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Republic of the Philippines OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT 2 15 COMMISSION ON HIGHER EDUCATION MEMORANDUM FROM THE CHAIRPERSON To ‘THE PRESIDENTS / HEADS OF STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES SUBJECT ‘8888 CITIZENS’ COMPLAINT HOTLINE AND EMAIL, DATE 16 June 2017 In aocordance wit the pertinent provisions of Republic Act (R.A) No. 7722, otherwise known as the ‘Higher Education Act of 19 ‘the State Universties and Coleges (SUCs) PresidentsHeads are enjoined to submit the name, email address and contact ‘numbers of designated SUC 8888 Focal Persons tothe Otfce of Planning, Research and Knowledge Management (OPRKM) on. or before 28 June 2017 at kru@ched.qov nh (cc: cmalate@ched. gov oh). SUC 8688 Focal Persons include ‘© One (1) Permanent Focal Person (PFP) witha rank equivalent to Assistant Secretary, ‘+ One (1) Alternate Focal Person (AFP) witha rank equivalent to Director, and ‘+ One (1) Technical Officer (TO) who will handle the 8888 email and hotline Further, in compliance with Executive Order (E.0.) No. 6, series of 2016 signed by President Rodrigo Roa Dutert, the minimum requirements ofthe 6868 Citizens’ Complaint hotline and email include the folowing: 41, Communication Channets: calls, SMS, email, website/webpage, social media; 2. Operating hours: 24/7 excluding holidays and work suspensions; 3. Process flow: (1) immediate referral to concerned agency; & (2) advise or feedback on the stat 4, Period to take action: 72 hours from receipt by the proper government agency/instrumentality. Due to the urgency of responding to the complaints and as agreed on during the 2 Quarter National Directorate Meeting, ‘complaints/inquiries involving State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) will immediately be forwarded by the CHED 8888 Focal Person to the concerned SUC 8888 Focal Person for referral to the concerned SUC office. The SUC 8888 Focal Person will then respond to the complainant within 72 hours from receipt of such, copy furnished Therefore, the CHED 8888 process flow is enhanced as fllows to incorporate handing of SUC-elated concerns: 1. Calls through the 8888 Hotline, 00994445996, and the 8888 Email, are received by the CHED 8868 Focal Person 24/7, except during holidays and work suspensions 2. Simple concems such as, but not limited to, inquities on policies and procedures are immediately responded toby the CHED £8888 Focal Person immediately, citing pertinent references such as CHED Memorandum Orders (CMOs), Manual of Regulations of Private Higher Education Institutions (MORPHE), etc. 3. Complex concems such as, but not limited to, complaints, delicate issues and legal concems involving Higher Education Institutions’ (HEIs) and CHED CentralRRegional Offices (CHEDCO/RO) wil be fonwarded to concemed CHEDCOIRO 8888, Focal Persons using the CHED8888 Reterral Form. On the other hand, complaints, delicate issues and legal concerns involving SUCs willbe forwarded to the SUC 8888 Focal Person for appropriate action/referal 4. CHEDCOIRO 8888 and SUC 8888 Focal Person receives the complaint and responds decty tothe complainant within 72 hours, copy furnished ph The implementation of the 8886 Mechanism shall be validated with the frequency of complaints from citizens and timeliness of resolution based on the 8888 Portal and will determine the eligibility tothe Performance Based Bonus (PBB) per Administrative Order (A.0.) 25 Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) Memorandum Circular 2017-1 For clarifications, your designated staff may coordinate directly with Mr. Fred Reinier C. Nagtalon of the OPRKM-KMD at email address kruched aov.oh (cc: cmalate@ched gov ph or telephone number (02) 441-1169 or (02) 4441-1148. For your cooperation and compliance. MINELLA C. ALARCON, Ph.D. ‘Commissioner Officer-In-Charge, Office of the Chairperson 18-24 June 2017 Higher Education Development Center Building, C.P. Garcia Ave., UP Campus, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines ‘Web Site: Tel. Nos. 441-1177, 385-4391, 441-1169, 441-1149, 441-1170, 441-1216, 392-5296

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