Making Evidence-Based Approaches To Autism Accessible

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Making evidence-based approaches to autism accessible

One of the greatest challenges for the public health response to autism is providing access to evidence-based care. Sally J
Rogers tells Andria Azevedo Soares how parents can help their children mitigate the disabilities associated with autism.

Q: What is autism and how does it affect

children and their families? Psychologist Sally J Rogers has devoted her career to
A: Autism spectrum disorders cover the study of autism and the mitigation of the severe
a range of symptoms leading to moder- and often lifelong disabilities associated with these
ate to severe disabilities, including dif- pervasive developmental disorders, as defined by the

Courtesy of Sally J Rogers

ficulties with social communication and International statistical classification of diseases and
reciprocal exchanges with others, and
related health problems (ICD10). She is a professor
repetitive behaviours. There are often
delays in communication and language,
of psychiatry and behavioural sciences at the MIND
learning and motor skills. Institute, University of California Davis, United States
Sally J Rogers of America (USA) and co-developed the Early Start
Q: How did you become interested in Denver Model. Rogers obtained a masters in 1973
these disorders? and a doctoral degree (1975) in developmental psychology from Ohio State
A: As a teenager I read an article in University. She earned her bachelors degree in psychology from Ashland
Life magazine about how children with University, Ohio, in 1969.
autism do not interact with other people
and found this intriguing. My first expe-
rience with such children was as an un-
dergraduate psychology student. These principles of how young children usu- so that children were receiving high
children had been living in institutions ally acquire these skills. At the time, in quality learning opportunities from
and had not received proper treatment, the 1980s, it was assumed that children waking until bedtime.
so their signals were very subtle and they with autism spectrum disorders were
did not understand how people operated unable to learn through play and other Q: What challenges did you face?
and communicated. In spite of that, they daily activities e.g. mealtime, bathtime, A: The misconception that children
were not unresponsive. I was keen to books before bedtime. Our work in with these disorders learn in fundamen-
find out how much they could learn to Denver helped us understand how to tally different ways to other children.
interact with others, so that they would apply developmental and learning sci- Developmental science studies show
become less disabled by their disorder. ence concepts to children with these that on the contrary young children
Then, in 1981, while working in Denver disorders. with these disorders follow the same
at the JFK Center of the University of developmental paths as those with other
Colorado Medical School, I received Q: Can you tell us about your work on an developmental disabilities or no dis-
a federal grant to start a pre-school approach for younger children? ability, but often at a slower pace than
intervention programme for children A: In 2003, I joined Geraldine their peers. This means that although
with autism and their families. Dawson, who is now a professor at Duke they learn and develop differently to
University, at the University of Washing- other children we dont need to create
Q: Can you tell us about this programme ton in her large project to develop an special learning settings, interactions
which became known as the Denver intervention for even younger children, and materials for them.
Model, one of several evidence-based aged 12 to 30 months. This became the
approaches to autism? Early Start Denver Model (ESDM). The Q: In your co-authored 2012 book, An
A: It was a treatment programme approach integrates developmental and early start for your child with autism,
for pre-schoolers with autism in which learning sciences to treat the symptoms you provide parents with the same tools
therapists worked with children aged 3 of these disorders in toddlers, such as therapists use. Do you see parents as
to 5 years in small groups to help them delayed speech. The approach is a rou- therapists too?
develop communication, language, tines and play-based therapy that takes A: All parents teach their children
play and social skills using typical pre- place in childrens natural environment, the critical things in life. A childs de-
school activities for this age group. We i.e. in their homes or care centres and velopment is set in the first five years. If
also shared these activities with parents embeds learning opportunities into a parents can learn to help children with
to support their childrens learning at childs daily routines. It is a flexible inter- these disorders to learn in everyday
home. For example, parents position vention that can be delivered in different interaction, their children will receive
themselves face-to-face with the child places (home, pre-school or day-care the best treatment possible. When we
during floor-time play and try to gain settings) in various formats (one-on- teach parents these techniques in the
the childs attention through the childs one, group) and by various people USA, they often say: This is similar
interests, such as toy animals. The ap- (parents, caregiver, therapists). We also to what I do with all my kids. The dif-
proach was based on the science of taught parents intervention techniques ference is that the parent or therapist
child development and it applied the to incorporate into their home routines needs to work hard to gain and hold the

552 Bull World Health Organ 2017;95:552553 | doi:


childs attention, and to break learning, week-old baby on her hip, I realized Q: To what extent can early intervention
especially language learning, down into there were thousands of parents in such reduce the burden on individuals and so-
small steps. situations without access to specialized ciety due to autism spectrum disorders?
therapy. It occurred to me that if our ma- A: Many adults with autism will
terials were available online, this mother need care and financial support through-

could access them via her smartphone. out their lives. There is an emotional and
We are tapping My colleagues and I have created materi- financial burden on the family. Many
into some universal als for such parents accessible on their adults with these disorders experience
smartphones in lessons lasting less than
10 minutes. The lessons are described in
our book, An early start for your child
with autism, but presented in a more
depression, anxiety, isolation and health
difficulties. However, David Mandells
work in the USA suggests that inten-
sive, early intervention of high quality
accessible way through cartoons and is cost-effective, with the net savings
Q: How universally applicable are these videos. We are field testing the interven- occurring soon after intensive early
techniques? tion and hope it will be available in a intervention ends. While our approach
A: When I first started teaching couple of years. costs more to deliver than some com-
these techniques outside of the USA, I munity interventions during the first
worried that our approach might be too Q: What effect has the 1998 study falsely two years, it appears to pay for itself
American and would not translate to linking the measlesmumpsrubella in terms of reduced needs for therapy
other cultures. But the feedback I have (MMR) vaccine to autism had on au- and educational support during later
received from our work with parents and tism research? How have you and your childhood. These models suggest that
therapists in Australia, China, India, the colleague re-built confidence in autism further savings to society will accrue
Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Viet spectrum disorders science? due to more employment in adulthood.
Nam and many countries in Europe, has A: This underscores the impor-
shown that this approach is considered tance of taking an evidence-based

appropriate and acceptable in many approach, something I and my col-
cultures and that children respond well leagues have always done. Our ESDM These children
to them. I guess we are tapping into approach, for example, is a scien- are less likely to be
some universal values and practices in tifically rigorous approach that has marginalized and
the way that parents and children relate
to each other.

Q: Specialist training is expensive even

been tested in observational studies
published in peer-reviewed journals.
One way we try to build confidence is
to provide information about the harm

in high-income countries. Have you ap- that untested treatments can do, either
plied your approach in low- and middle- through actual adverse effects, or by Q: Recently the United Nations estab-
income countries? replacing an evidence-based treatment. lished a World Autism Awareness Day. In
A: Yes. I was involved in a proj- 2014, the World Health Assembly called
ect in South Africa several years ago Q: Although the paper was rebut- for a better response to autism spectrum
with colleagues from the University ted scientifically and retracted, some disorders, which are included in WHOs
of Cape Town and Duke University to people still believe that vaccines have Comprehensive mental health action
do research on how to make these in- created an autism epidemic. What is plan 20132020. WHO is now working in
terventions more widely available. We the evidence-based explanation for the 20 countries to help address these disor-
have three approaches. One, we train increase in the incidence and prevalence ders. Has awareness of autism increased?
pre-school specialists to embed our ap- of these disorders in recent years? A: There is much greater awareness.
proach into pre-school curricula. Two, A: More children are being di- This means these children are less likely
we train professionals working in dif- agnosed now than a few decades ago to be marginalized and untreated and
ferent disciplines to use the techniques because of greater awareness, through we can start interventions as soon as
themselves in their treatment sessions increased scientific literature and media we see that a child is having develop-
with children. And three, we teach those coverage, and changes in the diagnostic mental delays. All children need to be
who work with families to coach parents criteria, such as recognizing milder educated, including those with autism
to incorporate the treatment into every- symptoms, which result in more chil- spectrum disorder. The earlier we treat
day activities with their children. Finally, dren in the autism spectrum. In addi- their symptoms, the better they will be
we are experimenting with coaching tion, some parents and practitioners prepared to go to school. We can now
families in these techniques remotely emphasize an autism spectrum diag- detect high risk for autism by the first
via the Internet using mobile devices. nosis more today. For instance, a child birthday and often diagnose children
with intellectual disability and autism by the time they are two. This is why the
Q: How could smartphones help? spectrum disorder is more likely to paediatric community is making greater
A: When I was in a township in have the autism diagnosis prioritized in efforts to identify developmental and
Cape Town with a single mother of a the USA; 1020 years ago more weight learning disabilities as early as possible
four-year-old boy who was severely would have been placed on the intel- so that children can receive the appro-
affected by these disorders and a four- lectual disability diagnosis. priate care and interventions.

Bull World Health Organ 2017;95:552553| doi: 553

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