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A+T 48 Complex Buildings. Generators, Linkers, Mixers & Storytellers

a+t Ediciones 2017 ISBN 9788469732618 Acqn 27781
Pb 24x32cm 128pp col ills 29

This first issue in the Complex Buildings series contains projects and articles by a diverse group
of international designers and architects, among them, Urban Think Tank, Studio Muoto, Bruther,
NL Architects, Bel, Flores Prats, Maio, V+, De Smet Vermeulen, and JaJa. To help define and
investigate the complex condition of the hybrid project, which is often a mixed-use building or
architectural solution that seeks to revitalise the urban context while improving spatial efficiency,
the featured works are accompanied by historical references.

AV Monographs 196: Carlos Jimenez 30 Years, 30 Works

Avisa 2017 ISBN 9788469740743 Acqn 27782
Pb 26x30cm 126pp col ills 37

From his first buildings completed in Houston, Texas, in the 1980s and 90s, which earned him
international recognition, Carlos Jimnezs architecture has evolved to address different scales
and programmes. Yet at the same time his vision has maintained an attention to context, interest
in typological research, and a pursuit of total complicity with the client. Covering three decades of
work, this monograph is illustrated with the architects sketches and photographs by Paul Hester.
Starting from the Carlos Jimnez Studio, an ongoing project begun in 1983 and also the
architects professional studio, all of the featured projects are in the United States, with many in

AV Proyectos 080: Dossier Andres Jaque

Avisa 2017 no ISBN Acqn 27783
Pb 24x30cm 80pp col ills 11.95

AV Proyectos 80 devotes its dossier to the Madrid architect Andrs Jaque and his Office for
Political Innovation, a platform for thought and debate from which he explores the political
dimension of architecture with projects like Le Bateau-Cuisinier where residential uses are
combined with production facilities and intergenerational care centers , a prototype for social
encounter in Masdar, or the exhibition Superpowers of Ten. The issue also features the
competition for the Italian bottled water company San Pellegrino, examining the winning proposal
by the Danish studio BIG, as well as the three finalists: MVRDV, Snhetta, and aDML.

Arquitectura Viva 195-6 Memorials

Avisa 2017 no ISBN Acqn 27784
Pb 24x30cm 80pp col ills 19

Remembering the dead may have been the very first purpose of architecture, and this function
survives in the mementoes built as reminders of 20th-century wars and genocides. Eduardo
Prieto gives a history of modern memorials, followed by coverage of six recent works
commemorating battles and slaughters of the last hundred years or so, among them: the Notre-
Dame-de-Lorette Memorial in France, built on the occasion of the centenary of World War I, the
Katyn Museum in Warsaw, which recalls the slaying of Polish military officials in 1940, and the
Space of Memory in Lima, which honours those killed by terrorism in Per during the last two
decades of the century.

Arquitectura Viva 196-7 Senior Housing

Avisa 2017 no ISBN Acqn 27785
Pb 24x30cm 80pp col ills 19

Consumerist society has made old age invisible, but our elders are demanding decent habitats
and there are more and more proposals for ways to address their needs, from the adapted house
to collective residences through assisted living. Here are six examples in different parts of the
world, amongst others: the care home in Aldeamayor de San Martn (Spain) by scar M. Ares,
the house for older couples in Alcabideche (Portugal) by Huedes Cruz, the nursing home in Graz
(Austria) by Dietger Wissounig Architekten, the care home in Wingene (Belgium) by Sergison
Bates, which reinterprets traditional materials, and the nursing care dwelling in Ike (Japan) by
Issei Suma.

El Croquis 190: RCR Arquitectes 2012/17

El Croquis 2017 ISBN 9788488386960 Acqn 27786
Pb 25x34cm 360pp col ills 72

Based in Catalonia and the 2017 Pritzker Architecture Prize laureates, Rafael Aranda, Carme
Pigem, and Ramn Vilalta have developed a radical type of architecture that is both stylistically
and physically grounded in its local context as well as committed to nature. Key themes in the
work of RCR Arquitectes include connections between indoor and outdoor spaces, the passing of
time, structure and materiality, and the dematerialisation of spaces. This instalment covers more
than 20 recent projects from around the globe. Highlights include Enigma restaurant in Barcelona,
De Krook Library in Ghent, Soulages Museum in Rodez, Dubais Muraba Residences, and more.

Xtu Architects - La Cite Du Vin

HYX 2017 ISBN 9782373820027 Acqn 27742
Hb 23x26cm 160pp 225ills 175col 29.95

Located in the Bordeaux region, La Cit du Vin stands out with its bold curves and shape, a
landmark of viticulture. With this project, Anouk Legendre and Nicolas Desmazires of XTU
Architects defined a singular approach, a questioning of the meaning of wine, its origins, and the
development of its cultural identity. Between the quay and the former industrial zone of Bordeaux,
the building is clearly legible within the city, its double skin a screen upon which the interplay of
light and water and a diversity of atmospheres are continuously projected. This richly illustrated
monograph presents the projects progression from design concept through construction to

World Photo Press 2017 ISBN 9784846531294 Acqn 27449
Pb 21x28cm 216pp 360ills 350col 24

A wide array of huts, shanties, sheds, outbuildings, and shacks of all kinds populate the pages of
this book. This purpose-built typology is able to fill numerous roles, while its materials, placement,
and manner of construction can vary widely depending on factors such as function, geography,
culture, and climate. Here we find small-scale structures from around the globe, from colourful
beach huts in England and earth and bamboo pavilions in the jungle, to simple hunting blinds,
fishermans shacks, and storage sheds. Whether it is a slapdash lean-to or capable of
withstanding the most inclement weather, the shack is an often-overlooked aspect of vernacular
architecture everywhere.

Floor Plan Manual

Hochparterre 2017 ISBN 9783909928415 Acqn 27751
Pb 15x21cm 1350pp 1350ills 64.50

This imposing, densely packed volume features no less than 62 architectural competitions and
570 project proposals. Not just a compilation of floor plans from award-winning residential
projects in Zurich between 1999 and 2015, it also documents a wide range of innovative floor
plan types. The designs both challenge and develop established or orthodox layouts, while also
promoting the examination of unconventional and creative concepts in order to test their suitability
and function. In this way, with its more than 1200 floor plans, the compendium invites the reader
to discover diverse approaches to envisioning space for living.

Re:play Architecture
Nemo Factory 2017 ISBN 9791195678679 Acqn 27779
Pb 15x21cm 336pp 400ills 250col 37

Conceived by the Union of Architecture University in Seoul (UAUS), this book examines the
environmental impact of discarding of rubbish, and how architecture can address this issue. The
construction industry accounts for roughly a third of all waste. Finding alternatives to the existing
forms of redevelopment and reconstruction involving demolishing and rebuilding means
proposing new uses for these materials as well. The theme of the 5th exhibition of UAUS,
Recycling, Never Wasting Architecture, gave students from each of the nineteen affiliated
universities the opportunity to design and realise pavilions using recycled materials, all of which
are documented here.

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