Protec Cooling Towers Service Manual PCT Om Manual

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fs) HRT ISG COOLING TOWERS, INC. ENERGY - EFFICIENT COOLING TOWERS OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL COMMITTED TO SAVING ENERGY OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL ‘4 Protec Cooling Towers manufactured for optimum performance and ‘the least maintenance possible in mind Protec Gooing Towers are ant-corrosive and offer long-ife. yet very important that 3 regulat_maintenance schedule is followed. A maintenance schedule guarantees optimal performance Keeping £ner9y ficiency throughout the entire system ‘All nsructon must be tallowed for our ime warranty 0 be vali PLEASE REVIEW THE FOLLOWING NOTES: \We ace not responsible for any down time caused by any ‘alu of our equipment If our equipment is used as part ofa citical process, you ‘must take precautions, such as spare parts or spare equioment, to Instatation ane wing should be as per National and Local Codes Use precautions to avo personal or propery damage. Betove reaching into the top of the tower, always slsconnect the fan WARNING WATER TREATMENT MUST BE SUPPLIED ANDIOR APPLIED BY A PROFESSIONAL IN THE FIELD IN ORDER TO AVOID FILL DAMAGE IT IS THE USER'SIOWNERS RESPONSIBILITY TO TREAT THE WATER IN ORDER TO STOP BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINANTS AND AVOID. AMONG OTHER GACTERIUM, THE LEGIONELLA BACTERIA WHICH IS KNOWN TO CAUSE LEGIONNAIRES DISEASE PREPARATION FOR START-UP: CLEANING: Before adcing water. the babi should be cleaned using a hose andior a brush and drained fo flush out any debris fet over during te assem y process FILL UP: Fil the water basin uo to 11/2” below the overiow intake and agjust the fost valve 0 maintan sai level NOTE: The tower shouldbe a the highest pont of installation When the pump stated make sute the water level's mainained by the make-up Waive Before reaching into the top of the tower, always disconnect the fan motor. WATER DISTRIBUTION: Turn the water distrbution pipes by hand, to that they can rotate feely. Make sure there is no Git inside tion header er pipes \when steady flow is accomplished, check the distribution pipes rotation ‘38 per lustration No.1 on this page. (Check that the water's distributed evenly over the full surface ofthe fil MANUAL FAN TEST: 1) Spin fan by hand to insure proper instalation and alignment, being properly fastened observe thatthe blaces ate not making contact lwth any internal parts of he tower (casing) Check the motor wring. The electrcal rating hae te agree with the plate onthe cooling tower and on the motor. For fan assemblies with bels or gears (Motor 75 hp. and lager) star-celta or soft start slater recommended to extend the fe of the deve 44) Check for loose nuts and bolts especialy tthe motor mountings. 5} Run the fan momentarily 12 check the rotation, which should be clockwise when viewed fom above. 5) Run the fan for two to three hours to check that no vibration develops 2 9 IMPORTANT NOTE: I the tower has not been in operation for more th menth check the inulatin of tha mator eth. SOOv Megger insu Tester, the reading should be 1 Megaohm or above. If it's less, the motor should be opened for inspection and must be died fo av01 shen ccuting Chart No.1 Distbution pipes rotation speed ODEL PET | 8-30 | 40-60 | 30-250] 300-356 [400-700] HEM zt ss | 57 | 58 [25-4 Chart No 1 Notes 4) Rotation speae must be win these values Even though, there are designed for lager RPM, in order to avord damage of the bearings do not exceed these values. 2), The dstnbution eperings must be located under the pipe and should be between "and 5" tothe vertical See lls. No.1 on ths page 3}, The rolaton speed is increased by increasing the angle tothe vertical ‘ana decreased by decreasing he same. See lus. No.1 Rotation should be ockwnse when viewed rom above 4 SPRINKLER PIPE END VIEW A-A (VIEWED THROUGH INSPECTION WINDOW) ROTATION <——_ SPRINKLER L4 RA TOVEW-SRINKLERASSM., ILLUS. NO. 1 VIEW AA. MAINTENANCE: WATER DISTRIBUTION SySTeM DISTRIBUTION HEADER: If the water astnbuton system's rotation slows down or stops fst check whether the water circulation rate & nomal.If $0. then the eistribuvon header should te checked for cin. Before reaching Into the top of the tower, aivays disconnect the fan motor 8) For models PCT-S through PCT.80 refer to lus. No. 200 this page 1) Remove the threaded cap (1) 2) Remove the nut (2) and the washer (3), then it ofthe top section 6 3) Clean pans with water (Do not use ae PH less than 3) For models PCT-100 through PCT-1000 refer tolls. No. 3 fon tis page 1) Remove the threaded cap (1) an take the nut (2) of 2) Pull the cotary parts off from the fiued section (The wail low checking for any dit) 2) To replace the lower beating (6) or ol sea (7) unscrew (4) on 9), “To reassemble, folow the same steps, but in reverse » THIS DATA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 2 6 ILLUS. No. 2 IMPORTANT NOTE: 1) When passing the oll seal (7) over the center pole (5), avoid damage to the lips ofthe oil seal 2) The all seal should be replaced every 2 to 3 years '3) When replacing the sprinklor head bearings, pack them ade- ‘quately with grease, DISTRIBUTION PIPES: Cleaning of the distribution pipes is performed as follows: 41) Mark the original position betore removing any of the distribu- tion pipes, The distribution openings should be under the pipe, at 0°-5° to the vertical 2) For madel PCT-8 through PCT-80slacken the distribution pipe Tock nuts, then unscrew the pipe and remove it to be flushed. 3) For models PCT-100 through PCT-1000 unscrew the capat the ‘end of the pige and let the water from the distribution header ‘hush it CASING: IW the easing becomes soiled, wash it with soap and water. BASIN: Inspect the water basin for accumulated dirt, when necessary ‘scrub and flush through the drain, regularly clean the strainer located inside the basin. (Please reler to maintenance schedule) FILL: When the proper water treatments performed our fill materia will ot deteriorate. Inspect it as indicated in our maintenance schedule WARNING: WATER TREATMENT MUST BE SUPPLIED AND/OR APPLIED BY A PROFESSIONAL IN THE FIELD IN ORDER TO AVOID FILL DAMAGE. IT IS THE USER’S/OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITY TO TREAT THE WATER IN ORDER TO STOP BIOLOGICAL CONTAMINANTS AND AVOID, AMONG OTHER BACTERIUM, ‘THE LEGIONNELLA BACTERIA, WHICH IS KNOWN TO CAUSE LEGIONNAIRE’S DISEASE. ILLUS. No. 3 NOTE: It is recommended to wear eye protection at all times wher viewing oF inspecting any cooling tower performance from the top. When working on our cooling towers you snovid be protectec complying with OSHA requirements Do not stand or walk directly on the fill. Always place hare ccarsbaard or plywood on the fill o distribute the load ang avave damage, Before reaching into the top of the tower, always disconnect the fan motor. ‘SPEED REDUCE! 1) PCT-8 thew PCT-200 are direct driven and Mus, No. 4 land No. § should be ignored 2) Belt Drive-Model PCT-250 through PCT-500 arestandarawitt bolt drive and optional with gear drive, 3) Gear Drive Model PCT-250 trough PCT-500 are optional wit ‘gear drive, Model PCT-600 through PCT-1000 are standart swith gear deve Betore reaching Into the top of the tower, always dlaconnect the fan motor. Spin the fan by hand to 200 if i rotates freely and smoothly. “Gear Box Speed Reducer. Before start-up, fill gear box with oilas indicated below. Motor car ot be started if gear drive is not fll of oll Recommended Oil, SAE 90 Capacity. 0.5 Gallons Note: After the first 100 hours of operation the oil should be changed. After that, refer to the maintenance schedule, THIS DATA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 3 GEAR SPEED REDUCER SPEED REDUCER 01- GEAR CASING 25: TRANSMISSION FLANGE 26: SHAFT SEAL BEARING BOX 101- CASING 102: POWER SHAFT 105- BEARING (TOP) 104. BEARING (BOTTOM ) 105- SHAFT SEAL 106- STEEL PLATE COVER MOTOR 201- SHAFT GEAR BOX COMPONENTS THIS DATA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 4 CROSS - SECTION BEARING BOX Fan Putoy veel Flot ¥aster ————~ || ea Power Shaft JE ae Cover Sean (Too! Wateroroo Seal (Top) Beacing (ottom) Waterproof Seat (Bottom Hexaponl Nox fey LUS. NO. 5 CHART No. 2 V-BELT DRIVE SPECIFICATIONS ‘woToR MoTORSOE —~=~SC*AW WDE veEaeit ‘BEARING ie yous puieysiarT_puitey ree “ar remt__ropasorron a aur a0, a 0 gen 90 gg ee © ¢ ae #0 tote ra 7 Siem ay Bae 320 si 6 < son Sonn Bia 30 1 CHART No. 3 CHART No. 4 MOTOR AND DRIVES RPM WATER DISTRIBUTION HEADER BEARINGS woos MOTOR BELTS GEARS oouina TOWER MODEL EARINGNe. TOP _~wOTTOM ror ‘nem RPM COPLING TOWER MODEL BEAFIN “ at em rem mee ame 7m “1520 ‘2 reruns wom wae a oreo 78 290 2 250,20, 80,8499 oor saze 7 PCT - 500, 600 8 700 820522 ez POT 8008 1000 4 ‘so0azz 00-1000 00 ‘The above Gata 19 suitable for 60-HZ operation only THIS DATA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 5 MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Howe San res Fan Sat ering Etininon ve ri wear ba Serine System sea FP casing Fan Float Valve Bleed Rate Drive Shatt Flow Control Valves Suction Screen 1. Inspect for clogging 2. Check for unusual noise or vibration = a = 3. Inspect keys and set screws Lubricate 5. Check oil seals 6. Check oil level 7. Check oil for water and 8. Change oil (at least) 8. Check water level/quality 10. Cheek flow rate 11. Check for leakage 12. Inspect general condition yYoyiy Js|y 13. Tighten loose belts 14. Clean 15. Repaint close 16. Completely open and D= daily; W— weekly: M— monthly: Q— quarterly; S— semi-annually; Y —yesrlys THIS DATA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE 6 R— as required. TROUBLE ANALYSIS TABLE Rise in Cooling Water ‘Temperature Excessive o inadequate cooling water fow Ireguar flow of ar Short crcuttng of ak ftom tower outet lreguar rotation of cistibution pipes Improper fow of ar Blocking of the fil Stackened or severed bet Nognen ‘Adjust to the specified flow Improve Ventiation imorove Ventiation Remove dit and scala ‘Adjust the angle of fan blades. (lean the blocked area Adjust or replace belts Nomsan Abnormal Water Flow Blocking ofthe cistibution Bipe openings Blocking of strainer mesh Blocking in fi ‘Water lavel decrease in the water basn Improper selection of water pump (Qiean aistrioution pipes 2. Romove strainer and clean 8. Adust float valve or quick water make uo system 4, Replace pump with proper size purp 8. Clean fil or replace Noise and Vibration 1, Fan bade tips touching casing 2, Bending of fan shaft 8. Loose aks 4, Motors bearing damaged 5, Damage in fan and / or motor 6, Speed reducer bearings problems and /r all not enough Adjust fan mounting ‘Adjust at specialized shop Tigten loose botts Repair or replace motor Replace ten (Check bearings and / or cil level pone 2. Blocking of the fil &. improper installation of eliminator 4. Excessive circulating water 5. Excessive air low {When applicable ) Exconsie/Ccxront + Drop in votage 1. Check supply voltage 2. Fan blades piich angle 2. Adjust fan blade angle of he fan Blades 8. Repat or replace rotor 3. Motor damaged 4, Aust fan blades angle 4. Overload due to excessive air flow. Water Carry Over 1. Irreguiar rotation of distribution pipes: 1. Agiust the angle of the distribution pipes and check the distioution header 2, Eliminate blockage at fil 8. Improve & repair elrrinator 4, Aust water fow 5. Adust fan blades ange 7 THIS DATA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE BELT ADJUSTMENT Belt tension must be checked before starting motor and it adjustments are needed tighten tension nalts as shown on lus. No. 8. AFTER AND DURING OPERATION Make the first inspection within one or two days of full ‘operation after start-up. Make necessary adjustments since bolts may stretch a litle after the initial start-up. Make sure before reaching Into the top of the tower to always disconnect the tan motor. BELT REPLACEMENT Refer to Illustrations 8 & 9 for belt replacement ‘A~ Loosen slide bolt and nuts (4 pes), B- Loosen tension nuts (2 pcs) and slide motor toward the ‘center. Remove the old belts C= Hook the new belts tothe grooves of both motorand fan side pulley, = After new belts are in place adjust it within the frame- \work of pormissible tension. = Tightening bolts and nuts ie the reverse of loosening Change all belts simultaneously. Do not mix new anc ol belts. (ius, No. 9) F After new belts have beon installed repeat the pro {cess of adjustment found under the “After and During Operation” heading on this page. BELT ADJUSTMENT AND REPLACEMENT PROCESS Direction for loosing Balt ¢— Motor Tension nut (2.908) —/ ILLUS. NO. 7 uy Tension nut I2 pes) —H1 Moree —/ ILLUS. NO. 8 Tension Nut [2 Spots) Sloe dolt & Nut [é Spots) ILLUS. NO. 9 THIS DATA IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE Ga /ARQOTTAT’ COOLinc TOWERS, INC. 6995 NW. 60th STREET + MIAMI, FLORIDA 33166 + TEL: (805) 594-3686 » FAX: (905) 477-2514

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