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C2 Photography
Embracing the Future | 2
The Isaacson Era | 3

Policy Programs | 4
Policy Initiatives | 13
Leadership Initiatives | 14
Policy Leadership Programs | 18
Public Programs | 20
Youth & Engagement Programs | 26
Seminars | 30
International Partnerships | 34
Media Resources | 38


2016-2017 Selected Highlights of the Institute's Work | 40
Live on the Aspen Stage | 42

The Heritage Society | 44
The Paepcke Society | 47
Society of Fellows | 48
Donors | 63


2016 Annual Report | 88

Our Locations | 90
Aspen Institute Leadership | 92
Board of Trustees | 96


The Aspen Institute is a place of ideas. Ideas are our lifeblood.
And creating a nonpartisan space where ideas can be exchangedcivilly, productively,
and without fear of judgmentis an ever-more-important part of our mission.
That mission means looking toward the future and finding the next Technological innovations make life easier, tooand the Institute is
big ideas: ideas that uphold the timeless values of a Good Society on the forefront of exploring how technology like artificial intelli-
and push society toward progress and values-based leadership. At gence and driverless cars can benefit society. In a partnership with
the Institute, we are embracing the futureparticularly the people Bloomberg Philanthropies, we have launched an Initiative on the
who will build it. Our new Youth & Engagement Programs division Future of Autonomous Vehicles, which will help city leaders around
is launching a youth-focused Fellowship, bolstering the ideas of the world plan and prepare for the emergence of autonomous
students to solve problems in their own communities. It is creating vehicles. The Initiative will produce a set of principles and tools that
spaces for young people to ask big questionsand to demand a cities around the world can use to chart their own paths forward
high standard from each other. If our younger generations are our using the new technology to shape the future of transportation.
future, then the Aspen Institute is working to develop a generation Beyond constructing new ideas, the Institute is expanding its
that works towards values. physical locations. This year marks the beginning of construction
The Institute is hoping to build a strong and secure future, too. In on the Aspen Meadows campus, and a new Washington head-
2016, we launched a new program on Cybersecurity and Tech- quarters for the Institute's growing staff is scheduled to open
nology, a topic that will be at the forefront of national debate in its doors in December 2017. We hope the new buildings will
the years to comerecognizing that while the world is a better provide increased opportunities and spaces for the conversa-
place because of technological innovation, business and gov- tions the Institute is so proud ofconversations that bring people
ernment must keep pace with the ever-evolving landscape of together around shared goals, wishes, and dreams.
digital threats. As we stand at a political moment that seems more
contested by the month, the program offers educational resourc-
es and a nonpartisan, cross-disciplinary forum for industry and
government to provide policy solutions.

In March 2017, Walter Isaacson announced he would be stepping down after
serving for 14 years as president and CEO of the Aspen Institute. On hearing the
news, everyone deeply involved with the Institute recognized at once that we
have all been profoundly changed by his time here.
Announcing the decision, Chairman of the Board Jim Crown wrote: Walters leader-
ship has been remarkable, and while he leaves the Institute in the strongest position
in its history, he will be missed by all of us. Looking back, I would reflect on how the
foundation of the Institute paved the way for other think tanks and policy-based
associations. There were few such organizations in the period after World War II, and
the vision of Walter Paepcke was to establish a values-based, nonpartisan forum
where thought leaders could assemble and discuss the meaning and value of the
good life. This was the Institutes first Golden Age. The second Golden Age for the
Institute has been under Walter Isaacsons similarly visionary leadership.
The list of ways the Institute changed under that leadership is too long to detail,
and is in fact on every page of this report. But some of the highlights include cre-
ating an entire division of the Institute devoted to public programs, including the
signature Aspen Ideas Festival; upgrading the Aspen Meadows campus and build-
ing a conference hall and tent to bring the world to Aspen; establishing the Aspen
Global Leadership Network and an expansion of international partnerships all
over the globe; forming policy programs on critical issues as diverse as homeland
and cyber security, health and medicine, and race and identity; creating IDEAS,
the magazine that brings news of the Institute to the world, greatly expanding the
scope and influence of the Institute's digital platforms; and bringing new emphasis
and resources to youth leadership and engagement.
Jim Crown asked Trustee Madeleine Albright to speak for the board as the last order
of business at its annual April meeting, held for the first time in Chicagobirthplace
of the Institute itself, under the guiding vision of Walter Paepcke (the first Walter,
as he came to be known in the Isaacson Era). While there's no denying that Walter
transformed the Aspen Institute, she said, I think it is also fair to say that the Aspen
Institute transformed him. He came into the job as a well-regarded journalist and
author. He leaves Aspen not only as one of the preeminent biographers of our time
but also as a changemaker in his own right. This is what makes Walter so specialhe
is not just a dreamer, he is a doer. And what he has done for Aspen, and with Aspen,
has been nothing short of spectacular.
Her conclusion spoke not just for those in the room but for the greater Institute
community: Walter, I think I speak for everyone on the board when I say we are
better for having known you, and this Institute is better for having been led by you.
Dan Bayer


Aspen Institute policy programs provide nonpartisan forums for analysis, consensus building,
and problem solving on pressing contemporary public policy issues. They frame critical topics,
bring new evidence to bear on a wide range of issues, propose innovative ideas, and gather
leaders and experts to reach constructive solutions. Each program serves as an impartial forum,
and each is unique in its substance and approach. Together they share a common mission and
methodology: convening diverse perspectives for informed dialogue and action.

Dan Bayer

Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor discusses civic engagement
at a Latinos and Society Program event in March 2017. (Laurence Genon)

Ascend is the national hub for breakthrough ideas and collaborations to
move children and their parents toward educational success and econom-
ic security by embracing a two-generation approach and a commitment
to racial equity and viewing issues through a gender lens. Two-generation
approaches provide opportunities for and meet the needs of both children
and their parents. We believe that education, economic support, social
capital, and health and well-being are the core components that create an
intergenerational cycle of opportunity. Ascend makes a difference in the lives
of children, parents, and families by elevating and investing in a portfolio of
solutionsinformed by the voices of families and fueled by political will and a
national network of leaders.

The program enables communities to effectively address their most press- Women of Mela Artisans, a group supported by the Alliance for Artisan Enterprise through
Aspen Global Innovators Group, show off their handiwork. (Photo courtesy of Mela Artisans)
ing challenges by supporting essential collaboration. The Aspen Forum for
Community Solutions is an organizer of the Collective Impact Forum (www. The Aspen Forums Opportunity Youth Incentive
Fund, a funding collaborative with major foundations and individual donor ASPEN INSTITUTE CITIZENSHIP AND AMERICAN IDENTITY PROGRAM
partners, has invested millions in communities across the country. It works to
create higher rates of reconnection to education and employment among In a time of rising inequality, increasing diversity, and widening polarization,
opportunity youth who are out of school or out of work. The Forum for the question of what it means to be Americanand how we create a unifying
Community Solutions also partners with groups like Neighborhood Funders story of usis of prime consequence. The Citizenship and American Identity
Group and the Center for Community Change to connect grassroots lead- Program explores this question through a range of cross-ideological activity,
ers to top influencers who can accelerate the reduction of intergenerational from public forums to leadership gatherings to seminars. We focus on three
poverty across America. aspects of citizenship: values, systems, and skills. The values segment focuses
on articulating and updating the creedal and cultural content of American
ASPEN GLOBAL INNOVATORS GROUP civic identity. The systems segment includes policy proposals and projects to build social cohesion. The skills segment teaches leaders to construct
The Aspen Global Innovators Group widens access to health and prosperi- coalitions and a sense of shared fate across increasingly rigid class and race
ty for people living at the world's margins. Its network of innovators brings divides. Two of the programs core projects are What Every American Should
overlooked challenges into plain sight, and creates partnerships, programs, Know, an initiative to build civic and cultural literacy in America, and the Nar-
and policies to address them. Its early-stage initiatives are collaborations of rative Collaboratory, which aims to generate narratives of citizen power and
grassroots experts living in developing countries, women, young leaders, to share the tools to exercise such power. The program believes that there
and public and private sector pathfinders. Aspen Global Innovators Groups is a definable set of polarities that shape American politics, and is creating a
portfolio of programs in the areas of leadership, entrepreneurship, and health project to explore these core American arguments. American civic life today
innovation include: Aspen Management Partnership for Health, Aspen New doesnt need fewer arguments; it needs better arguments.
Voices Fellows, Alliance for Artisan Enterprise, Spotlight Health, Aspen Ideas
The Latinos and Society Program seeks to increase awareness and under-
standing of the growing Latino-American population in the United States and
its connection to the well-being of all Americans. As the largest ethnic group
in the US, projected to reach 30 percent of the population by 2060, Lati-
no-American success or failure will affect the trajectory of the entire country;

It is the best of times for the black people in this room
in the history of race in this country.And it is the worst of
times for the people who are stuck in poverty. The chances
that they'll ever get outsociologists tell you in private,
no one wants to say it in publicare one in a zillion.

Steve Johnson
Henry Louis Gates Jr., professor, filmmaker, and
Institute Trustee, at an event co-hosted by The Bridge

Latino-American participation and leadership in all sectors of society is critical Africa, and promoting collaboration between American Muslims and Jews in
to our democracy. The Latinos and Society Program convenes meaningful response to religious bigotry. The program also leads the Institutes internal
dialogues across communities with a focus on influencing better solutions to program-review process.
challenges affecting Latinos and the nation, infusing the work of the Aspen
Institute with Latino voices and ideas, and developing Latino leadership ASPEN STRATEGY GROUP
capacity. The programs policy work focuses on educational achievement,
economic advancement, and civic participation. The program plans to launch How can Americas national security establishment better adapt to nascent
a Latino leadership initiative to develop the next generation of entrepreneur- threats and challenges? As current global trends defy traditional notions of
ial, civic-minded Latino leaders. international relations, what common problems do nations face in the 21st
century? This program focuses on transnational issues that blend foreign
ASPEN NETWORK OF DEVELOPMENT ENTREPRENEURS and domestic subjects. Founded in 1984 with a concentration on strategic relations, arms-control issues, and the US-Soviet relationship, its roots date
The Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs is a global network of back to the 1970s as an annual conference for researchers associated with
organizations that propel entrepreneurship in emerging markets. ANDE arms-control projects at universities and think tanks. As the group evolved, it
members provide critical financial, educational, and business-support services grew to include legislators, government officials, business and industry repre-
to small and growing businesses based on the conviction that they will create sentatives, and journalists. The current program has moved beyond its Cold
jobs, stimulate long-term economic growth, and produce environmental and War origins and today spans three generations of policymakers representing a
social benefits. These businesses can help lift countries out of poverty. ANDE range of perspectives. The approach, however, has remained constant: to use
members include capacity-development providers, corporations, develop- a bipartisan lens to identify the most contentious foreign policy and national
ment-finance institutions, donor agencies, foundations, investment funds, and security concerns facing our nation, and to assess Americas evolving interests.
research and academic institutions from around the world. Launched with 34 Recent workshops, briefings, and reports have covered how the new admin-
members in 2009, ANDE now comprises more than 260 members operating istration should construct its national security decision-making structures,
in more than 150 countries. ANDE has regional chapters in Brazil, Mexico, East the rise of radicalism in the Middle East, the crisis with Russia, the future of
Africa, East and Southeast Asia, India, South Africa, and West Africa. American defense, and cybersecurity. The Aspen Ministers Forum and Track II
dialogues with Brazil, China, and India are also organized under the auspices
This program helps clients plan and evaluate efforts to shape public policy THE BRIDGE
and promote changes in attitudes and behavior. Program staff and consultants
work internally with other Institute programs, as well as with foundations and The Aspen Institutes new program on race, cultural identity, connectivity, and
nongovernmental organizations based in the US, Africa, and Europe to assess inclusion is a dynamic new endeavor powered by the Peabody Award-winning
their efforts toward advocacy and social change. Current clients address issues Race Card Project, founded by former NPR journalist Michele Norris. Thousands
as diverse as reducing the incidence of child marriage worldwide, strength- of communities across the country use the Race Card Project as an effective cul-
ening advocacy for access to reproductive health services in sub-Saharan tural bridge, allowing people to talk across different opinions and ideologies.

Mankind strives for leadership. Moral, ethical leadership.
Leadership that advocates for equal dignity. We have to
have these conversations: dignity must be defended today
and tomorrow. We will not let anyone push us down.
Khizr Khan, Gold Star Father of Muslim-American fallen soldier

Laurence Genon
at the 2017 Symposium on the State of Race in America

This new endeavor will identify platforms and academic and media partner- Byron Dorgan, CNAY works to improve the health, safety, and overall well-be-
ships to examine hard truths, spotlight important research, support promising ing of Native American youth. These youth face serious challenges, including
changemakers, and examine cultural dynamics in America. The Bridge will some of the highest rates of unemployment, poverty, alcohol and substance
mine the content from the Race Card Projects vast narrative archive to offer abuseand an epidemic in which Native youth attempt suicide at 2.5 times the
interactive project-based learning experiences at K-12 schools, colleges, and national rate. Despite these challenges, Native youth across the country are
universities. Similar cultural-bridge programs will be established in local places undertaking inspiring initiatives to build a bright future for their communities.
of worship, businesses, and communities in transition, to spark candid and pro- CNAY focuses on the resilience and strength of these individuals and sup-
ductive engagement around one of Americas most challenging issues. ports them through youth recognition, inspiration, and leadership; research,
advocacy, and policy change; serving as a national resource exchange; and
BUSINESS AND SOCIETY PROGRAM developing Native youth media opportunities that focus on strengths and solutions. CNAY also manages the National Native Youth Network of former
Launched in 1998, the Aspen Institute Business and Society Program engages President Obamas Generation Indigenous initiative.
business leaders throughout the arc of their careers. The program believes
that the business sector has immense power to shape the long-term health of
society, and works through dialogue, networks, and public programs to place
long-term, responsible decision-making at the heart of business practice and
education. Its programs help business faculty and executives consider societys
grand challenges, including climate, resource scarcity, and inequality and
global health, through the lens of business riskand also business opportunity.
The programs First Movers Fellowship for social intrapreneursexceptional
business innovators who are integrating profitability and social value into their
companiesprovides a reflective space for Fellows to share practices, gain
courage, and acquire tools to lead change. Its Leaders Forum engages senior
executives who are pushing the boundaries of what it means to be a socially,
environmentally, and economically sustainable company. Other signature
programs include Faculty Pioneers and an undergraduate network linking the
liberal arts and business. These programs highlight cutting-edge teaching
techniques and research on social and environmental stewardship.

The Center for Native American Youth believes Native American youth Generation Indigenous Success Fellow Lala Forrest (Pit River Tribe) participates in a
Center for Native American Youth career leadership seminar. (Photo courtesy of CNAY)
should lead full and healthy lives, have equal access to opportunity, and draw
strength from their culture and one another. Created by former US Senator

COLLEGE EXCELLENCE PROGRAM other, and equips them with the best ideas, tools, and strategies to improve community and family economic results. The groups hallmark approach is
Over the past 50 years, increased college access has benefited millions of Amer- tailored, peer-to-peer exchanges in which community-based leaders advise
icans, but now the nation must get more students through college with the skills each other and create immediate back-home action plans. CSG also brings
and abilities needed for success after graduating. The program identifies and together practitioners and residents in specific geographic regions to collabo-
accelerates the implementation of practices and policies that improve equitable rate and find common aims, and connects community innovators with region-
student access and success in learning, al and national experts and funders. It distills community lessons into action
completion rates, and post-graduation guides, good-practice profiles, virtual peer-learning exchanges, and online
employment. Several of the programs resources. CSG builds and manages multiple networks of community-based
initiatives relate to community colleges: practitioners and regional leaders from across the country who are focused on
the Aspen Prize for Community College advancing family economic success, community-development philanthropy,
Excellence, which awards $1 million and wealth-building approaches to regional economic development.
biennially to the nations best com-
munity colleges and works to repli- CONGRESSIONAL PROGRAM
cate exceptional college outcomes
nationwide; and the Aspen Presidential This is a nonpartisan, public-policy education and civility-building program
Fellowship for Community College for members of the US Congress, in which more than 30 percent of the
Excellence, which trains the next gen- current Congress has participated. At a time of congressional gridlock and
eration of community college leaders. extreme partisanship, the program offers Republican and Democratic legis-
Extending the programs reach into the lators the opportunity to explore policy alternatives and learn from interna-
four-year sector, projects are addressing tionally recognized academics and experts. It assists legislators in developing
the transfer from community college a deeper understanding of public-policy options and the personal relation-
to university, the future of the college ships necessary to help Congress meaningfully address our nations prob-
presidency, and, most recently, the lems. Although the program does not endorse specific legislation, for more
American Talent Initiative, which aims to Renewal and Progress, a report of the than three decades it has provided a forum for policy-issue discussion that
expand socioeconomic diversity at top College Excellence Program, focuses on has often sown the seeds for significant policy initiatives. Current subjects
strengthening higher-education
American colleges and universities. leadership in a time of rapid change. include international economic and security issues; extremism; energy policy;
policy challenges in the developing world; and US policy with regard to Rus-
COMMUNICATIONS AND SOCIETY PROGRAM sia, the European Union, Asia, and the Middle East. The program is funded by foundations, and it annually sponsors 25 breakfast meetings and four
This program serves as a venue for global leaders and experts to exchange conferences for members of Congress. No lobbyists, congressional staff, or
insights on the societal impact of advances in digital technology and network outside observers are permitted. The program also provides policy education
communications. It creates a space in the policymaking world where both initiatives as a resource for key congressional staff.
veteran and emerging decision-makers can explore new concepts and develop
policy networks. The program convenes approximately 10 leadership roundta- CYBERSECURITY AND TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM
bles each year on subjects such as artificial intelligence, internet governance,
institutional innovation, spectrum policy, race and media, and diplomacy and The attacks of the last decade by nation-states, organized-crime groups, and
technology. The program also conducts ongoing projects on the future of even individual hackers threaten to undermine trust in not just our institu-
public libraries and on connected learning. Leaders from across disciplines and tions but also in the very information that powers our society, from financial
perspectives engage in moderated discussions that culminate in specific conclu- and medical records to the media that keeps us informed. Launched in 2017,
sions and recommendations. The program distributes conference reports to key the Institutes Cybersecurity and Technology Program will offer educational
policymakers and opinion leaders around the world and to the public online. resources, share knowledge across industries and sectors, and bring together
government and private-sector leaders to discuss challenges and to offer poli-
COMMUNITY STRATEGIES GROUP cy solutions that will help create a safe and secure online environment. Through both public events and a closed-door strategy group that brings together
This group helps leaders in rural and urban communities create more vibrant thinkers from Washington, Silicon Valley, academia, journalism, and the private
regions that advance and sustain prosperity and well-being for local people, sector, the program will help shape the future of our nations security online
places, and firms, always including those on the economic margins. Communi- and ensure that the internet remains a key driver of American innovation.
ty Strategies Group helps community leaders connect with and motivate each
The Economic Opportunities Program advances promising strategies,
policies, and ideas to help low- and moderate-income Americans thrive in a
changing economy. Over its 25 years, the program has focused on expanding
individuals opportunities to find quality work, start businesses, and build as-
sets and economic stability. Its staff works closely with national and local lead-
erspractitioners, policymakers, employers, foundation leaders, academics,
and advocatesto illuminate and encourage policies and practices that have
the potential to help lower-income Americans succeed. The program has
particular expertise in workforce training and education, microenterprise de-
velopment and business ownership, financial services and asset-building, and
business practices that support quality jobs. To support these fields, the staff
leads evaluations and applied research to learn what works and document
it; facilitates leadership development and capacity-building opportunities;
Participants at the Energy and Environment Program's Carbon Price Roundtable discuss
and communicates promising approaches to broad and diverse audiences. how North America can move toward a common carbon price. (Steve Johnson)
The program comprises several interrelated initiatives that dive deeply into
particular approaches to expanding opportunity: FIELD, Workforce Strategies allows deliberation, creativity, collaboration, and compromise to flourish. Like
Initiative, UpSkill America, and Good Companies/Good Jobs. the Aspen Institute as a whole, the Energy and Environment Program seeks to
inspire and explore new ideas and provoke action in the real world.
The program works to improve public education by inspiring, informing, and,
influencing education leaders across policy and practice, with an emphasis on The Aspen Institute Financial Security Program is dedicated to solving the
achieving equity for traditionally underserved students. It facilitates important most critical financial challenges facing Americas households and to creat-
conversations informed by research, experience, and divergent perspec- ing a more inclusive and prosperous economy in which all Americans have
tives. The program also convenes workshops and roundtable discussions to the opportunity to save, invest, and own. We work at the intersection of
develop concrete solutions to complex problems for federal, state, and local policy and financial markets, using an array of strategic dialogues, briefings,
policymakers and their staffs; education leaders at all levels, from superin- and publications to build consensus among industry leaders, policymakers,
tendents to teachers; and researchers. The program produces reports that and consumer advocates for breakthrough solutions that help hardworking
inform national policy debates and tools and resources that deepen and families meet short-term needs and achieve their long-term financial goals.
accelerate the work of partner states and districts. Our own goal is to foster effective public policies and help shape the rapidly
evolving financial system to reduce wealth inequality and improve the finan-
ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT PROGRAM cial security of all Americans.
The Energy and Environment Program is a prominent convener of nonparti- FOOD AND SOCIETY AT THE ASPEN INSTITUTE
san policy dialogue and neutral forums focused on key energy and environ- Food and Society brings together leaders and decision-makers in the food
mental topics and how to advance environmental sustainability in a techno- and beverage industry and the public health communityincluding scientists,
logical world. The programs mission is to take up enduring questions about nutritionists, environmentalists, entrepreneurs, chefs, restaurateurs, farmers,
nature and society and to prompt new thinking among diverse participants and food makers of all kindsto find solutions to production, health, and com-
by deliberately testing assumptions and policies about sustainable water use, munications problems in the food system. Initiatives include finding common
clean energy, climate change, and wildlife conservation. The program pro- ground in the current assortment of soda-tax initiatives to make them result
motes values-based dialogue between thought leaders from business, gov- in meaningful health improvements, not just added revenue; communica-
ernment, nongovernmental organizations, and academia to address complex tion around the foods being produced by gene editing to avoid the years
energy and environmental policy challenges in a collegial atmosphere that of controversy around GMO; developing seeds for crops that taste better as

We need to say that doing good is not enough. Everything
we do has ramifications. We need to put effort into seeing
the consequences that our good will createsnot all of them
positive. Sometimes it is easier to say it than to do it.
We need to start doing not just good, but smart good.

Laurence Genon
Jos Andrs, renowned chef and food and hunger advocate

well as producing higher yields; building on current strategies to reduce food HEALTH, MEDICINE AND SOCIETY PROGRAM
waste; and making restaurants better places to both work and dine. Its goal is
for people of all income levels to eat better and more healthful dietsand to The Health, Medicine and Society program creates opportunities for gov-
enjoy them bite by bite. ernment, industry, academic, and advocacy leaders to explore critical
issues in health, health care, medical science, and health policy in the US.
FUTURE OF WORK INITIATIVE It facilitates knowledge exchanges and advances strategic thinking among decision-makers through nonpartisan,
The Future of Work Initiative, led by Honorary Co-Chairs Senator Mark Warner multi-disciplinary public policy programs
and Purdue University President Mitch Daniels, is focused on three key objec- and dialogue, including roundtables,
tives: first, to promote a greater understanding of the changing nature of work briefings, conferences, and other forums.
and the growing independent workforce, including the rise of the on-demand These gatherings encourage collabo-
economy; second, to consider how to make benefits more flexible and porta- rative networks among leading policy-
ble to better meet the needs of modern workers; and third, to identify ways to makers, health professionals, scientists,
make capitalism work better for business and the American worker. IMPROVING CARE and advocates in a broad range of fields,
while helping to inform and advance pol-
at the END OF LIFE
GLOBAL ALLIANCES PROGRAM A Report of the Aspen Institute Health Strategy Group
icies to improve the health of individuals, families, communities, the nation, and
This program was established in response to the increasing need for pub- the world. Its signature programs include
lic-private alliances to take on challenges the public sector is unequipped to Spotlight Health, the opening segment
tackle on its own. The program has partnered with the US Department of State of the Aspen Ideas Festival, which is pro-
to encourage US cooperation and investment in business and communities duced in collaboration with the Institute's
across the globe. Partnership Opportunity Delegations are deployed accord- Aspen Global Innovators Group; and
ing to local communities priorities and result in business-to-business and the Aspen Health Strategy Group, which
people-to-people partnerships. To date, delegations have gone to Colombia,
Foreword by Kathleen Sebelius and Tommy G. Thompson
brings together some of the sharpest
minds in the nation to identify and
Edited by Alan R. Weil and Rachel Dolan

Cuba, Myanmar, and Tanzania, and delegations to Cuba, Myanmar, Israel/

Palestine, and Iran are planned. The program has also partnered with the promote strategies to address Americas
Improving Care at the End of Life, a report most complex and controversial health
Department of Defense to foster a culture of innovation and learning within from the Health, Medicine and Society
the Office of the Secretary of Defense. The New Ideas @ OSD series brings Program, explores five big ideas to trans- challenges.
experts from outside the national security field to the Pentagon to consult with form the way we provide end-of-life care.
Defense leadership on how to shape policy in ways that are innovative, adap-
tive, and effective in a changing and complex global security environment.

HOMELAND SECURITY PROGRAM neutral and balanced forum. Recent and ongoing multi-year projects focus on law and policy issues including religious free exercise, state public-health
Years have passed since 9/11, yet holes remain in Americas defenses against policy, and US and global judicial independence. The annual Justice and So-
terrorism. The change in administration has increased the discussion of Amer- ciety Seminar, held in Aspen and co-founded by the late US Supreme Court
ican withdrawal from global institutions. Traditional and emerging security Associate Justice Harry A. Blackmun, continues to be led by preeminent
partners are facing their own internal turmoil: where does Americas national judges and law professors. The Justice Circle was launched in January 2014;
security posture stand? How ready and resilient are we for another attack on through the Circle, friends maintain an ongoing connection to the work of the
our homeland? How committed are we to our alliances and partnerships? program and enjoy special events.
This program works to identify gaps in the nations defenses against terror-
ism and other security vulnerabilities and recommends ways to close them. PROGRAM ON PHILANTHROPY AND SOCIAL INNOVATION
Through reports, roundtable discussions, and public forums, it strives to con-
vince policymakers, industry leaders, and the public at large to find ways to This program seeks to maximize the impact of social-sector leaders in con-
reduce Americas national security vulnerabilities. The Aspen Security Forum tributing to the Good Society at home and abroad. It hosts the Aspen Philan-
is convened under the auspices of this program. thropy Group, an agenda-setting body of foundation leaders at the cutting
edge of change. It spurs dialogue among leaders from the private, public,
and social sectors in convenings, leadership development initiatives, and
strategic partnerships. Among the programs current working-group series is
the Nonprofit Data Working Group, an effort to ensure high-quality and ac-
cessible statistical data on activity in the social sector; and a grant-making col-
laboration with JPMorgan Chase to strengthen community-based nonprofits
through leadership meetings, publications, and targeted grants. Leadership
development initiatives include the Aspen Social Enterprise Philanthropic
Group, the Fellowship for Emerging Nonprofit Leaders, and the Seminar for
Mid-America Foundation CEOs. The programs Artist-Endowed Foundations
Initiative strengthens the charitable impact of private foundations created by
artists, a rapidly growing force in cultural philanthropy. The program hosts
philanthropy conferences, including its upcoming Aspen Childrens Forum,
which will engage philanthropists committed to advancing the health and
well-being of children. It also collaborates with other policy programs on
the Summit on Inequality and Opportunity, which will engage policymakers,
philanthropists, social investors, and nonprofit leaders on ways to combat
inequality and advance opportunity.
The Justice & Society Program hosted a panel discussion on the pros and cons of
an international anti-corruption court to combat kleptocracy. (Riccardo Savi)
JUSTICE & SOCIETY PROGRAM Begun in 1981, this program promotes sustainable economic growth and
For four decades, the Justice & Society Program has brought together financial stability in the world economy by convening prominent leaders from
individuals from diverse backgrounds to discuss the meaning of justice and both industrial and developing nations. It uses an interdisciplinary approach
how a just society ought to balance fundamental rights with the exigencies of to generate pragmatic solutions to major economic and financial challenges
public policy to meet contemporary social challenges and strengthen the rule and to advance cooperation on key issues facing the global economic and
of law. Through its public programming componentperiodic roundtables financial system.
at the Institutes Washington, DC office and presentations by leading jurists
the program brings to the table public officials, established and emerging
opinion leaders, and grassroots organizers to share their perspectives in a

Service Year Alliance is working to make a year of paid, full-time servicea ser- The Stevens Initiative is an international effort to build global competence
vice yeara common expectation and opportunity for all young Americans. for young people in the United States and the Middle East and North Africa
A service year before, during, or after collegeor as a way to get back on region by expanding and enhancing the field of virtual exchange: online,
trackgives young people the chance to transform their lives, make an impact sustained, international, collaborative learning. The Initiative conducts a num-
in their community, and become the active citizens and leaders our nation ber of activities to increase cross-cultural understanding and build language,
needs. Expanding service years has the power to revitalize cities, uplift and communication, digital literacy, problem-solving, and other skills young
educate children at risk, and empower communities struggling with poverty. people need to succeed in the 21st-century economy. In addition to offering
It can unite the most diverse nation in history, binding people of different financial awards to organizations conducting virtual exchange programs, the
backgrounds through common cause. Service Year Alliance is asking nonprof- Stevens Initiative raises awareness of the field; creates a clearinghouse of
its, higher education institutions, cities and states, companies and foundations, tools and resources; convenes leaders and experts to spur innovation; and
policymakers of both parties, and people of all ages to join the movement. conducts evaluations, impact measurement, and research. The Initiative is a
Service Year is a joint venture between Be The Change and the Aspen Institute. tribute to the legacy of Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in Libya in
2012, and who dedicated himself to building understanding between people
SPORTS & SOCIETY PROGRAM from different countries.
This program brings together leaders, fosters dialogue, and inspires solutions
that help sports serve the public interest. In 2015 it released one of the most-
read reports published by the Aspen Institute, Sport for All, Play for Life: A
Playbook to Get Every Kid in the Game, which offers a new model for youth
sports in America, based on health and inclusion, and identifies eight strate- NATIONAL COMMISSION ON SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL,
gies that eight sectors can align behind to give every kid the opportunity to get AND ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT
active through sports. The report, hailed by former US Surgeon General Vivek
Murthy as a very powerful roadmap for innovation and cross-sector collabo- The Commission is composed of leaders from multiple fields, including two
ration, has been used by more than 100 national organizations and city coali- sitting governors, superintendents and teachers, industry leaders, and a re-
tions to introduce or shape programs aimed at youth. The program also hosts tired four-star general. All share a common commitment to re-envisioning the
the annual Project Play Summit in Washington, DC, where 400 leaders gather purpose of K-12 education to fully integrate social, emotional, and academic
to push forward the movement to build healthy communities through sport. development so that all students are ready to thrive in school, career, and life.
The team includes a Council of Distinguished Scientists, which includes lead-
ing researchers from psychology, education, neuroscience, and economics; a
Council of Distinguished Educators, which includes teachers, principals, and
superintendents; a Parent Advisory; and a Youth Commission in partnership
with Aspens Youth and Engagement Program. Focused on engaging and en-
ergizing communities, the Commission is building its Parents Collaborative to
bring together institutional and grassroots partners who can raise awareness
of the importance of supporting students holistically. The Commission held
its inaugural convening in November 2016, bringing together over 100 of its
members from across the nation.

The Sports & Society Program works with youth in Baltimore

to build community capacity through sport. (Under Armour/Christin Rose)

The Aspen Global Leadership Network is a worldwide community of successful, high-integrity, entrepreneurial leaders
committed to making the world a better place. Fellows are selected to be part of one of 14 geographic or sector-specific
initiatives around the worldall modeled after the Aspen Institute flagship Henry Crown Fellowship Program. They enter this
experience having demonstrated a great deal of personal success and leave it inspired to make a significant mark on their
communities and the world. Fellowship gatherings provide space for introspection, probing dialogue, and problem solving.
The vast majority of Fellows are senior business leaders, and they are asked to bring their leadership to bear on a pressing
societal concern by launching a venture of their choosing. Fellows are using their businesses and their positions to build
pipelines for ethical leadership, protect cultural heritage, promote environmental sustainability, create new ventures and
jobs, bridge the educational achievement gap, fight rare diseases, stop ethnic violence, and connect rural people to global
information. Today, the Aspen Global Leadership Network numbers more than 2,400 Fellows in 50 countries and continues to
grow. The network connects Fellows online as well as at regular events including its flagship eventthe Resnick Aspen Action
Forum, an annual gathering that brings together Aspen Global Leadership Network Fellows and other leaders from Aspen
Institute programs and partners, spurring them to move from thought to action.

Dan Bayer
Fellows exchange ideas at the 2016 Resnick Aspen Action Forum. (Dan Bayer)

This initiative captures the energy, talent, and resolve of an emerging gen- Launched in 2013 by two Henry Crown Fellows with the generous support
eration of leaders in Africa and engages them in confronting the foremost of David M. Rubenstein, the China Fellowship Program aims to energize the
challenges of their countries. Founded in 2001 by four Henry Crown Fellows, new generation of private sector business leaders in China to step up in a
it is a collaborative venture of the Institute, the Databank Foundation (Ghana), meaningful fashion to meet the challenges presented by the countrys vast
Infotech Investments (Tanzania), LEAP Africa (Nigeria), the Letsema Foundation economic and social transformation.
(South Africa), and CETA Construction and Services (Mozambique). The initia-
tive has three distinct programs in West Africa, East Africa, and South Africa. ENVIRONMENT LEADERS FELLOWSHIP
ASPEN INSTITUTE-RODEL FELLOWSHIPS IN PUBLIC LEADERSHIP The soon-to-be-relaunched Environment Leaders Fellowship (formerly the Catto Fellowship Program) will follow the proven model of the Aspen Institutes Henry
This program, introduced in 2005 through the vision and support of Aspen Crown Fellowshipannually selecting a class of 20 Fellows that are a highly
Institute Trustee Bill Budinger, seeks to strengthen US democracy by bringing curated group of emerging influencers and innovators on the environment.
together the nations most promising young elected political leaders,
both Democrats and Republicans, to explore democratic values and the FINANCE LEADERS FELLOWSHIP
responsibilities of public leadership. The Fellowship helps recipients excel in
public service through thoughtful and civil bipartisan dialogue. Launched in 2016 thanks to the vision of a Henry Crown Fellow, this Fellow-
ship seeks to develop a community of high-integrity leaders in the global fi-
CENTRAL AMERICA LEADERSHIP INITIATIVE nance industry and challenge them to advance the positive impact of finance on society.
Inspired by two Henry Crown Fellows and begun in 2004, this initiative
develops values-based leadership talent in six countries of Central America HEALTH INNOVATORS FELLOWSHIP
to tackle the challenges the region confronts. A partnership of the Institute,
TechnoServe, INCAE, and FUNDEMAS, the initiative was formalized in 2007 as Launched in 2015, this Fellowship seeks to strengthen the leadership of inno-
an independent nonprofit foundation. vators across the US health care ecosystem and to connect, inspire, and chal-
lenge them to create new approaches to improve the health and well-being of
Above left to right: Fellows representing the four classes of the China Fellowship met in Lijiang,
all Americans. Greenville Health System is the founding funder and a thought
China for their inaugural Grand Reunion in September (photo courtesy of AGLN); South Africa partner in this initiative.
and West Africa Fellows took a break from the seminar room to explore historic Jaipur, India while
at theLeading in an Era of Globalizationseminar (photo courtesy of AGLN); Liberty Fellow Dr. Amy
Crockett was named the 2016 John P. McNulty Prize winner for her work improving birth outcomes in
South Carolina (photo courtesy of McNulty Foundation); The Finance Leaders Fellowship hold their
inaugural seminar in Aspen, Colorado (Dan Bayer).

Started in 1997, this flagship leadership initiative challenges the next gener- Inaugurated in 2007 through a collaboration of two Henry Crown Fellows, this
ation of leaders, largely from the US business sector, to use their talents and program offers high-potential leaders who are reimagining public education
energies to make a difference in the world. The program honors the memory an opportunity to broaden their perspectives, build networks of like-minded
of Chicago industrialist Henry Crown (1896-1990), whose career was marked change agents, and hone their skills in values-based leadership to improve
by a lifelong commitment to integrity, industry, and philanthropy. US public education.

Founded as the Indian Leadership Initiative in 2006 and recently renamed in THE ASPEN INSTITUTE CENTER FOR URBAN INNOVATION
the memory of renowned business leader Kamalnayan Bajaj, this Fellowship
seeks to develop a new generation of values-based, action-oriented leaders to The Aspen Institute Center for Urban Innovations mission is to harness the
engage more vigorously with the challenges of their communities and country. innovative power of cities to make them great places for all of their residents,
especially those in underserved neighborhoods, to live, work, connect, and
LIBERTY FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM flourish. The Center for Urban Innovation is designed to be a whiteboard space where smart, passionate, creative people ask the next generation of
This program promotes outstanding leadership in South Carolina, empow- questions and find answers together. It connects and supports leaders from
ering the state and its leaders to realize their full potential. It is a partnership government, business, non-profits and philanthropy to better understand the
between Aspen Institute Trustee Hayne Hipp and his wife Anna Kate, who needs and challenges of urban innovators.
founded the program in 2003, the Aspen Institute, and Wofford College,
where it is based.

Launched in 2009 by three Henry Crown Fellows, this initiative aims to iden-
tify leaders from across the Middle East and motivate them to apply their
energies, skills, and resources to the important societal challenges in their
countries and region.

Born from the many policy programs at the Aspen Institute, Policy Leadership Programs seek to empower exceptional individuals
to lead with innovation in their chosen fields. As a result, these individuals then become more effective change agents who can
influence the institutions and fields in which they work and create better outcomes for society.

The 2016 Class of Aspen Institute Ascend Fellows enjoy an evening of conversation Aspen New Voices Fellow Jacques Sebisaho works on the remote Idjwi Island, off the coast
at the home of Institute Trustee Mike and Jackie Bezos. (Lori Severens) of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, to provide health care access. (Rachael Strecher)

The Aspen Institute Ascend Fellowship invests in a new generation of leaders Established in 2009 by the Business and Society Program, this fellowship
who are committed to building an intergenerational cycle of opportunity. is the leading global network and professional development program for
Ascend Fellows are entrepreneurial visionaries with big ideas and concrete corporate social intrapreneursaccomplished innovators working inside
solutions for advancing economic security, educational success, and health companies. First Movers equips these business leaders with the tools, skills,
and well-being for children, parents, and their families. Collectively, they will and confidence they need to drive innovations that increase business value
fuel the dynamic national conversation around opportunity and inequality and make the world a better place.
and accelerate innovation and collaboration across communities and sectors.
The 18-month values-based Ascend Fellowship lifts up leaders who reflect the NEW VOICES FELLOWSHIP
diversity and talent of our country.
The New Voices Fellowship, established by the Aspen Global Innovators Group,
COLORADO CHILDREN & FAMILIES HEALTH is designed to bring expert voices from the developing world into the global
& HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIP development discussion. The Fellowship, supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates
The Fellowship invests in diverse visionary leaders committed to making Foundation and the Open Societies Foundation, offers experts from Africa and
Colorado the best place to have a child and sustain a healthy, thriving family. other parts of the developing world a year-long program of media support,
Individually and collectively, Fellows seek to transform the culture and sys- training, research, and writing under the guidance of experienced mentors. The
tems that serve children and families across the state. program will help Fellows sharpen their messages, elevate their stories, focus
their media targets, and communicate their insights across a variety of media
platformsilluminating crucial grassroots perspectives for a broad, worldwide
audience. Fellows can be drawn from a variety of development disciplines
ranging from public health to poverty alleviation, agriculture, sanitation, and
community activism. Ideal candidates have a deep understanding of broad
development challenges and a passion for communicating their views.
Fellows at the Resnick Aspen Action Forum gather in the Buckminster Fuller Dome. (Dan Bayer)
Dan Bayer

Public programs open the Institute to wider audiences, offering opportunities to engage in thoughtful,
nonpartisan inquiry. They range from major conferencessuch as the Aspen Ideas Festival, CityLab, and
the Aspen Security Forumto more intimate discussion series. Programs take place in Aspen, Colorado;
Washington, DC; New York City; San Francisco; and other locations in the US and abroad.

As a nation, we had previously accepted the fundamental premise that nothing is beyond the reach of
the government with appropriate protection and appropriate use of the court. Yet we seem to be in a
different place now where we're not quite as comfortable. We cannot vilify each other. We have to make
sure that these two incredibly foundational imperatives for us as a country are executed in a way that the
one doesn't undermine the other.
Michael S. Rogers, director of the National Security Agency, speaking with Aspen Institute
President and CEO Walter Isaacson at the Securing Our Future: Cambridge Cyber Summit in 2016

Photo courtesy of CNBC

This regular lunch series, held in Washington, DC, presents informal conver-
sations with notable authors of current books. It provides the chance to listen
to and talk with biographers, philosophers, political scientists, journalists,
scholars, and other writers about their work. Award-winning novelist Dave
Eggers, MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito, global affairs expert Richard Haass,
health expert Elisabeth Rosenthal, and award-winning author John Edgar
Wideman were among the past years featured authors. The series is under-
written by Lifetime Trustee Alma Gildenhorn and her husband, Ambassador
Joseph Gildenhorn.

The Institutes main venue in New York, Roosevelt House, is the historic home
of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and the Public Policy Institute of Hunter
College. Each academic year, the Institute and Hunter College present
programs at the House focused on critical public policy issues such as the
economy, the arts, and the environment.

The Aspen Institute hosts dozens of public programs year-round for residents
and visitors alike, including the Hurst Student Seminars, Great Books, the
Edlis-Neeson Great Decisions Series, Sharing Shakespeare, the McCloskey
Speaker Series, the Hurst Lecture Series, and Our Society Reimagined. These
programs offer unique and affordable opportunities for a diverse mix of peo-
ple to find inspiration in a variety of ways. Thanks to the generosity of donors,
the program offers need-based scholarships to teens and adults to take part
in Aspen-based events.

The Aspen Ideas Festival is the nation's premier public gathering place for
leaders from around the globe and across many disciplines to engage in deep
and probing discussion of the ideas and issues that both shape our lives and
challenge our times. Launched in 2005, Ideas Fest takes place on the Aspen
Institute's campus in Aspen, Colorado, and in venues throughout the town of
Aspen itself. Some 350 presenters, 300 sessions, and 4,000 attendees par-
ticipate in the annual Festival. The mission of the Festival is to create a stimu-
lating and invigorating environment that links some of the foremost thinkers
in the world today with civically minded leaders in business, the arts, politics,
sciences, humanities, and philanthropy who will share ideas, raise challenging
questions, and inspire thought to action. The Aspen Institute produces the
Aspen Ideas Festival in concert with its partner, The Atlantic.

Top: John Edgar Wideman discusses the legacy of Emmett Till at the
Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series in Washington, DC. (Laurence Genon).
Bottom: Aspen Ideas Festival attendees, including former US Food and Drug Administration
commissioner Margaret Hamburg, gather for breakfast in Colorado. (Dan Bayer).
The Aspen Institute Arts Program was established to support and invigorate
the role of arts and culture in public life through initiatives, public and private
gatherings, and strategy work across the United States and globally. The pro-
gram brings together artists, advocates, educators, foundations, government
officials, and others to exchange ideas and develop policies and programs
that strengthen the reciprocal relationship between the arts and society.
Program activities include the Creative Youth Alliance; ArtStrikes; Civic Practice
Scholars; and Race, Arts, and America. The Arts Program also offers curated
conversations, events, and performances in New York City and elsewhere
around the country, as well as arts-focused discussions for the Washington
Ideas Roundtable Series and film screenings for the New Views Documen-
taries and Dialogue Series. The Aspen Arts Strategy Group meets in various
American cities to strategize on ways the arts can solve problems in realms
such as education and community development. The Harman-Eisner Artist
in Residence Program brings distinguished artists to participate in the Aspen
Ideas Festival and other Institute programs throughout the year.

The Aspen New York Book Series, co-sponsored by the Aspen Institute and
Aspen Words, features conversations with authors about their chosen literary
genre, be it the personal essay, memoir, fantasy fiction, or poetry. The series
has featured authors such as Gail Sheehy, Phillip Lopate, Meghan Daum, Dani
Shapiro, Vivian Gornick, and Darin Strauss.

What are the key security threats we face as a nation and how safe are we today?
The Institutes Homeland Security Program presents this three-day forum in As-
pen, Colorado, bringing together leaders in government, industry, media, think
tanks, and academia to explore key national security issues. Themes include
cyber and aviation security, counterterrorism strategy and intelligence challeng-
es, and geopolitically strategic regions of importance to national security.

In April 2016, the Homeland Security Program expanded the conversation to
issues of international security by presenting the inaugural Aspen Security Fo-
rum: Global in London. ASF: Global convenes leading policymakers, industry
experts, and engaged global citizenry biannually to discuss the most pressing
current issues in international security.

Top: The Ebony Hillbillies perform at the Aspen Institute Arts Program's Culture in a Changing
America summit in New York City. (Photo courtesy of Park Avenue Armory)
Bottom: General Joseph Votel, commander of the United States Central Command,
surveys the Middle East battlefield with Richard Engel, chief foreign correspondent
with NBC News, at the 2016 Aspen Security Forum. (Dan Bayer) 23
ASPEN WORDS philanthropist, and public servant. The series features moderated conversa- tions with influential leaders from all walks of civic life. It also includes the an-
Aspen Words encourages writers, inspires readers, and connects people nual Preston Robert Tisch Award in Civic Leadership. Highlights have included
through the power of stories. One of the nations leading literary centers, its conversations with womens sports pioneer Billie Jean King, former New York
programs include Summer Words, a writing conference and literary festival; City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, media visionary Arianna Huffington, civil rights
Winter Words, a speaker series presenting the best of contemporary litera- leader and US Rep John Lewis, and Ford Foundation President Darren Walker.
ture; the Aspen Words Literary Prize, a $35,000 annual award for fiction with
social impact; as well as a writers-in-the schools program and writing residen- HURST COMMUNITY FUND
cies. Recent speakers include Ann Patchett, Adam Gopnik, Azar Nafisi, Juan
Felipe Herrera, and Sandra Cisneros. The Hurst Community Fund hosts a Great Ideas Seminar, modeled after the
Institutes flagship Aspen Seminar, for middle-school and high-school stu-
CITYLAB: URBAN SOLUTIONS TO GLOBAL CHALLENGES dents in Aspen and throughout the Roaring Fork Valley. In addition, the Hurst Community Fund supports the Hurst Lecture Series, enabling the Institute
The Aspen Institute, The Atlantic, and Bloomberg Philanthropies gather the to present renowned and inspiring leaders for public audiences year-round.
worlds foremost mayors and urban leaders annually for CityLab: Urban Solu- These events, generously underwritten by the Hurst Family Foundation, are
tions to Global Challenges. In Miami in October 2016, the summit brought open to all Roaring Fork Valley residents and other participants at a modest
together some 40 mayors and city staff from around the world as well as civic ticket price.
leaders, practitioners, academics, and business leaders to advance bold,
scalable ideas and emerging trends transforming cities into more livable and MCCLOSKEY SPEAKER SERIES
sustainable places. CityLab 2017 will take place in October in Paris.
This summer program in Aspen features talks by leaders who have a far-reach-
CONVERSATIONS WITH GREAT LEADERS ing impact on society. Past speakers have included former President Jimmy
IN MEMORY OF PRESTON ROBERT TISCH Carter and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, US Rep John Lewis, US Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, and Senator
Founded in 2009, the Institutes flagship discussion series in New York City is John McCain, among many others. The series is made possible by a generous
underwritten by Laurie, Steve, Jonathan, and Lizzie Tisch to memorialize the donation from the McCloskey Family Charitable Foundation.
legacy of their father, Preston Robert Tisch, an extraordinary business leader,

Author Azar Nafisi signs books at an Aspen Words series, Winter Words. (Dan Bayer) Feminist author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is interviewed by Mary Louise Kelly,
contributing reporter at The Atlantic, at the 2016 Washington Ideas Forum. (Max Taylor Photography)
Sheri and Howard Schultz discuss the importance of values-based leadership at the Six former commissioners of the US Food and Drug Administration
2016 Summer Celebration, where they received the Public Service Award. (C2 Photography) take the stage at Spotlight Health 2016. (Riccardo Savi)


The Morris Series focuses on innovation and leadership, bringing cutting-edge Spotlight Health, a three-day event, is the opening session of the Aspen Ideas
thought and industry leaders to the San Francisco area on topics ranging from Festival held annually on the Institutes Aspen, Colorado campus and is the
understanding the American dream in a changing world to innovation in global worlds premier creative health forum. Presented through both a domestic and
food and agriculture, the moonshot technologies of the future, and how capital global lens, Spotlight Health features the worlds leading thinkers and doers in
will move in an increasingly globalized world. Conversations are curated in part- health and medicine, focusing on the cutting-edge issues of the day. A mix of
nership with Aspen Institute policy programs in an effort to bring the full breadth formats, including keynotes, one-on-one interviews, interactive sessions, and
and depth of the Institutes work to the West Coast. This last year, the series panel discussions foster learning, encourage informal conversations with speak-
featured David M. Rubenstein on global economics; Farah Pandith and David ers, and spark new ideas to address pressing health and health care issues.
Ignatius in conversation with Nicholas Burns on the future of extremism in the
United States; Secretary Penny Pritzker on what it means for the commerce sector WASHINGTON IDEAS FORUM
to innovate; and Tom Friedman on the future of work, politics, and populations.
Prior speakers include Darren Walker, president of the Ford Foundation; Andrew Since 2008, the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic have hosted an annual two-
Ng, chief scientist of Baidu Research and chairman and co-founder of Coursera; day session of interviews and conversations in Washington, DC, pairing todays
and Alice Waters, chef, author, and owner of Chez Panisse restaurant. This series is key newsmakers with the nations leading journalists in an attempt to ask big
made possible with the support of Institute Trustee Diane L. Morris. questions, identify overarching themes, and bring together diverse perspec-
tives for civil dialogue.
The Murdock Mind, Body, Spirit Series reflects the founding principles of the
Aspen Institutea commitment to nurturing the whole individualby bringing This monthly, Washington-based lunchtime discussion series focusing on
a range of experts, innovators, and leaders to Aspen to discuss their research world affairs and arts and culture is made possible by the generous support
and share the latest revelations about the link between mindfulness, physical of Institute Trustee Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation.
activity, and emotional well-being. Past speakers include Deepak Chopra, Dr. Programs from the past year featured former Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman
Neal Barnard, and Goldie Hawn. The series is generously underwritten by Gina Admiral Mike Mullen; award-winning poet Clint Smith; 2016 presidential elec-
and Jerry Murdock. tion prognosticators Charlie Cook, Molly Ball and Amy Walter; Harvard scholar,
filmmaker, and cultural critic Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and DNC Chair Tom Perez
with former RNC Chair Michael Steele.
Youth & Engagement Programs work directly with youth between the ages of 14 to 24 in urban and rural
communities to educate and develop citizen leaders who mirror our nations diversity. Programs identify,
nurture, and celebrate local youth and their ideas to improve our communities. This new division develops
entrepreneurial approaches to engage youth in key challenges and create programming that is effective,
scalable, and broadens the reach of the Institute beyond the communities it currently serves. The division
includes longstanding Aspen Institute programs that work directly with youth as well as newly established

Dan Bayer

We help young people engage in real civic discourse and teach them to
use their voices to influence the world around them. We believe that a new
generation of thoughtful and values-driven citizens is critical to finding
common ground and effective solutions for the future
Rajiv Vinnakota, Executive Vice President,
Youth & Engagement Programs

Bezos Scholars pause for a group photo at the Aspen Ideas Festival. (Photo courtesy of the Bezos Foundation)

A forum for teens to convene and explore contemporary issues through
expert-moderated dialogue, Teen Socrates encourages all participants to
engage and share their views. Last fall, participants learned about life, ethics,
and decision-making from Hamlet as they explored why the play has been
a box-office hit for more than four centuries. Moderators and Shakespeare
experts Carol and Ken Adelman guided the discussion with scenes from
different versions of the play.

A series of seminars hosted for teens in Colorados Roaring Fork Valley,
Hurst Student Seminars engages students in the eighth and tenth grades in
An ice-breaking activity at Nationals Park in Washington, DC, part of a pilot to bring
a values-based curriculum tailored from the classic Aspen Institute Seminars
high school students the resources they need to succeed in post-secondary education. method of moderated text-based dialogue. Each four-day seminar is dedicat-
(Photo by Rock Creek Productions, Inc.) ed to enhancing students leadership, problem-solving, and critical-thinking
skills. Students are challenged to deeply examine their own values and ideas
THE ASPEN CHALLENGE and those that make up the good society.
In partnership with the Bezos Family Foundation, the Aspen Challenge THE ASPEN INSTITUTE YOUTH COMMISSION ON SOCIAL, EMOTIONAL,
provides traditional public, charter, and magnet high-school students with AND ACADEMIC DEVELOPMENT
inspiration, tools, and a platform to design original solutions to some of the Launched in September 2016 in partnership with the National Commission
most critical problems humanity faces. The eight-week competition empow- on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development, the Youth Commission
ers participants to work in teams and ignite their imaginations to lead change meets quarterly to explore the current state of research, practice, and policy
within their communities. Teams that advance in the competition present their around the critical role that schools play in helping young people develop
solutions at the annual Aspen Ideas Festival. The program currently serves the competencies and mindsets that contribute to success in education
communities in Chicago and Philadelphia, and has formerly served communi- and in life. Participation in the Youth Commission is a two-year commitment,
ties in Denver, Washington, DC, and Los Angeles. culminating in the Fall of 2018 with the national publication of a final report
recommending policies, programs, and strategies to improve the current
ASPENX state of social and emotional development in schools.
AspenX connects virtual learning with place-based gatherings of young people ASPEN YOUNG LEADERS FELLOWSHIP
and expert moderators in the style of the traditional Aspen Seminar. This winter,
students from a number of Washington, DC metropolitan area high schools
The Aspen Young Leaders Fellowship is the newest program under Youth & En-
met at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History for a two-day
gagement Programs, an extension of the Aspen Institutes mission to develop
seminar experience around race led by founder of the Fellowship for Race &
a global community of entrepreneurial leaders committed to the greater good.
Equity in Education, Michelle Molitor. AspenX will return to Philadelphia and
Annual cohorts of 24 Fellows between the ages of 16 and 20 with demonstrat-
launch in New Orleans and Oakland in the fall of 2017.
ed leadership potential are selected for the two-year program. The inaugural
cohorts were recently launched in St. Louis and Newark. Fellows are selected
based upon leadership potential: they are not necessarily those young people
For 12 years, youth have mobilized communities around a range of critical with the best grades or even school attendance, but those who display signs of
issues to alleviate rural poverty, increase digital literacy, create healthier food strong leadership potential and a commitment to improving their communities.
environments, inspire conservation leadership, and more through the Bezos
Scholars Program. A year-long leadership-development program for public
high-school juniors and educators, the Bezos Scholars Program begins with
a scholarship to attend the Aspen Ideas Festival and continues through the
following school year when Bezos Scholar teams return home to launch sus-
tainable Local Ideas Festivals that transform their schools and communities.

Hip-hop artist Questlove snaps a selfie with Rajiv Vinnakota, executive vice president of Youth &
Engagement Programs, and Aspen Challenge participants in Philadelphia in March 2017. (Dan Bayer)

The Aspen Institute executive leadership seminars help leaders reflect on timeless ideas and values.
Through text-based dialogue with expert moderators and accomplished peers, seminar participants refine their
tools of intellectual analysis, test the wellsprings of their convictions, and enhance their capacities to think more
creatively in solving the problems that confront society.

Dan Bayer

Participants discuss the importance of values-based leadership at the Aspen Executive Seminar. (Dan Davis)

Building on the Institutes historic strength in professional development
through text-based dialogue, custom seminars address specific leadership
issues facing major corporations, government agencies, and nonprofit orga-
nizations. Seminars are led by skilled moderators who help organizational
teams identify and align fundamental institutional and personal values, think
critically and creatively about strategic and operational issues, and build a
culture of cooperation and trust.

This program has provided a forum for emerging young leaders from vari-
ous professions to explore contemporary issues through expert-moderated
dialogue for 20 years. It also provides the opportunity for participants to enter
Gathering around a roundtable for discussion is a keystone of the Seminar experience. (Dan Davis) a diverse professional network of over 6,000 leaders, as well as the broader
range of the Institutes programs. Its weekend-long seminars in Aspen, Colo-
THE ASPEN EXECUTIVE SEMINAR rado; Wye River, Maryland; and abroad, as well as day-long seminars in major US cities, are values-based Socratic explorations that facilitate the exchange of
ideas. Recent topics include privacy and technology; social entrepreneurship;
For more than 65 years, this premier roundtable has challenged leaders in ev-
big data; education innovation; the American Dream; health reform; China
ery field to think critically and deeply. This seminar, the flagship offering that
and US competition; green investing; immigration; new leadership in the
launched the Institute in 1950, provides a unique opportunity to step away
Middle East and North Africa, Afghanistan, and Pakistan; Cuba's economy and
from the demands of the present and reflect with other leaders in moderated,
social media; energy security; the economics of happiness; the moral limits of
text-based Socratic dialogue on the concept of a good and just society. What
markets; race and culture; artificial intelligence and the workforce; technology
is it, how does it become a reality, and what is our role in making it happen?
trends and impact; the sharing economy; and innovation in American cities.
The settings in Aspen, Colorado, and on Marylands Eastern Shore are ideal
for rejuvenating the mind, body, and spirit of participants, who emerge per-
sonally renewed and professionally refocused.

In a longstanding collaboration with the Association of American Colleges
and Universities, these seminars engage faculty, senior academic admin-
istrators, and college presidents in an exchange of ideas about education,
citizenship, and the global polity. Sessions address the need for a liberal arts
institutions faculty and leadership to exchange ideas with colleagues from
other colleges and disciplines while exploring the ideas and values that un-
derlie their teaching. Modeled after the Aspen Executive Seminar and offered
at the Institutes Wye River campus near the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, the
seminars focus on issues such as citizenship, civil dialogue, and the public
purpose of education.

Ezekiel Emanuel, vice provost for global initiatives at the University of Pennsylvania,
moderates a Socrates Program discussion. (Photo courtesy of Socrates Program)

Seminar participants explore the natural beauty of Aspen. (Todd Breyfogle)

Ten international Aspen Institute partners conduct independently developed and supported programs,
conferences, seminars on region-specific issues, global challenges, and leadership development. Each partner
works closely with the Institute to develop unique programming and also to stay true to a mission of values-based
leadership and enlightened dialogue.

Aspen Institute France hosts a luncheon. (Photo courtesy of Aspen Institute France)
At Euro Med 2016, the Aspen European Strategy Group, including Institute Trustee Mike Bezos,
discusses security for European citizens. (Photo courtesy of Aspen Institute Italia)

Aspen Institute Central Europe Aspen Institute Germany
Aspen Institute Central Europe is a nonpartisan platform Aspen Institute Germany, founded in 1974 for the study
for policy innovation and inclusive dialogue that facilitates and advancement of ideas related to major contemporary
exchange of ideas, fosters open society, and promotes issues, is the oldest international Aspen center. The Institute
values-based leadership. Based in Prague, the Institute seeks to address the challenges of the 21st century in areas
operates across central Europe and focuses on strengthening interdisciplin- such as global economic change, technological advancement, international
ary and regional cooperation. Activities are divided into leadership, policy, security, and emerging leaders. Located in the heart of Berlin, Aspen Institute
and public programs. One of the flagship programs is the Aspen Young Germany convenes a diverse network of representatives from all sectors for
Leaders Program, which supports emerging Central European leaders in discussion in leadership conferences and policy programs, as well as partici-
their development. Aspen Institute Central Europe also publishes a quarter- pation in the Aspen seminar and other leadership programs.
ly magazine, Aspen Review.
Aspen Institute Germany
Aspen Institute Central Europe Friedrichstrasse 60, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Palackho 740/1 110 00 Prague 1 Ph: + 49 30 804 890 0 Fax: + 49 30 803 356 8
Aspen Institute Espaa
Aspen Institute Espaa, headquartered in Madrid, was in- Ananta Aspen Centre
corporated as a foundation in December 2010. The Institute Ananta Aspen Centre is an independent and not-for-profit
aims to promote social responsibility and contribute to the organization in India that seeks to foster positive change in
strengthening of civil society, providing a neutral forum for society through dissemination of knowledge. The Centre
public dialogue and reflection through conferences, seminars, and roundta- facilitates discussions on issues of international significance,
ble discussions. In this pursuit, the Institute takes on the values, features, and values-based leadership, and cross-sector outreach by engaging the civil
goals of the Aspen model, adjusting them to the realities of the Spanish con- society, government, private sector, and other key stakeholders.
text and incorporating Spains close ties with other regions in Europe, Latin
Ananta Aspen Centre
America, and the Mediterranean.
Thapar House, 1st Floor, 124 Janpath, New Delhi
Fundacin Aspen Institute Espaa India 110001
Calle Princesa 18 1o Izq. 28008 Madrid, Spain
Ph: +34 91 547 6742 Aspen Institute Italia
Aspen Institute Italia is a leader in promoting enlightened
Institut Aspen France dialogue in Europe and across the Atlantic, organizing a
Institut Aspen France was founded in 1983 as a nonpartisan number of conferences, seminars, and roundtables each year
international center for discussion and dialogue. It provides on economics, business, politics, and security. Its quarterly
a forum for debate by bringing together a wide array of journal, Aspenia, is read in Italy and abroad, and has been judged one of the
prominent stakeholders: French and international deci- worlds finest foreign affairs journals. Aspen Italia conferences gather promi-
sion-makers from the private and public sectors, academic experts, and politi- nent figures in every field thanks to its more than 300 international members.
cal and civic leaders. These players bring to the table a wealth of perspectives Aspen Italia focuses on the most important problems and challenges facing
to address some of the worlds most complex problems while reflecting on society in settings that encourage frank and open debate. The aim is not to
the concept of the common good. Aspen Institute France gatherings are reach unanimous agreement or reassuring conclusions but to bring to light the
meant to have an impact beyond the conference room: they are designed to complexity of our world.
inspire real-world action.
Aspen Institute Italia
Institut Aspen France Piazza Navona 114 00186 Roma, Italy
203 rue Saint Honor 75001 Paris, France
Ph: +33 1 81 69 55 30

Aspen Institute Japan
Aspen Institute Japan is a nonprofit organization committed
to enhancing values-based leadership in contemporary
society. Evolved from the Tokyo liaison office of the Aspen
Institute and Aspen Institute Japan Council, AIJ was for-
mally established in 1998. Its flagship program has been the Nippon Aspen
Executive Seminar. The Institute offers three seminars annually, providing the
leaders and future leaders of Japan with reflective experiences through mod-
erator-led dialogue based on extensive readings of texts from both classic
and contemporary authors and from the Western and non-Western world. In
addition to the seminars, the Institute offers other executive seminars tailored
to the needs of national and local government officials and young business
executives. It also organizes periodic lecture programs for seminar alumni.
The Aspen Institute Japan
Harks Roppongi Bldg., 2nd Fl. 15-21, Roppongi chome,
Minato-City, Tokyo, Japan 106-0032
Ph: +81 3 6438 9208 Fax: +81 3 3405 1668 Aspen Institute Mxico President Juan Ramn de la Fuente speaks at Project Play Mexico: A Plan for Mexico, a collaboration with the Sports & Society Program.
(Photo courtesy of Aspen Institute Mexico).

Aspen Institute Kyiv

Aspen Institute Kyiv, launched in November 2015, is ded- Aspen Institute Romania
icated to promoting values-based leadership in Ukraine Aspen Institute Romania was launched in
and neighboring countries. The Institute aims to nurture Bucharest in 2006 and is dedicated to promoting val-
open dialogue among Ukrainian leaders facilitating the ex- ues-based leadership in Romania and the Central and East-
change of ideas that contribute to a good society and support and promote ern European region. The Institute encourages open-mind-
leadership in local, regional, and global contexts that will contribute to the ed and informed debate among leaders about the challenges facing
integration of Ukrainian leaders into national, regional, and global dialogue. societies today, and provides a neutral and balanced venue for discussing
Among other activities, it has a well-established leadership program and is and acting on critical issues. It does this through a series of activities includ-
developing a number of programs. ing leadership programs that harness individual potential and leadership;
The Aspen Institute Kyiv policy programs that serve as nonpartisan forums for analysis, consensus
Sophia Business Center building, and problem solving on a wide variety of issues; and public pro-
6, Rylskyi lane 01001 Kyiv, Ukraine grams that provide a commons for people to share ideas.
+380442200430 Institutul Aspen Romania 25 Italiana Street
Sector 2, Bucharest Romania
Aspen Institute Mxico Ph: +4021 316 4279
Aspen Institute Mxico launched in March 2014 in Mexico Fax: +4021 317 3443
City as a nonpartisan center for debate and discussion.
One of its main objectives is to foster the development of
young leaders and their networks, promoting the values
and principles of democracy such as freedom, the rule of law, and economic
efficiency; and to expand their relations with rising leaders from other coun-
tries in the region. The activities are divided into seminars, policy and public
programs, and leadership initiatives.
Aspen Institute Mxico
Av. Ciudad Universitaria 298
Col. Jardines del Pedregal
Mxico D.F. 01900
Tel: +52 (55) 5631-0592

The Institute tackles vexing problems and convenes top talents on countless
topics, and is an online home for such conversation. It is a
tool for those curious to explore new ideas each dayand for guests seeking to
attend our events. Redesigned and relaunched in 2016, our website presents
an unabridged view of Institute work. Its fresh design mirrors an online
audience that is more mobile and social than ever. It's also home to our blog,
which shares some of the most thought-provoking ideas, insights, and reports ENGAGE
from Institute staff, guests, and fellows. The blog connects Institute programs
to the news of the day, offering insight into the work of our organization and
shedding light on some of the worlds most challenging problems.

IDEAS: The Magazine of the Aspen Institute JOIN

In 2016, the magazine increased its frequency from two to three issues a
year, with a new name, new logo, and new mandate to promote not just the
ever-increasing initiatives and programs of the Institute but the ideas driving
them. Thought leaders and Institute colleagues contribute essays that will
position the magazine as a national platform for the most influential voices CONNECT
guiding imaginative, forward-looking public thinking. The magazine, with
its incisive, forward-thinking design, offers an ideal platform for companies
and individuals who wish to reach the exclusive Institute audience. Anyone
interested in advertising may contact Douglas Farrar, the associate publisher,

The Aspen Journal of Ideas

In 2014, the Aspen Institute launched the online Aspen Journal of Ideas as a
way to capture essays, conversations, and opinions from the thought leaders
of the Institute community. The Journal highlights important ideas, fleshes out
innovative policy solutions to pressing issues, and tells stories about good pol-
icy that will change lives. Selected highlights from the online edition appear in
each issue of the Institutes print magazine, IDEAS.
Aspen Ideas To Go Podcast
In 2015, the Aspen Institute launched the Aspen Ideas To Go podcast. The
weekly show about big ideas is a hosted and curated listening experience
that highlights programming from the Aspen Ideas Festival, Aspen Security
Forum, CityLab, Aspen Summit on Inequality and Opportunity, and other
events presented by the Institute. Aspen Ideas To Go aims to reach a broad
audience beyond those able to attend Institute events.

Five Best Ideas of the Day
Published each weekday at noon, the Five Best Ideas of the Day highlights
five thought-provoking, current, and influential ideas from around the web,
and delivers them straight to your inbox.

The Aspen Institute Financial Security Program and the Economic Oppor- At CityLab 2016, held in October in Miami, the Aspen Institute announced
tunities Program held the 2016 Economic Security Summit: Reconnecting a new partnership with Bloomberg Philanthropies to create the Bloomberg
Work and Wealth to grapple with issues of equity, inclusion, mobility, Aspen Initiative on Cities and Autonomous Vehicles, a program for leading
growth, and opportunity. global mayors to prepare their cities for the emergence of driverless cars
and to pioneer ways that this technology can solve chronic urban challeng-
In 2016, Youth & Engagement Programs launched the Aspen Young es and improve the lives of citizens.
Leaders Fellowship, a multi-site initiative that will develop the next gener-
ation of purpose-driven community youth leaders. At the 33rd Annual Awards Dinner in New York, the Institute honored
Robert K. Steel with the prestigious Henry Crown Leadership Award.
In August, Sheri and Howard Schultz, co-founders of the Schultz Family Melinda Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, was
Foundation, were honored with the Public Service Award. In conversation honored with the Public Service Award. This years special guest was Tom
with Walter Isaacson, the Schultzes called on the private sector to help Brokaw of NBC News, who concluded the evening with a conversation
close the void between leadership and social values in the United States. with Jane Pauley, host of CBS Sunday Morning.
Hip-hop artist and social activist Common introduced the awardees
during a special appearance. The Aspen Institute Preston Robert Tisch Award in Civic Leadership,
which is presented to an individual who has had a positive impact in his
The Latinos and Society Program held the Americas Future Summit: or her community and embodies the broad Aspen Institute ideal of
Reimagining Opportunity in a Changing Nation in Los Angeles in August values-based leadership, was awarded to Supreme Court Associate Justice
2016, focusing on access, inclusion, and leadership for Latinos in the Sonia Sotomayor in December 2016.
economic, political, and cultural spheres.
The Henry Crown Fellowship Program celebrated its 20th anniversary.
In October, the Aspen Institute, CNBC, and MITs Computer Science The Fellowship develops the next generation of community-spirited
and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory hosted a groundbreaking summit, leaders, providing them with the tools necessary to meet the challenges
Securing Our Future, bringing together top leaders in business, govern- of business and civic leadership in the 21st century.
ment, and academia to combat urgent cyber threats.

In January 2017, the Institute hosted Lisa Monaco, former homeland The Spring Board Meeting in April was, for the first time in Institute history,
security advisor to Barack Obama, for a discussion on cybersecurity, held in Chicagorecalling the Institutes deep roots within the Chicago
which marked the beginning of a new program on Cybersecurity and community. Two new Trustees were elected to the Board: Donna Barksdale
Technology, to be led by Chairman John P. Carlin and Executive Director and Lewis Sanders.
Garrett M. Graff.
The seventh annual 2017 Aspen Institute Symposium on the State of
After stepping down from his post as Chairman of the Federal Communi- Race in America explored attitudes, opportunities, and challenges for
cations Commission, Tom Wheeler joined the Aspen Institute in January and about people of color in 21st-century America in the wake of a new
as a Senior Fellow with the Communications and Society Programthe administration.
sixth consecutive FCC Chairman to do so.
The Institute launched the Aspen Economic Strategy Group. Led by
In February, the Aspen Institute Arts Program and Park Avenue Armory Co-Chairs Hank Paulson and Erskine Bowles, as well as Executive Director
co-hosted the 2017 Interrogations of Form Series: Culture in a Changing Lanhee Chen, the program will aim to foster inclusive economic policy
America, a groundbreaking summit serving as the first major platform in that benefits all Americans.
New York City for artists, civic leaders, critics, academics, and the public to
convene and reexamine the role of arts and culture in our nations future. The Aspen Institute Wye Fellows, a group of Chesapeake Bay-area
residents who share the Aspen Institutes interest in global dialogue and
The Institute launched a new program on race, cultural identity, and play a key role in sustaining the Institutes mission, are celebrating their
inclusion, The Bridge, powered by the Peabody Award-winning Race Card tenth anniversary.
Project, founded by former NPR journalist Michele Norris.
The Institute mourned the loss of three Lifetime Trustees, William Coleman,
The Institute is exploring artificial intelligence through a variety of pro- former secretary of transportation; John Brademas, former US congress-
grams, including the new Future of Artificial Intelligence, a roundtable man; and Elinor Munroe, graphic-design innovator.
series led by Institute Vice President Kitty Boone.

In March 2017, the Institute held the second Inequality and Opportunity
Summit, laying the groundwork for a national conversation about the sys-
temic nature of the problems undermining household financial security
and economic mobility.


Christine Lagarde Clint Smith Joe Biden Karen Weaver

managing director of the International Monetary Fund award-winning poet Vice President of the United States mayor of Flint, Michigan

Bill Bratton Dave Eggers Jane Pauley Tom Brokaw

New York Police Department commissioner award-winning novelist host of CBS Sunday Morning special correspondent NBC News

Michael Steele Newt Gingrich Elizabeth Acevedo Tom Perez

former chair of the Republican National Committee former speaker of the US House of Representatives poet chair of the Democratic National Committee

42 Positions current at the time of appearance.

Photo credits from top left to right: Dan Bayer, Ian Wagreich, Dan Bayer, C2 Photography, Dan Bayer, Ian Wagreich, Jared Siskin, Jared Siskin, Laurence Genon, Riccardo Savi, Laurence Genon, Laurence Genon
Mitt Romney Melinda Gates Caitlyn Jenner Michael Bloomberg
former governor of Massachusetts co-chair of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation executive director I Am Cait former New York City mayor

Sylvia Mathews Burwell Lonnie Rashid Lynn, Jr. (Common) Andrew McCabe Drew Faust
Secretary of Health and Human Services hip-hop artist and film producer assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation president of Harvard University

James Clapper Ruth Bader Ginsburg Mark Emmert Loretta Lynch

director of National Intelligence Associate Justice of the Supreme Court president of the NCAA US attorney general

Photo credits from top left to right: Riccardo Savi, Jared Siskin, Riccardo Savi, C2 Photography, Dan Bayer, C2 Photography, Photo courtesy of CNBC, 43
Riccardo Savi, Dan Bayer, Melissa Grimes-Guy Photography, Laurence Genon, Dan Bayer
The Heritage Society is a community of supporters who have named the Aspen Institute as a beneficiary of
their will or trust, or have completed a charitable trust. It is made up of Institute Trustees, Lifetime Trustees,
members of the Society of Fellows, and other generous friends. We are honored to have added our 25th
member to this special legacy community in 2016.

Bequests and other estate gifts are critical to securing the Institute's future and helping us perpetuate lifelong
learning and enlightened leadership for generations to come. We recognize that donors who have elevated
us to the level of family by including us in their estate plans do so out of their hearts, not for the benefits;
but we also welcome the opportunity to honor those who have made this deeply personal commitment.

44 Dan Bayer
Our newest Heritage Society member, Dale Coudert, traces her inspiration Scholarship Fund in 2012 to make it possible for young people to participate in
back to 1977, when she became one of the first women to participate in the Institute programs. Most recently, the McDade Scholarship enabled 27 prom-
Aspen Executive Seminar (now the Aspen Seminar). ising and diverse students from nine Roaring Fork Valley schools to attend
a special Middle School Great Ideas program as part of the Hurst Student
The Executive Seminar was what it was all about, says Seminar program. The Hurst Seminar, it is worth noting, is underwritten by
Coudert. You became a family together. Heritage Society members Soledad and Bob Hurst.

Other Heritage Society members recall the intimacy of those earlier gather- The Institute was also honored to receive a bequest in 2010 from former
ings, toolistening to lectures on the lawn of the Hotel Jerome, or exploring Trustee Kathleen Daubert Smith, with which we established the Kathleen
timeless values in a seminar with Mortimer Adler. Daubert Smith Scholarship Fund. The philanthropic aim of this endowed
scholarship is to enable diverse internationally focused leaders to attend
the Aspen Seminar where they can exchange ideas, promote multi-cultural
Longtime friends describe the Aspen Institute as a understanding, and explore values-based leadership. In recent years Smith
mind-opening institution, Scholars have included professionals and post-doctoral fellows from Istanbul,
Turkey and Munich, Germany.
a resource not only to Trustees and SOF members but also to the local
communities in Aspen, Wye River, Maryland, New York, San Francisco, Chica- In the most recent Heritage Society newsletter, Ann McLaughlin Korologos,
go, Washington, DC and, increasingly, in cities and towns across the country co-chair of our Lifetime Trustees and the first female chair of the Aspen
where the Institute has not traditionally had a significant presence. Making the Institute, encouraged our friends to remember that,
Institute's programming available to more leaders and communitiesgoals
that are important to our futurehas also inspired a number of bequests. Education is the kindling of a flame, not a filling of
We also remember and honor the bequests received from friends who are no a vessel I hope you will join me in igniting this flame
longer with us. The Institutes first realized bequest, from Julienne M. Michel, for generations to come by remembering the Aspen
is still among the largest. Michel, who had only ever attended a handful of
Institute events in her lifetime, cited her friendship with Ann and Bill Nitze as
Institute in your will or trust.
her inspiration for giving so generously to the Institutes endowment. Years Like many individuals who make bequests to organizations, several Heritage
later, in an act of reciprocal inspiration, the Nitzes pledged their own estate Society members did not share their bequest intentions with the Institute
gift and thus joined Michel in the Heritage Society. during their lifetime. However, letting us know when you have included the
Institute in your will or trust allows us to thank and celebrate the joy of giving
More recently, the Institute was the beneficiary of a charitable remainder trust gift
during your lifetime.
from James and Elaine McDade, who were supporters of our programs in the
Roaring Fork Valley. In their memory, we established the Jim and Elaine McDade


Anonymous (1) Glenda and Gerald Greenwald Elaine* and James McDade*
Karen and Berl Bernhard Juliane Heyman Julienne M. Michel*
Connie and Jim Calaway Soledad and Robert J. Hurst Elinor* and George* B. Munroe
Dale Coudert The James Jenkins Family Stephanie and Michael Naidoff
Rene and Lester Crown Jan Jennings and Michael Mount David L. Nevins
Rebecca Donelson and Robert Blattberg Ann and Tom Korologos Ann and William Nitze
Esther B. and James* L. Ferguson Joan Lebach Carla and Charles Powell
Henrietta H. Fore and Richard L. Fore Marlene and Frederic Malek Kathleen D. Smith*
Alma L. and Joseph B. Gildenhorn William E. Mayer

Over the years, we have been pleased to witness and support the growing cultural and
intellectual impact of the Aspen Instituteboth here in the Roaring Fork Valley and around
the world. We have had a bequest in our will to the Institute for some time and decided to
formalize it as a statement of support and confidence in this exceptional organization. We are
proud to help the Institute reach new heights of influence for generations to come.
Soledad and Robert Hurst, Aspen Institute Trustee

A lot of us don't pay enough attention to the issue of estate planning and what's going to
happen with whatever assets we have. My motivation is to help to support the Aspen Global
Leadership Network by furthering its endowment in the long run. Of course, others choosing
to give would be a great byproduct of my contribution too.
William Mayer, Aspen Institute Trustee

If you have someone to mentor you and are exposed to new ideas and concepts, it can
transform a life. That is what we hope to do. Our bequest to support Roaring Fork Valley youth
will enable students from economically disadvantaged families to take part in Aspen Institute
dialogues and events they would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend.
Rebecca Donelson and Robert Blattberg, Society of Fellows members


Named Seat in the Paepcke Auditorium, located in the
Walter Paepcke Memorial Building on the Aspen Meadows campus.
Invitation to a private annual reception.
Receive the bi-annual Heritage Society newsletter, and recognition
in our newsletter and Annual Report.
An opportunity to sign our Heritage Society Book of Remembrance.

To learn more about naming the Aspen Institute in your will or trust, or to establish a life income gift, please contact
Jan Jennings, Director of Planned Giving at

Walter Isaacson gives remarks at the unveiling of the Paepcke Society plaque. (C2 Photography) Peter Waanders, Antonia Paepcke DuBrul, and Nicholas DuBrul celebrate the unveiling. (C2 Photography)

Launched in 2016, the Walter and Elizabeth Paepcke Society honors philanthropic leaders who have made exceptional,
long-term contributions in support of the Aspen Institutes mission.
Members and their families, along with Institute Trustees and Society of Fellows members, gathered for an August reception to
celebrate the history of the Aspen Institute, launch the Paepcke Society, and unveil a plaque in the Walter Paepcke Memorial Building.


Mary H. and Paul F. Anderson Jane Eisner and Michael D. Eisner / Eisner Foundation Eleanor and Philip Merrill
Barbara and Robert O. Anderson Samia and A. Huda Farouki Julienne M. Michel
Donna and Jim Barksdale Esther B. and James L. Ferguson Diane L. Morris
Mercedes T. Bass / Mercedes T. Bass Charitable Corporation Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Clare Muana / Blue Family Foundation
Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg Friedman Family Foundation Gina and Jerry Murdock
Jackie and Mike Bezos / Bezos Family Foundation Glenda and Gerald Greenwald Jane and Marc Nathanson
Susan and Richard Braddock Jane and Sidney Harman / Harman Family Foundation Charlotte Perret Family Trust
Patrice King Brickman / Patrice and Scott Brickman Annie and Jerry Hosier Margot and Tom Pritzker Family Foundation
Family Foundation Nina Rodale Houghton Lynda and Stewart Resnick
Melva Bucksbaum Soledad and Robert J. Hurst / Hurst Family Foundation Mary Anne and James E. Rogers
Zo and Bill Budinger Cathy and Walter Isaacson David M. Rubenstein
Connie and Jim Calaway Alex Kaufman Ricardo and Maria Laura Salinas
Jessica H. and Henry E. Catto, Jr. Joan I. Fabry and Michael R. Klein Michelle Smith
Merle Chambers / Chambers Family Fund Julia and David Koch Gillian and Robert Steel
Rene and Lester Crown Laura, Gary, Josh and Eliana Lauder Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund
The Crown Family Leonard A. Lauder Jessica and Christopher Varelas
Bonnie M. and Kenneth L. Davis Dr. Laurie Ann Levin and Gerald M. Levin Marion and Frederick B. Whittemore
Ann and John Doerr Marlene A. and Frederic V. Malek Paula Paepcke Zurcher
Byron and Kimberly Dorgan William E. Mayer June and Bryan Zwan
Antonia Paepcke DuBrul Bonnie and Tom McCloskey
Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation
Membership in the Society of Fellows provides unparalleled access to the experts and the innovative ideas of our times.
Fellows play an instrumental role at the Aspen Institute, not only by way of their philanthropic support but also through
their deep intellectual engagement in our programs. In addition to complimentary access to all of the Aspen Institutes
community lectures and book talks and discounts on passes to signature events, including the Aspen Ideas Festival,
Fellows receive special invitations to more than 50 richly curated, intimate programs featuring leading experts on an
array of topics each year. These programs range from discussion receptions with thought leaders in private homes, to
multi-speaker, half-day forums over breakfast and lunch, to multi-day, roundtable symposia where Fellows are given a
seat at the table with policymakers, academics, and journalists shaping solutions to the challenges of our times. Society
of Fellows events are offered regularly in Aspen, Washington, DC, New York City, and San Francisco, and periodically in
other major metropolitan areas around the country.

Fellows themselves are accomplished leaders from all walks of life, including ASPEN WYE FELLOWS
education, health care, technology, business, philanthropy, and government.
They contribute their expertise to enhance and broaden the discussion. The Aspen Wye Fellows program is a special donor and public outreach
For those looking for a deeper engagement with the Aspen Institute, the initiative on the Institutes Wye River campus on the Eastern Shore of Mary-
Society of Fellows program awaits. Please contact Peter Waanders, director of land. Fellows are Chesapeake Bay area residents who support and share the
the Society of Fellows, at (970) 544-7912 for more information about joining or Institutes interest in open-minded dialogue. The program includes discus-
referring a new member. sions, receptions, book signings, and other special events featuring prominent
leaders and policy experts.

Clockwise from top left: Shakespeare historian Ken Adelman and filmmaker Ken Burns discuss Elections that Speak to Us Today in Aspen, Colorado; Air Force Academy cadets participate in a Society of Fellows
symposium on the refugee crisis; Guests, including Institute Trustee Ann B. Friedman and New York Times columnist and author Thomas Friedman, listen in at the Aspen Institute Annual Holiday Celebration.
(Photos by C2 Photography)
Marble Garden at the Aspen Meadows campus. (Dan Bayer)
The Society of Fellows and Trustee Leadership Fund provides scholarships to enable leaders and young people from
diverse backgrounds to engage with the Institutes seminars, programs, and events.

Kay Allaire Casady M. Henry Elaine Pagels

Anonymous (3) Juliane M. Heyman Patricia M. Papper
Ken Aponte Ann F. and Edward R. Hudson, Jr. Hensley and James Peterson
Kathleen and John Buck Nike Irvin Dorothy and Aaron S. Podhurst
Lorraine M. and Alfred Campos Dorothy Jacobs Anne and Arny Porath
Nancy P. and Clint Carlson Mary and Thomas A. James Rodan Family Philanthropic Fund
Kelly L. and John Close Kathleen K. and Warren D. Jones Mary A. and James E. Rogers
Bunni and Paul Copaken Ann and Stephen Kaufman Linda and Jay Sandrich
Cornelia and Richard Corbett Martha and George A. Kellner Nicole Avant and Ted Sarandos
Penny and James G. Coulter Ann M. and Tom C. Korologos Andrea L. Cunningham and Rand Siegfried
Jane R. and Marshall C. Crouch III Stanley Kritzik David M. Solomon
Sean Dalesandro Joan C. Lebach Evelyn M. and Barry S. Strauch
Alex Dell Leonard Levie Eleanor F. and John M. Sullivan, Jr.
Jane P. and William H. Donaldson Marlene and Frederic V. Malek Chloe C. Tabah
Nanette and Jerry E. Finger* Stephen Marcus Phyllis Taylor
Susan and Richard Finkelstein Mary J. and Garrett Moran Susan and Richard Ulevitch (in honor of
Sakurado and William S. Fisher The Morgridge Family Foundation Jane Nathanson)
Henrietta H. and Richard L. Fore Eric L. Motley Marie and Andy Unanue
Paul Gillow Stephanie and Michael Naidoff Alexia von Lipsey and Roderick K. von Lipsey
Jan and Ronald K. Greenberg David L. Nevins Jennifer Causing and Peter M. Waanders
Michael Gridley Eileen and Craig Newmark Monique Clarine and Ralph Wanger
Joann and David L. Grimes Ann K. and William A. Nitze Barbara Bakios-Wickes and Steven Wickes
Sheila P. and Patrick W. Gross Sandra Day O'Connor Wyndham Hotel Group

* Deceased
SOCIETY OF FELLOWS (January 1 - December 31, 2016)
Trustee Fellows
Madeleine K. Albright Arjun Gupta Sandra Day O'Connor
Jacqueline Novogratz and Chris Anderson Jane Harman Olara A. Otunnu
Mary H. and Paul F. Anderson Kaya Henderson Yumiko and Hisashi Owada
Mercedes T. Bass Anna K. and Hayne Hipp Elaine Pagels
Karen and Berl Bernhard Ellen and Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. Carrie W. and Greg Penner
Sheena and Keith Berwick Rachel Kohler and Mark S. Hoplamazian Ambassador Thomas R. Pickering
Jacklyn G. and Miguel A. Bezos Annie and Gerald D. Hosier Carla and Charles Powell
His Royal Highness Prince Bandar bin Sultan Nina Rodale Houghton Margot and Tom Pritzker
Susan and Richard S. Braddock Ann F. and Edward R. Hudson, Jr. Denise M. Byrne and Peter A. Reiling
Mary Ellen and John Brademas Jrme Huret Lynda R. and Stewart Resnick
Beth A. and Michelle Brooke-Marciniak Soledad and Robert J. Hurst Condoleezza Rice
Zo and Bill Budinger Cathy and Walter Isaacson Mary A. and James E. Rogers
Hope and William J. Bynum William N. Joy Mara Laura Medina and Ricardo Benjamn Salinas
Connie L. and James C. Calaway Salman Khan Linda and Jay Sandrich
Enola Aird and Stephen L. Carter Nancy and Henry A. Kissinger Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer
Rebecca and Troy Carter Yoshiko and Teisuke Kitayama Alan Fletcher and Ronald J. Schiller
Lovida and William T. Coleman, Jr. Joan I. Fabry and Michael R. Klein Cecilia Pirelli and Carlo Scognamiglio
Pamela and Csar Conde Julia F. and David H. Koch Khumo and Isaac Oupa Shongwe
Penny and James G. Coulter Ann M. and Tom C. Korologos Alice Young and Thomas L. Shortall, Esq.
Paula and James S. Crown Debra and Timothy K. Krauskopf Andrea L. Cunningham and Rand Siegfried
Rene and Lester Crown Satinder K. Lambah Shirley and Albert H. Small
Ranjana and Tarun Das Laura and Gary M. Lauder Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith
Bonnie and Kenneth L. Davis Judith Glickman-Lauder and Leonard A. Lauder Family Foundation
Juan Ramon de la Fuente Jacqueline Grapin and Michel Le Goc Javier Solana
Anna Deavere Smith Jill Hornor and Yo-Yo Ma Gillian and Robert K. Steel
Ann H. and L. John Doerr Marlene and Frederic V. Malek Andrew L. Stern
Jane P. and William H. Donaldson Robert H. Malott Gautam Thapar
Thelma Duggin Sarah and James M. Manyika Shashi Tharoor
Karen and Arne Duncan William E. Mayer Laurie M. Tisch
Sylvia A. Earle Bonnie P. and Thomas D. McCloskey, Jr. Fausta Beltrametti and Giulio Tremonti
Jane and Michael D. Eisner David H. McCormick Paul A. Volcker
Laura M. and L. Brooks Entwistle The John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation Alexia and Roderick K. von Lipsey
Corinne Michaela Flick Laure and Olivier Mellerio Cheryl and Vin Weber
Henrietta H. and Richard L. Fore Eleanor Merrill Abigail and Leslie H. Wexner
Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Katie Couric and John Molner Marion and Frederick B. Whittemore
Richard Newton Gardner Diane L. Morris Jana Zantovsk and Michael Zantovsky
Henry L. Gates, Jr. Elisabeth and Karlheinz Muhr
Miheala and Mircea D. Geoana Clare Muana Gold Leaf Society ($50,000 and above)
Anne E. and David R. Gergen Elinor Bunin Munroe Robert J. Abernethy
Alma and Joseph B. Gildenhorn Gina and Jerry Murdock Amy and David Abrams
Sabrina and Antonio Gracias Jane and Marc B. Nathanson Karen Heim-Amadon and Greg Amadon
Glenda and Gerald Greenwald Ann K. R. and William A. Nitze Suzanne and Douglas J. Bade
Sheila P. and Patrick W. Gross Her Majesty Queen Noor Vanisha and Amit Bhatia

Sandra and Paul Edgerley Donna and Jim Barksdale Jaimie and David J. Field
Samia and A. Huda Farouki E. Jay Rosenstein and Raymond Baron Richard Finger
Sharon and Lawrence D. Hite Charlotte L. Beers Alejandra and Paul L. Foster
Karen Z. Gray-Krehbiel and John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Grace and Morton Bender Carla D'Arista Frampton and George T. Frampton, Jr.
Anu and Manoj Menda, Managing Trustees- Ronit and William Berkman Karen and James S. Frank
RMZ Foundation Jill and Jay Bernstein Emanuel J. Friedman Philanthropies
Susan Miller* Wilma and Stuart Bernstein Sheila and David Fuente
Dionne and Francis Najafi Steven Black Jessica M. and John B. Fullerton
Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson Amy and Paul Blavin Gary M. Gartsman
Anne and Chris Reyes Gary Block Pamela Paresky and Christopher Gates
Carole B. and Gordon Segal Laurie Michaels and David Bonderman Donna and Jon Gerstenfeld
Bren Simon Susan Boswell Beth and Larry W. Gies
Diana Davis Spencer Jo and Bill Brandt Marilyn and Michael Glosserman
Melani and S. Robson Walton Susan Doran and Drew Brasher Emily Gold Mears
Gundula Brattke Harriett and Richard E. Gold
Chairmans Society ($25,000) Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg and Arturo Brillembourg Andi and Jim Gordon - The Edgewater Funds
Adrienne Arsht Aviva and Martin Budd Jan and Ronald K. Greenberg
Giancarla and Luciano Berti Christy and Daryl R. Burton Agnes Gund
Bostock Family Foundation C. E. and S. Foundation Ellen Bronfman Hauptman and Andrew Hauptman
Gloria Christal Nancy P. and Clint Carlson Jamie and Bush Helzberg
Nancy C. and A. Steven Crown Ruth Carver Melinda B. and Jeffery D. Hildebrand
Meg and Bennett Goodman Kristina and William H. Catto Lillie Hodges and Brett Hodges
Diane and Bruce Halle Julia and Michael Connors Judith Zee Steinberg and Paul J. Hoenmans
Barbara and Gerald D. Hines Phyllis and David Z. Cook Arthur N. Greenberg and Elaine Hoffman*
Linda E. Johnson Bunni and Paul Copaken Lisa and Michael Holthouse - Holthouse
Susan Crown and William Kunkler Kim and Rob Coretz Foundation for Kids
Toby Devan Lewis Jane R. and Marshall C. Crouch III Lynne and Joseph Horning
Yvonne L. K. Lui Foundation Sylvie and Gary T. Crum Diane and William Hunckler
Flo Fulton-Miller and Scott D. Miller Gerry Cuddy Gayle G. and Woody L. Hunt
Robert Rosenkranz and Alexandra Munroe, Margaret Culver Irja Brant and Alireza Ittihadieh
The Rosenkranz Foundation Meredyth Anne Dasburg Foundation Joshua Jacobson
Linda McCausland and Peter Nicklin Elissa and Gary Davis Asha Jadeja
Susan Taylor and Robert Cunningham Pew III Catherine and Jerome H. Debs II Shana and Clint Johnstone
Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha Elizabeth Beaman and Scott M. Delman Elise and Russell Joseph
Susan Boeing and Christopher Redlich Elaine and Claiborne Deming Allison and Warren Kanders
Jeannie and Tom Rutherfoord Jan and Neal Dempsey Beth and Michael Kasser
Ali and Lewis A. Sanders Claire Dewar Sylvia and Richard F. Kaufman
Vicki and Roger Sant Dee and David Dillon Betty Saks and Bart Kavanaugh
Gina and Sam Shapiro Gloria Story Dittus Sheila and Michael Kurzman
Deanie and Jay Stein Julia and Justin Douglas Ann and Edward Lamont
Nancy Wall and Charles Wall Howard Draft David Lee
Alice L. Walton Lauren Kelley and John P. Driscoll Liz and Eric Lefkofsky
Beatrice and Anthony Welters Lisa and Ralph Eads Rochelle and Max Levit
Gail and Richard Elden Melony and Adam J. Lewis
Presidents Society ($10,000) Gail and Alfred Engelberg Warren Lichtenstein
Vicki Abeles Clayton and Sheldon Erikson Jean and Jim Lowrey
Oded Aboodi Billie and Gregory Erwin Marianne and Sheldon B. Lubar
Paul G. Allen Judy Estrin Steven MacDonald
Abdullah Alrakhis Shannon Fairbanks Holly and John Madigan
Anonymous (4) Janet and George Felleman Charles N. Martin, Jr.
Molly Gochman and Michael Armilio Sherry and Joseph Felson Leslie Berriman and Nion McEvoy
Doris and Laurence Ashkin Tara Carson and Barbara Fergus Katherine and Ryan McIntyre

* Deceased
Betty Anne and James R. McManus Christopher V. Walker Ingrid O. and Thomas J. Edelman
Lisa and Willem Mesdag Jeffrey C. Walker Anna May and Timothy E. Feige
Kim Metcalf-Kupres Carol and John R. Walter Christy Ferer
John Moore Tillie Walton Sharon Maxwell-Ferguson and Howell Lykes Ferguson
Susan E. and Robert S. Morrison Sam R. Walton Marilyn and Larry Fields
Joanna Ossinger and Daniel Moss Virginia Warner Linda and Jeffrey Fine
Marisa Muller Jenny and Tom Williams Linda and Gregory Fischbach
David Newberger Judy and Fred Wilpon Sakurado and William S. Fisher
Susan and William Oberndorf William Wrigley, Jr. Joan and Launce Gamble
Julie and Doug Ostrover Nancy R. Lazar and George R. Zachar Simonetta Brandolini and Renee Gardner
Patricia M. Papper Barbara and David Zalaznick Kristen and Larry Gellman
Margaret and Andrew M. Paul Leonard Genet
Amy and Brian Pennington Aspen Leaf Society ($5,000) Julie Gerson
Amy and John C. Phelan Lizbeth S. and John W. Adams Virginia and Gary Gerst
Doren M. Pinnell Tracy and Dennis Albers Deborah and Dennis Glass
Betsy and Robert S. Pitts Nina and William Albert Alfred G. Goldstein
Anne and Arny Porath Anonymous Thorey and Barry J. Goldstein
Pixie and Jimmy Reiss Jim Aresty Jeannette and Jerry A. Goldstone
Carrie Delaney Rhodes Janet and Jeffrey Beck Lenore S. and Bernard A. Greenberg Fund
Kathryn Gleason and Timothy Ring Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg Llura and Gordon Gund
Kate and Chris Roberts Gretchen and John Berggruen Nicki and J. Ira Harris
Camille and Kenneth Robison Kalita and Edward W. Blessing Mary Ann and Jim Harris
Lyn M. Ross Deborah and Gabriel Brener Joan W. Harris - The Irving Harris Foundation
Cari B. and Michael J. Sacks Mark Brown and Steve Brint Alix Mattingly and Alan Harter
Mara and Ricky Sandler Kim Brizzolara Carrie Besnette Hauser and Jeff Hauser
June and Paul C. Schorr III The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation Claudia and Tom Henteleff
Peggy and Carl Sewell Barbara and William Broeder Carol and Mike Hundert
Josie and Carl Sewell III Inette and Joshua Brown Trudy and John Jacobson
Nancy S. Furlotti and Erel Shalit Barbara Bryant Karen Flannery James
Isa Catto Shaw and Daniel Shaw Carolyn S. Bucksbaum Brenda and George Jewett
Patsy and John Shields Jacolyn and John Bucksbaum Diana Jacobs Kalman
Betsy and Paul Coombe Shiverick Hope Gleicher and Andy Burness Laura and Michael Kaplan
Victoria and Ronald A. Simms - Jane Lipton and Calvin Cafritz Marjie and Bob Kargman
The Simms/Mann Family Foundation Terri and Tony Caine Benton Kastman
Florence and Harry E. Sloan Martin G. Carver Jane and Gerald Katcher
David M. Solomon Laurel Garrett and John Catto Neal Katyal
Amanda and Earl Stafford Katherin and David D. Chase Deborah and Bruce Kaye
Orli and Bill Staley Janet F. Clark Hyunja and Jeff L. Kenner
Sara and James Star Patricia Alper and David I. Cohn Betsy and Brill Key
Zoey and Gideon Stein Patricia Cook Susan and Robert E. Klein
Ann J. and Paul G. Stern Cornelia and Richard Corbett Susan and John Klein
Kelly and Lee J. Styslinger III Suzi and David Cordish Dorothy and Sidney Kohl
Roselyne Chroman Swig Brenda and J. Lester Crain Cathy and Jonathan Koplovitz
Patrick F. Taylor Foundation Andrea and Gary Delman Gaylene Salomons and Rickey Lamitie
Jacquelin Sewell Taylor and Phillip M. Taylor Carol and Dixon Doll Family Foundation Carol and John Levy
Robin and Mark A. Tebbe Jacqueline Weld Drake Darielle and Earl Linehan
Mary Holmes Thompson The Dreman Foundation Sharon and John L. Loeb, Jr.
Karen and Jim Tucker Elizabeth Dubin and Dick Dubin* Gina Giumarra MacArthur
Marie and Andy Unanue Tristan L. and Tim Duncan Leslie and Kurt Malkoff
Vortex Foundation Tom and Kay Dunton Nicola and Jeffrey Marcus

Carol S. Marks Eleanor F. and John M. Sullivan, Jr. Collin Barry
Amy Haines and Richard Marks Ellen and Stephen D. Susman Cornelia Greaves and Buddy Bates
Bruce McEver Sue and Aziz D. Syriani Betty-Jean and David Bavar
Janet and Thomas McKinley Shelley and Joel D. Tauber Karen Beard
Mary Mochary Jeff Taylor Chuck Bellock
Anne and Mead Montgomery Amy and Mark Tercek Vivian and Norman Belmonte
C. Jay Moorhead Foundation Anne and Bill R. Tobey, Jr. Jorge Benitez
Sara and Bill Morgan Sarah McKinley and Frank Torti Deborah and Robert Bennett
Becky and Mike Murray Heather Triano Marilyn Berens
Stephanie and Michael Naidoff Amy and Jeffrey Verschleiser Barbara and Bruce Berger
David L. Nevins Cissy and Curt Viebranz Rebecca and Jeffrey Berkus
Eileen and Craig Newmark Susan L. Smalley and Kevin Wall Elaine Gantz and Stephen Berman
Paula and Jonathan Nickell David Wallace Linda Binder
Denise M. Dupre and Mark E. Nunnelly Monique Clarine and Ralph Wanger Janet and Robert Blaich
Sue A. and James Oates Wendy Whitman and Ryan Warren Charlotte Blank
Helen Ward and Wally Obermeyer Judy and Bob Waterman Nancy L. and Robert S. Blank*
Marne Obernauer, Jr. Lucinda Watson Rebecca Donelson and Robert Charles Blattberg
Jeanie and Patrick O'Shaughnessy Michael Weiser Rita and Irwin Blitt
John N. Palmer Carlotta and Wendell Willkie Ellen Block
Thomas A. Patterson Irene and Alan L. Wurtzel Camerin Ross and Bruce G. Bodaken
Douglas H. Phelps Alison and Boniface Zaino Jane Bogart
Cathy and Hunter Pierson Zlotnik Family Charitable Fund Allison and Randall Bone
Pauline B. Pitt Frances F. Bowes
Mary and Charles Preusse Fellows ($2,500 - $3,500) Janie and Eddie Bradley
Ashley and Jeffrey Quicksilver Virginia Aaron Mark A. Bradley
Julie and Dennis Ratner Penny and Fred Abrams Stuart Brafman
Lauren and Bob Roberts John K. Adams Susan Brauer
Debbi Fields Rose and Michael D. Rose Rita and Jeffrey Adler Ginny and Charles Brewer
Betsy and Andy Rosenfield Rita and Jeffrey Adler Foundation Carolyn Brody
Nancy and Miles L. Rubin Jim Adler Marian and Albert Buzz Brown, Jr.
Randall H. Russell Kay Allaire Nancy Brown
David Sadroff Judy Ley Allen Peter F. Brown
Shirley and Yossi Sagol Linda and John Allman Susan and Robert Emmet Brown, Jr.
Pamela and Arthur Sanders Carolyn Small Alper Bruhn-Morris Family Foundation
Mary and Patrick Scanlan Dean V. Ambrose Lori and Jonny Brumley
Lorraine and Mark Schapiro Jim Anathan Robin and Neal Buchalter
Caryn and Rudi Scheidt Anonymous (5) April Bucksbaum
Susan and Sheldon Schneider Margaret Arent and Timothy O'Shea Glenn Martin Bucksbaum
Alece and David Schreiber Lori Hotz and Martin Arron Barb and Steve Buffone
Linda and H. Del Schutte, Jr. Larry Autrey Natalie Orfalea and Louis Buglioli
Shannon Schuyler Barbara and Don Averitt Barbara J. Burger
Madeline and Michael D. Silverman Rebecca T. Ayres Catherine and Bill Cabaniss
Mish Tworkowski and Joseph Singer Michelle and Brad Bachmann Ludmila and Conrad Cafritz
Tina and Albert H. Small, Jr. Denise Bachrodt Samantha Campbell
Camilla Smith Cheryl and Orrin Baird Karen E. Wagner and David L. Caplan
Andrea and Glenn Sonnenberg Susan M. and Stephen Baird Virginia and Richard Case - Caserve Foundation
Gillian Sorensen Nina McLemore and Donald I. Baker Tate and Blake Casper
Erika and Karim Souki Marilyn and George L. Baker Denise and Michael Cetta
Anthony Spadaro John Balson Merle Chambers
Dana and Andy Stone Cara and Robert Barnes Mark Chichester

* Deceased
Aspen Ideas Festival guests make their way to the Greenwald Pavilion. (Leigh Vogel)

Rona and Jeffrey B. Citrin Steven and Kiki Esrick Barbara L. Goldsmith Foundation
Tony Clancy Dafri and Michael Estes Adam Goldsmith
Kelly L. Close Bruce Etkin Lynda Goldstein
Suzanne and Robert Cochran Melinda Ellis Evers and William Evers Teri and Andy Goodman
Tony Cole Marilyn Ezzes Nelson Gordman
Claudia and Bill Coleman Thomas H. Fagadau Carole Gaba and Richard Gordon
Cynthia Ott and James Coleman Evey and Chip Fagadau Steven Grand-Jean
Sandy and Michael Collins Judith Barnard and Michael Fain Dean L. Greenberg
Mercedes Condy Marita and Jonathan Fairbanks Eileen and Richard Greenberg
Noey and Thomas Congdon Linda and Robert Faktorow Michael Gridley
Janie Coolidge Vivian Farah Cathy and Bob Griffin
Howard Cox Peter Feer Joann and David L. Grimes
Carol Craig and Jennifer Craig Anne and Alan D. Feld Jane and Allen Grossman
Druscilla French and Stephen M. Cumbie Suzanne Felson Rebecca Henry and Harry Gruner
Marc and Lisa Cummins Joseph Sebastian Fichera Vinod Gupta
Charles L. Cunniffe Susan and Richard Finkelstein Linda L. Haan
Charles B. Curtis Patrick Foster Finley, Jr. Anne and Kurt Hall
James Curtis David Fischer Meg Withgott and Per-Kristian Halvorsen
Dorothy Walsh D'Amato and C. Richard D'Amato Carol Fishman Joanna Rees and John Hamm
Delphine and Allen Damon Jodie and Steven Fishman Jan Koran and Steven Handler
Scott Davidson Marcia and Donald Flaks Julia Hansen
Ellen and Gary Davis Barbara and Aaron Fleck Sally and Steve Hansen
Jerry A. Davis Javier Font Leelee and Bill Harriman
Yolanda and Mark Davis Lou Fouts Maria Eugenia and William A. Haseltine
Susan and Francois de Saint Phalle Catherine and Christopher Foyle Nikos Hecht
Alex Dell Scott Francis Lita Warner Heller
Leslie and Thomas J. DeRosa Anna and Matt Freedman Heller Family Foundation
Kittie and Bill Devers Helene and Owen Freeman Susan Helm
Susan and Brian N. Dickie Chuck Frias Barnett C. Helzberg, Jr.
Jeannine English and Howard Dickstein Charlotte Moss and Barry S. Friedberg Linda Vitti Herbst and Clarence A. Herbst
Muffy and Andy DiSabatino Kathy and Jeffrey Friedland Juliane Marion Heyman
Amy and Michael Doherty Barbara and Karl Friedman Richard H. Hillman
Deneen Donnley Golda and Sheldon Friedstein Janet A. and Robert B. Hoffman
Diana Lady and J. Lynn Dougan Muni Fry Tamara Holliday
Marsha and David Dowler Michael Fuller Spring Hollis
Sheila Draper Lorilee Sandmann and Robert Galen Jami McKeon and John Hollway
Heather and Todd duBoef Barbara and Michael Gamson Sue and R. Ronald Hopkinson
Antonia Paepcke DuBrul Eileen Rosenau and Melvin Gang John Horton
Diane and Wayne Ducote Shelby and Frederick Gans Erica Hartman-Horvitz and Richard Alan Horvitz
Nancy S. Dunlap Eydie and Donald Garlikov Ada and Jim Horwich
Susan Dweck Richard Garvin Leonora Horwin
Leatrice and Melvin Eagle Howard Gilbert Niki Horwitch
Jerrold Eberhardt David Gitlitz Tori Dauphinot and Kenneth Hubbard
Marcy and Leo Edelstein Lisa Braun Glazer and Jeff Glazer Holly Huffines
Mary Jane Elmore Erin M. Gogolak Lawrence Hui
Linda and Alan S. Englander Bulent Goktuna Leslie and George Hume
Sue Engs Barbara Gold Laura Hunt
Bess and Ted Enloe Wendy and Fred T. Goldberg, Jr. Judy and Robert Huret
Bob Ephlin Michelle and Jared Goldberg Camille Cook and Laura Hutcheson
Martin Davis and Alena Esina Sallie Golden Carolyne T. Hyde

Barbara and Joseph Reeves Hyde III Elaine and Robert LeBuhn Renee and Bruce Michelson
Mary Ann Hyde Barbara and Jonathan Lee Jennifer Melin Miller and David Miller
Liba Icahn Robin Leeds Lloyd Miller
Bisque Jackson Judith and Donald Lefton Nancy and Charles Mitchell
Martha and Melvin W. Jackson Roselin Atzwanger and Edward Lenkin Joanne and Joel Mogy
Dorothy Jacobs Ruth Owades and Louis Lenzen Shelah and Marc S. Moller
Mary and Thomas Alan James Karen and Bruce Levenson Nancy and George Montgomery
Lucie Jay Louise Levin Mary and Garrett Moran
Jane Jenkins Felicia and Ronald Levin Chrissi and Michael C. Morgan
Holly and Jay Jensen Lucia D. Swanson and Theodore A. Levine Julie and Mark Morris
Sis and Hasty Johnson Walter M. Levy Christine Blish and Tom Morrison
Joy Johnson Suzanne Leydecker Kim Anstatt Morton
Marci and Stan Johnson Mary Schmidt-Libby and Russell Libby Julie C. Muraco
Teresa and Steve Johnson Sylvia and David Lichtenger Marcie J. and Robert Musser
Kathleen K. and Warren D. Jones John S. Lillard Carlos Musso
Victoria and Mark Joseph Judy and Sam Linhart Matthew Myers
Lisa Kane Jung James Loeffler Ilene and James A. Nathan
Nora and Geoffrey Kanter Nancy and James R. Loewenberg Katherine Neisser
Kathy and Richard Kaplan Terry Long Nancy E. and Michael J. Neuman
Ann and Stephen Kaufman Jennifer and Mark Lotke Stuart H. Newberger
Lisa and Kenneth Kelley Pamela Jo Rosenau and Marilyn Lowey Judy Ney
Bicky and George A. Kellner Mary and Robert E. Smith Lupo Helen Nitkin
Katherine Kendrick Martha Luttrell D'Ann F. and John R. Norwood
Paul Kinney Lee R. Lyon* Ann O'Brien
Susan Kinney Carol Ann and Harvey Mackay Eileen O'Connor
Joanne and John Kirby Parker and Tilly Maddux Janet and Tom O'Connor
The Kirkpatrick Family Fund Mark Mahaney Tomoe Odahara
Melvyn N. Klein Nancy R. Manderson Edward O'Reilly
Sally and Jim Klingbeil Judy and Robert Mann Nedra and Mark Oren
Jane and William Knapp Gail P. and Frederick J. Manning Greg Orman
Lisa Kopecky Joan and Michael Marek Laurie Crown and Richard Ortega
Jules Kortenhorst Janice and Chip Marks Sharon Owsley
Colleen Kollar-Kotelly Jeffrey Marlough Margaret and Paul Pace
Eleni and Markos Kounalakis Stephanie Pace Marshall Christine and Michael Pack
Lindsey Kozberg Denise Monteleone and James Martin Alexander Papachristou
Stanley Kritzik Martha and Todd Martin Jean Lee and Allen G. Parelman
Alison Lewis and Craig Krumwiede Susan Marx Julie and Will Parish
Karla Kuban Jill and Erik Maschler Sue and Kirk Patrick
Fred R. Kucker Camille Massey Patricia M. Patterson
David Kunin Joanne B. Matthews Esther Pearlstone
Julie LaNasa and John T. Kunzweiler Estelle and William McArthur Amy Elias and Richard L. Pearlstone
Constance and John Joseph Kurowski Sharon Teddy Mcbay Dipika Rai and Douglas Peckham
Amy and Thomas Kwei Worthy McCartney Kathryn Fleck Peisach and Harry Peisach
Carey Bond and Henry Lambert Joyce McGilvray Susan and Paul Penn
Sally and James Lapeyre, Jr. Jodie W. McLean Robert M. Pennoyer
Sheila Larsen Nancy E. and Peter C. Meinig Denton L. Peoples*
Mollie L. and Garland M. Lasater, Jr. Deborah and Lee Meisel Mary Ann Peoples
Rosemarie R. Lavender J. Alec Merriam Thomas M. Perkins
Jeanne Lawrence Rheda Becker and Robert E. Meyerhoff Essie Perlmutter
Joany Lebach Eleanor and Robert M. Meyers Donna and Richard Perlmutter

Hensley and James Peterson Linda and Robert Schmier Arnold Swanberg
Kathy and Jerry Petitt Barbara and F. Eugene Schmitt Marcy Syms
Kathryn Phillips Victoria E. Schonfeld Emily and Stew Tabin
Dorothy and Aaron S. Podhurst Barbara and Robert Schrier Bruce Taub
Pat and Bill Podlich Lynn Schusterman Amanda Cox Taylor
Diane and Arnold L. Polinger Louise and Robert Schwab Anne Kaiser and Robert P. Taylor
Bonnie and William Pope Nina and William B. Schwartz III Shelly A. and Peter L. Thigpen
Leslie and Wolfgang Portdzik Michelle Schwartz Edith and Joseph Tobin
Jody Rhone and Tom Pritchard Phyllis and David Scruggs Maurice B. Tobin
Catherine Anne Provine Danny Sebright Cathy Mitchell Toren and Peter Toren
John Vytautas Prunskis Katherine and Dhiren H. Shah Guillermo Trevino
Josiane Collazo-Psaki and James R. Psaki Jayne Shapiro Thea True-Wells
Kelley and Mark Purnell Robert Sharpe Roberta Turkat
Kathryn and Richard A. Rabinow Joyce Sher John Turner
Eden Rafshoon Ben Shneiderman Sandra and Sam Tyler
Marsha Ralls Barbara K. Shuster Erik Van der Kooij
Kenneth Ramberg Lois Siegel Dennis H. Vaughn
Ellen B. and Edward Randall III Jill and Stuart Siegel Sue and Richard Volk
Whitney Randolph Cecily Silberman Rene and Robert Wailes
Stacey and Presley Reed Andrea Silbert Roger and Mary Wallace
Myra L. and Robert S. Rich Carla Ginsburg and Gordon Silver Roxanne J. Decyk and Neil Lewis Watts
Pamela and Charles F. Richards, Jr. Nancy and Mark J. Silverman Evelene Wechsler
Valerie Richter Aggie Skirball Karen and Martin S. Weiner
Donna Di Ianni and Peter Rispoli Eric Small Myriam Weinstein
Jeanne and Sanford Robertson Lindsay and Ford Smith J. Fred Weintz, Jr.
Judy T. and Emerson Robinson, Jr. Lynn B. Smith Christie and Jeff Weiss
Katie and Amnon Rodan Beverly and John Snyder Marion W. Weiss
Sonya Rodriguez Carol Soffer Marvin F. Weissberg
Barbara and Donald Rosenberg Selma Spaccarelli Lucie and Jerry Weissman
Joan and Barry Rosenthal Constance and Stephen H. Spahn Carrie Wells
Robert Ross Nancy Spears Michael and Dana Werner
Ruthanne and Scott Roth Sue Edelstein and Bill Spence Edith Kallas-Whatley and Joe Whatley
Ronald Rubenstein Nancy Chasen and Donald M. Spero Saundra Whitney
JoAnne T. and Richard K. Rubinoff Julie Nini and Martin J. Sprinzen Ginny L. Williams
Susie and Leslie Rudd Lauren Stack Marilyn Hodges Wilmerding
Douglas and Kristen Ryckman Sandy and Stephen Stay Reginald Wilson
Norma Saafir Phyllis and Ronald Steinhart Carol G. and Michael E. Winer
Vivian and John Sabel Freda Gail Stern Ruth Winter
Maralee Beck and Andrew Safir Elizabeth and George Stevens Mary and Hugh D. Wise III
Eva Sage-Gavin Nancy Stevens Robin S. Wittlin
Pam King Sams Debbie and Jeffrey Stevenson Jena and Donald M. Wolf
Linda Sandell Ellen M. Heller and Shale D. Stiller Carolyn and William J. Wolfe
Karen and Nathan Sandler Linda Klieger Stillman and Robert Stillman Corinne Wood
Lois and Thomas C. Sando William Stirling Frank Woods
Jan and John G. Sarpa Gayle and Paul Stoffel Judy Wyman
Susan Small Savitsky and Gerald Savitsky Curt Strand Jay Xu
Judith Schalit Evelyn and Barry Strauch Caren Yanis
Gloria Scharlin Bonnie and Tom Strauss Wendy Yanowitch
Lisa and David T. Schiff David Sutphen Karen Zelden

* Deceased
Judy and Leo Zickler Pamela Chan Filipa and Joshua Fink
Mary and Harold Zlot Trisala Chandaria Christopher Flynn
David Zolet David F. Chazen Lindsy and Adam J. Fortier
Susan Rennie and Catherine Chen-Rennie Martin Franze
Vanguard Chapter ($650 - $1,000) Cristine Chiasson Houston Frost
Kate Abraham Katie Kiernan and Justin Clarence Katherine Fry
Shannan and Joshua Adler Casarae Clark Chip and Lady Fuller
Erica G. Alioto Scott W. Clark Sam Gandy
Anonymous (7) Megan and Tom Clark Lolly and David Garcia
Emma and Michael Anselmi Katherine Cloud Katherine Gaston
Jill and Paul Aschkenasy Kasey Crown and David Comfort Heather Gentry
The Aspen Skiing Company Family Fund Missey Condie Hayley Mitchell and Clayton Gentry
Jerry Augustin Lori Conkling Mona Girotra
Lisa and George Baker Ashley and Michael Connolly Leila Toplic and Cyrill Glockner
Jessi and Joe Baker Monty Lamont Cooper Melissa Glynn
Kirsten Bay Catherine Corman Louisa Lyn Goldsmith
Amiee White and D. Brian Beazley Laura and Stonington Cox Carol and Marc Goldstein
Sigrid Aufterbeck-Benton and Paul Benton Caroline and Keating Crown Janet Gordon
Jennifer and James Benvenuto Charles Cutshall Jared Goulet
Davis Berg Maria Gabriela da Rocha Oliveira Garth Graham
Katherine and James Berger David Dabscheck Odile Granter Wilson
Seth Berman Kam and Michael Davies Michael B. Greenwald
Anne Berry Susan de la Houssaye Brett Grossman
Ganesh Betanabhatla Lindsey de la Torre Elizabeth and Peter Hagist
Genevieve and Andrew Biggs Jason Alexander Denby Christian Halvorsen
Liz Bird Anuj Desai Scott Hanley
Thompson Alexander Bishop Alexis and Dusty Diaz Zahid Hasan
Ian Black Chelsea and Ray E. Dillon IV Courtney Hehre
Janice Blanchard Paul Dimoh Becky and William Heldfond
Marcus Blue Michelle and Paul Dioguardi Heidi and Keith Hemstreet
Tasce and Zack Bongiovanni Michael P. DiPaula-Coyle Casady M. Henry
Jacquelyn Rebekka Bonner Kristin Dittmar Cindy and Will Herndon
Sarah Borgman Robin Dolch Jeff D. Holiday
Janine and Michael Bourke Falon Dominguez David Houggy
Carly Bronson Amy and Tripp Donnelly George Saad and Jason Howell
Gordon Bronson Margo Drakos C. Lloyd Huggins
Karen B. Brooks Jacqueline and Jarka Duba Matt Jay
Molly M. Brooks Jennifer Duncan Cara Grayer Johnson and Jerry L. Johnson
Matthew Brown Damien Dwin Kristin and Benjamin Johnston
Donna and Kenton Bruice Sherine Ebadi Jennifer and Sekou Kaalund
Andrea and Christopher D. Bryan Margot Edelman Andrew Karsh
D. A. Budler Dulcinea and Spencer Edge Brian Kaufmann
Adem Bunkeddeko Noelle and Huw Edwards Julia Keleher
Jonathan Burley Kimberly Edwards Alexander Kelloff
Alexander Burns Tracy Eggleston Alex and Scott Kendrick
Kendall Cafritz Sarah and Andrew Ellenbogen Kristin Kenny
Eric J. Carr Lauren McCloskey Elston and Ryan Elston Erica and Jeffrey Keswin
Annie and Coley Cassidy Ashley and Andrew Ernemann Andrew Klaber
Valerie Caveney James B. Ferrari Robby Klaber

Missy and Chris Klug John Melvin Dawinder Sidhu
Pippa and Alex Klumb Amy Meyers Candice Cook Simmons
Harry Knight Ryan Miller Swati Pal and Jit Sinha
Andrea Korber Rebecca and Tyler Moebius Shannon and Corey Sisler
Seamus Kraft Ellen-Jane and Ben Moss Andrew Smith
Karen and Liam Krehbiel Julia Murphy Meredith and Colter Smith
Cari and Jeff Kuhlman David Nage Dawnette Smith
Bernard Lagrange Kerry Ziegler Nasle and Adib M. Nasle Stephanie Power Smith
Joshua Landis Judith Neisser Suzanne Smith
Diana and Christopher Lane Danielle and Paul Noto Jane and Brian Snow
Lorraine Tarabay and Nick Langley Vanessa and Christopher O'Connor Katie and Michael Solondz
Sujean Lee Alycia Steinberg and Damian O'Doherty Cindy Song
Alexander Leff Claire and Michael Olshan Jill Barrett and Jeremy Spaulding
Kimberly Levin Matthew Owings Michael and Mary Kathryn Steel
Sophie Levy Zuckerman Adish R. Padhani Stephanie Holder and Tom Stegman
Sarah Lewis Lindsay and Jeff Patterson Paige Price and Nevin Steinberg
Kim Master and Noah Lieb Elysia and Burnet Pearce Danette Stephens
Christine and Andrew Light Alexandra and David Phillips Collette Stallbaumer and Warren Stickney
Alice and Peter Light Jason Pileggi Toni Stinton
Regan Wilson and Christopher Lim Stephen Pineault Matthew Stippich
Emily Lin Lisa Pingatore Jennifer Storm
Renee Linnell Brian Quintenz Clay Stranger
Katherine and David Liola Pavel Raifeld Brett Suma
Tara and Hunter Lipton Diana Birkett Rakow Shelley M. Summers
Michael Smith Liss Jessica Richman Mary Frances and Stephen Szoradi
Lindsay Lofaro Eric Ringsby Curtis Tamkin
Heather Loomis Tighe Maxwell Rispoli Nicole and Lex Tarumianz
Katherine Khor and Uri Lopatin Christopher Rivers Larry Thomas II
Jessica Lucas Brittanie Rockhill Hannah Thompson
Holly Lynch Kristen Rogers Ian Tobin
Daniel Lynn Jenny and Evan Rose Victoria Treyger
Peter Mack Sarah Broughton and John Rowland Ryan Triplette
Christy Mahon Scott and Allyson Russell Jillian Tucker
Laura Makar Torrey Simons and Marcus Ryu Gina and Andrew Turchin
Sabeen Malik Fiona and Federico Sada Holly Upper
Eric Maltzer Sandro Salsano Brittany and Colter Van Domelen
Carrie Mantha Yanhua and Edward Sappin Jose Vazquez
Chris Marlin Patrick Schaefer Kristen and James Waldron
Joshua Martin Kirsten and Chad Schmit Jessica and Andrew Walker
Travis Mason Beth Shapiro and David Schulte Dan Watson
Jonathan and Liza Mauck David Segal John Hall and Dan Watson
Jaelin and Dave Mayer Kimberly and Michael Seguin Ezra Weinblatt
Farell and Ashby McElveen Samantha Shackelford Danielle Weiner
Marcia McGowan Marina and Oliver Sharpe Katarina Weir
Jamie L. Brewster McLeod and Glen McLeod Megan Shean Jennifer Lehmann Weng
Ryan McManus David A. Shepard Julia and John Whipple
Lexi McNutt Alisa Lee and Stephen Sherick Jenn Wilcox Thomas
Andrea and Bobby McTamaney Rachel and Tony Sherman Andrea Hailey and David Williamson
Maggie Melberg Sara and Michael Shulman Katie Wilson

Sarah and Peter Wilson Catherine Joyce and Charles P. Goebel Jeffrey L. Parker
Cynthia Wood Richard Graves Patricia and Stephen Parkhurst
Alastair Woolcock Elizabeth and Alan R. Griffith Carol H. Parlett
Atti Worku Hugh E. Grunden Delphine M. and Charles E. Peck*
Ali Wyne The Gunston School, Inc. Elizabeth and Charles W. Petty, Jr.
Cal Zarin Sandra T. Hale Laura and Walter H. Plosila
Teddy Zmrhal Signe Hanson Anthony Principi
Heidi Zuckerman Catherine and Thomas E. Hill Margaret B. Rennels
Joanna H. and Robert A. Holden Brenda and Phil Rever
Beth C. and Jeff H. Horstman
Rebecca and Myron F. Richardson
Mary and Fritz Riedlin
($650 - $2,000) Nina R. Houghton Edgra and Ira Ringler
Gugy Irving Elspeth and William G. Ritchie
Katherine and David F. Allen Pam and Jerry Jana Alice and Bruce Rogers
Thomas J. Baker II Lynda G. Jeanes and William W. Jeanes, Jr. Beverly and Peter Rohman
Pat and Charles Barry Sherry and David Jeffery Jana C. Rudnick
Patricia J. and Michael J. Batza, Jr. Deborah E. Jennings Alice Ryan
Ellen and Richard Bernstein Kristin and Timothy W. Junkin Priscilla and Edmund Ryan
Susan M. and Lawrence C. Blount Sally and Alfred B. Kagan Sarah and Ken Sadler
Ellen and Richard Bodorff Courtney M. and Scott Kane S. Stevens Sands
Meta and William B. Boyd Gingie and Frank J. Keefer Kim E. Sedmak
Alan Brecher Sheri and Sean Keller Earl L. Segal
Ward Bucher Tee and John R. Kelly Alexa and Tom D. Seip
Elizabeth P. and Thomas J. Buckley Freia K. and Warren W. Kershow Barbara E. and Michael D. Sheridan
Joseph P. Camerino Robert J. Koenke Martha H. and Alfred C. Sikes
Elizabeth Spurry and Charles T. Capute Susan and Barry Koh Esther and Larry W. Stanton
Kelly P. and Alejandro F. Castro Ann Ashby and Ron Kopicki Christine and Thomas Stauch
Chesapeake College Elizabeth Koprowski Gail and Steve Steckler
Linda M. and Steve R. Clineburg Mike Landau Ren and Thomas Stevenson
Stephen M. Cox Delia and Marvin Lang Susan B. and William L. Thomas
Madge Henning and Warren N. Davis Patricia and Donald N. Langenberg Carolyn and Charles Thornton
Tellie and George W. Dixon Judith and George R. Lawrence Paige and Benjamin Tilghman
Jacqueline A. and Joseph E. Doddridge Joan Levy and Simon Arnstein Beverly and Richard Tilghman
Joyce and Steven Doehler Mary Revell and Eugene Lopez Steven Tucker
Lou and Carl Doll Judith and Theodore A. Lutkus Bruce and Mary Ellen Valliant
Melissa and Ken M. Doyle Joan and Charles B. Madary Sandra and Clinton A. Vince, Jr.
Donna and William S. Dudley Norah L. and Russ A. Mail Tracy Higgs-Wagner and Scott Wagner
Holly and Paul Fine Trish and John Malin Brenda Stone and Dan Watson
Merrilie D. Ford Sherry and Charles W. Manning Ann and Charles Webb
Audrey and Stephen Forrer Amy Haines and Richard Marks Irmhild and Philip J. Webster
M. Reamy Ancarrow and Michael Forscey Carolyn Martin Sharon and Richard Wheeden
Anne and George Foss Catherine C. McCoy Dorothy and Donald G. Whitcomb
Katharine and John W. Foster III Bernice and Gerald Michael Paul Wilson
Edward Gabriel Susan Forlifer and Robert Middleton Georgeanna Windley
Sylvia Garrett Maxine and William Millar Beverly H. and Robert A. Wolffe*
Shirley and Lew Gayner Patrice and Herb Miller
Judith and William H. Geoghegan Christa Montague
Lynne McGrath and Paul Gilmore Mary Alice and Donald A. Munson
Katherine K. and Christopher T. Gilson Cecilia and Robert D. Nobel
Donna and Martin Gleason Carol and Brian O'Hare
Kay and Garry Godfrey Talli and Geoff Oxnam

INDIVIDUAL DONORS (Reflects cumulative giving through cash and pledge payments during 2016.)
$100,000 and above Jane and Michael D. Eisner Eileen and Craig Newmark
Robert J. Abernethy Gail and Alfred Engelberg Sean Parker
Mary H. and Paul F. Anderson Jacqueline and Michael W. Ferro, Jr. Charlotte Perret Family Trust
Anonymous Henrietta H. and Richard L. Fore Peter G. Peterson
Ayman Asfari Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Margot and Tom Pritzker
Mercedes T. Bass Jessica M. and John B. Fullerton Lynda R. and Stewart Resnick
Amy Margerum Berg and Gilchrist B. Berg Jane Harman Mary A. and James E. Rogers
Jackie and Mike Bezos and the Bezos Gayle G. and Woody L. Hunt Mara Laura Medina and Ricardo Benjamn Salinas
Family Foundation Amy Hunter Howard D. and Sheri Schultz
Bloomberg Philanthropies Soledad and Robert J. Hurst Brian N. Sheth
Susan and Richard S. Braddock Mark Kimsey The Melvin and Bren Simon Charitable Foundation
Zo and Bill Budinger Michael Kimsey Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith
Linda and Thomas Callahan Judith Glickman-Lauder and Leonard A. Lauder Family Foundation
Penny and James G. Coulter David H. McCormick Paul Smith
Crown Family The John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation Gillian and Robert K. Steel
Paula and James S. Crown Diane L. Morris Laurie M. Tisch
Rene and Lester Crown Gina and Jerry Murdock Jessica and Christopher Varelas
Patricia A. Crown Jane and Marc B. Nathanson Tillie and Sam R. Walton
Bonnie and Kenneth L. Davis Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson

$50,000-$99,999 Lisa Shalett and Rhonda Kaufman Lizzie and Jonathan Tisch
Amy and David Abrams Joan I. Fabry and Michael R. Klein Steve Tisch
Suzanne and Douglas J. Bade Julia F. and David H. Koch Nancy Wall and Chuck R. Wall
Sallie and Thomas Bernard Karen Z. Gray-Krehbiel and John H. Krehbiel, Jr. Alice L. Walton
Amit and Vanisha Mittal Bhatia Laura and Gary M. Lauder Melani and S. R. Walton
Merilee and Roy J. Bostock - Jeanne and Jonathan S. Lavine William Wrigley, Jr.
Bostock Family Foundation Melony and Adam J. Lewis Alison and Boniface Zaino
Terri and Tony Caine Toby D. Lewis
Howard Cox Monica Lozano $25,000-$49,999
Ann H. and L. John Doerr William E. Mayer Madeleine K. Albright
Jane P. and William H. Donaldson Bonnie P. and Thomas D. McCloskey, Jr. Kay Allaire
Sandra and Paul Edgerley Anu and Manoj Menda Karen Heim-Amadon and Greg Amadon
Salma Rachid and Amin El Maghraby Susan Miller* Jody G. and John P. Arnhold
Samia and A. Huda Farouki Clare Muana Skip G. Battle
Alma and Joseph B. Gildenhorn Dionne and Francis Najafi Jill and Jay Bernstein
Sabrina and Antonio Gracias Jenny and John A. Paulson Wilma and Stuart Bernstein
Mariane Abi Daoud and Hussein Hachem Carrie W. and Greg Penner Giancarla and Luciano Berti
Diane and Bruce Halle Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha Laurie Michaels and David Bonderman
Josh Harris Anne N. and J. C. Reyes Katherine and David G. Bradley
Alix Mattingly and Alan Harter Alexandra Munroe and Robert Rosenkranz, The Jacolyn and John Bucksbaum
Patty Quillin and Reed Hastings Rosenkranz Foundation Merle Chambers / Chambers Family Fund
Francis Hoffman Vicki and Roger Sant Gloria Christal
Ranji Nagaswami and Robert Hopkins Carole B. and Gordon Segal Kim and Rob Coretz
Cathy and Walter Isaacson Isa Catto Shaw and Daniel Shaw Nancy C. and A. Steven Crown
Irja Brant and Alireza Ittihadieh Katherine Farley and Jerry I. Speyer Diane von Frstenberg and Barry C. Diller

* Deceased
C2 Photography

Thelma Duggin $10,000-$24,999 Ola Dajani and Hisham El-Khazindar
Tristan L. and Tim Duncan Vicki Abeles Clayton and Sheldon Erikson
Lisa and Ralph Eads Oded Aboodi Billie and Gregory Erwin
Gail and Richard Elden Muna E. Al Gurg Judith L. Estrin
Laura M. and L. Brooks Entwistle Paul G. Allen Shiva and Tarek Farouki
Shannon Fairbanks Jacqueline Novogratz and Chris Anderson Sherry and Joseph Felson
Tara Carson and Barbara Fergus Anonymous (3) Jaimie and David J. Field
Barbara and Stephen Friedman Molly Gochman and Michael Armilio Richard Finger
Meg and Bennett Goodman Donna and Jim Barksdale Susan and Richard Finkelstein
Andrea and Jim Gordon, The Edgewater Funds E. Jay Rosenstein and Raymond Baron Carla D'Arista Frampton and George T. Frampton, Jr.
Elaine Hoffman* and Arthur N. Greenberg Grace and Morton Bender Karen and James S. Frank
Sheila P. and Patrick W. Gross Ronit and William Berkman Sheila and David Fuente
Agnes Gund Sandra K. and Archer W. Bishop, Jr. Carol W. and Gary M. Gartsman
Arjun Gupta Steven Black Donna and Jon Gerstenfeld
Ellen Bronfman Hauptman and Andrew Hauptman Rebecca Donelson and Robert C. Blattberg Beth and Larry W. Gies
Mayra Hernandez Jo and Bill Brandt Marilyn G. and Michael J. Glosserman
Barbara and Gerald D. Hines Susan Doran and Drew Brasher Emily Gold Mears
Anna K. and Hayne Hipp Gundula Brattke Harriett and Richard E. Gold
Rachel Kohler and Mark S. Hoplamazian Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg and Arturo Brillembourg C. B. Gray
Annie and Gerald D. Hosier Andrea and Christopher D. Bryan Jan and Ronald K. Greenberg
Nina Rodale Houghton Carolyn S. Bucksbaum Stein E. Hagen
Linda E. Johnson April and Glenn Martin Bucksbaum Nicki and J. Ira Harris
Suzanne Bober and Stephen Kahn Aviva and Martin Budd Jamie and Bush Helzberg
Betsy and Andrew Lack Christy and Daryl R. Burton Melinda B. and Jeffery D. Hildebrand
Marlene and Frederic V. Malek C. E. and S. Foundation Sharon and Lawrence D. Hite
Gail and J. Alec Merriam Nancy P. and Clint Carlson Lillie and Brett Hodges
Flo Fulton-Miller and Scott D. Miller Martin G. Carver Lisa and Michael Holthouse /
David Newberger Ruth Carver Holthouse Foundation for Kids
Ann K. R. and William A. Nitze Kristina and William H. Catto Lynne and Joseph Horning
Helen Ward and Wally Obermeyer Julia and Michael Connors Tori Dauphinot and Kenneth Hubbard
Amma Ogan and Dele Olojede Phyllis and David Z. Cook Diane G. and William J. Hunckler III
Margaret and Andrew M. Paul Bunni and Paul Copaken William Hunt
Christopher O. Petersen Cornelia and Richard Corbett Kay Bailey Hutchison
Susan Taylor and Robert C. Pew III Suzi and David Cordish Asha Jadeja
Anne and Arny Porath Jane R. and Marshall C. Crouch III Mary and Thomas A. James
Susan Boeing and Christopher Redlich Sylvie and Gary T. Crum Shana and Clint Johnstone
Condoleezza Rice Gerard Cuddy Elise E. and Russell C. Joseph
Jean and Thomas D. Rutherfoord, Jr. W. B. Cutter Allison and Warren Kanders
Ali and Lewis A. Sanders Mary Lou and John Dasburg Beth and Michael Kasser
Peggy and Carl Sewell Elissa and Gary Davis Jill and Curtis Kaufman
Gina and Sam Shapiro Catherine and Jerome H. Debs II Sylvia and Richard F. Kaufman
Patsy and John H. Shields Elizabeth Beaman and Scott M. Delman Betty Saks and Bart Kavanaugh
Deanie and Jay Stein Elaine and Claiborne Deming Rehela Khan
Rose Stuckey Kirk Jan and Neal Dempsey Ann M. and Tom C. Korologos
Sue and Aziz D. Syriani Claire Dewar Sheila and Michael Kurzman
Linda and Dennis H. Vaughn Samuel A. Di Piazza, Jr. Suzanne LaFetra
Beatrice and Anthony Welters Dee and David Dillon Cynthia and David Hamilton Langstaff
Barbara and David Zalaznick Gloria S. Dittus Farhan Latif
Julia and Justin Douglas David Lee
Lauren K. and John P. Driscoll Liz and Eric Lefkofsky

* Deceased
John Lipsky Cari B. and Michael J. Sacks Tina and Simon Beriro
Christopher Lovell Mara and Ricky Sandler Kalita and Edward W. Blessing
Jean and Jim Lowrey Linda and Jay Sandrich Gary Block
Marianne and Sheldon B. Lubar Lorraine and Mark Schapiro Allison and Randall Bone
Holly and John W. Madigan Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer Mark Brown and Steve Brint
Polly Scott and James R. Maher June and Paul C. Schorr III Kim Brizzolara
Sarah and James M. Manyika Josie and Carl Sewell III Beth A. and Michelle Brooke-Marciniak
Charles N. Martin, Jr. Nancy S. Furlotti and Erel Shalit Inette and Joshua Brown
Julie McDermott Betsy and Paul Coombe Shiverick Susan and Robert E. Brown, Jr.
Leslie Berriman and Nion McEvoy Andrea L. Cunningham and Rand Siegfried Hope Gleicher and Andy Burness
Betty and James R. McManus Victoria and Ronald A. Simms / Jane L. and Calvin Cafritz
Cathy and Paul Merrill Williams The Simms/Mann Family Foundation Ludmila and Conrad Cafritz
Eleanor Merrill* David M. Solomon Sue Carlton
Kim Metcalf-Kupres Gillian Sorensen Tate and Blake Casper
Rheda Becker and Robert E. Meyerhoff Sara C. and James A. Star Laurel and John H. Catto
Debbie Shon and Andrew Michels Gideon and Zoey Stein Katherin and David D. Chase
Anne B. Devereux-Mills and David Mills Ann J. and Paul G. Stern Marcella Larsen and Chip Chilson
Elizabeth and Joshua D. Mondry Evelyn M. and Barry S. Strauch Janet F. Clark
John Moore Kelly and Lee J. Styslinger III Sandy and Michael Collins
Mary J. and Garrett Moran Eleanor F. and John M. Sullivan, Jr. Noel R. and Thomas Congdon
Susan E. and Robert S. Morrison Patrick F. Taylor Foundation Patricia Cook
Rebecca and Tyler Morse Jacquelin Sewell Taylor and Phillip M. Taylor Simonetta B. d'Adda
Joanna Ossinger and Daniel Moss Robin and Mark A. Tebbe Charles Dallara
Elisabeth and Karlheinz Muhr Mary H. Thompson Alex Dell
Marisa Muller Anne and Bill R. Tobey, Jr. Aslihan Denizkurdu
Geraldine Karetsky and Larry Naughton Serena Koenig and Mark Tompkins Susan DeVore
David L. Nevins Eleni Tsakopoulos Mandy and William T. Dillard, Jr.
Susan and William Oberndorf Karen and James Tucker Abigail E. Disney
Christine B. and Jay Orris Marie and Andy Unanue Carol and Dixon Doll Family Foundation
Julie and Doug Ostrover Alexia and Roderick K. von Lipsey Jacqueline Weld Drake
Vivek Pandit Vortex Foundation The Dreman Foundation
Patricia M. Papper Jeffrey C. Walker Elizabeth Dubin
Amy M. and Brian Pennington Monique Clarine and Ralph Wanger Maja and Nicholas DuBrul
Doren M. Pinnell Jenny and Tom Williams Nancy S. Dunlap
Carolyne Roehm and Simon Pinniger Judy and Fred Wilpon Kay L. and Donald T. Dunton
Betsy and Robert S. Pitts Carolyn and William J. Wolfe Sylvia A. Earle
Cynthia H. and Leon Polsky Nancy R. Lazar and George R. Zachar Ingrid O. and Thomas J. Edelman
Susan and Daniel B. Poneman Leah J. Zell Elizabeth W. and Edward Ellers
Julie White Ratner and Dennis Ratner Linda and Alan S. Englander
Maureen White and Steve Rattner $5,000-$9,999 Mary Erdoes
Barbara S. Reese Lizbeth S. and John W. Adams Judith Barnard and Michael Fain
Pixie and Jimmy Reiss Rita and Jeffrey Adler Diana Farrell
Christopher P. Reynolds Rita and Jeffrey Adler Foundation Anna May and Timothy E. Feige
Kathryn Gleason and Timothy Ring Shannan and Joshua Adler Christy Ferer
Donna Di Ianni and Peter Rispoli Tracy and Dennis Albers Roger W. Ferguson, Jr.
Kate and Christopher Roberts David I. Cohn and Patricia Alper Sharon Maxwell-Ferguson and Howell Lykes Ferguson
Toni and Arthur Rock Jim Aresty Joseph S. Fichera
Lyn M. Ross Wendy Aresty Marilyn and Larry Fields
Rynthia Rost Joanne D. Asis Linda and Gregory Fischbach
Nancy and Miles L. Rubin Preeta D. Bansal Sakurado and William S. Fisher
Randall H. Russell Rene and Robert A. Belfer Javier Font

Jacob A. Frenkel Darielle and Earl Linehan Carla Ginsburg and Gordon Silver
Renee Gardner Sharon and John L. Loeb, Jr. Madeline and Michael D. Silverman
Pamela Paresky and Christopher Gates Nancy and James R. Loewenberg Mish Tworkowski and Joseph Singer
Kristen and Larry Gellman Gina G. MacArthur Tina and Albert H. Small, Jr.
Leonard Genet Leslie and Kurt Malkoff Shirley and Albert H. Small
Julie Gerson Robert H. Malott Camilla Smith
Virginia and Gary Gerst Nicola and Jeffrey Marcus Andrea and Glenn Sonnenberg
Eric Gertler Carol S. Marks Srinija Srinivasan
Louise and David Gitlitz Amy Haines and Richard Marks William J. Resnick and Michael Stubbs
Deborah and Dennis Glass Bruce McEver Gabrielle and Arthur O. Sulzberger, Jr.
Alfred G. Goldstein Janet and Thomas McKinley Ellen and Stephen D. Susman
Thorey and Barry J. Goldstein Eleanor and Robert M. Meyers Shelley and Joel D. Tauber
Jeannette and Jerry A. Goldstone Mary V. Mochary Katherine Boone and Zack Taylor
Lenore S. and Bernard A. Greenberg Fund Joanne and Joel Mogy Jeffrey J. Taylor
Glenda and Gerald Greenwald Anne and Mead Montgomery Amy and Mark Tercek
Joann and David L. Grimes Sara and William Morgan Amando Tetangco
Llura and Gordon Gund Kyle F. Munn Gene L. Turok
Mary Ann and James R. Harris Rebecca K. and Raymond M. Murray, Jr. Amy and Jeffrey Verschleiser
Joan W. Harris - The Irving Harris Foundation Stephanie and Michael Naidoff Ann and Curt Viebranz
Carrie Besnette Hauser and Jeff Hauser - Linda McCausland and Peter Nicklin Mark A. Walker
Colorado Mountain College Denise M. Dupre and Mark E. Nunnelly Susan L. Smalley and Kevin Wall
Gustavo Hernandez Sue A. and James Oates Judy and Robert H. Waterman, Jr.
Ann F. and Edward R. Hudson, Jr. Marne Obernauer, Jr. Lucinda B. Watson
Carol and Mike Hundert Guillermo Ortiz Michael Weiser
Ellen Hunt Jeanie and Patrick O'Shaughnessy Carlotta and Wendell Willkie
Mary Ann Hyde Sharon Owsley Irene and Alan L. Wurtzel
Trudy and John Jacobson John N. Palmer Zlotnik Family Charitable Fund
Karen James Thomas A. Patterson
Jane Jenkins Hensley and James Peterson $1,000-$4,999
Brenda and George Jewett Douglas H. Phelps Virginia Aaron
Diana J. Kalman Cathy and Hunter Pierson Joan F. and Richard A. Abdoo
Marjie and Bob Kargman Pauline B. Pitt Penny and Fred Abrams
Benton Kastman Mary and Charles Preusse Candace and Odeh Aburdene
Jane and Gerald Katcher Ashley and Jeffrey Quicksilver John K. Adams
Barbara Bluhm-Kaul and Donald Kaul Charles R. Reeves Timothy D. Adams
Martha and George A. Kellner Lauren and Bob Roberts Deborah and Jim Adler
Hyunja and Jeff L. Kenner Debbi Fields Rose and Michael D. Rose Carolyn C. and Mark S. Ain
Erica and Jeffrey Keswin Betsy and Andy Rosenfield Assilah Al Harthy
Susan and Robert E. Klein David Sadroff Katherine and David F. Allen
Susan and John Klein Shirley and Yossi Sagol Judy L. Allen
Sally and James D. Klingbeil Alan Salisbury Linda and John Allman
Dorothy and Sidney Kohl Lily Kanter and Marc Sarosi Dean V. Ambrose
Cathy and Jonathan Koplovitz Mary B. and Patrick Scanlan Page Bingham and Jim Anathan
Arthur H. Kudner III Henry B. Schacht Pamela Gross and Charles Anderson
Rajiv B. Lall Caryn and Rudi Scheidt Anonymous (5)
Kurt Lauk Susan and Sheldon Schneider Emma and Michael Anselmi
Michelle Kydd and Damon Lee Alece and David Schreiber Joan Levy and Simon Arnstein
Karen and Bruce Levenson Linda and H. Del Schutte, Jr. Jill and Paul Aschkenasy
Rochelle and Max Levit Shannon Schuyler Edward Lenkin and Roselin Atzwanger
Carol and John Levy Robert H. Siegel Barbara and Don Averitt

* Deceased
Rebecca L. and Edward Charles Ayers Henry Lambert and Carey Bond Jean I. Cox
Michelle and Brad Bachmann Janine and Michael Bourke Caroline and Keating Crown
Denise and Louis Bachrodt Meta and William B. Boyd Druscilla French and Stephen M. Cumbie
Cheryl and Orrin Baird Mark A. Bradley Marc and Lisa Cummins
Susan M. and Stephen Baird Lotta B. and Stuart M. Brafman Angela and Charles L. Cunniffe
Nina McLemore and Donald I. Baker Deborah S. Breen Charles B. Curtis
Lisa and George Baker Ginny and Charles Brewer James and Yan Curtis
Marilyn and George L. Baker Lilly Bright Dorothy W. and Charles R. Damato
Jessi and Joe Baker Pamela Joseph and Robert Brinker Chris David
Claudia Balderston Mary Jane Hipp and Charles Brock Ellen and Gary Davis
John Balson Marian and Albert Buzz Brown, Jr. Jerry A. Davis
Janice and Matthew R. Barger Ashley Turner and Matthew Brown Yolanda and Mark Davis
Cara and Robert Barnes Nancy Brown Martin Davis
Currie and Thomas Barron Jacquelyn and H. Lee Browne Madge Henning and Warren N. Davis
Pat and Charles Barry Donna and Kenton T. Bruice Susan and Francois de Saint Phalle
Edie Barvin Robin and Neal Buchalter John Deasy
Cornelia G. and Buddy Bates Elizabeth P. and Thomas J. Buckley Anna Deavere Smith
Patricia J. and Michael J. Batza, Jr. Barbara and Steven Buffone Jodie W. McLean and Pierre DeLucy
Vicki Bauer Barbara J. Burger Kittie and Bill Devers
Betty-Jean and David Bavar Hope and William J. Bynum Alexis and Dusty Diaz
Michael M. Baylson Catherine and Bill Cabaniss Susan and Brian N. Dickie
Karen Beard Andrew Cader Jeannine English and Howard Dickstein
Madeleine Morrison and Chuck Bellock Samantha Campbell Chelsea and Ray E. Dillon IV
Vivian and Norman Belmonte Karen E. Wagner and David L. Caplan Muffy and Andy DiSabatino
Deborah and Robert Bennett Elizabeth Spurry and Charles T. Capute Tellie and George W. Dixon
Marilyn Berens Tara Carson Jacqueline A. and Joseph E. Doddridge
Barbara Berenson Agustin Carstens Joyce and Steven Doehler
Bruce Berger Rebecca and Troy Carter Amy and Michael Doherty
Barbara and Bruce Berger Annie and Coley Cassidy Robin Dolch
Katherine and James Berger Kelly P. and Alejandro F. Castro Lou and Carl Doll
Gina Berko Denise and Michael Cetta Falon Dominguez
Rebecca and Jeffrey Berkus Terrence and Theresa R. Checki Marcia and John R. Donnell, Jr.
Ellen and Richard Bernstein Susan Rennie and Catherine Chen-Rennie Amy and Tripp Donnelly
Suman Bery Mark Chichester Deneen Donnley
Surjit Bhalla Nicholas Choo Diana L. and J. L. Dougan
Amit Bhattacharya Julius Christensen Melissa and Ken M. Doyle
Kristen and Charles Bieler Rona and Jeffrey B. Citrin Sheila Draper
Genevieve and Andrew Biggs Deborah Clancy Jacqueline and Jarka Duba
Linda Binder Tony Clancy Heather and Todd duBoef
Allison Binney Megan and Tom Clark Antonia P. DuBrul
Janet and Robert Blaich Linda M. and Steve R. Clineburg Diane and Wayne Ducote
Janice Blanchard Suzanne and Robert Cochran William Dudley
Charlotte S. Blank Murray Cohen Donna and William S. Dudley
Nancy L. Blank Marcella and Neil Cohen Patrick A. Dunigan
Alan Blinder William Cole Susan Dweck
Ellen Block Cynthia Ott and James H. Coleman Leatrice and Melvin Eagle
Susan M. and Lawrence C. Blount Claudia L. and William T. Coleman III Margaret and Jerrold Eberhardt
Sally Blount Kasey Crown and David Comfort Marcy and Leo Edelstein
Ellen and Richard Bodorff Mercedes Condy Dulcinea and Spencer Edge
Jane Bogart Camille Cook and Laura Hutcheson Noelle and Huw Edwards

Daniel Eilemberg Richard Garvin Heller Family Foundation
Sarah and Andrew Ellenbogen Henry L. Gates, Jr. Lita W. Heller
Frances F. Bowes and George Englund* Eva Sage-Gavin and Dennis J. Gavin Susan and Robert Helm
Sue Engs Shirley and Lew Gayner Kaya Henderson
Bess and Ted Enloe III Judith and William H. Geoghegan Caren and Jeffrey Hendren
Diana Erbsen Ann and Gordon P. Getty Casady M. Henry
Ashley and Andrew Ernemann Heidi and Howard Gilbert Kristen Henry
Alena Esina Lynne McGrath and Paul Gilmore Claudia and Tom Henteleff
Steven and Kiki Esrick Katherine K. and Christopher T. Gilson Linda Vitti Herbst and Clarence A. Herbst
Dafri and Michael Estes Lisa Braun Glazer and Jeff Glazer David and Lisa Hernand
Bruce Etkin Donna and Martin Gleason Cindy and Will Herndon
Thomas H. Fagadau Leila Toplic and Cyrill Glockner Juliane M. Heyman
Marita and Jonathan Fairbanks Kay and Garry Godfrey Linda A. Hill
Linda and Robert Faktorow Erin M. Gogolak Catherine and Thomas E. Hill
Penelope Wilson and Richard A. Falkenrath Janice and Bulent Goktuna Richard H. Hillman
Peter Feer Barbara Gold Peter S. Hirshberg
Anne and Alan D. Feld Wendy and Fred T. Goldberg, Jr. Ellen and Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr.
Anne and Richard Feldman Michelle and Jared Goldberg Constance M. Hoguet Neel
Martin S. Feldstein Sallie Golden Joanna H. and Robert A. Holden
Suzanne Felson Joyce Sher and Barry Golden Stephanie Holder and Tom Stegman
Nanette Finger Katie Freedman and Adam Goldsmith Felipe Holguin
Filipa and Joshua Fink Lynda Goldstein Spring Hollis
Patrick F. Finley, Jr. Jennifer J. Raab and Michael Goodwin Sue and R. R. Hopkinson
David Fischer Robert Gordon Beth C. and Jeff H. Horstman
Joannie Fischer Susan Grabicki John Horton
Stanley Fischer Steven Grand-Jean Erica Hartman-Horvitz and Richard A. Horvitz
Carol Fishman Marilyn and Dean L. Greenberg Ada and Jim Horwich
Jodie and Steven Fishman Eileen and Richard Greenberg Niki Horwitch
Marcia and Donald Flaks Marritje V. and James H. Greene, Jr. George Saad and Jason Howell
Barbara and Aaron Fleck Michael Gridley Holly Huffines
Melissa Foo Gordon Griffin Lawrence Hui
Audrey and Stephen Forrer Cathy and Bob Griffin Laura Hunt
Lindsy and Adam J. Fortier Elizabeth and Alan R. Griffith Judy and Robert Huret
Anne and George Foss Jane and Allen Grossman Debra and Brett Hurt
Katharine and John W. Foster III Rebecca Henry and Harry Gruner Carolyne T. Hyde
Lou Fouts Laurel and Vinod Gupta Barbara and Joseph R. Hyde III
Catherine and Christopher Foyle Linda L. Haan Liba Icahn
Anna and Matt Freedman Elizabeth and Peter Hagist Keiko and Ken Ito
Charlotte Moss and Barry S. Friedberg Victor Halberstadt Daniel Izzo
Karen and Marc Friedberg Sandra T. Hale Bisque Jackson
Kathy and Jeffrey Friedland John Hall and Dan Watson Martha and Melvin W. Jackson
Golda and Sheldon Friedstein Anne and Kurt Hall Dorothy Jacobs
Muni Fry Meg Withgott and Per-Kristian Halvorsen Pam and Jerry Jana
Katherine M. Gaertner Joanna Rees and John Hamm Lina M. U. Jaramillo
Barbara and Michael Gamson Jan Koran and Steven Handler June Jasen
Eileen Rosenau and Melvin Gang Julia Hansen Roe Jasen
Shelby and Frederick Gans Leelee T. and Bill Harriman Lucie Jay
Lolly and David Garcia Nadine and Ghassan Hasbani Lynda G. Jeanes and William W. Jeanes, Jr.
Sylvia Garrett Henry L. Hecht Sherry and David Jeffery
Boris Gartner Becky Heldfond and William Heldfond Holly and Jay Jensen

* Deceased
Houghton House on the Institute's Wye River campus. (Photo courtesy of Wye)

Edith H. and C. Hastings Johnson Carrie Langdon Joan and Michael Marek
Cara Grayer Johnson and Jerry L. Johnson Patricia and Donald N. Langenberg Janice and Evan Marks
Marci and Stan Johnson Sally and James Lapeyre, Jr. Yukimi Tachibana and Jeffrey Marlough
Teresa and Steve Johnson Marcy Syms and Bob Lathan Stephanie P. Marshall
Kristin and Benjamin Johnston Judith and George R. Lawrence Denise Monteleone and James Martin
Kathleen K. and Warren D. Jones Jeanne Lawrence Martha and Todd Martin
Victoria and Mark Joseph Kim Pendergast and Joseph Lazaroff Susan and Lawrence Marx
Shannon Joy Joany Lebach Jill and Erik Maschler
William N. Joy Elaine and Robert LeBuhn Andrew McAfee
Catherine Joyce Isaac Lee Estelle and William McArthur
Kristin and Timothy W. Junkin Barbara and Jonathan Lee Sharon T. McBay
Sally and Alfred B. Kagan Kim E. Sedmak and Bruce F. Lee Worthy F. McCartney
Linda H. Kahn Judith and Donald Lefton Orin L. McCluskey
Stephanie Kallos Erin Lentz Farell and Ashby McElveen
Courtney M. and Scott Kane Ruth Owades and Louis Lenzen Jamie L. Brewster McLeod and Glen McLeod
Nora and Geoffrey Kanter Leonardo Letelier Andrea and Robert McTamaney
Laura and Michael Kaplan Louise Levin Penny Meepos
Elizabeth and Peter Karabatsos Felicia and Ronald Levin Geeta and Krishen Mehta
Christine Karnes Lucia D. Swanson and Theodore A. Levine Nancy E. and Peter C. Meinig
Ann and Stephen Kaufman Sophie Levy Zuckerman Deborah and Lee Meisel
Gingie and Frank J. Keefer Karen and Walter M. Levy Margaret Melberg
Christian Keesee Suzanne Leydecker Marian and Ralph Melville*
Lisa and Kenneth Kelley Mary Schmidt-Libby and Russell Libby Bernice and Gerald Michael
Patrick J. Kelley Sylvia and David Lichtenger Estate of Julienne M. Michel
Tee and John R. Kelly Kim Master and Noah Lieb Renee and Bruce Michelson
Lisa See and Richard Kendall Steven Liesman Susan Forlifer and Robert Middleton
Alex and Scott Kendrick Alice and Peter Light Maxine and William Millar
Katherine Kendrick Erkki Liikanen Susan and Lloyd Miller
Whitney Kenter Judy and Sam Linhart Stephanie DeSibour and Marc E. Miller
Freia K. and Warren W. Kershow Katherine and David Liola Patrice and Herb Miller
Paul Kinney Tito Liotta Nancy and Charles Mitchell
Susan Kinney Tara and Hunter Lipton Nancy and George Montgomery
Joanne and John Kirby James Loeffler Jack Moore
Annette and Melvyn N. Klein Mary Revell and Eugene Lopez Juan Mora
Pippa and Alex Klumb Jennifer and Mark Lotke Chrissi and Michael C. Morgan
Jane and William Knapp Kathleen Condon and Rick E. Luftglass Julie and Mark Morris
Petra Knezu Mary and Robert E. S. Lupo Kim A. Morton
Susan and Barr Koh Martha Luttrell Ellen-Jane and Ben Moss
Colleen Kollar-Kotelly and John T. Kotelly Lee R. Lyon* Eric L. Motley
Lindsey Kozberg Jill Hornor and Yo-Yo Ma Carolyn S. Alper and Milton Mulitz*
Karen and Liam Krehbiel Mathilde L. and Parker A. Maddux Mary Alice and Donald A. Munson
Stanley Kritzik Amit Magdieli Julie C. Muraco
Karla Kuban Mark Mahaney Marcie J. and Robert Musser
Ellen and Fred R. Kucker Trish and John Malin Claire and Carlos Musso
Cari and Jeff Kuhlman Nancy R. Manderson Matthew L. Myers
David Kunin Judith and Robert Mann Ilene and James A. Nathan
Constance and John J. Kurowski Sherry and Charles W. Manning Constance Hoguet H. and Richard Neel
Amy and Thomas Kwei Gail P. and Frederick J. Manning Katherine Neisser
Gaylene Salomons and Rickey Lamitie Stephen J. Marcus Judy Ney
Delia and Marvin Lang Mohamed Marei Cecilia and Robert D. Nobel

* Deceased
Her Majesty Queen Noor Dorothy and Aaron S. Podhurst Gloria Scharlin
D'Ann F. and John R. Norwood Pat and William F. Podlich Lisa and David T. Schiff
Danielle and Paul Noto Diane and Arnold L. Polinger Alan Fletcher and Ronald J. Schiller
Ann O'Brien Jane R. and William M. Pope, Jr. Linda and Robert Schmier
Paul O'Connell Mark Popovich Barbara and F. E. Schmitt
Eileen O'Connor Leslie and Wolfgang Portdzik Victoria E. Schonfeld
Janet and Tom O'Connor Catherine Anne Provine Rosalind and Mark Schurgin
Tomoe Odahara John Vytautas Prunskis Louise and Robert Schwab
Alycia Steinberg and Damian O'Doherty Josiane Collazo-Psaki and James R. Psaki Nina and William B. Schwartz III
Angela Lamensdorf Ofori-Atta and Kenneth Ofori-Atta Kelley and Mark Purnell Michelle Schwartz
Carol and Brian O'Hare Eden Rafshoon Phyllis and David Scruggs
Blanca U. and J. C. O'Leary Marsha Ralls Danny Sebright
Catherine W. Olmesdahl Kenneth Ramberg Kimberly and Michael Seguin
Claire and Michael Olshan Ellen B. and Edward Randall III Dov L. and Maria Seidman
John F. Olson Whitney Randolph Alexa and Tom D. Seip
Nedra and Mark Oren Tsakani Ratsela Jeannie and John Seybold
Natalie Orfalea and Louis Buglioli Stacey and Presley O. Reed Katherine and Dhiren H. Shah
Laurie Crown and Richard Ortega Aravinda and Eric Reeves Jayne Shapiro
Cynthia Ott and James Coleman Brenda and Phil Rever Shweta Sharma
Olara A. Otunnu Rosa Scarcelli and Thomas Rhoads Marina Sharpe and Oliver Sharpe
Talli and Geoff Oxnam Jody Rhone and Tom Pritchard Deborah and Robert Sharpe
Margaret and Paul Pace Myra L. and Robert S. Rich Sarah C. and Richard W. Shaw
Christine and Michael Pack Pamela and Charles F. Richards, Jr. Barbara E. and Michael D. Sheridan
Elaine Pagels Rebecca and Myron F. Richardson Gil Shiva
Alexander Papachristou Valerie and Herschel Richter Alice Young and Thomas L. Shortall
Jean L. and Allen G. Parelman Mary and Fritz Riedlin Sara and Michael Shulman
Patricia and Stephen Parkhurst Edgra and Ira Ringler Barbara K. Shuster
Whitney Parnell Elspeth and William G. Ritchie Lois and Floyd Siegel
Jacqueline Pata Judy T. and Emerson Robinson, Jr. Lois Siegel
Fonda and Charles Paterson Katie and Amnon Rodan Jill and Stuart Siegel
Sue and Kirk Patrick Alice and Bruce Rogers Martha H. and Alfred C. Sikes
Lindsay and Jeff Patterson Lisanne Rogers Cecily Silberman
Patricia M. Patterson Beverly and Peter Rohman Nancy and Mark J. Silverman
Rebecca Blumenstein and Alan R. Paul Pamela J. Rosenau and Marilyn Lowey Veronica Slajer
Elysia and Burnet Pearce Barbara and Donald Rosenberg Christi and Eric Small
Esther Pearlstone Joan and Barry Rosenthal Lynn B. and Charles Smith
Amy Elias and Richard L. Pearlstone Robert Ross Jane K. and Brian M. Snow
Catherine H. and John R. Pearson Ruthanne and Scott Roth Beverly and John Snyder
Dipika Rai and Douglas Peckham Ronald Rubenstein Lisa K. and Glenn Solomon
Erin E. Pelton Allyson L. and Scott Russell Katie and Michael Solondz
Susan and Paul Penn Alice Ryan Erika and Karim Souki
Robert M. Pennoyer Priscilla and Edmund Ryan Selma Spaccarelli
Mary Ann Peoples Kristen and Douglas Ryckman Anthony Spadaro
Thomas M. Perkins Norma Saafir Constance and Stephen H. Spahn
Essie and Jordon Perlmutter Vivian and John Sabel Jill Barrett and Jeremy Spaulding
Donna and Richard Perlmutter Sarah and Ken Sadler Nancy Spears
Kathleen and Gerald Petitt Maralee Beck and Andrew Safir Sue Edelstein and Bill Spence
Elizabeth and Charles W. Petty, Jr. Lois and Thomas C. Sando Nancy Chasen and Donald M. Spero
Alexandra and David Phillips Edward Sappin Lee A. Spiegelman
Kathryn Phillips Jan and John G. Sarpa Julie Nini and Martin J. Sprinzen
Laura and Walter H. Plosila Susan S. Savitsky and Gerald Savitsky Esther and Larry W. Stanton

Lois F. and George Stark Richard T. Warfield* Debbie Adler
Christine and Thomas Stauch Wendy Whitman and Ryan Warren Manasi Agaskar
Sandra and Stephen Stay Brenda Stone and Dan Watson David Agger
Gail and Steve Steckler Roxanne J. Decyk and Neil Lewis Watts Elizabeth C. and Charles H. Agle
Mary Kathryn C. and Michael Steel Wayne Weaver Linda Aikens
Phyllis and Ronald Steinhart Ann and Charles Webb Maryam Alavi
Cynthia G. Stemler Cheryl and Vin Weber Erica G. Alioto
Freda G. Stern Irmhild and Philip J. Webster Lynn Aliya
Elizabeth and George Stevens Evelene Wechsler Katherine Almeida
Joseph Stevens Karen and Martin S. Weiner Welby Altidor
Debbie and Jeffrey Stevenson Myriam Weinstein Rahesha Amon-Harrison
Ren and Thomas Stevenson William E. Weisman M. Reamy Ancarrow
Collette S. and Warren Stickney Christie and Jeff P. Weiss N. Anderson
Ellen M. Heller and Shale D. Stiller Marion W. Weiss Candice Annan
Linda Klieger Stillman and Robert Stillman Marvin F. Weissberg Anonymous (4)
Gayle and Paul Stoffel Lucie and Jerry Weissman Ken Aponte
Curt Strand Carrie and Joseph Wells Jessica Arco
Barbara B. and Thomas W. Strauss Edith Kallas-Whatley and Joe Whatley Michael Arkes
Shelley M. Summers Sharon and Richard Wheeden Doris and Laurence Ashkin
Mary-Christine and Richard John Sungaila Julia and John Whipple Holly Atkinson
Mary Frances and Stephen Szoradi Dorothy and Donald G. Whitcomb Eva Auchincloss
Emily and Stewart Tabin Barbara Bakios-Wickes and Steven Wickes Jerry Augustin
Bruce Taub Jan Williams J. G. Augustson
Amanda C. Taylor Andrea Hailey and David Williamson Arthur Bailey
David L. Taylor Christa Montague and Paul Wilson Erin Bailey
Anne Kaiser and Robert P. Taylor Regan Wilson and Christopher Lim Carole and Arnold Bailis
Shelly A. and Peter L. Thigpen Reginald Wilson Renee Baiorunos
Larry Thomas II Carol G. and Michael E. Winer Thomas J. Baker II
Susan B. and William L. Thomas Ruth Winter Sanda J. Balaban
Hannah Thompson Mary and Hugh D. Wise III Jackie Baldino
Paige and Benjamin Tilghman Frank G. Wisner Lissa Ballinger
Beverly and Richard Tilghman Robin S. Wittlin Zachary Bamberg
Edith and Joseph Tobin Corinne and Paul Wood Michael Bandler
Lori Tobin Tamara and Frank Woods Kathleen K. Barger
Joan F. and Maurice B. Tobin Atti Worku Robina Barlow
Tammy and Guillermo Trevino Judith Wyman Carol Batchelder
Roberta Turkat M. R. Wyman* Susan Bauer-Wu
John Turner Caren Yanis Kirsten Bay
Sandra and Sam Tyler Wendy and Richard Yanowitch Maria Louise and Douglas Bayer
Bruce and Mary Ellen Valliant Judy and Leo Zickler Sarah Bayer
Erik Van der Kooij Mary and Harold Zlot Jonathan Beall
Brittany and Colter Van Domelen David W. Zolet Nancy Bearg
Andres Velasco Manal Adel and Samir Zraiq Caitlin Beas
Cathy O'Connell and Fred Venrick Anne Mehringer and John T. Beaty, Jr.
Gandhi Vikram Up to $1,000 Amiee W. and D. Brian Beazley
Sandra and Clinton A. Vince, Jr. Sherry and Duane Abbott Elizabeth H. Becker
Paul A. Volcker Kate Abraham Nancy E. Petrisko and Don Beckham
Patricia Vrobel Valarian Abrams John W. Beckley
Tracy Higgs-Wagner and Scott Wagner Nana Adae Wendy S. and Jeffery S. Begovatz
Jessica and Andrew Walker Dominic Addai Nan P. Bell

* Deceased
Christine Benedetti John Caliste Alice M. and Robert J. Craig
Coventry B. and Davis Berg Joseph P. Camerino Alicia N. Creyts
Helaine and Michael Berkus Kathryn and Richard Camp Toby and Lester Crystal
Lena Bernard Gina and Arch M. Campbell Pamela Cunningham
Elyse Elliott and Jeremy Bernstein Lorraine M. and Alfred Campos Thomas Cutler
Ganesh Betanabhatla Eric J. Carr Charles Cutshall
Reginald Betts Nancy Jean and Richard Carrigan, Jr.* David Dabscheck
Jay Bhatt Penney E. and Dennis Carruth Darlene Dale
Alisha Bi Jennifer Catto Eliot Dam
Marla Bilonick Caitlin Causey Patricia Damoorgian
Douglas J. Binder Valerie Caveney Robin Danell
Ian Black Megan R. Cayten Sara J. and C. R. Davidson
Anne and Clarence Blackwell A. B. Chamberlin Lou H. Davidson
Louise R. Bland Pamela Chan Catherine Davis
Keren Blankfeld Trisala Chandaria Susan de la Houssaye
Judith Bleiler Angel Chang Lindsey de la Torre
Janet Bloomberg Rika and David Charley Ana De Prado
Marcus Blue, DDS, P.C. Abbey Chase Marina De Santis
Eileen P. Blumenthal Richard Check Elizabeth de Wolff
Liz and John Bokram Daniel Chen Robert Debs
Tasce and Zack Bongiovanni Zachary Cheney-Rice Reynaldo Decerega
Jacquelyn R. Bonner Sandy Cheris Isabel M. Del Carril
Sarah Borgman Margaret J. Chiang Marjorie DeLuca
Christopher Boyce Cristine Chiasson Jason A. Denby
Daniel Brabec Avery Chope Ken Denman
Lucia and Louis Brandt Maxine Christopher Michelle Dennen
Karla Breceda Dexter Cirillo Annie Denver
Alan Brecher Ellen Citron Anuj Desai
Dara and Daniel Brewster Casarae Clark Stephanie C. and David S. Deutsch
Mary B. Brink Scott W. Clark Christian Devers
Deanna Brinkman Lois and William Clark Katie Devine
Karen Brock Tara Clifford Barbara Dills
Gordon Bronson Rosalyn Coates Paul Dimoh
Margaret E. and Charles H. H. Brooks Greg Coladonato Michael P. DiPaula-Coyle
Molly M. Brooks Gretchen Cole Jacqueline and Anthony Dobranski
Neil Brown Janice S. Collins Stanton Dodge
Sass Brown Cinda Collins David Doubleday
Brianna Buch Naomi F. Collins Marsha and David Dowler
Lisa Johnson and Ward Bucher Julie Comins Kelsey Doyle
D. A. Budler Missey Condie Lynn and Nick Dragisic
Patricia Bukur Lori Conkling Susan Dragone
Cynthia and Drew Buniski Valerie M. Conn Margo Drakos
Adem Bunkeddeko Mary Dominick-Coomer and Sven Coomer Jimmy Dula
Jonathan Burley Monty L. Cooper Karen and Arne Duncan
Ellen F. Burnette Catherine Corman Hannah Duncan
Marcia Butler John Michael Cottingham Damien Dwin
Marla Butler Susan and John Cottle Karen S. and Ralph E. Eberhart
Oni Butterfly Christine Ramsay and James P. Covey Kimberly Edwards
Olivia Byanyima Judith and Archibald Cox, Jr. Tracy and Bubba Eggleston
Karen Kribs and James Cain Stephen M. Cox Linda Egle
Christopher Calabia Stacey and Lester Craft David Eick

Anass El Bahri Barbara Garlock Luis Guajardo
Jordan C. Engel Claudia Gary Rachel Guyn
Barbara and Robert Engl Alice R. Gautsch Lydia C. Hadley
Michael Enright Kate Gellert Kathleen Hagen
Abrima Erwiah Hayley Mitchell and Clayton Gentry Kathy Hagen
Mariama Evans Arlene Gerety Christian Halvorsen
David Evelyn Matt Gianneschi Scott Hanley
Sonia Evers Yale Gieszl Signe Hanson
Sylvia Falk Paul Gillow Jennifer and Andrew Harding
Thomas Farb Carolyn and Bob Glah Jonathan M. Harris
Evelyn N. Farkas DeeDee Glimcher Skila Harris
Barbara Farris Diane Glimcher Rachel Hartgen
Kathy Feinsinger Ethel and William Gofen Katherine A. Harting
Anna Fernandez Susan and Alexander Goldberg Gerald Haruch
James B. Ferrari Cheryl and Stephen Goldenberg Steve Haruch
Susan and George Fesus Max Goldman Jim Heerwagen
Holly and Paul Fine Louisa L. Goldsmith Mark Henry
Ellie and Stuart Fine Mildred Goldstein Howard Herring
Pamela S. and Roy Finkelman Nicholas Golich Michael Hershman
Sara Finkle Adalberto P. Gomez Michael Higgins
Eleanor Shelton and Gregory Finley Efrain Gonzalez Alyce P. Hill
Lula and Aaron Fisher Maria Cristina Gonzalez Gretchen Hinkamp
Pamela and Thomas Fisher Ernestine Goodnough Maureen and Thomas Hirsch
Lauri Fitz-Pegado Margaret A. Goodwin Ron Hochfield
Thomas Flahive Robert L. Gordon III Dorothy and Harland Hockenberg
Gina and David Fleisher Edna L. Gordon Deborah and Larry Hoffman
Matthew Fleming Janet Gordon Jeff D. Holiday
Doreen Flippin Robert D. Gordon Gail and Philip M. Holstein
Sabina Fogle Yvonne D. Gordon Constance and Michael Hooker
Ellen Follette Mark Gorkin Martha F. Horner
James Ford Christy Gosnell Leonora Horwin
Merrilie D. Ford Rajeev K. Goyal David Houggy
Michael Forscey Fred Graham Jill Habermann and Jerald S. Howe, Jr.
Chiereme Fortune Garth Graham Charles Huang
Susan Foster Linda Grais Jan Hubbell
Ashley Fox Donna and Bernard Grauer Wendy Huber
Babbett Bridger and Martin Franze Richard Graves Pickett Huffines
Jane and William Frazer Maria Gray C. Lloyd Huggins
Les Freeman Shere Coleman and Paul Gray Jackie Merrill and Jay Hughes
Glenwood Springs High School Tina Greenberg Jimm Hughey
Sandra and Harold Friedman Michelle Greenfield Melita Hunter
Peter Friend Molly Gregory Barbara Reid and David Hyman
Amber Frisbie Nanette and Irvin Greif, Jr. Troy Hysmith
Dorothy Frommer Paul Grenney Melissa and Shai Ingber
Lady and Chip Fuller Cynthia A. Griffin Gugy Irving
Catherine Porter and James Fuller Catherine and Carlo A. Grigioni Susan R. and David S. Jackson
Bill Fulton Micki Chen and Steven Gross Francie Jacober
Aniko Gaal Schott Brett Grossman Alice Jacobs
Kathleen Linehan and Edward Gabriel Hugh E. Grunden Gianna Jacobson
Caitlin Garcia - Ahern Katherina Grunfeld Rusalene and John V. Jaggers

* Deceased
Ideas Festival guests explore space in the Buckminster Dome. (C2 Photography)

Deborah E. Jennings Marcelo Lago Robert Mahony
Richard M. Jennings Lawrence Lamb Patricia Maldonado
James Jervey Joshua Landis Eric Maltzer
Jared Jessup Rosemary C. LaPointe Angela Manso
Tony Johann Barbara Larose Carrie Mantha
Archiebold Johnson Lisa M. Latts David Marlett
Brian Johnson Kevin Laverty Chris Marlin
Beatrix Elting and George Johnson Jennifer Lawson Martha A. and Austin Marquis
Jenna Johnson Judith H. and Robert G. Layton Julia Marshall
Charlene M. Johnston Brenda and F. Graham Lee Ira Martin
Judy Johnston Ilene Leff Paul Martineau
Jennifer Jones Mildred D. Lemke Dan Martinez
Abigail and Frank B. Jordan Wendy Leonard Travis Mason
Jennifer and Sekou Kaalund Leonard Levie Ann Mass
Michele Kahane Kimberly Levin Jaelin and Dave Mayer
David Kahn Henry Levine Susan and Patterson McBaine
Laurie D. Kanes Terry Levine Teddy Mcbay
Maury and Gerald Kaplan Lynne and Dan Levinson Pam and John McCambridge
Linda Kaplan Daphna Lewinshtein Stephanie Mccarthy
Robert H. Kapp Herbert F. Lewis Catherine C. McCoy
Andrew Karsh Tom Lewis Roberta and Peter M. McCoy
Jacquelyn Kasabach Finlay and Willee Lewis Dorcas McDonald
Brian Kaufmann George Lilly Meriwether and Charles McGettigan
Bonnie Levinson and Donald Kay Emily Lin Thomas McGovern
Laura O. and Michael J. Keene Lisa Lindenbaum Marcia McGowan
Alexander Kelloff Katherine Lindholm Roberta and Mike McGowan
Collins C. Kelly Barbara and Joseph J. Linhart Erin McGuire
Patrick Kelly* Renee Linnell Judith L. McLaughlin
David Kennedy Judie and Harry Linowes Martha and William R. McLaughlin
Cookie Kerxton Linda and Ace Lipson Judith and Joseph M. McManus
Drakshan Khan Lauren and Michael S. Liss Ryan McManus
Sasibai Kimis Lindsay Lofaro Lexi McNutt
Carole J. Kirschner Nick Loizeaux Bryan McShane
Andrew Klaber Terry and Jerry Long Cynthia Calvin and Mac McShane
Robby Klaber Kate Long Pauline Meihak
Ellen Klutznick Dianne Lorenz Elaine Mellis
Harry D. Knight, Jr. Tricia Louthis Khari Menelik
Stanley H. Kober Joyce Lowenstein Chrstine Meng
Kathryn and John Koch Jessica Lucas Juan Merchan
Robert J. Koenke Andrea B. and Ivan L. Lustig Martha Metz
Catherine and Richard Kohnke Holly Lynch Cynthia Metzger
Elizabeth and Claude Koprowski* Daniel Lynn Rosalia Miller
Andrea Korber Adrianna Ma Ryan M. Miller
Karley Kranich Carolyn M. and Scott MacGlashan Michael J. Mills
Diane Krause Rachel MacHenry Dilpreet Minhas
Jamie and James Kravitz Peter Mack Evelyn and Albert Mintzer
Judy Kravitz Paolo Macullotti Karen Minyard
Hari Kumar Marlene A. Maddalone Wendy Jones and J. Todd Mitchell
Joseph Ladou Christy Mahon R. G. Mitchell

* Deceased
Robert Mitchell Adish R. Padhani Carla Ricchetti
Laura Mobley Edward Pagett Rachel E. Richards
Lynda Montgomery Lynda Palevsky Alex Rieger
Wesley Moore Ricki Pappo Marilee and Gregg Rippy
Melissa Moriarty Carol H. Parlett Maxwell Rispoli
Joann Moser Isiah Parnell Timothy Ritter
Anne Mosle Morgan Parnell Jessica Robinson Love
Frances Mosle Taylor Parnell Earl Robinson
Edward Mulcahy Carolyn and John D. Parsons Joe S. Robinson
Ann Mullins Simmy and Haven Pell Kenneth G. Robinson, Jr.
Ivy Hansen and Brian Murphy Marjory M. Musgrave and Frank Peters Brittanie Rockhill
Julia Murphy Patricia Peterson Faith Roessel
Julie Murphy Joshua Phelps Don Rogers
Kathleen Murphy William H. Phillips Kristen Rogers
Marilyn Murphy Julie C. and Gregory Pickrell Elly Rohrer
Melissa Murray Rhonda Piggins Donna M. Root
Terry Murray Jason Pileggi Ivette and Andrew Rothschild
Silvester Mwanza Kathleen and Stephen Pineault Julian Rountree III
Mary S. Myers Lisa Pingatore Michael Rowan
Pauline K. Myers Emily Pinto Uchechi Roxo
Shirley S. Myers Alan Platt Ronnie Rubin
Marty Nachman Harper Poe JoAnne T. and Richard K. Rubinoff
Kerry Z. and Adib M. Nasle Andrei-Mihai Pogonaru Greg Rucks
Patricia Neeb Elizabeth Pollman Jana C. and Robert A. Rudnick
Steven H. Nemerovski Don Pongrace Josef K. Ruth
William Nestor Sara Pressman Jane Rutherford
Andrew Newsom Judith Price Jill and Bob Rutledge
Heidi Nitze Anthony Principi Adrienne Brodeur and Tim Ryan
Elizabeth Nix Jerry Pruzan Viveka Rydell
Ann Norwood Marcia Pruzan Manal and Jafar Sabbah
Nasim Novin Claudia Putnam Lisa and Jonathan S. Sack
Samantha Nurick Harold Quinn Samuel Safran
Barbara O'Connor John H. Quinn, Jr. Shrishti Sahu
Rita OConnor Eszter Rabin Yukari Sakamoto
Cindy Oehmig Elizabeth W. W. and Charles Rackley Larry Saliterman
Deedy M. Ogden Pavel Raifeld Dima Samata
Geoffrey T. Ogwankwa Diana B. Rakow Yoav Samet
Lisa O'Kelly Sara Ransford Mariah Fairley and Shady Samir Sobhi
Donna Oldford Mitzi J. Rapkin Pam K. Sams
Elizabeth Olson Gary Ratner S. S. Sands, Jr.
Timothy C. Olson Catherine Read Deepak Sankit
Megan O'Neill Sue Lavin and Jack Real Judy and John W. Sause, Jr.
Oluseun Onigbinde Nancy Rome and Paul Reamer Jordan Savold
Gezzer Ortega James Redwine Aletta Schaap
Hans J. Oser Denise M. Byrne and Peter A. Reiling David Schaecter
John G. Osthaus Kirk Renaud Patrick Schaefer
Juan Otero Margaret B. Rennels Jennifer and Robin Schiller
Elizabeth Owens Katherine Reppa Michael Schnoering
Ruth L. Owens Rchard Restak Judy Schramm
Matthew Owings Cynthia G. Rhodes Denise J. and James M. Schreiber

Linda J. and Robert J. Schuerholz Sharon Sullivan Julie Lundy and Ezra Weinblatt
Helen Schulman Laura Taylor Swain Katarina Weir
Elizabeth and Richard Schwartz Abby Sypek Annette G. Weisman
Sheri Scruby Janet Szamosszegi Jennifer L. Weng
Susan S. Sedgewick Eleanor V. Talbot Laura Werlin
David Segal Curtis Tamkin Whitney Westbrook
Earl L. Segal Michael Tanguay Kate Wheeler
Amneh Shaikh-Farooqui Carole L. and Frederick B. Taylor Wendy Hahn and Kent Whinnery
Lance E. Shanahan Lorena Terrazas Mary White
Barbara Shaw Nilka Thomas Scott White
Megan Shean Tina M. Thomas Lara and Marc Whitley
Virginia Sherrill Arturo Thompson Jim Whitney
Diane Shoemaker Jeff Thompson Sol Whitt
Barry Shpizner Melanie and Bill Toler Jenn Wilcox Thomas
Dawinder Sidhu Glen Tomlinson Richard Wilhelm
Mona Williams and Scott E. Sillers Kevin Tomlinson Kate Wilson
Candice C. Simmons Caroline Tory Kristin Wilson
Margaret and Mike Simmons Kadian Townsend Georgeanna Windley
Peter C. Simpson Francine Z. and Stephen Joel Trachtenberg Keith Witham
Charles Slaughter George Trantow Greg Wolf
Lori Small Natalie Travers Robert Woo
Andrew Smith Victoria Treyger Cynthia Wood
Clare B. Smith Ryan Triplette Kelly Doherty and Michael Woodrow
Dawnette Smith Jillian Tucker Kristina Woolston
Justin B. Smith Steven Tucker Sally M. Worku
Robin Smith Douglas Turner Elisabeth Worrell
Stephanie P. Smith Susan and Richard Ulevitch Margot Worthy
Suzanne Smith Muntaqa Umar-Sadiq Ali Wyne
James Smizer Holly Upper Jin Xie
Karin Sobotta Herman Uscategui Lucie Yang
Cindy Song Elizabeth Vazquez Karen Yelick
Jane G. Sparks Erika and Jose Vazquez Neils Ribeiro Yemofio
Lorraine and Pat Spector Tia Vice Charles Yeramian
David Stanton Jennifer Causing and Peter M. Waanders Maria Yurasek
Tanai Starrs Ruth Wade Cal Zarin
Joelle Steefel Vivian and Tom Waldeck Amanda Zehner
Adrienne Stefan Kristen and James Waldron Endy Zemenides
Leah and William Steinberg Erika Walker Laurie Zephyrin
Tamara Stenn Townsend Walker Eilene Zimmerman
Tania and Michael Stepanian Christopher E. Walling Dorothy S. Zinberg
Barbara and Arthur Stern Kristi Walters Heidi Zuckerman
Norma K. and Donald J. Stone Charlotte and Jeffrey Wandell Ruth J. Zuckerman
Elizabeth S. Stong Donna M. and R. Thomas Ward Corey Zurbuch
William Storrar Annie Waterman Howard A. Zwemer
Clay Stranger Sandra M. and James W. Weber
Mika Street Luanne H. Weigand
Marcia D. Strickland Judy Weil
Francis Stuckens Lynne Weinberg
Victoria Sturdivant O'Connell Sally Weinberg
Meg Sullivan Robert Weinberger

CORPORATE SUPPORT (Reflects cumulative giving through cash and pledge payments during 2016)
4G Capital Cisco Systems, Inc. Geico Direct
Aetna Inc. Citibank, NA Global Securities
Africa Talent & Innovation Center Clark Construction Group, LLC Globe Capital Partners
AGILITY IO LLC CO_Plataforma Goal
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP The Coca-Cola Company Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Alitheia Capital Cofra Holding Google, Inc.
Alliance Financial Group Columba Leadership Gray Ghost Management & Operations LLC
Allstate Insurance Company Columbia Threadneedle Investments Grupo EcoEmpresas Capital US LLC
Altec Industries Comcast Corporation Hines Interests Limited Partnership
American Electric Power Consultoria En Negocios Sustentables Hobbs, Straus, Dean & Walker LLP
Ameriprise Financial, Inc. Corporacion Andina de Fomento Host Hotels & Resorts, Inc.
Apple, Inc. Corporaction Inversor Impact Business Leaders
Aramco Services Company Cross Boundary LLC Impact HUB GmbH
Aramex New York Ltd CTC International, Inc. Innovation Hub Management Company
Argonne National Laboratory Cummings & Lockwood LLC Inotek
Arkansas Electric Cooperative Corporation Cyrus Capital Partners, LP Instituto Quintessa
Artemisia International Daimler AG Instituto Sabin
Asha Impact Dalberg Global Development Advisors Intel Corporation
Aspen Art Museum DEG-Deutsche Investitions Intellectual Capital Advisory Service
Aspen Constructors, Inc. Deloitte Interactive Advertising Bureau
Aspen Valley Hospital Dentons US LLP Interactive Corp (IAC)
AspenRealLife.Com Derraik E. Advogados Associad Inter-American Development Bank
AT&T Inc. Dharma Life Investisseurs & Partenaires
Atlantic Asset Management Pty Ltd. Dillard's Inc. Johnson & Johnson
Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria Disney Worldwide Services, Inc. JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Banco de Mexico Dodge & Cox Karmany
Banco Mercantil Del Norte, S.A. Duke Corporate Knell Consulting Inc
Bangko Sentral NG Philipnas Dupont Fabros Technology, LP Land O'Lakes, Inc.
Bank for International Settlements Edison International Lane Engineering Inc.
Bank of America Education Development Center, Inc. Lazard Freres & Co., LLC
Bank of Finland Emmis Communications Corp. LGT Bank (Schweiz) AG
BlackRock Emzingo Group LLC Lindblad Maritime Ent. Ltd
BNY Mellon Endeavor Enterprises LLC Lockheed Martin Corporation
Boyden Ennovent India Advisors Lovell Stewart Halebian Jacobson LLP
Calvin Cafritz Enterprises Enterprise Projects Ventures Ltd. Luxos Corporation
CapitalPlus Exchange Corporation Ernst & Young Global Service Ltd. Maghrabi Retail Services Co
Cargill Inc. Esoko Networks Ltd. Marcia Butler Interior Design Inc.
Catalyst Foundation, Inc. Everest Group LLC MasterCard
Catholic Relief Services Femsa Servicios MBS Associates LLC
Center for Investigative Reporting Fetola McKinsey & Company
CFA Institute Fidelity Investments Mennonite Economic Development Associates
Champion Industries, Inc. Ford Motor Company Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp
Charles Cunniffe Architects Frontier Communications Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc.
Charles Pratt & Company, L.L.C. FSG, Inc. Microsoft Corporation
Charles Schwab Corporation Fundao Telefnica Mills + Schnoering Architects, LLC
Charter Communications Garfield & Hecht, P.C. Millstein & Co.
Chevron Corporation GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy Americas Mish, Inc.

MJF Associates LLC Pomona Impact TIAA-CREF
Mountain Chalet Ent., Inc. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Tishman Speyer Properties
Mt. Daly Enterprises LLC Prudential Financial T-Mobile
National Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance Qualcomm Ventures, Qualcomm Incorporated Tory Burch LLC
(NCIIA) The Reinalt-Thomas Corporation Toyota Motor Sales, USA
NBCUniversal ResponsAbility Investments AG TPD Group LLC
Nesa Capital Rianta Capital Limited TriLinc Capital Management, LLC
Netflix, Inc. RMZ Infotech Pvt. Ltd Trillium Asset Management, LLC
New Street Research LLC Russell Reynolds Associates Triple Jump B.V.
Nike, Inc. Schoenfeld Insurance Associates, Inc. TV Azteca
Novartis International SCOPE Insight UBS AG
Novastar Ventures Limited Sempra Energy Valor Management Corp.
Omidyar Network Services LLC Shell Oil Van Ness Feldman LLP
Open Capital Advisors Ltd. Shook, Hardy & Bacon Vera Solutions, Benefits LLC
Opportunity Collaboration LLC Shorebank International Verizon Communications, Inc.
Palladium Simanye Vilcap Inc.
Partners Group Sinovator Vista 360, Inc.
PCP Uganda Sound Posting, LLC. Vox Capital
Pearson Management Services Limited SSG Advisors Walmart
Pebblechild Bangladesh Limited Stanford Management LLC Waste Management, Inc.
Pediatric Dental Initiative Starbucks Coffee Company Water Sanitation for the Urban Poor
Pendergast Group, Inc. State Farm Mutual Insurance Welltower, Inc.
PepsiCo, Inc. Statoil Gulf Services LLC Xylem Inc.
Performance Investments, Inc. Stevens Palmer LLC Zurich Insurance
Pfizer, Inc. Target Corporation
Physical Therapy Delivered TechnoServe, Inc.


(Reflects cumulative giving through cash and pledge payments during 2016)

A G Foundation Alliance for a Green Revolution Arnhold Foundation

Abbot Downing Alpenglow Foundation Arrowhead Foundation Inc.
ACCION International American Society of Mechanical Engineers Arthur Vining Davis Foundations
ACDI/VOCA Amani Institute ASAP.GOV
Acumen American College of Sports Medicine Ashesi University College
Rita & Jeffrey Adler Foundation American Express Foundation Asia Foundation
Aetna Foundation, Inc. American University Asociacion Alterna
African Management Services Amm Realty LLC Astella Investimentor
Aga Khan Foundation USA Anne & Mead Montgomery Family Foundation Autodesk, Inc.
The Agnes Varis Trust Anonymous Avril Fortin Consultancy
Agora Partnerships The Anschutz Foundation B Lab Company
Albert & Lillian Small Foundation The Arches Foundation Babson College
Alene Holdings LLC Arcus Foundation Stephen W. & Susan M. Baird Foundation
Alexandra Foundation Argidius Foundation Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Alianca Empreendedora Arizona Community Foundation Barnard Fain Foundation

Aspen Meadows campus during the 2016 Aspen Ideas Festival. (Dan Bayer)

BeadforLife Chambers Family Fund Emory University
Bechtel Foundation Chesapeake College Enable Impact, LLC
Dorothy G. Bender Foundation CHI Family Foundation, Inc Encore Sustainable Design
Berg Family Charitable Foundation Chol-Chol Foundation Endeavor Global, Inc.
Berggruem Institute Christian Aid Engelberg Foundation
Jill and Jay Bernstein Family Foundation Citi Foundation Engineers Without Borders
Bertelsmann Foundation City of Aspen Enterprise Development Centre (Pan-Atlantic
Berti Foundation Clermont Foundation University)
Bezos Family Foundation ClimateWorks Foundation Environmental Defense Fund
BF Foundation Robert & Suzanne Cochran Family Foundation Equity Group Foundation
Bieber Family Foundation James M. Collins Foundation Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
The Bishop Family Foundation Collis Warner Foundation F.B. Heron Foundation
Biz Corps Colorado Mountain College Foundation Fair Trade USA
Cherie Blair Foundation for Women Comcast Foundation Farm Concern International
Nancy & Robert S. Blank Foundation The Commonwealth Fund Joseph & Sherry Felson Family Foundation
Bloomberg Family Foundation Inc. Compartamos Con Colombia Floreat Foundation
Bloomberg News The Connors Foundation The Flunison Fund
Blue Foundation The Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Fonkoze USA
Blue Shield of California Foundation Corday Family Foundation Ford Foundation
Bostock Family Foundation Coretz Family Foundation Foundation for a Healthy St. Petersburg
The Boyd Family Foundation Craigslist Charitable Fund Foundation for Enterprise Development
BRAC USA CREA Comunidades de Emprendedores Sociales Foundation for the Carolinas
The Brady Foundation, Inc. Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Foundation to Promote Open Society
The Louis K. Brandt Foundation The Dana Foundation J. S. Frank Foundation
Branson Center of Entrepreneurship - Caribbean Meredyth Anne Dasburg Foundation Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust
The Virginia & Charles Brewer Family Foundation Dasra The Barry Friedberg and Charlotte Moss Family
Brillembourg Ochoa Family Foundation The Ellen Gary Davis Foundation Foundation
British Council The de Beaumont Foundation Kathy and Jeffrey Friedland Foundation
BSpace Limited Dell Friedman Family Foundation
John and Jacolyn Bucksbaum Family Foundation Democracy Fund Ann B. and Thomas L. Friedman Family Foundation
Business In Development Network U.S. Department of State Friends of Florence
C. E. and S. Foundation Deutsche Gesellschaft Fundacion Bavaria
Government of Canada Dixon and Carol Doll Family Foundation Fundacion Bolivar Davivienda
Capital One Foundation The Dobranski Foundation Inc. Fundacion Capital
Care USA Dorsey and Whitney Foundation Fundacion IES
Carlson Foundation Douglas and Maria Bayer Foundation Fundacion para el Desarrollo
Carnegie Corporation of New York The Dreman Foundation, Inc. Fundacion para la Produccion
Martin G. And Ruth A. Carver Foundation Milton H. Dresner Charitable Foundation FundaSistemas
Casey Family Programs Elizabeth and Richard Dubin Foundation Gap Foundation
Annie E. Casey Foundation Dubose Family Foundation Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Castaways Foundation eBay Foundation George Washington Institute for Religious Freedom
Catto Shaw Foundation Echoing Green Foundation Georgescu Family Foundation
Cedars Foundation Inc. ECMC Foundation The Gerson Family Foundation
Ceniarth LLC Edge C. Gary and Virginia Gerst Foundation
Center for International Private Enterprise The Edgerley Family Foundation Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation
Center for the Advancement of Social Edison Foundation Institute for Electric Innovation GHR Foundation
Entrepreneurship (Duke) Edlis-Neeson Foundation, NFP The Gilbert Family Fund
Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, Inc. The Eisner Foundation Gitlitz Family Foundation
CFP Foundation El-Hibri Charitable Foundation Glazer Foundation
Chambers Family Foundation Ellaf Qouraich Company Global Partnerships

Goldman Sachs Foundation Inasmuch Foundation Lundin for Africa Foundation
Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Insitor Impact Asia Fund Lutheran World Relief
Grand Challenges Canada Institute of International Education The M&T Charitable Foundation
Greater Texas Foundation Instituto De Cida Dania Empresarial M. K. Link Foundation
The Ronald K. and Jan C. Greenberg Family International Center for Social Franchising MAAK Foundation
Foundation International Finance Corporation John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Greenwald Foundation International Planned Parenthood Federation/WHR The Magnolia Charitable Foundation
Griffinworx Inc Inversor Malott Family Foundation
Grow Africa Invest2innovate Management Sciences for Health
GrowthAfrica Thomas A. and Mary S. James Foundation The Mann Family Foundation
The Gordon and Llura Gund Foundation Jay & Deanie Stein Foundation Trust Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
The Gunston School, Inc. JLK Foundation, Inc. The Marge & Charles J. Schott Foundation
The Arjun Gupta Family Foundation Jones Family Revocable Trust Marguerite Casey Foundation
Habitat for Humanity Joy Foundation Maritz Inc.
Haitian Hometown Associations The Joyce Foundation Mark & Amy Tercek Foundation
Diane and Bruce Halle Foundation JPB Foundation The Markle Foundation
The Hampshire Foundation, Inc. JPMorgan Chase & Co. Global Philanthropy The MasterCard Foundation
Edward & Julia Hansen Foundation, Inc. Warren B. Kanders Foundation Matter, LLC
The Keith Haring Foundation Karetsky Family Foundation Maya Traditions Foundation Inc
Harman Family Foundation Karetsky Family Memorial Fund McLaughlin Family Foundation
The Harris Family Charitable Foundation The Amar Kartar Foundation Inc. John P. and Anne Welsh McNulty Foundation
J. Ira & Nicki Harris Family Foundation The Katcher Family Foundation, Inc. Media Development Loan Fund
The Irving Harris Foundation Kaufman Foundation Meg & Bennett Goodman Family Foundation
The Hauptman Family Foundation The Keith Campbell Foundation for the Melva Bucksbaum Family Foundation
Morris A. Hazan Family Foundation Environment Inc. MercyCorps
Hazen Polsky Foundation W.K. Kellogg Foundation The Merrill Foundation, Inc.
Heifer International Kenya Climate & Innovation Centre MetLife Foundation
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Jeff and Erica Keswin Family Foundation Michael Asher Foundation
Hayne Hipp Foundation KeyBank National Association Middlebury College
Hitachi Foundation Kimsey Foundation Miller Family Foundation
Hivos Kingfisher Foundation Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Morocco
The Holthouse Foundation for Kids Kiva Cynthia and George Mitchell Foundation
HopeLab Sam W. Klein Charitable Foundation Mitrani Family Foundation
The Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Koga C. Jay Moorhead Foundation
Richard Horvitz and Erica Hartman-Horvitz Foundation The Kresge Foundation The Moriah Fund
Ken Hubbard Fund The Kristina And William Catto Foundation, Inc N. M. Morris Family Foundation
William and Diane Hunckler Foundation The Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Foundation Mark & Betty Morris Family Foundation
The Hunt Family Foundation Lefkofsky Family Foundation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Hunter College Lemelson Foundation The Muhr Family Foundation
Hurst Family Foundation Les Dames D'Aspen LTD Mulberry Mongoose
The Hyams Foundation, Inc Libra Capital US, INC Nathan Family Foundation
Hyatt Corporation LifeCo National Congress of American Indians Fund
J. R. Hyde III Family Foundation Ligado Network National Foundation on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition
ICS Africa Linehan Family Foundation, Inc National Physical Activity Plan Alliance
I-Dev International Linhart Family Trust National Trust for Historic Preservation
IDFC - Infrastructure Development Linked Foundation Negosyong Pinoy Finance Corporation
Finance Corporation Llandaff Family Trust Nest Arts Company Limited
Illinois Wesleyan University Loewenberg Charitable Foundation New Economy Initiative for Southeast Michigan
Illy Caffe Spa The Lubar Family Foundation, Inc. New Markets Lab
ImpactAssets Lumina Foundation New Venture Fund

New Ventures Mexico Riversands Incubation Hub Sitawi
The Howard and Maryam Newman Family Foundation The Rob & Melani Walton Foundation Skoll Foundation
Newman's Own Foundation Robert H. Smith Family Foundation Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Nonprofit Enterprise and Self-Sustainability Team Inc./ Robert K. Steel Foundation Slovenly Peter, Inc.
NESST Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Small Enterprise Assistance Fund
The Obernauer Foundation, Inc. Rockefeller Brothers Fund The Small Foundation
Bill and Susan Oberndorf Foundation The Rockefeller Foundation The Small-Scale Sustainable Infrastructure
The Osterweis Funds Rockefeller Philanthropic Advisors Development Fund
Oxfam America, Inc. Rodel Charitable Foundation Social Impact Architects, Inc.
Pack Foundation ROI Community Inc. Southern Nuclear Operating Company
David and Lucile Packard Foundation Root Capital, Inc. Spire Education Inc.
Pact Inc The Rose Foundation The Stanton Foundation
The Pactolus Family Foundation The Rosenfeld Rumford Steckler Family Foundation Robert K. Steel Family Foundation
Patricia M. and Emanuel M. Papper Foundation, Inc. The Rosenkranz Foundation Steelcase Inc.
Partners in Food Solutions Ross Family Fund Stiching ICS
Passion Profit Limited Royal Academy Of Engineering Stichting DOEN
The Andrew M. Paul Family Foundation The Rubel Family Foundation Stichting Enviu Nederland
Paul Tudor Jones Family Foundation Nancy and Miles Rubin Foundation Stichting Spark
Paulson Family Foundation Russell Berrie Foundation Barry S. and Evelyn M. Strauch Foundation, Inc.
PayPal Thomas Rutherfoord Foundation Stuart Foundation
PepsiCo Foundation, Inc. S&P Global Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
Charlotte Perret Family Trust S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation Swisscontact
Pershing Square Foundation SA Innovation Summit Pty Ltd. Synergy Social Ventures
Peter G. Peterson Foundation John and Vivian Sabel Family Foundation Tamkeen Abu Dhabi LLC
Pettit Foundation Sacks Family Foundation Patrick F. Taylor Foundation
The Pierson Foundation SAGE Publishing Third Way
Piton Foundation Samhita Social Ventures Pvt Ltd The Thomas J. Edelman Foundation
Pivotal Ventures Sando Foundation W. Bryce Thompson Foundation
Podhurst Family Supporting Foundation, Inc. Sangam The Thrift Shop of Aspen
Polsinelli Santa Clara University Thrive Bioscience, Inc.
Posner-Wallace Foundation Sarosi-Kanter Charitable Foundation Thunderbird School of Global Management
The Preissman-Beriro Foundation Mary Bucksbaum Scanlan Family Foundation The Laurie M. Tisch Foundation Inc.
Pritchard Family Foundation The Schacht Family Gift Fund Tobey Foundation
Pritzker Children's Initiative The Scheidt Family Foundation, Inc Toilet Board Coalition
Margot and Thomas J. Pritzker Family Foundation Adler Schermer Foundation Tomkat Foundation
Pro Mujer The Schiff Foundation Town of Carbondale
Promotora Social Mexico AC The Schmitt Family Charitable Foundation The TreadRight Foundation
Property Point Schultz Family Foundation U.S. Agency for International Development
The Raikes Foundation Charles & Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation United Nations Development Program USA
The Ratner Family Foundation Segal Family Foundation United Nations Foundation
Rattner Family Foundation Self Help Africa United Way of Greater Greensboro
Reach for Change Africa Shapiro Capital Management LLC Unitus Seed Partners LLC
Reader's Digest Foundation Shared Interest, Inc. Universidad De Los Andes
Resnick Family Foundation Sharpe Family Foundation University of California Berkeley
Results The Shelter Hill Foundation University of Rochester
J. Christopher and Anne N. Reyes Foundation Shenandoah Foundation UNLTD India
RGF Family Fund The Susan Stein Shiva Foundation USA Funds
Richard J. and Ellen G. Bodorff Charitable Shortlist Professionals, Inc. Value for Women
Foundation Inc. Siemens Foundation Bernard van Leer Foundation
RippleWorks Melvin and Bren Simon Charitable Foundation Verizon Foundation
Rita Allen Foundation, Inc. Sinapis Villgro Innovation Foundation

Vortex Foundation William T. Kemper Foundation
Walton Family Foundation The Wittlin Group
Water For People World Resources Institute
Wechsler Foundation World Vision
WeConnect International WWW Foundation
Weingart Foundation Youth For Technology Foundation
Weissberg Foundation Youth Orchestra of The Americas
Wells Fargo Foundation YPO Aspen Chapter
Wells Fargo Philanthrophy Fund Yunus Social Business Fund
Western States Arts Federation Barbara and David Zalaznick Foundation
Whitman Fine Properties Zions Agement Serv.
Wildlife Conservation Society
Vincent Wilkinson Foundation


Mortimer J. Adler Scholarship Fund Henry Kissinger Fellowship Resnick Leadership Fund
Albright Scholarship Fund for Veterans Klein Leadership Fund Resnick Young Scholars Program
Lloyd G. Balfour Scholarship Langstaff Scholarships (Ithaka Foundation) Rose Associates Scholarship Endowment
Mercedes T. Bass Charitable Corporation Scholars Leonard A. Lauder International Fund Rubenstein Leadership Fund
Keith Berwick Chair Endowment Leonard A. Lauder International Scholarships Ricardo Salinas Foundation Scholarship Fund
Bezos Scholars Program The Leonard and Evelyn Lauder Foundation Betty and Lloyd G. Schermer Scholarship
Melva Bucksbaum Endowment Fund Socrates Society Endowment Fund Kathleen Daubert Smith Scholarship Fund
Braddock Scholarship Program The McCormick Fund Society of Fellows Leadership Fund
Budinger Distinguished Socrates Scholar Fund Jim and Elaine McDade Scholarship Fund Stanton Fund
Calaway Education Fund David T. McLaughlin Leadership Fund Robert and Gillian Steel Endowment Fund
Canadian Scholarship Fund McNulty Prize Fund Stradivarius Fellowship
Henry Crown Fellowship Endowment Middle East Leadership Initiative (MELI) Laurie M. Tisch Endowed Scholarship Fund
Cundill Scholar Fund Scholarship Fund Lynn B. Thoman Fund
The Arthur Vining Davis Aspen Fellows Scholarship Muana Fund for International Partners Trustee Leadership Fund
Dena's Scholars Endowment Fund Murdock Scholarship Gus and Marie Tyler Scholarship Fund
Friedman Joint Venture Fund Nakasone/Japanese Scholarship Fund WKK Scholarship Fund
Diane and Bruce Halle Scholarship Program Nathanson Public Diplomacy Scholarship
Harman-Eisner Artist-In-Residence Endowment Paul H. Nitze Fellowship
Harman Family Endowment Fund Polsky Scholarships
Hurst Community Fund Margot and Thomas Pritzker Fund for
Walter and Cathy Isaacson Scholarship Fund International Fellows
Bicky and George Kellner Scholarship Fund The Red & Blue Badge Scholarship For
Patrick Kelly Symposia Scholars Fund Cultural Understanding

Aspen Across America Gina and Jerry Murdock
Aspen Around Town, Made Possible by the Generous Support of Michelle Smith Society of Fellows Discussion Receptions in New York City,
and the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation Underwritten by Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha
Aspen Institute Leadership Series: Conversations with Great Leaders in Society of Fellows Discussion Receptions in New York City,
Memory of Preston Robert Tisch Underwritten by Merilee and Roy Bostock
The Mercedes T. Bass Lecture Series Society of Fellows Discussion Receptions in San Francisco,
Edlis Neeson Great Decisions Series Underwritten by the McCloskey and Karpowicz Families
The Alma and Joseph Gildenhorn Book Series Society of Fellows Discussion Receptions in Washington, DC,
Underwritten by Wilma & Stuart Bernstein and Carolyn & Bill Wolfe
Hurst Lecture Series
Washington Ideas Roundtable Series, Made Possible From the Generous Support
Hurst Student Seminars of Michelle Smith and the Robert H. Smith Family Foundation
McCloskey Speaker Series, Made Possible by a Donation from the
McCloskey Family Charitable Foundation
The Morris Series: Leadership & Innovation, Made Possible by a Donation
from Diane L. Morris
The Murdock Mind, Body, Spirit Series, Generously Underwritten by

Carol and Ken Adelman Sandra Gale Lexie and Robert Potamkin
Anderson Ranch Arts Center Glenda and Gerald Greenwald Private Bank of Buckhead
Janice and Matthew R. Barger Sharon and Lawrence Hite Ilona Nemeth and Alan Quasha
Amy and Gilchrist Berg Rachel Kohler and Mark S. Hoplamazian Donna Di Ianni and Peter Rispoli
Wilma and Stuart Bernstein Debra and Brett Hurt Sarah Broughton and John Rowland
Bethel Party Rentals Jay's Valet Parking & Luxury Shuttle Service Bren Simon
Jackie and Mike Bezos Devon and Michael Karpowicz Gillian Sorensen
Merilee and Roy Bostock Erica and Jeffrey Keswin The Aspen Branch
Terri and Tony Caine Jackie Carter and Andrew Klaber The Vault
Suanne and Bob Cochran Melony and Adam J. Lewis Laurie M. Tisch
Kim and Rob Coretz LJZ Revocable Trust Atti Worku
Penny and James G. Coulter Anne Welsh McNulty Mary and Harold Zlot
Nancy S. Dunlap Diane Morris
Ingrid O. and Thomas J. Edelman Sue and Jim Oates
Gael Neeson and Stefan Edlis Susan and William Oberndorf

* Documented in-kind contributions

STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION (unaudited) December 31, 2016
(With Summarized Financial Information as of December 31, 2015)
(Dollars in Thousands)

ASSETS 2016 2015

Cash and cash equivalents $ 8,438 $ 6,982

Accounts receivable, net 4,185 1,886
Grants and contributions receivable, net 60,571 70,702
Prepaid expenses 1,795 1,125
Inventory 123 132
Investments 168,236 143,268
Investments held for deferred compensation 3,677 3,402
Property and equipment, net 49,067 50,652
Security deposits 100 93

TOTAL ASSETS $ 296,192 $ 278,242


Accounts payable and accrued expenses $ 8,753 $ 6,782
Grants payable 4,555 2,323
Customer deposits and deferred fees 5,764 6,016
Capital lease obligations 103 159
Deferred rent and lease incentive 428 583
Deferred compensation 3,677 3,402


Net Asset
Board designated 84,062 80,680
Undesignated 920 -
Total Unrestricted 84,982 80,680

Temporarily restricted 132,845 123,872
Permanently restricted 55,085 54,425

TOTAL NET ASSETS 272,912 258,977


STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES (unaudited) for the Year Ended December 31, 2016
(With Summarized Financial Information for the Year Ended December 31, 2015)
(Dollars in Thousands)

Temporarily Permanently 2016 2015

Unrestricted Restricted Restricted Total Total


Project and federal grants $ 2,467 $ 41,213 - $ 43,680 $ 62,042
Contributions 10,091 31,221 660 41,972 50,076
Seminar and event fees 11,160 - - 11,160 9,818
Conference centers fees 10,963 - - 10,963 10,182
Contract revenue 9,101 - - 9,101 7,140
Investment income appropriated for operations 3,828 2,177 - 6,005 3,540
Sponsorship revenue 3,577 - - 3,577 3,542
Other 510 - - 510 424
Rental income 153 - - 153 114
Net assets released from restrictions:
Satisfaction of time restrictions 27,852 (27,852) - - -
Satisfaction of program restrictions 38,727 (38,727) - - -
TOTAL OPERATING REVENUE AND SUPPORT 118,429 8,032 660 127,121 146,878

Program Services:
Policy programs 50,753 - - 50,753 43,593
Campus activities 17,016 - - 17,016 15,963
Public programs 12,955 - - 12,955 11,249
Aspen Global Leadership Network & Innovation funds 6,956 - - 6,956 5,916
Seminars 953 - - 953 974
Youth and engagement 1,664 1,664 370
Other restricted programs 1,398 - - 1,398 1,405
Total Program Services 91,695 - - 91,695 79,470
Supporting Services
General and administrative 18,693 - - 18,693 19,290
Fundraising and development 3,850 - - 3,850 3,308
Total Supporting Services 22,543 - - 22,543 22,598
TOTAL EXPENSES 114,238 - - 114,238 102,068
CHANGE IN NET ASSETS FROM OPERATIONS 4,191 8,032 660 12,883 44,810
Investment income (loss) in excess of
earnings appropriated for operations 111 941 - 1,052 (1,244)
CHANGE IN NET ASSESTS 4,302 8,973 660 13,935 43,566
NET ASSETS, BEGINNING OF YEAR 80, 680 123,872 54,425 258,977 215,411
NET ASSETS, END OF YEAR $ 84,982 $ 132,845 $ 55,085 $ 272,912 $ 258,977


Steve Johnson Erin Baiano

The Aspen Institute is headquartered in Washington, DC, New York City is home to an increasing number of Aspen
where a variety of policy program events and meetings, Institute activities, including policy work, public programs,
roundtable lunches, and book talks take place. and special events. Many Institute events take place at
Roosevelt House on the Upper East Side, the onetime
The Aspen Institute | One Dupont Circle, NW home of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and now part of
Suite 700 | Washington, DC 20036-1133 Hunter College.
202-736-5800 | 202-467-0790 (fax)
The Aspen Institute | 477 Madison Avenue
(Through December 2017)
Suite 703 | New York, NY 10022
The Aspen Institute | 2300 N Street, NW 212-895-8000 | 212-895-8012 (fax)
Washington, DC 20037
(As of January 2018)

C2 Photography Melissa Grimes-Guy Photography

The Aspen Meadows campus, nestled in the quiet The Aspen Wye River campus, is located near
West End of Aspen, Colorado, was created by renowned Queenstown on the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake
Bauhaus artist and architect Herbert Bayer. Its 40 acres, Bay in Maryland. Its conference centers are set on 950-
bordered by mountain streams and fields of wildflowers, plus acres on the banks of the Wye River.
are just minutes away from the center of Aspen.
The Aspen Institute | 2010 Carmichael Road
The Aspen Institute | 1000 North Third Street P.O. Box 222 | Queenstown, MD 21658
Aspen, CO 81611 410-827-7400 | 410-827-9295 (fax)
970-925-7010 | 970-925-4188 (fax)

Walter Isaacson Eric Motley, PhD James M. Spiegelman
President and Executive Vice President and Vice President
Chief Executive Officer Corporate Secretary Chief External Affairs Officer Institutional Advancement Deputy to the President
Elliot Gerson
Executive Vice President Peter Reiling
Policy and Public Programs Executive Vice President
International Partners Seminars and Leadership Programs Executive Director
Henry Crown Fellowship Program
Namita Khasat
Chief Financial Officer
Executive Vice President Rajiv Vinnakota
Finance and Administration Executive Vice President
Corporate Treasurer Youth & Engagement Programs

C2 Photography


Ascend at the Aspen Institute Aspen Institute Latinos and Society Program The Bridge
Anne Mosle, Executive Director Monica Lozano, Chair Michele Norris, Executive Director
Abigail Golden-Vazquez, Executive Director
Aspen Forum for Community Solutions Business and Society Program
Melody Barnes, Chair Judy Samuelson, Executive Director Aspen Network of Development Entrepreneurs
Steve Patrick, Executive Director Randall Kempner, Executive Director Center for Native American Youth
Erik Stegman, Executive Director
Aspen Global Innovators Group Aspen Planning and Evaluation Program
Peggy Clark, Executive Director David Devlin-Foltz, Executive Director College Excellence Program
Josh Wyner, Executive Director
Aspen Institute Citizenship and Aspen Strategy Group
American Identity Program Nicholas Burns, Director
Eric Liu, Executive Director Communications and Society Program Jonathon Price, Deputy Director Charles Firestone, Executive Director

Community Strategies Group Food and Society at the Aspen Institute Program on the World Economy
Janet Topolsky, Executive Director Corby Kummer, Executive Director Alexa Chopivsky, Director

Congressional Program Future of Work Initiative Service Year

Dan Glickman, Executive Director Alastair Fitzpayne, Executive Director MacKenzie Moritz, Chief of Staff, Service Year Alliance
Cybersecurity and Technology Program Global Alliances Program
Garrett M. Graff, Executive Director Michael Bergman, Executive Director Sports & Society Program Tom Farrey, Executive Director
John Carlin, Chair Health, Medicine and Society Program
Ruth Katz, Executive Director Stevens Initiative
Economic Opportunities Program Mohamed Abdel-Kader, Executive Director
Maureen Conway, Executive Director Homeland Security Program
Robert Walker, Executive Director POLICY INITIATIVE DIRECTORS
Education and Society Program
Ross Wiener, Executive Director Clark Ervin, Chair National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development
Shirley Brandman, Executive Director
Energy and Environment Program Justice and Society Program
David Monsma, Executive Director Meryl Chertoff, Executive Director

Financial Security Program Program on Philanthropy & Social Innovation

Ida Rademacher, Executive Director Jane Wales, Executive Director


Kitty Boone Linda Lehrer Deborah Murphy
Vice President Director, New York Public Programs Conference Director
Executive Director, Public Programs
Cristal Logan Damian Woetzel
Adrienne Brodeur Vice President, Aspen Director, Program in the Arts and
Executive Director, Aspen Words Director, Aspen Community Programs Harman-Eisner Artist in Residence Program

Donna Horney Jamie Miller

Director of Operations Vice President
Policy and Public Programs Director, Public Programs

Tre Maxie Jackie Shiff
Division Director Director of Strategic Partnerships
Youth & Engagement Programs Youth & Engagement Programs


Jennifer Bradley Spring Fu
Director, Center for Urban Innovation Managing Director China Fellowship Program
Todd Breyfogle
Director, Seminars Crystal Hayling Managing Director
Environment Leaders Fellowship
Cordell Carter
Executive Director, Socrates Program Tonya Hinch
Managing Director,
Rima Cohen Henry Crown Fellowship Program
Managing Director
Health Innovators Fellowship Tom Loper
Managing Director, Resnick Aspen Action Forum
Willow Darsie and Network Engagement,
Managing Director Aspen Global Leadership Network
Leadership Programs & Partnerships,
Aspen Global Leadership Network Jonathon Price
Director, International Partners
Mickey Edwards
Vice President
Executive Director, Aspen Institute-Rodel Jennifer Simpson
Fellowships in Public Leadership Managing Director, Finance Leaders Fellowship

Dan Bayer

Cindy Buniski Corby Kummer Kristin Robinson
Vice President Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, IDEAS: Vice President
Administration and Facilities The Magazine of the Aspen Institute Institutional Advancement

Jennifer Jones Aaron Myers Miguel Vieira

Vice President - Finance Director, Digital Strategy Director of Philanthropic Partnerships and Campaigns
Lisa Jones Trent Nichols
Assistant General Counsel Director, Information Technology Services Peter Waanders Director, Society of Fellows
Sun Kordel James Pickup
Director, Financial Service & Oversight General Counsel Rebecca Ward Director, Aspen Facilities
Pherabe Kolb Loraine Przybylski
Managing Director, Communications and Director, Institutional Advancement Operations Lisa Zhu
Public Affairs Vice President, Human Resources

Dan Bayer


James S. Crown Walter Isaacson

Chairman of the Board President and CEO

Madeleine K. Albright
Chair Troy Carter Thelma Duggin
Albright Stonebridge Group LLC Founder and CEO Executive Director
Atom Factory; AnBryce Foundation
Paul F. Anderson Founding/General Partner
Senior Advisor Cross Culture VC Arne Duncan
Booz & Co. Former U.S. Secretary of Education
Cesar Conde
Mercedes Bass Chairman Michael D. Eisner
Sid R. Bass, Inc. NBC Universal President
Tornante Company
Donna Barksdale Phyllis Coulter Former Chairman and CEO
Barksdale Reading Institute Philanthropist The Walt Disney Company

Miguel Bezos Katie Couric L. Brooks Entwistle

Bezos Family Foundation Global Anchor, Partner and Group CEO
Yahoo News; Everstone Capital
Richard Braddock Co-Founder
President Stand Up To Cancer Alan Fletcher
Quadrant President and CEO
James S. Crown Aspen Music Festival and School
Beth Brooke-Marciniak Chairman of the Board
Global Vice Chair of Public Policy The Aspen Institute Eckart von Klaeden
Ernst & Young President Chairman
Henry Crown and Company Aspen Institute Germany
William D. Budinger
Founder, Former Chairman & CEO Andrea Cunningham Henrietta H. Fore
Rodel, Inc. Founder and President Principal
SeriesC Holsman International
William Bynum
CEO Kenneth L. Davis, M.D. Ann B. Friedman
Hope Credit Union Chief Executive Officer and President Educator
Mount Sinai Health System
Stephen L. Carter Juan Ramon de la Fuente
Professor of Law John Doerr President
Yale University Law School Partner Aspen Institute Mexico
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers

Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Natalie Jaresko David McCormick
W.E.B. Du Bois Professor of Humanities Chairman President
Harvard University Aspen Institute Kyiv Bridgewater Associates

Mircea Geoana Salman Khan Anne Welsh McNulty

President Founder and Executive Director Managing Partner
Aspen Institute Romania Khan Academy JBK Partners

Antonio Gracias Teisuke Kitayama Diane Morris

Founder/Manager/Chief Investment Officer Chairman Chairman
Valor Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Morris Capital Management
Patrick W. Gross Aspen Institute Japan Karlheinz Muhr
Chairman Executive Vice Chairman
The Lovell Group Michael Klein Global Corporate and Investment Banking
Chairman/CEO Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc
Arjun Gupta Sunlight Foundation
TeleSoft Partners Clare Muana
David H. Koch President
Jane Harman Executive Vice President Ancora Associates, Inc.
Director, President and CEO Chemical Technology
Woodrow Wilson Center Koch Industries, Inc. Jerry Murdock
Managing Director and Co-Founder
Kaya Henderson Satinder K. Lambah Insight Venture Partners
Former Chancellor Chairman
District of Columbia Public Schools Ananta Aspen Centre Marc B. Nathanson
Hayne Hipp Laura Heller Lauder Mapleton Investments
Private Investor General Partner
Lauder Partners, LLC William A. Nitze
Ivan Hodac Chairman
President Yo Yo Ma Oceana Energy Company
Aspen Institute Prague Cellist and Songwriter
Her Majesty Queen Noor
Mark S. Hoplamazian James M. Manyika Humanitarian Activist;
President and CEO Partner UN Expert Advisor
Hyatt Hotels Corporation McKinsey & Company
Jacqueline Novogratz
Gerald D. Hosier William E. Mayer Founder / CEO
Principal Partner Acumen
Law Offices of Gerald D. Hosier, Ltd. Park Avenue Equity Partners
Chairman Emeritus Olara A. Otunnu
Robert J. Hurst The Aspen Institute President
Managing Director LBL Foundation for Children
Crestview Advisors, LLC Bonnie P. McCloskey
President Elaine Pagels
Walter Isaacson Cornerstone Holdings, LLC Professor of Religion
President and CEO Princeton University
The Aspen Institute

Carrie Walton Penner Ricardo B. Salinas Shashi Tharoor (leave of absence)
Education Advocate, Chairman of the Board Founder and Chairman Congressman, Lok Sabha
Walton Family Foundation Grupo Salinas Indian Parliament

Margot Pritzker Lewis Sanders Laurie Tisch

President and Founder CEO Founder
Women on Call Sanders Capital LLC Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund

Peter A. Reiling Anna Deavere Smith Giulio Tremonti

EVP Seminars and Leadership Programs Professor Chairman
The Aspen Institute New York University Aspen Institute Italia

Lynda Resnick Michelle Smith Roderick K. von Lipsey

Co-Owner and Vice Chairman Director Managing Director
Wonderful Company Robert H. Smith Family Foundation UBS Private Wealth Management

Condoleezza Rice Javier Solana Vin Weber

Stephenson Senior Fellow on Public Policy President Managing Partner
Hoover Institution Aspen Institute Espaa Mercury LLC
Former U.S. Secretary of State
Robert K. Steel
James Rogers CEO
Former President/CEO Perella Weinberg Partners
Duke Energy Chairman Emeritus
The Aspen Institute


Berl Bernhard Ann Korologos
Co-Chairman Co-Chairman

Berl Bernhard Lester Crown Sylvia A. Earle

Partner Chairman Chairman
DLA Piper US LLP Henry Crown and Company; Deep Ocean Exploration & Research
Co-Chairman Vice Chairman Emeritus
Lifetime Trustees The Aspen Institute Richard N. Gardner
Senior Counsel
Keith Berwick Tarun Das Morgan Lewis Business and Financial
Keith Berwick Chair Chairman Emeritus Practice Group
The Aspen Institute Aspen Anata Centre
David Gergen
James C. Calaway William H. Donaldson Professor of Public Service
Chairman Emeritus Chairman Harvard Kennedy School;
Lifetime Trustees Donaldson Enterprises Senior Political Analyst

Alma L. Gildenhorn Leonard Lauder Lloyd G. Schermer
Honorary Trustee Chairman of the Board of Directors Retired Chairman and CEO
Kennedy Center The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc; Lee Enterprises, Inc.
Chairman Emeritus
Jacqueline Grapin The Aspen Institute Carlo Scognamiglio Pasini
President Honorary Chairman
The European Institute Frederic V. Malek Aspen Institute Italia
Gerald Greenwald Thayer Lodging Group Albert H. Small
Managing Partner President
Greenbriar Equity Group Robert Malott Southern Engineering Corp.
Retired Chairman and CEO
Irvine O. Hockaday, Jr. FMC Corporation/LBL Partners Andrew L. Stern
Retired President and CEO Senior Research Fellow
Hallmark Cards, Inc. Olivier Mellerio Georgetown Public Policy Institute
General Partner
Nina Rodale Houghton Interfinexa Paul A. Volcker
President Federal Reserve System (retired)
Wye Institute Sandra Day OConnor
Chancellor Leslie H. Wexner
Ann Frasher Hudson The College of William & Mary President and Chairman of the Board
Partner Former U.S. Supreme Court Justice The Limited, Inc.
Javelina Partners
Hisashi Owada Frederick B. Whittemore
Jerome Huret International Court of Justice Advisory Director
Aspen Institute France Morgan Stanley & Co., Inc.
Thomas R. Pickering
William N. Joy Vice Chairman Alice Young
Partner Hills & Company Former Chair, Asia Pacific Practice
Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Kaye Scholer LLP
Charles Powell
Henry A. Kissinger Member of the House of Lords
Kissinger Associates, Inc.
Jay Sandrich
Ann Korologos Television Director
Lifetime Trustees

Condoleezza Rice and Yo-Yo Ma perform a duet during the Kennedy Center Arts Summit. (Yassine El Mansouri)
The Aspen Institute is an educational and policy studies organization based in Washington, DC.
Its mission is to foster leadership based on enduring values and to provide a nonpartisan venue for dealing
with critical issues. The Institute is based in Washington, DC; Aspen, Colorado; and on the Wye River on
Marylands Eastern Shore. It also has offices in New York City and an international network of partners.

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