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Spring Run Trail

The Spring Run Trail (SRT) stretches just over 1 mile beginning at East
Avenue and ending at the Wilton border on the west side of I87. The
corridor is a former railroad bed converted to a multiuse trail and

No trail user surveys were collected on the trail and only 4 survey
respondents reported using the SRT in the online trail user survey. There
were 18 adjacent residential property owner surveys mailed and 6 were

Adjacent Residential Survey Summary Whatistheapproximatecurrentvalueofyourproperty?
Whichofthefollowingmostaccuratelydescribeshowyouuse Lessthan$99,999 0 0.0%
yourpropertyneartheTrail? $100,000199,999 0 0.0%
Itismyprimaryresidence 6 100.0% $200,000299,999 0 0.0%
Irenttoatenant,anddo $300,000399,999 2 33.3%
notoccupytheresidence 0 0.0% $400,000$499,999 2 33.3%
Itismysecondhome 0 0.0% $500,000ormore 2 33.3%
Itisunoccupied 0 0.0% Howwouldyoudescribethesettingofyourhousenearthe
Other 0 0.0% trail?
Whereisthetrailinrelationtoyourpropertyline? Urban 0 0.0%
Thetrailrunsthroughmy Suburban 6 100.0%
property 0 0.0% Rural 0 0.0%
thetrailrunsalongtheedge Whendidyouacquireyourhouse?
ofmyproperty 6 100.0% Afterthetrailwasbuilt 1 16.7%
Thetrailisnearmyproperty BeforetheTrailwasbuilt 5 83.3%
butnottouchingit 0 0.0% Compareyourinitialreactiontotheideaoflivingnearthetrail
Don'tknow 0 0.0% tohowyoufeelaboutlivingnearthetrailtoday.Wouldyousay
Approximatelyhowfar(infeet)istherailtrailfromyourhouse? thatlivingnearthetrailisbetterorworsethanyouexpectedit
Lessthan100ft. 2 33.3%
100ft.to199ft. 1 16.7% Muchbetter 1 16.7%
200ft.to499ft. 2 33.3% Better 2 33.3%
500ft.ormore 1 16.7% Same 3 50.0%
Approximatelyhowlargeisyourproperty? Worse 0 0.0%
Lessthan1/2acre 0 0.0% Muchworse 0 0.0%
Between1/2and1acre 2 33.3% Doyoufeelthetrailposesarisktoyourownoryourfamily's
Between1and3acres 3 50.0% safetyduetotheactivitiesoftrailusers?
3acresormore 1 16.7% Yes 1 16.7%
No 5 83.3%
Noopinion 0 0.0%
Ifyouweretotryandsellyourproperty,doyouthinkbeing Howdoyoufeelthetrailhasaffectedthequalityofyour
nearthetrailwillmakeitharderoreasiertosell? neighborhood?
Mucheasier 0 0.0%
Highlyimproved 1 16.7%
Easier 3 50.0%
Improved 4 66.7%
Same 3 50.0%
Noimpact 0 0.0%
Harder 0 0.0%
Worsened 1 16.7%
Muchharder 0 0.0%
Completelydeteriorated 0 0.0%
Noanswer 0 0.0%
Howdoyouthinkbeinglocatednearthetrailhasaffectedthe physicalactivitylevels?
Yes 4 66.7%
Loweredtheresalevalue 0 0.0%
No 2 33.3%
Increasedtheresalevalue 3 50.0%
Notsure 0 0.0%
value 3 50.0% Doyoufeelthatthedevelopmentandmanagementoftrailisa
Noopinion 0 0.0%
Yes 5 83.3%
neighbor? No 0 0.0%
Noopinion 1 16.7%
Verysatisfied 3 50.0%
Satisfied 2 33.3%
Daily 2 33.3%
Indifferent 1 16.7%
Frequently 2 33.3%
Unsatisfied 0 0.0%
Occasionally 2 33.3%
Veryunsatisfied 0 0.0%
Rarely 0 0.0%
Never 0 0.0%

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