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1) Competitor Analysis

a. where the industry stands w.r.t automation in spend Classification

b. Need Research.
c. 1st generation, 2nd generation and 3rd generation Classification as in the Coupa Webinar
can be included.
d. Include success stories of companies.
2) Current Method
a. same slide as before
b. Include Disadvantages of the current method that we use.
3) Solution
a. ML method
b. edit from last time and incorporate the changes
4) Advantages of using this ML Method over current.
a. Need Research and we can also take points from Coupa Webinar.
b. Competitive Grid to visualize this.
5) Implementation-
a. Including how we selected the current Model Selection.
b. Parameter Selection and how they affect the outcome.
c. Technique selection as already mentioned in strategy documents
6) Results
a. of the various techniques and what came out to be most accurate.
b. Data will be known only after running the code.
7) Way forward:
a. Will depend on results that we obtain. Is Tuning of Parameters needed?
b. We currently use Linear kernel. Try radial kernel (maybe more accurate but will be more
computationally expensive).
c. Higher Processing Power. Run higher end algorithms (if needed). Use Amazon web
services eventually.
d. Higher End Algorithm
i. Use case Spend 360- neural networks.
ii. Or OnevsOne approach in SVM.
e. Append classified data into training data to make it more efficient in the long run.
f. Create a large database to strengthen Supplier rule process.
g. Learn from experience and iterate the code accordingly. We might find some
shortcomings while doing spend classification and then can incorporate these in the
code later.

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