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B1 writing part 3 Writing an informal letter/email to a friend.

This writing skeleton uses 50 words in the introduction and the ending of the

You have to write approximately 100 in total.

This means that you only have to think of 50 words . These are easy to write as you
have to cover 3 points.

This means that you can spend more time on answering your friends questions.

You know that you will not make any mistakes with the 50 word skeleton so your marks
will be higher.

Exam question

This is part of a letter you receive from your penfriend James.

In your next letter, please tell me about the music you like.
Whats your favourite kind of music? Do you play an instrument?

Now write a letter, answering your penfriends questions.

Hi James,

How are you? Im fine. I have only just read your email, which came last week, because
Ive been really busy. It seems like ages since your last email. (30)

I play the guitar quite a lot. I am not very good but I enjoy it. I often go to my friends
house and we listen to music together. We like pop, rap and jazz music but I like rock
and roll music best . I listen to a lot of music on my MP3 player.I usually have it with

What about you ? Do you play an instrument ?

Well I have to go now. Please write back soon. Its always great to hear from you.
Bye for now, (20)


Now write your own skeleton that you can use for all emails/informal letters that you send to
your friends.

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