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Outline for EXTRA (topic, grammar, lexis)

Programme Contexts/ GCSE Topic Grammar Lexis

My world Present tense Living together
1 The arrival of Sam Immediate future Being friends
Meeting people Imperatives Receiving visitors
Friends and family Interrogatives Family relationships
Daily routine Negatives
House and home Modal verbs

Work and lifestyle Pronouns personal (subject, object), Paying compliments

2 Sam goes shopping emphatic Explaining misunderstandings
Health Perfect tense Describing people
Fashion Simple reported speech Offering to help
Shopping Adjectives, agreement, adjective
Clothes order
Appearance Demonstrative adjectives
Possessive adjectives

My world/lifestyle Imperatives Relationships, including chat-up lines

3 Sam has a date Present participles Compliments
Exercise and lifestyles Simple reported speech Talking about ideal partners
Relationships Passive Describing personality
Meeting people Demonstrative pronouns
Making a good impression

Work and lifestyle Modes of address Getting presents

4 Sam finds a job Adverbs Restaurant language
Job seeking Impersonal verbs Vocabulary of food
Eating out Modal verbs Dealing with the unpredictable
Talking about cooking

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