Foreign, Development and Security Policy: Liberal International 184 Executive Committee

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Liberal International 184th Executive Committee

Foreign, Development and Security Policy

11-13 June, 2010 Berlin, Germany


State Representative office of Lower Saxony in Berlin

In den Ministergrten, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +30 72629-1500

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Time Activity
Afternoon Arrival of Bureau members

Early arrival of delegates

19:00- 22:00 Bureau dinner (by invitation only)

Hosted by: German Group of Liberal International
At the Deutsche Parlamentarische Gesellschaft
Friedrich-Ebert-Platz 2 (vis- vis the east entrance of the Reichstag)

Friday, 11 June 2010

Time Activity
08:00 Deadline Urgency Resolutions
08:45 14:00 Registration desk opens
09:00-11:30 Bureau Meeting of Liberal International (by invitation only)
12:00 13:00 Reception (with Markus Lning, Special Representative for Human
Rights of the German Government)
13:00 14:00 German Foreign Policy
A Presentation by Werner Hoyer, Minister of State Foreign Office
14:15 18:00 184th Executive Committee Meeting

14:15- 14:45 Word of welcome by Dr. Philipp Rsler, German Federal Minister for
Health, FDP
19:00- 21:00 Reception
The German Bundestag, with Christian Lindner, Secretary General of
the FDP and Member of the Bundestag
Hosted by: FDP Parliamentary Group
State Representative office of Lower Saxony in Berlin
In den Ministergrten, 10117 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +30 72629-1500

Saturday, 12 June 2010

Time Activity
09:00-12:00 Registration Desk Open
10:00 Walter Scheel Colloquium
Hosted by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty

Welcome Introduction by Rolf Berndt, Executive Chairman, Board of

Directors, Friedrich Naumann Foundation
10:10 Keynote
New Challenges and Uncertainties

Dr. Wolfgang Gerhardt, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Friedrich

Naumann Foundation
10:30 Panel
Defining Policy Priorities Towards Fragile States Security,
Economic Development, Good Governance

Dr. Christian Taaks, Director, International Politics Division, Friedrich-
Naumann-Stiftung fr die Freiheit

Dr. Mamadou Lamine Ba, President, African Liberal Network
Michael Link MP, Chairman of International Policy Caucus of the
FDP Group in the German Bundestag
Jules Maaten, designated Project Director Philippines, Friedrich-
Naumann-Stiftung fr die Freiheit; former MEP, Netherlands

Followed by Q&A
12:00 Lunch Break
13:00 Panel
Supporting Democratic Forces and Promoting Human Rights:
Addressing Authoritarian Regimes

Harald Klein, Head of Department 2, Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development, Germany


Otto Guevara Guth, President of Red Liberal de America Latina -

RELIAL, Costa Rica
Patrick Meinhardt MP, Chairman, Parliamentary Friendship Group for
Relations with the States of East Africa, Germany
Marietje Schaake MEP, Member of the European Parliament, D66,
Mohamed Tamaldou, President of the Network of Arab Liberals

Followed by Q&A
14:30 Closing remarks
Hans van Baalen, President of Liberal International
15:00 Break
15:30 17:00 LI Human Rights Committee
Human Rights and Womens Participation

Juli Minoves, LI Deputy President

Margaret de Vos van Steenwijk, Deputy President, International
Network of Liberal Women
Christina Christova, President, NMSP Bulgaria
Jonson Chong, Parti Keadilan Rakyat, Malaysia

19:00 Closing reception hosted by FDP, FNF, German Group of LI

Habel Weinkultur am Reichstag

Luisenstrae 19
10117 Berlin

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Time Activity
Throughout Departure of participants
the day

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