.enable off
flexcache.access none
flexcache.deleg.high_water 90
flexcache.deleg.low_water 50
flexcache.enable off
flexcache.per_client_stats on
flexscale.enable off (same value in local+partner recommended)
flexscale.lopri_blocks off (same value in local+partner recommended)
flexscale.normal_data_blocks on (same value in local+partner recommended)
flexscale.pcs_high_res off (same value in local+partner recommended)
flexscale.pcs_size 256GB (same value in local+partner recommended)
flexscale.rewarm off (same value in local+partner recommended)
fpolicy.enable off
fpolicy.i2p_ems_interval 0
fpolicy.multiple_pipes on
ftpd.3way.enable off
ftpd.anonymous.enable off
ftpd.anonymous.home_dir anonymous
ftpd.auth_style mixed
ftpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
ftpd.dir.restriction off
ftpd.enable off
ftpd.explicit.allow_secure_data_conn on
ftpd.explicit.enable off
ftpd.idle_timeout 900s (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ftpd.implicit.enable off
ftpd.ipv6.enable off
ftpd.locking none
ftpd.log.enable on
ftpd.log.filesize 512k
ftpd.log.nfiles 6
ftpd.max_connections 500 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ftpd.max_connections_threshold 0% (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ftpd.tcp_window_size 28960
httpd.access legacy
httpd.admin.access legacy
httpd.admin.enable on
httpd.admin.hostsequiv.enable off
httpd.admin.max_connections 512
httpd.admin.ssl.enable on on
httpd.autoindex.enable off
httpd.bypass_traverse_checking off
httpd.enable on
httpd.ipv6.enable off
httpd.log.format common (value might be overwritten in takeover)
httpd.method.trace.enable off
httpd.rootdir /vol/vol0/home/http
httpd.timeout 300 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
httpd.timewait.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ic.carnegie.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ifgrp.failover.link_degraded off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
interface.blocked.mgmt_data_traffic off (value might be overwritten in
ip.fastpath.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.icmp_ignore_redirect.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.ipsec.enable off
ip.match_any_ifaddr on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.path_mtu_discovery.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.ping_throttle.alarm_interval 0 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.ping_throttle.drop_level 150 (value might be overwritten in takeover) on (value might be overwritten in takeover) 2 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.tcp.batching.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.tcp.newreno.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.tcp.rfc3390.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.tcp.sack.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.v6.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ip.v6.ra_enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
iscsi.auth.radius.enable off
iscsi.enable off
iscsi.isns.rev 22
iscsi.max_connections_per_session use_system_default
iscsi.max_error_recovery_level use_system_default
kerberos.file_keytab.enable off
kerberos.replay_cache.enable off
ldap.enable off
ldap.fast_timeout.enable off
ldap.minimum_bind_level anonymous
ldap.nssmap.attribute.gecos gecos
ldap.nssmap.attribute.gidNumber gidNumber
ldap.nssmap.attribute.groupname cn
ldap.nssmap.attribute.homeDirectory homeDirectory
ldap.nssmap.attribute.loginShell loginShell
ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberNisNetgroup memberNisNetgroup
ldap.nssmap.attribute.memberUid memberUid
ldap.nssmap.attribute.netgroupname cn
ldap.nssmap.attribute.nisNetgroupTriple nisNetgroupTriple
ldap.nssmap.attribute.uid uid
ldap.nssmap.attribute.uidNumber uidNumber
ldap.nssmap.attribute.userPassword userPassword
ldap.nssmap.objectClass.nisNetgroup nisNetgroup
ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixAccount posixAccount
ldap.nssmap.objectClass.posixGroup posixGroup
ldap.passwd ******
ldap.port 389
ldap.retry_delay 0
ldap.ssl.enable off
ldap.timeout 20
ldap.usermap.attribute.unixaccount unixaccount
ldap.usermap.attribute.windowsaccount windowsaccount
ldap.usermap.enable off
licensed_feature.disk_sanitization.enable off
licensed_feature.fcp.enable off
licensed_feature.flexcache_nfs.enable off
licensed_feature.iscsi.enable off
licensed_feature.multistore.enable off
licensed_feature.nearstore_option.enable off
licensed_feature.vld.enable off
locking.grace_lease_seconds 45 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
lun.clone_restore on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.asc 0x4 (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.ascq 0x1 (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.behavior error (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.hold_time 5 (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.scsi_status 0x2 (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.linux.skey 0x2 (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.vmware.behavior error (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.vmware.hold_time 1 (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.vmware.scsi_status 0x8 (value might be overwritten
in takeover)
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.asc 0x4 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.ascq 0x1 (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.behavior error (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.hold_time 5 (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.scsi_status 0x2 (value might be overwritten in
lun.partner_unreachable.xen.skey 0x2 (value might be overwritten in
takeover) on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ndmpd.access all
ndmpd.authtype challenge
ndmpd.connectlog.enabled off
ndmpd.data_port_range all
ndmpd.enable off
ndmpd.ignore_ctime.enabled off
ndmpd.maxversion 4
ndmpd.offset_map.enable on
ndmpd.password_length 16
ndmpd.preferred_interface disable (value might be overwritten in takeover)
ndmpd.tcpnodelay.enable off
ndmpd.tcpwinsize 32768
nfs.acache.persistence.enabled on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.always.deny.truncate on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.assist.queue.limit 40 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.export.allow_provisional_access on (value might be overwritten in
takeover) on
nfs.export.exportfs_comment_on_delete on (value might be overwritten in
nfs.export.harvest.timeout 1800 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.export.neg.timeout 3600 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.export.pos.timeout 36000 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.export.resolve.timeout 6 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.hide_snapshot off
nfs.ifc.rcv.high 66340
nfs.ifc.rcv.low 33170
nfs.ifc.xmt.high 16
nfs.ifc.xmt.low 8
nfs.ipv6.enable off
nfs.kerberos.enable off
nfs.locking.check_domain on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.max_num_aux_groups 32
nfs.mount_rootonly on
nfs.mountd.trace off
nfs.netgroup.strict off
nfs.nfs_rootonly off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.notify.carryover on
nfs.ntacl_display_permissive_perms off (value might be overwritten in
nfs.per_client_stats.enable off
nfs.require_valid_mapped_uid off
nfs.response.trace off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.response.trigger 60 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.rpcsec.ctx.high 0
nfs.rpcsec.ctx.idle 360
nfs.rpcsec.trace off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.tcp.enable on
nfs.thin_prov.ejuke off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.udp.enable on
nfs.udp.xfersize 32768 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.v2.df_2gb_lim off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.v2.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.v3.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.v4.acl.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.v4.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover) off
nfs.v4.read_delegation off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.v4.write_delegation off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.vstorage.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
nfs.webnfs.enable off
nfs.webnfs.rootdir XXX
nfs.webnfs.rootdir.set off
nis.enable off
nis.group_update.enable off
nis.group_update_schedule 24
nis.netgroup.domain_search.enable on
nis.netgroup.legacy_nisdomain_search.enable on
nis.servers *
nis.slave.enable off
nlm.cleanup.timeout 100
nlm.trace off
pcnfsd.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
pcnfsd.umask 22
qos.classify.count_all_matches off
ra.path_switch.threshold 100 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable on (value might be overwritten in
raid.disk.background_fw_update.raid4.enable on (value might be overwritten
in takeover) on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.disktype.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.media_scrub.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.media_scrub.rate 600 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.media_scrub.spares.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.min_spare_count 1 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.mirror_read_plex_pref local (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.reconstruct.perf_impact medium (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.reconstruct.wafliron.enable on (value might be overwritten in
raid.resync.perf_impact medium (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.rpm.ata.enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.rpm.fcal.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.scrub.duration 360
raid.scrub.enable on
raid.scrub.perf_impact low (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.timeout 24 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
raid.verify.perf_impact low (value might be overwritten in takeover)
replication.logical.reserved_transfers 0 (value might be overwritten in
replication.throttle.enable off
replication.throttle.incoming.max_kbs unlimited
replication.throttle.outgoing.max_kbs unlimited
replication.volume.reserved_transfers 0 (value might be overwritten in
replication.volume.use_auto_resync off (value might be overwritten in
rlm.autologout.enable on
rlm.autologout.timeout 60
rlm.setup off
rlm.ssh.access *
rpc.mountd.tcp.port 4046
rpc.mountd.udp.port 4046
rpc.nlm.tcp.port 4045
rpc.nlm.udp.port 4045
rpc.nsm.tcp.port 4047
rpc.nsm.udp.port 4047
rpc.pcnfsd.tcp.port 4048
rpc.pcnfsd.udp.port 4048
rpc.rquotad.udp.port 4049
rquotad.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
rsh.access legacy
rsh.enable off
security.admin.authentication internal
security.passwd.firstlogin.enable off
security.passwd.lockout.numtries 4294967295
security.passwd.rootaccess.enable on
security.passwd.rules.enable on
security.passwd.rules.everyone on
security.passwd.rules.history 6
security.passwd.rules.maximum 256
security.passwd.rules.minimum 8
security.passwd.rules.minimum.alphabetic 2
security.passwd.rules.minimum.digit 1
security.passwd.rules.minimum.lowercase 0
security.passwd.rules.minimum.symbol 0
security.passwd.rules.minimum.uppercase 0
sftp.auth_style mixed
sftp.bypass_traverse_checking off
sftp.dir_restriction off
sftp.enable off
sftp.idle_timeout 900s (value might be overwritten in takeover)
sftp.locking none
sftp.log_enable on
sftp.log_filesize 512k
sftp.log_nfiles 6
sftp.max_connections 15 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
sftp.max_connections_threshold 75% (value might be overwritten in takeover)
sftp.override_client_permissions off auto (value might be overwritten in takeover) auto (value might be overwritten in takeover)
shelf.fw.ndu.enable on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
sis.max_compress_bg_workers 16 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
sis.max_vfiler_active_ops 8 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
snaplock.autocommit_period none (value might be overwritten in takeover)
snaplock.compliance.write_verify off (value might be overwritten in
snaplock.log.default_retention 6m (value might be overwritten in takeover)
snaplock.log.maximum_size 10m (value might be overwritten in takeover)
snapmirror.access legacy
snapmirror.checkip.enable off
snapmirror.delayed_acks.enable on
snapmirror.enable off
snapmirror.log.enable on
snapmirror.vbn_log_enable off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
snapmirror.volume.local_nwk_bypass.enable on
snapmirror.vsm.volread.smtape_enable on
snapvalidator.version 9
snapvault.access none
snapvault.enable off
snapvault.nbu.archival_snap_default on
snapvault.ossv.compression off
snapvault.preservesnap off
snapvault.snapshot_for_dr_backup vsm_base_only
snmp.access legacy
snmp.enable on
ssh.access *
ssh.enable on
ssh.idle.timeout 0
ssh.passwd_auth.enable on
ssh.port 22
ssh.pubkey_auth.enable on
ssh1.enable off
ssh2.enable on
ssl.enable on
ssl.v2.enable on (same value required in local+partner)
ssl.v3.enable on (same value required in local+partner)
tape.reservations off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
telnet.access legacy (same value required in local+partner)
telnet.distinct.enable on (same value required in local+partner)
telnet.enable off (same value required in local+partner)
tftpd.enable off
tftpd.logging off
tftpd.max_connections 8 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
tftpd.rootdir /etc/tftpboot
timed.enable on (same value in local+partner recommended)
timed.log off (same value in local+partner recommended)
timed.max_skew 30m (same value in local+partner recommended)
timed.min_skew 0 (same value in local+partner recommended)
timed.proto ntp (same value in local+partner recommended)
timed.sched hourly (same value in local+partner recommended)
timed.servers,, (same
value in local+partner recommended)
timed.window 0s (same value in local+partner recommended)
tls.enable off (same value required in local+partner)
trusted.hosts * (same value required in local+partner)
vfiler.vol_clone_zapi_allow off
vol.copy.throttle 10 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
vol.move.cutover.cpu.busy.limit 100
vol.move.cutover.disk.busy.limit 100
vol.snaprestore.nondisruptive on off
wafl.default_qtree_mode 0777
wafl.default_security_style unix
wafl.default_unix_user pcuser
wafl.group_cp off (same value required in local+partner)
wafl.inconsistent.asup_frequency.blks 10 (value might be overwritten in
wafl.inconsistent.asup_frequency.time 24h (value might be overwritten in
wafl.inconsistent.ems_suppress off (value might be overwritten in takeover)
wafl.maxdirsize 41861 (value might be overwritten in takeover)
wafl.nt_admin_priv_map_to_root on
wafl.root_only_chown on (value might be overwritten in takeover)
wafl.wcc_minutes_valid 20
webdav.enable on
nnfas3040b> opitons cf
opitons not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 10:57:08 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool03:warning]: HTTP XML
Authentication failed from
Fri May 8 10:58:38 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 10:59:01 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 10:59:08 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 10:59:39 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0a.
Fri May 8 10:59:46 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:kern.uptime.filer:info]: 11:00am up 35 mins, 0
NFS ops, 0 CIFS ops, 0 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI ops
Fri May 8 11:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.configError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves or shelf configuration 0c.
Fri May 8 11:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.configError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves or shelf configuration 0a.
Fri May 8 11:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:00:07 GMT []: Remote LAN
Module (RLM) network port link down due to cable or network errors.
Fri May 8 11:00:39 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0a.
Fri May 8 11:00:45 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:00:55 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0c.
Fri May 8 11:00:58 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:01:01 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0c.
Fri May 8 11:01:06 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:01:07 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0c.
Fri May 8 11:01:15 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:01:17 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040a disabled (status of backup mailbox is
Fri May 8 11:01:17 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:01:26 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:01:27 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerEnabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040a enabled
Fri May 8 11:01:28 GMT []: AUTO TERMINATION
ERROR: TERM switch set improperly on ESH B on channels PARTNER/0c disk shelf ID 2.

Fri May 8 11:01:28 GMT [nnfas3040b:esh.speed.error:error]: Disk shelf previously

connected to the OUT port of ESH B on channels PARTNER/0c disk shelf ID 2 is now
inaccessible. (Check cables, speed selection.)
Fri May 8 11:01:29 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0c.
Fri May 8 11:01:32 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:01:56 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0c.
Fri May 8 11:02:00 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:02:01 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0c.
Fri May 8 11:02:07 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:02:12 GMT [nnfas3040b:fci.loop.stability:info]: Fibre Channel adapter
0c has a loop stability problem. 8 loop-initialization events seen in 60 seconds.
Fri May 8 11:03:00 GMT []: AUTO TERMINATION
ERROR: TERM switch set improperly on ESH A on channels PARTNER/0c disk shelf ID 2.

Fri May 8 11:03:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:esh.speed.error:error]: Disk shelf previously

connected to the OUT port of ESH A on channels PARTNER/0c disk shelf ID 2 is now
inaccessible. (Check cables, speed selection.)
Fri May 8 11:03:40 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:03:40 GMT []: Fibre Channel adapter
0b is now online.
Fri May 8 11:03:40 GMT [nnfas3040b:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0b.33 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0a.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 11:03:58 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:03:58 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:03:58 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0a.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:03:58 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:03:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:03:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:03:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.dsk.redun.fault:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 11:03:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:shelf.config.tomixedha:info]: System has
transitioned to a mixture of single and multi-path HA attached storage
Fri May 8 11:03:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0a.16 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 11:03:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:config.NotMultiPath:warning]: Disk 0c.32 and
other disks on this loop/domain are not multipathed and should be for improved
Fri May 8 11:03:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.dsk.config:warning]: Call home for
Fri May 8 11:03:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:shelf.config.tomixedha:info]: System has
transitioned to a mixture of single and multi-path HA attached storage
Fri May 8 11:04:04 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0a.
Fri May 8 11:04:09 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:04:10 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0b.
Fri May 8 11:04:12 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:04:41 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0b.
Fri May 8 11:04:44 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:06:07 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:06:25 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:06:30 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:07:05 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:07:05 GMT []: Fibre Channel adapter
0d is now online.
Fri May 8 11:07:05 GMT [nnfas3040b:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0c.19 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 11:07:05 GMT [nnfas3040b:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0d.18 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 11:07:08 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0d.
Fri May 8 11:07:11 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:07:13 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 11:07:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:07:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:07:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:07:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:07:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:07:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:07:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:shelf.config.tompha:info]: System has
transitioned to multi-path HA attached storage

nnfas3040b> reboot
warning: this system may be taken over by its HA partner. If you do not want
this to occur, type 'cf disable' on the partner system. You can also use
'reboot -f' option to prevent unwanted takeovers.
Waiting for PIDS: 2413.

nnfas3040a> reboot
warning: this system may be taken over by its HA partner. If you do not want
this to occur, type 'cf disable' on the partner system. You can also use
'reboot -f' option to prevent unwanted takeovers.
Waiting for PIDS: 2491Fri May 8 11:08:03 GMT
[nnfas3040a:cf.fsm.firmwareStatus:info]: Failover monitor: partner Rebooting
Failover Monitor: the filer is in the process of halting or rebooting.
Fri May 8 11:08:04 GMT [nnfas3040a:cf.fsm.takeover.on.reboot:info]: Failover
monitor: One node initiated automatic takeover after detecting that its partner
node is rebooting.
Uptime: 45m59s
Top Shutdown Times (ms): {shutdown_raid=2196, if_reset=1489,
shutdown_wafl=111(multivol=0, sfsr=0, abort_scan=0, snapshot=0, start=63, sync1=8,
sync2=1, mark_fs=39), wafl_sync=38, ses_ndr_disable_auto_power_cycle=35,
nfs_off_all_vfilers=19, shutdown_fm=16}
Shutdown duration (ms): {CIFS=4917, NFS=4862, ISCSI=4862, FCP=4862}
System rebooting...

Phoenix TrustedCore(tm) Server

Copyright 1985-2004 Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
All Rights Reserved
BIOS version: 2.5.0
Portions Copyright (c) 2006-2009 NetApp All Rights Reserved
CPU= AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 250 X 2
Testing RAM
512MB RAM tested
4096MB RAM installed
Fixed Disk 0: NACF1GBJU-B11

Boot Loader version 1.8

Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Broadcom Corporation.
Portions Copyright (C) 2002-2009 NetApp

CPU Type: AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 250

Starting AUTOBOOT press Ctrl-C to abort...

Loading x86_64/freebsd/image2/kernel:.....0x100000/8455008 0x910360/1278312 Entry
at 0x80158990
Loading x86_64/freebsd/image2/platform.ko:.0xa49000/655152 0xb97c40/694752
0xae8f40/39656 0xc41620/43152 0xaf2a28/86316 0xb07b54/63858 0xb174e0/140640
0xc4beb0/159120 0xb39a40/2024 0xc72c40/6072 0xb3a228/304 0xc743f8/912 0xb3a358/1680
0xc74788/5040 0xb3a9e8/960 0xc75b38/2880 0xb3ada8/184 0xc76678/552 0xb3ae60/448
0xb6f000/12918 0xb97b53/237 0xb72278/84120 0xb86b10/69699
Starting program at 0x80158990
NetApp Data ONTAP 8.1.4P1 7-Mode
Copyright (C) 1992-2014 NetApp.
All rights reserved.
md1.uzip: 25536 x 16384 blocks
md2.uzip: 5760 x 16384 blocks
* *
* Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu. *
* *

WARNING: The battery is unfit to retain data during a power

outage. This is likely because the battery is
discharged but could be due to other temporary
When the battery is ready, the boot process will
complete and services will be engaged.
To override this delay, press 'c' followed by 'Enter'

CAUTION: Using this appliance without NVRAM

battery backup coupled with a power
failure condition CAN CAUSE DATA LOSS.
Are you sure you want to continue (y or n)? y
Delay for charging canceled by user. Charger is ON
May 08 11:10:33 [localhost:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up on
NIC 0.
May 08 11:10:33 [localhost:rv.connection.established:info]: cfo_rv is connected on
May 08 11:10:35 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0d
link online.
May 08 11:10:35 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0b
link online.
May 08 11:10:37 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0c
link online.
May 08 11:10:37 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0c
link online.
May 08 11:10:37 []: Fibre Channel adapter 0a
link online.
May 08 11:10:42 [localhost:fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed
on Fibre Channel adapter 2a.
May 08 11:10:42 [localhost:fci.initialization.failed:error]: Initialization failed
on Fibre Channel adapter 2b.
May 08 11:10:45 [localhost:diskown.isEnabled:info]: software ownership has been
enabled for this system
May 08 11:10:45 [localhost:dcs.framework.enabled:info]: The DCS framework is
enabled on this nodWAFL CPLEDGERe.
R is eeservatnaion conbled. Checklist =flict f 0ound onx7ff841ff
aihis node's disks! May 08 11:10:45 [localhost:ses.giveback.wait:info]: Enclosure
Services will be unavailable while waiting for giveWback.

niocal Syngstem ID f: 11807or4059

ryadd hovrst 127.am0.10.1: b gatewaaty 127.0te.20.1
chargeupPress Ctrl-C foMay 08 11:10:46 [localhost:cf.fmns.skipped.disk:notice]:
While releasing the reservations in "Waiting For Giveback" state Failover Monitor
Node State(fmns) module skipped the disk 0c.16 that is owned by 118074059 and
reserved by 118048886.
r Maintenance menu to release disks.
May 08 11:10:46 [localhost:wafl.memory.status:info]: 1938MB of memory is currently
available for the WAFL file system.
May 08 11:10:46 [localhost:netif.linkUp:info]: Ethernet e0a: Link up.
May 08 11:10:49 [localhost:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0d: Link down, check
May 08 11:10:49 [localhost:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0c: Link down, check
May 08 11:10:49 [localhost:netif.linkDown:info]: Ethernet e0b: Link down, check
Waiting for giveback
Waiting for giveback
May 08 11:11:34 []: Failover monitor: waited 48
seconds for module nvram battery chargeup
Disk reservations have been released
May 08 11:11:38 [localhost:ses.giveback.restartAfter:info]: Enclosure Services
restarting after release of reservations.
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:cf.nm.nicReset:warning]: Initiating soft reset on
Cluster Interconnect card 0 due to rendezvous reset
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:rv.connection.torndown:info]: cfo_rv is torn down on NIC
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:cf.rv.notConnected:error]: Connection for 'cfo_rv'
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:cf.nm.nicTransitionDown:warning]: HA interconnect: Link
down on NIC 0.
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:cf.rv.notConnected:error]: Connection for 'cfo_rv'
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0b.32 is a local HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0a.33 is a local HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on
local side.
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0d.32 is a partner HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:fmmb.current.lock.disk:info]: Disk 0d.33 is a partner HA
mailbox disk.
May 08 11:11:39 [localhost:fmmb.instStat.change:info]: normal mailbox instance on
partner side.
May 08 11:11:39 []: Failover monitor: partner
May 08 11:11:41 [localhost:cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: HA interconnect: Link up on
NIC 0.
May 08 11:11:41 [localhost:rv.connection.established:info]: cfo_rv is connected on

The May 08 11:11:42 [localhost:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure

Services (SES) device accessed by 0a.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure
vendor ID [XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on
this platform.
May 08 11:11:42 [localhost:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported disk
shelf found on channel 0a.
May 08 11:11:42 [localhost:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services (SES)
device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
May 08 11:11:42 [localhost:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported disk
shelf found on channel 0c.
following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this platform.
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0a.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.
*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

May 08 11:11:42 [localhost:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure Services

unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
May 08 11:11:42 [localhost:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure Services
unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
May 08 11:11:42 [localhost:shelf.config.mpha:info]: All attached storage on the
system is multi-pathed HA.
Waiting for giveback...(Press Ctrl-C to abort wait)
Waiting for giveback...(Press Ctrl-C to abort wait)
Login incorrect

nnfas3040b(takeover)> Fri May 8 11:12:52 GMT [nnfas3040b (takeover):
console_login_mgr:info]: root logged in from console

nnfas3040b(takeover)> cf status
nnfas3040b has taken over nnfas3040a.
Auto giveback will be initiated in 428 seconds
nnfas3040b(takeover)> giveback
giveback not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040b(takeover)> cf ?
cf: Invalid option '?'
Usage: cf [disable|enable|forcetakeover [-[d][f]]|forcegiveback|giveback [-f]|
hw_assist|monitor|partner|status [-t]|takeover [-f | -n]]
nnfas3040b(takeover)> cf givebackFri May 8 11:13:24 GMT
[]: AutoSupport message (HA Group Notification from
nnfas3040b (CONFIGURATION_ERROR) WARNING) for host (0) was not posted to NetApp.
The system will drop the message.

nnfas3040b(takeover)> Fri May 8 11:13:27 GMT

[nnfas3040b:cf.misc.operatorGiveback:info]: Failover monitor: giveback initiated by
Fri May 8 11:13:27 GMT []: Failover
monitor: giveback started.

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 11:13:30 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.rsrc.transitTime:notice]: Top
Giveback transit times raid=2851, wafl_gb_sync=76, registry_giveback=57, wafl=34
{sync_clean=29, finish=4, vol_refs=1, mark_abort=0, wait_offline=0, wait_create=0,
abort_scans=0, drain_msgs=0, zombie_wait=0, drain_readios=0}, nfsd=15,
sanown_replay=6, ifconfig=4, nlm=2, fio=1, ndmpd=1
Fri May 8 11:13:30 GMT []: Failover
monitor: giveback completed
Fri May 8 11:13:30 GMT []: Failover
monitor: giveback duration time is 3 seconds.
Fri May 8 11:13:30 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.stateTransit:info]: Failover monitor:
Fri May 8 11:13:30 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.sfo.giveback:info]: Call home for
Fri May 8 11:13:31 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerDisabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040b by nnfas3040a disabled (unsynchronized
Fri May 8 11:13:32 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrAddr:notice]: The
system automatically chose as the hardware-assist partner address. If
you want to use a different IP address, change it using the command 'options
Fri May 8 11:13:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040a disabled (partner booting).
Fri May 8 11:13:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.hwassist.DefaultPrtnrAddr:notice]: The
system automatically chose as the hardware-assist partner address. If
you want to use a different IP address, change it using the command 'options
Fri May 8 11:13:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.vtic.down:notice]: The VTIC is down.

Fri May 8 11:13:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:rv.connection.torndown:info]: cfo_rv is torn

down on NIC 0
Fri May 8 11:13:34 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040a disabled (interconnect error).
Fri May 8 11:13:34 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerDisabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040b by nnfas3040a disabled (interconnect
Fri May 8 11:13:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:rv.connection.established:info]: cfo_rv is
connected on NIC 0
Fri May 8 11:13:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.vtic.up:notice]: The VTIC is up.
Fri May 8 11:13:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerDisabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040a disabled (partner booting).
Fri May 8 11:13:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerDisabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040b by nnfas3040a disabled (unsynchronized
Fri May 8 11:13:37 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverOfPartnerEnabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040a enabled
Fri May 8 11:13:37 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.fsm.takeoverByPartnerEnabled:notice]:
Failover monitor: takeover of nnfas3040b by nnfas3040a enabled

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 11:14:35 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool02:warning]: HTTP XML
Authentication failed from
Fri May 8 11:14:43 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool04:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 11:15:37 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:15:37 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.
*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 11:15:41 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:15:41 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:15:41 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:15:41 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:15:42 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:15:42 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:15:43 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:15:43 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 11:15:47 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:15:47 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:15:47 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:15:47 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:15:48 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:15:48 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:15:50 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:15:50 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:16:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0d.17 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 11:16:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.rg.spares.low:warning]: /aggr0/plex0/rg0
Fri May 8 11:16:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.spares.low:error]: Call home for
Fri May 8 11:16:03 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:16:03 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:16:10 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:16:10 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:16:12 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:16:12 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.17 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.17 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.
The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 11:16:16 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:16 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:16:16 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.17 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:16 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:16:16 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.17 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:16 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:16:16 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:16 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:16:17 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:16:17 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:16:18 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:16:18 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.17 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.17 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 11:16:23 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:23 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:16:23 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.17 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:23 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:16:23 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.17 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:23 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:16:23 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:23 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:16:23 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:16:23 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:16:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:diskown.AutoAssign.MultipleOwners:warning]:
Automatic assigning failed for disk 0a.21 (S/N 3KR3VJGX00009738QWSK) because the
disks on the loop are owned by multiple systems. Automatic assigning failed for all
unowned disks on this loop.

nnfas3040b> sysconfig -d
Device HA SHELF BAY CHAN Disk Vital Product Information
---------- --------------- ----- ------------------------------
0b.16 0b ? ? FC:B 3KR3VPKG00009738BBCA
0b.17 0b ? ? FC:B 3KR3WN6100009738BBND
0b.18 0b ? ? FC:B 3KR3X00W00009739DUCE
0b.19 0b ? ? FC:B 3KR3X0B700009738R3FW
0b.20 0b ? ? FC:B 3KR3X0PD00009739DSW8
0a.21 0a ? ? FC:A 3KR3VJGX00009738QWSK
0a.22 0a ? ? FC:A 3KR3WQAT00009739DT04
0b.32 0b 2 0 FC:B 3LM1P6990000980654FY
0b.33 0b 2 1 FC:B 3LM1Q8ZD0000980692FW
0b.34 0b 2 2 FC:B 3LM1Q925000098065630
0c.16 0c ? ? FC:B 3KR3VYFW00009738C5EK
0c.17 0c ? ? FC:B 3KR3WL3700009738CPEJ
0c.18 0c ? ? FC:B 3KR3WQYE00009738CQJV
0c.19 0c ? ? FC:B 3KR3WMQX00009738AYEP
0d.20 0d ? ? FC:A 3KR3WQZ200009739DUQN
0d.21 0d ? ? FC:A 3KR3W1S800009738R2K1
0c.32 0c 2 0 FC:B 3LM1NPRE0000980656W6
0c.33 0c 2 1 FC:B 3LM1NPRZ0000980656KQ
0c.34 0c 2 2 FC:B 3LM1MB2M00009805U76R

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.17 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.17 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.
The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 11:16:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0b.17 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:16:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.17 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:16:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:16:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:16:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:16:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:16:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:16:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:config.sameHA:warning]: Disk 0b.16 and other
disks attached to the same port are dual-attached to the same adapter. For improved
availability you should dual-attach them to separate adapters.
Fri May 8 11:16:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:cf.hwassist.missedKeepAlive:warning]:
hw_assist: missed keep alive alert from partner(nnfas3040a).
Fri May 8 11:16:57 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:16:57 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:17:00 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:17:00 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:17:04 GMT [nnfas3040b:disk.readReservationFailed:error]: Disk read
reservation failed on 0a.17 CDB 0x5e:01 - SCSI:no sense (0 0 0)
Fri May 8 11:17:04 GMT [nnfas3040b:diskown.errorDuringIO:error]: error 25 (no
valid path to disk) on disk 0a.17 (S/N 3KR3WN6100009738BBND) while reading
reservation state
The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 11:17:06 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:17:06 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:17:06 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:17:06 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:17:07 GMT [nnfas3040b:disk.readReservationFailed:error]: Disk read
reservation failed on 0c.17 CDB 0x5e:01 - SCSI:no sense (0 0 0)
Fri May 8 11:17:07 GMT [nnfas3040b:diskown.errorDuringIO:error]: error 25 (no
valid path to disk) on disk 0d.17 (S/N 3KR3WL3700009738CPEJ) while reading
reservation state
Fri May 8 11:17:07 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.config.spare.disk.missing:info]: Spare
Disk 0c.17 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3WL3700009738CPEJ] is missing.
Fri May 8 11:17:07 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:17:07 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0c.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 11:17:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0c.16 (product revision level [1820]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:17:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:17:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services
(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:17:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:17:19 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:17:19 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:17:26 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:17:26 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:17:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:disk.reserveFailed:error]: Disk reservation
failed on 0d.16 CDB 0x5e:01 - SCSI:no sense (0 0 0)
Fri May 8 11:17:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:diskown.errorDuringIO:error]: error 25 (no
valid path to disk) on disk 0c.16 (S/N 3KR3VYFW00009738C5EK) while setting disk
Fri May 8 11:17:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.config.spare.disk.missing:info]: Spare
Disk 0c.16 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3VYFW00009738C5EK] is missing.

The following SES device has not been qualified by NetApp for this
For a list of devices qualified for this platform, please contact NetApp
Global Services.

*** Device 0b.16 resides in an enclosure not qualified for this platform.

Fri May 8 11:17:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.mmErr:ALERT]: SCSI Enclosure Services

(SES) device accessed by 0b.16 (product revision level [1918]) (enclosure vendor ID
[XYRATEX ]) (enclosure product ID [RS-1401-FCF2N ]) is not supported on this
Fri May 8 11:17:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.shelf.unsupportAllowErr:ALERT]: Unsupported
disk shelf found on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:17:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:17:36 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 11:17:50 GMT []:

Fibre Channel adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:17:50 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:17:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:17:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:18:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.globalStatus.nonCritical:warning]:
There are not enough spare disks.
Fri May 8 11:18:08 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:18:08 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:18:13 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:18:13 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:18:13 GMT [nnfas3040b:callhome.disks.missing:warning]: Call home for
Fri May 8 11:18:14 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:18:14 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:18:19 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:18:19 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 11:18:33 GMT

[nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure Services unavailable for
one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:18:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.

nnfas3040b> disk show
------------ ------------- ----- ------------- -------------

0c.19 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WMQX00009738AYEP

0c.34 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1MB2M00009805U76R
0c.32 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1NPRE0000980656W6
0c.18 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WQYE00009738CQJV
0c.33 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1NPRZ0000980656KQ
0a.23 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3VGS000009738R071
0b.32 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1P6990000980654FY
0b.33 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q8ZD0000980692FW
0b.34 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q925000098065630
0d.22 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WMMG00009738C5U0
0b.19 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3X0B700009738R3FW
0b.18 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3X00W00009739DUCE
0b.20 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3X0PD00009739DSW8
0c.20 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WQZ200009739DUQN
0b.21 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3VJGX00009738QWSK
0c.21 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3W1S800009738R2K1
0b.22 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WQAT00009739DT04
nnfas3040b> disk show -n
disk show: No unassigned disks
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 11:20:00 GMT []:
Fibre Channel adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:00 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:03 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:05 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:06 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:08 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:20:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:20:24 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:20:24 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:20:27 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:27 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:32 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:20:32 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:20:35 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:35 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:40 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:20:40 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:20:56 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:20:56 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:01 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:21:01 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:21:03 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:03 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:05 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:05 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:10 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:21:10 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:21:12 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:12 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:17 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:17 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:21:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:21:22 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:21:22 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:21:27 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:27 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:32 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:21:32 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:21:37 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:37 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:42 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:21:42 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:21:43 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:43 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:48 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:21:48 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:21:53 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:53 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:21:57 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:21:57 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:22:00 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:00 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:01 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:01 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:03 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:03 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:05 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:05 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:05 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:22:05 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:22:11 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:11 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:14 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:14 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:22:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:22:25 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:25 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:30 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:32 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:32 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:34 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:22:34 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:22:42 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:42 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:22:57 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:22:57 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:23:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.globalStatus.ok:info]: The system's
global status is normal.
Fri May 8 11:23:01 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0b.
Fri May 8 11:23:02 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:23:02 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:23:05 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:23:15 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0c.
Fri May 8 11:23:24 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:23:29 GMT []: Link break detected on
Fibre Channel adapter 0d.
Fri May 8 11:23:44 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:23:53 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 11:24:28 GMT []:

Fibre Channel adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:30 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:33 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:33 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:34 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:24:34 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:24:37 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:37 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:41 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:41 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:42 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:24:42 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:24:48 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:48 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:51 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:51 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:52 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:52 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:52 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:24:52 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:24:55 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:55 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:57 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:57 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:59 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:24:59 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:01 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:01 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:01 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:25:01 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:25:03 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:04 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:06 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:06 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:08 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:08 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:08 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:09 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:09 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:25:09 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 11:25:11 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:13 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:13 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:13 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:15 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:15 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:19 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0c link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:19 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0d link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:20 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:20 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.
nnfas3040b> disk show -nFri May 8 11:25:24 GMT
[]: Fibre Channel adapter 0b link online.
Fri May 8 11:25:24 GMT []: Fibre Channel
adapter 0a link online.

disk show: No unassigned disks

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 11:25:25 GMT
[nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure Services unavailable for
one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:25:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.

nnfas3040b> disk show
------------ ------------- ----- ------------- -------------

0c.19 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WMQX00009738AYEP

0c.34 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1MB2M00009805U76R
0c.32 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1NPRE0000980656W6
0c.18 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WQYE00009738CQJV
0c.33 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1NPRZ0000980656KQ
0b.23 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3VGS000009738R071
0b.32 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1P6990000980654FY
0b.33 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q8ZD0000980692FW
0b.34 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q925000098065630
0c.22 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WMMG00009738C5U0
0b.19 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3X0B700009738R3FW
0b.18 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3X00W00009739DUCE
0c.23 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WXWA00009739DZWR
0c.24 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WXF100009739DTME
0b.20 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3X0PD00009739DSW8
0c.20 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WQZ200009739DUQN
0b.21 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3VJGX00009738QWSK
0c.21 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3W1S800009738R2K1
0b.22 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WQAT00009739DT04
0b.24 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WQZ400009739DZ5G
0b.25 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3VR8600009738BNX7
0c.25 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WYE500009738Q7R6
0b.26 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WYAA00009739DUDM
0b.27 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WLGG0000974001A2
0c.26 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WMCM00009738Q8SR
0c.27 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WL5E00009720YQ9A
0b.28 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3TNL200009738CPC7
0c.28 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WN6V00009738C5FR
0b.29 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WYCX00009738C5GN
0c.29 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WYHH00009738AYDB
0b.35 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q96600009807JZSB
0c.35 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1KV6W00009806UHV2
0b.36 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1PYVE00009807K0Q5
0c.36 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1KXHE000098048GF9
0b.37 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1QAD50000980692UN
0c.37 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 JHYU48BC
0b.38 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1PZ4Z00009806UMLZ
0c.38 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1P6E200009805U5VU
0b.39 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q94Z000098068JHM
0c.39 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1P6BV000098037FJZ
0b.40 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q61D0000980531JR
0c.40 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1P6BT00009805U8NR
0b.41 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1NPSD0000980656DD
0c.41 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1NPWV0000980656CN
0b.42 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1P6AY00009805F3WQ
0c.42 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1NPY9000098065703
0b.43 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1P6810000980656ML
0d.43 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1MATG00009805UA47
0b.44 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1NPT40000980656AA
0c.44 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1P6A500009805U5JW
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 11:25:34 GMT
[nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure Services unavailable for
one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 11:25:34 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.

nnfas3040b> disk show
------------ ------------- ----- ------------- -------------

0c.19 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WMQX00009738AYEP

0c.34 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1MB2M00009805U76R
0c.32 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1NPRE0000980656W6
0c.18 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WQYE00009738CQJV
0c.33 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1NPRZ0000980656KQ
0b.23 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3VGS000009738R071
0b.32 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1P6990000980654FY
0b.33 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q8ZD0000980692FW
0b.34 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q925000098065630
0c.22 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WMMG00009738C5U0
0b.19 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3X0B700009738R3FW
0b.18 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3X00W00009739DUCE
0c.23 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WXWA00009739DZWR
0c.24 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WXF100009739DTME
0b.20 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3X0PD00009739DSW8
0c.20 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WQZ200009739DUQN
0b.21 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3VJGX00009738QWSK
0c.21 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3W1S800009738R2K1
0b.22 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WQAT00009739DT04
0b.24 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WQZ400009739DZ5G
0b.25 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3VR8600009738BNX7
0c.25 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WYE500009738Q7R6
0b.26 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WYAA00009739DUDM
0b.27 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WLGG0000974001A2
0c.26 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WMCM00009738Q8SR
0c.27 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WL5E00009720YQ9A
0b.28 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3TNL200009738CPC7
0c.28 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WN6V00009738C5FR
0b.29 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3KR3WYCX00009738C5GN
0c.29 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3KR3WYHH00009738AYDB
0b.35 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q96600009807JZSB
0c.35 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1KV6W00009806UHV2
0b.36 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1PYVE00009807K0Q5
0c.36 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1KXHE000098048GF9
0b.37 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1QAD50000980692UN
0c.37 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 JHYU48BC
0b.38 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1PZ4Z00009806UMLZ
0c.38 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1P6E200009805U5VU
0b.39 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q94Z000098068JHM
0c.39 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1P6BV000098037FJZ
0b.40 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1Q61D0000980531JR
0c.40 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1P6BT00009805U8NR
0b.41 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1NPSD0000980656DD
0c.41 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1NPWV0000980656CN
0b.42 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1P6AY00009805F3WQ
0c.42 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1NPY9000098065703
0b.43 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1P6810000980656ML
0d.43 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1MATG00009805UA47
0b.44 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1NPT40000980656AA
0c.44 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM1P6A500009805U5JW
0b.45 nnfas3040b(118048886) Pool0 3LM1NPY50000980656AW
0d.45 nnfas3040a(118074059) Pool0 3LM63M3500009916CJSA
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 11:25:46 GMT [nnfas3040b:fci.loop.stability:info]: Fibre
Channel adapter 0b has a loop stability problem. 9 loop-initialization events seen
in 60 seconds.
Fri May 8 11:25:46 GMT [nnfas3040b:fci.loop.stability:info]: Fibre Channel adapter
0a has a loop stability problem. 8 loop-initialization events seen in 60 seconds.
Fri May 8 11:26:27 GMT [nnfas3040b:asup.smtp.drop:error]: AutoSupport mail (HA
Group Notification from nnfas3040b (DISK REDUNDANCY FAILED) WARNING) was not sent
for host (0). The system will drop the message

nnfas3040b> spare show
spare not found. Type '?' for a list of commands
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 11:33:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]:
Addition of Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.44 Shelf 2 Bay 12 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15
NA02] S/N [3LM1NPT40000980656AA] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:33:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.43 Shelf 2 Bay 11 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1P6810000980656ML] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:33:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.42 Shelf 2 Bay 10 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1P6AY00009805F3WQ] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
Addition of 10 disks to the aggregate has completed.
Fri May 8 11:33:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.41 Shelf 2 Bay 9 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1NPSD0000980656DD] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:33:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.40 Shelf 2 Bay 8 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1Q61D0000980531JR] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:33:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.39 Shelf 2 Bay 7 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1Q94Z000098068JHM] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:33:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.38 Shelf 2 Bay 6 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1PZ4Z00009806UMLZ] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:33:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0a.37 Shelf 2 Bay 5 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1QAD50000980692UN] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:33:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.36 Shelf 2 Bay 4 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1PYVE00009807K0Q5] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:33:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.35 Shelf 2 Bay 3 [NETAPP X279_S15K5288F15 NA02] S/N
[3LM1Q96600009807JZSB] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0b.28 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3TNL200009738CPC7] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0b.27 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3WLGG0000974001A2] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0b.26 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3WYAA00009739DUDM] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0b.25 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3VR8600009738BNX7] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0b.24 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3WQZ400009739DZ5G] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Creation of an aggregate with 11 disks has completed.
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0b.23 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3VGS000009738R071] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0b.22 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3WQAT00009739DT04] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0b.21 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3VJGX00009738QWSK] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0a.20 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3X0PD00009739DSW8] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0a.19 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3X0B700009738R3FW] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of
Disk /aggr1/plex0/rg0/0b.18 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA07] S/N
[3KR3X00W00009739DUCE] to aggregate aggr1 has completed successfully
Fri May 8 11:34:26 GMT []: Buftreeid
database for aggregate 'aggr1' UUID '2df6d084-f576-11e4-b768-123478563412' was
built in 0 msec, after scanning 0 inodes and restarting -1 times with a final
result of starting.
Fri May 8 11:34:26 GMT []: Buftreeid
database for aggregate 'aggr1' UUID '2df6d084-f576-11e4-b768-123478563412' was
built in 0 msec, after scanning 0 inodes and restarting 0 times with a final result
of success.
Fri May 8 11:34:26 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.vol.add:notice]: Aggregate aggr1 has been
added to the system.
Fri May 8 11:40:19 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.vvol.offline:info]: Volume 'VMware_3_15k'
has been set temporarily offline
Fri May 8 11:40:22 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.vvol.destroyed:info]: Volume VMware_3_15k
vol autosize: Flexible volume 'VMware_3_15k' autosize settings UPDATED.
Fri May 8 11:40:45 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.spacemgmnt.policyChg:info]: The space
management policy for volume VMware_3_15k has changed: autosize state enabled.
Fri May 8 11:40:45 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.spacemgmnt.policyChg:info]: The space
management policy for volume VMware_3_15k has changed: autodelete state enabled.
vol autosize: Flexible volume 'VMware_4_10k' autosize settings UPDATED.
Fri May 8 11:41:07 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.spacemgmnt.policyChg:info]: The space
management policy for volume VMware_4_10k has changed: autosize state enabled.
Fri May 8 11:41:07 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.spacemgmnt.policyChg:info]: The space
management policy for volume VMware_4_10k has changed: autodelete state enabled.
Fri May 8 11:55:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:lun.offline:warning]: LUN
/vol/VMware_3_15k/VMware_3 has been taken offline
Fri May 8 11:55:22 GMT [nnfas3040b:lun.offline:warning]: LUN
/vol/VMware_4_10k/VMware_4 has been taken offline
Fri May 8 11:55:25 GMT [nnfas3040b:lun.destroy:info]: LUN
/vol/VMware_4_10k/VMware_4 destroyed
Fri May 8 11:55:29 GMT [nnfas3040b:lun.destroy:info]: LUN
/vol/VMware_3_15k/VMware_3 destroyed
Fri May 8 11:55:37 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.vvol.offline:info]: Volume 'VMware_4_10k'
has been set temporarily offline
Fri May 8 11:55:41 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.vvol.offline:info]: Volume 'VMware_3_15k'
has been set temporarily offline
Fri May 8 11:55:44 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.vvol.destroyed:info]: Volume VMware_3_15k
Fri May 8 11:55:53 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.vvol.destroyed:info]: Volume VMware_4_10k
Fri May 8 11:56:52 GMT [nnfas3040b:raid.config.vol.destroyed:info]: Aggregate
'aggr1' destroyed.
Fri May 8 12:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:kern.uptime.filer:info]: 12:00pm up 50 mins, 0
NFS ops, 0 CIFS ops, 0 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI ops
Fri May 8 12:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.configError.ok:info]: Enclosure
services-detected configuration error has been corrected on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 12:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.configError.ok:info]: Enclosure
services-detected configuration error has been corrected on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 12:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 12:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 12:00:07 GMT []: Remote LAN
Module (RLM) network port link down due to cable or network errors.
Fri May 8 12:01:54 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 12:01:54 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 12:03:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:diskown.changingOwner:info]: changing ownership
for disk 0b.18 (S/N 3KR3X00W00009739DUCE) from unowned (ID 4294967295) to
nnfas3040b (ID 118048886)
option sis.max_compress_bg_workers: Value must be between 1 and 16.
Fri May 8 12:26:33 GMT [nnfas3040b:asup.smtp.drop:error]: AutoSupport mail (HA
Group Notification from nnfas3040b (MULTIPLE DISKS MISSING) WARNING) was not sent
for host (0). The system will drop the message
out: co
Password: nsole session idle for too long
Fri May 8 12:35:41 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 12:35:41 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 12:47:18 GMT [nnfas3040b:passwd.changed:info]: passwd for user 'root'
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool04:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool00:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool01:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool02:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool03:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool04:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool00:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool01:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool02:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool03:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:38 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool04:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:39 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool00:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:39 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool01:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:39 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool02:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:39 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool03:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:47:42 GMT [nnfas3040b:nbt.nbns.registrationComplete:info]: NBT: All
CIFS name registrations have completed for the local server.
Fri May 8 12:47:43 GMT [nnfas3040b: HTTPPool04:warning]: HTTP XML Authentication
failed from
Fri May 8 12:58:35 GMT []: AutoSupport message (HA
Group Notification from nnfas3040b (DISK CONFIGURATION ERROR) WARNING) for host (0)
was not posted to NetApp. The system will drop the message.
Fri May 8 12:59:15 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.quota.sec.change:notice]: security style
for /vol/vol0/ changed from unix to ntfs
Fri May 8 12:59:41 GMT [nnfas3040b:nbt.nbns.registrationComplete:info]: NBT: All
CIFS name registrations have completed for the local server.
Fri May 8 13:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:kern.uptime.filer:info]: 1:00pm up 1:50 0
NFS ops, 116 CIFS ops, 0 HTTP ops, 0 FCP ops, 0 iSCSI ops
Fri May 8 13:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 13:00:00 GMT [nnfas3040b:monitor.shelf.accessError:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
services has detected an error in access to shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 13:09:28 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 13:09:28 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.

Login incorrect

Data ONTAP (nnfas3040b.)

Data ONTAP (nnfas3040b.)
Data ONTAP (nnfas3040b.)
login: Passw0rd
Login incorrect

Data ONTAP (nnfas3040b.)

login: root
Password: too man
Login incorrect
y login attempts..... sleeping for a bit!
Fri May 8 13:

Data ONTAP (nnfas3040b.)

login: 13:46 GMT [nnfas3040b: console_logi
Data ONTAP (nnfas3040b.)n_mgr:w
login: arning]: too many bad logins on console
nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 13:13:53 GMT [nnfas3040b: console_login_mgr:info]: root
logged in from console

nnfas3040b> Fri May 8 13:22:58 GMT
[]: SSH client (SSH-2.0-
WinSCP_release_5.7.2) from sent unsupported channel request (10,
Fri May 8 13:22:59 GMT [nnfas3040b: sshd_0:error]: error: Disconnecting: SFTP not
enabled for this vfiler
Fri May 8 13:25:15 GMT [nnfas3040b: sshd_0:error]: error: Disconnecting: SFTP not
enabled for this vfiler

CIFS local server is shutting down...

CIFS local server has shut down...

CIFS local server is running.
Can't set cifs branchcache server secret.
Fri May 8 13:29:12 GMT [nnfas3040b:cifs.startup.local.succeeded:info]: CIFS: CIFS
local server is running.
Fri May 8 13:29:35 GMT [nnfas3040b:nbt.nbns.registrationComplete:info]: NBT: All
CIFS name registrations have completed for the local server.

CIFS local server is shutting down...

CIFS local server has shut down...

vol autosize: Flexible volume 'Backup' autosize settings UPDATED.
Fri May 8 13:31:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.quota.sec.change:notice]: security style
for /vol/Backup/ changed from ntfs to unix
Fri May 8 13:31:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.spacemgmnt.policyChg:info]: The space
management policy for volume Backup has changed: autosize state enabled.
Fri May 8 13:31:08 GMT [nnfas3040b:wafl.spacemgmnt.policyChg:info]: The space
management policy for volume Backup has changed: autodelete state enabled.
INFO: Asymmetric Logical Unit Access (ALUA) has been enabled.
Fri May 8 13:32:23 GMT []: LUN /vol/Backup/Backup was
mapped to initiator group Backup=0
Fri May 8 13:42:43 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.onlining:notice]: Onlining
Fibre Channel target adapter 2a.
Fri May 8 13:42:43 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.onlining:notice]: Onlining
Fibre Channel target adapter 2b.
Fri May 8 13:42:43 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.onlining:notice]: Onlining
Fibre Channel target adapter 1a.
Fri May 8 13:42:43 GMT [nnfas3040b:fcp.service.startup:info]: FCP service startup

Fri May 8 13:42:43 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.onlining:notice]: Onlining

Fibre Channel target adapter 1b.
Fri May 8 13:42:44 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.linkUp:notice]: Link up on
Fibre Channel target adapter 1a.
Fri May 8 13:42:44 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.linkUp:notice]: Link up on
Fibre Channel target adapter 1b.
Fri May 8 13:42:45 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.portLogin:notice]: FCP login
on Fibre Channel adapter '1a' from '21:fd:00:05:1e:03:d7:80', address 0xfffc03.
Fri May 8 13:42:45 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.portLogin:notice]: FCP login
on Fibre Channel adapter '1b' from '21:fd:00:05:1e:04:be:d5', address 0xfffc04.
Fri May 8 13:45:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.portLogin:notice]: FCP login
on Fibre Channel adapter '1b' from '10:00:00:90:fa:55:24:13', address 0x40100.
Fri May 8 13:45:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.portLogin:notice]: FCP login
on Fibre Channel adapter '1b' from '10:00:00:00:c9:6d:c5:a0', address 0x40300.
Fri May 8 13:45:59 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.portLogin:notice]: FCP login
on Fibre Channel adapter '1b' from '10:00:00:90:fa:55:24:fd', address 0x40200.
Fri May 8 13:46:03 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0c.
Fri May 8 13:46:03 GMT [nnfas3040b:ses.access.sesUnavailable:CRITICAL]: Enclosure
Services unavailable for one or more shelves on channel 0a.
Fri May 8 13:46:58 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.portLogin:notice]: FCP login
on Fibre Channel adapter '1a' from '10:00:00:90:fa:55:24:12', address 0x30100.
Fri May 8 13:46:58 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.portLogin:notice]: FCP login
on Fibre Channel adapter '1a' from '10:00:00:00:c9:6d:93:5a', address 0x30300.
Fri May 8 13:46:58 GMT [nnfas3040b:scsitarget.ispfct.portLogin:notice]: FCP login
on Fibre Channel adapter '1a' from '10:00:00:90:fa:55:24:fc', address 0x30200.

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