Test b1 Int

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Complete the following sentences using a preposition.

1. Im sick ______ everybody telling me what to do!
2. She was sad ____________ failing the exam.
3. Here we will be safe _____________ the storm.
4. I was surprised ________ how well he spoke English.
5. Im terrible ____________ doing sports!
6. James is terrified ______________ spiders.
7. What is wrong __________ you?
8. She is really worried ______________ the meeting next week.
9. Im sorry _____________ breaking your glasses.
10.These shoes are not suitable __________________ running.

B. Complete the following sentences using a 0, 1st or 2nd conditional.

1. If I ______________ (do) this test, I __________________ (improve) my
2. If he _________________(have) more time, he _______________________
(learn) karate.
3. If it _______________ (rain) tomorrow, I _________________________ (have
to / not) water the plants.
4. My brother _________________________(buy) a sports car if
he _____________________ (have) the money.
5. If you _____________ (heat) ice, it _______________ (melt).

C. Complete the following sentences using between 1 and 3 words.

1. I love to run and my friend does too.

My friend loves the run and ________________ I.

2. I went to the cinema last night with my best friend Mark.

I went to the cinema last night and _____________ my best friend Mark.

3. I cant speak French very well and neither can Sarah.

Sarah cant speak French very well and __________________ I.

4. My friends and I need to study for the exam.

I have to study for the exam and _________________ my friends.

5. Michael and I dont have any siblings.

Michael doesnt have any siblings and ________________________.

D. Complete the following sentences using a relative pronoun.

1. I talked to the girl __________ car had broken down in front of the
2. Mr. Richards, __________ is a taxi driver, lives on the corner.
3. The children, __________ shouted in the street, are not from our
4. What did you do with the money ____________ your mother lent
5. Theres the dog ___________ bit me
6. This is the city ____________ I was born.
7. My neighbour, _____________ is 70 now, is a nice person.
8. His work, ______________ is quite boring, is important to him.
9. 1945 was the year _______________ the war finished.
10. Where is the bicycle _____________ you stole?

E. Translate the following text into English.

Ayer fui a la playa con mis amigos, pero cuando llegamos empez a
llover. Nos mojamos porque no tenamos un paraguas, y cuando
llegu a casa tena mocos. El da siguiente fui al mdico y me
pregunt: "Qu te pasa?" Le dije que estaba resfriado, tena fiebre y
escalofros y me dola la cabeza. Me dijo no te preocupes y dio un

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