Inggris 1 A

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Jl. Pejanggik no 28 Mataram. Telp. (0370) 631244 Fax. (0370) 645133
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Dra. Ni Ny. Sukina


Standar Kompetensi:
Berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Inggris setara level Novice
Memahami ungkapan dasar pada interaksi social.
- Salam diucapkan dengan baik waktu baru bertemu maupun berpisah
- Diri sendiri maupun orang lain diperkenalkan dengan benar
- Atas bantuan orang lain dapat diucapkan terimakasih secara benar
- Maaf dapat diminta atau diberikan kapada orang lain


A. Questions and answer

1. Abbas : Good morning, Tia, how are you?

Tia : Hi, good morning, Abas, I’m fine

2. Teacher : Good afternoon, time is up see you next week

Students : Good afternoon sir and thank you very much

3. Alfred : Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen it’s time to say good bye
and thank you for giving the time
Audience : Thank you and see you later

4 Mother : Good night children, have a nice dream

Children : Good night mom, see you tomorrow

5 Teacher : Thank you for joining us this afternoon, good bye

Guest : All right and see you later.

a. How to greet somebody
Time Greeting Leave taking
00.00 – 12.00 Good morning Good bye
12.00 – 18.00 Good afternoon Good bye and see you later
18.00 - 24.00 Good evening Good night and good bye
“Good night” just for leaving people in the evening

For formal situation

Formal Greetings Response
Good morning Good morning
Good afternoon Good afternoon
Good evening Good evening
How are you I’m fine thank you
Nice to meet you Nice to meet you too
How do you do How do you do
For informal situation
Informal greetings Response
Morning Morning
Afternoon Afternoon
Evening Evening
Hi Hi/hello
How are you doing Fine
How is life Good / very good
How are things with you Not so bad
How is every thing with you Pretty good/ all right/ it’s okay

b. Parting / Leave taking

Saying goodbye Response
Good bye Goodbye
See you later See you
Well, talk to you later Please keep in touch
Bye-bye Take care, bye
Good bye and give my regard to .... Yes of course, it was nice to see you
So long See you
Please excuse me, I have to leave now All right, see you later
Look after yourself, bye Take care, bye
Listen and repeat after your teacher
1. Hello, Lusi!
2. Good morning, sir
3. Good afternoon Mr. Hermawan
4. How are you?
5. Very well, thank you
6. I’m fine, thank you
7. How is Hendra?
8. He is fine, thank you
9. Good bye, Lusi
10. See you at the meeting tomorrow
Task 1
Write your response to complete the dialogue below
1 Mother : Hi, Ryan! how are you this morning?
Ryan : .....

2 Teacher : Good morning students. Is every thing all right?

Students : .....

3 Teacher : Good afternoon, that’s all for today and see you later
Students : ....

4 Mother : Good night children, don’t forget to close the window

Children : ....

5. Director : Good bye every body, see you tomorrow

Workers : ....
Task 2
Arrange a short dialogue and practice it in pairs
(Situation: You meet one of your classmates on the first day of class after a long holiday
Ask his/her condition and experience on the holiday)

B. Situational Conversation

1) On the way to school

Anton : Hello Tom
Tom : Hi, how are you?
Anton : I’m fine, thank you and how are you?
Tom : Not so bed. I’m on my way to school
Anton : What time is the class?
Tom : It begins at 7.00, English is the first subject
Anton : Do you like English?
Tom : Sure, English is my favorite subject, and I want to study abroad
Anton : Good, have a nice time

Task 3
Answer the questions based on the conversation above
1. Where is Tom going?
2. What time does the lesson start?
3. What is Tom’s favorite subject?
4 Why does he like English?
5. Where does Tom meet Anton?

2) In the class room

Teacher : Good morning students, how are you this morning?
Students : Good morning ma’am, we are fine thank you and how are you?
Teacher : I’m fine too. This morning we are going to study about telling time
but have you done your home work?
Students : Yes we have.
Teacher : Well, now let me check your homework and put it on my table.
Dani : Yes ma’am, we have collected them.
Teacher : Dani, what time do you get up in the morning?
Dani : At six ma’am and then I get ready for going to school
Teacher : Good. Have you ever come to school late?
Dani : No, I always come on time
Teacher : Good student, now let’s talk about time.
Students : Ma’am, time is up
Teacher : Yes, that’s all, and good bye
Students : Thank you and see you later.
Task 4
Answer the questions based on the conversation above
1. Where does the conversation take place?
2. Have the students done the home work?
3. What subject are they learning?
4. What time does Dani get up in the morning?
5. Has Dani ever come late?
Task 5
With your partner, complete these dialogues with the expressions you have learned
and practice speaking them out

1. Situation : You meet a friend of yours, Baskara in the street

You : Hi, Baska, _______________
Baskara : ________________________
You : _________________________
Baskara : __________________________

2. You meet your English teacher, Mr. Firdaus, in a book store. It’s 4 pm
You : ______________ Mr. Firdaus
Mr. Firdaus : ______________, _____________?
You : ___________________________
Mr. Firdaus : Are you going to buy some books?
You : _____________________________

Task 6
With your partner, complete these dialogues with the expressions you have learned
and practice speaking them out
1 Iskandar : Good morning, Baskara, how are you?
Baskara : ____________, _____________?
Mr. Iskandar : __________________, how is your family?
Baskara : _________________, thank you
Mr. Iskandar : I’m sorry, but I realy have to go now. It’s been nice talking to you
Baskara : ______________ see you some time.
Mr. Iskandar : _________________

2 Renata : Hi, Lita

Talita : ____________, ______________?
Renata : ______________, and you?
Talita : _______________ .How is work?
Renata : _____________. Would you like to have a cup of tea?
Talita : I’d love to, but _____________ I have a lot of work to do. I’ll call you
this afternoon
Renata : ______________ take care
Talita : Thanks. You too


A. Question and answer

1. Budi : What’s your name?

Andi : My name’s Andi

2. Edy : Hello, I’m Edy, good morning

Martha : Hi, my name’s Martha, how do you do
Edy : How do you do? Nice to know you Martha
3. Martha : Are you Tom’s sister?
Marry : Yes, that’s right. My name’s Marry
Martha : I’m Martha, nice to meet you Marry
Marry : Nice to meet you too

4. Teacher : Good morning. This is Hendra a new student in your class

Students : How do you do Hendra?
Hendra : How do you do?

5 Mr. Hadi : Good morning students, this is your new English teacher, Miss.
Students : How do you do, Mss. Imelda?
Imelda : How do you do?

a. Introducing oneself
1). Introducing oneself in a formal situation, we can say:
- Let me introduce myself. My name is ....
- May I introduce my self? I’m .....
- Allow me to introduce myself. My name is ....

2). Introducing oneself in an informal situation we can say:

- Hello, my name is Dani. I’m from ....
- Hi, I’m Harry; I’m a new student here
- Excuse me my name is Lina I’m from ....
- Hello, I don’t think we’ve met before, my name is ....

b. Introducing someone to other people

1) To introduce someone in a formal situation, we can say:
- I’d like to introduce you to Mr. ....
- Dian, let me introduce you to ....
- Mr. Adi, May I introduce you to ....
- Mr. Bob, allow me to introduce you to .....

2) To introduce someone in an informal situation, we can say:

- Rani, this is Sara, my sister
- Tom, I want you to meet Santi, she is my cousin
- Hi, Dani, I’d like you to meet......
- By the way, do you know each other? This is Rani and this is Edi

c. The responses
1) Formal situation
How do you do Mr./Mrs./Miss....?
Nice to meet you
My name is

2) Informal situation
Hello, glad to meet you
Hi, nice to meet you
I’m Indra, nice to meet you
Task 7
Complete the dialogue in your own words.
1. Arman : Good morning Tika, this is Erwin, my classmate
Tika : ....

2. Budi : Dad, I’d like to introduce my friend, Nita, to you. She is my

Father : ....

3 Rudi : Good morning my friends, this is Irwan, our new classmate

from Denpasar
Students : ....
4 Eka : Good evening Mr. Anwar, this is my secretary, Erni
Anwar : How do you do, Erni?
Erni : ....

5 John : Hi, Harry good evening. How is every thing?

Harry : Fine, thanks. ....
John : How do you do? Nice to meet you, Caroline

B. Situational Conversation

1) At the party
Harry : Good evening Nia, how are you?
Nia : Good evening Harry, I’m very well. Pa, this is Harry my classmate.
Harry, these are my dad and mom and this is Rudy, my brother and
Annie, my cousin.
Harry : Hi, how do you do? Nice to meet you all
Mr.Ari : Nice to meet you Harry.
Harry : Well, have a seat, please and enjoy your meal
Nia : Thank you Harry.

Task 8
Answer the questions based on the conversation above.

1. Where does the conversation take place?

2. Who is Harry?
3. Who is Rudy?
4. Who is Annie?
5. What is Harry doing?

2) Reading text.
Read the text below then answer the questions.

Good morning every body, how are you this morning? I’m glad to meet you after a long
holiday. I hope that you are all ready to get the lessons in this semester. Now, I’d like to
introduce a new teacher in our school. She is Mss. Lisa from Surabaya. She has been living in
Mataram for 3 months and now she will be your English teacher, she is still single and she
lives on Erlangga Street.
Task 9
Answer the questions based on the text.
1. Who is Ms. Lisa?
2. Where is she from?
3 Where does she live?
4. How long has she been living in Mataram?
5. Has she got married?


A. Question and answer

1. Heni : Thank you for helping me, Linda
Linda : That’s all right

2 Mother : Come in Lisa, sit down please!

Lisa : Yes, thank you.

3 Erwin : Shall I type the letter, sir

Teacher : Yes, thanks for your help, Erwin
Erwin : That’s all right. It’s my responsibility

4 Budi : Thank you for landing the book, sir?

Mr. Eka : You are welcome

5 Betty : Thanks for giving the leave

Rudy : Don’t mention it

Some responses of thanking
Thanking Responses
Thank you You’re welcome
Thanks a lot Not at all
Many thanks It’s my pleasure
Thank you very much Don’t mention it
I appreciate your kindness That’s all right
Thank you for your kindness That’s my pleasure
Thanks for landing me the money It’s all right
Thanks for the gifts, it’s beautiful I’m glad you like it

Task 10
Write your response to complete the dialogue below
1 Teacher : Thanks for helping me, Dian
Dian : .....

2 Lisa : Thanks for landing the book, Ton

Tono : .....

3 Erna : Thanks for the leave

Ridwan : ....

4 Guest : Thanks for the meal

Waitress : .....
5 Manager : Thank you, Caroline the schedule you have arranged is very
Caroline : ....

B. Situational conversation
Practice the dialogue below
1) At the office
Manager : Good morning Caroline, have you typed the letter?
Caroline : Yes sir. And this is your schedule
Manager : Oh, thank you. This is a nice schedule I like it
Caroline : That’s my responsibility.
Manager : Will you make a cup of coffee for me?
Caroline : Sure. (After a few minutes)
Here is your coffee, sir
Manager : All right, thanks for the coffee
Caroline : Don’t mention it

2) At home
Mother : Lina, can you help me to clean the room?
Lina : Yes, mom I will
Mother : Thank you for cleaning the room, Lina
Lina : It’s all right. That’s my duty. Shall I wash the dishes mom?
Mother : All right, thank you for your help
Lina : You are welcome

Task 11
Arrange a short dialogue based on the situation below:
You are at the library to return the English book and then you want to borrow the
other book, for example, Mathematics or Indonesian. Write a dialogue between you
and the librarian.


A. Situational conversation
1. Tina : Tom, I’m sorry, I forget to bring your English book. I left it in
my room. I promise to bring it tomorrow morning
Tom : That’s all right

2 Tom : I’m sorry sir, I’m late because I have problem with my motor
Teacher : That’s Ok, don’t come late next time

3. Caroline : I’m sorry sir, I was absent yesterday and I couldn’t call you
because my mother was terribly sick
Manager : Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. It is Ok. Have a seat please.
4. Tom : I’m so sorry; I couldn’t come to your house for studying in
Tina : That’s all right but don’t forget to come next week

5. Tom : I’m really sorry mom; I come home late because I have gone to
Lisa’s house to borrow a book
Mother : That’s Ok, but next time call me if you come late

Responses of regrets or apologies
Asking for forgiveness Responses
I’m sorry for coming late That’s Ok
Please, forgive me! That’s all right
I’m really sorry for disturbing you Don’t worry. It’s ok
Please accept our apologies It doesn’t matter
I’m so sorry, I missed the appointment It’s all right

Task 12
Now work in pairs asking and responding forgiveness based on the situation given.
1. You forget to call your friend for your coming late to study group.
A : ....
B : ....

2. You can not come to your friend’s party

A : ....
B :

3. You want to call your friend but you dialed a wrong number
A : ….
B : ....

4. Your friend dropped some water accidentally on your skirt.

A : ....
B : ....

5 You forget to invite your friend to your birthday party

A : ....
B : ....

B. Listening practice
Listen to the text read by your teacher to complete the sentences below
My name is Ivone. But my friends (1)____ me Ivo. I live in Menado. It is in the
northern part of Sulawesi. I (2)_____ with my parents. My father is very nice and he
is a very good (3)______. He likes his job (4)________. My mother’s name is Reni
Mamahit. She is a (5)______. She works for PT Hutama Karya in Menado. She likes
people in (6)_______, but she doesn’t like the job very much. My (7)___________ is
Roy. He is an (8)_______. He works for a company. He doesn’t (9)_______ with us,
He lives in another city. My sister Joyce, is a (10)_______, she lives with us
(Taken from English for vocational school Book 1, Armico,
A. Personal Pronouns
Study the use of personal pronouns below
Subject Possessive adjectives Possessive Pronoun Object
I my .... mine me
You your .... yours you
She her .... hers her
He his .... his him
It It’s .... its it
We our …. ours us
They their .... theirs them
Tina Her.../ Tina’s.... hers Her/Tina
Tom Tom’s.../ his .... him Tom / him
Tom and Tina their .... theirs them
1. - I am sorry for coming late (‘I’ as subject)
- My motor cycle is broken (‘my’ as possessive adjectives)
- This motor bike is mine (‘mine’ as possessive pronoun)
- Can you help me to repairs my bike? (‘Me’ as object)

2. - Do you always come late? (‘You’ as subject)

- Is it your book? (‘Your’ as Possessive adjective)
- This book is yours (yours as possessive pronoun)
- We are waiting for you (you as object)

3 - She is a secretary (she a subject)

- This is her office (her as Possessive adjective)
- This bag is hers (hers as possessive pronoun)
- I met her in the office ( her as object)

4 - Tom always comes on time (Tom as subject)

- This is Tom’s house (Tom’s as possessive adjective)
- This house is his (his as possessive pronoun)
- I phone him every Sunday (him as object)

5 - Tom and Tina are students (Tom and Tina as subject)

- This is their class room (their as possessive adjective)
- These books are theirs (their as possessive pronoun)
- I saw them study together (them as object)

B. Interrogative sentences
There are two kinds of interrogative sentences:
a. Yes/no questions
b. Question word questions

a. Yes/no questions
It is a question that should be answered with yes/no. The question is always stared with:
1. Be (am/is/are)
2. Modals (can/ may/must/will/could/would/should, etc)
3. Helping verbs (do/does/did/has/have, etc)
- Are you a student?
Yes, I am/ No I’m not
- Can you speak English?
Yes, I can / No, I can’t
- Do you go to school by motorcycle?
Yes, I do/No I don’t
- Does she go by motorcycle?
Yes, she does / No she doesn’t
- Did you come late this morning?
Yes, I did / No I didn’t

b. Question word questions.

Kinds of question words:
What = (apa) asking things
Where = (dimana/kemana) asking place
When = (kapan) asking time
Why = (mengapa) asking reason
How = (bagaimana) asking condition / process

- What is your name?
My name is Harry
- Where do you live?
I live on Pejanggik Street, Mataram
- When did your uncle come?
He came yesterday
- Why do you come late?
Because I got up late this morning
- How do you go to school?
By motor cycle

C. Simple Present Tense: To Be

In the previous learning activities, we have the expression below:
1. How are you?
2. I’m fine, thanks
3. How is your family?
4. They are very well, thank you
5. These are my friends Surya and Nyoman. They are waiters

The underlined words are to be

A sentence in English always requires a verb. The Construction is Subject + Verb. In case
we talk about situation, existence, condition, identification, location, profession, and
nationality or when there is no physical nor intellectual activity, we should use the verb TO
I am (I’m)
You are (you’re)
Positive form Negative form Interrogative form
I am ( I’m) I am not Am I?
You are (you’re) You are not (you aren’t) Are you?
He is (he’s) He is not ( he isn’t) Is he?
She is (she’s) She is not (she isn’t) Is she?
It is (it’s) It is not (it’s) Is it?
We are ( we’re) We are not (we aren’t) Are we?
They are (they’re) They are not (they aren’t) Are they?
This is This is not (this isn’t) Is this
That is (that’s) That is not (that isn’t) Is that?
Task 13
Work in pairs to find out the negative and interrogative form of the sentences below !
I am late
You are busy.
He is in his office
She is a programmer.
It is OK
We are ready
They are at the lobby
This is your luggage
That is Mr. Hardono

Task 14
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of TO BE
1. This … Gempita Hotel. It …a business hotel. I … the marketing manager. My
name … Toni Sartono. There … 40 doble rooms and 20 single rooms in our hotel.
There … a restaurant where you can have breakfast. We … glad to wecome you in
our hotel

2. Those pretty girls …. Talita and Renata. They … employees of Gempita hotel. …
they at the same department? No, they …Talita … a receptionist and Renata … a

3. What … your name? What … your address? These questions … often ask to you in
an interview. There … a lot of questions possibly asked, such as: where … you
parents? What … your father’s name? … your mother a house wife? …you
graduate of a vocational school? And many more. The answer of the last question
might be: yes, I … if you are a graduate of a vocational school or: no … if you
D. The simple present tense: verb
In the previous learning activities, you found the expression below:
1. I live in Bantul
2. We have some books
3. Do you know Baskara?
4. I don’t think we have met before
In talking about habits we use the simple present (the simple form of the verb)
In positive form, when the subject is the third singular person (Talita, she, he) the verb must
be added s/es. In the negative and interrogative form we use does / does not for the subject
of the third singular person and do / don’t for the others

Look at the examples:

1. Talita works in Gempita hotel
2. She has the competency to perform well at work
3. Does she speak English?
4. Certainly, but she doesn’t speak Japanese
5. We live in Indonesia
6. More people stay in our hotel on weekends
7. They usually come with their family
8. Do they always spend much money in the hotel restaurant?
9. No they usually don’t spend much money on food.
10. A receptionist welcomes guests in a hotel or an office.
1. In positive form, when the subject is the third singular person (Talita, she, he it) suffix
s/es is added to the verbs
2. In negative or interrogative, does is used for the third singular person and do for

E. Adverb of Frequency
Study the sentences below:
- I usually get up early
- I usually take a walk in the afternoon
- I often eat before 7
- I sometimes go to school by motorcycle
- I never go to discos
- Sometimes I just watch TV
- I always go by motorcycle

Usually = biasanya
often, = sering
sometimes= kadang-kadang
never = tidak pernah
always = selalu
They are called adverb of frequency
1. A : What time do you usually get up in the morning?
B : I usually get up before six in the morning

2 A : What do you usually do in the morning?

B : I often take a walk for 2 hours

3 A : What time do you always have breakfast?

B : I often have breakfast at 6.30
4 A : Have you ever gone to discos?
B : No, I’ve never gone there

Task 15
Put the adverbs in the correct place.
1 A : What do you do on your day off? (usually)
B : Nothing much. I sleep until noon (always)

2 A : Do you go out on Saturday night? (usually)

B : Yes, I go out with my best friend (sometimes)

3 A : Do you drive to school? (usually)

B : No, I drive to school (never)
I take the bus (always)

4 A : What do you do after class? (usually)

B : I go to my friend’s house (often)
I go straight home (always)

5 A : Do you get much exercise? (usually)

B : Yes I play tennis after work (sometimes)
And on Sundays, I go to the gym (often)

Task 16
Write a short dialogue asking about what you usually do and practice it with your friend
in pairs

Task 17
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct forms
1. The chemist … (not sell) drugs without doctor’s prescription.
2. What time …. The film in this theatre …(begin)
3. … you …(have) your identity card with you?
4. I’m sorry sir, we … (not give) discount for payment by credit card.
5. The restaurant … (not serve) Indonesian food. It’s Chinese restaurant
6. Hoe long … it … (take) to fly to Surabaya?
7. Tourist always … (enjoy) the tour Dieng Plateau.
8. … service station …. (open) on Sunday?
9. What … an office boy… (do) in an office?
10. The students’ orchestra always … (perform) well at the concert.

Task 18

You have learned how to greet somebody, introduce yourself or others, give thanks to
somebody and express regret and apologize. Now do the assessment below to check how far
you can understand the lesson.
In this activity, check your ability in comprehending the material you have learned in
unit 1 by doing the assessments below.
I. Complete the dialogue while listening to the teacher

1 A : Hi, Susan, how are you doing?

B : Hi, ___________________

2 A : Good bye Uncle Tom

B : __________________
A : See you

3 A : It’s time to sleep, dear

B : Good night, mom!
A : ____________________

4 A : ____________________
B : Good evening, sir
A : Here is nice present for you
B : ____________________

II. Write the missing words while listening to your teacher

Hello, ___________(1) Hendy. I’m from Mataram. I’m here for a Speech competition.
I’m from ___________(2) on Business management program. I take
__________(3)program, and this is Linda __________(4) from office administration
program and Peter is from ______________(5). Linda likes ___________(6) English and
she ___________(7) English well but Anton is good at ________(8). He is a badminton
_________(9) His team has won _________(10) on the competition last week.
III. Greeting and leave taking
a. What you will say,
1 when you meet your friend at 07.00 am
2 if your friend says “how are you”
3 if your friend says “Good bye”
4 if you want to introduce your friend to your father
5 to leave your friend at 10.00 pm

b. Write a short dialogue about greeting and leave taking based on the situation below:
1. You go to Senggigi Beach with your family, before going home, you meet your
classmate who has just arrived.

2. You are at Ruby Supermarket; suddenly you meet your teacher shopping there
Greet him/her formally

IV Complete the dialogue below

1. Tom : Happy birthday, Lisa. Here is a gift for you
Lisa : __________________ May I open it?
Tom : Sure
Lisa : Wow, it’s a lovely watch, I like it. Thanks for your kindness
Tom : _________________________

2. Susie : Happy birthday Lisa. I’m sorry I couldn’t come to your party last
Lisa : ________________________
Do you remember to bring my book?
Susie : Oh, my God, I left it on the table in the living room, sorry Lisa
Lisa : _____________________________

V. Introduction
1. Today is the first day of the class; you and your friends don’t know each other. Write
a dialogue to introduce yourself to one of your friends.

2. Write a short paragraph to introduce yourself in front of the class telling about your
name, address and family.

3. Write some sentences to introduce one of your friends in front of the class.

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