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SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

Week of October 21-25, 2013

Prd 1: See Period 5 of LP dated Oct. 14-18
Prd 2:

I. Objectives Teachers Reflection

A. Cognitive ____________________
1. Differentiate speed and velocity
2. Explain speed and velocity mathematically
3. Evaluate a word problem involving speed and velocity
B. Affective ____________________
1. Appreciate the role of speed in our lives __________________.
2. Manifest efficiency in doing ones work
C. Psychomotor
1. Solve word problems using GRESA

II. Subject Matter

Word Problems on Speed and Velocity

Valuing: Efficiency

III. Materials: PPT presentation

IV. Procedure
A. Motivation
Students watch a video of Usain Bolt, considered as the worlds fastest
athlete, taken during the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Ask If he covers 100
m in 9.58 s, what is his speed? How many seconds would it take you to
cover the same distance?

B. Presentation
CLS/Brainstorming. Students recall the formulas for getting speed (v)
and velocity (v). Applying their knowledge in ratio and proportions, and
algebra, they derive the formulas for distance, time and displacement.

They may come up with a mnemonic such as below.

Students solve word problems involving speed and velocity using

[1] The cheetah, considered the fastest land animal, can travel 625 m in
25.0 s. What is its average speed?
SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

[2] How far can the cheetah go in the previous problem go in one
[3] How long will it take the cheetah to run a distance of 5.0 km if it runs
at an average speed of 25 m/s?
[4] If Cathy, Myra and Eva all take 2.0 h to walk from the house to their
school at a rate of 1.0 m/s, how far is their school from the house?
[5] A Philippine Airlines plane regularly takes off from Manila at 5:30 am
and is expected to land in Zamboanga, 852 km south of Manila at
exactly 7:00 am. What should the average velocity of the plane be if it is
to land in Zamboanga City on time?

C. Processing
Q: What is the difference between speed and velocity?
Q: What is instantaneous speed and average speed? How do you
compute for them?
HOTS: In what areas or aspects in life can we apply our knowledge on
speed and velocity? Sports, games, doing ones job
Value of Efficiency: What is efficiency? How is it related to speed? As
a student, how do you show efficiency?

D. Synthesis
On their notebooks, students differentiate speed and velocity?
Speed is _______, while velocity is _______________.

Prd 3: HALF-DAY Faculty Retreat


I. Objectives Teachers Reflection

A. Cognitive ____________________
1. Differentiate speed and velocity
2. Explain speed and velocity mathematically
3. Evaluate a word problem involving speed and velocity
B. Affective ____________________
1. Appreciate the role of speed in our lives __________________.
2. Manifest efficiency in doing ones work
3. Recognize of the importance of knowing speed and motion
C. Psychomotor
1. Make a paper airplane that flies the farthest
2. Solve word problems using GRESA (GSW)

II. Subject Matter

Graded Seatwork Word Problems on Speed and Velocity

Valuing: Efficiency

III. Materials: PPT presentation, paper

SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter

IV. Procedure
B. Motivation
SCA/Paper Airplane (Engineering). Using size 1, students design and
make their own paper airplane. The goal is to make one that flies the
farthest. The winner shares her engineering secrets.

B. Presentation
Students recall how to get the distance, given the speed and time, by
filling-in the missing piece in the triangle.

Ans. d=vt

GSW (20 pts). Students solve word problems involving speed and
velocity using GRESA (p. 183 textbook)
[1] In 1.8 s, Sylvester, a smart and swift dachshund, caught his prey
that was 8.5 m away. What was Sylvesters speed?
[2] Tommy loves taking care of homing pigeons. He sent a note to his
crush who lives 2.0 km away from his house. These birds fly at a rate of
48.2 km/hr. How long will the note reach Tommys crush?
[3] If a driver takes 30 min to get to the town market, which is 1.5 km
away from your house, what is his average speed?
[4] If a bus traveling at 60 km/hr will cover a distance of 600 km, how
many hours will it take to reach its destination?

C. Processing
Q: How do you calculate for speed and velocity?
Q: Can you use other methods other than GRESA?
Q: What is your technique in knowing the unknown variable in a word
problem? How do you derive the unknown quantity?
HOTS: What are the positive and negative consequences when things
are fast? What are the positive and negative consequences when
things are slow?
Value of Efficiency: Which is more important, speed or accuracy?
Why is it important to have a good balance between the two?

D. Synthesis
CAC/Reflection. On a size 4, students write a reflection of the things
they learned about motion and how these things could be helpful in
their lives.


SCIENCE 8 (7) Lesson Plan SY 2013-2014 First Quarter


Lesson Tracker
If Iv Mg Tg
10/21 1 1 1 1

10/22 2 (ext.) 2 2 (ext.) 2

10/23 3 3 3 3



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