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And the written is neither grandiose nor persecutory and as sure as hell is not delusional.


After greater than a decade of fighting for rights of the poor I now know liquid nitrogen hearted bastards did not let me know my aging parent passed away
while they were at work to bury my life and all I see. The story and strength of an old woman was trampled and murdered by pride of system persons
and I wasnt told a funeral was held. I tried communicating to Edmonton Corporate office of Albertas Mental Health Board at 10180 101st 7fl in 2007, yet
in stealth without a reason eps cops were called to intimidate while I spoke to advocate. Downstairs I asked why cops were called. Curtis Hoople badge#2456
said he didnt see why they called, as I came across well in my communications &addedly he said I might seek media to get heard! Are citizens reporting
system persons elder-napping, labeling, neglecting, assaulting, deadly drugging & terrorizing. In 2017 I found chillingly she died in 2011 only 4yrs after
she was taken. I was just told where her head-stone is. (*Interestingly I emailed and yet after 4 yrs system persons didnt get in contact with me to tell me
she passed). That shamefully was to buryingly exit duties owed. Now they want to bury a greatly needed Lantern of knowledge .

In 2015 I was taken and closed inside Remand Hells to take and put to death my report and life. The reporting was on non-lawful broad-messaging.
The records and words seen inside my report (reveal why) we must re define; organic policing language, worldwide securities, and court stages.

On March 16th 2012 at 1:46:17pm I received an email from the world renowned Professor Fred Berlin of Johns Hopkins University. Berlin was emailing to
express thanks for sending him a pdf update of the Cullen Report. He appeared & disappeared. Berlin was later accused of things and left the picture
but not as Professor Richard Gardner who stabbed himself in the chest with a butcher knife cause he could not scale and judge broad-messaging.
In his reticent email he said;"I really appreciate you sending me this report". He had time to search & skim the report. Now August 2017 I present the answers.
Earlier reality report operations were in 2009. I uploaded a June 2009 phone-call with the Canadian Attorney Generals office. I told the federal office that
all material before June 7th 2009 is not the report. - The Justice Ministers DMA said; Yeah exactly, you told
me that the real thing is the June 7th report, nothing before that. Strangely I later got a letter recording a earlier May 13th update. In the federal letter
he wrote July 20th 2009; Dear Mr. Cullen, Thank you for your correspondence of May13th 2009 in which you enclose a copy of your report regarding
child porn. AttorneyGeneral-R.D.Nicholson The report wasnt on that. The reporting was identifying a great nation to nation Brewery of illusions.

If any deny that they detect knowledge of danger and are shutting at a truth teller whose fighting propaganda, once proof of the truth appears adequately
seeable, then if any deny, then we see that that, is to accuse, yes is to threaten. That denying is repressing, and so is disguising appearances of danger
and is defaulted to riding a current or tides of propaganda! Such denying is not to salvage & shelter. (Its a act to side and is riding inside non-lawful
broad messaging a propos youth and children). (As they deny, its proof its perverting as that assists causing loss of security) by forces of orthodoxy.
Thus we see that denying is not sanctifying and that its lying which threatens citizenry safety as a matter of world security interest. Its fruitless braying
anger is attempting a arrogant reversal which threatens by calling on non lawful broad messaging. Non-related & related persons are not who they claim
they are if they deny this report. Denying isnt a Freudian out. Its a passionless escape into synthetic dignity. (sin)thetic! What snout-headed persons
could not and would not figure out for their selves was forced on me. I raise the truth I named; Genesiss Bi-known. A denier will slip away into any
illusional stage or circumstances which are not about trustedness. They turn or depart out, in a static way and way which appears retreated. They act as
if they are the face of righteous-effacing yet that face is ugly from its own far from pure thoughts & ways. They dont really want the truth. They want to
step up on the great height of a truth teller, as a way to exalt their self. They madly played on the awareness that to tell of the reality one must find nearly
perfect words as there is the revelation that there is an equilibrium of words one must find otherwise all falls like a house of cards. And they acted as if
the work of trying to find the fitting words to stand and fight was a mess caused by the truth teller (me) while they saw a warship of words was nearly built,
a vessel of a report which will set the poor free and conquer false witnessing. They act out bad faith yet act as if the reporter is. Its a verily great shame!

The conscience is an alarm system which social parasites wire or program widely, a illusional matter from non-lawful broad messaging! If an enemy gets
sick by a truth, the truth is an emetic, and so evil energy, is not from my report. Out of modern records the matter I bring to light is that persons repress
knowledge of a nearly non existable but from time to time existable primary prettification which is of a dimension which does not need zone like cosseting
but is what is ascended a nascent nature. I found persons confuse to deny the existence of the realities which ascend passed non-readied formative stages.
They confuse using all which are appearing (at) exiting nascent, (at) entering appositeness, yes all which are not ready but in little time are. The existence
of that nascent numerator is easily-confused affectedly from fast false-alarming language, and from that is illusional-overriding. The knowledge decloaks
a war of acting and decloaks that its to divert. That acting falls outside an even sight of the law! Such are twistingly nonamenable at truth calling people
to definedly see youth. I investigated evidences of Genesiss -Bi-known, and I am not appetized by or open to condoned material posings & solicitations.
I raise and report ; Genesiss Bi-known. Do not let any deny the truth out of an excuse that they dont know what a few words mean or cause they were
too lazy to find and open a dictionary. I was taken inside system hells to crucify & bury my reporting & life. (The knowledge reveals an of course low but
existable# indexed-the-lesser-aged, which are of ready points and I raise that madly the file&fate of people is by whether or not the in-principle existable
exceptions are admittedly identified & recognized by system driven macro messaging). Clearly magically youth do not turn mature when they blow out their
candles on their 18th birthday and science reminding that reproductive systems are ready at twelve does not prove all are ready to defend choosing
to turn down a risk. Clad is proof of conscious of the need to guard anatomy but that is not all the needed-armor. (Reality is not orientations but is
pretty nearly non existable exceptions). I would say .03% or greater of youth are. Yes few are of the numerator. God knows why percentage varies. Seen
from the Worlds-records is PROOF that in the natural world differing is of such (a not far from mirroring) but contrary nature that if confused in the minds
eye of society that misleads to periling illusions people are unseaming. - You are now an eye-witness of the Godly revelation of Genesiss Bi-known.
Confusing by what and confusing causes what? The conscience is confused by illusional torrents. Its nuclear at the function of conscience neural circuitry,
equating into shock and harm to minds. Its illusional nature speeds to curse which is why you might feel shock if one speaking is not given the stage to an
able number of people. And principleless people are enlisted to lie&destroy to divert. * I find a person I tell balks, yet where is a flaw in the knowledge.
There is not any! Any who do not rightly govern their duty to honour the revealed understanding in my report show they insultingly (fail) to act straightforward.

One of the witnesses I wrote of (Browne), they shipped to Africa. Is a corrupt Africa in bed with a corrupt Alberta? And September 9th 2016 in court a judge
ran out of the court room after I had given an account which proved the prosecutor was advancing a false light with respect to rhetorical realities. I rebuked
the prosecutor and I said I had proven I was facing fiendishly false and malicious prosecuting. That judge who I believe was a deputy Minister attempted to
corrupt the court record by attempting to stop my vital words. I did not let that and so he got up and ran out the court room. I shouted, Insanity of the Court
Insanity of the court. A former StMt.inmate said that shipping a witness to Africa and the judge running out while I was proving what is what, (proves system
persons are lying about me and are caught) and said its a sign that persons indeed fear my report and accounts. You will find what I said in court on page17.
I found and judged what by itself turns the world into lies. You may choose to look the other way , but you can never again say you did not know. W.W.
If people understand the report, they are rejoicing and are angeredly spiriting their voice to get the words heard. Are you? If yes in deed, you pass the test .
If not a person is a breach of all I wrote on denying. We see proof of a great world Brewery of illusions, of world and national security interest. People who
agree with the report make sense. Non-exceeding-media and persons running babylonian-facility-manacles, know the Centurys history records narrated
non-biknown-principle-based sanctioning&declaiming inside the earths cities of nations. And people with petrol-hoses steered all away from truth. There is
that cursed or self condemning pride of MPs erected on national tv saying its managing mental health issues, yet my report marks that anti-truth.
media-report-claims-alberta-police-abduct-traffic-aboriginal-children-for-profit/ -The warnings from others seen here is not a figment of mental health matters.

There is a real matter of authorities terrorizing my free speech rights and a real matter of police and system persons forging a causing reasonless fear charge
and profiling to bury free speech. 2016 news showed a example of that.
couple/5540465 * BC Judge Catherine Bruce made history in Canada and North America when she ruled that John Nutall and Amanda Korody convicted on
terrorism charges were in reality entrapped by police neighboring Alberta.
The Advocate Ruth Adria with three decades of experience told the law firm owner Ronald.A.Morin that I was abducted by system persons to bury my writing
and my public interest reporting. On June 13th 2017 I heard the news of a Edmonton eps peace officer under Kidnapping and sexual assault charges,
accused of flashing police car lights to trap. The female said that that eps officer threatened to use false charges to manipulate. Reportedly the Edmonton
resident took photos of that officer so none could claim it was a person impersonating a officer. Yes eps cops are kidnapping by acting out false arrests !

The advocate testified to panel officials, yes testified that I was subjected to non-lawful facility detaining, torture and she testified that the side of persons
advancing at my rights is quote unquote full of holes and contradictions, and the Albertan testified that as a court-room observer she witnessed that
Edmontons Crown-appointed, admitted on June 16th 2016 that its not able to discern (10 months passed) whether or not the processing to verdict is real.
Miss Adria referred to page four of the July 19th 2016 court record which reminded of that from June 16th when the Crown carried the message, yes leaked
out a message, that all I emailed officials for years appears seems within the law. A Lawyer named Guy Doyon declared in court that there appears
a system outrage advanced at my life and public interest messaging. I told that to a lawyer named Laurie Wood who marked that July 16th telling message
by the appointed Crown. I say as God as my witness that outside of court Lawyer Ronald A. Morin three times referred to me as a literary genus and said I
was thrown in the remand under BS trumped up indicts, and he said my case is the most important free speech case in the nation. Canadas fallen Attorney
General of 2009 and Canadas Ambassador to the United States each in writing messaged interest and gratitude for my earliest reporting from years earlier.

Sociopaths and psychopaths bury their heads in sand at paramount records honest people find impossible to deny. What proof is there? Of youth porn
next to Canada New York State legalized the viewing for a State of twenty+ million people. How can a thing next to Canada of that great mass not exist? Likewise told by the Internet Watch Foundation 75%
of companies said theyd not report to police if employees download material of youth. "The results are shocking" said IWFs Exec.Director Peter Robins.
How is nearly two hundred companies saying that not Capital to all citizens? And likewise 5200 Pentagon heads were accused of downloading material
of preteens on Government computers. That is not an excusable number of elite people, but is a sign. And you were no told that the IMAX corporation
giant was licensed in deed to make and market youth porn for British societies of Europe in the 1970s. And inside the scope of every citizen Canada
let older men make corporal videos of fourteen-year-olds, a Canada Supreme Court ruling recorded in 2001. 2016 news reminded of that. Barabash and Rollison.
And of course truth is not that a want at inchoate is natural, but that verily there are pieces to a great puzzle which people are not really justifiably settling.

People say they know truth, and yet they do not want heard that adversaries which targeted my needed reporting and life are accused by Canadian writer
Henry Makow who wrote May7/2008; Under a thin veneer of Law we are governed by a secret network of persons of warped knowledge masquerading
as prominent lawyers, judges, politicians, businessman and Police Chiefs. Hiding behind jesting terms FKN Newz said they are; running your country
-in fact running any institution through which they may perpetrate rape upon defenseless and vulnerable children, watching each-others backs,
working their way into power and influence so that such persons (running systems) are not investigated. How many appearances of cover-up does it need
before people take it as a fact". And for years police recorded witnesses reporting that a top broadcasting producer Jimmy Savile (with no formal
education), with system persons was committing sexual acts on retarded, brain injured and handicapped detained children inside of hospital facilities and
psychiatric institutions for decades, inside of facilities run by governing persons throughout the modern nations of Britain.

Lawyer Barb Hewson (admitted publicly); What we have here is the (prurient) manipulation of the criminal justice system to produce scapegoats on demand.

Alberta MP R. Anders said on cpac; I have seen things happen on a federal level. MPs were are offered young females. Ive seen a lot with my own eyes.
I think the matter is far worse than Richard Fadden has let on.

British Naval Officer diplomat Brian Gerrish stated; The state is now attacking its own citizens. Its obvious they know of and are apart of (whats going on).

Targeting my writing fits! Alberta Edmonton & Calgary shutting me inside where wayless walls of its facilities bury me using people & things, is a example.

Any which deny my report forfeit their right to claim they understand and shelter and keep children. How people each narrate their self is a choice,
but choose wisely for the words within my report are in deed not from any false spirited and damned foundation .

Residing people of the world are found saying that they dont want heard the crest question of how we follow the narrate as we know history recorded
that PM David Camerons special child porn Advisor Peter Rock was found with material. And the political news correspondent Jane Merrick wrote
that Cameron admitted that inside nations high street stores sell clothes which sexualize little children, using skin tight shorts, mini-skirts and lace lingerie.
Sociopaths and related persons do not want heard whats happening by persons which are managing securities and broad messages. They say all is real
in their life work and relations yet they do not want heard that Child Protection Press Secretary Al Zimmerman was accused. They do not want heard that
Youth Democrats President Benjamin Jakes-Johnson was found with material of youth, and Founder & Director of childrens events Anthony J.Norris.
People say they keep their self and their life story real yet they do not want heard that the charged Jack Shay an Alaska Mayor was on a School Board
and was given a "Citizen of the Year" award.
sentenced-six-years-prison-buying-child-porn.html The Harvard Professor Richard Keller called himself a hypocrite! They say all is customary in their families

and work and yet sociopaths and related persons do not want heard that Leading Cancer Researcher Doctor Dana Faratian was not taken out of services
after he was charged. Their life is real, cash loaders and relatives say
and yet they do not want heard that world renowned heart surgeon Philipp Bonhoeffer was accused and the world renowned Doctor John Mark Felton
who developed vaccines to fight diseases in third world countries. They say they keep their self and life real yet they do not want heard that world leading
child abuse researcher Christopher Bagley was accused and tv news production founder Carlos Cruz was accused. They say all is real in their life work
and relations and yet they do not want heard that Nature Sanctuary President Clyde Rudolph Allen Jr was accused and people are found saying that they
dont want heard that Humane Society Medical Director Katerina Williamson resigned after her boy friend was accused. They say all is real in their family,
at work and relations and yet they do not want heard that a Founder of Pan American Airways was accused and Chairman of International Medicine
Doctor James Shin. Accused is not proof or a sign of truth.
Social Services Director ChristopherAlanHogge was accused. The World Wresting Federations Commentator Jerry the King Lawler was non-rightly accused.
Persons and their nearest relatives are found saying they do not want heard the crest question asking how we follow the narrate of the tar sands while
repressing that World renowned oil industry expert Liam Gibson was charged. They say its a on track real community health system yet they do not
want heard that Brain-Surgeon Abraham Stephanopoulos was accused and Housing Corporation President Russell Harding, and Real Estate Firm Owner
Thomas J.Bertilelli and Real Estate President Charles Larkin A - They audience church each week yet they do not want heard that the National Pastors
Association Ethics Watchman speaker Israel Kestenbaum was accused as was Washingtons National Childrens Museum Operating Director
Robert Singer and the World renowned conductor of Russias National Orchestra Mikhail Pletnev, and Canadas National Agriculture Museum Manager
Franz Klingender. World renowned Child Dyslexia Specialist Chris Singleton and the son of famous Astronaut Walter Schirra, and Gulf War General
Raymond Germanos were accused. Training Director for the severely handicapped James Everett Crim and Parks & Cemetery manager Frank Bergamasco
and Funeral Home Director John Casey Young, and the Spokesman for Hawaiis Shark Task force Randy Honebrink, - all with respect to material of youth.
And Computer Network Security V.President Duane Amity. Persons say all is honest in their families and in their work and yet they do not want heard
that Jamie the relative of President John F. Kennedy was charged, and Elvis Presley's Lawyer D. Beecher Smith II. They say all is real inside their souls
yet they do not want heard that Chief Scientist and Oceanographer William Kenneth Stewart who did the exploration of the sunken Titanic Ship was found
with material, a world leading scientist at one of the most highly ranked marine research facilities in the world! They say all is real in their day to day story
and yet sociopaths do not want heard that as a public record a witness told a US Govt committee that she was prostituted out at nine by CIA agents
to rich and upper-class clients in a place called Deep Creek Cabins. Verily I see the Emperors New Clothes, in letting shameful Manitoba Politician
Darrell Ackman run for a election while facing charges of voyeurism, touching and using teen runaways. System persons governing let him run since
Mr. Ackmans nomination papers had 130 names and only 100 are needed to run. Canadian governors let him on the account that charges werent proven.
We heard the news of the tell-all exhibit by Canadas Ottawa Museum of Science & Technology. Likewise they dont want heard that a Media Conference
Office of the Catholic Bishops of the Philippines warned that shopping mall owners and managers are selling porn materials related to children. Corporate
Director for Kmart, President of Sears Canada, Safeway-Head and Walmart Proprietor were accused, Guy Russo, Steven Lynn Hines V.Power and Kurt Quimby.
Toys R Us selling children corrupting Archie Comics. Sesame Streets Composer was accused, and Mother Teresa of all people. Rocket Scientist James
R. Robinson Nasa's Space Missions Propulsion Systems Manager was accused. Persons circling Genesiss Bi-known do not want heard that in all cities
great numbers of psychiatrists & psychologists are accused like the President of Americans Board of Forensic Psychology Greenburg, Psychiatric Director
Claude E. Foulk, Publishing Psychologist Michael J.Crowley, national expert on bullying Nicolas Dubin, the UKs famous Kim Fraser, to name just a few.

Eps cops stole my data but I kept written data inside of a safety deposit box at my bank. -Names of leading police I reminded of were Detective;
Anthony Mangione, Detective Bob Pankonien Jr., Detective Charles Nunn, Detective Chris Lacey, Detective Chris.K.Bowersox, Detective Craig Stanley,
Detective Cymon Paluolgyi, Detective David Geering, Detective Frank D.Cochran, Detective Franklin L.Smith, Detective Graham Ferguson,
Detective James haspel, Detective Jeremy B.Grammer, Detective John O Connor, Detective Krister Kaj Vilen, Detective Lance McConnel,
Detective Larry Chu Detective Luigi Castillo Detective Martin John Kear, Detective Michael Niebling, Detective Michael Farrel, Detective Michael Vause,
Detective Richard Polk, Detective Robert Green jr, Detective Ron Vaughn Jr, Detective Ross Frame, Detective Sidney Fillery, Detective Stan NadoraskiJr,
Detective Vincent Alvarez and Allan Hoffman. I give news addresses next. - It is not hard to see motives eps had when they denied my life and rights !
Police Chiefs; Chief Andrew Demers jr.
assaulting-child.html was the most decorated officer in mains history. Police Chief Joe Goggin
charged-with-molestation3-yr-oldboy Police Chief Gary Wayerski
with-molesting-teens Police Chief Akins seen molesting children FastPitch/archives/2010/01/13/kansas-police-chief-michael-akins-
charged-with-sex-crimes-against-children Police Chief Carl Smith accused molesting five year old girls
police-chief-charged/9099657/ Police Chief Clarence W. Gregory Sr
trying-to-instruct-them/ PoliceChiefPatrickF.Lynchstalking
Police Chief Michael Meissner was found with youth porn.
a-sexual-predator-or-the-victim-of-a vendetta/ Charles Childers
Evan Morgan Police Chief William Jacobs Anthony V.Mangione
becomes-accused-top-u-s-official-investigated-for-kiddy-porn/ Police Chief Ray Monk was found with youth porn
/new_2002 0804092.shtml Police Chief Lawrence Woods was found with youth porn
child-porn Police Chief Hilton Cordero Rosario was found with youth porn
porn_15490044 Police Chief Robert Geist was found with youth porn
pleads-guilty-to-child-pornography-charge/25379908 Police Chief James Jenkins was found with preteen pornography
/article_5c0a75d7-7793-5e14-b636-92e48d02d023.html Police Chief Gary Reynolds was found with preteen porn
/06/ex-winchester-police-chief-accused-of-showing-child-porn.php The teaching I gave on page six might account for honourable Chiefs and Detectives.
First know that all overpowering persons are perverted & perverting, and how we know is; (overpowering is undoing securities). There you see the principle!
All which are evil, handle (wantingly), which is perveting. Nay to any modern lawed age for consent ; Why is that inside that, consciousness magnifications
are not leveled and persons side with overpowering. Its not Genesiss Biknown friendly. Its seeing falsely strongly, and so its (rout)inely ridingly
overpowered at all existing (at)-exiting nascent, (at)-entering passable fittingness, and so siding with overpowering is assistingly perverted at youth.

Genesiss Bi-known is not condemning the present and not approving the past. The report presents real truth shining light towards a great time of lies.
I was reporting history scholars like MerrilDSmith reminding that the nations modern systems let youth marry at thirteen and under that in most societies.
What does that say of persons now firing related cyber-con terms at the Citizenry? Law Professor Richard.A.Posner messaged that the worlds elite govts
acquiesced with and gave authority to all that. The non-prohibiting was, at the time Canadas parliament was first in session near the end of the1800s,
at six and four years under what the law is now. Thats a hard record to take in and that does not temple the reality grounded knowledge of the bi-known.
Earlier British Englands Chief Judge and Solicitor General Richard Coke reminded the press and public that the nations let the marriages and related acts.
Examples of States were; Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New-Hampshire, New Jersy, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota,
Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Road Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Before the 1970s
the American Law Institute wanted that past re-codified in all states. That doesnt message the biknown. Criminal Lawyer Norm Pattiss 2008 blog records
that the age for marriage and all which is related was much lower than what we are told. His words appear to carry the message that citizens are mad
or are nuts for pretending as if that little time ago the cities of earth were not that way. The measure of time is like yesterday as we report not on 1300
decades ago or 130 decades ago but (13 decades ago) which is like yesterday. If liars had their story straight, then such a time and such records would
never have been. That which was such little time ago shows that people lost sight of natures biknown, and that cabinet and citizenry persons went mad.
And we see that ;

A matter like what was at Salem and the time of color codes, we face illusional matters caused by people which deny by using cool act fashions to feign
command with a call to fruitless braying anger or indict braying. Its a modern matter of denying that is nuclear at the function of conscience neural circuitry.
I wrote that such denying is a false hearted attempt to escape into security, yes attempting a arrogant reversal by calling on non-lawful broad messaging.
I wrote of a world renowned professor and feds acknowledging my report. I wrote that the advocate and court room reporter Ruth Adria detected that I was
abducted and later wrote warning system persons that I was put under a false arrest and that my life and all my rights were threatened & discarded. I wrote
that fill-in lawyer Guy Doyon declared in court that there appears a conspired system outrage advanced at my reporting. I wrote that lawyer R.Morin said
I am a literary genius who was thrown in the remand based on BS indicts, and that my case is the most important free speech case in the country. I wrote
that June 16th 2016 the Crown itself messaged that its indict is not real, which I reminded a court of on July 19th. I wrote of the witness Ruth Adria
reminding of that. Honourable officials if any need to work with Adria. I wrote of the iclm news editorial titled; when does fiction stop and reality start?
I wrote of web warnings that Canada is governed by a secret network of persons of warped knowledge running systems and watching each others backs.
And I featured paramount records as proof of all I say. - Now verily why would any deny if they are not lying to people they named, and lying to their self.

Its not that real passion is in guitar playing, trades-work and mechanics. Helicopter mechanic Danny Frank Goodermote was accused. The band known as
Led Zeppelin was accused for its album covers, the rock guitar player Peter Townsend, the guitar player Stephen Coronel of the rock band known as KISS,
and guitar player Robert Wachtel who played with Fleetwood Mac and the Rolling Stones were all accused with respect to youth, to name just a few.
Am I in the way of their televised hockey game? - Yes narrated by David Sealy who was a director for programs such as Hockey Night in Canada!

Losing sight of the biknown is great danger since there is (a significant loss of seeing littleness right), which of course leads to violent and belittling revving
language and terms. (Anger drives). Persons failing naturally use anger yet such anger is manipulating so never arrives righteously where a person must.
Anger is extreme manipulating. Manipulating fakes and forges reality. At illusions from extreme manipulating of anger a person believes their own lies.
A way to quickly see which liars are the greatest danger is in seeing which person erects or proxies anger. You see a number of points to help all see how
we know all discretionlessly angered persons are not trustable towards youth and children. Persons which disguise a perverting nature at children turn up
discretionlessly angered at others accused. Why, is that such anger attempts to destroy visibility of shame and so is wanting escape. A person
want to destroy visibility by acting out hate at any accused. Such anger is a exercise that attempts acting to destruct as a way to disguisingly-escape.
A discretionlessly angered person turns up with statements such as; One thing I wont tolerate is any hurting a child. Ill kill any that touches a child.
Its a nature of persons used as weapons to divert and fire violent labeling detonated or squid inked out at the truths raised. I name the matter Hot Saucing.

People appear lost inside a labyrinth as they attempt to act honest. Professor Rudolf Schaffer stated that it has become quite apparent that young youth
are not necessarily more vulnerable to quite severe adversities. Thats not a reason to pass bills which are outside reality biknown grounded knowledge.

If a citys or States public respond like peculiar people zealous for real words then that is a blessed sign, otherwise a city is like the public in Germany.
Germanys Federal Green Party called to legalize acts with all ages. Although the shocking news, the party received nearly a tenth of the national
publics vote. That clearly is not the mind of Genesiss Bi-known. Edmontonians and Albertans must show they support any and all raising my report.

Language of persons asserting their pride is not reality grounded! Scientist Mary J. Ruwart claimed children who act willingly have the right, and the
Federal Judge Ruth B. Ginsburg and Senator Ersilia Salvato messaged that to recognize rights systems must lower the age for consenting to twelve.
Where is the message of Genesiss Bi-known inside that . Meanwhile Albertas self-condemned Remands and Penitentiaries and default Alberta Hospital
(synagogues of Satan), and other default known as Dwaynes House use cons to spread cyber propaganda terms (to divert). And system related people
which arrive downstairs for Dwaynes House cocaine anonymous meetings are addicted to lies, not simply to coke. On the other side, we know
Anne Frank wrote; I know I am a woman, a woman with inward strength and plenty of courage, and of interest we see adult(s) appearing as preteens
in examples such as the actress Yuko Ogura. Proof is broad. Fig-leafed adversaries inside systems illegally threatened me into not openly featuring
[as a peoples exhibit], material signs of older and younger people. Entertainer Yuko Ogura at 18 and in her 30s appearing like a preteen, serves
the world proof of Genesiss Biknown. Falsely arresting me after years of receiving the material, and non-lawfully using a Alberta court (to threaten
the visibility of that), is a violent breach of Canadas constitution and violent breach of the UNs agreed-to Charter. I was not interested in their material,
nay I was and am interested in seeable realities & truths they stirred inside their bull manure global matrix machine.
Its a great latter days war of mad lies, yet few entered onto the battle-field, which is why I must remind Adria and all who follow real truth of the following;

In 2010 Journalist James Travers warned that fallen media are co-conspirators which is why people with truth wrestling-systems are not getting heard.
To mislead the nation, it appears Current Affairs reporter Ben McCormack was regularly on tv to divert using citizens, since he himself is now accused. July 8th
In 2010 before his March 3rd 2011 death, James Travers stated; MPs are blinding Canadians to truths they need to know, advancing (by assumptions
and emotion waves, not reasoning and proof). Comforting illusions are routinely pitted against less comfortable truths. That was the year Mom was
murdered, and people do not have the character of trust to really examine and understand.
also-controls-opinions-and-attitudes-people-and-there-little-can be done. SammyG Why? they who can help wont
_and_self_indulgent_to_notice_they_re_controlled_by_a_zionist_cabal_says_iran_s_state_press - Latter days faith warns that acting closed or careless is self-cursing - - Euginio G. Lopez lll

Persons do not appear faithful for a moment yet for a year Ruth documented and was at work to help me. How cursed or shameful that any wouldnt.
In the end God shall reward all who helped me and the persons which deny, in the end face Him who is not a respecter of rich or Ruth(less) persons.
Persons act like Judas Iscariot who said he was on Jesuss side yet later betrayed Him with a kiss before handing Him over to Roman & Jewish hypocrites.
A retired Alberta Eye Surgeon in his 80s Douglas L.Anderson sent me a email 5/11/2014/9:19am, and on 4/13/2014/5:49pm he stated; To Shawn Cullen:
Thank you for recognizing my honesty in exposing the wrongdoing of authorities in the Health Care System of Alberta. Cheers - Doug Anderson.
Anderson who I acknowledged told me he was cruelly ignored with respect to health needs and rights. /2017/04/notley-
government-of-alberta-refuses-to.html investigate proven wrongdoing by authorities in the system. On Edmontons internet he says the (Minister of Seniors and Housing)
and others are acting as criminals by refusing to communicate, and that acting likewise is Alberta's College of Physicians and Surgeons whose spokes -
person Kelly Eby in 2013 messaged that while he is getting investigated for possessing youth porn doctor Michael Graff, is still allowed to practice.

A Albertan who has been homeless and who said eps beat him up seen my past updates and he gave statements he said I could record in my reporting.
Edmontonian Ray William Cornelius stated, and I quote; The world must see the Cullen Report because it relates to every thing in every ones life .
I dont care if you are a race car driver or the President of the United States, everyone needs to read your Report. And before I was taken at the end
of August 2015, Mohammed former Resident of the Charles J. Carter residence stated; "Your report is a knowledge phenomenon containing the power
to unite the world, and you can quote me on that. You are a modern day Moses and instead of a staff you have a pen. An Albertan named Eddy
emailed stating; Your report gives insight into the human element. You have nailed it! The Cullen Report is totally impossible for any to debunk.
I am frustrated that people have not seen the light of The Cullen Report. I do not in any way doubt the report but I doubt the sector crooks integrity.

EPS inside its non-lawful lying narrates acted as if I was targeting the Queen. I was not denying the possibility that one is fooled or blinded. I was
simply re-reporting news that favoured Royal Butler Nicholas Greaves, Royal-Butler-Paul-Kidd, Royal Butler for the British High Commission
Joshua Luke Ferguson, Royal Guardsman Andre Dunn, Windsor Castle Guardsman Simon Davies, Royal Family Guardsman Christopher Exley,
Security Chief for Buckingham Palace David Tracey, Royal Justice Advisor Adrian Fulford, Royally chosen Auditor General Jeremy Colman, Royal Rolls
Royce owner Sir William Joseph Slim (Viscount), award-winning Royal family police inspector Thomas Simmons, Royal representative Nancy Mortimer,
the Royal Chef for the Royal yacht Britannia Douglas Slade, and Royal portraits painter Rolf Harris -- were all accused with respect to youth. The
favoured national-Guard for Prime Ministers John McAleese who Margaret Thatcher said made her proud she was British, was likewise later accused.

In June of 2015 I got acknowledged by a Canadian media writer two months before my reality reporting was high-jacked & abducted. What I did not know
is that at that time that recognized media writer was getting targeted by system persons and a Jewish cult called Bnai Brith which was founded in NewYork
City in the mid-19th century. Targeting him was a politically motivated & reactionary Sec.319(2) Criminal Code of Canada charge. From my understanding,
a appearance is that he wrote of a global threat of mad Jews, but not of every Jew, and smoking gun proof is in him being married to a Jewish woman.
The point there, is in deed proof that court records are not justified chronicling (narrating) a message of wiping-out the future of every Jew. And secondly
is the appearance of a (jest), that mad persons are like cats and dogs needing to get spayed and neutered, which weighs in as a love to enemies text,
which is not a spread of hate and there is a matter of persons using a mad lens on that. Examine the reasoning which weighs in towards Arthur Topham.
Canadas Ontario Civil Liberties Association defended Topham against the states attack on freedom of thought and expression OCLA used the principle
that those whose views are most at odds with orthodoxy and those most attacked using all the States weight are those most in need of civil defense.
That message, points to the reporting which courts see I do! I hope Alberta advocate Adria and others which are not conscienceless see the point there. - We know people keep in their home

what they spayed or neutered. Here we see that convicting folly is not the need, and we see that the real matter, is the loss of security of free thought, free
speech and free articulating graced. We see the appearances that the points I raised are proof the ruling at Topham breaches the constitution and calls for
a appeal to vindicate. Bnai Brith lessens national security with its charge at Topham, and that raises the question of what Bnai Brith is repressing. Yes
and a regional director Bill Surkis of that Bnai Brith in Canada was accused with respect to youth porn.
As I wrote, that Bnai Brith was founded in New York City. Is that of interest? The worlds first organization devoted entirely to child protection came into
existence as the New York Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and in 1969 the first police surveillance cameras were put in the New York City
Municipal Bld. by City Hall. And yet we see that next to us, NY State legalized viewing youth porn.
porn-on-the-web-now-legal-in-new-york/ John Swinton, (1829-1901) publisher of the New York Times, in his farewell speech stated; There is no free press
.. We are intellectual prostitutes. - Bnai-Brith is appearing out of all of that past, and here we see a greatly telling records picture. Yes that message seen
from North Americas New York system is; We view youth porn, we which were and are sounding alarms and stationing surveillance at the Citizenry.

EMAIL Received; Succinct and to the point Shawn. We are dealing with the effects of Principalities, now running rampant around the globe
not just in Ottawa. Thanks for having the courage to cut to the chase and emphasize this point. Sincerely, Arthur Topham Pub/Ed
The Radical Press Canada's Radical News Network "Digging to the root of the issues since 1998" - High Priority - From: "Radical Press" Sent to: "Shawn Cullen, sent Friday the 12th June 2015 10:57:58 am 4633 Barkerville Hwy.,Quesnel, BC.,V2J 6T8
Genesiss Bi-known
Natures not-far-from-mirroring-but-contrary points-of


A speaker named J.Lamont told Canadas Senate; Ability to give informed consent is not age related at all. Ive met capable twelve-year olds, and
Webe.web youth models Sandi Pierson and her friends actually publicly accused the FBI of rescuing them from what the girls said they consented to.
They likewise publicly accused the Federal Govt of traumatizing them by propagandizing posing. Their public campaign lasted quite a while on the net.
FBI Director Donald Sachtleben who investigated the Oklahoma city bombing was found with preteen porn and award-winning FBI Head Anthony John
Lesco was accused of acts with a youth aged ten. The Omaha division of the FBI took over a youth porn site on November 16th 2012 and then sent
thousands of images to people until December 2nd on its excuse that it was as a way to identify users. Yeah Right! The non-sound message carried
by the caught FBI is that spreading material is not a risk and that viewing it is. Testimony was given against FBI agent Alan Baer and FBI agent
Mickey Mott with respect to Paul A. Bonacci, Craig Spence and Gary Caradori reporting sexual orgies with children inside of Americas Whitehouse.
At such a time as this we ask whether or not all youth are the little-ones, = NO! Scriptures from the book of numbers and proverbs 20:11let us know
not all children are, and that the words little-ones is towards young or older believers and that God is not protecting all children but a spirit of conscience,
otherwise you could say God perverted as he told of men with young girls in the book of numbers. Denying Genesiss Biknown (defaults) into perverting.

I questioned the matter of elephants in the room. I wrote a report of my investigating call to a family nudist camp near Alberta Edmonton. Phone agent
host Cindy assured me that the nudity of children with older people has been (completely supported) by Alberta Governors authorities and federally. *
I was told that for many many decades Alberta has let people get nude with youth & children!!! Its a tourist spot with planes.: 662-2886 - Cindy said they screen
for up to a year before deciding whether or not a person is named under full time. The elephant(s) in the room arent fitting with Canadas current
criminal codes on: voyeurism, material, interference, body contact and monetary exploitation. How many are at such nudist camps? The web titles seen
here answers that and they show the laws are not honest and just.
as-there-are-too-many/ Too many ? That is a way of saying its common and that the frame is not defined. TELEGRAPH
10948796/Paedophilia-is-natural-and-normal-for-males.html - Normal? - Verily its not normal and the reality and fidelity of truth is in Genesis Biknown.
That above recipe cooking of course facilitates and feeds a culture, a society, of incest and pedophilia. Do the math. Professor Lynn Sacco wrote on the
reality of incest and of systems (driving into the shadows) incest of upper-and middle-class families! Dec.6/1995 titled; Disciplining teachers for what they
do outside class, of Gerald Hannon Canadas AlanBorovoy stated: I wouldnt dismiss him for either his prostituting or his extracurricular pronouncements
intergenerational sex. The Canadian Civil Liberties Associations Allan Borovoy with members arrived in Alberta Edmonton on September of 1999 to urge
ccla Board Director Anne McLellan to loosen Canadas laws on youth porn. McLellan reinforces Ed Stelmach managing downtowns Royal Alex hospital. Fitting with that Euro.writer Nicolai Sennels
messaged; There is a dire incest phenomenon rising thats crippling entire societies, yet the continent refuses not only to confront the destructive elephant
in the room but also refusing to admit its very existence. /news/ Canadas showing a symptom evidenced by its province of PEI.
I (re)reported that Canadas neighbor Germany is advancing with its non-reality BZgA booklet . It is a official teachers manual in 9 regions of Germany.
[exalted by so-called enforcers fighting pedophilia], such as the Kunderschutzbund. Its telling that persons act out incest by bzga while believing the public
sees them as enforcers fighting pedophilia. Is Albertas Creep Catchers Canada like Kunderschutzbund ? Since apparently Kunderschutzbund can
molest and act as if its fighting perverts at the same time then that catchers club of cons can. A person that detonate their anger at the point, war against
raising the visibility of any possibility of that or war at raising any visibility of that. That rootless anger we see is then (of a assisting nature , and hence
as that anger is not secured, its perverting). Sophia Mack told Canadian media that incest is common in Canada, reserve-wise. Sen. Dallaire confirmed.
Yes and likewise its not uncommon upper-class-wise and by other society points. Witness Jocelyn Lahtail told media that its a conspiracy of silence. ctv
There any and Miss Adria who is now a major witness like she was December 2017 - can see a added motive of why persons advanced at my writings.

I share records. I am not condemning! I quickly speak to; incest and non-straight-elementary-knowns, and scriptural truths. I message; that Leviticus
warns that incest is not of God and that the reason scriptures let people marry or not was judged by whether or not the marriages were either (familied
or family-reminding) or (path-wayed into related). Related is (not) family-reminding. - And I was denied as I was; reporting (not judging but reminding)
that non-straight relationships appear non-truthful and coveting with respect to what is (flushed, fragranced out of the air and soaped away ). Persons want
to enter where they say is what they must flush down a toilet away from sight and must keep out of the air away from their sense of smell, and must wash
away from their skin since that otherwise might infect or cause a illness. Such want to possess anatomy which is a mirror to or greatly like their anatomy,
which shows they covet and are sensual with their own anatomy that is greatly like anatomy of others they are attracted to. How can any call all of that
a marriage or a day of justified pride? Selling that its all good is not making sense. And people need to be reminded that the soul is mouldable and so any
person can turn their self and their child gay if they choose. And porn is absorbable not simply quickly spewed out.
canada-run-by-a-gay-mafia I do have compassion for any saying its absurd saying they can change, those saying they need deliverance. And I taught
that teaching autoeroticism is danger as its unbounded imagining thats not communicating consent. And oral sex with men is acting out subconscious
devouring at male & female life source which shows subconscious cannibalizing & sexual nature at birth and youth. And that nature isnt sacrifice honorable!
I taught that sensual masquerades as love. With respect to non-straight and incest the nature of sensual cools (and so hardens less-than-right convictions),
and as we know, metal does not weld if the fire is not held in the right way and for the right length of time. Why hate at the above elementary truths?

With all of the (self-confusing) and pitting propaganda, of course cyber-con terms are used to divert. In 2003 Police Director Daniel Langlas gave news of
electronic surveillance evidence implicating Canadian politicians in youth prostitution. And years later fastly forgotten news hit of Canadas airport security.
With respect to the Canadian airport policing and likewise Homeland Security airport security, on November 24th 2010 Canadian writer Joe Warmington
tellingly stated; "It'll be interesting to see the latest bureaucratic spin artist trying to defend the groping of young girls in the name of national security".
Albertas liberties do not fit with its codes. I seen a church sign of a proverb which says the wicked accuse but the Godly defend. Consider the reasoning
of the Godly judgment here; It is natural that an image triggers memory of an interest, while never existing as part of the interest. Cause the time of people
able to live fully conscious of the bi-known was and is shut down, now any who turns conscious of the reality knowledge are in danger of passing through
an inner search vacuum which (floods) the brains memory with overloading organic imagination, and so, surgedly in error interprets what is imaged
or active, yes surgedly translates (at) exiting nascent but-contrary-appearances. That amounts to (overriding illusions) of what the function of the human
mind sees as ready or natural. The issue is not a mind malady nor a base or dasterdly camber but is a naturally non-computed entranced state that one
might say is a little like a mirage but while near and that is overriding the minds eye. What all the words I wrote reveal is the reality that anti-violent numbers
of the worlds inhabitantssaw not harmable points, but saw bi-known related appearances in their minds eye. The wordings reveal that not all which seen
material or had contact with a youth were attracted to or were acting to risk hurting a child. Cons speak of common sense and yet if common sense were
just that, our modern records would not tell of the ceremonies and related acts as we see recorded. Yes the proverb is proven from the points. The words
are a summit & core find and light as they reveal that systems & conning persons surmise and rumor-combat as they two-dimensionally jargon up to brand by
way of what are its cyber-con terms voyeur, enticer and offender. I chose to name the broad messaging after effect; Involuntary Parietal Occipital Printing.
The knowledge is a just judgment key ! Fitting with the revealed point is the knowledge that Jumping to a conclusion shows want. The principle is that
as any jump to a conclusion, such a person show they (((want))) what they claim they are against! Thus, you see accusers are abusers and hyp-ocrites,
repressing that they are (((entertained)). ( I.P.O.P. = temporary erring inside the brain or minds eye which is a after affect from the latter days world stage ). Social
fulminates are brought to shame by the knowledge. - Behold

If any do not help my report get heard, its cause they are heading to Hell in hand baskets. And I remind that people denying, cost my Mother her life. I know
from deep dark encounters that Edmonton Lawyers such as Christian Johnson and D.McLaughlin can spool and devour to death the life of a old woman
and can act like dangerous reefs to shipwreck a man, that they may linger a systems reputation. Lawyers either honour the 3DCLNRPT or they are law-liars !
If a lawyer or person is trusted he will rejoice and angeredly stand up for the report which you are a eye-witness of. The report reveals summit knowledge
which may exonerate a number of the Worlds thousands of listed lawyers accused of lust crimes against youth.


William Wallace Marc R. Warren Robert Groezinger Jeremy Oliver Kenneth Cavin David Kaye Neil Cohen Wayne Shirley
Joshua J.R.Gessler Moshe Gerstein James C.Kuhn Victor Hissel John Roth Kevin Morford Bradley J. Vance Clarence Dias
Eric Gaynor Joseph P. Redd Randy Brackin Marc Norman David D. Atchison George Richard Fox James M. Cameron Samuel Hasler
Ed.M.De Sear Martin J. Rothschild Todd Genger D. Beecher Smith ll John Temple J.E.Grasberger Kenneth E.Mateas Emerson Briggs
Randy Brackin Robert W. Wiley Marc N. Greenberg Robert Mitchell George R. Fox Samual P. Logan Mark A. Clark Steven Giardini
Robert Warren Dean Boland Leo T. Flynn Mark Tilford Anthony Cappuccio Ronald M. Cohen was a Director of a Bar Association
Bankers are accused like Lawyers.


Paul Smith David Neff James Paul Byrd Raphael Farina Tom Mueller Kenneth John Gibson David G. Zerfoss J.Lee Andersonlll
Chan Ming Fon Chad A. Salvator Jimmy Myers Brown Claude A. Coleman Simon Thomas Thomas Corley Paul Chalmers Roland Keiser

Fire Chiefs on the side of my report are real fire fighters, but liars which are not, in the end face a fire not any can put out.
Timoth T. Campbell Michael J. Gruber Frank Sheehan Bill Wiebertus James D. Burton Eric Hafen Wesley J. Slanina Harvey Lee Kelley
Jamie Geer Eric A.Grueninger Martyn Green Ron Uthmann Doug Kavanaugh Troy Leblanc Jack Hanley Bill Boss
Gary Lee Toler James Hubbard Larry Sherrill Mark Eubanks Rob Kidd Stanley Davis jr Anthony M.Cottle Loran Blasdell
Alton Bruce Allen jr Glen Lockhart Ronald H. Kunler Michael J. Tecklenburg Tim Haynes Larry Scott Pearson Daniel Spillman Dennis Hodge
Edwin Boseman Paul Jackson Kristopher Monew James Mason Robert E. Bryant Thomas Evans Gerald Cheney Todd German

Eps wrote acting as if my reporting was not known yet as you can see even Canadas Attorney General and the 2009 conservative appointed Canadian Ambassador to the U.S.
responded to my earliest reporting updates. Yes as far back as eight years ago the highest authorities responded to my reporting. Eps cops are caught lying in titanic ways !

If a nations King honours

my official report and I,
the King is a King indeed!
King Kong who was trying
to communicate the biknown
was not successful !
I was re-reporting that Canadian Press TV correspondent Joshua Blakeney accused Edmonton police of trafficking children. He said his reports are defiantly
illuminating skeletons in the closets of eps cops.
Is there evidence fitting with that? In 2008 news warned that alarmingly Alberta children are being plucked from homes and put in government care at one of
the highest rates seen in the industrialized world, revealed in a report by June Thoburn of Norwich Anglia Univ. Native leaders say they are heavily targeted,
yet kids were plucked by native-run child welfare authorities on reserves. And I found aptn has acted two-dimensional & closed. Alberta isnt unlike Nunavut . In 2001 Advocate Louis Malenfant
reported frightening deceptions by epss child abuse unit , and I was re-reporting Edmonton Officer Derek Huff warning that eps units are acting as gangs
and are a public safety threat to citizens. And I was re-reporting that a wildrose party leader accused Alberta Edmontons Prosecutors office of whitewashing
the sexual assault of a 9 yr-old girl. I heard that prosecutors threaten non-guilty prosecutors, so if prosecutors with clean hands speak truth (then corrupt
prosecutors will call them accomplices). I Shawn Gordon Cullen testified of above records in court room(s) on January 22 2016 and on February 26th 2016.
April 29th 2016 I appeared (vid-tron) two times to warn. (And other times) - The records help people reporting like Ruth Adria who leaders must not discount !
Like Nunavut; in 2014/04/10/ and reported on Muslims-families-selling-children-for-rape-sessions.
Eps knew I was re-reporting that Native Council member Frank Martin warned that BC Govt funded native Chief Edward John is abducting children for
sexual acts, and is controlling police to do that. Warnings denied, Edward John on Nov.3/2000 was appointed to act as a Minister for Family & Children.
June 2011 Public Safety Minister Shirley Bond of BC subtracted human trafficking investigating by taking out the Executive Director office of Robin Pike
and leaving two staff persons to help trafficked children in BC. PM Harper quietly let the BC cuts where trafficking of children is of highest degrees.
Mr.Harpers Public Safety and Justice Department (partly funded the Office). John Dragani a Police Official leading BCs missing children unit was caught.
He was liason officer for BC schools and was in charge of giving people medals. Mr.Dosanjh appointed Hugh Stansfield to be an associate Chief Judge for
B.C. - Mr.Stansfield was later accused of sexual acts on very young kids. Past Manager with BCs Ministry of children Edward Owen Berry was caught.

J. Edgar Hoover's fbi Director Theodore Gunderson is seen on Canadas internet warning; They were taking children out
of orphanages and foster homes and flying them 184 miles away placing them in private jets and flying them to Washington
for (Whitehouse) sex orgies with congressmen, Senators and Dignitaries, and I cover that in my intelligence report. - Granada
Forum was even telling of that in Edmonton Alberta .
Its a rude pig-headed pride as a person says they agree yet later like Judas Iscariot finds that they cannot handle the truth.

U.S. Senator Nancy Schaefer, a member of 6 senate committees, gave the public warning that (systems acting out kidnapping and child trafficking for sexual
acts and money is a growing criminal political phenomenon spreading world wide). I fought to bring that to the attention of Alberta witness Ruth Adria.

As people can see, I was not the sole one on the internet saying that the Citizenry of Canada cannot trust Alberta Edmontons Child Abuse Units.
Corrupted eps acted in their forged narrates as if I was, and yet now people can see from the above records that that simply was and is not the truth.
I was taken and discriminated against cause eps persons (units) madly hated the ways I am gifted to define and the ways I put the points into a nut-shell,
which neither makes me a nut nor a squirrel. What liars and people trampling the rights of the poor and helpless fear is a league, union or federation
of citizens carrying picket signs to raise the matter of persons caught warring, gnashing teeth and conspiring at one with cornerstone foundational truths.
What might a sign message? Stop lying a propos youth and see the Cullen Report Truth! Stop conspiring to murder by facility sullen to bury the report
from writer Shawn Cullen. If any person are who they repute their self as then they will not act as if dignity is outside my report. Thats arrogant lie !

I apologize for the poor visibility but my proofs were stolen. Here is part of the letter I received July 9
2009: Office of the Premier, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3C OV8 June 29th2009 Dear Mr. Cullen,
we have taken the liberty of forwarding a copy of your (report) correspondence to the Office of
the honourable Justice Minister Dave Chomiak to review, Once again thank you. - For two
months following that Mr.Harper had words with him who mailed me those eight weeks before .
A point of great interest now to all testers and to that witness of Albertas system who I wrote of,
known by the name Ruth Adria - is that (seen from page eight) my writing reports to Feds resulted in
two seeable letters proof of Feds holding my report writings for weeks and days (even days is
much time) to examine word-wise. Yes page eight there is the July 20 2009 visible proof Canadas
Justice Minister wrote after weeks like the other Fed who he after appointed Ambassador). *Thus
seeably Feds wrote carrying the message that they were (positively interested in the reporting).

Narrating Foes want Miss Adria and all to not verily see to raise the relevant point of interest there.

August 28 2009 PM Harper put him the Fed in as Canada's Ambassador to the States. If Harper
did not then Fed Gary Doer may have said further positive messages towards my report !

Number two point of great interest to all is that, in a second example, a writ I wrote, resulted in,
equated into Feds later messaging that my words appear great or deep-rooted grounded-wise),
(proof seen at the right of this page). The words heartfelt and passionate are written in the one
and letting know my words were translated into all official languages written in number-two-letter
by Diane Diotte a clerk of that Senate. MP Larry Bagnel wrote to represent federal parliamentarians
zealous interest in words I wrote which I faxed to Canadas Senate and House. The older letters are
proof Feds saw my writings not as delusional and gabbling or as nonsense like forged eps narrates
suggested in their conspiracy to highjack and steal and bury and misnarrate my reporting. Good Point !

Good to mention; Margaret Hagen a court psychologist wrote the book titled; Whores of the Court which warns of courts
using interference by unjustified unneeded and senseless psychiatric opinions to threaten and target people.
Before I was taken at the end of August 2015 and closed inside remand Hells to kill my world interest reporting and life on July 29 2013 a eps cop Maclead
badge#1328 gave me a call and said a political person or persons he refused to identify complained about the material and written updates I was emailing.
The eps cop he stated and I quote; You are quite concerned about the child porn". I then messaged that it is much deeper, a truth war, and a records
matter. I then said; Ive been sending highest priority emails for years. It doesn't make sense any politician calling you. He said; rig in agreement.
Badge # 1328 told me I could add him to my email list if I wanted and he told me to have a good day. I asked and he said there isnt a incident number.
July30 2013 I called to question him further and I said; You spoke of my blogged and emailed pdf updates so eps have known about the two for a time?
He answered Yes! - *That was two years earlier before the time that my reporting was highjacked , and so with respect to the law what that eps cop said
(seen here above) *amounted to him saying he acknowledged that he and (eps) knew I was investigating and report-recording as a civic duty to expose
and legally speaking to newly expound. And what he said *amounted to him acknowledging that a system person caused a false alarm or mischief
at the interest reporting. *That speaks to the eps cops two years later which acted as if they were justified interfering and taking me, void of lawful authority
and real discretion late at night while Albertans were asleep. (Aug2013/Aug2015). POINT= The context of what was earlier proves what the real text was later !!!

We know that for greater than100 years to yesterday Canadians accepted the message that 14 yr-olds grow readied to choose contact. Cons deny that
yesterday counted that billions (peripherally audienced) that 100 years. Since the public did that its madness acting as if thats not a point of interest.
Do the elementary math! And Eps knew I was re-reporting Islamic marriages with preteens let in provinces yet not told of in the Commons except in 2015.
Web addresses here expose so-called friends and related persons as self-condemning liars that betrayed Christ by denying all I fought to raise and prove. /?utm_term=.3cb7846a7bcf There you see !
Bastards of hell ululate while we face the greatest lies ever in the history of the World. I wrote of FKN Newz messaging that lusting liars run institutions ;

Latest news claims Alberta Queen's Bench Justice Terry Clackson stated that remand officials encourage reprehensible attitudes and behaviours. Clackson
found that David Spencer Adams was assaulted by inmates and yet Clackson failed to hold his allegations that these attacks were orchestrated by guards.
"In all those circumstances, it is clear that the treatment of the accused was unusual and cruel," said Clackson who sentenced him to12 years, but lessened
that to six years for breaches to his constitutional rights. Clackson found Adams was treated badly by guards, including being beaten up by at least one
officer and referred to as a "skinner." That judge said he got the sense during the lengthy proceeding that Remand staff feel its OK to target people accused.

As I said, I was taken and closed inside system Hells to kill my reporting and to take my life. I tell of all that. Eps persons and persons manipulating inside
systems plotted to act as if evidences I sent hundreds of feds and persons inside governing were not lawful and not of public interest and not acquiesced to,
while the truth is all was and so if any were possessing & spreading, it was, is, system persons and not I who was forced to raise data. The amount of time
Governors received evidences proves they acquiesced. Cops had to know that and they admitted the age of what I marked a dishabille Peoples-Exhibit
wasnt discernable. Court witness Ruth Adria reminded, that on June 16 2016 the Crown itself likewise messaged that the indict charged at me is not real.
Shameful eps high-jacked my paramount data revealing material permitted or neglected wide-open on google. And eps units accusing did not record
evidences I made public with respect to the sites [Supreme model portal 100% legal, Candydolls, Chan links & sexibl]. If Googles not assisting interference
at my report then its not assisting my adversaries. Mad misleading eps dared to lie in suggesting
I might of purchased a lascivious image yet verily thats a bloody diverting propaganda lie as I have never known how to purchase (any) thing on the web.
And I remind that I reported that Allan Borovoy and civil law people met with Alberta MPs to legalize material, And I remind that the federal police were
marked after admitting they spent the money reserved to fight online youth porn, reportedly to lower Canadas deficit. And I remind on the 2nd last page
for all to see, the Tsars Bomb proof that Canada did legalize a preteen porn film, and so shamefully law-enforcers are seen not making real sense at all.

I caught a dossier of nearly 2000 sexibl sub-addresses. I was detected and hundreds were fastly deleted but I managed to copy & record 1300. The adopted
sexilb member VickyLove of (a sub-address) wrote a Dec.17th, 2013 12:34:58 comment on an anonnews forum, that stated that
Frank of sexilb regularly met with Law Enforcement Officials, and yet in my investigation I found incestuously lending sexibl images of youth were residing
and varying inside of many months while I emailed reminding of and questioning that material wide-open to all ages. I added that its sub-links sponsored
(CARP), which appeared as link. The sub-address led to a link advertising that. I am reporting not condemning.
Eps cops stole the dossier. Safety deposit box-saved examples are seen below. The simple search terms and messages seen written inside of the
sub-addresses here prove that if any were spreading youth porn- it was, is, system persons, and not I who was forced to report & raise the data !!! Behold :
http://girlsgirlsgirls' http://upskirt.sexibl http://lillyfee/? http://lilsoft/ http://loli/? http://loveg/? http://luvcp/? http://small/
As any can see, material was of youth and wide open, just as I was reporting before eps persons high-jacked my August 2015 public interest proof.
Two years after I was taken (abducted) I learned that all which those eps cops falsely accused me of is still not blocked on Canadas internet; A few examples of proof are;
document/265854851/Bill-c-51-Utterly-Condemned-And-Featuring-Part-of-Upcoming-Reality-Report Abuse warnings repeatedly ignored was of the wide open images abuse
of Inna with a Porn portfolio 39:95$. She was used like a toy by multiple persons at high levels. Persons ought not to have been attracted to the child. Thats a breach of
Genesiss Bi-known. Its deeply sad. I forgot passwords and was irrationally led in circles by uploads-staff who failed to help me delete updates I only wanted posted temporarily
while I was operating to perfect my final report. A image I found wide open claimed it was censored to make distribution legal. Saying that that nude10yr-old is chemistry is false.
I saw the picture and its a plain inchoate kid. That Chan image-depositor is delusional. The depositor also messaged that fbi are saying material reveals youth are not victims.
And images I put the systems under arrest for were chillingly used by eps to forge narrates that invert that appearance! I know I hate (all) porn but I love reporting the truth !
May 11 2012 MP Easter warned of risk of governors using a bill to get cp porn for their selves. parliamentary-work/speech-in-the-house-on-bill-c-30/
MP Malcolm Turnbull (messaged to media that a number of policed images are) legal expressions, provably messages of a law bounded nature. Kevin
Rudd aired that he isnt grounded yet reporter Piers Akerman spoke of Mr. Rudd himself taking part in evidence shredding of Youth Detention Remand
sexual abuse testimony. Official Kevin Lindeberg said destroying the evidence was illegal. The youth facility cover up matter is the Heiner Inquiry.
A culture of persons akin to that nature I must strongly suspect are at work in Alberta youth remands. And MP Peter Goldring said a Alta. Edmonton MP
denied her duty to query molestings at KingsclearsYouth Remand. The MP he accused I told you met in Alta. to weigh whether or not to legalize material.
Is the MP on the Royal Alex board with Ed Stelmach? Stelmachs own Child Advocate John Mould said Stelmachs government neglected children at risk
of sexual abuse, was aware of years of evidence reports of sexual assaults, and yet did not act. John said he will not act as a scapegoat.

Here is the reality; like RobertMcKee & VincentBarron, ICE Chief Anthony V.Mangione was caught with material of youth after he declared; We will continue
utilizing our unique immigration authorities to identify and arrest those who are a threat to our communities. We will continue to use all law enforcement
tools including advanced computer forensics to investigate these types of crimes."
Whether its a government person, a remand con, or blood related person, (its all lies which devour the air of real truth trying to ascend to get presented).
A swine uses its sow fat weight to fork screw a truth, and hates scriptures clearly saying doers not hearers are justified. And people must not confuse
nice with domesticated-rude. And Hot Saucers (Pg5) use great (affect)ion with their daughters to deny flooding media and society lies. August 17th 2015
less than two weeks before my reporting was high-jacked, a Christian minister wrote saying God revealed to him that an estranged jealous immediate
relative has caused great satanic interference. And of interest the man wrote that I am like Joseph who was thrown into a pit by his bastard brothers.
And earlier he wrote; I see a force using people and things to attempt to stop you. They lied about you. - After I was violently taken I witnessed all that!

A ignorant soul might say we do not need real news yet in a world of fire stations and smoke & mirrors we must get the stories of people straight.
Liars do not want truth, They simply want a law. Director of Law & Order Jason Alexander was accused. According to IMDB, he directed 32 episodes.
The public is told its leaders detest all material yet Canadas Attorney General Martin Cauchon said he wanted to test that. In 2004 PM Stephen Harper
accused Paul Martin and NDP of repressing interest in youth porn and months after that news Harper sought to form a coalition with those he accused.
Attorney General under Obamas AG Eric Holder admitted to viewing youth porn. There were not any charges. President Obama chose Harvard law
Professor David Ogden to act as Deputy AG while knowing Ogden wrote a friend of the court brief to support Stephen Knoxs right to view youth porn.
Ogden said the private parts were not clearly visible and so were art with full protection by the U.S. 1st Amendment. Canada-known high Leader Harriet
Harman who sat on a Committee for the welfare of youth said nations must let a number of images and videos of preteens and must not crime-code
all sexual acts with all preteens. Harman stated; We suggest that the term indecent be qualified as follows; A photo or film shall be considered not illegal
(a) by reason only that the model is in a state of undress (whether complete or partial); (b) unless it is proven or appears provable from the photo or film
that the making of the photo or film appears to have caused the model physical or psychological harm or emotional disorder. Our amendment places the
onus of proof on the prosecution to show that the youth was harmed. -The language does not show the real knowledge of Genesiss Bi-known.
June 29 1989 the Washington Times reported President Bush, and fbi Director Theodore Gunderson accused the Oval Office of sexual parties with youth.
Navy Seal Erik Prince told the Breitbart News Daily radio show there is state department email evidence Hillary and Bill Clinton visited accused &convicted
Billionaire Jeffrey Epsteins Caribbean Island Villa.
Donald Trumps support Timothy Nolan is accused of trafficking youth in August 2016 while Judge Nolan was serving as the chair of the Trump campaign
in Campbell County, KY. - Trump beat Hillary Clinton 59% to 35% while voters also elected Nolan.
campaign-chair-just-charged-child-sex-trafficking/ If Mr.Trump is not as persons appear he will not deny Genesiss Biknown and my latter times report.
What shameful madness that any so-called Christian or related persons would deny such records and Satanically bark at me as if I am outside reality.
I instruct any to verify this but apparently Russias President Vladimir-Putin who Trudeau speaks of put loose a message that exposed the mob masses
and system persons I say are at work in Edmonton and related cities. We have heard of the modern President saying countries are considering legalizing
what eps expresses it definitively polices. /
Gordon Duff April 23, 2017

There IS a force, using people and things. How I began my reporting is, many years ago a weed smoker renting from where I was called my seeding
abilities to Albertas Barely Legal material that messages that authorities legalized youth porn. That led to my faxing to question Edmontons legislature:
All running Canadas and Albertas system must know the criminal code permits material appearing if for: scientific, journalistic, educational, and health,
public interest reasons. All my reporting was. The plot: to steal all my data so people would not see proof my reporting was. Most of the wide-open
material which I questioned I saw as unusable material evidence not fitting the final civic-duty free-speech public report update for August 2015. Canadas
system acquiesced for years to my emailed pdf reporting. I was not ever questioned with respect to material from 2011 into 2015, and nearly 100%
was clothed, a little censored. A proxy, I was report-writer-napped days before my last update would be finished. I warned all for months to get ready
to see a finished update. EPS units knew that! I was taken to kill and misnarrate my report and life. Days before I would of sutured all report operations
eps misled me out of my Capital Region Housing apartment of 10years using a fake email supporter wanting to meet at Tim Hortons in the name of
saving children together. At the end of August 2015 on my (bicycle) heading to Tim Hortons down 105st at about 11:15pm at night, white vans stalked me
and moments later gangster cops appeared, acting like abducting captors. Either officer Reilli or Dale Ewert hopped out of a white van and yelled rat.
A whistle blower or writer is not a rotten rodent. As an Anchor for people I in deed say as Holy God as my witness I was called a rat before I was TAKEN
and behold; the disguised gmail address was not disguised as a steamy web chat invitation. That eps cop Stephen Horchuk gmailed in the name of
saving and helping children (which shows that the corrupted eps units could see that that was what my emails and pdf report updates messaged)!
Alberta advocate and court-room witness Miss Ruth Adria wrote to Alberta Governors on the profound significance and revelance of that reported matter.

I was violently taken by eps and brought to a cabal-run Royal Alex Hosp. and many hours later remanded. Ed Stelmach sits on the RA board, and years
ago he let Alberta Healths Caritas deny recordings revealing my aged parent was taken against her will by labeling & interference. The elder advocate
society raised that Caritas did not fire a Caritas GH nurse after years of reports that that nurse was sexually assaulting & harassing older patients.

Why did Alberta Lawyer Michael Bates write; The Principles of justice and of a free and democratic society are actively stripped away before our eyes.
Govt positions itself through propaganda of fear. Tradesman Marcel Saumier warns that Alberta's system & Edmonton's police are gang stalking him.
The Albertan says it is to destroy & discredit. The man says they conspire to label him as mental. March 29 2010 at a commons committee, MP Joe
Comartin was told yes that Alberta judges, Prosecutors and Police may be into organized crime. Albertans must help me, and not act like cowards !
If a educator is Biknown friendly and not feeding the madness perverting the end-times and the planet then they will stand and speak for my reporting.
Eps knew I featured the brightest people (professors) accused by less bright people bi-known-less police. Professors; Edward Samuels, James Lang,
Jerry Michael Lanier, Larry Lane Bateman, Ronald Ayers, Steve Fierimonte, Michael J. Decker, TzviTzfira, Lawrence Scott Ward, Val Christensen, Keith J. Tinkler,
Brian Butler, Antonia Lasagna, Douglas Dohrman, Diego Fasolini, Michael J.Gellote, Richard Dyde, James D. Kent, Raymond Ladryjr., Anthony P. Smulders, Kenneth Kyle
Nicholas Hammond, Richard Soule, Garret L. Van Wicklen, Mark Bollone, Michael S. Reichert, Justin Bradley May, Jack E. Harclerode, James Kuhn III, BalazsTarnai,
Chadwick C. Blackwell, Murdaugh S. Query jr., James Lesner Madden jr., Eric Neil Angevine, Thomas E. Ruley, Jerome Cemy, Mark Manion, Grant D. Smith, Gamal El-
Zoghby, David Sibley, Gary Doby, William Merrill, Michael Kehoe, Faiz Al-Khayyal, Joseph Stenson, John Caruso, Elton FelizManzione, Daryl E. Von Neida, Kim Fraser,
Michael K. Gilbert, Vance Fulkerson, Daniel McKee, Andrew Campbell, MacGregor OBrien, Michael Krembel, Moshe Gerstein, Victor M. Z. Taylor, Richard D. Lieberman,
James Aune, Michael Luebbe, Russell Boggs, Donald Sachtleben, Robert Grimshaw, Adam Lynde, Rodney Hicks, Leonard Gaines, Alasdair Maclean, Michael K. Gilbert,
Nils Claussen, Richard Pervo, Howard L. Kantor, Steven Fierimonte, Richard Keller, Barry Simpson, John Lewis, Richard W. Gibbs, John R. Henley, Robert Britton,
Christopher Bishop, Manuel Mares, Diane Ross, G. Hunninghake, Jonathan Hatch, Philip Michael Gray, Taj Mahon-Haft, Fred Randall, John Ransom. The Professor
Diane Ross was a Scholar of poetry, a chairwoman of her English department, a mother of two, and a Girl Scout troop leader for the community.

The highly respected Alberta Advocate Louise Malenfant wrote in a 2001 report; I must warn of serious investigative deceptions and anomalies from the
Edmonton Police Child Abuse Unit. - Malenfant wrote of a10 yr-old girl strangely taken by eps cops, and of investigating while not contacting an accused.
Malenfant called that (frightening) and typical of eps detectives inside her report to eps. August 2015 [ its face appeared] at my public interest report.
Eps knew I was writing on many hundreds of children deaths in Albertas foster-care system. Reporters Karen Kleiss and Darcy Henton told of the matter
of hiding childrens deaths. November 25th 2013 Alberta Edmonton mla Raj Sherman asked; "Why is government trying to cover up deaths of children?"
I wrote that in 2006 MP Carole James stated; "I want to be very clear; Documents explicitly show that persons knew what they were telling the public
was not the truth." "Solicitor General John Les in the legislature lied when he said BC children deaths were being rightly examined by Coroners".

At its August act to take&bury my data and life eps knew they were denying my call to rescue my aged Mother. Not any told me my Mom died while eps
were advancing at me. Eps and others I emailed knew of a letter which I publicly exhibited, from a forensic psychologist named Norman E. Brodie
of theTriune Group who wrote a April 23rd 2008 two page letter reporting his professional observations of video evidences of my aged Mother in Caritass
Misericordia facility and of video and audio of my parent the year earlier in 2005. In the 2008 letter the doctor wrote; On both the audio segments
as well as on the subsequent video segments it is my professional observation that the interactions between yourself and your Mother were consistently
very positive and there is obvious love expressed in both directions. She also very clearly stated on multiple occasions that she loves you and that she
wished for you to take her home, and the verbal and nonverbal communication cues were very consistent and indicative of a very strong level of bonding
and over-all positive relationship.- In 2008 he concluded that he strongly suspected that getting taken&divided from me was harming my taken Mothers
vitality and health of mind. Assuming relatives can now see that they played a part in causing the demise of their own Mother. Excuses cannot take away
the frightening petrifying cruel madness they played a part in causing. At that time Caritas used eps persons to proxy a false phone harassment charge,
which was later withdrawn yet in a way which denied that that charge was seen as not lawful - caught by a audio recording of lawyer C. Banks admitting
to me in his office; It went from a very junior prosecutor to a very senior prosecutor. You know its interesting, We had a very long conversation.
He said look your client Shawn Cullen I believe was identifying a sore spot they were band-aiding yet not seeing. I dont know what the backdrop is but
I do not doubt that there is something to this cause of the way they are reacting, cause of the way they are. Hes touched a nerve on these people.
In the audio that lawyer admitted that the very senior prosecutor messaged; I do not want to prosecute Mr.Cullen not simply in light of evidence reasons
but also cause I dont see passable worth in their narrating of that charge. And eps had spent many months to narrate with Caritas to proxy that charge.
I hope Ruth Adria and all see the record here weighs in as an admission by past prosecutors of evidence of a conspiracy to feign that I appeared a threat,
evidence that system persons with eps attempted to prison me under a false charge. (that audio of all that lawyer admitted I revealed onYoutube)

A decade later at the end of Aug. 2015 in a murder-minded conspiracy eps persons acted out the second proxy arrest to remand me under a false charge
(to highjack reporting data). The hope I was holding was to raise the civic duty report to win attention to get help with my aged parents story and rights.
At the self-condemned Royal Alex Hosp. a corrupt cop named Goudreau to my face threatened to use Remand employees to harm me. To cause doubt
about that he documented a text message to say I was acting delusional. Evidently eps officers are self appointed psychiatrists labeling to trouble truth
writers or whistleblowers. In that Royal Alex hospital health staff are great danger to patients and to all children since they falsely wrote; that after I was
taken by eps I was admitted at the Alex for a psychiatric assessment. In reality not one doctor spoke to me. A doctor named Keyes wrote total fabrications
about me, and not only did I not ever speak to him, I did not even see what he appears like! The Royal Alex cannot show video surveillance of a doctor
speaking to me or with me since not any did! A strange nurse forced five mysterious intravenous bags in a little room. I was questioning whether or not
that hyper strange nurse was stalling for time or poisoning me, or both. Goudreau sadistically grinned at me and strangely asked me if I was on facebook.
After that I heard him say into a cell-phone; I dont care, I dont care, I dont care, just do it. A remanded inmate named Jama Geelgaad who
said Edmonton Remand guards unprovoked beat him and broke his arm - ended up in that Royal Alex. He was in the evil Remands infirmary cell MI10.
Hmm You dont care about what Goudreau? Just do what? Delete and manipulate my data and rights? - Louis Malenfants report was 100% right !

Eps knew I exhibited news on the highest people in Health. Brain Monitoring Director Daniel Joachim, Brain Surgeon Abraham Stephanopoulos,
Alzheimers Psychiatrist /Surgeon Mark Zweifach. Eps knew I wrote that Alberta Health let Brian Parker counsel children while aware that he sells sex toys
such as black leather whips, bondage rope, blind folds, and hoods to entertain the idea of abducting to lust. Parker also said sex-ed starts at zero.
Eps knew I re-reported that in 2011 Alberta Edmontons Stollery Childrens Hospital Nurse Drew Robert Legary was charged for sexual acts on a boy.
Alberta Health did not tell the Father that Legary was accused of sex acts on a preteen in 2010 and that the Stollery let that nurse stay on. August 7th
2004 the Edmonton Journal warned that conspiracies, discriminating, intimidating, harassing and mismanagement is orthodoxy by highly trained medical
doctors who spent years studying psychiatry. Lawyers use them and Judges site them. In a letter of resignation dated April 1st a Doctor wrote that there is
an ambience of guile, stealth, and pretense. -
I am a witness and deeper within my report I give evidence that staff inside that facility are covering up a matrix of sexual matters with respect to youth.
The Journals news on that facility fits and I expect is of great interest to witness Ruth Adria and others towards my chronicles and summit reporting.
I do not know the Eye Surgeon I wrote of. I would want to give people he queries the benefit of doubt. All Press need the armor of knowledge found within
the report features I give. A most evil person uses its fatted nature at one who is fasted and uses gabbling fueled up drama to switch truth with lies.

Eps misled me away blocks from my Govt-housing apartment of ten years and yelled rat. - The next records mark a second death threat on my life
Inside that Remand on its (GP) 3D unit I was chilled by a lean white inmate who deviously suggested that he was told I was misled out of my apartment
using a fake gmail. He should not of known that! Colored inmates who I sat with told me that cops yelling rat (proves). They said they see that system
persons I emailed let me and that when I got too deep they decided to take me out. After a gawking guard without any account took me out of that 3D unit
and marched me down to what they call a dry-cell. I was never told why and never told what a dry cell is. A stilling clue is that inside of that dry cell
rat was scribed on the wall. - That fits with eps which yelled rat. Staff walked by asking me an alarming & disturbing number of times if I was suicidal.
I said I was never in my life. For days guards walked passed with grave faces refusing to let me use a washroom to points that two times I had to pass
matter through hand towels. I had blood taken by that strange nurse at the Royal Alex and its claim was that I was cleared medically, and so there wasnt
a reason to dry-cell me. The public need to know that I heard guards speak of using death hot sauce and a heart fribulator on inmates. That messaged
that Edmonton remand guards cause homicides to appear like suicides. I did not know if guards spoke of by that dry-cell I was in to cause fear or what!
Its head psychiatrist named Curtis Woods walked by and I quickly said that if staff wanted to cause me to die from a heart attack, that I was nigh that.
I never met him yet he swung his head up to the dry cell door and said; Thanks for the tip. I feared that was a death threat from that Psychiatrist.
What I didnt know is that the law office of Laurie Wood had a file on a psycho named Berube who accused Curtis & staff of crimes by not providing
the necessities of life and leading him from dry-cell to dry-cell like a circus animal. Seeing I was appearing in peril I was greatly needing out of that cell.
As a cry for help inside that cell (and to save a sign that if I died I did not die from suicide), I gave myself black eyes. Surveillance video conceals proof.
Later court-room witness Ruth Adria wrote to Governors on the dry-cell matter. The witness said that was watered-down by the ndp Justice Minister.
A corrupt Remand psychologist named Gerard acted blind at the facilitated gauntlets threatening my life and he illegally put me on the MMH unit.
At that earliest time at a Remand video-tron-court-hearing (seeing a judge Dickins and a 2nd judge) - legal-aids Guy Doyon a lawyer declared in court
that there appears a system outrage acting out at my public interest reporting and that my black eyes evidenced that. And great proof is;
opening judges&crown did not question the black eyes seen via the tron and not a call to investigate, and at those bail hearings they would not let
me speak when I said I was able to account to the prosecutors illegally falsely profiling that email messages I sent threatened. Prosecutor James Rowan
is on a pay roll as a court room head-hunter. Its all fraud crookedly filed under Special Prosecutions to add a camouflage. Its of great interest
toRuth Adria and others that I a man seen public interest writing was taken at night and only days after illegally put in a cell in breach of the UN
human rights charter, yes and horrifyingly seen with black eyes and yet faced judges which-did-not-question-and-didnt-call-any-to-query.
I later called that Lawyer L.Wood who faxed the so-called Warden to warn of leaked data by his guards and to say I truly believe there is a system rooted
conspiracy (and that my life is in danger). Towards all of the above records any who are Just will not act as if they are sheathed and ready for a nap!

The next report record I mark a 3rd threat on my life; Inside Edmonton Remands MMH-inmates-unit mysteriously I got violent infections
in my fingers, and shockingly and disturbingly that Remands Alberta Health staff inside refused to give me antibiotics and would not get me to a doctor.
Inmate David Barrass told inmates the Remand is run by murderers which abuse children, and he said he called rcmp cause Edmonton guards and staff
denied him antibiotics medicine needed for a flesh-eating bacteria related Staph infection. I had infections for many weeks while trapped inside ERC.
A number of Canadian politicians are lying about mental illness & remanded citizens and are misleading by limiting segregating to two weeks. The truth is
that inside of little time inmates put on the upper tiers are neglected, abused and a number were murdered by inducing such to commit suicide
or by murder and by naming that suicide. And deadly drugs are used to kill. Citizens cannot and must not trust any level of staff inside of the Remands.
Edmontons new remand and Calgarys must be shut down. Honourable Canadian police need to raise arms at corrupted authorities inside Alberta.
Citizens which were targeted by staff running that madhouse as a civic duty need to, must, come forward as a matter of public safety and national security.

The next records I mark a 4th threat on my life. From inside Edmontons evil synagogue remand I tried calling the ombudsman, and yet I found that
office is a dead end that preserves system persons, not life and rights. The Remand clinics psychiatric nurse named Germaine threatened my life.
The so-called clinic didnt speak of my health needs. I was sent there to assess whether or not staff needed to cause my demise. She asked why I reported
lascivious youth sites material to hundreds of officials and I answered saying I caught systems failing to manage or permitting the wide open data. (Seepg10)
Germaine at that point did not give a reason to doubt my account. She simply gawked a face messaging blissed hate and said; You are bipolar,
Will you voluntarily take meds. Holy Pharmaganda Batman ! - Stilled in fear I told her I just met her and told her my mind works excellent and that
not a moment in my life was I assessed for that. - I told her public interest reporting and free speech is not a mental illness. I told of the matter to a staff
named Kelly who blindly offered that I misinterpreted, and she said that not any would label me that. This is not hearsay. This is of paramount interest!
The Germane message I got out of that is that sex offenders run things and that I am a target for reporting abuses inside managing systems.
The next records mark a 5th threat on my life. - October 22nd 2015 - reveals Edmontons Remand is (((caught))). - l was illegally put in that remand
and illegally taken from the 3D unit and put on that MMH. I was (non-segregated) with other general-population non-segregated inmates. October 22nd
MMH unit inmates and I who were (non-segregated) were taken down to the video-tron court floor of the freemasons Remand. On that video court floor
guards put us inside a cell as a band. Later, moments before I was to speak to a video screen to a judge, guards took me out of the cell I was in with those
inmates and (detoured me) to a cell marked cell 13 (which is for a person segregated in the Remand cause they are a danger to their self and others).
Officers taking me out of that cell to cell#13 minutes before I was to speak to a screen to a judge visibly provably shows a conspiracy to label me
a threat to myself & others. Its proof that for the first seven weeks guards & staff GP(ed) me and minutes before a bail hearing they handled me as a threat.
Its damning proof that all that time I was trusted amongst inmates and Oct.22nd minutes before a bail hearing handled as if I was not. Verily I was taken
from the GP inmates cell to cell-13. I told that guard that that did make sense and I refused to enter the narrow cell#13. I told him its outside the law
to shut a man inside that cell that threatens ones lawful right to not be dressed by false messages. That guard asked me to stand by the wall and he
said hed inquire. - A minute later a guard yelled; video surveillance is shut down. I was frozen in fear that the remand guards caused that digital matter
to cover up that a system conspiracy to record me getting in cell 13 was caught and stopped. A moment later I was told I was right that I was not to be
taken to cell13. I was brought to the first cell I was in with those I came with. Moments after I was at a video screen and spoke to a judge J.K.Wheatley.
I told him of the cell#13 matter and of that surveillance shut down. The judge stated;This man (Cullen) was deemed fit to instruct counsel and we will not
have any diversions. That messag(e d) that the judge admitted evidence of a conspiracy to label me a threat, a conspiracy to deny my right to bail
and to use system people to cause my life ruin. I was given two times to speak to him but did not get to speak to bail. The records here are (of) the most
exposing proofs that I was taken from my home and thrown in the remand to label and to falsify my records and to misnarrate my reporting. The records
are impossible for Governors & authorities to deny. And I must hope the advocate Ruth Adria and all who see the above #5 records do not fail to see why.

And there you see that Alberta authorities cannot be trusted with surveillance technology. - And that exposes a great national security matter.
Lawyer RonaldA.Morin who said hed act as my lawyer read out to me the October 22 /15 court transcription yet what I heard over the phone was edited
or read in error. And I found interference by a transcript management person when I called that office, and I found a number of mistakes of transcribers.
I know the judge stated;This man (Cullen) was deemed fit to instruct counsel and we will not have any diversions. And the surveillance or (digital codex)
proves the caught conspiracy even if a judge had not said the telling statement that day which he did. Mr.Morin has sat on my data stolen by system people
and at court hearings has said what he must not say, and not said what he must. And he did not tell me whether or not my aged Mother is dead or alive,
and he has taken a number of trips. Hawaii is its latest. A obese orgy of cold blooded Edmonton and Calgary lawyers warm their souls by Hell fire.
Suborners and carrot danglers do not get to circumvent the justice system to breach my rights. Mr. Ronald A. Morin must see from my report
that he has a great duty to get the charges dropped or duty to go to any media to get the help of any honourable Canadian authorities and citizens.

Ruth Adria and others need to raise the October 22nd matter otherwise there is not justice. The next record I mark a 6th death threat on my life;

November 27th 2015 I was put in cell 23 with Dawson a wicked inmate. Surveillance records conceal proof that he threw papers and material inside that
cell and was yelling filthy twisted words all night. I asked him why he was acting as a tool. He admitted that Kasper and other guards pinned him up
against a wall and threatened and bribed him into acting nuts all night to get me segregated, and he admitted there was a plot to plant drugs on me and to
cause my death to appear like a suicide. After I tried using the intercom in the cell to speak to the peril. Guard Chiami and two employed creeps
threatened me inside that cell# 23 that morning. I was told to shut the f-up by a guard that walked inside that cell with guard Chiami and a nurse.
A nurse assisting that shows that the public & remanded citizens are in danger. Chiami acted out a trauma mock feigning that Dawson appeared assaulted.
That morning I asked to move in with another celled citizen. Guards said no and that Id be sent to Edm. Remands Max D unit, which is 23 hr lock-down.
Guards conspired to segregate me on Max-D to block my right to use a phone and to harm and end my life and unprecedented public interest reporting.
Out of 100% reasonable fear for my life I scaled to a high point on the MMH unit. One inmate yelled murderers at the staff. Curtis Woods arrived,
who is the Remands Head psychiatrist who threatened my life at a dry-cell 3 months earlier. Yes and up at the high point he had closed ears at all I said
(and he strangely asked me if all my reporting on system child abuses was a great misunderstanding) and he offered to let me out of Edmontons Remand
to enter the Alberta Hospital to act as neutral-ground. From the high point in tears I spoke of threats at my life to bury my reporting on systems.
I deem thats why a inmate yelled murderers. I later learned that a Alberta native inmate named Ian Houle Dvorak climbed cause he said he felt trapped
and threatened by Curtis Woods and staff on that unit. After entering that Alberta Hospital default trap a female staff yelled;he wont get out of here.
Like in that remand I faced extreme threatening & manipulating and a cabal I was defaulted to used nonsense excuses for not giving me a pen to write with.
Staff repeatedly interfered with my vital need and right to use the 1 phone on the unit. A nurse admitted the Remand ought to of given me antibiotics for
the violent infections in my fingers. I was told I had two +4Staph infections. Later a nurse contradicted by saying it wasnt Staph. I said, you cannot contradict
what I was told. For weeks I was put on extra strength antibiotics, yet AH staff lied about what caused the infections. Persons who were labeled patients
told me AH is a trap and that a cult cabal of murderers run things and that meds are pushed and that its all about burying citizens which are a threat
to system reputations. A greatly troubled patient named Johnny Ottenbros recognized recognized that patients which are whistleblowers are labeled
grandiose, persecutory and delusional. - Please God help Danielle Metz, Nastia Ben -Salem, Jered Rempel and others I see as friends inside there.
They let liars of hell like Brad Harder out, and yet do not let people out who are not mad like him. /news/story.html?id=9fc21b86-45cd-4899-9571-ee4b8b7b98d1

The next records I mark a 7th death threat on my life. A psycho named Bradley Harder repeatedly harassed me, and grinning evilly that tool
said the system is plotting to murder me and that how is a secret. When I told staff what he said, they blamed his words on his meds, yet that doesnt wash
since later out of grinning malice Harder walked passed me and he said; Revolution hey. With a very large scar on her belly a young native named Beth
was forced naked in a baby-doll inside a cell on the unit. From time to time she was let out to strangely sit and bounce on a large ball. It appeared a pdfile
related exercise in the name of therapy. She insulted and suggested AltaHospital said things about me. And witness Ruth Adria found strangely acting
staff were plotting to madly label me and illegally force harmful meds in its facility. I told staff that cops are in bed with remand staff and that I only agreed
to enter the AH Nov.27th 2015 cause of murder attempts & abuses by Remand staff. I managed to get my hands on two police incident reports from inside
the facility and 3-5 3-7 unit patients signed one to report certificate labeling, assaults by meds, and illegal detaining. Eps cops did not act and so I faxed all
that to witness Ruth Adria to retain. Miss Ruth Adria rightly told lawyer Ronald Morin that I was abducted by Edmonton cops. He strangely asked her
how she knows that. Miss Adria said she discerns after 30 years experience. Inmate patients told me they did not hear of one who was not on any meds
after 3 months in that facility. March 2016 the facility non lawfully spat me out, yes re-turned me to the remand, alarmingly put in Max-D. After the first week
of March I was illegally called to court where I asked the judge if Edmontons Crown is conspiring to murder me. Kora from cell # 6 died on that Max-D unit.
For hours a herd of Guards & staff ran up & down stairs with a vital sign reader. He was not taken to a hospital. I heard that all his rfi requests to see a Hospital
were frighteningly ignored. What appeared is that staff acted out a negligent homicide. I witnessed the madness that day. I was told by a inmate that
Guard Stire is behind murder & beat downs in Edmontons remand. I found that Stire uses the bible and Chapel as a disguise. Cuffs & shackles were used
as a weapon of abuse, not to secure. At times Stire messaged that if I spoke to him further hed pummelingly force me down. Guards used excuses to deny
clean clothes. Guards for months said they did not have a workable razor to use, and so hair grew over my lips. The guard named Bench threatened
to dry-cell me and not let me out of a dry-cell to use a toilet, to entertain staff. That guard Bench said he believes Ruth Adria is likely a loser
who cannot follow my story and cannot write to get officials and citizens to see the realties I was warning of. MLAs let mad people run Alberta Remands!

The next record I mark a 8th death threat . March 25/2016 11:12 am Guard Leonidakis a friend of that guard Bench, handed me a lunch with the words
kill yourself written on the lid. I put that up to the cell camera to prove the matter. (That fits with the 3Dunit to dry-cell matter, Oct.22nd2015 and Nov.27th 2015).

The next records I mark a 9th point evidencing threats on my life. On that Max D unit the psycho inmate Berube at work as a unit-cleaner harassed
and threatened by telling me he has had sex with sheep. He said guards told him I was heading to a coffee shop. That was a second encounter of
a conspired leaked data spread. Berube claimed he was not raping children with system persons, and yet he talked over me as I told him governors
and Homeland Security are accused of letting officials molest and sexually assault children in the name of fighting airport underwear bomb terrorism.
They are magically moral! Judge David Yeldham was Director of the National Association for the Prevention of child Abuse and neglect. A MP accused him, and Yeldham
said; I am appalled at any insinuation! I am not and I hate & abhor all that connotes. Any who interfere with a young person should be locked up and the key thrown away.
Five days later he committed suicide by gassing himself. After that testimony about him began appearing about him molesting children at Wynyard Railway Station in 1980. And not a great
number people know that Alberta leaders surmise or hunch at citizens which are poor yet they do not want heard that Alberta leader Fredrick Douglas Miller was accused
for four decades of molesting at a playground and of Executive Directive Frank Jannis Kense was accused. (K. Leblanc) - What is the lens - Obadiah 1:3 and Isaiah 9:17
The guard Anderson asked me why I did not just leave the youth porn on Canadas internet to cops. I told him eps let me and are now polar, anti-faithful,
and I told him that all my emailed and public reporting was acquiesced to, of public interest and not in breach of what the criminal code permits.
The guard Edsen said Sounds like you were set up, but nonetheless, you must pay the consequences. What ? What! - Not Acceptable !

The next record I mark a 10th threat on my life. April 19th 2016 I put in a request to be brought to the Edmonton Remands clinic cause trapped in that
evil Remand and I was witnessing my eye-lids, hands, arms and right leg pulsating like a person effected by toxic sewage in a horror film. April 22nd
nurse Laura R. wrote a response saying Id be brought for tests and yet I was not brought. That was criminal neglect and proof I was infected or poisoned.

In facilities I heard staff exalt Manson&Masons. bi-sexual & incest natured inmates get Ensures or extra food if for staff they act as informants & harassers.
And staff use inmates to proxy peril, and staff use human feces bacteria viruses skin infections diseases poison, drugs parasites, hid beatings,
vilely violently energized voyeurism, remand surveillance illegalities and disrespect all as weapons of processing. I am a central witness. My writings are
one reason why not to simply mark matters hearsay, yes my report records evidences of the above. Is that their rehab plan. There is unsanitary flooding
from a marsh and the plumbing system lets toilets of cells contaminate each other as they are flushed. Officers can and do turn toilets and taps off inside
cells to cause; (fear, harm and a droned succumbing to their flatulently counterfeit superiority). One is sent to the far end lockdown section of the infirmary
where a staff targeted inmate gets surrounded inside a rectangular area of cells where inmates are mysteriously rewarded by sexually diverting guards
which put such inmates there to act out mad harassing using sadistic perverted flibbertigibbeting energy and cyber-con terms. At all times inside Albertas
Remands I detected that mad apes are watching the dog & sheep kennel. And with the fact that Remands were (illegally designed) by lawyers, likewise
inmates are triple bunked, greatly increasing risk of harassment, set-ups, vexing and less cell security. Each day I feared guards taking my documenting
data I tried to hide. Guards acted out violently perverted ways of enforcing cuffs & shackles, and likewise baby dolls are a excuse staff use to exercise
its perverted ideas about men wearing giant baby dresses. I spent nearly two years witnessing that violently perverted persons run Alberta Remands.

The next record I mark a 11th threat on my life.

June I scaled to a height a second time. Days earlier I saw stiff headed starchy suited remand deciders not respecting the lake of fire they are on course to
there (scoping out how) to stop a inmate from reaching the top where he can sit and try to get media to warn that Edmontons new remand is a madhouse.
Thats why I needed to act quickly before I was entombed on the unit where guards and staff appeared to of murdered cell # 6 inmate, and where I got
death threats and corporal threats and health threats. Fans of Charles Manson and the Texas Chain Saw Massacres family and Robert Picktons friends,
shouldnt be running ERC. From inside facilities I diaried what I remembered of my final data taken by eps. From high I said I saw a number of threats on
my life by staff out of hate at my reporting. A guard aimed a recorder. I saw a cabal of violent nonstraight, incest-ignorant rapists acting as guards & staff.
I told them to get the court house witness executive Chair-woman on the phone so I could establish a witness . The great fear wasnt getting murdered.
The greatest fear I had was getting condemned to their wayless walls and not getting the knowledge of Genesiss Bi-known and the Cullen Report completed
for all people to see. Guards and a female named Tammy [ lied to court witness Adria R.M.] when they told her they were getting me out of the Remand.
They said I was headed to AH. When I came down violent language was used and I was shackled & cuffed like a political prisoner of a war. Operations
Director Brenner and about six guards brought me and in the mens change room threatened my life. I was told that if I did not wear a white baby-doll
that guards would beat me down. Those guards were & are acting violently to attempt to get out of their caught perverted nature at children. {Yes a person
or persons act violently to attempt to escape out of their possibly detected perverted nature at children}. Guards called me Spiderman and they brought
me to a cell which was approximately 4ft by 4ft and the cell had a giant peel hole centered. Like them holding a gun or knife to my throat that showed
I was extorted into a surrender of dignity. I was told Id be let out and sent to AH if I slept inside the constricted illegally designed cell until the morning.
Staff lied and chillingly said a board was considering what to do with me. Two female guards walked passed and told me I should of jumped and that I will
wish I had. What does all that remind you of ? Thats right,October 22nd 2015, which visibly provably shows a caught conspiracy to label me a threat
to myself & others. Inmate Stephen McCartney told me ERC is run like a nazi death camp and inmate Lance Browne said we must keep our wits cause
shameful people run Edmontons new Remand. Ian Houle Dvorak told me he climbed to a high point cause he felt trapped and targeted by Curtis Woods
and staff, and that he had a-like-experience in which he was put in that illegally designed cell with the giant pee hole centered. He told me; a guard walked
by and told him he should of jumped, and that later he faced sexual abuse by pedophile guards who had him stand naked in front of cameras. I told him
thats what I faced in the MMH 8 months before. Its not only voyeurism in the name of checks. Its a culture of naming induced suicide or murder, suicide.

June 16th 2016 court room 515 the judge ordered that I be let out of the Remand to be in the AH default facility after I testified that I was facing periling
threats on my life by Remand staff. I told the Judge there is a conspiracy to torture and murder, and that getting out of the Remand was an emergency.
Justice Greckol said; I understand, thats why I am sending you to the Alberta Hospital. Prosecutor James Rowan was at work to hush me in the AH
by labeling me NCR. That was a mad plot? Why? He had to have known of past data from 2013 and a writ I made public which marked the NCR legislating
as a criminal labeling plot to storage any who threaten reputations of system persons. I had to flatter to get the hell out of the mortal remand trap I was in.
On June 12 2013 MP Ted Hsu on National TV raised that on May 27th 2013 AG Rob Nicholson and the Department of justice misled the nation by citing
& tabling a November 2012 false NCR report and not the significantly amended report received March 18th 2013. The MP opposite in the openparliament
marked as baffling and shocking that the minister likewise messaged that its NCR legislating would give prosecutors new tools. aqui tienes !!!

Now all of the just must, if evenhanded human beings, show belief in the bright appearance that we heard a message from a court justice; declaring
that she sees evidence from my warnings that my life is threatened and sees liability and danger of conspiracy to torture & murder a public interest writer
and that its an emergency. Yes the message heard is; I understand, why I am getting you out -is the warnings from you telling of a conspiracy to facilitate
torture and murder by all levels of staff, (a cabal). The way all that sounds is why I am getting you out. In court the words declared from the justice carried
the message; I understand that is why to serve your safety we will use a assessment test as the excuse to expedite this without trying to first investigate.
That is the judgement which appeared messaged on June 16th 2016 when Justice Greckol decared; I understand, thats why I am sending you.
And the way the words of the justice sounded from her vocal cavity appeared alerted of liability and life, not non-alerted pitying a sign of a sickly stage.
My making all a court record prompted her to act. Inside the AH default facility, (the second time), psychiatric staff were furthering their attempt
to advance labeling to entomb my life & knowledge. August, two months after what that judge stated, I won against AH at a AH psychiatry panel hearing.
With respect to the above, on July 19th 2016 in court I reminded a judge Allen of all said on June 16th 2016 to justice Greckol and after I spoke about .
two thousand words (yes I counted from the court transcription) that Edmonton judge Allen admitted that he could not see evidence that I am not able
to understand the nature of whats happening inside a court room. Yes thats what he said and messaged. I always felt I had to thrust and tug to be heard.
AND WHAT IS OF PARAMOUNT INTEREST is that that June 16th 2016 day James Rowan admitted that (after ten months) of my being detained he was not able
to discern whether or not the material I sent 250 Feds & officials was illegal. Verily that is earth-shaking proof the presumption of innocence
is being denied, and that that Crown Prosecutor and any assisting him is breaking the codes of Canada to attempt non-lawful prosecuting !!!

July 19th I reminded judge Allen that on June 16th Rowan admitted that nearly a year after my being detained he could not discern whether or not material
I sent is (you know, legal), yeah material of public interest which a prosecutor cannot prosecute. I told judge Allen that I was not sent to the Alberta
Hospital to get a NCR assessment. I told him I was sent there to escape periling threats and abuses. I reminded of judge Greckol admitting that. Judge
Allen said he did not care what Justice Greckol said and he advanced language about NCR assessing. The Alberta Hospital were not left with a choice
and so later ruled that its staff could not find evidence that I have a issue. That condemns a labeling plot by remand guards and staff using terms
persecutory, delusional and grandiose with respect to my warnings of conspiracy to facilitate torture and murder by all levels of staff to bury my reporting.
The conspired terms the court witness Ruth Adria marked, pokerfaced, vacuous and void, like weasel words people use. That gang of shameful eps
and its co-labeler AH were illegally fertilizing that conspiracy so all may appear adjetivo legitimo. - I highlight so not any miss all I NOW MUST report .

Prosecutor James Rowan was never inside Edmontons Remand as I was - yet he was acting as if its not possible that organized crime is running facilities
as if its not conspiring to torture and murder to bury my public interest reporting, and acting to misrepresent & manipulate chronicles & records of my life.
Ruth Adria the court room witness wrote warning that Mr. Rowan repeatedly misled the court. He acts as if he is not assisting a corrupt Alberta Hospital.
yet I remind that I wrote of the 2004 Edmonton Journal report warning that conspiracies, an ambience of pretense, guile, stealth, intimidating, harassing,
discriminating and mismanagement is common from Alberta Hospitals staff. As a leading witness I am able to say that now years later the facility is fallen
to such degrees that its a matter of public & national interest. Rowan acts as if he isnt assisting corrupted eps units, yet I remind that I wrote of the report
from advocate Malenfant who warned of frightening deceptions and anomalies seen in investigations acted out by Edmontons Police Child Abuse Unit.
Public statements by honored veteran Detective Ken Montgomery weigh in. And of course there is Derek Huff, and Press TVs Joshua Blakeney who has
gotten thorns and thistles from the Jewish Defense League, and Blakeney claims eps units persons are trafficking children. If I am not mistaken Blakeney
was or is funded by the government of Alberta.
children-for-profit/ Mr. Rowan acts as if he is not assisting corrupted Remand facilities yet the old remand downtown was shut down cause of corrupt staff.
And CBC news shared a report warning that Edmontons Maximum Prison appears infiltrated by a relevant & uncertain number of organized officers
that the report identifies but does not name. The report warning prepared by independent consulting firm TLS Enterprises wrote of needing a new
permanent warden and new management team. The report warns of sexual harassment, perverted phone-calls by guards and a dystopian system of fear,
harassment and bullying. Maureen Brosnahan of CBC news recorded the statement; One of the very serious problems is that the Correctional Service of
Canada management is not doing any thing about that. In factthey support the guards. They cover up for them. Its a code of silence at work in our jails.
Theres no doubt about it. What could be further absurd than listening to any media if its denying all that. And Lawyer Avnish Nanda represented one
of a number of prisoners in 2013 that filed lawsuits alleging they were forced by guards into fight clubs. Its not simply a handful of guards. And Edmontons
new remand and Calgarys remand are entirely corrupt at all levels and Albertas public is in danger. And disturbingly each unit I was on in Calgarys
remand and Edmontons had at least one inmate tell me child rapists titled staff run remands at all levels. You shall see I report, that by things said to me
by facility staff, I was targeted. And you shall see their motive why is I exposed that systems are breached! I am a lead witness that its organized crime.
Its not the 1950s sci-fi movie the Blob. Its a matter of violent non-straight incest-ignorant rapists acting as guards and staff that deny murdered children.
Any let in to work in the remand are let in to enlist to violent and perverted anti-lawful anti-charter activities.
edmonton-institution-1.4182350 MarionWarnicaHowarSapersStanStapleton,IvanZinger,MLAMariaFitzpatrick

Can Canadians and U.N. trust media and officials which appear open about Albertas facilities? - NOT if they deny my report you are witnessing.

We read of the meat grinder, Edmonton style; We know the one named Angel a former resident of Dwaynes House was unsuspectingly or wittingly used
as a tool by madly motivated people running systems. Angel is an adult female who at first appears like a nine or ten year old girl. Angel shows nature,
has appearing that age, a cigarette-smoking partying miserable person. People claim appearances of a ten year old cannot exist in an adult natured text.
Yes thats what is messaged as they detonates anger, yet that (cannot-exist message) cannot possibly be the truth as we know adults like Angel appear.
The record fits with what I wrote with respect to Yuko Ogura. Dwaynes House manager Barry accused of assaulting temporary residents assured me
that Angel is not nine when I sought to question why illegally a nine ear old was let into the Remand default Dwaynes House. Yet at mountains of proofs
of Genesiss Biknown, systems conspire to trample and take to tag and terminate the teller of the truth. Police & Prosecutors are publicly accused
by citizens of mishandling and lying-about the existence of exculpatory evidence and accused of causing suicide attempts. And its twisted, that they do
not recall that when the debate is lost slander becomes the tool of the loser. While fighting to survive I found that people who I phoned or faxed from inside
facilities of wayless walls - denied my deepest heart warnings, imposters that lie and which denied Christ by denying me. And I found that persons
running Edmonton churches are imposters. They are of a nature which is auto-messaging; you cant correct me, my nature is rich in recalled scripture.
I dont need to act honourable & approved; Getting concepts from Gods words shows I am as capable of acting righteous as I am at acting like the Devil.
And thats between me and God. I am option-minded and why would God not trust that. That there is self excusing of so-called end times people of faith.

I found a rotating quote stating; I am wiser than this man, for neither of us appears to know anything great and good; but he fancies he knows something,
although he knows nothing; whereas I, as I do not know anything, so I do not fancy I do. In this trifling particular, then, I appear to be wiser than he,
because I do not fancy I know what I do not know . (Socrates) That quote is exalted by imposters which act as if they are within reality or acting real.
That writer invests in appearances and compares itself to what its marked vanity, so while its said does not know any thing great and good, messages,
that its great and good that its not of fancy; of what its marked vanity, functionless, not holding to whats real, not respecting the needed razor, not trialed.
Its appeal; I know what I do not know. Thats not real discretion. Senseless persons act as they ask; What else is there? {Its that evil cause its chosen
that which its compared itself and cause of its appeal to appearances. Its all false humility and a most tidied arrogant danger}. I see that quote does not
make sense! The point is, many Socrates quotes do not really make sense, from him who they say impacted logic & viewpoint of modern systems.
They, a tidied danger of tidied self identifying, You must not believe such. The summit report you are presently reading and must read receiving, is reality.
We can easily forgive a workable child afraid of the dark; but must not trust those not like a workable child, those which are that afraid of the light.

I had to fight & wrestle to get persons to try to act honestly & honourably and to get any to try to keep hold of warnings & signs I gave. Persons that present
their selves as if they are not screwing us around, dared deny warnings that I was facing madly non-lawful facilitated system handicapping at every turn.
That witness Ruth Adria who I found titled Exec.Officer, Chairman I learned had communicated that I was falsely arrested and had conversed that judges
need to see that processes against me are dropped. If not we see that that warrants The Intervention of the Judicial Conduct Committee of the Council,
and other interventions. *That court viewer into matters of frail life points and illegal prohibitedity, told me that a female writers life was snuffed out by
facility folly, compliments of Alberta persons, lording law. That court room witness told me many writers are out there and that I might have them all beat.
I see that is significant and relevant to share and that fits with what Criminal lawyer Ronald Morin said three times which he never denied and fits with
powerful statements given years earlier by my CPAC national tv call-in friend and eps beaten street resident Ray William Cornelius and statements by
others before I purified and finished the now verily perfected report. And those acknowledgements stand at system Petrol Hosing by social fulminates.
The Judicial Council must rule against positions of relations if needed. Canadian Judicial Council Suite 450, 112 Kent Street Ottawa Ont K1A OW8 Where the Truth Lies - Alberta Views - Fake News and Surviving a Post-truth World - Can Goldust
"handle the truth"?: Raw, - Speaking Truth For Change Law Union Annual Conference 2017 What's "Next" in the post-truth era? Find out at the 2017 Canadian ... Advocacy | Canadian Federation of Library Associations.

Inside the Remands default AH a Dr. Singh was in the picture and he wrote that he could not find evidence that I see and hear things and could not find
evidence of homicidal and suicidal ideation and could not find evidence of paranoia and he wrote that my recall was quite in tact, (yet wrote suggesting
that evidence systems are abusing children is not a real matter), and I gave him examples of news, not words about an abominable snowman.
I told of news which AH psychiatric staff did not write a thing of. We know from the 2006 APA meeting that Psychiatrists and psychologists admitted
publicly that the psychiatry field is all a lie. Psychologist Michael J. Crowley authored a book on molesting of children in the Anglican church yet was later
charged for what he had written is shameful, inexcusable and beyond the pale. Psychiatrist Kim Fraser who hosted international seminars on child porn
was later her-self accused. With respect to Alberta, Journalist Climenhaga wrote that there is powerful evidence of a labeling pattern, since thoracic
surgeon Ciaran McNamee and Anne Fanning who was leading Alberta's tuberculosis foundation and Anesthesiologist Abilio Nunes, were all labeled.
Nearly a decade ago to defend seniors rights I got a test to strengthen my position. A forensic psychologist named Brodie who acted top heavy when
I said I was standing up against systems did tests and wrote that on the administered battery of tests Shawn scored well within normal on all variables
of the three most brain sensitive tests. On divided attention Shawn scored a high average for his age, reflecting a strong ability to split his attention within
two simultaneous mental tasks. This indicates a well developed ability to cope. The clinical scale was consistently normal, There are no indications of
'any' current disorder, mental health or personality disorder. He has a sense of (suspicion towards intentions of others) and a feeling of (being persecuted)
which is currently not associated with any evidence of a thought disturbance issue. In the end I was not able to get passed lies to help Mom and others.

On August 17th 2016 (a year later) detained in AH default, I faced (a forced non-lawful) AH panel of psychiatrists and psychology staff, yes forced to face
manipulating of conspiring labelers. Lawyer & Psychiatrist Allan Harris was acting chairman. Advocate & freelance reporter Ruth Adria acted as a witness.
A legal aid lawyer there referred to a unanimous Supreme Court ruling and he told the panel they were only leaving me with a choice of getting labeled
while I appear to have unique understanding and a unique function he warned. Witness Adria testified then that the ways people are narrating my story
is full of holes & contradictions and she referred to page four of the July 19th 2016 court transcription which she had a copy of which reminded and proved
that after ten shocking months of my being detained prosecutor James Rowan admitted he isnt able to discern whether or not the material I sent is illegal.
Yes all I sent was acquiesced to and not less legal & different than what eps cops conspired to label in April 2015 before they abducted me later in August.
If the material was not legal then 200 and fifty officials I emailed for years acted outside the law as accessories. And such narrating cannot make sense.
For years is the point. They are the nations federal law-makers, and so they are dutied to know the laws and as a 100% fact there is what is known as
Ministerial Responsibility that MP Ujjal Dosange reminded Canada of, which proves Feds had a duty to respond to all I was reporting. In Dec.2017 later
at a bail hearing Adria and that lawyer Morin managed to shake me loose of the system. Psychiatrist Zedkova is a threat to public safety since she
denied the existence of news I told her and like out of a horror film she attempted to erect the public guardians office to hostage me in the AH facility
and force meds on me. Inmates inside AH units said they never heard of any winning at a panel hearing inside AH and never heard of a man not on meds
after six month in that facility. I won against the AH panel and Sean Smith and Ruth Adria congratulated me. #1 I was acting as a hero since people were
counting life and truth as zero. And so I was not acting out grandiose(unpained). #2 I shared prophesies I received in the hope of putting the fear of God
in persons to advocate out of fear of my aged parents life deteriorating. #3 I testified of writing on Neuroscience news on criminally cruel ignoring
in extreme cases causing violent sprees, which I wrote of rhetorically, yes acting as if I was speaking of myself, to message like a drill which speaks to
the subconscious mind when duty-called persons out of their conscious minds ignore or deny what they must not. Eps cops shamefully manipulated that
to act as if I appeared a threat. There are many kinds of rhetorical examples like anacoenosis which is rhetorical questioning of hearers or opponents to
get opinions on a matter or paralipsis which is fixing attention on a subject by pretending to neglect it. Eps decapitated the need to remind that my email
messages were rhetorical,to cross examine, with respect to the matter of brain-science news evidencing that system people ignoring society are to blame
for extreme cases happening in society. By eps persons and James Rowan narrating to act as if I was speaking of my self they condemn their selves
by carrying the message that persons emailed were acting out criminally cruel neglect of ignoring. And I testified of a past time when Eps were at my door.
#4 I did not challenge eps. I simply acted brave as a deterrent since the eps corporal Derek Huff and a 2006 report revealed evidence eps units are acting
out false investigating, violent sprees, and regularly entering court lying under oath.
about-eps-professionalism-1.1401166 Eps entered my apt.bld. for people with disabilities and handicaps, in stealth without using the buzzer, and they wouldnt
speak through the door to state their business. I reminded that I have a right defending myself if they entered my suit without a warrant. #4 They strangely
questioned the self-explanatory word defend. I messaged that after years of eps cops trampling the vital rights of my elderly parent and I that if I were of
a nature that would cause a loss of a eps life, that I would of acted on such a nature long ago. The eps units own disclosure on page 74 of 77 recorded
that I said I dont work that way. I was able to account for all, but the earliest judges denied my right at the bail hearings. That was at the time of Judge
Dickens and time when Legal Aid Duty lawyer Guy Doyon declared, messaged, that there appears a system outrage conspiring at my publications.
In a July 11:39 time of disclosure Curle and Harrison and units recorded that they chose to not continue investigating whether or not I was a threat. Page
46 of 77 Jason Mitzel, Horchuk and units falsely narrated that units were looking for me for a long time and yet that was contrary to their other narrate that
I was known to rarely leave my apartment. And contrary to their narratings J. Vanderploeg and his partner narrated that following eps taking me they found
I was very pleasant easy-going and cooperative and compliant in the Royal Alex. That likewise contradicted narrates by Goudreau and the Royal Alex.
A May 7th 2015 narrate by Ian Ross and units stated they (eps) were not concerned as they did not find preparatory materials or literature by me supporting
extremist activities on the internet. Page 10 of 77 narrated that Toronto police received a report by the Ontario provincial advocate and narrated that on
April 30th 2015 cop Bill McGarry forwarded the complaint to NCECC and SAICEU. That is all nonsense since I sent emails of material to the media figure
Rockburn of Rockburn Presents and I emailed reminding that a Ontario cop briefly contacted me suggesting I harassed the tv figure yet the officer did not
question the images material. I emailed all exhibiting that as proof of scandal. And its preposterous narrating that cops found that I emailed report updates
with material since it was widely known by systems persons in provinces that I spent years emailing updates. Page 12 of 77 eps narrated that there were
39 images and that (they believe [some] [may] be cp.) There you see examples of evil eps units using literary drama to change or witch craft the context !
Eps Unit persons narrated that they could not discern whether images were eight years younger or eight years older. Units narrated a number of narrates
like that. That shows people how full of dung those eps units are. An Alert page narrated that images (appear to be possible) cp, and a April 30 13:55
narrated that there wasnt overt sexual acts and not nudity with respect to images. Its manifest that I am a target of lies to bury my public interest reporting
which was not ever in breach of what the criminal codes permit for public interest. Remand guards stole the long and short disclosure copies I got from
Ronald Morins office and when I asked for another copy, a lawyer from his office denied my right to get a second copy and threatened to call police at
my reminder that getting to re-examine eps disclosure is my right. August 15th 2016 I told Mr. Morin that my case is the most important in Canada
and he then re-worded what I said over the phone while I was in AH by saying to me that my case is the most important free-speech case in Canada.
I fired Mr. Morin once while I was in the Remand for a few times of him appearing to narrate in ways that inverted and he asked me if I would have him
as my lawyer again. I agreed since violent rapist guards crippled my ability to phone by constricting me on a nearly 24-hour lock-down and by telling me
there was not a phone-book. I worked as a watchman for the town of Hobema in which I guarded native elders inside the nursing home and buildings.
I did security for a stampede wrestling event where Bret Harts relative was in a match and I did security for law firms, and security for one of the upper
class Hotels, the Mayfield Inn. I was the main afternoon security for the gargantuan gainers/Swift plant where I handled 100+keys and fire + contamination
risks and emergencies. I worked with CPP police to help with railway security issues and was hired to watch for the safety of prominent musicians
performing a concert. And I was hired through the system to help seniors and handicapped persons. And eps did not narrate my health and bone issues.
Eps wrote of contacting aish yet aish never tried contacting me inside of months before I was falsely arrested. Can you smell that irrational fishy odor? !!!

The next record I mark the 12th point of evidence of threatening. As I was saying I was inside the Alberta Hospital default facility a second time.
A psych-aid named Don, sitting-constant told me he believes system people running the AH are targeting me cause they seen my reporting on the internet.
I later spoke with A Dr. Haig who stumblingly answered my question when surprisingly he admitted he seen many of my past emailed pdf report updates.
That was (is) a explosive revelation since that revealed that the people inside the facility that were attempting to label me knew of my re-reporting news
on Alberta facility abuses. On the unit a huge inmate named Jered Cooke told me a teen he had a relationship with died of pregnancy complications.
At a little weekly church service in a room on the unit I spoke of getting persecuted by system persons. Surprisingly Cooke out of anger loudly admitted
saying; We are all pedophiles in here, alright, there I said it! After, he got in my face and he said I am the enemy for reporting system child abuse news
against upper-class people. I was frozen in fear and surprised at the same time. Pastor Daynes agreed that was evidence I was getting targeted cause of
my public interest reporting. I saw a few people related to or tied to system people put where I was to act as informants, harass and spread propaganda!
Either Im lying about all the above or what you are seeing is earth-shaking proof I am targeted for paramount reporting. Yes the above is 100% the truth.
I had one native inmate patient say he doubts court house witness Ruth Adria will have the right stuff and sight to understand the riches of truth I present.
I refuse to believe that, as I know the summit report I have now finished is written for all of society & systems to understand. Cursed persons will refuse to!
I call any citizen any where in the public and any citizen any where in the world to find any page of my report which doesnt make perfect sense. No Chance!

The next record I mark a 13th threat on my life and my rights.

After winning against the Alberta Hospitals attempt to label me corrupt staff acted murder-minded by spitting me out into the hands of the remand again.
Sheriffs & Corrections officers abused by forcing me to wait inside washroomless holding cells all day. I was to be seen in QC court on Sept. 2nd 2016 yet
Sheriffs drove me to Edmontons Remand. I asked lawyer Morin why I was not brought to court and in a side-winding way he said that is a good question
yet he did not account. Guards put me in the Remands infirmary. Guards which threatened my life and used sexual propaganda terms at me were;
H. Mass, Davidge, Molson, Crowel, Pylpow, Stire, Shepach. And guards were calling me a bible-thumper. Robert Johnson conspired with other guards
to act out voyeurism by bringing in a dog and getting me to undress in front of a security camera, like Ian H. Dvorak said happened to him. I heard
a guard say he was not having any part of this, which further showed me guards plotted that. I am not surprised since I had three report exhibit pages
showing proof persons at high levels of power use their cctv technologies to voyeur & kidnap youth. Proof they can appear natural is seen in language of
top official Ranjit Sinha, police chief for the Central Bureau of investigation, Indias equal to the fbi, who stated; If you cant prevent rape, you enjoy it. Murderers are not trusted with children. Why is that murderers act
crept in at, violently perverted at - the parts of the woman which build and birth children. The next record I mark the 14th threat on my life and rights.

Guards actually stole my documentation, transcriptions pages and numbers I had. On that infirmary unit I spoke over the voice activate phone to a friend
of the crimes acted out and that perverted mouthed inmates were put in cells next to me to harass and erect propaganda, and the high ranked guard
D.Arbour entered my cell at morning and said; I heard what you said on the phone. I am sending you to Calgarys Remand. You have become a liability.
He said; You are losing all your rights. Thats what you get for messing with government. You wont be able to put my face on the internet that way.
Either Im lying about all the above or what you are seeing is earth-shaking proof I am targeted for paramount reporting. Yes the above is 100% the truth.
I need people awake !!! I am able to say I am telling the truth the whole truth and not any thing but the truth so help me God. Yes as God as my witness !

I arrived at Calgarys Remand and was put in a cell on the SU9 unit (a super-max unit) that only gave a hour out each day to use the phone.
On that unit I seen guards walking past with Vaseline. I asked why and a guard said they do regular checks for drugs. I discerned that that was a sexual
voyeurism and sexual interference matter in that mad facility. I warned that I was sexually abused in Edmontons Remand by a culture of voyeurism.
I was put on the placement unit and a large guard said I was heading to unit # 5. I told him I was told # 5 is a dangerous gang unit. I said I wanted
to speak with my lawyer first. He told the other guard that I am an idiot, and he put me in cell 9 of the placement unit with a inmate named Tony Parent,
who guards referred to as Anthony. That inmate used language that showed he was told things about me and was acting as a pharisaical informant.
October 6th 2016 I was unlawfully confined in cell #9 with Tony when guards told us that 3 guards recorded that we got our hour out at 10am to use the
phone to call a lawyer. That was a bloody lie and surveillance records can prove that. Later we were let out at three yet only for half of an hour. I was later
put on the unit 9 again. The guard Michael Kasa or his partner inside the units security station yelled sexual and religious propaganda terms. I called
long distant to Edmonton to ask the advocate Ruth Adria to document that. I felt I was hated by Muslim guards since they knew I was reporting the British
epidemic of marriages with pre-pre-teens. Behold;
around-the-World You see I quickly give proof or evidence which fits!
And see the way the internet addresses fit with each other. On that unit 9 a inmate had called a guard a rapist pedophile and the guard and him
took turns calling each other a rat. I was then taken out of that unit after that and put on Calgary Remand unit known as the AT unit and put in cell AT216.
The next record I mark the 15th or #15 threat on my life. A guard named Leclair said through the cells intercom; At least you are not buried down
a deep dark hole. And after that the guard he worked with walked into that cell I was in and said; At least you are on the right side of the dirt. I asked
what the unit was and a so-called psychologist named Mo told me it was a unit for people with special needs. I reminded him that I won against labeling
attempts at a Edmonton panel hearing. Mo said I was not put on the unit cause I am seen as special needs but just to give me a new unit other than SU9.
Mo said I had to stay segregated in the cell cause of the unit I was on. November 6 2016 11 inmates signed a petition on a rfi form asking that I be let out.
One of the inmates named Jeremiah Sawich gave me his email - The writer of the petition wrote; Please let Shawn out as we do not
see him as a threat to us at all. We see him as a kind and gentle man. Mo told me that it was not up to the other inmates. I told him I will tell Albertans
I was being (illegally segregated). Thru the door I told inmates of my story and they said they believe me and they gave me fist bumps by touching the glass.

The next record I mark the 16th or #16 threat on my life.

Nov.9th through the intercom a guard used sexual propaganda terms and said if I mess up he would come in and kick my skull open and kick me to death.
[Intercom records] - I told him to go for it. I told that officer I know he is a sexual predator evilly using propaganda to target my public interest reporting.
Times of the intercom cell threats were about 9:15am, 10:30am and 10:45am. - When I got time out to use a phone I called long distance to tell
lawyer Laurie Wood and I called Ruth Adria. The guard messaged a veiled threat to do things to the food I was fed. I am seeing health-issues in ways
I did not before I was highjacked, taken. I need my organs tested and tests for toxic things and super-bugs. I have not been able to get all testing I need.
I remember Prosecutor Rowan acting as a weapon inside court hearings to forge court records and drown out my vital need to speak. He repeatedly
spoke of Psychiatrists I marked, suggesting that my physical health is deteriorating as if I do not have much time to live. That is madness as I was not
deteriorating and my earlier warnings that I fear I was harmed medically and need to see an outside doctor were ignored. And my lawyer Morin was not
fighting to raise that. Its quite seeable to me that Prosecutor James Rowan is at work with persons to attempt to cause my demise and I cannot allow that.
James Rowan is at work with persons to attempt to murder me which gives me a reason to suspect he is behind deaths of foster care children. If that
native speaker Noel and natives and others do not help to give my report a voice then they are accessories to the raping, trafficking and murder of Alberta
children. If (any) man or woman dare deny my finished paramount report they can head straight to hell. And while self-condemning persons like Oprah
exalt their self and use their money and fame and Disney to tell their self they are heading to heaven - denying the truths of my report shows they are not.
The truths did not come from Oprah and spot-light hogs of hell. I have pity on Gollum before such liars. We swears to serve the master of the precious.
NO, O ye madly arrogant - your perverted secreting is, not precious. My Mothers life was precious and the lives of Alberta children which were murdered.
We need Albertans & Persons inside all cities and States with picket signs which message; Stop with the false processes and repeated murder attempts.
Help the report writer of Genesiss Bi-known. Ruth Adria told me she fears that civil lawyers and media facades are not telling the truths we need to hear.
Ruth at times sounds like she wants to deny and head for the hills. If Ruth does not fight to get my report seen that will equate into further raping & deaths.
I call you Miss Adria to not fail. We cannot afford that. And there is a propaganda matrix with hundred enlisted and so dont let opposing voices fool you!
And act vigilant since there is at least one corrupt ambulance driver at work with those disgraceful deadly counterfeit cops and cop units I have identified.

The next record I mark the 17th or #17 threat on my life.

November 11th I was sent out and put on SU9 again. I was put in a cell next to inmate Walter J. Jenkins. The filled toilet in the cell I was in did not work.
Jenkens spoke to me through the heating-rad and used sick language. He suggested my toilet flush was turned off by guards to abuse me and that
he was put in the cell to use psychological warfare on me for guards. In 2017 months after I got bail I heard tv news which aired that they caught Jenkens
in a field and that hes a murder suspect. How did he get out of Calgarys Remand? Persons want that inmate hushed. November 2016 nearing its end
a Lebanese inmate named Sammy was harassing me and he suggested he was in Edmontons Max-D unit to ID me and was sent to Calgarys SU9 unit
to harass and murder me. I heard him in the morning speak of a friend who has built a community and of a cousin in Spruce Grove. He was threatening
to Shank me, and a Muslim friend of his showed a visible shank at my cell door. Each time I was let out to use a voice activated phone on that unit
that Lebanese tool and strangely other psychos put on that unit, kicked their cell doors so I could not activate the phone to report things. The guards were
fully aware and letting that. I finally got my cell pillow to put around the phone and receiver to make a phone call. Surveillance records contain the proof.
A Muslim told me there was a plot and that a corrupt guard would let Sammy cover his head on the graveyard shift and let him in my cell to murder me
to stop me from writing reports. Leslie was one of the guards who appeared gay. That Muslim told me that the only way to get off the unit and save my life
was to tell guards I was having a suicidal thought. I tried that and staff said Id need to wear a baby-doll. I was put on the At1 unit and two inmates
in baby-dolls told me Calgarys Remand is farming people and that what is secreted does not have a thing to do with Justice. My friends Maddassar Bashir
&Christina Monett told me guards abused them. I sang to Maddasser who said he was a man who believes in God & Jesus. Yes brutally and pervertedly
people are farmed wearing baby-dolls and people in Alberta Remands are not getting arraigned. Advocate Ruth Adria spoke of that with me on the phone.
Before my Nov.30th 2016 bail hearing via video-tron (which was canceled) the Muslim told me that night Id be murdered by guards and Sammy in a plot
if I did not say I needed to get to At1. I did and on Dec.5th 2016 I was told I was heading to the SU9 super-max again and that Id get dragged there
if I tried raising what my rights are. Guards repeatedly let inmates kick cell doors to stop me from using a phone and they let Sammy yell death threats.
I used the intercom to say I needed out. I was taken out and a large bodied guard threatened to beat me down if I spoke and he called me a bible thumper.
He told me Id stay in what he called the hole which was unit 8. He forced me to wear a baby-doll and he put me in a cell with human dung on the wall.
High ranking guard Sweeny told me I could go to General Population unit one or two if I first spend a short time in SU9 again. I was put in a cell next
to Sammy. A guard after told me that whether I agree or not I was heading to the PC unit. I was put in with a young inmate named Brandon Davidson
who told me brutal murderers run the Remand and told me I was tricked into a bad 24hr pc lockdown zone. He said I cant even get to phone on that zone.
2305955 December 9th he said the way the guard spoke to me and denied my rights via the cells intercom was not any thing he had heard before.
He said it is a clue I am getting targeted by system persons and that my life is in danger. He managed to help me by getting a form to fill out to get me
to GP unit 1 or 2. - I was taken to placement unit and Dec.11th I was put in cell 14 which had rat-point written on the door. I was put in with inmate
Codie Petrie. 10:20am By guard Graham who told me hes full blown gay before he forced a non-needed strip search December 12th I was voyeured.
I addressed that via the intercom at 5:10, 5:25, 5:50 and 6:10pm. December13th I was unlawfully confined so I couldnt phone to report the voyeurism.

Dec.16th 2017 I was taken to Edmontons Remand and put in the infirmary again. See patterns? I hope yes as all I am telling is the business of all !
I was put in cell 10 and the term rat was written in large letters on the glass door of the cell. Surveillance records can prove that. Inmate Mike Geer and
a perverted inmate in cell-11 acted out harassing propaganda for hours and Guards let the inmate plant a crap bomb at my cell door and let him get naked
and put on a twistedly perverted show, and of less respect than a laughing Imp he as a evil Spawn acted out a hang yourself message. He had to know
I am targeted by system persons of organized crime. That third week of December 2017 I finally got bail after a year of being hostaged in facilities.
I was forced to agree to brutally illegal insulting propaganda bail conditions and I was driven to that Dwaynes House that for months attempted to set me up.
Eps cops which appear in on the Capital conspiracy breaching my rights and free speech are; Curle Harrison, Jason Mitzel, Ray Akbar, William McGarry,
Warren Posch, Dale Ewert, Joel Whittaker, C. Ballard, Duncan Maxwell, James Warawa, Geoff Hood, John Guignon, NiniVarkony, J. Reilli, Vanderploeg,
Arwen, Evan Chyzyk, James Lokken, Duncan Maxwell, Ardill R. Duncan Maxwell, Wazmuth, Goodkey, Romas, Ralph Gilker, S. Horchuk and Bill Spinks.
Page 59 of 77 eps cops narrated that when I was I faced by eps at the end of August 2015 I demanded to know why I was arrested. ( In deed !!! )

I lost my apartment of ten years and I lost my cat who was like a family member to me, a child to me, and all my property was lost, (things which I kept
of my Mother and childhood all of my life). While I do have friends there I was defaulted at Dwaynes House where scoundrels of hell linger in obtuse
opinions, acting as informants and as tools to set me up, self condemning persons of hyped hate. Canadas Psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron advanced
a project funded by CIA and Canadian governors, a so-called project which was electric shock and signaled-messages (named research) that ended in
people dying and people turning insane. A example was written by Cheryl Hersha author of a report titled Secret Weapons telling of girls and males
brainwashed to kill for Canada, yes brainwashed by Camerons research. That matter is reportedly related to great deviances of lust cloaked.
They kill to bury any showing clarity with respect to youth! Such killers are used inside Edmontons Remand, Calgarys Remand, Edmontons
AH default facility, and a few persons inside of Dwaynes House. Canadian
political attendant Eugene Plawiuk blogged that patriarchal authority and acting perverted at children appear hand in hand, yet he was not targeted as I.

After only weeks inside Dwaynes House I was targeted by use of body lice which was planted on my bed and a skin damaging parasite or bacteria which
my roommate Richard Farr got, who did not know how to get rid of that issue on his belly. I am a witness that Dwaynes House is using creeping cons to
act as informants and to threaten. Its a madly sick and revolving door. People trampled every one and every thing in my life who I love and they used all
persons and things in their arsenal but did not stop me from writing my Everest world interest report. I was not told what happened to my beloved Mother
and my little cat I lost which likewise will always be in my heart. Capital Region Housing is an accomplice in destroying proof and all my property, even
pictures of when I was a child. Before the 2015 end of August writer-napping and data high-jacking, I addressed Capital Region management since they
had a crew that attempted to enter my apartment suite 206 suspectly & extortingly. They told me they are independent from government yet later they said
they are the government. I seen the two disgraceful housing investigators and they seen my tears. How could they deny Christ by assisting madness.

System persons are threatening my life. Inmate T. Berube who bit off his own finger and who told me he has sex with sheep suggested guards told him
there is a plot to use a perverted judge and perverted jury to bypass justice and lock me away. And persons from Dwaynes House warned me that they
heard that to divert there is by corrupt system persons a picture of me spread in stealth! - The next part give a few reminders of points in my report.

I present on page two the knowledge of Genesis's Bi-known. I wrote of the illusional global aftermath from non-lawful broad messaging, and I give summit
knowledge on denying Genesis's Bi-known. There warns of fruitless braying anger attempting a arrogant reversal) which threatens by calling on non lawful
broad messaging, a false hearted attempt to escape fiery realities. I wrote that if any speak evil, its cause their spiritual liver is not working and defiles
and poisons raised good or proven points reported. Page three I wrote that I found and judged what by itself turns the world into lies. I wrote
that a person may choose to look the other way, but they can never again say they did not know. I wrote that there is that cursed or self condemning pride
of MPs erected on national tv saying its managing mental health issues, yet my report marks that anti-truth. I wrote that there is a real matter of
authorities terrorizing my free speech right. I wrote that Judge Catherine Bruce made history in Canada and North America when she ruled that John
Nutall and Amanda Korody convicted on terrorism charges were in reality entrapped by police neighboring Alberta. I wrote that the Advocate Ruth Adria
with decades of experience told the law firm owner Ronald.A.Morin that I was abducted by system persons to stop my writing and public interest reporting.
Page five I wrote that persons overpowering are perverted & perverting, and how we know is; (overpowering is undoing securities). I wrote that the modern
law of the last century is a lie and that why is that inside that law, consciousness magnifications are not leveled and persons side with overpowering.
I wrote that that law shows lost sight of natures Biknown, and that that shows cabinet and citizenry persons went mad. I wrote that people deny by using
cool act fashions to feign command with a call to fruitless braying anger or indict braying. I wrote that its a modern matter of denying that is nuclear
at the function of conscience neural circuitry. I wrote of web warnings that Canada is governed by a secret network of persons of warped knowledge
running systems and watching each others backs. I wrote that a way to quickly see which liars are the greatest danger is in seeing which persons erect
or proxy discretionless anger as such anger attempts to destroy visibility of shame and so is a way to disguisingly-escape. I named the matter Hot Saucing
as thats violent labeling squid inked out at truths raised, yes detonated at the truths raised. Page six I wrote that Mohammed former Resident of the
Charles J. Carter residence stated; "Your report is a knowledge phenomenon containing the power to unite the world, and you may quote me on that.
I wrote that Edmontonian Ray William Cornelius stated to quote; The world must see the Cullen Report because it relates to every thing in every ones life.
I dont care if you are a race car driver or the President of the United States, everyone needs to read your Report. I wrote of system persons targeting
the press network which complimented me while those system persons were conspiring to witch-hunt my life. - And I know that is no coincidence ! I wrote of evidence of Genesiss Bi-known
from the book of numbers. I wrote that Creep Catchers Canada is like the Kunderschutzbund. I wrote of Elephant(s) in the room. I gave evidence that
witnesses say incest is common in Canada. On page six you see I define the nature of incest, homosexuality, autoeroticism, oral sex and sensuality.
I wrote that the World's social fulminates are brought to shame by the knowledge of; Involuntary Parietal Occipital Printing. Page nine I wrote of
human trafficking, I wrote that I was taken and discriminated against cause eps persons (units) madly hated the ways I am gifted to define and the ways
I put the points into a nut-shell. I wrote that what liars and people trampling my rights fear is a league, union or federation of citizens carrying picket signs.
Page ten I wrote that what a eps cop said to me amounted to him saying he acknowledged that he and (eps) knew I was investigating and report-
recording as a civic duty to expose and legally speaking to newly expound. I wrote that the context of what was earlier proves what the real text was later!
I wrote of what billions (peripherally audienced). I wrote that bastards of hell are ululating while we face the greatest lies ever in the history of the World.
I wrote of FKN Newz messaging that lusting liars run institutions. I wrote of news evidence that Edmonton Remand attacks are orchestrated by guards.
I gave the proof I have proven persons governing systems are into youth porn and are caught conspiring to invert appearances of that. Page eleven I wrote
that the President Vladimir Putin gave a message that exposed mobs and system persons I say are at work in Edmonton and related cities. I wrote
that I was called a rat before I was taken and that eps cop Stephen Horchuk gmailed in the name of saving and helping children (which shows that
the corrupted eps units could see that that was what my emails and pdf report updates messaged)! I wrote that Alberta advocate and court-room witness
Miss Ruth Adria wrote to Alberta Governors on the profound significance and relevance of that reported matter. I wrote that Tradesman Marcel Saumier
warns that Alberta's system & Edmonton's police are gang stalking him. Page twelve I wrote of news of Government accused of hiding deaths of children,
and I wrote of proof of system persons wanting to bury proof of persons causing the demise of my innocent elderly Mother. I wrote of Edmonton Journal
news which further proves that conspiracies and corruption is common inside Edmontons Alberta Hospital. That fits with all the proof I gave in my report.
I wrote that a evil person uses its fatted nature at one who is fasted and uses gabbling fueled up drama to switch truth with lies. Page thirteen I wrote
I who was seen public interest writing was misled and taken late at night and only days after illegally put in a cell, yes and horrifyingly seen with black eyes
and yet faced judges which-did-not-question-and-didnt-call-any-to-query, all in breach of the United Nations human rights charter and Canadas codes.
I wrote of alarming and disturbing evidence that the Edmonton Remands Head Psychiatrist and the Remand Clinics psychiatric nurse Germaine
each threatened my life to close down my reporting on system murders & abuses with respect to youth and children. I wrote of why Edmontons Remand
cannot be trusted with corrections and surveillance technology. And I wrote that remand staff divert to pervert. I gave proof that Edmontons Remand
and Crown Prosecutors are caught conspiring to label me to assist burying me, to bury my reporting. The caught matter proves system persons fear
my public interest reporting and fear that my reporting reveals truths impossible to deny. I wrote that towards all the records any who are Just will not act
as if they are sheathed and ready for a nap! Page fourteen I wrote of what was on the day I was defaulted from that Remand to Edmontons Alberta Hospital.
I wrote that Executive Director and Chairwoman advocate Ruth Adria rightly told criminal Lawyer Ronald A.Morin that I was abducted by Edmonton cops.
I wrote that Suborners and carrot danglers do NOT get to circumvent the justice system to breach all my rights. Page fifteen I wrote that like them holding
a gun or knife to my throat I was extorted into a surrender of dignity. I wrote of inmates saying there is a culture of voyeurism inside Albertas Remands.
Miss Adria her self told me when I was remanded that remand persons running things pretty much got a gun to my throat. I wrote that Alberta Corrections
officers are like mad apes watching a dog and sheep kennel. I wrote that people need to show belief in the bright appearance that we heard a message
from a court justice; declaring that she suspects from warnings that my life is getting threatened and sees danger of conspiracy to torture and to murder
a public interest writer, and that its an emergency. I wrote of a mad NCR plot caught! I wrote that August 2016 two months after what that judge stated,
I won against AH at a illegally forced AH psychiatry panel hearing. I wrote that there were conspired terms court witness Ruth Adria marked pokerfaced,
vacuous and void, like weasel words. Page sixteen I wrote that June 16 2016 the crown in court admitted indict processes is false. I wrote that what is of
paramount interest is that that June 16th 2016 day James Rowan admitted that (after ten months) of my being detained he was not able to discern
whether or not the material I sent 250 Feds & officials was illegal. Verily that is earth-shaking proof the presumption of innocence is being denied, and that
that Crown Prosecutor is and any assisting him, breaking the codes of Canada to attempt non-lawful prosecuting !!! I gave proof with news that Alberta
remands and prisons are a extreme danger to public safety and a matter of national security. I wrote of the proof the (cannot-exist message) cannot
possibly be the truth as we know adults like Angel and Yuko Ogura appear. I wrote that persons I tried to phone from inside facilities, persons that present
their selves as if they are not screwing people around, dared deny warnings I was facing madly non-lawful facilitated system handicapping at every turn.
The great fear wasnt getting murdered. The greatest fear I had was not getting the knowledge of Genesiss Bi-known and the Cullen Report completed
for all people to see. Page seventeen I wrote that judges need to see that processes against me are dropped. I wrote that If not we see that that warrants
national, local and international interventions. I wrote of acknowledgements I received, which stand at system Petrol Hosing by social fulminates.
I wrote of answers I gave which Miss Ruth Adria or any can see are perfectly sound accounts. I gave examples of eps contradicting their own narrates.
Page eighteen I wrote that Criminal Lawyer Ronald Morin said my case is the most important free speech case in Canada. I gave part of my work history.
I gave evidence of how aish has acted as a weapon with eps cops. I wrote that shameful capital region housing lied to my face and played a part in
stealing and destroying my life. I wrote that a psych-aid named Don, sitting-constant told me he believes system people running the AH are targeting me
cause they seen my reporting on the internet. I wrote of the explosive revelation that the people inside the AH facility which were attempting to label me
knew of my re-reporting news on Alberta facility abuses. I wrote of a high ranking correctional officer admitting I am targeted to bury my reporting on
systems acting out lies and abuses using youth and children. That Edmonton officer said and I quote; I heard what you said on the phone. I am sending
you to Calgarys Remand. You have become a liability. He said; You are losing all your rights. Thats what you get for messing with government.
You wont be able to put my face on the internet that way. Page nineteen I wrote of a petition written and signed by inmates who messaged that I was
segregated and that they did not agree with that. I wrote that its quite seeable to me that Prosecutor James Rowan is at work with persons to attempt
to cause my demise and I cannot allow that. I wrote that James Rowan is at work with persons to attempt to harm or murder me which gives me a reason
to suspect he is behind deaths of foster care children. And its telling that not any answered to Ruth Adria with respect to her raising that James Rowan has
repeatedly misled the court. Page twenty I wrote of news evidence of girls and males brainwashed to kill for (Canada). I wrote that they kill to bury any
showing clarity with respect to youth! I wrote that after only weeks inside Dwaynes House I was targeted by use of body lice which was planted. I gave
proof to a doctor I saw and I still have a little matchbox sized packet to exhibit as proof. To my knowledge I was the only resident that was happening to,
which I do not see as a great coincidence. Director Tim from Dwaynes House at 10209 100, is the actual prodigal son if he has hope. He acts like
other staff to preserve system reputations yet you cannot serve two masters, and friendship with the world is enmity with God. Staff were putting persons
inside the rooms I was in, persons which were repeatedly leaving nearly empty crack bags in drawers I used and empty bottles of hard alcohol to attempt
to set me up, and I even found strange pills planted inside my Nap sack. I asked Caitlyn Rieger to let me get a new place to stay at, yet what I got were
excuses and recoiling language. I told her that getting me to see a parole officer is non-lawful since I had proven I am being put through a illegal indict file
and non-lawful court processes. She said I will still need to get the false indict dropped and non-justifiable bail conditions dropped inside a court,
and yet I have not seen any reason to believe I would receive fairness. Suspect or mysterious persons in Dwaynes Home wanted a draft of this report,
and they told me eps cops and system persons will act to bury me if I do not get a report on the internet for others to see. I finally said enough is enough
and left Dwaynes House and now I am living outside trying to survive. I spent two thousands dollars driving around in cabs to keep myself safe and to
keep myself from freezing to death. I now do not have money I need and by aish not giving me money they put myself and others in danger since
the message is that I am being targeted and left to fight to survive. Thats not acceptable. I need help from citizens and others in Canada. I am taking on
the world and people must not let me fight that fight all by myself. I found that there is a warrant for not following bail conditions which were illegal
conditions in the first place and as you can see were not possible to follow under all the mad circumstances. By denying all the proof that corrupt eps
targeted me and now using them to target me by using a warrant which cannot possibly be justified, system persons are threatening my life and rights
and acting as if I will simply throw myself at the mercies of cops acting out organized crime against me. Thats not going to happen. Eps forfeited their rights!

Right after I got bail I found that when I tried phoning Ruth that I got immigration officials. That happened when I used phone booths and other phones.
I asked them and they said that perhaps I am getting labeled and stalked by police. One of the names of the officials is Ryan Lamont and the name of
the other official is named Anderson. Yes that is not lawful. If I do not fight I may end dead like my little elderly Mother who I now know was murdered.

Lawyer Ronald A. Morin must get that false warrant dropped and the false indict which he said was BS from the start. He has a duty based on the case
citing of Director of Criminal Prosecutions vs Robert Jodoin. My Mom was murdered and I have been lied about. This is not a game. And if media deny
my report then they put my life and lives of others in danger. must cc this report to Ruth Adria and others.
And I am demanding a restraining order which forces the police to not go near me.
Any so-called reverend or pastor which sides with the sexual matrix is heading to the lake of fire if they deny all I have proven, whether that pastor is at
west Edmonton mall, the mustard seed, and even strangely acting Bob Gal who had a heart attack who does not have my understanding. God is not
a respecter of persons. Persons tell their selves they are chosen yet behold that God told me and not myself. I am so sad that I was betrayed by Dale,
John and many who gossiped and judged and condemned me, which God said is forbidden. If any were correct then my report would not exist.
As any may see my teachings on the nature of people have never been seen before in the history of the world, and who has acted humble and honoured.
I see the abomination of desolation as the latter days time when from north to south and east to west persons deny and ignore at every turn. I shall forgive
any which denied me if they honestly ask, but understand I shall by the authority of Christ deny all which by their words or works deny me.

I was taken and closed inside remand Hells to kill my paramount reporting and to take my life. "I was mocked and demeaned" "I knew what I'd discovered
was profoundly important." "I know why persons in systems did all they could to destroy me! The report raises proof of a great Brewery of illusions.

I am calling on all who see this report to help and I am demanding that the breaches against my rights are stopped. I ask you to post this report.
I could not attend the April 26 2017 preliminary hearing and the September 11th 2017 so-called jury trial is NOT LAWFUL and puts my life in peril.

How mad and antichrist that so-called related people blindly judged like Satan and demons. Those who do the will of my Father in Heaven are my family.
Not all who call on Him Lord Lord shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven except those who do his commands. They handed my Mother over to strangers
which slowly murdered her. I recorded signs & proofs my Mom was communicating with me and showing strength and yet she died within only four years.
They played a part in causing her demise, and never told me she died and did not tell me there was a funeral. When I was finally told I went to her grave
where there were not any flowers. How dare you bastards. Gale was my best friend not just my Mom. Those foolish liars exalt their selves by emoticons
and Emojis. Their knowledge is garbage. I am deeply offended by them. Maria McErlane, a British radio personality told The New York Times in 2011.
Yes and my Mother would have been deeply offended. The need my Mother had was me. I saw her grave on May 2nd 2017.

I have one of the most understanding minds ever in the world which verily is why I am even able to define the nature of things that Socrates said,
and I do not know who (in the Hell) my relatives are. Page16 Rather than acting on my side, they burn in thorny turns of assuming and envy .

Eps were of such desperateness to dig up evil that they documented1999 with respect to my Mother when I was just a young man in my twenties.
Here are the words of my Mother from 1999 from a letter I kept all my life. In the letter my Mother wrote; Please forgive me Father for being angry with
Shawn, for losing patience and control, for being in strife, for being out of control, for uttering threats saying Im calling the police, for lacking patience
in the situation and compassion. Shawn drove around to make amends and couldnt find me. He made me some fruit to make amends and I stubbornly
refused his offering of forgiveness. I made him look like a dog following me around. He was trying to reason with me and I hurled insults saying all his
motives were evil but I was just looking for evil. - - - I have never had a day which passed in which I did not forgive my beloved Mother. All I have seen
is that she is the greatest Mother any son could ask for. My paramount report reveals just how crammed up with devil dung all my enemies are.
I have the proof of the above letter which I am able to fax to court house witness Ruth Adria, and so not any can suggest I am giving false evidence.

Gale Anne Briggs was murdered to bury the writer and one reporting on the revelations seen inside the Cullen Report. Gale was meek, did not drink, did not smoke, did not do drugs,
and she did not show less than serving hearted love in her child-like faith. She was the kind of friend you treasured if you knew her. Gale was born October 9th 1940. I was inmy Mothers womb
when she flew by Niagara Falls in a helicopter in197l. In 1971 she was a member of the Toronto Musicians Association, which recorded 431201391- 35604-6420. Gurney G. Jitmarsh sec.treasurer
Gale Anne played the circuit in Edmonton under the name White Line Fever, and was a member of Edmonton Musicians Association (stage name Bonnie Gale, or just Bonnie Local 390
American Federation of Musicians of the U.S. and Canada. At one time with a temp band member that driver hit a Moose and Gale lived with a little fragment of glass next to her eye never taken
out. I had a video of her on Youtube. Gale Briggs is like the kind ones you see in shows like the Waltons. I appoint my son Shawn Cullen. LAWYER: I was personally present and did see Gale
Anne Briggs who is known to me to be the person named in the (attached) Personal Directive, Sworn before me at Edm. Alta, this 7th day of November 2005, Anna Shulman - I Anna Shulman
Barrister and Solicitor practicing in Edmonton in the province of Alberta hereby certify on the 7th day of Nov 2015 Gale Anne Briggs the donor appeared to me to understand the nature and effect of
the Enduring Power of Attorney, gave the Enduring Power of Attorney Voluntarily. I am satisfied by examining, the donor understood. Anna Shulman - I recorded her admitting she was afraid she
was being institutionalized. Questioned, the video shows Gale answering saying, Yeah thats what it is! I gave video and audio to Darla Cowdell January 11 2007, D Glenn Shepherd Jan 15, and
proof to persons inside that Edmonton Legislature. I love you very much Shawn, you are the sweetest man in the world. I don't mind you looking after things for me dear. You wonderful wonderful
son. I'll be so happy to see you. SGCWhat are you going to do throughout the day? Mom:I don't care about that as long as you are here. Mom:There is nothing wrong with me dear, you don't have
to worry. They treat you badly here Shawn. They want me crazy. SGC-Is that why you acted needed so they wouldn't hurt you. Yeah, Yeah Shawn I havent seen you for so long, Taken and
divided Gale Anne messaged great sadness and hurt. I even gave a photo of my Mother in her green jacket on a mountain height with me in 2004, (mountain is just before entering Banff).
Now music is one of the few friends I see; Pink Floyds another brick in the wall, Rap song, Sedated, And the Final Count -down instrumental Cut, Eagles tunes, Comfortably numb, Heart of Glass,
Sweet Dreams, The Climb, Your as cold as ice, Only Time, Bad Moon on the Rise, the Rocket man, Pink Floyds Time, Jesus is mine, Hotel California, Linda R; You dont..anymore

I have had enough. I am not taking any more.

Aish insultingly stopped putting money in my account even though

my present circumstances justify that they do not deny my need.
What part of the words, I am not taking any more do people not get?
And I know system persons poisoned me in some way, and I lost 50+pounds
in two months in Edmontons Remand. That is nearly a pound a day !

Where are there police which are trustable and who will help? And why did the
current-affairs news blog writer Stephen Belding warn that Harper is a murderer
and a crazed pervert, and why did Stephen Belding mark RCMP a power-tripping
child-molesting cult? God revealed to me that people which do not build the right
foundation turn drunk under His power and thats why the minds of men & women
must get to know Him and so must obey Him and get their selves all set and
approved. And therefore they must see children correctly. Any people which deny
Genesiss Bi-known and which deny my report teachings are playing with fire
and are hence heading in ways which end in forfeiting hope and salvation.
Do not let any mislead you with vain words. Any who transgress and abideth not in the words of Christ do not have God. If any possess the idea that a pulpit saves them
or that hearing & memorizing scriptures saves them, then they deceive their double-minded self. The word believe, is the word workable or convinced. People which do not build
the right foundation turn drunk under His power and thats why people end up in the Lake of fire. The revelation did not come from your church friends which deny me and did not
come from your prophets. People who do not build the right foundation turn evilly drunk under His power, which is why God cannot trust any such. Faith is not positive thinking
and salvation is not eating at the joy of the Lord and at His pearled gates. Thats why the Lord says to turn your joy to loss and He says winning is not by high-minded strength.
Savable strength is found in weakness and not in strength which turns drunk under the power of God. You see why God says repent and says feed my sheep. Sheep are in danger
by shepherds which teach grace and yet act as if approvable character and treasuring truth is not is not a must. Any which deny Genesiss Bi-known and which deny my report
teachings, play with fire. Rich parents cannot save youth and every fake of a liar is headed to the lake of fire. Its not the hearers which are justified but the doers who follow
the examples of Christ. Whoever has an ear to hear, hear what the Spirit says through my reality Report.

And beware of persons which use each other as a pot or vessel to pour mad lies & wickedness into (while nevertheless getting credence) from each other. God shall not approve.
Its a dark way and exercise that holds the truth of God in unrighteousness while claiming its getting saved and yet its denying the commands of the Lord. The answer to why
a person invests in that is that illusions of escaping judgment are in that and a person which falls for that will act to preserve that. That matter is why that person appears dramatic
and their weeping and words radiate self pitying. Its a greatly evil nature. If you try to correct such they will use extreme manipulating or tell you to mind your own business. Such
might warn one to mind their own business and yet its not a real business in the first place and so using the word business is a further proud attempt to manipulate and disguise.
Such a person is a gabbler fattening itself while not believing they are not laying up treasures of wrath. The scriptures say that self pity is Satanic. Such might fill their room up
with cats or pets to absorb evil radiating inside their self and yet its not love. They appear nice at times yet its a Dr Jekyll and Mr.Hide nature, and Hide is an abomination. Even
their sip devours and so their belly is fastly filled as they madly smirk and use that to say that God is love. And yet that mocks. And the love of God is to keep His commandments.
Any might say pray yet the scriptures say that any which are proud in their heart are an abomination and though they join hand in hand in prayer they shall not go unpunished.
People use the name of Jesus to attempt to cause you to believe they are good while things they say show they are like a devil in disguise, they which call evil good & good evil.
And a person who guards the mouth of a bitterness-retaining-false-witness does not have real mercy. They say that God knows them and yet by their works they deny Him.

POWER POINTS . Jesus Jesus Jesus

Canadas Government let the film Pretty Baby into the nations provinces
while knowing the film was youth porn.

I was publicly questioning why authorities of Alberta aired preteen lover scenes
with a older man who is a highly respected old school actor. They cannot say that
is natural yesterday and later say that its time to spark Salem style state security.

Persons which govern the nations policing and correctional & psychiatric facilities
let the film play in provinces. In one scene the preteen is seen and heard telling
the filming man that she wants to be his lover. The film showed her nude body,
preteen butt and her pubic area. Brook Shields is recorded here at twelve. Posner
who reported on governments codifying age ten was appointed a Federal Court
of appeals Judge by President Ronald Reagan October 27th 1981.

I see a force using people and things to attempt to stop you. They lied about you. People think they know you, but you are keeping most things
to your self. Forgive me Shawn but God showed me you are more gifted and amazing than I ever imagined. All those who spoke evil about you
behind your back, shall be brought to shame. Peter and D.Stewart, The Holy Spirit

And so after one has read my report - will they not do a thing and carry on as if its business as usual? (Any) who deny my report can head straight to Hell

And I am not judging media and therefore not any media have a reason to not wisely give to my report all visibility support and acknowledging

The truths within my paramount report are impossible to deny.



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